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Sourcetrail plugin for idea IDEs like Intellij or CLion. Provides synchronization with Sourcetrail_.

.. _Sourcetrail: https://sourcetrail.com


  1. File | Settings... (or IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences... for macOS) to open the Settings
  2. Go to Plugins
  3. Click Marketplace tab
  4. Search for idea-sourcetrail
  5. Click Install for idea-sourcetrail plugin


From Sourcetrail to IDE

Right click in sourcetrail > Set IDE Curor | In the IDE should now open the file and put the cursor in the position form sourcetrail. From IDE to Sourcetrail

Navigate your textcursor to the location.

  • Right click -> Send Location


  • File -> Settings... or Crtl + Alt + s to open the Settings
  • OtherSettings -> Sourcetrail Settings

Ports and IP

You can change the ports and ip. Make sure you use the same settings in Sourcetrail Keyboard shortcut
  • File -> Settings... or Ctrl + Alt + s to open the Settings
  • Go to Keymaps and search for sourcetrail
  • Add Shortcut to Send Location


This Plugin is build with Gradle_. Before running any Gradle tasks on this project, please add a

file to the project that defines the
and the
variables. If you don't plan on publishing the plugin, you can define them as empty.

.. _Gradle: https://gradle.org

Simply run:

gradle buildPlugin

or run:

gradle tasks

to see what other tasks are available.

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