
24 строки · 48.1 Кб
/* eslint-disable */
export default async () => {
    const t = {
        ["./roles/models/role.enum"]: await import("./roles/models/role.enum"),
        ["./option-sets/asset-type"]: await import("./option-sets/asset-type"),
        ["./tag/models/tags.schema"]: await import("./tag/models/tags.schema"),
        ["./util/pagination/pagination.interface"]: await import("./util/pagination/pagination.interface"),
        ["./tag/models/tag-types.enum"]: await import("./tag/models/tag-types.enum"),
        ["./option-sets/build-permissions"]: await import("./option-sets/build-permissions"),
        ["./option-sets/user-group-invite-statuses"]: await import("./option-sets/user-group-invite-statuses"),
        ["./option-sets/user-group-membership-statuses"]: await import("./option-sets/user-group-membership-statuses"),
        ["./option-sets/group-users-roles"]: await import("./option-sets/group-users-roles"),
        ["./option-sets/tag-type"]: await import("./option-sets/tag-type"),
        ["./space/space.schema"]: await import("./space/space.schema"),
        ["./asset/asset.controller"]: await import("./asset/asset.controller"),
        ["./asset/asset.models"]: await import("./asset/asset.models"),
        ["./user/user.schema"]: await import("./user/user.schema"),
        ["./user/user.service"]: await import("./user/user.service"),
        ["./space/material-instance/material-instance.schema"]: await import("./space/material-instance/material-instance.schema"),
        ["./auth/auth.controller"]: await import("./auth/auth.controller"),
        ["./login-code/login-code.schema"]: await import("./login-code/login-code.schema")
    return { "@nestjs/swagger": { "models": [[import("./custom-data/dto/custom-data.dto"), { "CreateCustomDataDto": { data: { required: true, type: () => Object, description: "We also want to be able to store top-level key:value pairs that the user doesn't have free reign access to." } }, "ICustomDataKeyValuePairUpdateDto": { patchCustomData: { required: false, type: () => Object }, removeCustomDataKeys: { required: false, type: () => [String] } } }], [import("./roles/dto/create-role.dto"), { "CreateRoleDto": { defaultRole: { required: true, enum: t["./roles/models/role.enum"].ROLE }, creator: { required: true, type: () => String }, users: { required: false, type: () => Object }, userGroups: { required: false, type: () => Object } } }], [import("./util/file-upload/dto/file-upload.dto"), { "FileUploadDto": { path: { required: true, type: () => String }, file: { required: true, type: () => Object } } }], [import("./asset/dto/create-asset.dto"), { "CreateAssetDto": { name: { required: true, type: () => String, description: "Required properties", maxLength: 300 }, assetType: { required: true, enum: t["./option-sets/asset-type"].ASSET_TYPE }, defaultRole: { required: false, description: "Optional Properties", enum: t["./roles/models/role.enum"].ROLE }, description: { required: false, type: () => String, maxLength: 5000 }, mirrorPublicLibrary: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, customData: { required: false, type: () => String }, thirdPartySourceDisplayName: { required: false, type: () => String, description: "START Section: Third Party Source for Mirror Public Library" }, thirdPartySourceUrl: { required: false, type: () => String }, thumbnail: { required: false, type: () => String, description: "END Section: Third Party Source for Mirror Public Library" }, categories: { required: false, type: () => [String], deprecated: true }, currentFile: { required: false, type: () => String, maxLength: 5000 }, fileHash: { required: false, type: () => String, maxLength: 64 }, public: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, initPositionX: { required: false, type: () => Number }, initPositionY: { required: false, type: () => Number }, initPositionZ: { required: false, type: () => Number }, initRotationX: { required: false, type: () => Number }, initRotationY: { required: false, type: () => Number }, initRotationZ: { required: false, type: () => Number }, initScaleX: { required: false, type: () => Number }, initScaleY: { required: false, type: () => Number }, initScaleZ: { required: false, type: () => Number }, collisionEnabled: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, staticEnabled: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, massKg: { required: false, type: () => Number }, gravityScale: { required: false, type: () => Number }, objectColor: { required: false, type: () => Object }, tags: { required: false, type: () => t["./tag/models/tags.schema"].Tags }, assetPack: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, assetsInPack: { required: false, type: () => [String] } }, "CreateMaterialDto": { materialName: { required: false, type: () => String }, materialTransparencyMode: { required: false, type: () => String }, materialTransparencyProperties: { required: false, type: () => String }, textures: { required: false, type: () => String }, parameters: { required: true, type: () => Object }, externalAssetIds: { required: false, type: () => String }, materialType: { required: true, type: () => String }, code: { required: false, type: () => String } }, "CreateTextureDto": { textureImageFileHashMD5: { required: false, type: () => String }, textureLowQualityFileHashMD5: { required: false, type: () => String }, textureImagePropertyAppliesTo: { required: false, type: () => String } }, "CreateMapDto": { mapName: { required: false, type: () => String }, heightmapAssetId: { required: false, type: () => String }, flatMaterialAssetId: { required: false, type: () => String }, cliffMaterialAssetId: { required: false, type: () => String }, mapSize: { required: false, type: () => Number }, mapPrecision: { required: false, type: () => Number }, heightScale: { required: false, type: () => Number }, layerOffset: { required: false, type: () => Number }, flatUVScale: { required: false, type: () => Number }, cliffUVScale: { required: false, type: () => Number }, flatCliffRatio: { required: false, type: () => Number }, flatColor: { required: false, type: () => Object }, cliffColor: { required: false, type: () => Object }, colormapAssetId: { required: false, type: () => String }, colormapStrength: { required: false, type: () => Number } } }], [import("./asset/dto/paginated-search-asset.dto"), { "PaginatedSearchAssetDto": { field: { required: true, type: () => String }, search: { required: true, type: () => String }, sortKey: { required: true, type: () => String }, sortDirection: { required: true, enum: t["./util/pagination/pagination.interface"].SORT_DIRECTION }, page: { required: true, type: () => Number }, perPage: { required: true, type: () => Number }, startItem: { required: true, type: () => Number }, numberOfItems: { required: true, type: () => Number }, type: { required: true, deprecated: true, enum: t["./option-sets/asset-type"].ASSET_TYPE }, assetType: { required: true, deprecated: true, enum: t["./option-sets/asset-type"].ASSET_TYPE }, assetTypes: { required: true, enum: t["./option-sets/asset-type"].ASSET_TYPE, isArray: true }, tag: { required: false, type: () => [String] }, tagType: { required: false, enum: t["./tag/models/tag-types.enum"].TAG_TYPES } }, "PaginatedSearchAssetDtoV2": { populate: { required: true, type: () => [String] }, includeSoftDeleted: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, mirrorAssetManagerUserSortKey: { required: false, type: () => String }, includeAssetPackAssets: { required: true, type: () => Object, default: false } } }], [import("./asset/dto/update-asset.dto"), { "UpdateAssetDto": { __t: { required: false, type: () => Object } }, "AddAssetPurchaseOptionDto": {} }], [import("./asset/dto/upload-asset-file.dto"), { "UploadAssetFileDto": { userId: { required: true, type: () => String }, assetId: { required: true, type: () => String }, file: { required: true, type: () => Object } } }], [import("./user/dto/create-user-access-key.dto"), { "CreateUserAccessKeyDto": { token: { required: true, type: () => String }, adminNote: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./user/dto/update-user.dto"), { "UpdateUserProfileDto": { email: { required: true, type: () => String }, displayName: { required: true, type: () => String }, publicBio: { required: true, type: () => String }, discordUserId: { required: true, type: () => String }, polygonPublicKey: { required: true, type: () => String }, ethereumPublicKey: { required: true, type: () => String }, twitterUsername: { required: true, type: () => String }, githubUsername: { required: true, type: () => String }, instagramUsername: { required: true, type: () => String }, youtubeChannel: { required: true, type: () => String }, artStationUsername: { required: true, type: () => String }, sketchfabUsername: { required: true, type: () => String }, profileImage: { required: true, type: () => String }, coverImage: { required: true, type: () => String } }, "UpdateUserDeepLinkDto": { deepLinkKey: { required: true, type: () => String }, deepLinkValue: { required: true, type: () => String } }, "UpdateUserTermsDto": { termsAgreedtoClosedAlpha: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, termsAgreedtoGeneralTOSandPP: { required: false, type: () => Boolean } }, "UpdateUserAvatarDto": { avatarUrl: { required: false, type: () => String } }, "UpdateUserTutorialDto": { shownFirstInSpacePopupV1: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, shownFirstHomeScreenPopupV1: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, shownWebAppPopupV1: { required: false, type: () => Boolean } }, "UpdateUserAvatarTypeDto": { avatarType: { required: true, type: () => String }, readyPlayerMeUrlGlb: { required: false, type: () => String } }, "AddRpmAvatarUrlDto": { rpmAvatarUrl: { required: true, type: () => String } }, "RemoveRpmAvatarUrlDto": { rpmAvatarUrl: { required: true, type: () => String } }, "UpsertUserEntityActionDto": { forEntity: { required: true, type: () => String }, actionType: { required: true, type: () => String }, entityType: { required: true, type: () => String }, rating: { required: false, type: () => Number, description: "Optional properties", minimum: 1, maximum: 5 } }, "AddUserCartItemToUserCartDto": { purchaseOptionId: { required: true, type: () => String }, forEntity: { required: true, type: () => String }, entityType: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./user/dto/upload-profile-file.dto"), { "UploadProfileFileDto": { userId: { required: true, type: () => String }, file: { required: true, type: () => Object } } }], [import("./user/dto/add-user-sidebar-tag.dto"), { "AddUserSidebarTagDto": { sidebarTag: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./asset/dto/add-tag-to-asset.dto"), { "AddTagToAssetDto": { assetId: { required: true, type: () => String }, tagName: { required: true, type: () => String }, tagType: { required: true, enum: t["./tag/models/tag-types.enum"].TAG_TYPES }, thirdPartySourceHomePageUrl: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./environment/dto/update-environment.dto"), { "UpdateEnvironmentDto": {} }], [import("./space-object/dto/create-space-object.dto"), { "CreateSpaceObjectDto": { spaceId: { required: true, type: () => String, description: "Required properties", minLength: 24, maxLength: 24 }, name: { required: true, type: () => String, maxLength: 300 }, asset: { required: true, type: () => String }, parentSpaceObject: { required: false, type: () => String, description: "Optional properties" }, description: { required: false, type: () => String }, locked: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, preloadBeforeSpaceStarts: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, position: { required: false, type: () => Object }, rotation: { required: false, type: () => Object }, scale: { required: false, type: () => Object }, offset: { required: false, type: () => Object }, collisionEnabled: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, shapeType: { required: false, type: () => String }, bodyType: { required: false, type: () => String }, staticEnabled: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, massKg: { required: false, type: () => Number }, gravityScale: { required: false, type: () => Number }, castShadows: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, visibleFrom: { required: false, type: () => Number }, visibleTo: { required: false, type: () => Number }, visibleFromMargin: { required: false, type: () => Number }, visibleToMargin: { required: false, type: () => Number }, materialAssetId: { required: false, type: () => String }, objectColor: { required: false, type: () => Object }, objectTexture: { required: false, type: () => String }, objectTextureSize: { required: false, type: () => Number, deprecated: true }, objectTextureSizeV2: { required: false, type: () => Object }, objectTextureOffset: { required: false, type: () => Object }, objectTextureTriplanar: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, objectTextureRepeat: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, audioAutoPlay: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, audioLoop: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, audioIsSpatial: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, audioPitch: { required: false, type: () => Number }, audioBaseVolume: { required: false, type: () => Number }, audioSpatialMaxVolume: { required: false, type: () => Number }, audioSpatialRange: { required: false, type: () => Number }, surfaceMaterialId: { required: false, type: () => [Object] }, scriptEvents: { required: false, type: () => [Object] }, extraNodes: { required: false, type: () => [Object] } } }], [import("./util/dto-generic/batch.dto"), { "Batch": { batch: { required: true } } }], [import("./space-object/dto/update-space-object.dto"), { "UpdateSpaceObjectDto": {} }], [import("./space-object/dto/update-batch-space-object.dto"), { "UpdateBatchSpaceObjectDto": {} }], [import("./space-object/dto/add-tag-to-space-object.dto"), { "AddTagToSpaceObjectDto": { spaceObjectId: { required: true, type: () => String }, tagName: { required: true, type: () => String }, tagType: { required: true, enum: t["./tag/models/tag-types.enum"].TAG_TYPES }, thirdPartySourceHomePageUrl: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./space-object/dto/paginated-search-space-object.dto"), { "PaginatedSearchSpaceObjectDto": { field: { required: false, type: () => String }, search: { required: false, type: () => String }, sortKey: { required: false, type: () => String }, sortDirection: { required: false, enum: t["./util/pagination/pagination.interface"].SORT_DIRECTION }, page: { required: false, type: () => Number }, perPage: { required: false, type: () => Number }, tag: { required: false, type: () => [String] }, tagType: { required: false, enum: t["./tag/models/tag-types.enum"].TAG_TYPES } } }], [import("./space-object/dto/update-space-object-tags.dto"), { "UpdateSpaceObjectTagsDto": { spaceObjectId: { required: true, type: () => String }, tagType: { required: true, enum: t["./tag/models/tag-types.enum"].TAG_TYPES }, tags: { required: true, type: () => Object } } }], [import("./terrain/dto/create-terrain.dto"), { "CreateTerrainDto": { name: { required: true, type: () => String, maxLength: 300 }, material: { required: false, type: () => String }, description: { required: false, type: () => String, maxLength: 5000 }, public: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, generator: { required: false, type: () => String }, noiseType: { required: false, type: () => Number }, positionX: { required: false, type: () => Number }, positionY: { required: false, type: () => Number }, positionZ: { required: false, type: () => Number }, heightStart: { required: false, type: () => Number }, heightRange: { required: false, type: () => Number }, seed: { required: false, type: () => Number } } }], [import("./terrain/dto/update-terrain.dto"), { "UpdateTerrainDto": {} }], [import("./space/dto/create-space.dto"), { "CreateSpaceDto": { name: { required: true, type: () => String, maxLength: 300 }, type: { required: true, type: () => String, description: "Optional properties" }, users: { required: false, type: () => Object, description: "START Section: Roles" }, userGroups: { required: false, type: () => Object }, terrain: { required: false, type: () => String, description: "END Section: Roles" }, environment: { required: false, type: () => String }, ownerUserGroup: { required: false, type: () => String }, template: { required: true, type: () => String, deprecated: true }, lowerLimitY: { required: false, type: () => Number }, description: { required: false, type: () => String, maxLength: 5000 }, images: { required: false, type: () => [String] }, publicBuildPermissions: { required: false, enum: t["./option-sets/build-permissions"].BUILD_PERMISSIONS }, tags: { required: false, type: () => t["./tag/models/tags.schema"].Tags }, maxUsers: { required: false, type: () => Number } } }], [import("./space/dto/update-space.dto"), { "UpdateSpaceDto": { patchCustomData: { required: false, type: () => Object }, activeSpaceVersion: { required: false, type: () => String }, removeCustomDataKeys: { required: false, type: () => [String] }, patchSpaceVariablesData: { required: false, type: () => Object }, removeSpaceVariablesDataKeys: { required: false, type: () => [String] }, tagsV2: { required: false, type: () => [String] }, scriptIds: { required: false, type: () => [String] }, scriptInstances: { required: false, type: () => [Object] }, materialInstances: { required: false, type: () => [Object] }, publicBuildPermissions: { required: true, enum: t["./option-sets/build-permissions"].BUILD_PERMISSIONS }, kickRequests: { required: true, type: () => [String] } }, "CreateNewSpaceVersionDto": { updateSpaceWithActiveSpaceVersion: { required: true, type: () => Boolean }, name: { required: true, type: () => String } }, "SpaceCopyFromTemplateDto": { name: { required: true, type: () => String }, description: { required: true, type: () => String }, publicBuildPermissions: { required: true, enum: t["./option-sets/build-permissions"].BUILD_PERMISSIONS }, maxUsers: { required: false, type: () => Number, default: 24 } } }], [import("./space/dto/upload-space-files.dto"), { "UploadSpaceFilesDto": { spaceId: { required: true, type: () => String }, files: { required: true, type: () => [Object] } } }], [import("./space/dto/paginated-search-space.dto"), { "PaginatedSearchSpaceDto": { field: { required: false, type: () => String }, search: { required: false, type: () => String }, sortKey: { required: false, type: () => String }, sortDirection: { required: false, enum: t["./util/pagination/pagination.interface"].SORT_DIRECTION }, page: { required: false, type: () => Number }, perPage: { required: false, type: () => Number }, tag: { required: false, type: () => [String] }, tagType: { required: false, enum: t["./tag/models/tag-types.enum"].TAG_TYPES }, startItem: { required: true, type: () => Number }, numberOfItems: { required: true, type: () => Number } } }], [import("./space-variable/dto/space-variables-data.dto"), { "CreateSpaceVariablesDataDocumentDto": { data: { required: true, type: () => Object, description: "We also want to be able to store top-level key:value pairs that the user doesn't have free reign access to." } } }], [import("./zone/dto/create-zone.dto"), { "CreateZoneDto": { zoneMode: { required: true, type: () => String, maxLength: 100 }, owner: { required: false, type: () => String, minLength: 24, maxLength: 24 }, state: { required: true, type: () => String, maxLength: 100 }, ipAddress: { required: true, type: () => String, maxLength: 100 }, port: { required: true, type: () => Number }, uuid: { required: true, type: () => String, maxLength: 100 }, url: { required: true, type: () => String, maxLength: 100 }, gdServerVersion: { required: true, type: () => String, maxLength: 50 }, containerLastRefreshed: { required: false, type: () => Date }, name: { required: false, type: () => String, maxLength: 300 }, description: { required: false, type: () => String }, space: { required: false, type: () => String, description: "Only required if Build mode, but still run validation in case it exists for some reason (such as manual zone/server creation on the scaler without validation via mirror-server)", minLength: 24, maxLength: 24 }, spaceVersion: { required: false, type: () => String, description: "Only required if Play mode, but still run validation in case it exists for some reason(such as manual zone/server creation on the scaler without validation via mirror-server)", minLength: 24, maxLength: 24 } } }], [import("./zone/dto/update-zone.dto"), { "UpdateZoneDto": { id: { required: false, type: () => String } } }], [import("./zone/dto/create-play-server.dto"), { "CreatePlayServerDto": { zoneName: { required: false, type: () => String } } }], [import("./space/dto/add-tag-to-space.dto"), { "AddTagToSpaceDto": { spaceId: { required: true, type: () => String }, tagName: { required: true, type: () => String }, tagType: { required: true, enum: t["./tag/models/tag-types.enum"].TAG_TYPES }, thirdPartySourceHomePageUrl: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./mirror-db/dto/update-mirror-db-record.dto"), { "UpdateMirrorDBRecordDto": { recordData: { required: true, type: () => Object } } }], [import("./script-entity/dto/create-script-entity.dto"), { "CreateScriptEntityDto": { blocks: { required: true, type: () => [Object] }, defaultRole: { required: false, enum: t["./roles/models/role.enum"].ROLE } } }], [import("./script-entity/dto/update-script-entity.dto"), { "UpdateScriptEntityDto": {} }], [import("./space/material-instance/dto/create-material-instance.dto"), { "CreateMaterialInstanceDto": { parameters: { required: true, type: () => Object }, spaceId: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./space/material-instance/dto/update-material-instance.dto"), { "UpdateMaterialInstanceDto": { parameters: { required: true, type: () => Object } } }], [import("./roles/dto/set-user-role-for-one.dto"), { "SetUserRoleForOneDto": { targetUserId: { required: true, type: () => String }, role: { required: true, enum: t["./roles/models/role.enum"].ROLE } }, "RemoveUserRoleForOneDto": { targetUserId: { required: true, type: () => String, maxLength: 24 } } }], [import("./space/dto/update-space-tags.dto"), { "UpdateSpaceTagsDto": { spaceId: { required: true, type: () => String }, tagType: { required: true, enum: t["./tag/models/tag-types.enum"].TAG_TYPES }, tags: { required: true, type: () => Object } } }], [import("./space/dto/populate-space.dto"), { "PopulateSpaceDto": { populateCreator: { required: false, type: () => Boolean }, populateUsersPresent: { required: false, type: () => Boolean } } }], [import("./asset/dto/search-asset.dto"), { "SearchAssetDto": { field: { required: true, type: () => String }, search: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./asset/dto/update-asset-tags.dto"), { "UpdateAssetTagsDto": { assetId: { required: true, type: () => String }, tagType: { required: true, enum: t["./tag/models/tag-types.enum"].TAG_TYPES }, tags: { required: true, type: () => Object } } }], [import("./asset/dto/include-soft-deleted-asset.dto"), { "IncludeSoftDeletedAssetDto": { includeSoftDeleted: { required: false, type: () => Boolean } } }], [import("./asset/dto/assets-price.dto"), { "GetAssetsPriceDto": { assetsIds: { required: true, type: () => [String] } } }], [import("./asset/dto/upsert-asset.dto"), { "UpsertAssetDto": { name: { required: true, type: () => String }, assetType: { required: true, enum: t["./option-sets/asset-type"].ASSET_TYPE }, description: { required: true, type: () => String }, owner: { required: true, type: () => String }, initPositionX: { required: true, type: () => Number }, initPositionY: { required: true, type: () => Number }, initPositionZ: { required: true, type: () => Number }, initRotationX: { required: true, type: () => Number }, initRotationY: { required: true, type: () => Number }, initRotationZ: { required: true, type: () => Number }, initScaleX: { required: true, type: () => Number }, initScaleY: { required: true, type: () => Number }, initScaleZ: { required: true, type: () => Number }, collisionEnabled: { required: true, type: () => Boolean }, staticEnabled: { required: true, type: () => Boolean }, massKg: { required: true, type: () => Number }, gravityScale: { required: true, type: () => Number }, objectColor: { required: true, type: () => Object } } }], [import("./user/dto/submit-user-access-key.dto"), { "SubmitUserAccessKeyDto": { key: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./user/dto/update-user-sidebar-tags.dto"), { "UpdateUserSidebarTagsDto": { sidebarTags: { required: true, type: () => [String] } } }], [import("./stripe/dto/token.dto"), { "AddBank": { token: { required: true, type: () => String } }, "AddCard": { token: { required: true, type: () => String } }, "CardToken": { number: { required: true, type: () => String }, exp_month: { required: true, type: () => String }, exp_year: { required: true, type: () => String }, cvc: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./stripe/dto/paymentIntent.dto"), { "PaymentIntentDto": { amount: { required: true, type: () => Number }, currency: { required: true, type: () => String }, payment_method: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./stripe/dto/transfers.dto"), { "TransfersDto": { amount: { required: true, type: () => Number }, currency: { required: true, type: () => String }, destination: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./stripe/dto/subscription.dto"), { "SubscriptionDto": { amount: { required: true, type: () => Number }, currency: { required: true, type: () => String }, productId: { required: true, type: () => String }, priceId: { required: true, type: () => String }, destination: { required: true, type: () => String } }, "ProductDto": { name: { required: true, type: () => String }, description: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./stripe/dto/metadata.dto"), { "StripeSubscriptionMetadataDto": { userId: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./user-groups/dto/create-group-users-invite.dto"), { "CreateUserGroupInviteDto": { group: { required: true, type: () => String, description: "Required properties" }, unlimited: { required: true, type: () => Boolean }, used: { required: true, type: () => Boolean }, status: { required: true, enum: t["./option-sets/user-group-invite-statuses"].USER_GROUP_INVITE_STATUSES }, completed: { required: true, type: () => Boolean }, creator: { required: true, type: () => String }, recipient: { required: true, type: () => String }, expirationDate: { required: true, type: () => Date } } }], [import("./user-groups/dto/create-group-users-membership.dto"), { "CreateUserGroupMembershipDto": { group: { required: true, type: () => String }, status: { required: true, enum: t["./option-sets/user-group-membership-statuses"].USER_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_STATUSES }, creator: { required: true, type: () => String }, user: { required: true, type: () => String }, role: { required: true, enum: t["./option-sets/group-users-roles"].GROUP_ROLE }, expirationDate: { required: true, type: () => Date } } }], [import("./user-groups/dto/create-group-users-request.dto"), { "CreateUserGroupRequestDto": { group: { required: true, type: () => String }, unlimited: { required: true, type: () => Boolean }, used: { required: true, type: () => Boolean }, status: { required: true, enum: t["./option-sets/user-group-invite-statuses"].USER_GROUP_INVITE_STATUSES }, completed: { required: true, type: () => Boolean }, completedDate: { required: true, type: () => Date }, creator: { required: true, type: () => String }, updatedAt: { required: true, type: () => Date }, createdAt: { required: true, type: () => Date } } }], [import("./user-groups/dto/create-group.users.dto"), { "CreateUserGroupDto": { name: { required: true, type: () => String, description: "Required properties" }, public: { required: true, type: () => Boolean }, publicDescription: { required: true, type: () => String, description: "Optional properties" }, primaryContact: { required: true, type: () => String }, moderators: { required: true, type: () => [String] }, owners: { required: true, type: () => [String] }, image: { required: true, type: () => String }, discordUrl: { required: true, type: () => String }, polygonDaoContractPublicKey: { required: true, type: () => String }, ethereumDaoContractPublicKey: { required: true, type: () => String }, twitterUrl: { required: true, type: () => String }, websiteUrl: { required: true, type: () => String }, creator: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./user-groups/dto/update-group.users.dto"), { "UpdateUserGroupDto": {} }], [import("./zone/dto/populate-zone-owner.dto"), { "PopulateZoneOwnerDto": { populateOwner: { required: false, type: () => Boolean } } }], [import("./godot-server-override-config/dto/create-godot-server-override-config.dto"), { "CreateGodotServerOverrideConfigDto": { spaceId: { required: true, type: () => String, minLength: 24, maxLength: 24 } } }], [import("./block/dto/create-block.dto"), { "CreateBlockDto": { name: { required: true, type: () => String, description: "Required properties" }, blockType: { required: true, type: () => String }, description: { required: false, type: () => String, description: "Optional Properties", maxLength: 1000 }, mirrorPublicLibrary: { required: false, type: () => Boolean } } }], [import("./block/dto/update-block.dto"), { "UpdateBlockDto": {} }], [import("./favorite/dto/create-favorite.dto"), { "CreateFavoriteDto": { asset: { required: true, type: () => String }, user: { required: true, type: () => String }, creator: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./favorite/dto/update-favorite.dto"), { "UpdateFavoriteDto": {} }], [import("./tag/dto/create-tag.dto"), { "CreateTagDto": { name: { required: true, type: () => String }, tagType: { required: true, description: "Optional", enum: t["./option-sets/tag-type"].TAG_TYPE }, mirrorPublicLibrary: { required: true, type: () => Boolean }, public: { required: true, type: () => Boolean }, parentTag: { required: true, type: () => String } }, "CreateThirdPartySourceTagDto": { thirdPartySourceHomePageUrl: { required: true, type: () => String }, thirdPartySourcePublicDescription: { required: true, type: () => String, description: "Optional" }, thirdPartySourceTwitterUrl: { required: true, type: () => String }, thirdPartySourceTMUserId: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./tag/dto/update-tag.dto"), { "UpdateTagDto": {} }], [import("./user-feedback/dto/create-user-feedback.dto"), { "CreateUserFeedbackItemDto": { name: { required: true, type: () => String }, description: { required: false, type: () => String, description: "Optional" }, userFeedbackType: { required: false, type: () => String }, USER_FEEDBACK_ITEM_STATUS: { required: false, type: () => String }, public: { required: false, type: () => Boolean } }, "CreateVoteOnUserFeedbackItemDto": { userFeedbackItemId: { required: true, type: () => String }, vote: { required: true, type: () => String } }, "CreateUserFeedbackItemFeatureRequestDto": {}, "CreateUserFeedbackItemBugDto": {} }], [import("./user-feedback/dto/update-user-feedback.dto"), { "UpdateUserFeedbackDto": {} }], [import("./user-feedback/dto/create-user-feedback-comment.dto"), { "CreateUserFeedbackCommentDto": { text: { required: true, type: () => String }, userFeedbackItemId: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./asset/dto/asset.dto"), { "GetAssetDto": { startItem: { required: true, type: () => Number }, numberOfItems: { required: true, type: () => Number } }, "AssetParamsDto": { startItem: { required: true, type: () => Number }, numberOfItems: { required: true, type: () => Number } } }], [import("./space/dto/search-space.dto"), { "SearchSpaceDto": { searchField: { required: true, type: () => String }, searchString: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./auth/dto/DevLoginUserEmailPassword.dto"), { "DevLoginUserEmailPassword": { email: { required: true, type: () => String }, password: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./user-groups/dto/search-group.dto"), { "SearchUserGroupDto": { searchField: { required: true, type: () => String }, searchstring: { required: true, type: () => String } } }], [import("./zone/dto/paginated-search-zone.dto"), { "PaginatedSearchZoneDto": { field: { required: true, type: () => String }, search: { required: true, type: () => String }, sortKey: { required: true, type: () => String }, sortDirection: { required: true, enum: t["./util/pagination/pagination.interface"].SORT_DIRECTION }, page: { required: true, type: () => Number }, perPage: { required: true, type: () => Number } } }], [import("./zone/dto/update-zone-status.dto"), { "UpdateZoneStatusDto": { id: { required: false, type: () => String }, uuid: { required: false, type: () => String }, state: { required: false, type: () => String }, url: { required: false, type: () => String }, version: { required: false, type: () => String }, address: { required: false, type: () => String }, port: { required: false, type: () => Number } } }]], "controllers": [[import("./app.controller"), { "AppController": { "getHello": { type: String }, "getHealth": { type: String }, "throwIntentionalError": {}, "nonResponsiveEndpoint": {} } }], [import("./space/space.controller"), { "SpaceController": { "getAllPublicForUser": { description: "PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE ENDPOINTS\nid prefix added to prevent wildcard route clashes with file method order", type: [Object] }, "getAllPublicForUserV2": { description: "Same as the above but no populate\n\nid prefix added to prevent wildcard route clashes with file method order", type: [Object] }, "search": { description: "@description Retrieves a collection of space's as public data", type: [t["./space/space.schema"].SpacePublicData] }, "searchV2": { type: [t["./space/space.schema"].SpacePublicData] }, "findAllForMeWhereOwner": { description: "AUTH REQUIRED ENDPOINTS", deprecated: true, type: [Object] }, "findAllForMeWhereOwnerPaginatedV2": {}, "findAllForMeWhereOwnerPaginatedV3": {}, "getPopularSpaces": {}, "getFavoriteSpaces": { type: [Object] }, "getRecentSpaces": { type: [Object] }, "getSpacesByTags": {}, "addTagToSpaceWithRoleChecks": { type: Object }, "updateSpaceTagsByTypeWithRoleChecks": { type: Object }, "deleteTagFromSpaceWithRoleChecks": {}, "findDiscoverSpacesForUser": { type: [Object] }, "findDiscoverSpacesForUserPaginatedV2": { type: Object }, "findDiscoverSpacesForUserPaginatedV3": { type: Object }, "findSpaceTemplates": { type: [Object] }, "getPublishedSpaces": {}, "getPublishedSpacesV2": {}, "getLatestPublishedSpaceBySpaceId": { type: Object }, "refreshStats": { type: Object }, "findOne": { type: Object }, "findAllForUserV2": { type: [Object] }, "findAllForUser": { type: [Object] }, "create": { type: Object }, "update": { type: Object }, "remove": { type: Object }, "clearVoxels": {}, "copy": { type: Object }, "copyFromTemplate": { type: Object }, "remixSpace": { type: Object }, "publish": { type: Object }, "getPublishedSpacesBySpaceId": { type: [Object] }, "uploadPublic": { type: Object }, "restoreSpaceFromSpaceVersion": {}, "setUserRoleForOne": { description: "START Section: Owner permissions for role modification", type: Object }, "removeUserRoleForOne": { type: Object }, "kickMe": { description: "END Section: Owner permissions for role modification", type: Object }, "getAssetsListPerSpace": { type: [Object] } } }], [import("./terrain/terrain.controller"), { "TerrainController": { "findAllForUser": { type: [Object] }, "findAllPublic": { type: [Object] }, "findOne": { type: Object }, "create": { type: Object }, "update": { type: Object }, "remove": { type: Object } } }], [import("./util/file-upload/file-upload.controller"), { "FileUploadController": { "batchAssetUploadFromQueueBucket": {} } }], [import("./asset/asset.controller"), { "AssetController": { "search": { description: "PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE ENDPOINTS\nSearch for an asset" }, "searchV2": {}, "getMirrorPublicLibraryAssets": { description: "AUTH REQUIRED ENDPOINTS\nGet Mirror Library assets\nTODO this needs to be paginated", type: [Object] }, "getMirrorPublicLibraryAssetsV2": { type: [Object] }, "create": { type: Object }, "getUserRecentInstancedAssets": { type: [Object] }, "createWithUpload": { type: Object }, "getAssetsForMe": { description: "Get player's created assets\nTODO this needs to be paginated", type: [Object] }, "getAssetsForMeV2": { description: "Same as above but no populate\nTODO this needs to be paginated", type: [Object] }, "getAllAccessibleAssetsOfUser": { description: "Get all player's accessible assets. Accessible assets are assets that are public, or assets that are private but owned by the user.", type: t["./asset/asset.controller"].AssetFullDataPaginatedResponse }, "getAllAccessibleAssetsOfUserV2": { type: t["./asset/asset.controller"].AssetFullDataPaginatedResponse }, "getRecentAssetsForUser": { type: [Object] }, "getRecentAssetsForUserV2": { type: [Object] }, "getPaginatedMyAssets": { type: t["./asset/asset.controller"].AssetFullDataPaginatedResponse }, "getPaginatedMyAssetsV2": { type: t["./asset/asset.controller"].AssetFullDataPaginatedResponse }, "getPaginatedMirrorAssets": { type: t["./asset/asset.controller"].AssetFullDataPaginatedResponse }, "getPaginatedMirrorAssetsV2": { type: t["./asset/asset.controller"].AssetFullDataPaginatedResponse }, "findAllForUser": { type: [Object] }, "findOneAssetUsage": { type: t["./asset/asset.models"].AssetUsageApiResponse }, "getAssetsByTag": {}, "addTagToAssetsWithRoleChecks": { type: Object }, "updateAssetTagsByTypeWithRoleChecks": { type: Object }, "deleteTagFromAssetWithRoleChecks": {}, "findOne": { type: Object }, "update": { type: Object }, "remove": { type: Object }, "undoAssetSoftDelete": { description: "(Remove isSoftDeleted and softDeletedAt fields from the asset document)", type: String }, "upload": { type: Object }, "uploadPublic": { type: Object }, "uploadThumbnail": { type: Object }, "getAsset": {}, "addAssetPurchaseOption": { type: Object }, "deleteAssetPurchaseOption": { type: Object }, "checkIfAssetCopied": {}, "copyFreeAsset": { type: Object }, "downloadAsset": {}, "getAllAssetsBySpaceIdWithRolesCheck": { type: [Object] }, "addAssetToPackWithRolesCheck": { type: Object }, "deleteAssetFromPackWithRolesCheck": { type: Object } } }], [import("./user/user.controller"), { "UserController": { "findOne": { description: "PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE ENDPOINTS\nid prefix added to prevent wildcard route clashes with file method order", type: t["./user/user.schema"].UserPublicData }, "findOneWithPublicProfile": { description: "@description Retrieves a Users public profile data including populated\nfields like public assets and public groups", type: t["./user/user.schema"].User }, "search": { description: "@description Retrieves a collection of Users public data", type: [t["./user/user.schema"].UserPublicData] }, "getCurrentUser": { description: "AUTH REQUIRED ENDPOINTS\n@description /me gets the current user by checking their uid on the JWT", type: Object }, "getUserRecents": { type: Object }, "uploadPublic": { description: "TODO - Would be nice to have 1 file upload endpoint that can handle all entity types and paths\nmove logic to service" }, "updateProfile": { type: Object }, "updateUserTutorial": { type: Object }, "updateDeepLink": { type: Object }, "updateAvatar": { type: Object }, "updateTermsAgreedTo": { type: Object }, "updateAvatarType": { type: Object }, "getUserEntityAction": { type: Object }, "getUserEntityActionsByMeForEntity": { type: [Object] }, "upsertUserEntityAction": { type: Object }, "deleteUserEntityAction": { type: Object }, "getMyFriends": { description: "START Section: Friends and friend requests  ------------------------------------------------------", type: [t["./user/user.service"].Friend] }, "getMyFriendRequests": { type: [t["./user/user.service"].Friend] }, "acceptFriendRequest": { type: [t["./user/user.service"].Friend] }, "rejectFriendRequest": { type: [t["./user/user.service"].Friend] }, "getSentFriendRequests": { type: [t["./user/user.service"].Friend] }, "sendFriendRequest": { type: t["./user/user.schema"].User }, "removeFriend": { type: [t["./user/user.service"].Friend] }, "getUserCart": { description: "END Section: Friends and friend requests  ------------------------------------------------------\nSTART Section: Cart  ------------------------------------------------------", type: Object }, "addUserCartItemToUserCart": { type: Object }, "removeAllUserItemsFromCart": { type: Object }, "removeUserCartItemFromUserCart": { type: Object }, "addRpmAvatarUrl": { description: "END Section: Cart  ------------------------------------------------------\n@description Add a url to the array of the user's RPM avatars, readyPlayerMeAvatarUrls in Mongo", type: Object }, "createSignUpKey": { type: Object }, "submitUserAccessKey": {}, "removeRpmAvatarUrl": { description: "@description Removes an RPM url from readyPlayerMeAvatarUrls in Mongo", type: Object }, "getUserSidebarTags": { type: [String] }, "addUserSidebarTag": { type: String }, "updateUserSidebarTags": { type: [String] }, "deleteUserSidebarTag": {} } }], [import("./mirror-server-config/mirror-server-config.controller"), { "MirrorServerConfigController": { "getConfig": { type: Object }, "setGdServerVersion": { type: Object } } }], [import("./storage/storage.controller"), { "StorageController": { "getClientVersion": { description: "Public endpoint for getting the current version of the client application.", type: Object }, "getClientUrl": { description: "Public endpoint for getting the client application download URL for the target platform parameter.", type: String }, "getClientUrls": { description: "Public endpoint for getting all supported platforms client application download URLs.", type: Object }, "downloadFile": {} } }], [import("./stripe/stripe.controller"), { "StripeController": { "setupIntent": { description: "2023-07-24 11:12:23 Note: I'm commenting these out because it was old code and I don't think we need to expose all these. The implementation also wasn't secure with allowing an userId to be specified." }, "createCustomerAccount": { type: Object }, "createConnectAccount": { type: Object }, "deleteConnectAccount": { type: Object }, "createCard": { type: [Object] }, "getCardsList": { type: Object }, "getStripeAccountInfo": { type: Object }, "addBankAccount": { type: Object }, "deleteCard": { type: [Object] }, "setDefaultPaymentMethod": { type: Object }, "createPaymentIntent": {}, "getPaymentMethods": { type: Object }, "transfersAmount": { type: Object }, "createProduct": { type: Object }, "getAllProductsWithPrice": { type: Object }, "createSubscription": {}, "pauseSubscription": { type: Object }, "resumeSubscription": { type: Object }, "deleteSubscription": { type: Object }, "createDashboardLink": { type: Object }, "createCustomerPortalLink": { type: Object }, "handleStripeWebhook": { type: Object } } }], [import("./environment/environment.controller"), { "EnvironmentController": { "create": { description: "AUTH REQUIRED ENDPOINTS", type: Object }, "findOne": { type: Object }, "update": { type: Object }, "remove": { type: Object } } }], [import("./user-groups/user-group.controller"), { "UserGroupController": { "create": { type: Object }, "getAllGroupsForMe": { type: Object }, "getAllGroupInvitesForMe": { type: Object }, "findPublicGroupMembershipForOtherUser": { description: "so we only get the PUBLIC groups that the person is a part of\nTODO - add ApiOkResponse type for UserGroupMembership", type: [Object] }, "getGroupMembershipForMe": { description: "TODO - add ApiOkResponse type for UserGroupMembership", type: Object }, "search": { type: Object }, "findOne": { type: Object }, "update": { type: Object }, "remove": { type: Object } } }], [import("./space/space-godot-server.controller"), { "SpaceGodotServerController": { "getLatestPublishedSpaceBySpaceId": { description: "TEMP: AUTHED ENDPOINT UP HERE FOR 2023-03-17 13:53:32 RELEASE ISSUE\nWe should likely refactor our pattern for classes because order of routes DOES matter in NestJS, so being @Public() up top can cause issues", type: Object }, "getActiveSpaceVersionForSpaceBySpaceId": { type: Object }, "updateTerrain": { description: "END TEMP: AUTHED ENDPOINT UP HERE FOR 2023-03-17 13:53:32 RELEASE ISSUE" } } }], [import("./space/material-instance/material-instance.controller"), { "MaterialInstanceController": { "create": { type: t["./space/material-instance/material-instance.schema"].MaterialInstance }, "findOne": { type: t["./space/material-instance/material-instance.schema"].MaterialInstance }, "update": { type: t["./space/material-instance/material-instance.schema"].MaterialInstance }, "delete": { type: String } } }], [import("./zone/zone.controller"), { "ZoneController": { "joinBuildServer": { description: "@description Requests a zone server with a specific space id and launches the server if needed for BUILD MODE", type: Object }, "getPlayServersForSpaceVersionId": { type: [Object] }, "getPlayServersForSpaceId": { type: [Object] }, "joinPlayServerByZoneId": { type: Object }, "joinPlayServerBySpaceId": { type: Object }, "createPlayServerWithSpaceVersion": { type: Object }, "createPlayServerWithSpace": { type: Object }, "findAllZonesBySpaceId": { description: "@description Get all the Zone entities associated with a space id.", type: [Object] }, "findAllZonesByUserId": { description: "@description Get all the Zone entities associated with a user id.", type: [Object] }, "findOneZone": { description: "@description Retrieves a zone entity.", type: Object }, "updateOneZone": { description: "@description Update the user controlled values of a zone entity (Name, Description, Space)", type: Object }, "stopAllActiveZones": { description: "@description Stops all zone servers and updates their corresponding entities.\nQueries for every active Zone Server, requests that they shut down, and updates corresponding Zone entities." } } }], [import("./godot-server-override-config/godot-server-override-config.controller"), { "GodotServerOverrideConfigController": { "findOne": { type: String }, "findOneAlias": { type: String }, "create": { type: Object } } }], [import("./mirror-db/mirror-db.controller"), { "MirrorDBController": { "getRecordFromMirrorDBById": { type: Object }, "getRecordFromMirrorDBBySpaceId": { type: Object }, "getRecordFromMirrorDBBySpaceVersionId": { type: Object }, "updateRecordInMirrorDBById": { type: Object }, "deleteRecordFromMirrorDBById": { type: String } } }], [import("./script-entity/script-entity.controller"), { "ScriptEntityController": { "getRecentScripts": { type: [Object] }, "create": { type: Object }, "findOne": { type: Object }, "update": { type: Object }, "delete": { type: Object } } }], [import("./space-object/space-object.controller"), { "SpaceObjectController": { "create": { type: Object }, "createAlias": { type: Object }, "copy": { type: Object }, "findAllBySpaceId": { type: [Object] }, "findAllBySpaceIdWithRolesCheck": { type: [Object] }, "getSpaceObjectsByTag": {}, "updateSpaceObjectTagsByTypeWithRoleChecks": { type: Object }, "addTagToSpaceObjectWithRoleChecks": { type: Object }, "deleteTagFromSpaceObjectWithRoleChecks": {}, "searchSpaceObjectsPaginated": {}, "findOne": { type: Object }, "update": { type: Object }, "remove": {} } }], [import("./auth/auth.controller"), { "AuthController": { "createUserWithEmailPasswordAndType": { description: "PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE ENDPOINTS" }, "authedUserCreate": { type: t["./auth/auth.controller"].CreateAuthUserResponse }, "convertAnonymousAccountToFull": {}, "deleteAccount": {} } }], [import("./auth/auth-test.controller"), { "AuthTestController": { "deleteTestAccount": {} } }], [import("./block/block.controller"), { "BlockController": { "create": { type: Object }, "findOne": { type: Object }, "update": { type: Object }, "remove": { type: Object } } }], [import("./favorite/favorite.controller"), { "FavoriteController": { "create": { type: Object }, "findAllForUser": { type: [Object] }, "findOne": { type: Object }, "update": { type: Object }, "remove": { type: Object } } }], [import("./tag/tag.controller"), { "TagController": { "create": { type: Object }, "findAllMirrorPublicLibraryTags": { type: [Object] }, "findAllThemeTags": { type: [Object] }, "getTagTypes": { type: [String] }, "findOne": { type: Object }, "update": { type: Object }, "remove": { type: Object } } }], [import("./user-feedback/user-feedback.controller"), { "UserFeedbackController": { "findNewestPublicUserFeedbackItems": { description: "PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE ENDPOINTS", type: [Object] }, "findTopPublicUserFeedbackItems": { type: [Object] }, "getUserFeedbackItemTypes": { type: [String] }, "findOne": { type: Object }, "findComments": { type: [Object] }, "findAllPublicUserFeedbackItems": { type: [Object] }, "create": { type: Object }, "voteOnUserFeedbackItem": { type: Object }, "createComment": { type: Object }, "update": { type: Object }, "removeUserFeedbackItem": { type: Object }, "removeComment": { type: Object } } }], [import("./login-code/login-code.controller"), { "LoginCodeController": { "createLoginCode": { type: t["./login-code/login-code.schema"].LoginCode }, "checkLoginCode": { type: t["./login-code/login-code.schema"].LoginCode } } }]] } };

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