

Flex Flow

You can learn more on flex flow with examples in this folder.

SDK examples

flex-flow-quickstart.ipynbsamples_flexflows_basic_flexflowquickstartA quickstart tutorial to run a flex flow and evaluate it.
flex-flow-quickstart-azure.ipynbsamples_flexflows_basic_flexflowquickstartazureA quickstart tutorial to run a flex flow and evaluate it in azure.
chat-with-class-based-flow-azure.ipynbsamples_flexflows_chatbasic_chatwithclassbasedflowazureA quickstart tutorial to run a class based flex flow and evaluate it in azure.
chat-with-class-based-flow.ipynbsamples_flexflows_chatbasic_chatwithclassbasedflowA quickstart tutorial to run a class based flex flow and evaluate it.
chat-stream-with-flex-flow.ipynbsamples_flexflows_chatstream_chatstreamwithflexflowA quickstart tutorial to run a class based flex flow in stream mode and evaluate it.
chat-stream-with-async-flex-flow.ipynbsamples_flexflows_chatasyncstream_chatstreamwithasyncflexflowA quickstart tutorial to run a class based flex flow in stream mode and evaluate it.
langchain-eval.ipynbsamples_flexflows_evalcriteriawithlangchain_langchainevalA tutorial to converting LangChain criteria evaluator application to flex flow.

CLI examples

basicsamples_flex_flows_basicA basic standard flow define using function entry that calls Azure OpenAI with connection info stored in environment variables
chat-async-streamsamples_flex_flows_chat_async_streamA chat flow defined using async class entry that return output in stream mode
chat-basicsamples_flex_flows_chat_basicA basic chat flow defined using class entry
chat-minimalsamples_flex_flows_chat_minimalA chat flow defined using function with minimal code
chat-streamsamples_flex_flows_chat_streamA chat flow defined using class entry that return output in stream mode
chat-with-functionssamples_flex_flows_chat_with_functionsThis flow covers how to use the LLM chat API in combination with external functions to extend the capabilities of GPT models
eval-checklistsamples_flex_flows_eval_checklistA example flow defined using class entry which demos how to evaluate the answer pass user specified check list
eval-code-qualitysamples_flex_flows_eval_code_qualityA example flow defined using class based entry which leverages model config to evaluate the quality of code snippet
eval-criteria-with-langchainsamples_flex_flows_eval_criteria_with_langchainA example flow of converting LangChain criteria evaluator application to flex flow

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