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Login Alert Bot

A simple Bash shell script to send messages to Telegram messenger using the Curl command. Then you will use this script to send a notification on every ssh login into your server.

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How to use

Create telegram bot

To send a message to Telegram group or channel, you should first create your own bot. Just open Telegram, find @BotFather and type /start. Then follow instructions to create bot and get token to access the HTTP API.

Create Channel

Create a new Channel in Telegram and add your bot as a member. So your bot could send messages to the Channel.

In order to get Channel Id, first, post any message to the Channel. Then use this link template to get Channel Id:


Here is a response example:

"result": [
"channel_post": {
"chat": {
"id":-123123123, // this is your channel id

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/vi-dev0/login-alert-bot.git

Add token and chat ID

Add bot token and chat ID in telegram-send.sh


Add permissions

chmod +x telegram-send.sh
chmod +x login-notify.sh

Move to scripts folder

In order to use this script from everywhere and type telegram-send instead ./telegram-send.sh add it to /usr/bin/ folder

sudo mv telegram-send.sh /usr/bin/telegram-send

Owner of all files in /usr/bin is root user. So let's do the same with our script:

sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/telegram-send

You can test it: telegram-send "Test message"

Move login-notify.sh script to /etc/profile.d/ folder

sudo mv login-notify.sh /etc/profile.d/login-notify.sh

Now re-login to your web server and check it works.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Mr Vi - @vi_dev0

Project Link: Login Alert Bot

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A simple Bash shell script to send messages to Telegram messenger using the Curl command. Then you will use this script to send a notification on every ssh login into your server.



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