Vadim V. Balashoff (v.v.balashoff AT
«Winter Anathema» - attempt to create «my own» Fallout, based on these unused resources and game concept of PARPG project. The date of the beginning of it can be 08.08.2020. At that day I made a decision to start project based on Love2D engine.
Installation and Usage
'Dependencies' is currently shipped as libraries. So, you have to get project archive, install love2d (11.0 or higher version). To run project: cd into winter_anathema bin/ or simply: love .
used libraries:
- colorlibrary ( -- for colors, modified
- i18n ( -- for i18n
- outline ( -- for drawing outline
- profile ( -- for profiling
- tiledloader ( -- for Tiled map support, modified
- tween ( -- for tween transitions
unused for now:
- love-zip ( -- for compress
- menusystem ( -- heavily modified menuengine
- zzlib ( -- for decompress
custom lbiraries:
- cyrillic
ldoc [optional] is needed for doc automatic creation. It can be installed with: luarocks install ldoc To create current documentation you have to run: /bin/