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DistributeX is a highly scalable, distributed computing platform designed to handle large-scale computation tasks across multiple nodes. The platform dynamically balances the load, optimizes task distribution, and utilizes predictive analytics to enhance performance and prevent bottlenecks.


  • Dynamic Load Balancing: Efficiently distributes tasks across nodes based on real-time metrics.
  • Scalable Architecture: Easily scale the platform horizontally to handle increased load.
  • Predictive Analytics: Uses historical data and machine learning to forecast potential bottlenecks and optimize task allocation.
  • Task Scheduling: Implements advanced task scheduling algorithms to ensure high performance and low latency.
  • Monitoring and Analytics: Provides detailed monitoring and analysis of system performance with real-time alerts.

Technologies Used

  • Go: For building the backend services and task execution nodes.
  • gRPC: For high-performance communication between microservices.
  • Redis: For distributed caching of results and task states.
  • Prometheus & Grafana: For monitoring system metrics and visualization.
  • Kafka: For handling real-time data streams and task queues.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yataknemogy/DistributeX.git
  2. Install the necessary dependencies:

    go mod download
  3. Start the system by launching the Task Manager:

     go run cmd/taskmanager/main.go
  4. Launch the Task Execution Nodes:

     go run cmd/executionnode/main.go


Please see the CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines on how to contribute to this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Read in Other Languages

RU | FR | JP | DE | CH | KR


DistributeX is a distributed computing platform designed for efficient task management and dynamic load balancing across multiple execution nodes. This system leverages microservices architecture to enable scalable and resilient distributed processing.



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