

Massive Text Embedding Benchmark

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pip install mteb


from mteb import MTEB
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# Define the sentence-transformers model name
model_name = "average_word_embeddings_komninos"
# or directly from huggingface:
# model_name = "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"
model = SentenceTransformer(model_name)
evaluation = MTEB(tasks=["Banking77Classification"])
results =, output_folder=f"results/{model_name}")
  • Using CLI
mteb --available_tasks
mteb -m sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 \
-t Banking77Classification \
--verbosity 3
# if nothing is specified default to saving the results in the results/{model_name} folder
  • Using multiple GPUs in parallel can be done by just having a custom encode function that distributes the inputs to multiple GPUs like e.g. here or here.

Advanced Usage (click to unfold)

Advanced Usage

Dataset selection

Datasets can be selected by providing the list of datasets, but also

  • by their task (e.g. "Clustering" or "Classification")
evaluation = MTEB(task_types=['Clustering', 'Retrieval']) # Only select clustering and retrieval tasks
  • by their categories e.g. "S2S" (sentence to sentence) or "P2P" (paragraph to paragraph)
evaluation = MTEB(task_categories=['S2S']) # Only select sentence2sentence datasets
  • by their languages
evaluation = MTEB(task_langs=["en", "de"]) # Only select datasets which are "en", "de" or "en-de"

You can also specify which languages to load for multilingual/crosslingual tasks like below:

from mteb.tasks import AmazonReviewsClassification, BUCCBitextMining
evaluation = MTEB(tasks=[
AmazonReviewsClassification(langs=["en", "fr"]) # Only load "en" and "fr" subsets of Amazon Reviews
BUCCBitextMining(langs=["de-en"]), # Only load "de-en" subset of BUCC

There are also presets available for certain task collections, e.g. to select the 56 English datasets that form the "Overall MTEB English leaderboard":

from mteb import MTEB_MAIN_EN
evaluation = MTEB(tasks=MTEB_MAIN_EN, task_langs=["en"])

Evaluation split

You can evaluate only on test splits of all tasks by doing the following:, eval_splits=["test"])

Note that the public leaderboard uses the test splits for all datasets except MSMARCO, where the "dev" split is used.

Using a custom model

Models should implement the following interface, implementing an encode function taking as inputs a list of sentences, and returning a list of embeddings (embeddings can be np.array, torch.tensor, etc.). For inspiration, you can look at the mteb/mtebscripts repo used for running diverse models via SLURM scripts for the paper.

class MyModel():
def encode(
self, sentences: list[str], prompt: str, **kwargs: Any
) -> torch.Tensor | np.ndarray:
"""Encodes the given sentences using the encoder.
sentences: The sentences to encode.
prompt: The prompt to use. Useful for prompt-based models.
**kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the encoder.
The encoded sentences.
model = MyModel()
evaluation = MTEB(tasks=["Banking77Classification"])

If you'd like to use different encoding functions for query and corpus when evaluating on Retrieval or Reranking tasks, you can add separate methods for encode_queries and encode_corpus. If these methods exist, they will be automatically used for those tasks. You can refer to the DRESModel at mteb/evaluation/evaluators/ for an example of these functions.

class MyModel():
def encode_queries(self, queries: list[str], **kwargs) -> list[np.ndarray] | list[torch.Tensor]:
Returns a list of embeddings for the given sentences.
queries: List of sentences to encode
List of embeddings for the given sentences
def encode_corpus(self, corpus: list[str] | list[dict[str, str]], **kwargs) -> list[np.ndarray] | list[torch.Tensor]:
Returns a list of embeddings for the given sentences.
corpus: List of sentences to encode
or list of dictionaries with keys "title" and "text"
List of embeddings for the given sentences

Evaluating on a custom dataset

To evaluate on a custom task, you can run the following code on your custom task. See how to add a new task, for how to create a new task in MTEB.

from mteb import MTEB
from mteb.abstasks.AbsTaskReranking import AbsTaskReranking
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
class MyCustomTask(AbsTaskReranking):
model = SentenceTransformer("average_word_embeddings_komninos")
evaluation = MTEB(tasks=[MyCustomTask()])


📋 Tasks Overview of available tasks
📈 LeaderboardThe interactive leaderboard of the benchmark
🤖 Adding a modelInformation related to how to submit a model to the leaderboard
👩‍💻 Adding a datasetHow to add a new task/dataset to MTEB
👩‍💻 Adding a leaderboard tabHow to add a new leaderboard tab to MTEB
🤝 ContributingHow to contribute to MTEB and set it up for development


MTEB was introduced in "MTEB: Massive Text Embedding Benchmark", feel free to cite:

doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2210.07316},
url = {},
author = {Muennighoff, Niklas and Tazi, Nouamane and Magne, Lo{\"\i}c and Reimers, Nils},
title = {MTEB: Massive Text Embedding Benchmark},
publisher = {arXiv},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.07316},
year = {2022}

You may also want to read and cite the amazing work that has extended MTEB & integrated new datasets:

For works that have used MTEB for benchmarking, you can find them on the leaderboard.

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