


Spring Boot backend app (Test task)

Java CI Coverage Branches

This should be purely a REST endpoints backend application without UI, but feel free to attach Swagger UI for convenience.

Build tool: Maven

DB: Postgres

Source Control: GitHub (public)

Application name: articles-backend-app

Application must be implemented using Spring Data (JPA/Hibernate) layer for communication with DB.

SQL queries should not be used, JPA Repositories and Entities should be used instead.

Application should have no authentication.

Application will allow to create, update and delete Articles.

Application will have " authors" entity with the following properties:

  • First Name
  • Last Name

Article will have the following properties:

Editable properties (updatable via endpoints):

  • Title , text limited to 100 characters
  • Summary , text limited to 255 characters
  • Text , text with no specific limit
  • Author: relation with the authors table . ONLY updatable at creation. Should not be updatable after Article has been created

Non-Editable properties, updated automatically by Application:

  • Date Created
  • Date Updated

Application should expose REST endpoints that allow the following operations:

  • Create new Article
  • Update existing Article
    • Only one property at the time should be updatable.
  • Delete existing Article
  • Retrieve all articles in the system sorted by title

The Article JSON Payload returned by endpoint(s) must contain all properties of Article listed above.

Business Logic layer of the Application must enforce the following rules:

  • Non-editable properties cannot be updated/set via the create or update endpoints
  • Article cannot be created or update with empty Title or Text or Author Id
  • Article cannot be created with specified author id that does not exist in the authors table

Any business logic constraint violation or any runtime error should return a HTTP 500 error with short description.
(Guys confirmed that 400 errors could be used instead when needed as more appropriate)

The implementation must contain adequate unit tests to cover business requirements and edge cases such as missing arguments etc.

Application must build and produce an executable jar containing all dependencies.

The authors table should not be updatable via endpoints. Feel free to populate it with an arbitrary data via SQL.

Additional functional

  • Operation for getting existing Article
  • Add pagination support for 'Retrieve all articles' operation
  • Operations for getting authors


  • Maven 3
  • JDK 21

Build instructions

Build application:

mvn clean install

Build Docker image with application inside:

docker build ./ -t articles-backend-app

How to start application

Start application using Maven (vs in-memory DB H2):

mvn spring-boot:run"\
--spring.datasource.url=jdbc:h2:mem:testdb \
--spring.datasource.username=sa \
--spring.datasource.password=password \"

Or next way, using dev spring profile:

mvn spring-boot:run

Start application by running executable jar (vs in-memory DB H2):

java -jar target/articles-backend-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
 --spring.datasource.url=jdbc:h2:mem:testdb \
 --spring.datasource.username=sa \
 --spring.datasource.password=password \

Or next way, using dev spring profile:

java -jar target/articles-backend-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \

Start two Docker containers: one with Postgres DB and another with application:

docker-compose up

Logs location

Check logs when start without Docker:

less ./logs/spring-boot-logger.log

Check logs inside Docker container:

docker exec -it articles-backend-app sh
less /logs/spring-boot-logger.log

Swagger documentation situated here:


New article addition:

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "title": "Some tittle", "text": "Some text", "author": { "id": 1 } }' -X POST http://localhost:8099/api/v1/articles

Get existing article:

curl -i http://localhost:8099/api/v1/articles/1

Update existing article:

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "title": "Another tittle" }' -X PATCH http://localhost:8099/api/v1/articles/2

Get list of all articles:

curl -i http://localhost:8099/api/v1/articles

Get list of articles with pagination support:

curl -i 'http://localhost:8099/api/v1/articles?size=2&page=4&sort=author.firstName,DESC'

Deletion of article:

curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:8099/api/v1/articles/1

Get existing author:

curl -i http://localhost:8099/api/v1/authors/4

Get list of all authors:

curl -i http://localhost:8099/api/v1/authors

To run functional tests:

cd func-test
./gradlew clean build

Check Spock report at func-test/build/spock-reports/index.html

To run performance tests:


cd load-test
./gradlew clean build
java -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback-gatling.xml -jar ./build/libs/load-test-fat.jar -s=load.WebAppLoadSimulation -rf=./build/reports/gatling

Or Maven-based:

cd load-test
mvn clean install
mvn gatling:test -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback-gatling.xml

Based on

To check Web-Sockets functionality:

Just enter in http://localhost:8099 and click Connect.
Check heartbeat logs in browser developer console.

To taste ELK stack with logs providing by Filebeat:


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