

Promptflow examples

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Install dependencies

  • Bootstrap your python environment.
    • e.g: create a new conda environment. conda create -n pf-examples python=3.9.
    • install required packages in python environment : pip install -r requirements.txt
      • show installed sdk: pip show promptflow

Quick start

quickstart.ipynbsamples_getstarted_quickstartA quickstart tutorial to run a flow and evaluate it.
quickstart-azure.ipynbsamples_getstarted_quickstartazureA quickstart tutorial to run a flow in Azure AI and evaluate it.

CLI examples

Tutorials (tutorials)

chat-with-pdfsamples_tutorials_e2e_development_chat_with_pdfRetrieval Augmented Generation (or RAG) has become a prevalent pattern to build intelligent application with Large Language Models (or LLMs) since it can infuse external knowledge into the model, which is not trained with those up-to-date or proprietary information
azure-app-servicesamples_tutorials_flow_deploy_azure_app_serviceThis example demos how to deploy a flow using Azure App Service
create-service-with-flowsamples_tutorials_flow_deploy_create_service_with_flowThis example shows how to create a simple service with flow
distribute-flow-as-executable-appsamples_tutorials_flow_deploy_distribute_flow_as_executable_appThis example demos how to package flow as a executable app
dockersamples_tutorials_flow_deploy_dockerThis example demos how to deploy flow as a docker app
kubernetessamples_tutorials_flow_deploy_kubernetesThis example demos how to deploy flow as a Kubernetes app
promptflow-quality-improvementsamples_tutorials_flow_fine_tuning_evaluation_promptflow_quality_improvementThis tutorial is designed to enhance your understanding of improving flow quality through prompt tuning and evaluation
tracingsamples_tutorials_tracingPrompt flow provides the tracing feature to capture and visualize the internal execution details for all flows

Prompty (prompty)

basicsamples_prompty_basicA basic prompt that uses the chat API to answer questions, with connection configured using environment variables
chat-basicsamples_prompty_chat_basicA prompt that uses the chat API to answer questions with chat history, leveraging promptflow connection
eval-apologysamples_prompty_eval_apologyA prompt that determines whether a chat conversation contains an apology from the assistant
eval-basicsamples_prompty_eval_basicBasic evaluator prompt for QA scenario
format-outputsamples_prompty_format_outputA few examples that demos different prompty response format like text, json_object, and how to enable stream output

Flex Flows (flex-flows)

basicsamples_flex_flows_basicA basic standard flow define using function entry that calls Azure OpenAI with connection info stored in environment variables
chat-async-streamsamples_flex_flows_chat_async_streamA chat flow defined using async class entry that return output in stream mode
chat-basicsamples_flex_flows_chat_basicA basic chat flow defined using class entry
chat-minimalsamples_flex_flows_chat_minimalA chat flow defined using function with minimal code
chat-streamsamples_flex_flows_chat_streamA chat flow defined using class entry that return output in stream mode
chat-with-functionssamples_flex_flows_chat_with_functionsThis flow covers how to use the LLM chat API in combination with external functions to extend the capabilities of GPT models
eval-checklistsamples_flex_flows_eval_checklistA example flow defined using class entry which demos how to evaluate the answer pass user specified check list
eval-code-qualitysamples_flex_flows_eval_code_qualityA example flow defined using class based entry which leverages model config to evaluate the quality of code snippet
eval-criteria-with-langchainsamples_flex_flows_eval_criteria_with_langchainA example flow of converting LangChain criteria evaluator application to flex flow

Flows (flows)

Standard flows

autonomous-agentsamples_flows_standard_autonomous_agentThis is a flow showcasing how to construct a AutoGPT agent with promptflow to autonomously figures out how to apply the given functions to solve the goal, which is film trivia that provides accurate and up-to-date information about movies, directors, actors, and more in this sample
basicsamples_flows_standard_basicA basic standard flow using custom python tool that calls Azure OpenAI with connection info stored in environment variables
basic-with-builtin-llmsamples_flows_standard_basic_with_builtin_llmA basic standard flow that calls Azure OpenAI with builtin llm tool
basic-with-connectionsamples_flows_standard_basic_with_connectionA basic standard flow that using custom python tool calls Azure OpenAI with connection info stored in custom connection
conditional-flow-for-if-elsesamples_flows_standard_conditional_flow_for_if_elseThis example is a conditional flow for if-else scenario
conditional-flow-for-switchsamples_flows_standard_conditional_flow_for_switchThis example is a conditional flow for switch scenario
customer-intent-extractionsamples_flows_standard_customer_intent_extractionThis sample is using OpenAI chat model(ChatGPT/GPT4) to identify customer intent from customer's question
describe-imagesamples_flows_standard_describe_imageA flow that take image input, flip it horizontally and uses OpenAI GPT-4V tool to describe it
flow-with-additional-includessamples_flows_standard_flow_with_additional_includesUser sometimes need to reference some common files or folders, this sample demos how to solve the problem using additional_includes
flow-with-symlinkssamples_flows_standard_flow_with_symlinksUser sometimes need to reference some common files or folders, this sample demos how to solve the problem using symlinks
gen-docstringsamples_flows_standard_gen_docstringThis example can help you automatically generate Python code's docstring and return the modified code
maths-to-codesamples_flows_standard_maths_to_codeMath to Code is a project that utilizes the power of the chatGPT model to generate code that models math questions and then executes the generated code to obtain the final numerical answer
named-entity-recognitionsamples_flows_standard_named_entity_recognitionA flow that perform named entity recognition task
question-simulationsamples_flows_standard_question_simulationThis question simulation flow is used to generate suggestions for the next question based on the previous chat history
web-classificationsamples_flows_standard_web_classificationThis is a flow demonstrating multi-class classification with LLM

Evaluation flows

eval-basicsamples_flows_evaluation_eval_basicThis example shows how to create a basic evaluation flow
eval-chat-mathsamples_flows_evaluation_eval_chat_mathThis example shows how to evaluate the answer of math questions, which can compare the output results with the standard answers numerically
eval-classification-accuracysamples_flows_evaluation_eval_classification_accuracyThis is a flow illustrating how to evaluate the performance of a classification system
eval-entity-match-ratesamples_flows_evaluation_eval_entity_match_rateThis is a flow evaluates: entity match rate
eval-groundednesssamples_flows_evaluation_eval_groundednessThis is a flow leverage llm to eval groundedness: whether answer is stating facts that are all present in the given context
eval-multi-turn-metricssamples_flows_evaluation_eval_multi_turn_metricsThis evaluation flow will evaluate a conversation by using Large Language Models (LLM) to measure the quality of the responses
eval-perceived-intelligencesamples_flows_evaluation_eval_perceived_intelligenceThis is a flow leverage llm to eval perceived intelligence
eval-qna-non-ragsamples_flows_evaluation_eval_qna_non_ragThis is a flow evaluating the Q&A systems by leveraging Large Language Models (LLM) to measure the quality and safety of responses
eval-qna-rag-metricssamples_flows_evaluation_eval_qna_rag_metricsThis is a flow evaluating the Q&A RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) systems by leveraging the state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLM) to measure the quality and safety of responses
eval-single-turn-metricssamples_flows_evaluation_eval_single_turn_metricsThis evaluation flow will evaluate a question and answer pair by using Large Language Models (LLM) to measure the quality of the answer
eval-summarizationsamples_flows_evaluation_eval_summarizationThis flow implements a reference-free automatic abstractive summarization evaluation across four dimensions: fluency, coherence, consistency, relevance

Chat flows

chat-basicsamples_flows_chat_chat_basicThis example shows how to create a basic chat flow
chat-math-variantsamples_flows_chat_chat_math_variantThis is a prompt tuning case with 3 prompt variants for math question answering
chat-with-imagesamples_flows_chat_chat_with_imageThis flow demonstrates how to create a chatbot that can take image and text as input
chat-with-pdfsamples_flows_chat_chat_with_pdfThis is a simple flow that allow you to ask questions about the content of a PDF file and get answers
chat-with-wikipediasamples_flows_chat_chat_with_wikipediaThis flow demonstrates how to create a chatbot that can remember previous interactions and use the conversation history to generate next message
use_functions_with_chat_modelssamples_flows_chat_use_functions_with_chat_modelsThis flow covers how to use the LLM tool chat API in combination with external functions to extend the capabilities of GPT models

Tool Use Cases (Tool Use Cases)

cascading-inputs-tool-showcasesamples_tools_use_cases_cascading_inputs_tool_showcaseThis is a flow demonstrating the use of a tool with cascading inputs which frequently used in situations where the selection in one input field determines what subsequent inputs should be shown, and it helps in creating a more efficient, user-friendly, and error-free input process
custom-strong-type-connection-package-tool-showcasesamples_tools_use_cases_custom_strong_type_connection_package_tool_showcaseThis is a flow demonstrating the use of a package tool with custom string type connection which provides a secure way to manage credentials for external APIs and data sources, and it offers an improved user-friendly and intellisense experience compared to custom connections
custom-strong-type-connection-script-tool-showcasesamples_tools_use_cases_custom_strong_type_connection_script_tool_showcaseThis is a flow demonstrating the use of a script tool with custom string type connection which provides a secure way to manage credentials for external APIs and data sources, and it offers an improved user-friendly and intellisense experience compared to custom connections
custom_llm_tool_showcasesamples_tools_use_cases_custom_llm_tool_showcaseThis is a flow demonstrating how to use a custom_llm tool, which enables users to seamlessly connect to a large language model with prompt tuning experience using a PromptTemplate
dynamic-list-input-tool-showcasesamples_tools_use_cases_dynamic_list_input_tool_showcaseThis is a flow demonstrating how to use a tool with a dynamic list input

Connections (connections)

connectionssamples_connectionsThis folder contains example YAML files for creating connection using pf cli

SDK examples

quickstart.ipynbsamples_getstarted_quickstartA quickstart tutorial to run a flow and evaluate it.
quickstart-azure.ipynbsamples_getstarted_quickstartazureA quickstart tutorial to run a flow in Azure AI and evaluate it.
flow-as-function.ipynbsamples_getstarted_flowasfunctionThis guide will walk you through the main scenarios of executing flow as a function.
pipeline.ipynbsamples_runflowwithpipeline_pipelineCreate pipeline using components to run a distributed job with tensorflow
cloud-run-management.ipynbsamples_runmanagement_cloudrunmanagementFlow run management in Azure AI
run-management.ipynbsamples_runmanagement_runmanagementFlow run management
trace-autogen-groupchat.ipynbsamples_tracing_autogengroupchat_traceautogengroupchatTracing LLM calls in autogen group chat application
otlp-trace-collector.ipynbsamples_tracing_customotlpcollector_otlptracecollectorA tutorial on how to levarage custom OTLP collector.
trace-langchain.ipynbsamples_tracing_langchain_tracelangchainTracing LLM calls in langchain application
trace-llm.ipynbsamples_tracing_llm_tracellmTracing LLM application
connection.ipynbsamples_connections_connectionManage various types of connections using sdk
flex-flow-quickstart-azure.ipynbsamples_flexflows_basic_flexflowquickstartazureA quickstart tutorial to run a flex flow and evaluate it in azure.
flex-flow-quickstart.ipynbsamples_flexflows_basic_flexflowquickstartA quickstart tutorial to run a flex flow and evaluate it.
chat-stream-with-async-flex-flow.ipynbsamples_flexflows_chatasyncstream_chatstreamwithasyncflexflowA quickstart tutorial to run a class based flex flow in stream mode and evaluate it.
chat-with-class-based-flow-azure.ipynbsamples_flexflows_chatbasic_chatwithclassbasedflowazureA quickstart tutorial to run a class based flex flow and evaluate it in azure.
chat-with-class-based-flow.ipynbsamples_flexflows_chatbasic_chatwithclassbasedflowA quickstart tutorial to run a class based flex flow and evaluate it.
chat-stream-with-flex-flow.ipynbsamples_flexflows_chatstream_chatstreamwithflexflowA quickstart tutorial to run a class based flex flow in stream mode and evaluate it.
langchain-eval.ipynbsamples_flexflows_evalcriteriawithlangchain_langchainevalA tutorial to converting LangChain criteria evaluator application to flex flow.
prompty-quickstart.ipynbsamples_prompty_basic_promptyquickstartA quickstart tutorial to run a prompty and evaluate it.
chat-with-prompty.ipynbsamples_prompty_chatbasic_chatwithpromptyA quickstart tutorial to run a chat prompty and evaluate it.
chat-with-pdf-azure.ipynbsamples_flows_chat_chatwithpdf_chatwithpdfazureA tutorial of chat-with-pdf flow that executes in Azure AI
chat-with-pdf.ipynbsamples_flows_chat_chatwithpdf_chatwithpdfA tutorial of chat-with-pdf flow that allows user ask questions about the content of a PDF file and get answers


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This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. Please see the code of conduct for details.


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