Golang URL reverse
Simple URL reverse package. It's useful for templates. You can get a URL by a name and params and not depend on URL structure.
It fits to any router. All it does is just stores urls by a name and replace params when you retrieve a URL. To use it you have to add a URL with a name, raw URL with placeholders (params).
// To set a URL and return raw URL use:reverse.Add("UrlName", "/url_path/:param1/:param2")// OUT: "/url_path/:param1/:param2"
// To set a URL with group (subrouter) prefix and return URL without prefix use:reverse.Group("GroupName", "/prefix")reverse.AddGr("UrlName", "GroupName", "/:param1/:param2")// OUT: "/:param1/:param2"
// Note, that these funcs panic if errors.
// To retrieve a URL by name with given params use:url, err := reverse.Get("UrlName", "param1", "value1", "param2", "value2")// OUT: "/url_path/value1/value2"
// Get all url as map[string]stringreverse.GetAllUrls()
Example for Gin router (
func main() { router := gin.Default()
// URL: "/" // To fetch the url use: reverse.Get("home") router.GET(reverse.Add("home", "/"), indexEndpoint)
// URL: "/get/123" // With param: c.Param("id") // To fetch the URL use: reverse.Get("get_url", "123") router.GET(reverse.Add("get_url", "/get/:id"), getUrlEndpoint)
// Simple group: v1 (each URL starts with /v1 prefix) groupName := "v1" v1 := router.Group(reverse.Group(groupName, "/v1")) { // URL: "/v1" // To fetch the URL use: reverse.Get("v1_root") v1.GET(reverse.AddGr("v1_root", groupName, ""), v1RootEndpoint)
// URL: "v1/read/cat123/id456" // With params (c.Param): catId, articleId // To fetch the URL use: reverse.Get("v1_read", "123", "456") v1.GET(reverse.AddGr("v1_read", groupName, "/read/cat:catId/id:articleId"), readEndpoint)
// URL: /v1/login // To fetch the URL use: reverse.Get("v1_login") v1.GET(reverse.AddGr("v1_login", groupName, "/login"), loginGetEndpoint) }
Example using Goji router:
package main
import ( "fmt" "net/http" "" "" "")
func hello(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // We can get reversed URL by it's name and a list of params: // reverse.Get("UrlName", "value1", "value2")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %s", reverse.MustGet("HelloUrl", "name", c.URLParams["name"]))}
func main() { // Set a URL and Params and return raw URL to a router // reverse.Add("UrlName", "/url_path/:param1/:param2", ":param1", ":param2")
goji.Get(reverse.Add("HelloUrl", "/hello/:name"), hello)
// In regexp instead of: re := regexp.MustCompile("^/comment/(?P<id>\\d+)$") re := regexp.MustCompile(reverse.Add("DeleteCommentUrl", "^/comment/(?P<id>\\d+)$")) goji.Delete(re, deleteComment)
Example for Gorilla Mux
// Original set: r.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}", ArticleHandler)r.HandleFunc(reverse.Add("ArticleCatUrl", "/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}", "{category}", "{id:[0-9]+}"), ArticleHandler)
// So, if we want to retrieve URL "/articles/news/123", we call:fmt.Println( reverse.MustGet("ArticleCatUrl", "category", "news", "id", "123") )
Example subrouters for Chi router:
// Original coder.Route("/articles", func(r chi.Router) { r.Get("/", listArticles) r.Route("/{articleID}", func(r chi.Router) { r.Get("/", getArticle) })})
// With reverse packager.Route(reverse.Group("articles", "/articles"), func(r chi.Router) { r.Get(reverse.AddGr("list_articles", "articles", "/"), listArticles) r.Route(reverse.Group("article", "/articles/{articleID}"), func(r chi.Router) { r.Get(reverse.AddGr("articles", "article", "/"), getArticle) })})
// Get a reverse URL:reverse.Get("get_article", "articleID", "123")// Output: /articles/123/
// One more example (without tailing slashes)r.Route(reverse.Group("admin", "/admin"), func(r chi.Router) { r.Get(reverse.AddGr("admin.index", "admin", "/"), index)
r.Route(reverse.Group("admin.login", "/admin/login"), func(r chi.Router) { r.Get(reverse.AddGr("admin.login", "admin.login", "/"), login) r.Post("/", loginPost) })})