


Transformers LLM Service


Service for LLMs connection from HuggingFace transformers.


Parameter PRETRAINED_MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH defines which model to use. Supported models are:

  • "EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B" (not available via proxy
  • "OpenAssistant/pythia-12b-sft-v8-7k-steps" (available via Proxy)
  • "togethercomputer/GPT-JT-6B-v1" (available via Proxy)
  • "lmsys/vicuna-13b-v1.3" (not available via proxy)
  • Any other, if one creates a new container with the considered model name and raise it locally.


  • When using via Proxy, depends on Proxy stability.

How to Add a New Large Language Model from Transformers into DeepPavlov Dream?

If you want to integrate a new LLM from Transformers into DeepPavlov Dream Platform, follow the instruction below. You may use the pull-request with ruGPT-3.5 integration as an example of a new LLM integration to Universal Distributions.

  1. Depending on the language of the LLM of interest, select either universal_prompted_assistant or universal_ru_prompted_assistant as a distribution to add an LLM to. Let's call the selected one Universal Assistant.
  2. In dream/components.tsv reserve a port for a new component which will be named as transformers-lm-modelname.
  3. In docker-compose.override.yml in dream/assistant_dists/{Universal Assistant} create a new container, name it like transformers-lm-modelname. In particular:
    1. assign PRETRAINED_MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH to a name of the model from transformers to be integrated;
    2. assign SERVICE_PORT (and its value in a command also) to a selected on the previos step;
    3. assign HALF_PRECISION value to 1 if you want to use a model in a half precision mode (to save computational resources);
    4. assign SERVICE_NAME to a transformers_lm_modelname (for the uniformity);
    5. include a new component to WAIT_HOSTS of the agent container;
    6. do not assign CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to another value in this file -- you may utilize another yml files for it;
    7. You will get something like this:
    env_file: [ .env ]
    SERVICE_PORT: {selectedport}
    SERVICE_NAME: transformers_lm_{modelname}
    PRETRAINED_MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH: {modelnamefromtransfofmers}
    context: .
    dockerfile: ./services/transformers_lm/Dockerfile
    command: flask run -h -p {selectedport}
    - FLASK_APP=server
    memory: {max RAM in G}G
    memory: {max RAM in G}G
  4. In dev.yml in dream/assistant_dists/{Universal Assistant} assign volumes and ports mapping for your new model:
    1. for a container transformers-lm-modelname map the volumes:
    - "./services/transformers_lm:/src"
    - "./common:/src/common"
    - "~/.deeppavlov/cache:/root/.cache"
    1. for a container transformers-lm-modelname map the ports:
    - {selectedport}:{selectedport}
  5. Add a new container to cpu.yml, if necessary.
  6. If you are a DeepPavlov employee, have access to DeepPavlov's computational resources, and want to create a proxy for a new model, follow the steps:
    1. run a new container on the same server where all other proxied containers are built.
    2. add a new container to a proxy.yml
    command: ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
    context: dp/proxy/
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
    - PROXY_PASS=proxy.deeppavlov.ai:{selectedport}
    - PORT={selectedport}
  7. Using Universal Assistant, one may assign generation parameters in the request body. But default parameters for a new model must be provided anyway. Create and fill a configuration file with parameters in folder dream/common/generative_configs/.
  8. Add a new model to be considered in the universal skill in dream/skills/dff_universal_prompted_skill/scenario/response.py in a dictionary ENVVARS_TO_SEND with a mapping to considered environmental variables to send to a LLM (for example, for sending API keys) as follows:
"http://transformers-lm-{modelname}:{selectedport}/respond": [],
  1. Add a new model to a dream/MODELS.md file for storing all the important info.
  2. Now create a component cards required for dreamtools work:
    1. Create a file in dream/components/ folder, fill it in the same way as for components/vdfjkhg934nflgeafgv.yml.
    2. Create a folder dream/services/transformers_lm/service_configs/transformers-lm-{modelname}, create two files environment.yml and service.yml in the same way as for services/transformers_lm/service_configs/transformers-lm-rugpt35/service.yml and services/transformers_lm/service_configs/transformers-lm-rugpt35/environment.yml.

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