
4754 строки · 776.3 Кб
    "Afghanistan": [
        "Afghanistan is a newly created democracy. Under the new constitution of the country, the President & two Vice Presidents are elected every five years. The International Security Force Assistance assists the government in maintaining peace & rebuilding the country. However, there still are issues with the Taliban and internal security",
        "Afghanistan is considered one of the least developed countries and also one of the world's poorest owing to the years of war & being short of foreign investments. With a GDP of about $29 billion, Afghanistan has an exchange rate of $18 billion, with about $1 thousands as the GDP per capita",
        "Most of the times, Afghanistan is ranked at the bottom in the list of Human Development Index",
        "According to reports, only 28.1% of the entire population over the age of 15 is educated in Afghanistan which means that about 71.9% of adults are incompetent of even the basic reading & writing skills"
    "Argentina": [
        "Argentina is the eighth largest country in the World, second Largest in Latin America and Largest Spanish speaking country by Area. It posses 2 thousands thousands square km area.",
        "The word \"Argentina\" is named after comes from the Latin word for silver, argentum. The original European settlers believed the country was full of silver.",
        "Every country does not celebrate Friends day but Argentina. In the early 1970s, an Argentinian scholar founded Dia del Amigo after he felt connected to everyone on the planet when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. Friend's Day is an official holiday in Buenos Aires, although it is not a national public holiday. Friends gather, parties are held, and everyone gets together late at night to celebrate friendship on July 20th of every year.",
        "Argentina is the first country to create very first animated film in 1917. This film was created by Argentine Quirino Cristiani. The film was 70 minutes long and had over 58 thousands frames.",
        "Argentina is said to have the highest infidelity rate in all of South America. Divorce has been legal in the country since 1987, and now the country has the highest divorce rate also.",
        "Canada was the first county in Americas to legalize same-sex marriage in 1999. A decade later Argentina followed this. Argentina became the first country after legalizing this law on July 22, 2010.",
        "The hottest and coldest temperatures in South America have been recorded in Argentina. On June 6, 1907, Sarmiento a small town of Patagonia recorded a temperature of -32.8 degrees Celsius (-27 Fahrenheit). Thirteen years later, Villa de Maria in the Cordova province experienced the highest recorded temperature in South America on January 2, 1920. The thermometer reached a sweltering 49.1 degrees Celsius (120.4 Fahrenheit).",
        "Argentina is a massive South American nation with terrain encompassing Andes mountains, glacial lakes and Pampas grassland, the traditional grazing ground of its famed beef cattle. The country is known for tango, steak and football.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Argentina was estimated to be 43 thousands thousands people.",
        "With a mainland area of 2 thousands thousands square kilometers (1 thousands thousands sq mi), Argentina is the eighth-largest country in the world, the second-largest in Latin America.",
        "Argentina is divided into four topographical regions: the Andean region, Patagonia, the subtropical plain of the north, and the pampas.",
        "Argentina's highest point is Aconcagua at 6 thousands meters (22 thousands feet) above sea level. It is also the highest point in the Southern and Western Hemispheres.",
        "Argentina's forests, estimated at some 50.9 million hectares (125.8 million acres), or about 18.6% of the total area.",
        "There are over 30 national parks in Argentina and 9 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.",
        "The Perito Moreno Glacier in Los Glaciares National Park is the third largest reserve of freshwater in the world and one of only three glaciers in Argentina that is growing, not shrinking.",
        "One of the most spectacular natural landmarks of Argentina, the Talampaya Canyon is located in the national park with the same name. It was designated a provincial reserve in 1975, a national park in 1997, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000.",
        "San Ignacio Min\u00ed was one of the many missions founded in 1632 by the Jesuits in what the Spanish called the Province of Paraguay in the Americas during the Spanish colonial period. It is located near present-day San Ignacio valley, some 60 km north of Posadas, Misiones Province, Argentina. It was entered on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1984.",
        "The name \"Argentina\" comes from the Latin word for silver, argentum. The original European settlers believed the country was full of silver.",
        "Argentina has more psychologists per capita than anywhere else in the world.",
        "Argentina has been one of the world's leading producers of wine since the 16th century and has approximately 1 thousands wineries today. It is the world's fifth leading producer of wine.",
        "In 1913, Argentina was the world's 10th wealthiest nation per capita. Now it's the 55th.",
        "July 9 Avenue, located in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is the widest avenue in the world, with 14 lanes, plus 4 lanes of parallel streets.",
        "Argentina is said to have the highest infidelity rate in all of South America. Divorce has been legal in the country since 1987, and now the country has the highest divorce rate as well.",
        "The national sport of Argentina is Pato a game played on horseback. It takes aspects from polo and basketball. The word Pato is Spanish for 'duck' as early games used a live duck inside a basket instead of a ball.",
        "The most popular sport in Argentina is football, the Argentine national team has won the football World Cup twice in 1978 and 1986.",
        "Government officials in Lionel Messi's hometown in Argentina have banned parents from naming their children \"Messi.\"",
        "Argentina has three Nobel Prize recipients in the Sciences, Bernardo Houssay, C\u00e9sar Milstein and Luis Leloir.",
        "In 1971, the embalmed body of Evita Per\u00f3n was exhumed and flown to Spain, where her husband and ex-president of Argentina, Juan Per\u00f3n, and his new wife Isabelita kept it in their dining room until he died in 1974.",
        "The major figure of the Cuban Revolution, Ernesto \"Che\" Guevara, was born in Argentina.",
        "Before becoming the Pontiff, Pope Francis I was a nightclub bouncer in Buenos Aires, Argentina.",
        "A 3-year-long College Major in Exorcism is offered at a Lutheran Parish in Argentina.",
        "In 1977, Argentina sent a pregnant mother to Antarctica in an effort to claim a portion of the continent. The boy (born 7 January 1978) became the first human known to be born in Antarctica.",
        "In Argentina, political parties have their own brands of beer.",
        "In 2001, Argentina had 5 presidents in 10 days.",
        "There is a Welsh-speaking part of Argentina and it has its own dialect of Welsh.",
        "Yerba Mate is the national drink of Argentina. It is a type of tea made from the young leaves of the Brazilian holly, an evergreen tree of the holly family. It is drunk from a gourd or bowl through a metal straw called a bombilla."
    "Australia": [
        "Very few people know the unique and proud story of the Australian Flag. The Flag engulfs the pragmatic Australian culture and its remarkable history. Besides being the only National Flag to fly over the entire continent, there is a lot to know about the Australian Flag and its unique chronology. Here are some interesting facts about the Australian Flag worth knowin",
        "The Australian Flag is considered the first and the only flag to be chosen in an open public competition",
        "Guidelines for flying the Australian Flag are laid down in the 1953 Flags Act. The guidelines say that it should be treated with dignity and respect and as the nation's most important National Symbol. According to the guidelines, while in the Australian territory, it should be flown in a superior position to other flags. The flag must be flown on all government buildings in Australia and should always be flown aloft and free",
        "The design of Australian flag is a compilation of three different thing",
        "The proclamation of the Australian Flag as a National Flag was made under The Flags Act of 1953",
        "Not to forget that the Australian national flag is not only the one chosen through an open public competition but also the only national flag to fly over an entire continent",
        "The name 'Australia' comes from the Latin word 'australis', meaning southern.",
        "Australia is the world's 6th largest country by area.",
        "The population of Australia is estimated to be about 25 millions in 2019.",
        "Due to its large size and isolation from the rest of the world, Australia is sometimes known as the 'island continent'.",
        "Most scholars date the arrival of humans in Australia at 40 thousands to 50 thousands years ago, with a possible range of up to 125 thousands years ago. Genetic studies appear to support an arrival date of about 44 thousands years ago.",
        "The indigenous people of Australia are Australian Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.",
        "Melbourne was the initial capital following the 1901 Federation of Australia. In 1927, the seat of national government was moved to the newly created city of Canberra, which continues to serve as the national capital to this day.",
        "The highest mountain on mainland Australia is Mt Kosciuszko, standing 2228 meters (7310 feet) above sea level.",
        "Australia has a range of different landscapes, including urban areas, mountain ranges, deserts and rain forests.",
        "Nearly seven million square kilometers, or 91% of Australia, is covered by native vegetation.",
        "Uluru is probably Australia's best-known natural landmark.",
        "Australia has more than 378 mammal species, 828 bird species, 4000 fish species, 300 species of lizards, 140 snake species, two crocodile species and around 50 types of marine mammal.",
        "More than 80% of our plants, mammals, reptiles and frogs are unique to Australia and are found no-where else.",
        "Among Australia's best-known animals are the kangaroo, koala, echidna, dingo, platypus, wallaby and wombat.",
        "The world's largest reef system, the Great Barrier Reef, is found off the north-eastern coast of Australia.",
        "The biggest property in Australia is bigger than Belgium.",
        "The world's largest cattle station, Anna Creek Station in Australia, is larger than Israel.",
        "Lake Hillier in Australia is a bright pink color and scientists aren't sure why. ",
        "The top ten deadliest snakes can be found in Australia.",
        "In Australia, there are more kangaroos than people.",
        "Australia exports camels to Saudi Arabia.",
        "The town of Docker River in Australia was once invaded by 6 thousands camels that came in search of water.",
        "Australia has 10 times more camels than koalas.",
        "There were over 10 million koalas before British settlers arrived in Australia. Now, there are around 43 thousands in the wild.",
        "24 rabbits that were introduced to Australia in 1859 had multiplied in number to over 2 million in ten years.",
        "In 2009, snipers were deployed in Australia to protect a colony of little penguins from predators.",
        "Burning Mountain, Australia, has an underground natural coal fire that has been burning for about 6 thousands years.",
        "Australia is the only continent in the world without an active volcano.",
        "The world's oldest fossil, which is about 3.4 billion years old, was found in Australia.",
        "Australia was the second country in the world to allow women to vote (New Zealand was first).",
        "Australia's Highway 1 is the world's longest national highway. With about 14 thousands km, (9 thousands mi), it circumnavigates the entire country.",
        "Australia is a relatively wealthy country with a high life expectancy."
    "Bangladesh": [
        "Textile work of the Bangladesh earns it a huge amount of money per year. The principal source of foreign exchange earnings in the Country is the Textile Industry. After China, currently, Bangladesh is the second largest ready-made garments (RMG) manufacturer. By the next five years, Bangladesh will become the largest ready-made garments manufacturer.",
        "There are over 158 million people living in a country roughly the size of Iowa, making Bangladesh the 7th most populous country in the world and the most densely populated.",
        "Bangladesh has been at the receiving end of one of the world's worst natural disasters. A cyclone hit the country in the year 1970. It is reported that 300 thousands to 500 thousands people were killed in the natural disaster.",
        "Bangladesh is a South Asian country marked by lush greenery and many waterways.",
        "The official name of the country is the People's Republic of Bangladesh.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Bangladesh was estimated to be 161 thousands thousands people. It is the world's eighth-most populous country and the fifth-most populous in Asia.",
        "Bangladesh is the 92nd largest country in the world by area with 147 thousands square kilometers (56 thousands square miles). The country extends 820 kilometers (510 miles) north to south and 600 kilometers (370 miles) east to west.",
        "Dhaka is the capital and largest city of Bangladesh. The city is a microcosm of the entire country, with diverse religious and ethnic communities.",
        "Bangladesh is a low-lying, riverine country with a largely marshy jungle and coastline of 580 kilometers (360 miles) on the northern littoral of the Bay of Bengal.",
        "Saka Haphong is a peak in Bangladesh, often considered the highest point of the country, with an elevation of 1 thousands meters (3 thousands feet). Saka Haphong is not officially the highest peak of Bangladesh, but maps and other data indicate there are no higher peaks within the country.",
        "Three of Asia's largest rivers, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra and the Meghna, flow through Bangladesh and form the fertile Bengal delta \u2014 the largest delta in the world.",
        "About 67% of Bangladesh's nonurban land is arable.",
        "The Sundarbans is a natural region comprising southern Bangladesh and a part in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. It is also the largest reserves for the Bengal tiger. The Sundarbans is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "Bangladesh has 3 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Mosque City of Bagerhat is a formerly lost city, located in the suburbs of Bagerhat city in Bagerhat District, in the Khulna Division of southwest of Bangladesh. The ancient city, formerly known as Khalifatabad flourished in the 15th century BC. The site has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985.",
        "In Bangladeshi cuisine rice is the main staple food and is served with a wide range of curries. Sublime Bangladeshi dishes exhibit strong aromatic flavors; and often include eggs, potatoes, tomatoes and aubergines. A variety of spices and herbs, along with mustard oil and ghee, is used in Bangladeshi cooking. Fish is a staple in Bangladeshi cuisine, especially freshwater fish, which is a distinctive feature of the country's gastronomy.",
        "About half of Bangladesh's population is composed of farmers.",
        "Bangladesh is an important tea producing country. Its tea industry dates back to British rule, when the East India Company initiated the tea trade in Chittagong in 1840. The industry accounts for 3% of global tea production, and employs more than 4 million people.",
        "Over 30% of Bangladesh's population live below the poverty line, however, the economy and standards of living have been improving over recent years.",
        "The currency of Bangladesh is called the taka which means 'currency' in Bengali.",
        "The national animal of Bangladesh is the endangered Royal Bengal Tiger."
    "Bhutan": [
        "Well! The name Bhutan is derived from a Sanskrit word \"Bhota-anta,\" which connotes \"End of Tibet.",
        "In Bhutanese manners, you should refuse food whenever it's offered to you. The tradition is to say the words \"Meshu Meshu\" and cover your mouth with your hands. You can give in, though, after two or three offers",
        "Bhutan is a sovereign state landlocked in the Eastern Himalayas in South Asia.",
        "The official name of the country is the Kingdom of Bhutan.",
        "Bhutan borders China to the north and India to the south, east and west.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Bhutan was estimated to be 781 thousands people.",
        "Bhutan about 300 kilometers (186 miles) long and 150 kilometers (93 miles) wide encompassing an area of 46 thousands square kilometers (17 thousands square miles).",
        "Bhutan is divided into 20 dzongkhags (districts), and further into 205 gewogs (village blocks).",
        "Thimphu, is the capital and largest city of the Kingdom of Bhutan. It is the most modern city in Bhutan with an abundance of restaurants, internet cafes, nightclubs and shopping centers, however it still retains its' cultural identity and values amidst the signs of modernization.",
        "Bhutan is known for its monasteries, fortresses (or dzongs) and dramatic landscapes that range from subtropical plains to steep mountains and valleys.",
        "Gangkhar Puensum is the highest mountain in Bhutan and a strong candidate for the highest unclimbed mountain in the world with an elevation of 7 thousands meters (24 thousands feet). Its name means \"White Peak of the Three Spiritual Brothers\".",
        "The Himalaya mountains of Bhutan dominate the north of the country, where many mountain peaks reach heights of over 7 thousands meters (22 thousands feet).",
        "Bhutan's valleys are carved into the Himalaya by its rivers, fed by glacial melt and monsoon rains. Fertile valleys (less than 10 percent of the land) feed all the Bhutanese.",
        "The crystal clear rivers of Bhutan are one of the kingdom's best kept open secrets. Fed by the glacial-melt of the Eastern Himalayas, six major rivers (Wang Chhu, Sunkosh, Puna Tsang Chhu, Mangde Chhu, Kuri Chhu and Dangme Chhu and their tributaries), have been scouted for kayaking and rafting.",
        "Bhutan is home to at least 59 natural mountain lakes as well as some 2 thousands glacial lakes.",
        "There are five national parks, four wildlife sanctuaries and one nature reserve, which together constitute about 43% of Bhutan.",
        "Today, approximately 64% of the total land area of Bhutan is under forest cover.",
        "Punakha Dzong is arguably the most beautiful dzong in the country, especially in spring when the lilac-coloured jacaranda trees bring a lush sensuality to the dzong's characteristically towering whitewashed walls. This dzong was the second to be built in Bhutan and it served as the capital and seat of government until the mid-1950s. All of Bhutan's kings have been crowned here.",
        "Tashichho Dzong is a Buddhist monastery and fortress on the northern edge of the city of Thimphu in Bhutan, on the western bank of the Wang Chu. It was first constructed in 1216 A.D. by Lama Gyalwa Lhanangpa. Tashichho Dzong has been the seat of the government since 1952 and presently houses the throne room and offices of the king, the secretariat and the ministries of home affairs and finance.",
        "The word \"Bhutan\" translates to \"Land of the Thunder Dragon\". Violent storms coming off the Himalaya gave the country its name.",
        "Bhutan is a constitutional monarchy. The King ratified Bhutan's first constitution in July 2008.",
        "The economy of Bhutan, one of the world's smallest and least developed countries, is based on agriculture and forestry, which provide the main livelihood for more than 60% of the population.",
        "Bhutanese cuisine employs a lot of red rice, buckwheat, and increasingly maize. Ema datshi is a spicy dish made with large, chili peppers in a cheesy sauce (similar to chili con queso), which might be called the national dish for its ubiquity and the pride that Bhutanese have for it.",
        "In 1974, the first international tourists were allowed into Bhutan by invite only. Today it's fully open for tourism, but at the high cost of $250.00 a day per person. You must arrange all your travel through a government authorized tourist agency, but once you arrive everything is taken care of from food through to your transportation and guide.",
        "Paro Airport is the only international airport of Bhutan. Surrounded by the towering peaks of the Himalayas, Paro is one of the world's most challenging airports for pilots. Only eight pilots in the world are currently certified to land here.",
        "Bhutan is the only nation in the world where the sale of tobacco is banned.",
        "Bhutan is the first country to switch from the western ideal of Gross National Product to \"Gross National Happiness,\" which is achieved through four foundations: good governance, natural environment, sustainable growth, and cultural values.",
        "Bhutan is the happiest country in Asia, and the eighth in the world, despite widespread poverty and illiteracy. A survey pointed to the landlocked Himalayan kingdom's beautiful mountain scenery, isolated culture and strong sense of national identity as reasons for the contentment of its citizens.",
        "Archery is a national and most popular sport in Bhutan and is organized nationally within the Bhutan Archery Federation."
    "China": [
        "China is the third largest country in the world after Russia and Canada. It has the area of 9 thousands thousands Square km.",
        "China is called the Flowery Kingdom too due to its abundance of Flowers and Fruits.",
        "The modern word \"China\" most likely derives from the name of the Qin (pronounced \"chin\") dynasty.",
        "The Known record of the invention of Ice-Cream is in China. It is said around 200 BC Chinese used a frozen mixture of milk and rice. That was the ice-cream of that time.",
        "China is the World's largest Economy in PPP (Purchasing Power Parity). Its GDP is valued at US$20 trillion approximately. China surpassed the USA in GDP in 2014.",
        "Facebook is blocked in China. Despite getting blocked, there are 95 million users of it in China. Not only Facebook, Twitter, New York Times are also Blocked.",
        "China is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia.",
        "The official name of the country is the People's Republic of China.",
        "The 14 countries that border China are Russia, India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Laos, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Tajikistan, North Korea and Bhutan.",
        "China is the world's most populous country with more than 1.38 billion people \u2014 20 percent of the Earth's population.",
        "Covering approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, China is the world's second largest state by land area, and either the third or fourth-largest by total area, depending on the method of measurement.",
        "Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China. It is the nation's second-largest city after Shanghai. It was also the seat of the Ming and Qing dynasty emperors until the formation of a republic in 1911. Beijing is the political, educational and cultural center of the country and as such it is rich in historical sites and important government and cultural institutions.",
        "China's geography is highly diverse, with hills, plains, and river deltas in the east and deserts, high plateaus, and mountains in the west.",
        "The highest point in China is Mount Everest. It lies in the Mahalangur section of the Himalayas which bordering China and Nepal. Mount Everest is Earth's highest mountain. Its peak is 8 thousands meters (29 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "China's coastline covers approximately 14 thousands kilometers (9 thousands miles) from the Bohai gulf on the north to the Gulf of Tonkin on the south.",
        "China has the third longest river in the world, the Yangtze River [photo below], which reaches 6 thousands kilometers (3 thousands miles) in length. It also has the sixth longest, the Yellow River, stretching 5 thousands kilometers (3 thousands miles).",
        "China has 225 national parks.",
        "Wulingyuan is usually the only one of China's national parks to make it to a top-in-the-world list. It features some awesome towering geology, alongside rich wildlife. Zhangjiajie National Forest Park makes up most of it, alongside Suoxiyu Nature Reserve. In 1992, Wulingyuan was officially recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "China has 50 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Great Wall of China is the largest man made structure in the world, stretching an incredible 21 thousands km (13 thousands miles).",
        "The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty\u2014the years 1420 to 1912. The complex consists of 980 buildings with more than 9 thousands rooms and covers 72 hectares (178 acres). It is located in the centre of Beijing, China, and now houses the Palace Museum.",
        "The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210\u2013209 BCE and whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife.",
        "The Leshan Giant Buddha is a 71-meter (233-foot) tall stone statue, built between 713 and 803 (during the Tang Dynasty), depicting Maitreya. It is carved out of a cliff face that lies at the confluence of the Minjiang, Dadu and Qingyi rivers in the southern part of Sichuan province in China, near the city of Leshan.",
        "China has perhaps the world's longest continuous civilization; for more than 40 centuries its people created a culture with strong philosophies, traditions, and values.",
        "Chinese history is divided into dynasties, each of which marks the period when a line of emperors ruled. The first empire was the Qin dynasty and began in 221 B.C. The last emperor was overthrown in 1912, and China became a republic. The communist government began its rule in 1949 following a civil war with the Chinese Nationalists.",
        "In the last 20 years, China has changed faster than any other country in the world.",
        "China is the second largest economy in the world, after the United States of America.",
        "China is the world's largest exporter and second-largest importer of goods.",
        "China has the world's largest standing army and second-largest defense budget.",
        "In 2003 China became only the third nation (after Russia and the U.S.) to launch a manned spaceflight. The country launched a lunar orbiter in 2007 with the possibility of a manned mission to the moon by 2020.",
        "The time in China follows a single standard time offset of UTC+08:00, despite China spanning five geographical time zones.",
        "Dyeing pets to look like other wild animals is a trend in China.",
        "Badminton, football, basketball and table tennis are all major sports in China.",
        "Cricket fighting is a popular amusement in China.",
        "The giant panda lives in the misty mountains of central China and nowhere else on Earth.",
        "Selling dog meat for consumption is legal in China and approximately 10 million dogs each year are slaughtered for consumption.",
        "Every year, four million cats are eaten in China as a delicacy.",
        "Rich people in China hire body doubles to serve their prison sentence.",
        "Brad Pitt was banned from China for his role in the movie \"7 Years in Tibet.\"",
        "Villagers in central China have been using dinosaur bones as medicine \u2013 thinking they were from dragons. These bones have been dug up, then boiled in soup or ground down to make traditional medicines for decades.",
        "China is the world's largest consumer of red wine.",
        "Put together, all of China's railways lines could loop around Earth twice!"
    "Denmark": [
        "Eco-friendly Denmark hails visitors with everything from a sophistication, food-loving city in Copenhagen to Renaissance castles, wind-swept offshore islands and tiny fishing villages. This tiny country is filled with magnificent fountains and statues that bear witness to a remarkable past; regal rooms in majestic castles; centuries-old houses lining tranquil canals; a park that is the stuff of fairy tales, with twinkling lights and exotic buildings; and everywhere, people on bicycles, at sidewalk cafes, and in sailboats. Let us know some intriguing facts about this gorgeous land of Danes, Denmark",
        "Denmark is the least corrupt country in the world. In Corruption Perceptions Index, Denmark ranked first out of 178 countries with score 91 in 2015.",
        "Average every second day in Denmark is rainy. Denmark has an average of 179 days per year with precipitation, on average receiving a total of 765 millimetres (30 in) per year; autumn is the wettest season and spring the driest. The position between a continent and an ocean means that weather often changes.",
        "Denmark is the World's happiest country as per World's happiness report 2016. Denmark has good GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, people are very generous and people in Denmark get more freedom to make life choices.",
        "Denmark is one of the most coffee consuming countries in the world. 5.3 kg coffee is consumed per capita each year. It makes Denmark one of the most coffee consuming Nations.",
        "Same-sex sexual activity was legitimated in 1933, and since 1977, the age of consent is 15, regardless of sexual orientation. Denmark was the first country in the world to grant legal recognition to same-sex unions, in the form of \"registered partnerships\", in 1989. However the Same-Sex marriage law came into effect on 15 June 2012.",
        "Denmark consists of the peninsula of Jutland and an archipelago of more than 400 islands of which about 70 are inhabited.",
        "The official name of Denmark is the Kingdom of Denmark.",
        "The Kingdom of Denmark also includes the self-governing territories of the Faroe Islands and Greenland in the north Atlantic Ocean.",
        "Denmark borders Sweden, and Germany, as well as the North Sea and Baltic Sea.",
        "The official language of Denmark is Danish.",
        "In 2015, Denmark was estimated to have a population of 5 thousands thousands.",
        "Denmark is the smallest as well as the most southerly and most low-lying of the three Scandinavian countries.",
        "Copenhagen, Denmark's capital, sits on the coastal islands of Zealand and Amager, linked to Malmo in southern Sweden by longest combined road and rail bridge in Europe the \u00d6resund Bridge.",
        "About 65% of Denmark is farmland and 11% woodlands.",
        "The highest natural point in Denmark is M\u00f8lleh\u00f8j, at 170 meters (558 feet).",
        "No matter where you are in Denmark, you'll never be more than 50 kilometers (31 miles) from the sea.",
        "Denmark has 7 thousands kilometers (4 thousands miles) of coastline.",
        "Denmark is a natural home for various flora and fauna. Mammals include several deer species including roe, red and fallow, hares, foxes, squirrels and more.",
        "It either rains or snow every second day (on an average) in Denmark.",
        "Crispy pork with parsley sauce, or 'Stegt fl\u00e6sk med persillesovs', is Denmark's official national dish.",
        "Although today known world-wide as \"Danishes\" these pastries did not originate in Denmark, but were brought to Denmark by Austrian bakers, particularly from Vienna in the 1850's when Danish pastry workers went on a long-term wage strike.",
        "The United States bought the Virgin Islands, part of the West Indies, from Denmark in 1917.",
        "Lego\u00ae was invented in Denmark. Company came to be called \"Lego\", derived from the Danish phrase leg godt, which means \"play well\".",
        " Denmark took 1st spot on the United Nation's World Happiness Report, 2013 & 2014 and came in 3rd in the 2015 report, following closely behind Switzerland and Iceland.",
        "Denmark is considered the \"least corrupt\" country in the world.",
        "Not only all education is free in Denmark \u2013 students also receive 900 dollars/month from the state that they can use for whatever they want and never have to pay back.",
        "The flag of Denmark is the oldest state flag in the world still in use by an independent nation. It was adopted in 1219.",
        "The Vikings came from three countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden.",
        "The world's smallest hotel is in Denmark. A double room measuring just 2.4 meters (8 foot) by 3 meters (10 foot) wide is the only room Central Hotel, which fits neatly onto the floor above Copenhagen's Central Cafe.",
        "The people of Denmark were justifiably proud when one of their own, Niels Bohr, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. The famous Carlsberg brewery marked the occasion by giving him a house and piping fresh beer into it continuously, straight from the brewery.",
        "Interesting facts and thank you for sharing. I didn't know that Denmark has the oldest flag in the world. Good tips \ud83d\ude42"
    "Ethiopia": [
        "Once on the southern part of the Ethiopian Highlands, there was a kingdom named the Kingdom of Kaffa a medieval-early modern state, whence the coffee plant was exported to the Arabian Peninsula. The land is very fertile, capable of three harvests a year.",
        "The Ethiopian Highlands began to rise 75 million years ago, as magma from the Earth's mantle uplifted a broad dome of the ancient rocks of the Arabian-Nubian Shield.",
        "The cultivation of coffee, Ethiopia's main export, and teff, an endemic grain runs on a large scale. This is causing several land problems such as droughts and soil erosion.",
        "The Ethiopian Highlands home, Ethiopia, is the only country in Africa never to have been colonized.",
        "The popular saying \"Ethiopia-13 Months of Sunshine\" is derived from Ethiopia's all year round mild climate with a lot of warm sunshine and a calendar system that has 13 months. With approximately 850 mm (34inches) of rainfall, the countrywide average annual rainfall is moderate.",
        "Ethiopian Highlands are suffering from deforestation, drought, and soil degradation which have caused crop failures and famine during the past few decades; seven million people face starvation.",
        "Ethiopia is a landlocked country located in the northeastern part of Africa popularly known as \"the Horn of Africa\".",
        "The official name of the country is the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Ethiopia was estimated to be 103 thousands thousands people. It is the second-most populous country in Africa (after Nigeria).",
        "Addis Ababa is the capital and largest city of Ethiopia. It is located on a well-watered plateau surrounded by hills and mountains, in the geographic center of the country. Addis Ababa is the world's fourth-highest capital city.",
        "Ethiopia's topography ranges from deserts along its eastern border, the Choke and Mandebo mountains ranges in its central core, and tropical forests in the southern reaches.",
        "Ras Dejen at 4 thousands meters (14 thousands feet) above sea level is the highest mountain in Ethiopia and tenth highest mountain of Africa.",
        "The network of protected areas in Ethiopia covers about 19% of the national territory (209 thousands square kilometers / 81 thousands square miles). It is made up of 13 national parks, plus nature reserves, game reserves and other types of protected areas.",
        "The Simien Mountains National Park in Northern Ethiopia is an exotic setting with unique wildlife and breath-taking views on a landscape shaped by nature and traditional agriculture. The park is home to a number of endangered species, including the Ethiopian wolf and the walia ibex, a wild goat found nowhere else in the world. The gelada baboon and the caracal, a cat, also occur within the Simien Mountains. It was one of the first sites to be made a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1978.",
        "Ethiopia has 9 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela \u2013 the 11 medieval monolithic cave churches of this 13th-century 'New Jerusalem' situated in a mountainous region in the heart of Ethiopia near a traditional village with circular-shaped dwellings. Lalibela is a high place of Ethiopian Christianity, still today a place of pilgrimage and devotion. The Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site also in 1978.",
        "The ruins of the ancient city of Aksum are found close to Ethiopia's northern border. They mark the location of the heart of ancient Ethiopia, when the Kingdom of Aksum was the most powerful state between the Eastern Roman Empire and Persia. The massive ruins, dating from between the 1st and the 13th century A.D., include monolithic obelisks, giant stelae, royal tombs and the ruins of ancient castles. In 1980 UNESCO added Aksum's archaeological sites to its list of World Heritage Sites due to their historic value.",
        "In the 16th and 17th centuries, the fortress-city of Fasil Ghebbi was the residence of the Ethiopian emperor Fasilides and his successors. Surrounded by a 900-metre (2 thousands feet) -long wall, the city contains palaces, churches, monasteries and unique public and private buildings marked by Hindu and Arab influences, subsequently transformed by the Baroque style brought to Gondar by the Jesuit missionaries. The site was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.",
        "The Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion is the most important church in Ethiopia, and claims to contain the Ark of the Covenant. It is located in the town of Axum in the Tigray Province. The original church is believed to have been built during the reign of Ezana, the first Christian ruler of the Kingdom of Axum (Present-day Eritrea and Ethiopia), during the 4th century AD, and has been rebuilt several times since then.",
        "Holy Trinity Cathedral, known in Amharic as Kidist Selassie, was built to commemorate Ethiopia's liberation from Italian occupation and is the second most important place of worship in Ethiopia, after the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion in Axum.",
        "The Debre Birhan Selassie (Trinity and Mountain of Light) Church in Gondar is famed for its beautiful examples of Ethiopian church art. Built by an Emperor Eyasu II in the 17th century, it is among the most important churches of Ethiopia. Appealing as it is on the outside with its stone walls, arched doors and two-tiered thatch roof, it's the inner sanctuary of Debre Berhan Selassie, with its glorious frescos, that really shines.",
        "Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa and one of the oldest in the world.",
        "Tracing its roots to the 2nd millennium BC, Ethiopia was a monarchy for most of its history.",
        "Around the 8th century BC, a kingdom known as D\u02bfmt was established in northern Ethiopia and Eritrea.",
        "After the fall of D\u02bfmt during the fourth century BC, the Ethiopian plateau came to be dominated by smaller successor kingdoms. In the first century AD, the Kingdom of Aksum emerged in what is now northern Ethiopia and Eritrea. The Kingdom of Aksum was followed by the Ethiopian Empire circa 1137.",
        "Ethiopia derived prestige with its uniquely successful military resistance during the late 19th-century Scramble for Africa, becoming the only African country to defeat a European colonial power and retain its sovereignty.",
        "In 1974, the Ethiopian monarchy under Haile Selassie was overthrown by the Derg, a communist military government backed by the Soviet Union. In 1987, the Derg established the People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, but it was overthrown in 1991 by the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, which has been the ruling political coalition since.",
        "Ethiopia is one of the founding members of the United Nations.",
        "Ethiopia and Eritrea are the only African countries with their own alphabet.",
        "Ethiopia also has its own time system and unique calendar.",
        "Time in Ethiopia is counted differently from in many Western countries. The Ethiopian day is reckoned as beginning at 6 AM as opposed to 12 AM, concurrently with sunrise throughout the year. To convert between the Ethiopian clock and Western clocks, one must add (or subtract) 6 hours to the Western time. For example, 2 AM local Addis Ababa time is called \"8 at night\" in Ethiopia, while 8 PM is called \"2 in the evening\".",
        "The Ethiopian calendar is quite similar to the Julian calendar, which was the predecessor to the Gregorian calendar most countries use today. A year in the Ethiopian calendar is 13 months long, with 12 months of 30 days each. The last month has 5 days in a common year and 6 days during leap year. The main point of difference lies in the calculation of the date of the birth of Jesus; the Ethiopian calendar is 7 to 8 years behind the Gregorian calendar.",
        "According to the Western or Gregorian calendar, the Ethiopian New year or Enkutatash is celebrated on September 11th.",
        "Haile Selassie I, Ethiopia's previous Emperor, is at the core of the Rastafari movement and lifestyle. He is perceived as God incarnate, or being both heavenly and human by adherents of the Rasta culture. Haile Selassie I.",
        "Because more than 70% of Africa's mountains are found in Ethiopia, it is sometimes called \"the roof of Africa\".",
        "Several important finds have propelled Ethiopia and the surrounding region to the forefront of palaeontology. The oldest hominid discovered to date in Ethiopia is the 4.2 million year old Ardipithicus ramidus (Ardi) found by Tim D. White in 1994."
    "France": [
        "France, the land of people, the l'hexagone, the country of rich culture and art, is a unitary sovereign comprising the parts in Western Europe. France is the biggest country by size in Europe at 643 thousands km sq., which includes the islands of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, and R\u00e9union Island. From having some of the world's oldest buildings to world's oldest human being, France is pretty astonishing in itself! Let us read more about it",
        "The two-piece bikini as we know it now, was invented in France in 1946 and was almost called atome (atom",
        "France is officially known as the French Republic.",
        "The name France comes from the Latin word Francia, which means 'country of the Franks'.",
        "France, in Western Europe, encompasses medieval and port cities, tranquil villages, mountains and Mediterranean beaches.",
        "France is the largest country in the EU \u2013 with an area of 551 thousands square km.",
        "In 2015, France was estimated to have a population of 64 thousands thousands.",
        "Paris, is the capital of France, is known worldwide for its couture fashion houses, classical art museums including the Louvre and monuments like the Eiffel Tower.",
        "France is the most visited country in the world 83.7 million tourists in 2014.",
        "The Alps mountain range on the border of France and Italy is home to France's highest mountain, Mont Blanc, which stands at 4 thousandsm high (15 thousands ft).",
        "With its overseas territories, France uses 12 different time zones, the most of any country in the world.",
        "Each new day in France sees about two new cooking books published.",
        "All champagne is produced in the Champagne region in France. Otherwise it is called sparkling wine.",
        "France has won the most Nobel Prizes for literature of any country.",
        "The most famous road bicycle race in the world, the Tour de France zig zags through the French landscape.",
        "There's a Coffee Shop in France where not saying \"hello\" and \"please\" makes your coffee more expensive.",
        "France was the first country to introduce the licence plate with the passage of the Paris Police Ordinance on August 14, 1893.",
        "France once controlled more than 8% of the world's land.",
        "There are more people speaking French in Africa than in France.",
        "Ther are about 40 thousands ch\u00e2teau in France.",
        "Louis XIX was King of France for just 20 minutes.",
        "Potatoes were illegal in France for 24 years. In 1748 the French Parliament forbade the cultivation of the potato on the grounds that it was thought to cause leprosy. This law remained in effect until 1772.",
        "For 214 years until 2012, it was illegal in Paris, France, for women to wear trousers.",
        "A 1910 law in France forbids couples from kissing on train platforms to avoid delayed departures."
    "Georgia": [
        "Georgia, the last of original 13 colonies, was named after King George of the Great Britain. It was one of the seven Confederate States and joined the Union on 15th July 1870. Largely known as the Empire state of the south or the peach state, Georgia has several interesting and awe-inspiring hidden aspects. Let's dig up some interesting facts about Georgi",
        "The state of Georgia is known for some of its \"firsts,\" like hosting the first gold rush in the U.S. and being the first largest state east of the Mississippi River. Besides, Georgia was the last of the original thirteen English colonies",
        "In May 1886, John Pemberton, a Confederate Colonel, formulated Coca-Cola at a drugstore in Columbus, Georgia. At present, the headquarter of Coca-Cola is in Atlanta, the Capital of Georgia",
        "Six Flags over Georgia is a popular theme park which as a matter of fact named for six flags that flew over Georgia. The flags of Spain, Liberty, Georgia, England, Confederate States of America and the United States of America",
        "Watermelons are native to Georgia, with Cordele being the watermelon capital of the world. Add in the state's fruit- peach, and you'll know the reason why Georgia is one of the sweetest, juiciest states in the world",
        "Georgia is a country located at the intersection of Eastern Europe and West Asia, and generally considered to be part of Europe.",
        "The official name is Georgia.",
        "Bounded to the west by the Black Sea, Georgia is bordered to the north and northeast by Russia, to the south by Turkey and Armenia, and to the southeast by Azerbaijan.",
        "The official language is Georgian.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Georgia was estimated to be 3 thousands thousands people.",
        "Tbilisi is the capital and the largest city of Georgia. Its mazelike, cobblestoned old town reflects a long, complicated history, with periods under Persian and Russian rule. Its diverse architecture encompasses Eastern Orthodox churches, art nouveau buildings with ornate balconies and Soviet Modernist structures.",
        "Georgia is a land with a magnificent history and unparalleled natural beauty.",
        "Geographically, Georgia is very mountainous with the exceptions of the Black Sea coast and the valley running east and west across the center of the country.",
        "The highest mountain in Georgia is Mount Shkhara at 5 thousands meters (17 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "The coastline of Georgia is 310 kilometers (193 miles) long.",
        "Forests cover around 40% of Georgia's territory.",
        "Georgian Protected Areas include: 14 Strict Nature Reserves, 9 National Parks, 17 Managed Nature Reserves, 14 Natural Monuments and 2 Protected Landscapes ; which amounts to approximately 7% of the country's territory.",
        "Georgia has a long history of establishing Protected Areas dating back to 1912 when the Lagodekhi Strict Nature Reserve was created.",
        "The Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park is located in central Georgia and is part of the Caucasian upland region (Smaller Caucasus). The park is one of the largest in Europe \u2013 it covers more than 76 thousands hectares of native forest and sub-alpine and alpine meadows, home to rare species of flora and fauna.",
        "With a staggering depth of 2 thousands meters (7 thousands feet), Krubera Cave (also known as Voronya or Voronja Cave) is the deepest known cave in the world. Located in the Arabika Massif, of the Western Caucasus in Abkhazia, Georgia, it extends for 13.432 kilometers (8 thousands miles.)",
        "Vardzia is a cave monastery site in southern Georgia, excavated from the slopes of the Erusheti Mountain on the left bank of the Kura River. The main period of construction was the second half of the twelfth century. The caves stretch along the cliff for some five hundred metres and in up to nineteen tiers. The Church of the Dormition dating to the 1180s.",
        "The Svetitskhoveli Cathedral is an Eastern Orthodox cathedral located in the historic town of Mtskheta, Georgia, to the northwest of the Georgian capital Tbilisi. A masterpiece of the Early Middle Ages, Svetitskhoveli is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.",
        "The Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tbilisi commonly known as Sameba is the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church located in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. Constructed between 1995 and 2004, it is the third-tallest Eastern Orthodox cathedral in the world and one of the largest religious buildings in the world by total area.",
        "Gergeti Trinity Church is a popular name for Holy Trinity Church near the village of Gergeti in Georgia. The church is situated on the right bank of the river Chkheri, at an elevation of 2170 meters, under Mount Kazbegi. The Gergeti Trinity Church is built in the 14th century.",
        "Gelati is a medieval monastic complex near Kutaisi, in the Imereti region of western Georgia. A masterpiece of the Georgian Golden Age, Gelati was founded in 1106 by King David IV of Georgia and is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.",
        "The Cathedral of the Dormition, or the Kutaisi Cathedral, more commonly known as Bagrati Cathedral, is an 11th-century cathedral in the city of Kutaisi, the Imereti region of Georgia. A masterpiece of the medieval Georgian architecture. That same year in 1994 Bagrati Cathedral, together with the Gelati Monastery, was included in UNESCO's World Heritage Site list as a single entity.",
        "Uplistsikhe, whose name translates to 'Fortress of the Lord', is an ancient rock-hewn town which played a significant role in Georgian history over a period of approximately 3 thousands years. Archaeological excavations have revealed extraordinary artifacts dating from the late Bronze Age all the way up to the late Middle Ages.",
        "Archaeologists found the oldest traces of wine production (6 thousands BC) in Georgia.",
        "Due to the many millennia of wine in Georgian history, and its key economical role, the traditions of its viticulture are entwined and inseparable with the country's national identity.",
        "UNESCO added the ancient traditional Georgian winemaking method using the Kvevri clay jars to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists.",
        "There are just 14 independent alphabets in the world and Georgian is one of them.",
        "The Georgian kingdom of Iberia converted to Christianity in 326 AD.",
        "The Georgian cuisine is unique to the country, but also carries some influences from other European and nearby Middle Eastern culinary traditions. Each historical province of Georgia has its own distinct culinary tradition, with variations such as Megrelian, Kakhetian, and Imeretian cuisines. Heavy on meat dishes, the Georgian cuisine also offers a variety of vegetarian dishes."
    "Ghana": [
        "Ghana stands for \"Warrior King\" in the Soninke language.",
        "The British colony of the Gold Coast and the Togoland trust territory lead to the formation of the nation, Ghana in the year 1957. Ghana became the first colonial nation in the sub-Saharan countries of Africa to gain its independence.",
        "The Ghana Empire was built on trade in salt and gold, which is why British merchants later called it the Gold Coast.",
        "Ghana is known as one of the more stable democratic countries in West Africa since it has become a multi-party democracy in the year 1992.",
        "Ghana is Africa's second-largest producer of Gold. The Ghanaians are big exporters of gold with Ghanaian gold bars and other Ghanaian natural minerals. In 2016, it produced 90 metric ton gold, ranked 11th in the world.",
        "Ghana was ranked as Africa's most peaceful country by the Global Peace Index.",
        "Ghana is a country located in Western Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Ghana.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Ghana was estimated to be 28 thousands thousands people.",
        "Accra is the capital and and largest city of Ghana. The city stretches along the Ghanaian Atlantic coast and extends north inland. Founded in the 17th century by the Ga people, Accra became the capital of the British Gold Coast in 1877. Following Ghana's independence in 1957, Accra became the capital of the newly independent state.",
        "Ghana's terrain consists of small desert mountains with the Kwahu Plateau in the south-central area. Half of the country lies less than 152 meters (499 ft) above sea level, and the highest point is 883 meters (2 thousands ft).",
        "Formed by the Akosombo Dam, and completed in 1965, Lake Volta is the largest reservoir by surface area in the world, and the fourth largest one by water volume. It is located completely within Ghana, and it has a surface area of about 8 thousands square kilometers (3 thousands square miles).",
        "The network of protected areas in Ghana covers about 15% of the national territory (36 thousands square kilometers / 13 thousands square miles). It is made up of 8 national parks, plus wildlife sanctuary, game reserves and other types of protected areas.",
        "Wli Waterfalls cascades from a height of 80 meters (260 feet), and is the highest waterfalls in West Africa. The hills mark the border between Ghana and neighboring Togo. A walk through the forest of the Agumatsa wildlife sanctuary offers a chance to see a large colony of fruit bats, butterflies, birds, monkeys and baboons. To get there one has to walk through the rain forest on a small footpath crossing 9 smaller streams in the process.",
        "Cape Coast Castle is one of about forty \"slave castles\", or large commercial forts, built on the Gold Coast of West Africa (now Ghana) by European traders. It was originally built by the Swedes for trade in timber and gold, but later used in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. They were used to hold slaves before they were loaded onto ships and sold in the Americas, especially the Caribbean. This \"gate of no return\" was the last stop before crossing the Atlantic Ocean.",
        "The Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum and memorial park is located in downtown Accra, the capital of Ghana. The park and mausoleum were built to honor Kwame Nkrumah (1909 \u2013 27 April 1972) who led Ghana to independence from Britain in 1957 and served as its first prime minister and president. The mausoleum designed by Don Aurthur, houses the body of Dr Kwame Nkrumah and his wife Fathia Nkrumah, it is meant to represent an upside down sword which in the Akan culture is a symbol of peace.",
        "The territory of present-day Ghana has been inhabited for a millennium, with the first permanent state dating back to the 11th century.",
        "European contact with Ghana began in 1470. In 1482, the Portuguese built a trading settlement there. Shortly thereafter for three centuries, the Portuguese, English, Dutch, Danes and Germans all controlled different parts of the coast.",
        "In 1821, the British took control of all of the trading posts located on the Gold Coast. From 1826 to 1900, the British then fought battles against the native Ashanti and in 1902, the British defeated them and claimed the northern part of today's Ghana.",
        "On 6 March 1957, Ghana became the first sub-Saharan African nation to become independent of European colonisation.",
        "Ghana means \"Warrior King\" in the Soninke language.",
        "The economy of Ghana has a diverse and rich resource base, including the manufacturing and exportation of digital technology goods, automotive and ship construction and exportation, and the exportation of diverse and rich resources such as hydrocarbons and industrial minerals.",
        "Ghana is Africa's second-biggest gold producer (after South Africa) and second-largest cocoa producer.",
        "The Ghanaian cedi is the unit of currency of Ghana. The word cedi is the Akan word for cowry shell which were formerly used as currency in what is now Ghana.",
        "Ghana is one of the most peaceful countries in Africa.",
        "Football is the most popular sport in Ghana and the national men's football team is known as the Black Stars, with the under-20 team known as the Black Satellites.",
        "Ghana's stratification system follows both precolonial and modern patterns. Most traditional kingdomswere divided into three hereditary classes: royals, commoners, and slaves.",
        "The Ghana Empire was built on trade in salt and gold, which is why British merchants later called it the Gold Coast."
    "Greece": [
        "Nowadays most of the countries follow democracy. Greece is the birthplace of democracy, not only democracy it is the birthplace of Western Philosophy, History, Political Science, Western literature, major mathematical principles, and Western theories of tragedy and comedy.",
        "In Greece, the dead are always buried because the Greek Orthodox Church forbids cremation. Five years after a burial, the body is exhumed and the bones are first washed with wine and then placed in an Ossuary (a container or room in which the bones of dead people are placed). This is done in part to relieve the shortage of land in Greek cemeteries.",
        "Greece has one of the lowest divorce rates in the EU. Greece traditionally also has the highest abortion rates.",
        "Greece is a country in southeastern Europe consisting of 2 mainland peninsulas and thousands of islands dotting the blue Aegean Sea to the east, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and the Ionian Sea to the west.",
        "The official name of Greece is the Hellenic Republic.",
        "The official language of Greece is Greek.",
        "Greece is bordered by Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Republic of Macedonia and also Greece shares maritime borders with Cyprus, Egypt, Italy, and Libya.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Greece was estimated to be 11 thousands thousands people.",
        "Greece has around 6.000 islands in total, scattered in the Aegean and Ionian Seas, of which only 227 are inhabited.",
        "Greece has 13 thousands kilometers (8 thousands miles) of coastline, the 13th longest in the world.",
        "The mountainous regions of the country, particularly the forests of Greece, host bears, wild cats, brown squirrels, jackals, wolves, foxes, deer and lynxes (especialy the northern foresta). A rare species of wild goat, known as kri-kri, inhabits the mountainous regions of Crete island.",
        "Thousands of birds stop in Greece's wetlands on their migrations. As many as 100 thousands birds from northern Europe and Asia spend their winters there.",
        "People of Greece are the largest consumers of cheese worldwide. An average person from Greece consumes around 27.3 kilograms (60.1 pounds) of cheese every year, about 3/4 of which is feta cheese.",
        "Greece is the \"sunniest\" country In Europe with more than 250 days of sunshine or 3 thousands sunny hours a year.",
        "Approximately 17 million tourists visit Greece each year, more than the country's entire population.",
        "Greece has more international airports than most countries because so many foreign tourists want to visit.",
        "Greece has more archaeological museums than any other country in the world.",
        "Greece is the leading producer of sea sponges.",
        "The Meteora is one of the largest and most important complexes of Greek Orthodox monasteries in Greece, second only to Mount Athos.",
        "Mount Athos or Agion Oros, as it is locally known, is the oldest surviving monastic community in the world. It dates back more than a thousand years, to Byzantine times. It is a unique monastic republic, which, although part of Greece, it is governed by its own local administration. Today there are 20 monasteries of which 17 are Greek, one Russian, one Serbian, and one Bulgarian.",
        "A popular Greek tradition is called 'name day'. Each name that come from a religious saint has a given day each year which is celebrated by the church. People who share the same name also celebrate the day, often receiving gifts from their friends and family. Name days are even more important than birthdays in Greece!"
    "Guinea": [
        "Well, don't just go on the name. Guinea pigs are not really pigs, and they do not come from Guinea. They originally come from Andes Mountains of South America. They are tailless rodents with stout bodies",
        "Guinea pigs cannot make their own Vitamin C. Therefore; they need to get it supplemented into their diet",
        "Guinea pigs have a small triangular mouth, which contains 20 teeth. Unlike other rodents, they keep on growing teeth continuously for which they need to chew or gnaw constantly from growing them too long",
        "Guinea pigs have the ability to build social relationships with humans and other animals",
        "Guinea pigs are quite an intelligent animal and love to seek its owner attention by making sounds and whistling",
        "Guinea pigs don't really like to sleep for long hours. Instead, they take short naps throughout the day and night",
        "Guinea pigs like to purr like a cat when they are happy especially when they are held and loved. They also whistle when they see their food. Now, this is adorable",
        "Guinea is a country on the western coast of Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Guinea.",
        "The country is sometimes referred to as Guinea-Conakry in order to distinguish it from other parts of the wider region of the same name, such as Guinea-Bissau and Equatorial Guinea.",
        "Guinea is bordered by Guinea-Bissau to the northwest, Senegal to the north, Mali to the northeast, Ivory Coast to the southeast, Liberia and Sierra Leone to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Guinea was estimated to be 13 thousands thousands people.",
        "Conakry is the capital and largest city of Guinea. Conakry is a port city on the Atlantic Ocean and serves as the economic, financial and cultural centre of Guinea.",
        "Guinea is divided into four geographic regions: Maritime Guinea (Lower Guinea) a coastal plain running north to south behind the coast; the pastoral Fouta Djallon highlands (Middle Guinea); the northern savanna (Upper Guinea); and a southeastern rain-forest region (Forest Guinea).",
        "Mount Richard-Molard is a mountain along the border of Ivory Coast and Guinea in West Africa. The highest peak for both countries and the Nimba Range is at 1 thousands meters (5 thousands feet).",
        "The Niger River, the Gambia River, and the Senegal River are among the 22 West African rivers that have their origins in Guinea.",
        "Guinea Coast has 320 kilometers (200 miles) of coastline.",
        "Situated a few hours' drive northeast of Conakry, Cape Verga has some of the country's best beaches. Since the arrival of a large hotel commissioned by Guinea's President Alpha Conte, Bel Air Beach isn't the unspoiled haven it once was. Nearby Sobane beach has cheaper and less intrusive beachside accommodations. Between these beaches is a mostly deserted stretch of sand that visitors can explore at will.",
        "The network of protected areas in Guinea covers about 35.6% of the national territory (87 thousands square kilometers / 33 thousands square miles). It is made up of 3 national parks and other types of protected areas.",
        "Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve is a protected area and UNESCO World Heritage Site located in both Guinea and C\u00f4te d'Ivoire, extending over a total of area of 17 thousands hectares (43 thousands acres), with 12 thousands hectares (30 thousands acres) in Guinea, and 5 thousands hectares (12 thousands acres) in C\u00f4te d'Ivoire. The reserve covers significant portions of the Nimba Range, a geographically unique area with unusually rich flora and fauna, including exceptional numbers of single-site endemic species, such as viviparous toads, and horseshoe bats.",
        "The land that is now Guinea belonged to a series of African empires until France colonized it in the 1890s, and made it part of French West Africa.",
        "Despite several attempts by locals to overthrow the French government, Guinea was still incorporated into the French West Africa in the early 1900's and was called French Guinea. During the time, railroad and port facilities were established, and the territory became a major export channel. Further industrialization came in the 1950's, when Guinea discovered iron mining.",
        "Guinea declared its independence from France on 2 October 1958.",
        "The etymology of \"Guinea\" is uncertain. The English term Guinea comes directly from the Portuguese word Guin\u00e9, which emerged in the mid-15th century to refer to the lands inhabited by the Guineus, a generic term for the black African peoples south of the Senegal River.",
        "Guinea is richly endowed with minerals, possessing an estimated quarter of the world's proven reserves of bauxite, more than 1.8 billion metric tons (2.0 billion short tons) of high-grade iron ore, significant diamond and gold deposits, and undetermined quantities of uranium.",
        "Guinea's mineral wealth makes it potentially one of Africa's richest countries, but its people are among the poorest in West Africa.",
        "The majority of Guineans work in the agriculture sector, which employs approximately 75% of the country.",
        "Guinea is a predominantly Islamic country, with Muslims representing 85 percent of the population.",
        "The population of Guinea comprises about 24 ethnic groups.",
        "Guinean cuisine varies by region with rice as the most common staple.",
        "Football is the most popular sport in Guinea. Their national football team is called Syli Nationale which literally means National Elephants."
    "India": [
        "It is unthinkable not to be staggered by the word India. It is known for its rich blend of art and culture. Settled within Southern Asia, India's head is roofed by the mighty Himalayas, one hand ends on the Arabian Sea, the opposite on the Bay of Bengal, feet extends up to the Indian Ocean, heart covers the Vindhyachal Mountain and the nerves are rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, and Kaveri. Let's explore some interesting facts about Indi",
        "Be it attributable to secular, non-secular reasons or personal selections or each, around 1/3 of Indians are vegetarians, creating it the most important vegan-friendly place in the world. KFC & McDonald's also have a vegetarian menu in their outlets in India",
        "A study shows that India was once a continent around 100 million years ago when dinosaurs ruled the planet earth. It had burst far away from associate ancient supercontinent cited as Gondwanaland, and was moving slowly within the northward. But with continental drifting, it'll become an island in some million years",
        "A bitter indisputable fact that will not surprise those who are familiar with Indian roads and traffic sense. Around 1,37 thousands people died on Indian roads alone in 2013. Numerous awareness campaigns and initiatives have been taken by the government, NGO's and media, however, the rising road accident rate appears to be unconcerned",
        "As a rich agricultural nation, India is the leading producer of fruits (41.5 metric ton), sugarcane (295.73 metric ton) and coconut (13 billion nuts). India alone has around 1/2 of the buffaloes in the world (8.42 million) and therefore, it's also among the world's leading milk producers",
        "Indian Economy is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Thanks to its demographic dividend (young population), controlled dependency ratio, and economic liberalization since 1991",
        "Derived from a Sanskrit language word \"Chaturanga,\" which implies quad associates of military personnel, is believed to be fabricated in northern India in the 6th century and due to its massive acceptance, it reached all over the world",
        "Let's give you a tipsy fact! It might be hard to believe, but, it's a fact that about half of the world's whiskey consumption happens in India, which is around about 1.5 billion liters every year",
        "India was the only Diamond producing country in the world until 1896",
        "Martial Arts were originated in India. Later, Buddhist missionaries spread it to the rest of Asia",
        "Located in Northern Kashmir, the Siachen Glacier is regarded as the world's highest battlefield. Situated at altitudes that range from 13 thousands-22 thousands ft (4 thousands-6 thousands m), the area is claimed by both India and Pakistan, and the two rival nations have thousands of soldiers stationed there. However, death mostly comes from freezing temperatures, falls into crevasses or from being swept away by avalanches",
        "India is a country in South Asia.",
        "The official name is the Republic of India.",
        "India is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the southwest, and the Bay of Bengal on the southeast, it shares land borders with Pakistan to the west; China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the north; and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east.",
        "As of October 2019, the population of India was estimated to be 1.35 billion people. It is the 2nd most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world.",
        "India has two official languages: Hindi and English.",
        "New Delhi is the capital of India and seat of all three branches of the Government of India. The foundation stone of the city was laid by Emperor George V during the Delhi Durbar of 1911. It was designed by British architects, Sir Edwin Lutyens and Sir Herbert Baker. The new capital was inaugurated on 13 February 1931, by Viceroy and Governor-General of India Lord Irwin.",
        "The geography of India is extremely diverse, with landscape ranging from snow-capped mountain ranges to deserts, plains, hills and plateaus.",
        "The Himalayas form the highest mountain range in the world, and slope southward into a large fertile plain that covers much of India. To the west of the country is the Thar Desert, which consists of a mix of rocky and sandy desert.",
        "India's highest point is Kanchenjunga which rises 8 thousands meters (28 thousands feet) above sea level. It is the third highest mountain in the world.",
        "India's coastline measures 7 thousands kilometers (4 thousands miles) in length.",
        "Numerous rivers drain the land, and without question, the Ganges is the heartbeat of India and one of the most significant rivers on the planet. It flows 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) from the Himalaya mountains to the Bay of Bengal in northern India and Bangladesh.",
        "India has 35 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Varanasi is a city on the banks of the river Ganga in southeastern Uttar Pradesh state, northern India. A major religious hub in India, it is the holiest of the seven sacred cities (Sapta Puri) in Hinduism and Jainism, and played an important role in the development of Buddhism and Ravidassia. Varanasi is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Its early history is that of the first Aryan settlement in the middle Ganges valley.",
        "The Gateway of India is an arch-monument built in the early twentieth-century located in the city of Mumbai. It was erected to commemorate the landing of the first British monarch in India; King-Emperor George V and Queen-Empress Mary's arrival at Apollo Bunder, Mumbai (then Bombay) in December 1911.",
        "The Golden Temple, also known as Sri Harmandir Sahib or Sri Darbar Sahib is located in the city of Amritsar in the state of Punjab, India. It is a place of great beauty and sublime peacefulness. The name Sri Harmandir Sahib literally means the \"Temple of God\". It is the most important shrine of the Sikh religion.",
        "The Qutb Minar, is a minaret that forms part of the Qutb complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Mehrauli area of Delhi, India. Qutb Minar is a 73-meter (239.5 feet) tall tapering tower of five storeys, with a 14.3 meters (47 feet) base diameter, reducing to 2.7 meters (9 feet) at the top of the peak. It contains a spiral staircase of 379 steps.",
        "India is the world's largest, oldest, continuous civilization.",
        "The name 'India' is derived from the River Indus, which originates from the Old Persian word Hindu\u0161.",
        "India never invaded any country in its history.",
        "100 million people come to India's Kumbh Mela festival, the world's biggest gathering of humans and is visible from space.",
        "India has the world's lowest meat consumption per person.",
        "75% of all the world's spices come from India.",
        "India has the majority of the world's wild tigers, nearly 3 thousands.",
        "The first diamonds were mined in Golconda in India around 4000\u20135000 years ago.",
        "The earliest predecessor of chess originated in India, before the 6th century AD."
    "Indonesia": [
        "Indonesia, the name of the country itself is quite interesting as it is made up of two different words from two different languages. Indonesia is a combination of Latin word 'Indus' which means Indian and Greek word 'nesos' which means Island. Let's learn some more interesting facts about this diverse archipelago of Islan",
        "Indonesia is composed of more a huge number of islands; basically there are more than 17000 islands and about 6000 of them are inhibited by people. That's why Indonesia had gained the status of being the largest archipelago in the world. The most surprising fact about these islands is that about half of these islands are still unnamed. So, if you ever plan on disappearing you can just go to one of these no-name islands and your address will be: one of the 8 thousands no named island",
        "When people of so many different tribes and religion coexist in a single country then their motto must be \"Unity in Diversity\" and it is actually the motto of Indonesia",
        "To most people the word Java is synonymous to the computer programming language JAVA. But Java is also the name of one of the island of Indonesia. This island is so popular for its coffee beans that Java became a slang term for Coffee",
        "One earthquake makes fear creep in our heart. Imagine the plight of people who faces around 4 earthquakes every day. No, it is not a joke. Indonesia contains about 400 volcanoes all over the country out of which about 150 are active and hence faces so many earthquakes",
        "Indonesia, a Southeast Asian nation made up of thousands of volcanic islands, is home to hundreds of ethnic groups speaking many different languages.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Indonesia.",
        "The official language is Indonesian.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Indonesia was estimated to be 259 thousands thousands people. Indonesia is the world's fourth most populated country.",
        "With a total area of 1 thousands thousands square kilometers (741 thousands square miles), Indonesia is the world's 15th-largest country.",
        "Jakarta is the capital and most populous city of Indonesia. It sits on the northwest coast of the island of Java. A historic mix of cultures \u2013 Javanese, Malay, Chinese, Arab, Indian and European \u2013 has influenced its architecture, language and cuisine.",
        "Indonesia is an archipelagic island country in South east Asia, lying between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.",
        "Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic country, with more than 17 thousands islands. The largest islands are Sumatra, Java (the most populous), Bali, Kalimantan (Indonesia's part of Borneo), Sulawesi (Celebes), the Nusa Tenggara island and the Moluccas Islands.",
        "The geography of Indonesia is dominated by volcanoes that are formed due to subduction zones between the Eurasian plate and the Indo-Australian plate. Java for example has 50 active volcanoes.",
        "At 4 thousands meters (16 thousands feet) above sea level, Puncak Jaya is the highest mountain in Indonesia.",
        "Indonesia has 54 thousands kilometers (33 thousands miles) of coastline; It is the second longest coastline in the world after Canada.",
        "With tropical forests covering 60% of its territory, Indonesia hosts an abundance of natural resources and animal species.",
        "Indonesia's tropical forests are home to some of the highest levels of biological diversity in the world.",
        "There are over 500 protected areas in Indonesia, of which 50 national parks are covering 16.4 million hectares (40.5 million acres), and another 527 nature and game reserves cover further 28.3 million hectares (70 million acres). The total protected land area represents over 15% of Indonesia's landmass.",
        "The Komodo National Park is a national park in Indonesia. The national park was founded in 1980 to protect the Komodo dragon, the world's largest lizard. Komodo National Park has been selected as one of the New7Wonders of Nature. In 1991 the national park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "Indonesia has 8 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Borobudur is a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist temple in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The monument consists of nine stacked platforms, six square and three circular, topped by a central dome. The temple is decorated with 2 thousands relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. It was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991.",
        "Prambanan is the largest and most beautiful Hindu temple complex in Indonesia. It is the masterpiece of Hindu culture of the ninth century. Prambanan was selected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991.",
        "For many people, Bali is beaches. Arguably Indonesia's most popular vacation spot, Bali has a number of cultural landmarks and traditions that make a visit here worthwhile.",
        "Mount Bromo, is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif, in East Java, Indonesia. At 2 thousands metres (7 thousands feet) it is not the highest peak of the massif, but is the most well known. The massif area is one of the most visited tourist attractions in East Java, Indonesia.",
        "Lake Toba is a huge caldera lake found on Sumatra Island, in Indonesia. It is over 100 kilometer (62 miles) long and 30 kilometers (19 miles) wide, and is the largest lake in Indonesia, and the largest Volcano Lake in the world.",
        "Located in East Java, Indonesia is a volcano that spews blue colored flames. Sulfur combusts on contact with air to create stunning blue lava-like rivers of light in the Kawah Ijen crater.",
        "Marco Polo was the first European to visit Indonesia, in 1292.",
        "The name Indonesia derives from the Greek translation of the Indus River and the word n\u00e8sos, meaning \"Indian island\". The name dates to the 18th century, far predating the formation of independent Indonesia.",
        "During World War II, the Japanese invaded and occupied Indonesia from 1942 to 1945.",
        "Despite being one of the G20 group of world's leading economies, fifty percent of Indonesia's population is still poor, hovering around the poverty line, living on less than US$2 per day.",
        "Export earnings from oil and natural gas help the economy, and Indonesia is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).",
        "Indonesian cuisine is one of the most vibrant and colorful cuisines in the world, full of intense flavor. Based on Chinese, European, Middle Eastern, and Indian influences, Indonesian cuisine varies a lot by region. Traditional meals usually involve rice served with side dishes of fish or chicken, vegetables, spices and coconut milk.",
        "The Komodo dragon is the national animal of Indonesia.",
        "Indonesia has the world's highest rate of deforestation, with Brazil as a close second.",
        "Indonesia is one of the world's largest producers of nutmeg.",
        "Indonesia is the world's largest exporter of frog meat, exporting more than 5 thousands tonnes of frog meat each year, mostly to France, Belgium and Luxembourg.",
        "Palm oil production is important to the economy of Indonesia as the country is the world's biggest producer and consumer of the commodity, providing about half the world supply.",
        "Kopi luwak, the world's most expensive coffee is from Indonesia. Price is from $100 to $600 for 450 grams (1 pound). The main factor of it's high price is the uncommon method of producing such a coffee. It has been produced from the coffee beans which have been digested by a certain Indonesian cat-like animal called then palm civet or civet cat.",
        "The Indonesian-Malay word for the sauce was kecap (pronounced \"kay-chap\"). That word evolved into the English word \"ketchup\"."
    "Israel": [
        "Israel is the largest Jewish state in the world. Israel has largest population for Jewish people of over six million.",
        "Israel is situated at the lowest point on the surface of the Planet. The Dead Sea is located 1 thousands feet below sea level and is also one of the saltiest bodies of water.",
        "Israel is the one of the most controversial countries in the world. Israel has several conflicts with Palestine over land.",
        "Israel has the third highest rate of entrepreneurship in the world.",
        "Israel has over 3000 hi-tech companies. Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world (apart from the Silicon Valley).",
        "Israel has been the hub of some of the major technological advances in recent years, incorporating: the development for the very first cell phone was believed to have been done in Israel by Motorola (which has its largest development center in Israel), most of the Windows NT operating systems were developed by Microsoft-Israel, the Pentium MMX Chip technology was designed in Israel at Intel, and voice mail technology was also developed in Israel.",
        "Most of the population in Israel contains Computers at home. This country has one of the highest percentage of home computers in the World.",
        "Israel is a country in the Middle East, on the southeastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea and the northern shore of the Red Sea.",
        "The official name of the country is the State of Israel.",
        "Israel has land borders with Lebanon to the north, Syria to the northeast, Jordan on the east, the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip to the east and west, respectively, and Egypt to the southwest.",
        "Hebrew and Arabic are the official languages of Israel.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Israel was estimated to be 8 thousands thousands people.",
        "Israel's area is approximately 20 thousands square kilometers (8 thousands square miles).",
        "Israel stretches 424 km (263 mi) from north to south, and its width ranges from 114 km (71 mi) to, at its narrowest point, 15 km (9.3 mi).",
        "Jerusalem, a Middle Eastern city west of the Dead Sea, has been a place of pilgrimage and worship for Jews, Christians and Muslims since the biblical era. Israelis and Palestinians both claim Jerusalem as their capital, as the State of Israel maintains its primary governmental institutions there while the State of Palestine ultimately foresees the city as its seat of power; however, neither claim is widely recognized internationally.",
        "The geography of Israel is very diverse, with desert conditions in the south, and snow-capped mountains in the north.",
        "Mount Meron is a mountain in Israel. It has special significance in Jewish religious tradition and parts of it have been declared a nature reserve. At 1 thousands meters (3 thousands feet) above sea level, Mount Meron is the highest peak in Israel, though many peaks in the Israeli-occupied area of the Golan Heights and Mount Hermon are higher.",
        "Israel has a coastline length of 273 kilometers (170 miles).",
        "In total there are 137 beaches in Israel.",
        "The Dead Sea between Israel and Jordan is the lowest point on the Earth's surface at 429 meters (1 thousands feet) below sea level. Although its name implies otherwise, the Dead Sea isn't actually a sea at all. It's really a lake. The water is so salty and rich in mineral deposits that no plants and animals can survive there.",
        "The Sea of Galilee is the largest freshwater lake in Israel. It is approximately 53 km (33 mi) in circumference, about 21 km (13 mi) long, and 13 km (8.1 mi) wide. At levels between 215 metres (705 ft) and 209 metres (686 ft) below sea level, it is the lowest freshwater lake on Earth and the second-lowest lake in the world (after the Dead Sea).",
        "Israel has 9 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Masada is an ancient fortification in the Southern District of Israel situated on top of an isolated rock plateau, akin to a mesa. It is located on the eastern edge of the Judaean Desert, overlooking the Dead Sea 20 km (12 mi) east of Arad. Masada is one of Israel's most popular tourist attractions. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001.",
        "Israel maintains more than 150 nature reserves that protect 2 thousands species of indigenous wild plants, 20 species of fish, 400 species of birds and 70 species of mammals.",
        "Israel's national bird is the hoopoe.",
        "Israel does not have a universally recognized national dish; however, many consider it to be falafel, deep fried balls of seasoned, ground chickpeas.",
        "Israel is the only fully democratic country in the Middle East.",
        "Israel is one of only nine countries in the world that can launch its own satellites into space.",
        "Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel which he politely declined.",
        "At least 400 descendants of Nazis have converted to Judaism and moved to Israel, according to filmmakers who made a documentary about the phenomenon several years ago.",
        "Every year, 1 thousands letters arrive in Jerusalem, Israel, addressed to God.",
        "Israel was the first country to ban underweight models.",
        "The first anti-virus software for computers was developed in Israel in 1979."
    "Italy": [
        "Italy is quite exquisite when it comes to the architecture and culture. Often referred to as \"lo Stivale\" (the boot), it is a unitary parliamentary republic in Europe. The place is quite fascinating with its picturesque monuments and gardens. In order to really know what's inside, keep the following facts in mind about this boot-shaped countr",
        "Italy is officially known as the Italian Republic.",
        "Italy covers an area of 301 thousands km2, due to its shape, it is often referred to in Italy as lo Stivale meaning the Boot.",
        "Italy, commanding a long Mediterranean coastline, has left a powerful mark on Western culture and cuisine.",
        "Countries that border Italy are Austria, France, Vatican City, San Marino, Slovenia and Switzerland.",
        "Vatican City and San Marino are very small independent states located inside Italy.",
        "Italy is the 5th most populous country in Europe. In 2015 was estimated to have a population of 60 thousands thousands.",
        "In terms of population, Italy is the 3rd oldest country in the world, behind Japan and Germany.",
        "Rome, Italy's capital, is a sprawling, cosmopolitan city with nearly 3 thousands years of globally influential art, architecture and culture on display.",
        "Italy is fourth most visited country in the world.",
        "Italy is home to Europe's only three active volcanoes: Etna, Stromboli, and Vesuvius. They are a constant danger to humans due to their closeness to big cities.",
        "Italy is home to the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites with 50.",
        "The world's oldest university in continuous operation is the University of Bologna, in Italy, founded in 1088.",
        "Italy is the world's largest exporter of wine. ",
        "Fourteen billion espressos are consumed in Italy each year, and Italians use 3.7 kg of coffee per capita.",
        "Italy is world's 2nd largest producer of olive oil after Spain",
        "Italians used to be known for having large families, however Italy is now known for having Europe's lowest birthrate.",
        "Lillies are the national flower of Italy.",
        "Many Shakespeare plays were set in Italy, including Othello and the Merchant of Venice.",
        "A 14th-century medieval tower rises out of Lake Reschensee, in Italy. It's the only visible building of a submerged village.",
        "The use of pasta in Italy can be traced back as far as the 4th century B.C.",
        "About 3 thousands Euros are thrown into the Trevi fountain, in Italy, each day.",
        "Italy has more hotel rooms than any other nation in Europe.",
        "There's a restaurant built into a grotto in Italy.",
        "The automobile is one of Italy's greatest products. In addition to the Fiat brand, Fiat owns the Lamborghini, Ferrari, Maserati, Alfa Romeo and Chrysler brands.",
        "A cat inherited a $13 million fortune from its owner in Italy.",
        "In 1968, a man built a platform off the coast of Italy and declared himself the President of his micronation. The Italian government seized control and blew it up with explosives."
    "Japan": [
        "Japan is an archipelago; consisting of 6852 islands out of which only 430 islands are inhabited, and most popular ones are- Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu; consisting of cities like Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, and Kobe",
        "In Okinawa, there are currently hundreds of residents who are over the age of 100 years. As of 2017, there were over 2 million residents in Japan with the age of 90 or more. As per a report of 2018, the life expectancy in Japan is 84.2 years",
        "According to a poll, on average, Japanese workers get 6 hours and 22 minutes sleep on the work night; lesser than any other country. Concerning the health of their employees, companies in Japan allow their employees to have power naps during work hours for better work performance and also to overcome the challenge of afternoon dozing",
        "The islands of Japan lay on the Pacific Ring of Fire, where lots of crust movements take place underneath; resulting in almost 1500 earthquakes each year, and minor aftershocks are felt on a daily basis. The intensity of deadly earthquakes can reach up to 9.0 magnitude",
        "As per recent reports, Japanese men and women shy away from getting married. The reasons are multiple- lack of job security, insufficient financial resources to support a wife and family, punishing work schedules; all these limit the opportunities to interact with the opposite sex",
        "Japan is one of the most global per capita fish consuming countries in the world. Fish forms a large part of their diet and is perhaps the secret behind their longer life expectancy",
        "If you are a sushi lover, then you owe a big one to Japan as Sushi was originated in Japan. The origin dates back to the 8th century, but it was not until the 1900s that sushi started spreading in the west and the whole world",
        "Magna is the Japanese style comic series and every year almost 2 billion copies are sold. Ever since the publishing of Magna began, its popularity grew immensely irrespective of the age and gender. Magna contains varied content which may be historical, futuristic sci-fi or teenage romance. The comic series has become so popular that there are Magna cafes and events inspired by Magna",
        "According to the recent statistics, Japan recorded a drop in the crime rate. As of 2017, the number of crimes recorded was only 915 thousands which was over 2 million back in the 2000s. The credit goes to the use of security cameras and harsh criminal justice practices. A suspect can be held for up to 23 days for interrogation without any charges",
        "In Japan, cleaning your classroom and school is a part of the school education. Students at a very young age are taught to clean their class, serve lunch and even clean toilets. Some may refer this to as child abuse, but Japan considers it a healthy practice which will make the child more responsible",
        "Japan never fails to surprise. To get away from loneliness and stress, one can go to Soine Ya (Cuddle Cafes) and pay a hefty price of 3000 Yen ($30) for 20 minutes of companionship",
        "Chopsticks are not the only way to eat food in Japan. Here are some Japanese dining etiquette",
        "It is forbidden for someone with tattoos to take bathe in hot springs and Onsen because in Japanese culture tattoos are related to punishment",
        "Aokigahara Forest also known as the Sea of Trees, right along the edge of Mt. Fuji, is the most popular suicide destination in Japan. This eerie forest gained the notorious reputation of the Suicide Forest as there were more than 100 suicides in the year of 2013-2015",
        "Japan is known for the most significant things in the world and never fails to surprise the tourists. To keep up to its reputation, Japan surprisingly holds the record for World's Shortest Escalator which is located at the basement level of the More's Department store, Kawasaki. The height of this record-holding escalator is 89.4 cm or 2.7 feet which is equivalent to a 2-year-old girl",
        "Japanese metro trains are impressively on schedule. The secret behind their success is that they count time to centisecond, i.e. one-hundredth of a second. So you need to find some other excuse in case you get late to work",
        "Japan recently made headlines with state of the art Maglev (Magnetic Levitation) train breaking the record for world's fastest train with the speed of 600 km/h",
        "Japan is an island country in East Asia.",
        "Japan consists of a great string of islands in a northeast-southwest arc that stretches for approximately 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) through the Pacific Ocean.",
        "The stratovolcanic archipelago has five main islands: Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and Okinawa which make up about 97% percent of Japan's land area.",
        "Japan is the world's 4th largest island country and encompasses about 6 thousands islands.",
        "As of October 2019, the population of Japan was estimated to be about 126 million people. It is the 11th most populous country in the world.",
        "The official language is Japanese.",
        "Tokyo, officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital and most populous city in Japan. As of October 2019, the population of Tokyo is almost 14 million people.",
        "The Japanese word for Japan is \u65e5\u672c, which is pronounced Nihon or Nippon and literally means \"the origin of the sun\". The character nichi (\u65e5) means \"sun\" or \"day\"; hon (\u672c) means \"base\" or \"origin\". The compound therefore means \"origin of the sun\" and is the source of the popular Western epithet \"Land of the Rising Sun.\"",
        "About 73% of Japan is forested, mountainous and unsuitable for agricultural, industrial or residential use. As a result, the habitable zones, mainly located in coastal areas, have extremely high population densities. Japan is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.",
        "There are many active and dormant volcanoes, including Mount Fuji [Photo below], which, at an elevation of 3 thousands meters (12 thousands feet) above sea level, is Japan's highest mountain.",
        "Japan has 23 UNESCO world heritage sites \u2013 19 cultural sites and 4 natural sites.",
        "Japan is home to thousands of temples, but the oldest of them all is the Sens\u014d-ji Temple [Photo below] in Tokyo. Dedicated to Kannon, the Buddhist goddess of compassion, the temple's history dates back to the year 645, making it over 1 thousands years old. During the Second World War, much of the temple was destroyed, but it was rebuilt afterwards in the original style. This makes Sens\u014d-ji Temple a reminder of the resiliency of the Japanese people and an example of new beginnings.",
        "Kinkaku-ji officially named Rokuon-ji is a Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. It is one of the most popular attractions in Japan. The name Kinkaku-ji literally means the Temple of the Golden Pavilion and the official name Rokuon-ji literally means the Deer Garden Temple.",
        "One of the main attraction in Japan is the Imperial Palace, the primary residence of the Emperor of Japan. It is a large park-like area located in the Chiyoda ward of Tokyo and contains buildings including the main palace, the private residences of the Imperial Family, an archive, museums and administrative offices. Many of the outer gardens are open and free to the public, allowing you to stroll through green parks, admiring the water-filled moat and cherry trees all around you.",
        "Osaka Castle is a Japanese castle in Ch\u016b\u014d-ku, Osaka. The castle is one of Japan's most famous landmarks and it played a major role in the unification of Japan during the sixteenth century of the Azuchi-Momoyama period.",
        "Tokyo Skytree is a broadcasting, restaurant, and observation tower in Sumida, Tokyo. Standing 634 meters (2 thousands feet) tall, the Tokyo SkyTree is the tallest structure in Japan. It is also the tallest tower in the world and the second tallest structure in the world after the Burj Khalifa (829.8 m/2 thousands ft).",
        "Tokyo Tower is a communications and observation tower in Tokyo. At 332.9 meters (1 thousands feet), it is the second-tallest structure in Japan. Looking to the Western world for inspiration, architect Tach\u016b Nait\u014d based his design on the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.",
        "Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is a memorial park in the center of Hiroshima, Japan. It is dedicated to the legacy of Hiroshima as the first city in the world to suffer a nuclear attack, and to the memories of the bomb's direct and indirect victims (of whom there may have been as many as 140 thousands). The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is visited by more than one million people each year.",
        "Jigokudani Monkey Park is a famous hot spring area near Nagano. It is famous for its large population of wild Japanese macaques, more commonly referred to as snow monkeys, that go to the valley during the winter, foraging elsewhere in the national park during the warmer months. The monkeys descend from the steep cliffs and forest to sit in the warm waters of the onsen (hotsprings), and return to the security of the forests in the evenings.",
        "Japan has over 100 active volcanoes, more than almost any other country and accounts alone for about 10% of all active volcanoes in the world.",
        "There are over 1 thousands earthquakes in Japan each year, though most of them are very minor.",
        "Archaeological research indicates that Japan was inhabited as early as the Upper Paleolithic period (50 thousands and 10 thousands years ago).",
        "The first written mention of Japan is in Chinese history texts from the 1st century AD.",
        "From the 12th century until 1868, Japan was ruled in the name of the Emperor by successive feudal military sh\u014dguns.",
        "Japan entered into a long period of isolation in the early 17th century, which was ended in 1853 when a United States fleet pressured Japan to open to the West.",
        "Shinto and Buddhism are Japan's two major religions. Shinto is as old as the Japanese culture, while Buddhism was imported from the mainland in the 6th century.",
        "Zen Buddhism is the most common form of Buddhism in Japan.",
        "Christianity was first introduced into Japan by Jesuit missions starting in 1549. Today, about 1% to 2.3% are Christians, most of them living in the western part of the country, where the missionaries' activities were greatest during the 16th century.",
        "Japan is home to many different forms of martial arts. Karate, Sumo, Judo, Ninjutsu, Kendo, Aikido, and Jujutsu to name a few.",
        "Ancient warriors of Japan were known as Samurai. They were very skilled fighters and swordsman. Their main weapon was the Katana, a sharp sword with a slight curve to it.",
        "Sumo is a Japanese style of wrestling and Japan's national sport. It originated in ancient times as a performance to entertain the Shinto deities. Many rituals with religious background, such as the symbolic purification of the ring with salt, are still followed today.",
        "Immigration in Japan is very low. The population is 98% ethnic Japanese.",
        "Japanese cuisine has become popular around the world. Some well-known dishes are sushi, tempura, sashimi and soba.",
        "There is a popular Japanese dish called Basashi that consists of slices of raw horse meat with onions and ginger.",
        "Also there is fugu (pufferfish) that is a Japanese delicacy, after some highly poisonous parts have been removed.",
        "Jindai Sakura, Japan \u2013 oldest cherry blossom tree in the world \u2013 age about 1800-2000 years.",
        "The Robotics industry is more important in Japan than any other country in the world.",
        "Karaoke is a Japanese word for \"empty orchestra.\"",
        "Over two billion manga, Japanese comic books or graphic novels, are sold in Japan each year.",
        "\"Haiku\" is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables.",
        "Japan is the world's largest consumer of Amazon rain-forest timber."
    "Kenya": [
        "Kenya has its roots originated from the word Kikuyu and Kamba which mean Mount Kenya. The Republic of Kenya is named after Mount Kenya. While in Russia, the word Kenya stands for harmless and innocent.",
        "Kenya was also a British colony for more than 65 years. The colonial rule began with the arrival of the British East Africa Company in 1888. It got Independence in 1963.",
        "Kenyans were tortured by slavery in the ancient times. They were kidnapped and made slaves by Arabs, Europeans, and Americans. This cruel tradition was later abolished by most countries. Several Kenyan people were taken away to other countries safely then.",
        "Lake Turkana is located in the desert of northern Kenya. Scientists discovered a mummy i.e., a trace of humankind's earliest ancestors there. This mummy was a fossil known as Kenya Man and is known to be some 3 million years old.",
        "There is this place in the Machakos city in Kenya where you would find the things going upward against the flow of gravity. It's a miraculous place on the earth which defies gravity a little.",
        "Kenya is a country located in Eastern Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Kenya.",
        "Kenya has two official languages: English and Swahili.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Kenya was estimated to be 47 thousands thousands people.",
        "Nairobi is the capital and largest city of Kenya. The name comes from the Maasai phrase Enkare Nairobi, which translates to \"cool water\", a reference to the Nairobi River which flows through the city.",
        "Kenya's terrain is composed of low plains that rise into central highlands that are, in turn, bisected by the Great Rift Valley. There is also a fertile plateau in the west of the country.",
        "Mount Kenya at 5 thousands meters (17 thousands ft) is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second-highest in Africa, after Kilimanjaro. There are 12 remnant glaciers on the mountain, all receding rapidly, and four secondary peaks that sit at the head of the U-shaped glacial valleys. With its rugged glacier-clad summits and forested middle slopes, Mount Kenya is one of the most impressive landscapes in East Africa. An area of 715 square kilometers (276 square miles) around the center of the mountain was designated a National Park and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.",
        "Kenya has 536 kilometers (333 miles) of coastline.",
        "Kenya's coastline is dotted with dazzling tropical beaches, each with its own character. The crystal clear waters of Indian ocean are ideal for surfing, kayaking, snorkelling and scuba diving.",
        "The network of protected areas in Kenya covers about 12.4% of the national territory. It is made up of 23 national parks, plus nature reserves, game reserves and other types of protected areas.",
        "The Masai Mara National Reserve is one of the top tourist attractions in Kenya and the country's most popular game park. Each year the Masai Mara National Reserve is visited by thousands of tourists who come here to watch the exceptional population of game and the annual migration of zebra and wildebeest. The Great Migration takes place every year from July to October when 1.5 million of wildebeest and 200 thousands zebra migrate from the Serengeti in Tanzania.",
        "Amboseli National Park, the second most popular animal park after Maasai Mara, is 260 kilometers (160 miles) from Nairobi, on the border with the neighboring country of Tanzania. Its magnificent situation at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, combined with its excellent opportunities to view Kenya's animals, make it one of the most-visited safari parks in Kenya.",
        "Tsavo is the largest national park in Kenya and one of the largest in the world. Due to its size the park was divided into Tsavo West and Tsavo East. The Tsavo West has spectacular scenery with a rolling volcanic landscape while Tsavo East has more open savannah than its western sibling. Tsavo National Park is the ideal destination in Kenya for people who seek solitude and privacy as well as the chance to explore the wilderness.",
        "Kenya has 6 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "A part of Eastern Africa, the territory of what is now Kenya has seen human habitation since the beginning of the Lower Paleolithic. The Bantu expansion from a West African center of dispersal reached the area by the 1st millennium AD.",
        "The British Empire established the East Africa Protectorate in 1895, from 1920 known as the Kenya Colony.",
        "The independent Republic of Kenya was formed in 1964.",
        "The economy of Kenya is the largest by GDP in East and Central Africa. Major industries include: agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining and minerals, industrial manufacturing, energy, tourism and financial services. Kenya's three biggest exported products are tea, flowers and coffee.",
        "Scientists think Northern Kenya and Tanzania may have been the original birthplace of humans. The bones of one of the earliest human ancestors ever found were discovered in Kenya's Turkana Basin.",
        "In Kenya, more than 60 languages are spoken and there are more than 40 ethnic groups.",
        "The vast majority of Kenyans are Christian (83%), with 47.7% regarding themselves as Protestant and 23.5% as Roman Catholic. Islam is the second religion of Kenya with approximately 11% of the Kenyan population, mostly in coastal areas.",
        "The Republic of Kenya is named after Mount Kenya. The origin of the name Kenya is not clear, but perhaps linked to the Kikuyu, Embu and Kamba words Kirinyaga, Kirenyaa, and Kiinyaa which mean \"God's resting place\" in all three languages. If so, then the British may not so much have mispronounced it ('Keenya'), as misspelled it.",
        "Kenya is known chiefly for its dominance in middle-distance and long-distance athletics, having consistently produced Olympic champions in various distance events, especially in 800 m, 1 thousands m, 3 thousands m steeplechase, 5 thousands m, 10 thousands m and the marathon."
    "Malaysia": [
        "Located partly on the Asian mainland and partly on the Northern Island of Borneo, Malaysia is truly Asia. It is one of the wealthiest countries in Southeast Asia with investments in technology industries and reasonable oil wealth. From sky gazing skyscrapers to exotic wildlife, Malaysia is sure to mesmerize you. Here we present some interesting facts about Malaysia worth knowin",
        "Malaysia is the only country in the world with its territory on both the mainland of Asia and the islands that form the Malay Archipelago. Yes, that's correct",
        "Tun is the most senior federal title in Malaysia, and there can only be 35 local living Malaysian recipients of the title at any one time",
        "Malaysia has nine different Royal Families, the highest in the world. Yang di-Pertuan Agong (The Malaysian King) is elected from these nine royal families to be the Head of State for a 5-year term",
        "The ultimate sunken treasure trove lies in the remains of Flor de la mar at the seabed of Malaysia's Strait of Malacca. The Portuguese ship headed by Admiral Afonso de Albuquerque is said to the richest ship ever lost in the sea with its holds loaded with around 200 coffers of gold, precious stones and diamonds",
        "Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy located in Southeast Asia.",
        "The official name of the country is Malaysia.",
        "The borders of Malaysia include land and maritime borders with Brunei, Indonesia and Thailand and shared maritime boundaries with China, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam.",
        "The official language is Malaysian.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Malaysia was estimated to be 31 thousands thousands people.",
        "Kuala Lumpur is the national capital of Malaysia as well as its largest city. It is among the fastest growing metropolitan regions in South-East Asia, in terms of population and economy.",
        "Comprising the territories of Malaya, Sarawak, and Sabah, Malaysia stretches from peninsular Malaysia to northeastern Borneo in Southeast Asia. Borneo is the third largest island in the world, after Greenland and New Guinea. Three countries share the island: Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia.",
        "Most of Malaysia is covered by forest, with a mountain range running the length of the peninsula.",
        "Mount Kinabalu at 4 thousands meters (13 thousands feet) above sea level is the highest mountain in Malaysia.",
        "There are more than 30 national parks in Malaysia.",
        "Kinabalu Park, established as one of the first national parks of Malaysia in 1964, is Malaysia's first World Heritage Site designated by UNESCO in December 2000 for its \"outstanding universal values\" and the role as one of the most important biological sites in the world with more than 4 thousands species of flora and fauna, including 326 bird and around 100 mammal species, and over 110 land snail species.",
        "Malaysia has 4 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Petronas Towers, also known as the Petronas Twin Towers, are twin skyscrapers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. According to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH)'s official definition and ranking, they were the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004 and remain the tallest twin towers in the world.",
        "The Putra Mosque is the principal mosque of Putrajaya, Malaysia. Construction of the mosque began in 1997 and was completed two years later. It is located next to Perdana Putra which houses the Malaysian Prime Minister's office and man-made Putrajaya Lake.",
        "Batu Caves is a limestone hill that has a series of caves and cave temples in Gombak, Selangor. The cave is one of the most popular Hindu shrines outside India, and is dedicated to Lord Murugan. It is the focal point of Hindu festival of Thaipusam in Malaysia.",
        "Malaysia's best-known holiday destination, Langkawi is an archipelago of 99 islands. It is located on Malaysia's west coast. Surrounded by turquoise sea, the interior of the main island is a mixture of picturesque paddy fields and jungle-clad hills.",
        "The name \"Malaysia\" is a combination of the word \"Malay\" and the Latin-Greek suffix \"-sia\"/-\u03c3\u03af\u03b1. The word \"melayu\" in Malay may derive from the Tamil words \"malai\" and \"ur\" meaning \"mountain\" and \"city, land\", respectively.",
        "In the mid-19th century the United Kingdom began importing Chinese to work the tin mines of Muslim sultanates on the Malay Peninsula; by the turn of the century new rubber plantations employed transported Indian laborers. In 1957 the Federation of Malaya gained independence from Britain. Six years later the colonies of Sarawak and Sabah, on the island of Borneo, and Singapore joined Malaya to form the Federation of Malaysia; Singapore withdrew in 1965.",
        "The economy of Malaysia is the fourth largest in Southeast Asia, after the much more populous Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, and 35th largest in the world.",
        "Malaysia is one of the world's largest exporters of semiconductor devices \u2013 electrical goods, and appliances, and the government has ambitious plans to make Malaysia a leading producer, and developer, of high-tech products, including software.",
        "The national dish of Malaysia is Nasi Lemak, a rice-based dish cooked in coconut milk and served on a pandan leaf. The name translates to \"rich\" or \"fatty\" rice, a name derived from the cooking process: the rice is steamed and simmered in coconut milk, giving it a rich and creamy texture and flavor.",
        "The national drink of Malaysia is a hot milk tea called Teh tari.",
        "The national animal of Malaysia is the endangered Malayan tiger.",
        "The world's largest discovered cave chamber (single room) is the Sarawak Chamber, in the Gunung Mulu National Park, Malaysia.",
        "The largest undivided leaf in the world, Alocasia macrorrhiza, comes from the Malaysian state of Sabah. A specimen found in 1966 measured 3.02 meters (9.9 feet) long by 1.92 meters (6.3 feet) wide.",
        "The largest roundabout in the world is located in Putrajaya, Malaysia. It is 3.5 kilometers (2.2 miles) in diameter!",
        "In August 1997, a model of the Malaysian flag was completed, made out of 10 thousands floppy disks.",
        "The Malaysian monarch is elected for a five-year term by the Conference of Rulers."
    "Mexico": [
        "Mexico is a country between the U.S. and Central America and is known for its Pacific and Gulf of Mexico beaches and its sundry landscape of mountains, deserts and jungles. Guacamole, Quesadillas, Tacos, Enchiladas!!! One shall not forget the mouth watering Mexican dishes which is popular worldwide. Let's dig deeper into the Mexican world to know about this exuberant country a little mor",
        "Mexico is a country between the U.S. and Central America that's known for its Pacific and Gulf of Mexico beaches and its diverse landscape of mountains, deserts and jungles.",
        "The United Mexican States is a federal republic composed of 32 federal entities: 31 states and a \"capital city\" (Mexico City).",
        "The country is bordered to the north by the United States; to the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; to the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and to the east by the Gulf of Mexico.",
        "Mexico has 68 official languages, Spanish being the main one. The other 67 are indigenous languages that, although officially recognized, people almost never speak.",
        "Mexico is the 10th most populous country in the world with 128 million people.",
        "Covering almost 2 million square kilometers (over 760 thousands sq mi), Mexico is the sixth largest country in the Americas by total area and the 13th largest independent nation in the world.",
        "Mexico City is the capital and most populous city of Mexico. It is located in the Valley of Mexico, a large valley in the high plateaus at the center of Mexico, at an altitude of 2 thousands meters (7 thousands feet).",
        "Mexico is a land of extremes, with high mountains and deep canyons in the center of the country, sweeping deserts in the north, and dense rain forests in the south and east.",
        "The Pico de Orizaba sometimes known as Citlalt\u00e9petl, is a stratovolcano, the highest mountain in Mexico and the third highest in North America. It rises 5 thousands meters (18 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Mexico has a 9 thousands kilometer coastline, of which 7 thousands kilometers (5 thousands miles) face the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California, and the remaining 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) front the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.",
        "Mexico is known to have some of the most gorgeous beaches in the world! There are more than 450 beaches around the Mexican coastline.",
        "Mexico's Protected Natural Areas are 158 designated \"Natural Areas\" in Mexico, representing 11% of the nation's surface area.",
        "The Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve is a World Heritage Site containing most of the over-wintering sites of the eastern population of the monarch butterfly. The 56 thousands hectares (139 thousands acres) biosphere lies within rugged forested mountains about 100 kilometers (62 miles) northwest of Mexico City. Millions of butterflies arrive in the reserve annually.",
        "Cave of the Crystals or Giant Crystal Cave is a cave connected to the Naica Mine 300 meters (980 feet) below the surface in Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico. The main chamber contains giant selenite crystals, some of the largest natural crystals ever found. The cave's largest crystal found to date is 12 meters (39 feet) in length, 4 meters (13 feet) in diameter and 55 tons in weight.",
        "Mexico has 34 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Teotihuacan was an ancient Mesoamerican city located in a sub-valley of the Valley of Mexico, located in the State of Mexico 40 kilometres (25 miles) northeast of modern-day Mexico City, known today as the site of many of the most architecturally significant Mesoamerican pyramids built in the pre-Columbian Americas. Teotihuacan is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the most visited of Mexico's archaeological sites.",
        "Located in the municipality of Tinum, in the Mexican state of Yucat\u00e1n is the archaeological site of Chichen Itza, an ancient Maya city. Chichen Itza was one of the largest Mayan cities and was often referred to in later literature as a mythical city. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the second-most visited of Mexico's archaeological sites.",
        "The historic center of Mexico City is the central neighborhood in Mexico City. This section of the capital has just over nine square km and occupies 668 blocks. It contains 9 thousands buildings, 1 thousands of which have been declared of historical importance. The historic center of Mexico Citya is UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "The Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City is the largest cathedral in the Americas, and seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico. Zhe cathedral is a medley of styles and dominates the city's huge plaza, the Z\u00f3calo. It was built in sections from 1573 to 1813.",
        "Nestled in the mountains of the Sierra de Guanajuato lies the beautiful colonial city of Guanajuato. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site thanks to its many old colonial buildings, winding lanes, and narrow alleys. The city was founded in 1554 next to one of the richest silver mining areas of Mexico. The 16th-century mining boom led to the construction of beautiful haciendas and fine colonial buildings.",
        "At least three great civilizations \u2014 the Mayas, the Olmecs, and the Toltecs \u2014 preceded the wealthy Aztec empire, conquered in 1519\u20131521 by the Spanish under Hernando Cort\u00e9s. Spain ruled Mexico as part of the viceroyalty of New Spain for the next 300 years until Sept. 16, 1810, when the Mexicans first revolted. They won independence in 1821.",
        "Mexico is rich in natural resources, like oil, silver, copper, and agricultural products.",
        "Mexican cuisine is primarily a fusion of indigenous Mesoamerican cooking with European, especially Spanish, elements added after the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire in the 16th century. Mole poblano is widely considered as the national dish of Mexico. Mole poblano contains about 20 ingredients, including chili peppers and chocolate.",
        "Tequila, a national liquor of Mexico, is a spirit made from the blue agave plant, primarily in the area surrounding the city of Tequila, 65 kilometres (40 miles) northwest of Guadalajara, and in the highlands (Los Altos) of the western Mexican state of Jalisco.",
        "The most popular sport in Mexico is football.",
        "In Mexico, artists can pay their taxes with artwork.",
        "Mexico's 34th President ruled for less than an hour, and then quit. It is the shortest presidency in the history of the world.",
        "Yucatan, Mexico, was named after a misunderstanding. Spaniards asked the locals what was the place called. They replied \"Yucatan,\" which in their language means \"I don't understand you.\"",
        "San Francisco was part of Mexico until the Mexican-American War in 1848.",
        "In 1917, Germany invited Mexico to join WWI by attacking the U.S. in order to recover the lost territories of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona."
    "Morocco": [
        "The official name of Morocco is the Kingdom of Morocco.",
        "There are about 33 million people living in Morocco.",
        "Arabs and Berbers make up majority of the population of Morocco, followed by Jews and others.",
        "Morocco has 2 official languages: Arabic and Berber. Berber is a dialect in North Africa that has Afro-asiatic roots. French is also spoken by 1/3 of the population, and is a mandatory language in schools.",
        "The capital city of Morocco is Rabat, although the largest city is Casablanca with nearly four million people.",
        "Morocco gained independence from France in 1956.",
        "A number of stone circles, present in Morocco, serve as the proof of its contact with the megalithic cultures of Atlantic Europe.",
        "Morocco is believed to have been inhabited since the Paleolithic era in prehistoric times, sometime between the years 190 thousands BC and 90 thousands BC.",
        "Green tea with mint and sweetened with sugar is very popular beverage in Morocco.Hot, sweet, and bracingly bitter, it punctuates Moroccan life like clockwork: green mint tea to wake up, green mint tea with pastries in the afternoon, green mint tea to round out every meal.",
        "Because most of the country is Muslim, pork is forbidden by Sharia law in Morocco.",
        "With temperatures as high as 35\u00b0C (95\u00b0F) and lows of around 5\u00b0C (41\u00b0F), Morocco features a beautiful Mediterranean climate.",
        "Toubkal or Tubkal is a mountain peak in southwestern Morocco, located in the Toubkal National Park. At 4 thousands meters(13 thousands feet), it is the highest peak in the Atlas Mountains and in North Africa.",
        "Ouka\u00efmeden, in Morocco's High Atlas Mountains is the highest ski resort in Africa; however, snowfall rarely exceeds 20 cm (7.87 inches) annually.",
        "The shrine of Sidi Yahya, situated in Oujda city of Morocco, is said to be the tomb of 'John the Baptist'.",
        "There was a time when selling a date palm tree in Morocco was illegal as it was considered to be a source of food for families.",
        "White is the color of mourning in Morocco. A Moroccan widow wears white for 40 days after the death of her husband.",
        "The currency in Morocco is called the Dirham."
    "Namibia": [
        "Namibia was a colony of Germany formerly. The people of the country hurled a guerrilla war for independence in the year 1966 but did not gain independence until 1990.",
        "Namibia is the second least densely populated country on earth. It has a population of 2.1 million people only.",
        "Namibia was the first country to sign a statement that included the protection of the environment into the country's constitution. It's a proud fact!",
        "Namibia is a country in southwest Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Namibia.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Namibia was estimated to be 2 thousands thousands people.",
        "Windhoek is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Namibia. It is located in central Namibia in the Khomas Highland plateau area, at around 1 thousands metres (5 thousands ft) above sea level, almost exactly at the country's geographical centre.",
        "The Namibian landscape consists generally of five geographical areas, each with characteristic abiotic conditions and vegetation, with some variation within and overlap between them: the Central Plateau, Namib Desert, Great Escarpment, Bushveld, and Kalahari Desert.",
        "The Namib Desert stretches along the entire coastline of Namibia. It is believed that Namib Desert is the oldest desert on the globe; as well, the sand dunes located here are the highest in the world.",
        "The Bushveld is located in northeastern Namibia along the Angolan border, and is a mainly flat and sandy stretch of land.",
        "The Kalahari Desert is perhaps Namibia's best known geographical feature. Shared with South Africa and Botswana, it has a variety of localised environments ranging from hyper-arid sandy desert, to areas that seem to defy the common definition of desert. One of these areas, known as the Succulent Karoo, is home to over 5 thousands species of plants, nearly half of them endemic; fully one third of the world's succulents are found in the Karoo.",
        "Namibia has 1 thousands kilometers (977 miles) of coastline.",
        "The network of protected areas in Namibia covers about 38% of the national territory. It is made up of 19 national parks, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "Etosha National Park is unique in Africa. The park's main characteristic is a salt pan so large it can be seen from space. Yet there is abundant wildlife that congregates around the waterholes, giving you almost guaranteed game sightings. At the same time Etosha National Park is one of the most accessible game reserves in Namibia and Southern Africa.",
        "The Fish River Canyon is located in the south of Namibia. It is the largest canyon in Africa, as well as the second most visited tourist attraction in Namibia. It features a gigantic ravine, in total about 100 miles (160 km) long, up to 27 km wide and in places almost 550 meters deep.",
        "The Brandberg is Namibia's highest mountain at 2 thousands meters (8 thousands ft) above sea level and located on the flat Namib gravel plains, on a clear day it can be seen from a great distance.",
        "Sossusvlei is a salt and clay pan surrounded by high red dunes, located in the southern part of the Namib Desert. The name \"Sossusvlei\" is often used in an extended meaning to refer to the surrounding area (including other neighbouring vleis such as Deadvlei and other high dunes), which is one of the major visitor attractions of Namibia. The name \"Sossusvlei\" is of mixed origin and roughly means \"dead-end marsh\".",
        "Cape Cross is a small headland in the South Atlantic in Skeleton Coast, western Namibia. It is home to one of the largest colonies of Cape Fur Seals in the world. The surrounding area was proclaimed a reserve in 1968 to protect the biggest and best known of the 23 colonies of Cape Fur Seals which breed along the coast of South Africa and Namibia.",
        "From 1884, Namibia was a German colony: German South West Africa.",
        "From 1948, with the National Party elected to power, South Africa applied apartheid also to what was known as South West Africa (modern-day Namibia).",
        "In 1966 SWAPO (South West Africa People's Organization) began a long guerrilla war in Namibia. Finally in 1988 South Africa agreed to allow Namibia to become independent.",
        "A constitution was written and Namibia became independent on 21 March 1990.",
        "Namibia's economy is tied closely to South Africa's due to their shared history. The largest economic sectors are mining, agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism.",
        "Namibia is the fourth largest exporter of non-fuel minerals in Africa and the world's fourth largest producer of uranium.",
        "According to the World Bank, Namibia is classified as an upper middle income country.",
        "The Christian community makes up 80%\u201390% of the population of Namibia, with at least 75% being Protestant, and at least 50% Lutheran.",
        "The most popular sport in Namibia is football.",
        "The large, arid Namib Desert has resulted in Namibia being the second least densely populated country in the world, after Mongolia.",
        "Dragon's Breath Cave located in the Otjozondjupa Region of Namibia contains the world's largest non-subglacial underground lake, with an area of almost 2 hectares (4.9 acres).",
        "Namibia has the largest free-roaming cheetah population in the world \u2013 there are an estimated 2 thousands \u2013 3 thousands cheetahs in Namibia.",
        "Namibia's dramatic landscapes have been used as the backdrop for films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Flight of the Phoenix (2006), and Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)."
    "Nepal": [
        "You are about to get stunned, Nepali is not the only language spoken in this ethnic hub, in fact, 123 languages are spoken in this geographically small country. Its closeness to Tibet, India, and China for centuries gave birth to many colloquial languages",
        "It's difficult for folks from developed countries to believe that load-shedding in Nepal can last for as long as 16 hours every day. Surprisingly people here are accustomed to such living, and they deal with it by following the Blackout schedule to take care of their daily activities. Well, such is life",
        "Forget about 3G or 4G Nepal doesn't even have 2G. Nepal has world's slowest internet. People still rely on cybercafes for their internet needs",
        "Nepal also recorded many of its top of the world records in Guinness Book. They are world's shortest person, longest handshake, youngest photographer, highest mobile phone call and much more",
        "In the past few days the constitution of Nepal has been a subject for a lot of negative news; still, the country managed to leave behind the rest of the world in a groundbreaking move by becoming the first ever Asian country to have explicit laws benefiting the LGBT community. While most of the progressive Western countries have legalized same-sex marriage, none provides for full anti-discrimination legislation in their constitutions. Nepal is now the 3rd country in the world after South Africa and Ecuador to have non-discriminatory laws for LGBT community",
        "Wedged between the high wall of the Himalaya and the steamy jungles of the Indian plains, Nepal is a land of snow peaks and Sherpas, yaks and yetis, monasteries and mantras.",
        "Nepal, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked country located in South Asia.",
        "Nepal is the oldest country in South Asia.",
        "Nepal is bordered to the north by China and to the south, east, and west by India.",
        "Nepal have population of approximately 27 million people.",
        "Nepal has over 80 ethnic groups and 123 languages.Official language is Nepali.",
        "Kathmandu is capital of Nepal with population of 741 thousands people.",
        "Major religions in Nepal are Hinduism and Buddhism.",
        "Nepal has the densest concentration of World Heritage Sites. Kathmandu valley alone has 7 World Heritage Cultural sites within a radius of 15 kilometers.",
        "Siddhartha Gautam \u2013 Buddha \u2013 was born in Kapilvastu, Lumbini which lies in Nepal. Lumbini is a sacred place for Buddhists.It is also granted World Heritage sites by UNESCO in 1997.",
        "Nepal was never under any foreign invasion.",
        "The flag of Nepal is the only national flag in the world that is not rectangular.",
        "Greetings in Nepal is similar to the greetings in India\u2013 people put their palms together and then bow their forehead, saying \"Namaste,\" which directly translates to \"I salute the God in you\".",
        "Sherpas, an ethnic group from the eastern mountainous part of Nepal, are usually employed as porters for mountain expeditions because, on account of their genetics and upbringing, they do not suffer the effect of altitude as adversely as other people do.",
        "Cows are sacred in Nepal. Recently turned secular, Nepal still has the highest proportion of Hindus in the world.",
        "Nepali Calendar is 67 years ahead of Gregorian Calendar.",
        "Nepal has the only living goddess in the world called Kumari. Kumari literally means virgin in Nepali.",
        "Touching anything with your feet is considered offensive in Nepal.",
        "Abominable Snowman, called as Yeti, is said to be spotted in the Himalayan region of Nepal.",
        "Elephant polo, a variant of polo played on riding elephants, was originated in Meghauli, Nepal.",
        "The total distance of Nepal's railways is 57 kilometers (35 miles)."
    "Netherlands": [
        "The Netherlands comes at the top in the world for having the most, nutritious, healthy and affordable food among 125 countries in an Oxfam report. The country is hence, known as the \"healthiest country.\"",
        "The local citizens of Netherlands take their own bags to the supermarket before buying their groceries. In case you head to the Netherlands, make sure you go there don't forget to take your carry bag with you.",
        "The Netherlands also known as Holland, a country in northwestern Europe, is known for its flat landscape, canals, tulip fields and windmills.",
        "The official name of the country is the Kingdom of Netherlands.",
        "\"Netherlands\" literally means \"Lower Countries,\" influenced by its low land and flat geography, with only about 50% of its land exceeding one meter above sea level.",
        "Netherlands is bordered by Germany in east and Belgium in south.",
        "The official language of the Netherlands is Dutch.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Netherlands was estimated to be 17 thousands thousands people.",
        "With an area of 41 thousands square kilometer (16 thousands square miles), Netherlands is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.",
        "Amsterdam is the Netherlands' capital, known for its artistic heritage, elaborate canal system and narrow houses with gabled facades, legacies of the city's 17th-century Golden Age.",
        "The Netherlands also includes islands in the Caribbean sea named Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius.",
        "About 20% of the Netherlands is located below sea level.",
        "The Vaalserberg (\"Mount Vaals\") is a hill 322.7 meters (1058.7 feet) in height, the highest point in the Netherlands.",
        "There are 20 national parks in the Netherlands.",
        " Tulips originate from the Himalaya area, they were brought to Turkey from there. Around 1560 they were brought from Turkey to the Netherlands.",
        "The windmill is one of the best known icons of Netherlands. Of the 10 thousands windmills in use in the Netherlands around 1850, about 1000 are still standing.",
        "The village of Giethoorn, in the province of Overijssel, does not have any roads. All transport is done by water over one of the many canals. It is known as the \"Venice of the Netherlands\".",
        "There are three times as many bicycles as there are cars in the Netherlands.",
        "A study from Rutgers University reported that the Netherlands has the lowest rates of serious injuries per million kilometers cycled.",
        "There are around 1 thousands museums in Netherlands.",
        "The Netherlands has produced many world-class painters, such as Vincent van Gogh, Rembrandt, Jan Vermeer, Jan Steen or Piet Mondriaan.",
        " There is an enormous variety of tastes to delight cheese-lovers in the Netherlands.",
        "In the Netherlands a person drinks on average 74 liters of beer a year.",
        "Orange is Netherlands national color and the color of the Dutch Royal Family.",
        "The Wilhelmus is the national anthem of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the oldest national anthem in the world.Both the words and music date from the 16th century."
    "Pakistan": [
        "In Persian and Urdu, the word 'Pakistan' means, \"the land of Pure\". In Persian and Pashto, the word pak meaning pure while the suffix -stan is a Persian word meaning place of, cognate with the Sanskrit word sthana.",
        "Indus Valley Civilization was one of the oldest and prosperous civilization. It prospered along the basin of Indus River from 3300 BCE until 1300 BCE. Harappa, Moenjo Daro, Taxila, Mehr Garh, Kot Diji, Takht Bhai, Juniper Shaft cave, the Murghagull Gharra cave and Mughall saa cave are major archaeological sites in Pakistan.",
        "Pakistan is a federal parliamentary republic in South Asia on crossroads of Central Asia and Western Asia.",
        "The official name of the country is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.",
        "Pakistan is bordered by India to the east, Afghanistan to the west, Iran to the southwest and China in the far northeast respectively.",
        "Pakistan has two official languages, Urdu and English.",
        "Pakistan is world's sixth most populous country. As of 1 January 2017, the population of Pakistan was estimated to be 194 thousands thousands people.",
        "Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan. With a population of two million, it is the 10th largest city of Pakistan. Islamabad was built during the 1960s to replace Karachi as Pakistan's capital.",
        "The largest city in Pakistan is Karachi which is home to over 13 million people. It is the financial hub of the country and is a major seaport.",
        "The geography of Pakistan is a profound blend of landscapes varying from plains to deserts, forests, hills, and plateaus ranging from the coastal areas of the Arabian Sea in the south to the mountains of the Karakoram range in the north.",
        "K2, also known as Mount Godwin-Austen or Chhogori at 8 thousands meters (28 thousands feet) above sea level is the highest point of Pakistan. It is also the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest.",
        "Pakistan has a 1 thousands-kilometer-long (650-mile) coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south.",
        "Pakistan is home to some of the most pristine, crowd-free beaches in the Middle East.",
        "There are 29 national parks in Pakistan.",
        "Lal Suhanra is a national park of Pakistan situated in Bahawalpur district of Punjab province, which is one of the largest nationals parks in South Asia. It is also a UNESCO declared Biosphere Reserve. Lal Sohanra is spread over 65 thousands hectares (162 thousands acres) and is notable for the diversity of its landscape, which includes areas of desert, forest and wetland.",
        "Pakistan has 6 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Faisal Mosque is the mosque in Islamabad. Located on the foothills of Margalla Hills in Islamabad, the mosque features a contemporary design consisting of eight sides of concrete shell and is inspired by a Bedouin tent. Completed in 1986, it is the largest mosque in Pakistan. The mosque is a major tourist attraction, and is referred as a contemporary and influential feature of Islamic architecture.",
        "The Badshahi Mosque in Lahore, commissioned by the sixth Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in 1671 and completed in 1673, is the second largest mosque in Pakistan. Epitomising the beauty, passion and grandeur of the Mughal era, it is Lahore's most famous landmark and a major tourist attraction.",
        "The name Pakistan is derived from the Urdu words Pak (meaning pure) and stan (meaning country).",
        "Pakistan became independent in 1947 from the British Indian Empire.",
        "Pakistan was originally made up of East and West areas split either side of India. East Pakistan rebelled with a Civil war in 1971, and, with the help of India the area gained independence from the west and become the country of Bangladesh.",
        "The economy of Pakistan is the 24th largest in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), and 43th largest in terms of nominal gross domestic product (GDP).",
        "Pakistan has a semi-industrialised economy with a well-integrated agriculture sector, and a growing services sector.",
        "Pakistani cuisine incorporates noticeable Central Asian and Western Asia influences and is more meat-oriented. Nahari [photo below] is the national dish of Pakistan. It is a stew consisting of slow-cooked meat mainly beef or lamb along with bone marrow, garnished to taste and occasionally served with cooked brain.",
        "The national drink of Pakistan is Sugarcane juice, called \"roh\". It is sold fresh by roadside vendors only, as the juice begins turning black very quickly due to oxidation.",
        "The national fruit of Pakistan is Mango.",
        "The national flower of Pakistan is Jasmine.",
        "The national animal of Pakistan is markhor.",
        "The national bird of Pakistan is chukar partridge.",
        "The national sport of Pakistan is field hockey.",
        "Pakistan has the world's highest paved international road \u2013 The Karakoram Highway, which is said to be the 8th wonder of the world.",
        "Pakistan holds 4 out of the top 14 highest peaks in the world.",
        "Pakistan is the first Muslim country in the world to construct and operate civil nuclear power plants.",
        "Pakistan has the largest Irrigation System in the world.",
        "Tarbela Dam on the Indus River in Pakistan is the largest Earth-filled dam in the world and is fifth-largest by structural volume.",
        "Khewra Salt Mine, the second largest salt mine in the world is in Pakistan.",
        "Pakistan is the world's second-largest producer of chickpeas behind India.",
        "Pakistan manufactures more than 50% of world's hand-sewed footballs.",
        "In 2011, a monkey was arrested in Pakistan for crossing the border with India."
    "Peru": [
        "The city of Machu Picchu was voted in 2007 as one of the New Seven Wonders of the world. The lost city is an important landmark in Peru. It remained undiscovered for about 400 years.",
        "Peruvian restaurants have a very typical dish here and that is Cuy or Guinea Pig. It is a traditional dish in Peru.",
        "Peru is a country in South America that's home to a section of Amazon rainforest and Machu Picchu, an ancient Incan city set high in the Andes mountains.",
        "The official name of Peru is the Republic of Peru.",
        "Peru has three official languages: Spanish, Quechua and Aymara.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Peru was estimated to be 31 thousands thousands people.",
        "With an area of 1 thousands thousands square kilometers (496 thousands square miles) Peru is the third largest country in South America, after Brazil and Argentina.",
        "Lima, the capital and the largest city of Peru, sits on the country's arid Pacific coast. Though its colonial center is well preserved, today Lima is a bustling metropolis that's one of South America's largest cities.",
        "Peru is made up of a variety of landscapes, from mountains and beaches to deserts and rain forests.",
        "Huascar\u00e1n or Nevado Huascar\u00e1n is a mountain in the Peruvian province of Yungay, situated in the Cordillera Blanca range of the western Andes. The highest southern summit of Huascar\u00e1n with an elevation of 6 thousands meters (22 thousands feet) is the highest point in Peru northern part of Andes (north of Lake Titicaca) and in all of the Earth's Tropics.",
        "Peru's Pacific coastline stretches for 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) along the western edge of the nation.",
        "Peru has 75 natural protected areas (15.21% of the country surface area) including 12 national parks that are preserved by the National Government.",
        "Huascar\u00e1n National Park is a Peruvian national park that comprises most of the mountain range known as Cordillera Blanca (the world's highest tropical mountain range). The park covers an area of 340.000 hectares (840 thousands acres). Huascaran National Park, designated as a World Heritage Site in 1985 by UNESCO.",
        "Peru has 12 UNESCO world heritage site.",
        "Machu Picchu is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. It is a 15th-century Inca citadel situated on a mountain ridge 2 thousands metres (7 thousands feet) above sea level. Machu Picchu was declared a Peruvian Historical Sanctuary in 1981 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. In 2007, Machu Picchu was voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in a worldwide Internet poll.",
        "Saksaywaman is a citadel on the northern outskirts of the city of Cusco, Peru, the historic capital of the Inca Empire. Sections were first built by the Killke culture about 1100; they had occupied the area since 900. The complex was expanded and added to by the Inca from the 13th century; they built dry stone walls constructed of huge stones.",
        "The National University of San Marcos is the most important and respected higher-education institution in Peru. It was chartered on May 12, 1551 by a royal decree signed by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, which makes it the oldest officially established university in the Americas and, as such, one of the oldest universities in the world.",
        "The Nazca Lines are a series of ancient geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert in southern Peru. They were made by the Nazca people between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D. The hundreds of individual figures range in complexity from simple lines to stylized hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, fish, sharks, orcas, and lizards.",
        "The Amazon River is the largest river by discharge of water in the world, and the second in length. It rises high in the Peruvian Andes at Nevado Mismi and ends in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 6400 kilometers (4000 miles) from its source.",
        "Peru has some of the best surfing in the world. Chicama [pic. below] and Pacasmayo both claim the world's longest ridable wave (2.2 kilomters (1.5 miles) long).",
        "About 65 million guinea pigs are consumed in Peru every year. The guinea pig, or cuy, dates back to Incan times, when commoners would dry out guinea pig skin and use it in soups and stews. Every July, the Incas would sacrifice 1 thousands guinea pigs along with 100 llamas, to protect their crops from drought and floods.",
        "Peru and Chile both claim the pisco sour as their national drink, and each asserts ownership of the cocktail's base liquor\u2014pisco; commonly mixed with soft drinks like Coca-Cola (Piscola) or ginger ale or vermouth. But the most common version is the Pisco sour where it is blended with lemon juice, sugar, ice, and beaten egg whites.",
        "Peru's national animal is the vicu\u00f1a, a small camelid like the alpaca or llama. It has the finest wool for weaving and it comes in 22 natural colors. Clothing made from its wool, considered the world's most luxurious fabric, can cost several thousand dollars.",
        "Peru grows over 55 varieties of corn, and consumers can find it in colors ranging from yellow to purple, white, and black. Ancient Peruvians used corn for bartering and as a form of currency as well as for food.",
        "Tomatoes originally came from Peru, where their Aztec name translated to plump thing with a navel.",
        "Peru has 3 thousands varieties of orchids, and it is estimated that only 50% of the species have been identified as of yet.",
        "Peru is the world's third largest producer of copper, silver, zinc and tin, and the sixth largest producer of gold.",
        "Peru was officially declared the world's biggest producer of cocaine in 2013 by the United Nations. Peru's cocaine industry takes in about US$1 billion per year in under-the-table money and employs some 200 thousands Peruvians."
    "Poland": [
        "The Name 'Poland' is derived from a West Slavic tribe of Polans (Polanie) that inhabited the basin of Warta river, the historic Greater Poland region in the 8th century. The origin of the name Polanie itself derives from the western Slavic word pole that means field.",
        "In the history the first Polish ruler recorded was Mieszko, about A.D. 963. In 966, Mieszko adopted Christianity, making Poland the easternmost country within the orbit of Latin culture.",
        "Poland is the country of Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Hevelius. Nicolaus Copernicus was the first person to propose that the Earth is not the centre of the Universe and Johannes Hevelius was the first person to publish the first exact map of the Moon.",
        "Polish Diaspora is one of the largest Diaspora in the World. Around 20 million people of Polish ancestry living outside Poland. Most of the people of polish ancestry living in United States, Germany, France, Canada, UK etc. About 10 million polish are living in US, 2.5 million in Germany.",
        "First Constitution in Europe was taken accepted in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a dual monarchy comprising Poland and Lithuania. The constitution of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was the first in Europe, and second in the World.",
        "Poland is the world's biggest Amber Exporter in the World. Amber is fossilized tree resin, which has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since Neolithic times. Amber is used as an ingredient in perfumes, as a healing agent in folk medicine, and as jewelry.",
        "Poland has been invaded and fought for independence 43 times in insurrection from 1600 until 1945, long time period for independence.",
        "Poland is an eastern European country on the Baltic Sea known for its medieval architecture and Jewish heritage.",
        "Poland is officially known as the Republic of Poland.",
        "The neighboring countries are Germany to the west, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south, Ukraine and Belarus to the east, Lithuania and Russia to the northeast. To the north, Poland is bordered by the Baltic Sea.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Poland was estimated to be 38 thousands thousands people.",
        "Warsaw is the capital and largest city of Poland. Its widely varied architecture reflects the city's long, turbulent history, from Gothic churches and neoclassical palaces to Soviet-era blocks and modern skyscrapers.",
        "Poland major cities are: \u0141\u00f3d\u017a, Krakow, Wroc\u0142aw, Pozna\u0144 and Gda\u0144sk.",
        "The peak of Rysy in the Tatra Mountains is the highest point in Poland at 2499 meters (8199 feet) outside of this mountain range most of Poland is very flat.",
        "Although most of Poland's territory is lowland, the country has amazing and versatile natural environment.",
        "Poland' s Baltic coast is over 500 kilometers (310 miles) in length is awaiting those who enjoy relaxing by the waterside. The great attraction of Baltic coasts lies above all in its beaches full of beautiful amber sand, often stretching for kilometers.",
        "There are 23 national parks in Poland.",
        "Polish forests cover about 28% of Poland's territory.",
        "Poland's forests are the ideal habitat for many of Europe's endangered species, including brown bears, wild horses, chamois goats, Eurasian lynxes and gray wolves.",
        "Poland has about 9 thousands lakes, covering an area of 3 thousands square kilometers (1235 square miles).",
        "Small lakes dot the entire northern half of Poland, however their biggest concentration is in the northeastern region known as Masurian Lake District.",
        "Poland has 14 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.",
        "Krakow Old Town is one of the most famous old districts in Poland today and was the center of Poland's political life from 1038 until King Sigismund III Vasa relocated his court to Warsaw in 1596. The entire medieval old town is among the first sites chosen for the UNESCO's World Heritage List, inscribed as Cracow's Historic Centre.",
        "The Wieliczka Salt Mine is one of the largest tourist attractions in Poland, registered on the UNESCO list and visited by over a million tourists every year.The mine, built in the 13th century, produced table salt continuously until 2007, as one of the world's oldest salt mines still in operation.Now a museum, the mine's attractions include dozens of statues, three chapels and an entire cathedral that has been carved out of the rock salt by the miners.",
        "Poland has 17 Nobel prize winners, including four Peace Prizes and five in Literature.",
        "Famous musical composer Frederic Chopin was Polish and he was born in \u017belazowa Wola, a village in east-central Poland.",
        "A Polish state and the name Poland existed as far back as the year 966 during the reign of Mieszko I (the first Christian ruler of Poland). The Kingdom of Poland was founded shortly after in 1025.",
        "Poland's name, Polska, is derived from the word Polanie or \"people of the fields,\" the name of tribe that used to inhabit the area around Grodno and Pozna\u0144 where the Polish state first arose.",
        "The White Eagle is the national coat of arms of Poland. It is a stylized white eagle with a golden beak and talons, and wearing a golden crown, in a red shield.",
        "In Poland, one's \"Name Day\" \u2013 imieniny \u2013 is considered a far more important occasion than one's birthday.",
        "Poland, and the other Baltic State Countries, are the home to the finest amber in the world. Gdansk, Poland, at the head of the ancient amber road continues as the amber capital of the world.",
        "Poland is one of the few countries in the world, where courteous hand-kissing is still a common practice.",
        "Poland is part of the \"Vodka belt countries\" and has a history of producing high quality vodka for more than 500 years.",
        "Przystanek Woodstock is the biggest open-air festival in Europe\u2013an annual free rock music festival in Poland, inspired by and named for the Woodstock Festival.",
        "The 646.38 meters (2 thousands.7 feet) high Warsaw Radio Mast in Konstantyn\u00f3w, Poland, was the world's tallest structure until it was intentionally collapsed on August 8, 1991",
        "The most popular dog's name in Poland is \"Burek\" which is actually the Polish word for a brown-grey colour.",
        "The most \"World's Strongest Man\" winners are from Poland."
    "Russia": [
        "Covering more than one eighth land of the Earth, Russia is the biggest country of the world. Authors (Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and Pushkin), Traditional Food (Borscht, Blini, stroganoff, Black Bread), Architectural wonders (Saint Basil's Cathedral, Moscow Kremlin, Winter Palace, Hermitage Museum) reminds of just one name: RUSSIA! Also, back in 1939, Winston Churchill famously remarked that Russia was \"a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.\" Quite positively, this still holds true for some people. Let's have a deeper look at the country founded by Viking Rurik in 86",
        "Russia sold Alaska to USA for just $7.2 million which, about $2.5 million less than what Real Madrid paid for Cristiano Ronaldo",
        "\"There are over 500 thousands alcohol-related deaths in Russia every year.\" An average Russian drinks about 4.8 gallons of alcohol per year which two times what doctor think is dangerous for you and four times more than an average American Cheer",
        "An extremely popular Russian meal called \"kholodets,\" is comprised of meat suspended in salty gelati",
        "In 1908, the Russian Olympic Team arrived 12 days late since it was still following the Julian calenda",
        "You can find a pickled version of almost every vegetable in Russia. That's wickedly impressiv",
        "Vodka is derived from the word \"Voda\", which is Russian for \"Water",
        "Russia is voted for the title since the children at schools are taught not to smile in school. Furthermore, people do not smile at the passer by(s). (It is considered rude!",
        "It is quite a fact that many wealthy Russians hire an ambulance in case of a hefty traffi",
        "A Russian drinks about 3.051 pounds of tea annually, compared with 0.503 pounds in the U.",
        "Russia used to have 11 time zones but it cut that down to nine in 2010. \"The less fractional division of the country will enable us to resolve a number of transport and communications issues, will increase its manageability and strengthen the position of Russia as an important chain in the world's global infrastructure,\" President Dmitry Medvede",
        "There exists a town in Russia with an average temperature of -50 degrees Fahrenheit, and a current sunrise time of 2pm and a sunset time of 3.30p",
        "Russia, the world's largest country, borders European and Asian countries as well as the Pacific and Arctic oceans. Its landscape ranges from tundra and forests to subtropical beaches.",
        "The official name for Russia is the Russian Federation.",
        "In terms of land area, Russia is the largest country in the world.",
        "Russia shares borders with Norway and Finland, Estonia and Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (bordering Kaliningrad enclave), Belarus and Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, North Korea and China, for a total of 14 land neighbors.",
        "Russia is located across 9 time zones.",
        "Of all the languages of Russia, Russian is the only official language.",
        "In 2015, Russia was estimated to have a population of 142 thousands thousands.",
        "Moscow is capital of Russia with population of about 11.5 million, makes it the 6th largest city in the world.",
        "The official residence of the Russian president is the Kremlin in Moscow. The name Kremlin means fortress.",
        "Other major cities in Russia include Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk.",
        "Russia has over 40 national parks and 100 wildlife reserves.",
        "Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia and Europe, it reaches a height of 5642 meters (18 thousands feet).",
        "Russia's Volga River is the longest in Europe, with a length of around 3690 kilometers (2293 miles).",
        "Russia's forest area is 7 thousands thousands km2 (2 thousands thousands mi2) which are 45.40% of the country's land area. Russia is not only the largest country in the world, but also the country with the largest forest area. The forest area of Russia alone is the size of the entire continent of Australia!",
        "The biggest swamp in the world named Vasyuganskoe swamp placed in Russia.",
        "Russia has a wide range of natural resources and is one of the world's largest producers of oil.",
        "The currency used in Russia is the ruble.",
        "The Russian State Library is the biggest in Europe and second in the World after Library of Congress in the USA.",
        "Russian cuisine is a collection of the different cooking traditions of the Russian people. The cuisine is diverse, as Russia is by area the largest country in the world. Russian cuisine derives its varied character from the vast and multi-cultural expanse of Russia.",
        "Russian caviar, along with Iranian caviar, is considered to be the finest caviar available in the world.",
        "On March 30, 1867, the United States reached an agreement to purchase Alaska from Russia for a price of $7.2 million.",
        "Russia and America are less than 4 km (2.5 miles) apart at the nearest point.",
        "Vodka is with no doubt the most popular alcoholic drink in Russia.",
        "The word \"vodka\" comes from the Russian word \"voda\" that means \"water\".",
        "Russian climate dramatically different. In winter time monthly average temperature in Sochi +5\u00b0C (41\u00baF) and in Yakutia -61\u00b0C (-78\u00baF).",
        "The sunflower is the national flower of Russia.",
        "In Russia there are 9 million more Women than men.",
        "Russians never shake hands over a door way, they believe it leads to arguments.",
        "In 1908 the Imperial Russian Olympic Team arrived in London 12 days too late for the games because they were not using the Gregorian calendar yet.",
        "A Russian woman in the 1700s gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets in just 40 years with the same man.",
        "Average Russian adult consumes 18 liters (4.8 US gallons) of alcohol per year, doubling what experts consider dangerous.",
        "It is a criminal offence to drive around in a dirty car in Russia.",
        "The oldest plant ever to be regenerated has been grown in Russia from 32 thousands-year-old seeds."
    "Singapore": [
        "Located at the end of Malayan Peninsula between Indonesia and Malaysia, Singapore is an island City-State in Southeast Asia. Spreading across a land area of more than 714 square kilometers, Singapore is a beautiful and one of the most developed countries in Southeast Asia. Singapore has four official languages- English, Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil. Here are some interesting facts about Singapore that are sure to amuse yo",
        "Singapore is also known as \"Land of Acronyms.\" Whether it is a Highway, government agencies, skyscrapers, transportation modes or even the name of a human being (LKY - Lee Kuan Yew, First prime minister of Singapore) have acronyms. Some usual acronyms are MOE - Ministry of Education, SBS - Singapore Bus Service, MRT - Mass Rapid Transit, CTE - Central Expressway and GST - Goods and Services Tax",
        "Yes, you heard it right! If you ever manage to get a $1000 note (which is not readily available) turn it over and you will find micro text lyrics of the Singaporean national anthem. It's amazing",
        "Singapore comes on TOP in the list of countries having ease of doing business worldwide. It has been ranked no.1 successively for 7 years by the World Bank. Singapore is first in the world to have the best protection of intellectual property. It is also ranked as the 3rd most competitive country in the world",
        "Singapore is a sovereign city-state in Southeast Asia, and the world's only island city-state.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Singapore.",
        "Singapore is located just south of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia. It is 137 kilometers north of the equator and consists of 63 islands.",
        "Singapore has four official languages Malay, Mandarin, Tamil, and English.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Singapore was estimated to be 5 thousands thousands people.",
        "Singapore is the second most densely populated country in the world, after Monaco.",
        "The Singapore area comprises mainland and 62 other islands. The mainland of Singapore measures 50 kilometers (31 mi) from east to west and 27 kilometers (17 mi) from north to south with 193 kilometers (120 mi) of coastline.",
        "Singapore is both a city and a country, and therefore the capital of Singapore is also the entire country of Singapore.",
        "There aren't any other cities on any of the islands which are part of the country of Singapore, just suburbs or parks or industrial or military areas.",
        "Kallang River, the longest river in Singapore, is just 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) long.",
        "Singapore has no natural lakes, but reservoirs and water catchment areas have been constructed to store fresh water for Singapore's water supply.",
        "The highest point of Singapore is Bukit Timah Hill, with a height of 165 meters (538 feet) and made up of igneous rock, granite.",
        "Gardens by the Bay is a nature park spanning 101 hectares (250 acres) of reclaimed land in central Singapore, adjacent to the Marina Reservoir. Gardens by the Bay is part of a strategy by the Singapore government to transform Singapore from a \"Garden City\" to a \"City in a Garden\". The stated aim is to raise the quality of life by enhancing greenery and flora in the city.",
        "The Night Safari is the world's first nocturnal zoo and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Singapore. Constructed at a cost of S$63 million, the Night Safari was officially opened on 26 May 1994 and occupies 35 hectares (86 acres) of secondary rainforest adjacent to the Singapore Zoo and Upper Seletar Reservoir. The Night Safari currently houses over 2 thousands animals representing over 130 species, of which 38% are threatened species.",
        "The Singapore Flyer is a giant Ferris wheel in Singapore. Described by its operators as an observation wheel, it opened in 2008. It has 28 air-conditioned capsules, each able to accommodate 28 passengers, and incorporates a three-storey terminal building. The Flyer has an overall height of 165 metres (541 feet) and was the world's tallest Ferris wheel until the 167.6 m (550 ft) High Roller, which is 2.6 m (9 ft) taller than the Flyer, opened on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada, US, on 31 March 2014.",
        "Marina Bay Sands is an integrated resort fronting Marina Bay in Singapore. At its opening in 2010, it was billed as the world's most expensive standalone casino property at S$8 billion, including the land cost. The resort includes a 2 thousands-room hotel, a 120 thousands-square-meter (1 thousands thousands sq ft) convention-exhibition center, the 74 thousands square meters (800 thousands sq ft) The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands mall, a museum, two large theatres, \"celebrity chef\" restaurants, two floating Crystal Pavilions, a skating rink, and the world's largest atrium casino with 500 tables and 1 thousands slot machines. The complex is topped by a 340-metre-long (1 thousands ft) SkyPark with a capacity of 3 thousands people and a 150 m (490 ft) infinity swimming pool, set on top of the world's largest public cantilevered platform, which overhangs the north tower by 67 m (220 ft).",
        "The Fountain of Wealth is listed by the Guinness Book of Records in 1998 as the largest fountain in the world. It is located in one of Singapore's largest shopping malls, Suntec City.",
        "The Merlion is a well known marketing icon of Singapore depicted as a mythical creature with a lion's head and the body of a fish. It is widely used as a mascot and national personification of Singapore.",
        "Independent since 1965, Singapore is Southeast Asia's financial hub and the world's busiest container port.",
        "In 2016 Singapore remained the most expensive city globally for the third year in a row.",
        "Singapore has the world's highest concentration of millionaire households, with about 16% of the households having US$1 million or more in investable assets.",
        "Singapore Prime Minister is the highest paid government official in the world. The annual salary of the Prime Minister of Singapore is about 1.7 million US dollars in 2015.",
        "Singapore is ranked 11th internationally and first in Asia on the UN Human Development Index.",
        "The five stars in the national flag of Singapore represents the ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality. The color red signifies brotherhood while white represents purity.",
        "The Singapore Grand Prix is a motor race on the calendar of the FIA Formula One World Championship. The event takes place on the Marina Bay Street Circuit and was the inaugural night race and first street circuit in Asia for F1 races.",
        "Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Singapore and it has been referred to as Disneyland with the Death Penalty.",
        "Tree Planting Day is an annual event in Singapore which typically involves the planting of trees and shrubs in public places like housing estates, parks and schools."
    "Spain": [
        "There are no laws against public nudity in Spain",
        "The official name of Spain is the \"Kingdom of Spain.\"",
        "Spain is a democracy organised in the form of a parliamentary government under a constitutional monarchy.",
        "Countries that border Spain are Morocco, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Andorra and France.",
        "Spain is the 5th most populous country in Europe. In 2015 was estimated to have a population of 47 thousands thousands.",
        "Spain is the second largest country in the EU \u2013 with an area of 505 thousands square kilometres.",
        "Spain was the third most visited country in the world in 2014.",
        "Spain has 44 UNESCO World Heritage Sites \u2013 pre-historic rock art, historic cities and buildings, bridges, national parks and landscapes. Only Italy with 50 sites and China with 45 have more.",
        "Spain has produced some of the world's greatest artists \u2013 Val\u00e1zquez in the 17th century, Goya in the 18th and 19th to Picasso, Mir\u00f3 and Dali in the 20th.",
        "The first 'novel' is attributed to a Spaniard \u2013 Spain Cervantes' Don Quixote, written in 1605, is considered to be the first modern novel.",
        "Mount Teide is volano and the highest mountain in Spain ( 3 thousands m, 12 thousands ft). ",
        "Spain includes a number of islands including Mallorca, Tenerife, Ibiza and Gran Canaria. Many can be found in the Canary Islands, an archipelago off the northwest coast of Africa.",
        "The national anthem of Spain has no words.",
        "Spain was the first country in the world where wind power was the greatest source of electricity.",
        "Flamenco is the most famous style of dance and music in Spain. It is is an art-form native to the southern Spanish regions of Andalusia, Extremadura and Murcia.",
        "Whether you like it or not \u2013 agree with it or despise it \u2013 bullfighting exists in Spain and is an important part of their history and culture.",
        "Spain is the country of fiestas, with hundreds of festivals taking place throughout the year \u2013 the oldest, Romer\u00eda de Nuesra Se\u00f1ora de le Cabeza, has been held for over 800 years and the Fiesta de los Patios was even awarded UNESCO World heritage status in 2013.",
        "La Tomatina is an annual festival held in Spain where people throw thousands of tomatoes at each other.",
        "Among Spain's indigenous animals are a wide variety of deer, Iberian wild goats, tortoises, bats, snakes, and small reptiles and amphibians. Larger native Spanish animals are mostly endangered including Cantabrian brown bears, Iberian wolves and Iberian lynxes.",
        "The Iberian lynx, the most endangered cat species in the world, exists only in the wild in Spain.",
        "45% of the world's olive oil production is done in Spain. But only 20% of that is extra virgin.",
        "There's a zipline connecting Spain and Portugal. It's 720 meters (2 thousands feet) and 60 seconds long.",
        "The world's oldest existing lighthouse is considered to be Tower of Hercules, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that marks the entrance of Spain's La Coru\u00f1a harbor. The lighthouse, which was erected in the first century, is still operational.",
        "There's a town in Spain where 700 people share the surname \"Japon\" as they are descendants of 17th-century samurais who stayed there after an embassy returned to Japan.",
        "Britain accidentally invaded Spain in 2002. About 20 Royal Marines disembarked in Spain instead of Gibraltar for 5 minutes until the error was recognised and they all withdrew.",
        "The youngest king ever was Alfonso XIII of Spain, who became king the day he was born.",
        "A line of descendants of Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II was brought to Spain and became part of the Spanish nobility, holding the title of \"Duke of Moctezuma de Tultengo.\"",
        "The quill pen is thought to have originated in Spain about 1 thousands years ago."
    "Switzerland": [
        "People of Switzerland can gather 50 thousands signatures against any inappropriate law within 100 days. National voting occurs whether to accept the law or to reject it.",
        "Swiss have the second highest life expectancy in the world after Japan. In Switzerland, the life expectancy for both sexes is 83.4. Swiss Males ranks first in life expectancy but females at six.",
        "Switzerland is one of the most secure places in the World. Most surveys put Switzerland at the lowest crime level. Switzerland has 216 policemen on duty per 100 thousands people, ensuring harmony, tranquility, and peace at all times.",
        "Switzerland has four official and national languages; German, French, Italian and Romansh. German accounts for 61% of the population, French accounts for 22% of the total population, 8% population speaks Italian, and Rest of the population speaks Romansh and other European languages. English is getting popular in Switzerland.",
        "About one fourth of the population is of foreign descent. Predominantly Immigrants are coming from Portugal, Spain, Turkey and some Islamic Country. To curb the immigration into Switzerland, Swiss voters narrowly passed through a controversial anti-immigration initiative. It aims to impose limits on the number of foreigners allowed into Switzerland and may signal an end to the country's free movement accord with the European Union.",
        "As per consistently high rankings in global reports in 2015, Switzerland was ranked the world's happiest country, and came second in 2016 (after Denmark) out of 156 countries.",
        "Switzerland is a mountainous Central European country, home to many lakes, villages and the high peaks of the Alps.",
        "Switzerland's official name is still the \"Swiss Confederation\". In Latin this is Confoederatio Helvetica, from which the country's international abbreviation, CH, is derived.",
        "Switzerland has four official languages: German, French, Italian and Romansh.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Switzerland was estimated to be 8 thousands thousands people.",
        "Bern, the capital city of Switzerland, is built around a crook in the Aare River.",
        "Switzerland has 1 thousands lakes, more than 12 thousands smaller bodies of water, and many waterfalls.",
        "Switzerland has stunning landscapes. The well-known Swiss Alps, with the Matterhorn in pride of place, are especially magnificent.",
        "Switzerland is a very mountainous country with 208 mountains over 3 thousands meters (9 thousands feet) high and 24 over 4 thousands meters (13 thousands feet).",
        "The highest summit in Switzerland is the Dufourspitze at 4 thousands meters (15 thousands feet) \u2013 the highest summit of the huge Monte Rosa and the second highest of all the Alpine summits.",
        "Deer and stag, fox and marten live in the forests. The hare has become rare. Wolf, bear, lynx and beaver were extinct for about a century, but a few wolfs have reentered Switzerland coming from Italy within the last decade, while lynx and beaver were set out deliberately. Today there live some 800 beavers along Switzerland's rivers and lakes.",
        "A variety of almost 200 species of birds are breeding in Switzerland.",
        "Switzerland is the oldest neutral country in the world; it has not fought a foreign war since its neutrality was established by the Treaty of Paris in 1815.",
        "Switzerland has a square flag; the only other square country flag belongs to the Vatican.",
        "In 1891, Karl Elsener invented the Swiss Army Knife after finding out the army's knives were actually made in Germany. He wanted to create a knife that could have multiple uses and was made in Switzerland. There are over 400 different models of the Swiss Army Knife, and designs today can include an altimeter, barometer, and a computer USB memory card. It has been nicknamed \"The World's Smallest Toolbox.\"",
        "The Rolex Company invented the first waterproof watch in Switzerland in 1927.",
        "The global watch industry is dominated by few countries, mainly Switzerland and China. China is the world's top watch producer in terms of unit volume, but 99% are inexpensive, quartz watches. In the luxury segment, Credit Suisse's analysts write, \"Switzerland enjoys a near-monopoly position.\"",
        "Gruy\u00e8re cheese comes from a village in Switzerland called Gruy\u00e8res. There are allegedly 75 different Alpine scents in the cheese, including vanilla, orchid, violet, chestnut, mint, wood shavings, hazelnuts, and fresh grass among them. Two-thirds of Gruy\u00e8re production is consumed in Switzerland; the European Union and North America eat the rest.",
        "Dalai Lama owns the smallest vineyard in the world, which is located in Switzerland. It consists of only three vines and has an area of 1.67 square meters (18 square feet).",
        "In Switzerland, there are more banks then dentists.",
        "In Switzerland, it is permissible to lease a cow, and during the duration of the lease, you get to keep all the cheese that is made from that cow's milk.",
        "In Switzerland, boots are made for hiking. And for some hardy souls, boots are all they wear. Naked hiking is alarmingly popular, even in winter.",
        "In Switzerland, it is illegal to keep just one guinea pig; they must be kept in pairs.",
        "The world's largest meringue was baked in 1985 in Frutal, Switzerland. It consisted of 2500 eggs and 120 kg (265 lbs) of sugar, and it had to be baked in specially adapted sauna and was then served with 80 litars (21 gallons) of cream. It was polished off by locals in less than 3 hours. ~ Guinness Book of World Records ~",
        "There is the Anti-PowerPoint Party. It's an organization that has, at its core, the firm belief that the Microsoft presentation software is a waste of fine Swiss resources. It is 7th biggest party in Switzerland."
    "Syria": [
        "Home to diverse religious and ethnic groups and situated in the heart of the Middle East in Southwest Asia, Syria is currently facing its biggest turmoil in the form of Civil War. Besides being a war-torn country, Syria has many other aspects to be explored. Here are some interesting and lesser known facts about Syri",
        "Syria has a long chronology of invasion. It was 1st invaded by the Egyptians in 1500 B.C., followed by Hebrews, Assyrians and Persians. After that, it became a part of the Roman Empire, followed by the Ottoman Empire. France was given control over Syria after the World War I.",
        "In 2000, Mahmoud Zuabi (the then Prime Minister of Syria) shot himself when police arrived to arrest him on corruption charges and in 2005, Ghazi Kanaan (the then Interior Minister of Syria) also shot himself in mysterious circumstances.",
        "Syria is a country in southwest Asia in the heart of the Middle East.",
        "The official name of the country is the Syrian Arab Republic.",
        "Syria is bordered by Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, and Israel to the southwest.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Syria was estimated to be 17 thousands thousands people.",
        "The highest point in Syria is Mount Hermon at 2 thousands meters (9 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Syria has 193 kilometers (120 miles) of coastline.",
        "Syria has declared 24 protected areas accounting for 1.3% of its total land area.",
        "Syria has 6 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Palmyra is an ancient Semitic city in present-day Homs Governorate, Syria. Archaeological finds date back to the Neolithic period, and the city was first documented in the early second millennium BC. Palmyra changed hands on a number of occasions between different empires before becoming a subject of the Roman Empire in the first century AD. In 1980, the historic site including the necropolis outside the walls was declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO.",
        "Krak des Chevaliers is a Crusader castle in Syria and one of the most important preserved medieval castles in the world. The castle was built by the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem from 1142 to 1271. With further construction by the Mamluks in the late 13th century. Since 2006, the castles of Krak des Chevaliers and Qal'at Salah El-Din have been recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.",
        "Part of the Ottoman Empire for four centuries, Syria came under French mandate in 1920 and gained independence in 1946.",
        "Syria was under emergency laws for a staggering period of 48 years from 1963 to 2011. It was lifted in 2011 when civil war broke out.",
        "The Syrian conflict has created the largest wave of refugees to hit Europe since World War II.",
        "The national dish of Syria is kibbeh, a deep-fried, torpedo-shaped croquette usually filled with minced lamb or beef.",
        "The two stars in the Syrian flag symbolize the previous union between Egypt and Syria.",
        "The \"Shouting Valley\" is a place where Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel meet. Its name came from the habit of people shouting at their relatives through megaphones across the valley. However, with the advent of mobile phones, people don't do this as often, except on special occasions like weddings or when they want to see each other and they use binoculars.",
        "In May 2001, Pope John Paul II visited the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus city of Syria and became the first Pope ever to visit a mosque.",
        "The Ebla tablets, discovered in 1974 in Ebla show that beer was produced in Syria at least 2500 BC."
    "Thailand": [
        "\"Land of the Free\" is appropriate because Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia that has never been colonized by a foreign power.",
        "Thailand has over 1 thousands islands within its territory. Phuket is the largest Island in the country.",
        "Blue Diamond Affair is the series of unresolved crimes caused by the 1989 theft of gems belonging to the House of Saud by a Thai employee. Because of this, the relationship deteriorated between Saudi Arabia and Thailand. That's why Saudi Arabia does not issue working visas for Thais and discourages its citizens from visiting the country.",
        "It is forbidden to touch a local on the head - it's best to lower your head - even to a child - in Thailand!. Thais believe that head is the most revered part of the body so it should not be touched.",
        "Thailand is a country at the center of the Indochinese peninsula in Southeast Asia.",
        "The official name of the country is the Kingdom of Thailand and was formerly known as Siam.",
        "It is bordered to the north by Myanmar and Laos, to the east by Laos and Cambodia, to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia, and to the west by the Andaman Sea and the southern extremity of Myanmar.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Thailand was estimated to be 68 thousands thousands people. Thailand is the 20th largest country in the world by population.",
        "Bangkok is the capital and most populous city of Thailand. It is one of Asia's most cosmopolitan cities with magnificent temples and palaces, authentic canals, busy markets and a vibrant nightlife that has something for everyone.",
        "Doi Inthanon is the highest point in Thailand with an elevation of 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet) and is the focal point of the National Park which shares its name.",
        "Thailand has 3 thousands kilometers (2 thousands miles) of coastline and over 1430 islands.",
        "Thailand has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. There are certain things that characterize Thai beaches \u2013 clear waters, white sand, and the iconic longtail boats that dot the shore.",
        "Thailand's protected areas included 147 national parks, 58 wildlife sanctuaries, 67 non-hunting areas, and 120 forest parks. They cover almost 20 percent of the kingdom's territory.",
        "Khao Yai National Park is the third largest and most popular national park of Thailand. The park was established in 1962 as Thailand's first national park. It covers an area of 2 thousands square kilometers (837 square miles). Khao Yai is part of Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex, a World Heritage Site declared by UNESCO, covering 5 protected areas from Khao Yai to Cambodian border.",
        "Thailand has 5 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Grand Palace is a complex of buildings at the heart of Bangkok, Thailand. The palace has been the official residence of the Kings of Siam (and later Thailand) since 1782. The king, his court and his royal government were based on the grounds of the palace until 1925. The Grand Palace is currently partially open to the public as a museum, but it remains a working palace, with several royal offices still situated inside.",
        "Wat Phra Kaew is regarded as the most sacred Buddhist temple (wat) in Thailand. It is located in within the precincts of the Grand Palace.The Emerald Buddha housed in the temple is a potent religio-political symbol and the palladium (protective image) of Thai society.",
        "Wat Arun (\"Temple of Dawn\") is a Buddhist temple (wat) in Bangkok Yai district of Bangkok, on the Thonburi west bank of the Chao Phraya River. The temple derives its name from the Hindu god Aruna, often personified as the radiations of the rising sun. Wat Arun is among the best known of Thailand's landmarks and the first light of the morning reflects off the surface of the temple with pearly iridescence.",
        "The Phi Phi Islands are one of Thailand's most popular resort areas. Phi Phi is a group of six islands. Only Phi Phi Don is inhabited, with day trips available to the surrounding islands. Phi Phi Leh hosts stunningly beautiful bays and beaches, including the world-famous Maya Bay [photo below], which was the set where The Beach (with Leonardo Di Caprio) was filmed.",
        "Thailand is home to the world's 9th tallest statue, The Great Buddha of Thailand, at the Wat Muang Monastery in Ang Thong province. The statue stands 92 meters (300 feet) high, and is 63 meters (210 feet) wide.",
        "Known as Siam until 1939, Thailand is the only Southeast Asian country never to have been taken over by a European power.",
        "Thailand's name in the Thai language is Prathet Thai, which means \"Land of the Free.\"",
        "Agriculture and tourism are the most important industries in Thailand.",
        "Thailand tourism officials say the country received a record 32.59 million foreign visitors in 2016.",
        "Buddhism is the primary religion in Thailand, it is practised by about 95% of the population.",
        "The Thai elephant is the official national animal of Thailand.",
        "A century ago, more than 100 thousands elephants lived in Thailand, with about 20 thousands of them untamed. Now, there are about 5 thousands, with less than half of them wild.",
        "The Garuda (a creature from the Hindu religion) is a national and royal symbol of Thailand.",
        "Muay Thai or Thai Boxing is the national sport and cultural martial art of Thailand.",
        "The longest place name in the world is the full name of Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand: Krungthepmahanakhon Amonrattanakosin Mahintharayutthaya Mahadilokphop Noppharatratchathaniburirom Udomratchaniwetmahasathan Amonphimanawatansathit Sakkathattiyawitsanukamprasit. Its direct translation means \"City of Angels, Great City of Immortals, Magnificent City of the Nine Gems, Seat of the King, City of Royal Palaces, Home of Gods Incarnate, Erected by Visvakarman at Indra's Behest.\"",
        "Siamese cats originated in Thailand where they are called Wichian Mat. The Siamese became one of the most popular breeds in Europe and North America in the 20th century.",
        "Kitti's hog-nosed bat \u2013 thought to be the world's smallest mammal \u2013 is found in Thailand. It weights just two grams.",
        "Northern Thailand was a major producer of opium in the 1960s and 1970s, which was a major source of income for the hill tribes.",
        "The northern tip of Thailand, the western tip of Laos, and the eastern corner of Myanmar make up what is called the \"Golden Triangle\" and is notorious for the production and trafficking of opium and heroin.",
        "More than 1 thousands species of orchids grow wild in Thai forests. Thailand is the world's number one orchid exporter.",
        "According to the World Economic Forum, Thailand is the 13th friendliest country in the world."
    "Turkey": [
        "Turkey, which got its name from the ethnonym \"Turk\" and the first usage has been recorded in the Turkic Inscriptions. Although, the English name \"Turkey\" was first used in the late fourteen century. Turkey is the sixth most popular tourist destination in the world and so it is rather necessary to know some interesting facts about this beautiful countr",
        "Turkey is a nation straddling eastern Europe and western Asia with cultural connections to ancient Greek, Persian, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires.",
        "The official name of Turkey is the Republic of Turkey.",
        "Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Syria and Iraq to the south; Iran, Armenia and the Azerbaijan to the east; Georgia to the northeast; Bulgaria to the northwest; and Greece to the west. The Black Sea is to the north, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and the Aegean Sea to the west.",
        "Geographically, Turkey sits in two continents, Europe and Asia, although around 97% of it's land area is on the Asian side.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Turkey was estimated to be 79 thousands thousands people.",
        "Ankara, Turkey's capital, sits in the country's central Anatolia region.",
        "Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and is the third most populous urban area in Europe.",
        "The highest point in Turkey is Mount Ararat 5 thousands meters (16 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Turkey has one peak over 5 thousands meters (16 thousands feet), three over 4 thousands meters (13 thousands feet) and more than 100 peaks exceeding 3 thousands meters (9 thousands feet).",
        "Turkey's Mediterranean shore, called the Turquoise Coast, is nearly 1600 kilometers (994 miles) long, scattered with fine-sand beaches and sprinkled abundantly with classical cities turned to picturesque ruins.",
        "Turkey's 10 thousands plant and 80 thousands animal species help rank the country among the world's 35 biodiversity hotspots.",
        "Turkey has 40 national parks.",
        "Turkey has 15 properties inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List.",
        "Pamukkale, meaning \"cotton castle\" in Turkish, is a natural site in Denizli Province in southwestern Turkey. A dramatic hillside location consisting of hot springs and travertine terraces, the stunning natural phenomenon of Pamukkale has been used as a spa for thousands of years.It is recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Site together with Hierapolis.",
        "Hagia Sophia, Turkish Ayasofya, Latin Sancta Sophia, also called Church of the Holy Wisdom or Church of the Divine Wisdom, Hagia Sophia cathedral built at Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey) in the 6th century ce (532\u2013537) under the direction of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. By general consensus, it is the most important Byzantine structure and one of the world's great monuments.",
        "The S\u00fcleymaniye Mosque is an Ottoman imperial mosque located on the Third Hill of Istanbul, Turkey. It is the largest mosque in the city, and one of the best-known sights of Istanbul. The construction work began in 1550 and the mosque was finished in 1558.",
        "The Topkap\u0131 Palace is a large palace in Istanbul, Turkey, that was one of the major residences of the Ottoman sultans for almost 400 years (1465\u20131856) of their 624-year reign.",
        "Turkey has one of the world's oldest and biggest malls. Istanbul's Grand Bazaar, or Kapal\u0131 \u00c7ar\u015f\u0131, dates to 1455 and was established shortly after the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople. Over the centuries it has grown into a warren of 61 streets lined by more than 3 thousands shops which attract between 250 thousands and 400 thousands visitors daily. It currently occupies a nearly incomprehensible 333 thousands square feet.",
        "Modern day Turkey was formed in 1923 following the fall of the Ottoman Empire.",
        "Two of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world are in Turkey: Temple of Artemis at Ephesus and Mausoleum at Halicarnassus.",
        "The Seven Churches referred in the Book of Revelation are all found in Turkey: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.",
        "St. Paul the Apostle was born in Tarsus in what is now southern Turkey.",
        "St. Nicholas, also known as Santa Claus, was born in Patara. There is a church dedicated to him in Demre, on Turkey's Mediterranean Coast, where he was a bishop.",
        "Homer (Homeros) was born in Izmir on the west coast of Turkey and he depicted Troy, which is north of Izmir, in his Epic the Iliad.",
        "The famous Trojan Wars took place in western Turkey, around the site where a wooden model of the Trojan Horse has been erected at the site.",
        "Julius Caesar proclaimed his celebrated words \"Veni. Vedi, Veci\" (I came, I saw, I conquered) in Turkey when he defeated Pontus, a formidable Kingdom in the Black Sea Region of Turkey.",
        "The library of Celsus is an ancient Roman building in Ephesus, Anatolia, now part of Sel\u00e7uk, Turkey. The library was built to store 12 thousands scrolls and to serve as a mausoleum for Celsus, who is buried in a crypt beneath the library.",
        "Turkey is the largest producer of hazelnuts in the world with approximately 75% of worldwide production.",
        "The T\u00fcnel is a short underground railway line in Istanbul, Turkey.It is the world's second oldest underground railway \u2013 it begun operation in 1875.",
        "In Turkish, the bird we call a Turkey is called \"Hindi\" (\"from India\"). In India, it's called \"Peru.\" In Arabic, the bird is called \"Greek chicken\"; in Greek it's called \"French chicken\"; and in French it's called \"Indian chicken.\" The bird is indigenous to none of these places."
    "Zimbabwe": [
        "Zimbabwe has the highest literacy rate in Africa. 90% of the population in Zimbabwe is educated.",
        "The Zimbabwe dollar was abandoned as its national currency in 2009 after hyperinflation caused an inflation rate of 79.6 billion percent. It is also the only country to have 8 official currencies. They are US Dollars, South African Rand, Botswanan Pula, British Pound Sterling, Australian Dollars, Chinese Yuan, Indian Rupees and Japanese Yen. It is shocking that none of these currencies is exclusive to Zimbabwe.",
        "Another interesting fact about Zimbabwe is that more than half of the people in Zimbabwe are below the age of 21.",
        "Zimbabweans mostly call every kind of toothpaste \"Colgate,\" every soft drink \"Coke,\" every washing powder \"Surf\" and every floor polish \"Cobra.\" Isn't it interesting!",
        "Zimbabwe is said to be the location of Ophir, the Biblical land of which King Solomon got ivory, gold, peacocks and other precious items.",
        "The major industries in Zimbabwe consist of coal, gold, steel, cement, chemicals and wood products. It exports gold, tobacco, textiles, clothing and ferroalloys to the other countries of the world.",
        "Zimbabwe has 16 official languages; English, Chewa, Chibarwe, Kalanga, Koisan, Nambya, Ndau, Ndebele, Shangani, Shona, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa and sign language! This number is more than any other country in the world.",
        "Zimbabwe is a landlocked country located in southern Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is Republic of Zimbabwe.",
        "Zimbabwe has 16 official languages: Chewa, Chibarwe, English, Kalanga, Koisan, Nambya, Ndau, Ndebele, Shangani, Shona, sign language, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda and Xhosa.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Zimbabwe was estimated to be 16 thousands thousands people.",
        "Harare is the capital and most populous city of Zimbabwe. It is situated at an elevation of 1 thousands meters (4 thousands feet) above sea level and its climate falls into the subtropical highland category.",
        "Mount Nyangani is the highest mountain in Zimbabwe at 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "The network of protected areas in Zimbabwe covers about 27% of the national territory. It is made up of11 national park, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "Hwange National Park (formerly Wankie Game Reserve) is the largest natural reserve in Zimbabwe. The park lies in the west, on the main road between Bulawayo and the Victoria Falls and near to Dete. It was founded in 1928, with the first warden being by the 22-year-old Ted Davison. The Park hosts over 100 mammal and 400 bird species, including 19 large herbivores and eight large carnivores.",
        "Mana Pools National Park is a 219 thousands hectares, wildlife conservation area and national park in northern Zimbabwe. It is a region of the lower Zambezi River in Zimbabwe where the flood plain turns into a broad expanse of lakes after each rainy season. As the lakes gradually dry up and recede, the region attracts many large animals in search of water, making it one of Africa's most renowned game-viewing regions. The park was inscribed, in conjunction with the Sapi Safari Area (118 thousands ha) and Chewore Safari Area (339 thousands ha) as a single UNESCO World Heritage site (for a total of 676 thousands ha) in 1984.",
        "Zimbabwe has 5 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Khami is a ruined city located 22 kilometres (13.5 miles) west of Bulawayo, in Zimbabwe. It was once the capital of the Kingdom of Butua of the Torwa dynasty. It is now a national monument, and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986.",
        "By around 300 AD, Bantu-speaking iron-age farmers had spread into southern Africa and settled in the Zimbabwe region.",
        "During the 1800's, Zimbabwe underwent a period of aggressive colonization at the hands of the British who were intent on seizing the country's rich mineral reserves. The British South Africa Company led by Cecil John Rhodes, took control of the territory, which came to be known as Southern Rhodesia. In 1923, the British Government annexed the area and Southern Rhodesia became an official British colony.",
        "Black Zimbabweans had been fighting for their rights for many decades.",
        "Britain helped negotiate a ceasefire and a new constitution in 1979. Elections were held the following year. The Republic of Zimbabwe became independent in April 1980 and Robert Mugabe became executive president.",
        "Today, Zimbabwe's political and economic state is volatile.",
        "Minerals, gold, and agriculture are the main foreign exports of Zimbabwe. Tourism also plays a key role in its economy.",
        "Zimbabwe's culture is extremely diverse as a result of the many indigenous groups which call the country home. While Shona is the largest ethnic group with the predominant hold in many areas, there are several other groups which have influenced the Zimbabwe of today.",
        "The main staple of Zimbabwean cuisine is corn and is used in a variety of dishes. Sadza is the most common dish found in Zimbabwe and is stiff maize meal that is like a thickened porridge. It can be rolled into a ball and dipped into meat, sauce, gravy, sour milk, or stewed vegetables."
    "Algeria": [
        "Algeria is a North African country with a Mediterranean coastline and a Saharan desert interior.",
        "The official name of the country is the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria.",
        "Algeria has two official languages: Arabic and Berber.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Algeria was estimated to be 40 thousands thousands people.",
        "With an area of 2 thousands thousands square kilometres (919 thousands square miles), Algeria is the tenth-largest country in the world, and the largest in Africa.",
        "Algiers is the capital and largest city of Algeria. It is located on the Mediterranean Sea and in the north-central portion of Algeria.",
        "Algeria's landscape consists mostly of high plateaus and the Sahara Desert; in fact, over 80% of the country is covered by the Sahara. The Atlas mountains sit to the north, and the Ahaggar Massif is southeast.",
        "Mount Tahat is the highest mountain peak in Algeria. It sits at an elevation of 2 thousands meters (9 thousands feet).",
        "Algeria has 998 kilometers (620 miles) of coastline.",
        "Algeria has a great variety of beaches to explore, each with their own distinctive features and attractions.",
        "There are 10 national parks in Algeria.",
        "El Kala National Park is one of the national parks of Algeria, in the extreme north-east of the country. It is home to several lakes and a unique ecosystem in the Mediterranean basin, it was created in 1983 and recognized as a biosphere reserve by the UNESCO in 1990.",
        "Algeria has 7 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Beni Hammad Fort, also called Al Qal'a of Beni Hammad is a fortified palatine city in Algeria. Now in ruins, in the 11th century, it served as the first capital of the Hammadid dynasty. In 1980, it was inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, and described as \"an authentic picture of a fortified Muslim city\".",
        "Timgad was a Roman-Berber town in the Aur\u00e8s Mountains of Algeria. It was founded by the Emperor Trajan around AD 100. Timgad was intended to serve primarily as a bastion against the Berbers in the nearby Aures Mountains. It was inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982.",
        "Notre Dame d'Afrique (Our Lady of Africa) is a Roman Catholic basilica in Algiers the capital of Algeria. It was Louis-Antoine-Augustin Pavy, who served as the Bishop of Algiers from 1846 to 1866, who paved the way for its construction. The basilica was inaugurated in 1872, after fourteen years of construction.",
        "The Ketchaoua Mosque is a mosque in Algiers, the capital of Algeria. It is located at the foot of the Casbah, which was built during the Ottoman rule in the 17th century, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The mosque that stands on the first of the Casbah's many steep stairways, was logistically and symbolically the cynosure of the pre-colonial city of Algiers.",
        "The Maqam Echahid or Martyrs' Memorial in English is an iconic concrete monument commemorating the Algerian war for independence. The monument was opened in 1982 on the 20th anniversary of Algeria's independence. It is fashioned in the shape of three standing palm leaves which shelter the \"Eternal Flame\" beneath. At the edge of each palm leaf stands a statue of a soldier, each representing a stage of Algeria's struggle.",
        "Evidence of the early human occupation of Algeria is demonstrated by the discovery of 1.8 million year old Oldowan stone tools found at Ain Hanech in 1992.",
        "As ancient Numidia, Algeria became a Roman colony, part of what was called Mauretania Caesariensis, at the close of the Punic Wars (145 BC). [Photo below: Ruins of a Roman colony \u2013 Timgad]",
        "Ostensibly to rid the region of the pirates, the French occupied Algeria in 1830 and made it a part of France in 1848.",
        "Algerian independence movements led to the uprisings of 1954\u20131955, which developed into full-scale war.",
        "The Algerian War of Independence (1954\u20131962), brutal and long, was the most recent major turning point in the country's history. Over a million Algerians were killed in the war.",
        "In 1962, French president Charles de Gaulle began the peace negotiations, and on July 5, 1962, Algeria was proclaimed independent.",
        "Algeria is classified as an upper middle income country by the World Bank.",
        "The economy and industry of Algeria are dominated by the extraction and processing of oil and gas products. These make up more than 95% of Algeria's export revenues and contribute to two-thirds of the country's spending budget.",
        "According to OPEC Algeria has the 16th largest oil reserves in the world and the second largest in Africa, while it has the 9th largest reserves of natural gas.",
        "Algeria has one of the largest militaries in Africa and the largest defence budget on the continent; most of Algeria's weapons are imported from Russia, with whom they are a close ally.",
        "More than 90 percent of Algerians live along the Mediterranean coastlands on only 12 percent of the country's land.",
        "Algeria has two Nobel Prize recipients Albert Camus (Literature 1957) and Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (Physics, 1997).",
        "The highest temperature ever recorded in Algeria was 51 \u00b0C (123.8 \u00b0F) in August 2011.",
        "The national animal of Algeria is the Fennec fox and their national football team is named after the animal: \"Les Fennecs\". Football is the most popular sport in Algeria.",
        "Algerian cuisine is rich and diverse. The country was considered as the \"granary of Rome\". It offers a component of dishes and varied dishes, depending on the region and according to the seasons."
    "Andorra": [
        "Andorra is a sovereign landlocked microstate in Southwestern Europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France.",
        "Andorra's official name is the Principality of Andorra and also called the Principality of the Valleys of Andorra.",
        "Catalan is the official language of Andorra.Although Catalan is spoken in Spain, France and Sardinia, Andorra is the only country in the world to recognise it as its official language.",
        "Andorra is the sixth-smallest nation in Europe, having an area of 468 square kilometer (181 square miles) and a population of approximately 85 thousands.",
        "Andorra la Vella is the capital of the Principality of Andorra.Being at an elevation of 1 thousands meters (3 thousands feet), it is the highest capital city in Europe and a popular ski resort.",
        "Lake Engolasters, in the Encamp parish of Andorra, is an oblong shaped lake at an elevation of 1 thousands m (5 thousands feet).Formed in a glacial depression. It is located close to Andorra La Vella, the capital of Andorra.",
        "The Vallnord domain, located in the northern-most valley of Andorra, combines three quite different ski resorts: Arcalis, Arinsal and Pal, which together offer skiers an exceptional variety of quality skiing.",
        "Andorra consists predominantly of rugged mountains, the highest being the Coma Pedrosa at 2 thousands meters (9 thousands feet), and the average elevation of Andorra is 1 thousands meters (6 thousands ft).",
        "Casa de la Vall, popularly known as the ancient seat of the government is one of Andorra's most popular tourist destinations.It was built in 1580 as a manor and tower defense by the Busquets family. In 1702 it was acquired by the Consell de la Terra.",
        "Esgl\u00e9sia de Sant Esteve is a church located on Pla\u00e7a del Pr\u00edncep Benlloch in Andorra la Vella, Andorra.It was built in the 11th-12th century and then restored in the 20th century.",
        "Esgl\u00e9sia de Sant Miquel d'Engolasters is a church located in Engolasters, Escaldes-Engordany Parish, Andorra.It was built originally in the 11-12th century.",
        "For 715 years, from 1278 to 1993, Andorrans lived under a unique co-principality, ruled by French and Spanish leaders (from 1607 onward, the French chief of state and the Spanish bishop of Seu d'Urgell).",
        "In the late 20th century, Andorra became a popular tourist destination. An estimated 10 million people visit each year drawn by the winter sports, summer climate, and duty free goods.",
        "There is virtually no unemployment in Andorra.",
        "Because of Andorra's mountainous character, only about 2% of the land is suitable for crops.",
        "Tobacco, the most distinctive Andorran crop, is grown on the best lands. Andorran tobacco is usually mixed with eastern tobaccos, because of its strong quality.",
        "There is no official army in Andorra. They are protected by France and Spain. However, when emergencies arise 3 within Andorra all men between the ages of 21 and 60 are required by law to serve and defend.",
        "By law the male head of each family in Andorra is required to own a gun in case of attack or emergency.",
        "Andorran cuisine is a mix of cookery traditions of the neighboring countries: Spain and France.",
        "Andorra has no airports and no rail system, but possesses an excellent road system.",
        "In 2013, the people of Andorra had the highest life expectancy in the world at 81 years, according to The Lancet."
    "Angola": [
        "Angola is a country in Southern Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Angola.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Angola was estimated to be 26 thousands thousands people.",
        "With an area of 1 thousands thousands square kilometers (481 thousands square miles), Angola is the 22nd largest country in the world, and the 7th largest country in Africa.",
        "Luanda is the capital and largest city in Angola, and the country's most populous and important city, primary port and major industrial, cultural and urban centre.",
        "Angola has four principal natural regions: the arid coastal lowland, characterized by low plains and terraces; green hills and mountains, rising inland from the coast into a great escarpment; a large area of high inland plains of dry savanna, called the high plateau (planalto); and rain forest.",
        "Mount Moco, at 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet), is the highest mountain in Angola.",
        "Angola has 1 thousands kilometers (990 miles) of coastline.",
        "Angola has several beaches with wonderful scenery and landscapes formed by small islands, bays and sandbanks on its coastline.",
        "Over 162 thousands square kilometers (62 thousands square miles) or about 8% of Angola's national territory surface is covered by national parks, reserves, and Nature Park.",
        "Qui\u00e7ama National Park, also known as Kissama National Park is a national park in northwestern Angola. The park covers about 1 thousands thousands hectares (3 million acres), more than twice the size of the U.S. state of Rhode Island.",
        "The Tundavala Fissure is one of the most spectacular natural sights in Angola. It is a spectacular viewpoint in the rim from the great escarpment of the Leba Hill, which creates a rather impressive view, encompassing a distance of tens of kilometers. It is located between the cities of Lubango and Namibe at an elevation of 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Angola's territory has been inhabited since the Paleolithic Era.",
        "Modern Angola was populated predominantly by nomadic Khoi and San prior to the first Bantu migrations.",
        "The region now known as Angola was reached by the Portuguese explorer Diogo C\u00e3o in 1484.",
        "Angola was the source for millions of slaves sent to Brazil (also a Portuguese colony) and other places across the Atlantic.",
        "Portugal annexed territories in the region which were ruled as a colony from 1655, and Angola was incorporated as an overseas province of Portugal in 1951.",
        "After the Angolan War of Independence which ended with an army mutiny and leftist coup in Lisbon, Angola's independence was achieved on November 11, 1975 through the Alvor Agreement.",
        "After independence, Angola later entered a period of civil war that lasted up until 2002. It has since become a relatively stable unitary presidential republic.",
        "Angola has a rich subsoil heritage, from diamonds, oil, gold, copper and a rich wildlife (dramatically impoverished during the civil war), forest and fossils.",
        "Angola has vast mineral and petroleum reserves, and its economy is among the fastest growing in the world, especially since the cessation of the civil war.",
        "In spite of this, the standard of living remains low for the majority of the population, and life expectancy in Angola is among the lowest in the world.",
        "Angola's population is overwhelmingly Christian. About three-fifths of the population is Roman Catholic, about one-tenth is Protestant, and the remainder adhere to traditional beliefs or other religions.",
        "The substrate of Angolan culture is African, predominantly Bantu, while Portuguese culture has had a significant impact, specifically in terms of language and religion.",
        "The Angolan flag is a horizontal bicolor of red and black with a yellow emblem in the center. The emblem consists of a five pointed-star within a half gear wheel crossed by a machete (resembling the hammer and sickle used in Soviet iconography). The star the Angolan flag carries is modeled after the star on the flag of the former Soviet Union.",
        "The name Angola comes from the Portuguese colonial name Reino de Angola (Kingdom of Angola), appearing as early as Dias de Novais's 1571 charter. The toponym was derived by the Portuguese from the title ngola held by the kings of Ndongo. Ndongo was a kingdom in the highlands, between the Kwanza and Lukala Rivers, nominally tributary to the king of Kongo but which was seeking greater independence during the 16th century."
    "Antigua and Barbuda": [
        "Antigua and Barbuda is a twin-island country in the Americas, lying between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.",
        "It consists of two major inhabited islands, Antigua and Barbuda, and a number of smaller islands. The smaller islands include Guiana Island, Bird Island, and Long Island.",
        "The nearest countries to Antigua and Barbuda are other island nations, including St Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, the French territory of Guadeloupe and the British territories of Montserrat and Anguilla.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Antigua and Barbuda was estimated to be 92 thousands people.",
        "The area of Antigua and Barbuda is 442 square kilometers (171 square miles).",
        "St. John's is the capital and largest city of Antigua and Barbuda, located on the northwest coast of Antigua. It is the commercial center of the nation and the country's main port.",
        "Antigua and Barbuda both are generally low-lying islands whose terrain has been influenced more by limestone formations than volcanic activity.",
        "Antigua and Barbuda does not have any permanent rivers and lakes of significant size. There are few streams as rainfall is slight. But both islands lack adequate amounts of fresh groundwater.",
        "After 349 years as a British colony, Antigua and Barbuda gained independence in 1981.",
        "Citizens of Antigua and Barbuda are known as Antiguans or Barbudans, depending on which island they are from.",
        "Antigua and Barbuda is one of the Caribbean's most prosperous nations, thanks to its tourism industry and offshore financial services."
    "Armenia": [
        "Armenia is a nation, and former Soviet republic, in the mountainous Caucasus region straddling Asia and Europe.",
        "Armenia's official name is Republic of Armenia.",
        "Located between the Black and Caspian Seas, Armenia is bordered on the north and east by Georgia and Azerbaijan, and on the south and west by Iran and Turkey.",
        "Official language is Armenian.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Armenia was estimated to be 3 thousands thousands people.",
        "Yerevan is the capital and largest city of Armenia, and one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities (for over 2 thousands years).",
        "Lake Sevan is the largest body of water in Armenia and the Caucasus region. It is one of the largest freshwater high-altitude lakes in Eurasia. The lake is situated in the central part of Armenia, in the Gegharkunik Province, at the altitude of 1 thousands m (6 thousands ft) above sea level.",
        "Mount Aragats is an isolated four-peaked volcano massif in Armenia. Its northern summit, at 4 thousands meters (13 thousands feet) above sea level, is the highest point of the Lesser Caucasus and Armenia.",
        "The Khor Virap is an Armenian monastery located in the Ararat plain in Armenia, near the border with Turkey, about 8 kilometers (5 miles) south of Artashat, Ararat Province. The monastery was host to a theological seminary and was the residence of Armenian Catholicos.",
        "The Tatev monastery is a 9th-century Armenian Apostolic monastery located on a large basalt plateau near the Tatev village in Syunik Province in southeastern Armenia.",
        "Geghard is a medieval monastery in the Kotayk province of Armenia, being partially carved out of the adjacent mountain, surrounded by cliffs. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.While the main chapel was built in 1215, the monastery complex was founded in the 4th century by Gregory the Illuminator at the site of a sacred spring inside a cave.",
        "Etchmiadzin Cathedral is the mother church of the Armenian Apostolic Church, located in the city of Vagharshapat (Etchmiadzin), Armenia. According to scholars it was the first cathedral (but not the first church) built in ancient Armenia, and is considered the oldest cathedral in the world.",
        "The Temple of Garni is a classical Hellenistic temple in Garni, Armenia. It is perhaps the best-known structure and symbol of pre-Christian Armenia.It was probably built by king Tiridates I in the first century AD as a temple to the sun god Mihr.",
        "Armenia was the first country to be officially converted to Christianity (301 traditional date, 314 revised date: both dates predate 391, the year the Roman Empire became officially Christian).",
        "Armenian language is the continuation of Aramean language which Jesus was speaking.",
        "97% of the people living in Armenia are Armenians and the remaining small percentage is made up of different ethnic minorities such as the Yazidis, Russians, Ukranians, Kurds, and more.",
        "Chess champion Garry Kasparov, gambling mogul and part-Chrysler owner Kirk Kerkorian, retired pathologist Jack Kevorkian, singer Charles Aznavour, and Cher are all Armenians.",
        "The Armenian eternity sign is an ancient Armenian national symbol and a symbol of the national identity of the Armenian people. It is one of the most common symbols in Armenian architecture, carved on khachkars and on walls of churches.",
        "The oldest-known winery was discovered in the \"Areni-1\" cave in Vayots Dzor, Armenia. Dated to c. 4100 BC, the site contained a wine press, fermentation vats, jars, and cups. Archaeologists also found V. vinifera seeds and vines.",
        "Armenian cuisine is as ancient as the history of Armenia, a combination of different tastes and aromas. The food often has quite a distinct aroma. The preparation of meat, fish, and vegetable dishes in an Armenian kitchen requires stuffing, frothing, and pur\u00e9eing. Lamb, eggplant, and bread (lavash) are basic features of Armenian cuisine.",
        "A wide array of sports are played in Armenia, the most popular among them being wrestling, weightlifting, judo, association football, chess, and boxing.",
        "Since the 2011\u201312 school year, chess lessons have been made part of the curriculum in every public school in Armenia, making it the first country in the world to make chess mandatory in schools."
    "Austria": [
        "Austria is in Central Europe, characterized by its mountain villages, baroque city architecture, Imperial history and rugged alpine terrain.",
        "The official name of Austria is the Republic of Austria.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Austria was estimated to be 8 thousands thousands people.",
        "Austria's official language is German.",
        "Vienna, the capital of Austria, lies in the country's east on the Danube River.",
        "Austria's topographic diversity accounts for a great variety of flora and fauna, including endemic species that are under preservation.",
        "Austria is one of the most forested countries in Europe with almost half its territory covered in forest\u2014and forested area is increasing steadily thanks to Austria's \"green lung\" projects.",
        "In Austria you'll find a predominantly Central European fauna: deer, stag, fox, pheasant, rabbit, badger, partridge, marten.",
        "At 3 thousands meters (12 thousands feet) the Grossglockner is not only the highest mountain in Austria, it also counts among the highest peaks in the Alps.",
        "With a total height of 380 meters (1 thousands feet) in three stages, the Krimml Waterfalls are the highest waterfalls in Austria and a unique natural wonder!",
        "The Salzburger Festspiele is the largest and most important opera and theater festival in Europe. This Austrian festival, created to honor the memory of Mozart, is devoted solely to performing his works.",
        "Stiftskeller St. Peter is a restaurant within the monastery walls of St. Peter's Archabbey, Salzburg, Austria. It is claimed to be the oldest inn in the world because of a supposed documentary mention of it by the scholar Alcuin in 803 AD.",
        "Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, and Strauss was Austrians.",
        "Probably the best known of all Austrian artists is Gustav Klimt, the founding member and main representative of the Viennese Secession movement. He often used gold in his paintings and embellished them with striking \"mosaics.\" His best known work is The Kiss (1907\u20131908), which hangs in Vienna's Belvedere Palace.",
        "Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April 1889 in the small Austrian village of Braunau Am Inn just across the border from German Bavaria.",
        "The most famous currently living Austrian is Arnold Schwarzenneger.",
        "The Austrian tradition of cake baking goes back centuries, with competition fierce between towns and cities to produce the finest tortes. Even in small villages, bakeries would try to outdo each other. Almost every Austrian city has its trademark cake. The most famous Austrian cake is the Viennese Sachertorte, a rich chocolate cake invented by Chef Franz Sacher for Chancellor Metternich in 1832.",
        "The most famous of Austrian dishes is Weiner Schnitzel, which are cutlets of veal, pounded thin, dusted with egg and breadcrumbs, and then fried.",
        "Waltz born in the suburbs of Vienna and in the alpine region of Austria. As early as the 17th century, waltzes were played in the ballrooms of the Hapsburg court. It become were very popular in Vienna in the early 19th century then spread to the rest of Europe.",
        "The film Amadeus, which is the story of the life of Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, won the Oscar for Best Picture in 1984.",
        "Alpine, or downhill, skiing has been the most popular sport in Austria for over 100 years.",
        "Austria is constantly ranked as having one of the highest standards of living in the world and Vienna nearly always tops the list of the World's Most Livable Cities."
    "Azerbaijan": [
        "Azerbaijan, the nation and former Soviet republic, is bounded by the Caspian Sea and Caucasus Mountains, which span Asia and Europe.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Azerbaijan.",
        "Azerbaijan is bordered by the Caspian Sea to the east, Russia to the north, Georgia to the northwest, Armenia to the west and Iran to the south.",
        "The official language is Azerbaijani.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Azerbaijan was estimated to be 9 thousands thousands people.",
        "About the size of Portugal or the state of Maine, Azerbaijan has a total land area of approximately 86 thousands square kilometers (33 thousands square miles), less than 1% of the land area of the former Soviet Union.",
        "Baku is the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan, as well as the largest city on the Caspian Sea and of the Caucasus region. Baku is located 28 metres (92 feet) below sea level, which makes it the lowest lying national capital in the world and also the largest city in the world located below sea level.",
        "Three physical features dominate Azerbaijan: the Caspian Sea, whose shoreline forms a natural boundary to the east; the Greater Caucasus mountain range to the north; and the extensive flatlands at the country's center.",
        "Mount Bazard\u00fcz\u00fc is a mountain peak in the Greater Caucasus range on the border between Russia and Azerbaijan. At 4 thousands meters (14 thousands feet) above sea level, it is the highest peak in Azerbaijan.",
        "Azerbaijan has an 800-kilometer-long (500-mile-long) shoreline along the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea is a saltwater lake and the largest inland body of water in the world.",
        "Azerbaijan has 9 national parks.",
        "Gobustan National Park is a hill and mountain site occupying the southeast end of the Greater Caucasus mountain ridge in Azerbaijan. In 2007 Gobustan was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site considered to be of \"outstanding universal value\" for the quality and density of its rock art engravings, for the substantial evidence the collection of rock art images presents for hunting, fauna, flora and lifestyles in pre-historic times and for the cultural continuity between prehistoric and medieval times that the site reflects.",
        "Azerbaijan has 2 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Old City or Inner City is the historical core of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. In December 2000, the Old City of Baku, including the Palace of the Shirvanshahs and Maiden Tower, became the first location in Azerbaijan to be classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.",
        "The Bibi-Heybat Mosque is a historical mosque in Baku, Azerbaijan. The existing structure, built in the 1990s, is a recreation of the mosque with the same name built in the 13th century by Shirvanshah Farrukhzad II Ibn Ahsitan II, which was completely destroyed by the Bolsheviks in 1936.",
        "Azerbaijan Carpet Museum displays Azerbaijani carpets and rug items of various weaving techniques and materials from various periods. It has the largest collection of Azerbaijani carpets in the world.",
        "The Heydar Aliyev Center is a 57 thousands square meters (619 thousands square feet) building complex in Baku, Azerbaijan designed by Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid and noted for its distinctive architecture and flowing, curved style that eschews sharp angles.",
        "Azerbaijan has more mud volcanoes than any other country on Earth \u2013 more than 400. When its volcanoes erupt, the flames shoot up to a kilometre in the air, and when dormant they bubble and pop with noxious gases.",
        "One of Azerbaijan's most famous sites is Yanar Da\u011f (or 'Burning Mountain'), a natural glowing fire burning on a hillside along the Caspian Sea. True to its name, the mountain has been blazing for at least 65 years! Natural gases seeping through the ground underneath continuously feed the flames, so the fire never goes out. Whilst no one knows for sure where Azerbaijan gets its name from, it's only fitting that Yanar Da\u011f sits in a country also known as 'The Land of Fire'.",
        "Azerbaijani cuisine has a lot in common with Iranian and Turkish cuisine. The national dish of Azerbaijan is plov, a rice-based pilaf seasoned with broth.",
        "The national animal of Azerbaijan is the Karabakh horse, a mountain-steppe racing and riding horse endemic to Azerbaijan.",
        "Novruz is the oldest national holiday of Azerbaijan, which celebrates the New Year and the coming of spring.",
        "Azerbaijan is the first Muslim country to have operas and theater plays.",
        "Although it makes most money from oil and gas, Azerbaijan also exploits grains, grapes, cotton and livestock."
    "Bahrain": [
        "Bahrain, a nation comprising more than 30 islands in the Persian Gulf, has been at the center of major trade routes since antiquity.",
        "The official name of the country is the Kingdom of Bahrain.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Bahrain was estimated to be 1 thousands thousands people.",
        "Bahrain has a total area of 765 square kilometers (295 square miles) making it the third smallest nation in Asia after the Maldives and Singapore.",
        "Manama is the capital and largest city of Bahrain. Long an important trading center in the Persian Gulf, Manama is home to a very diverse population.",
        "Bahrain is a generally flat and arid archipelago. It consists of a low desert plain rising gently to a low central escarpment with the highest point the 134 meters (440 feet) Mountain of Smoke.",
        "Bahrain has 2 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Bahrain pearling trail is a 3.5 kilometers (2.2 miles) trail located in the island of Muharraq, in Bahrain. Pearling in Bahrain has occurred since 2000 BC. The pathway consists of 17 buildings in Murharraq, 3 oyster beds located in the nearby sea, a segment of the coast and the seafront Bu Mahir fortress in the southern tip of Muharraq. The trail was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site on June 30, 2012.",
        "The Qal'at al-Bahrain also known as the Bahrain Fort and previously as the Portugal Fort is an archaeological site.Archaeological excavations carried out since 1954 have unearthed antiquities from an artificial mound of 12 meters (39 feet) height containing seven stratified layers, created by various occupants from 2300 BC up to the 18th century, including Kassites, Portuguese and Persians. It was once the capital of the Dilmun civilization and was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005.",
        "The grand Al Fateh Mosque is both Bahrain's largest place of worship and among one of the largest mosques in the world. It was built under the patronage of the late Sheikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa in 1987 and was named after Ahmed Al Fateh. The mosque accommodates up to 7000 worshippers and is crowned with the largest fiberglass dome in the world.",
        "The King Fahd Causeway is a series of bridges and causeways connecting Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. The idea of constructing the causeway was based on improving the links and bonds between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Surveying of the maritime began in 1968, and construction began in 1981 and continued until 1986, when it was officially opened to the public.",
        "The Tree of Life in Bahrain is an approximately 400 year-old, 9.75 meters (32 feet) high Prosopis cineraria tree. The tree stands on top of a 7.6 meters (25 feet) high sandy tell that formed around a 500-year-old fortress. The tree is a local tourist attraction, visited by approximately 50 thousands tourists every year.",
        "A sizeable portion of the Bahrain land is reclaimed land that is made by filling the shallow coastlines or joining sand bars by sand or landfill.",
        "Bahrain has been famed since antiquity for its pearl fisheries, which were considered the best in the world into the 19th century.",
        "Since the 1930s the oil industry has replaced pearl diving, and Bahrain has become a financial and communications hub.",
        "Ever since it was declared a kingdom in 2002, Bahrain has been one of the fast developing nations.",
        "Bahraini cuisine is a mixture of Arabic, Persian, Indian, Balochi, African, Far East and European food due to the influence of the various communities present as Bahrain was an important sea port and trading junction since ancient times.",
        "Chicken Machboos, or Machboos ala Dajaj (\"spiced chicken and rice\"), is the national dish of Bahrain.",
        "Bahrain is known for its scorching summer where temperature can reach up to 50\u00b0C (122\u00b0F)."
    "Barbados": [
        "Barbados is a sovereign island country in the Lesser Antilles (also known as the Caribbees), in the Americas.",
        "The official name of the country is Barbados.",
        "The closest island neighbors to Barbados are Martinique to the northwest, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the west, Trinidad and Tobago to the south, and Grenada to the south-west.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Barbados was estimated to be 284 thousands people.",
        "Barbados is 34 kilometers (21 miles) in length and up to 23 kilometers (14 miles) in width, covering an area of 432 square kilometers (167 square miles).",
        "Bridgetown is the capital and largest city of the nation of Barbados. It's known for its British colonial architecture, 17th-century Garrison and horse-racing track.",
        "The physical characteristics of Barbados are its lowlands or gently sloping, terraced plains, separated by rolling hills that generally parallel the coasts.",
        "Mount Hillaby is the highest point in Barbados at 340 meters (1 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "The western coast of Barbados borders the Caribbean Sea, and its eastern coast borders the North Atlantic Ocean.",
        "Barbados is a coral island and most of its beaches are made from finely ground coral forming a clean fine grain.",
        "Barbados beaches are truly some of the most beautiful in the Caribbean, in fact the beach at The Crane [photo below] was rated \"one of the ten best beaches in the world\" by Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.",
        "Barbados is almost totally ringed with undersea coral reefs.",
        "The Flower Forest is a tropical paradise located in the heart of the Barbados countryside! This botanical garden is home to a multitude of majestic palms, colourful shrubs and tropical flowers. The 20-hectare (50-acre) property was formerly a sugar plantation.",
        "The name of the country, \"Barbados,\" is derived from \"the Bearded Fig Trees\" once found in abundance on the island.",
        "Barbados is thought to have been originally inhabited by Arawak Indians. By the time Europeans explored the island, however, it was uninhabited. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to set foot on the island, but it was the British who first established a colony there in 1627.",
        "Barbados became independent from Britain on November 30th, 1966.",
        "The island of Barbados plans to remove Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state in November, 2016. This change also coincides with their 50th independence day.",
        "Barbados is the second-smallest independent country in the Western Hemisphere and the easternmost Caribbean island.",
        "Barbados is the most densely populated Caribbean state and ranks as one of the world's most densely populated countries.",
        "The people of Barbados are called Barbadians or Bajans.",
        "Barbadian cuisine is a mixture of African, Indian, and British influences. A typical meal consists of a main dish of meat or fish, normally marinated with a mixture of herbs and spices, a number of hot side dishes, and one or more salads. The meal is usually served with one or more sauces. The national dish of Barbados is Cou-Cou & fried Flying Fish with spicy gravy.",
        "Barbados has a stable democracy and a relatively prosperous economy, based largely on tourism and sugar.",
        "Barbados also exports $57 million of rum per year across the world.",
        "\"Pride and Industry\" is the Motto of Barbados.",
        "Barbados is known as \"the land of the flying fish\", with flying fish being a common sight around the island and one of the national symbols of the country.",
        "Barbados has the world's rarest collection of 17th century English iron cannon! These were used by the British during the 17th & 18th centuries to protect the island from invading forces.",
        "George Washington, the future First President of the United States, was an early tourist. He visited Barbados in 1751, the only time he ventured outside America. George Washington House in Barbados can be visited today.",
        "Rihanna, the international singer, is from Barbados."
    "Belarus": [
        "Belarus, a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, is known for its Stalinist architecture, grand fortifications and primeval forests.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Belarus.",
        "Belarus borders five countries: Latvia to the north, Lithuania to the northwest, Poland to the west, Russia to the north and the east, and Ukraine to the south.",
        "Belarusian and Russian are the official languages of Belarus.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Belarus was estimated to be 9 thousands thousands people.",
        "Minsk is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Belarus, situated on the Svislach and Nyamiha rivers.",
        "Belarus is a heavily forested, flat, low-lying country.",
        "About 40% of Belarus is covered by forests.",
        "Dzyarzhynskaya Hara is the highest point in Belarus. The hill is 345 meters (1 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "There are more than 20 thousands rivers and creeks and about 11 thousands lakes in Belarus.",
        "There are currently four national parks in Belarus.",
        "Bia\u0142owie\u017ca Forest is one of the last and largest remaining parts of the immense primeval forest that once stretched across the European Plain. The forest is home to 800 European bison, Europe's heaviest land animal. It straddles the border between Belarus and Poland.The forest has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an EU Natura 2000 Special Area of Conservation.",
        "The Mirsky Castle Complex is a UNESCO World Heritage site in Belarus. The construction of this castle began at the end of the 15th century, in Gothic style. It was subsequently extended and reconstructed, first in the Renaissance and then in the Baroque style. After being abandoned for nearly a century and suffering severe damage during the Napoleonic period, the castle was restored at the end of the 19th century.",
        "Brest Fortress, one of the most important places in Belarus, dates back to the 19th century and became a key symbol of Soviet resistance in World War 2. Brest Fortress was built in the 1830s-early 1840s at the meeting-point of the rivers Bug and Mukhavyets.",
        "The Kalozha church of Sts. Boris and Gleb is an architectural pearl of ancient Grodno, a unique specimen of Eastern Orthodox architecture in Belarus and entire Eastern Europe. Constructed in the northwestern part of Ancient Rus in the 12th century, the Kolozha Church is not like any other church in the world.",
        "The longest street in Belarus \u2013 Independence Avenue in Minsk is 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) long. Throughout its history, it not only grew on the length and width, but also changed the name of 14 times. This is one of the last mainline neoclassical ensembles in the world of architecture, one of the longest street in Europe. This site was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List on January 30, 2004, in the Cultural category.",
        "In 2006 when the new National Library of Belarus was constructed, nobody had ever heard of a rhombicuboctahedron. With 8 triangular faces and 18 square faces, the bizarre geometric shape was chosen for the new design of the library and has been turning heads since its construction. The building is 72.6 meters high and has 22 floors.Total area \u2013 113 thousands square meters (1 thousands thousands square feet). The library is one of the largest in the world.",
        "Most of the monuments in Belarus dedicated to Lenin. In every city there is a Lenin Street.",
        "Famous people like Ralph Lauren, Kirk Douglas, Marc Chagall, Olga Korbut and Scarlett Johansson are all originating from Belarus!",
        "Belarus has it's Nobel winner, her name is Svetlana Alexievich and she got her Nobel in 2015. for her work in literature.",
        "Belarusian cuisine shares the same roots with cuisines of other Eastern and Northern European countries, basing predominantly on meat and various vegetables typical for the region.",
        "Today's diet of Belarusians includes many traditional dishes. The most popular are pork stew (machanka) and vereshchaka, homemade sausages, draniki (thick potato pancakes), kolduny, kletski (dumplings), babka (baked grated potato pie), cold sorrel soup, mushroom soup...",
        "Agriculture is the largest sector of Belarus' economy; wheat, rye, oats, potatoes, flax, hemp, and sugar beets are the primary agricultural products. Textiles and wood processing also contribute to the country's economy.",
        "The Belarusian traditions of needlework deserve special attention. The weaving tradition is also a kind of the country's brand. Belarus intends to include the unique tradition of fulling woolen hats and boots \u2013 \"shapovalstvo\" \u2014 in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list.",
        "The name Belarus corresponds literally with the term White Rus'.",
        "The official currency is called Belarusian Ruble.",
        "Belarus is the only European country that still has death penalty."
    "Belgium": [
        "Belgium, a country in Western Europe, is known for its medieval old towns and Flemish Renaissance architecture.",
        "The official name of Belgium is the Kingdom of Belgium.",
        "Belgium shares a land border with France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.",
        "Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French and German.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Belgium was estimated to be 11 thousands thousands people.",
        "With an area of 30 thousands square kilometer (11 thousands square miles), Belgium is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.",
        "Brussels is Belgium's capital and home to the headquarters of the European Union.",
        "The town of Spa in Belgium is where the word 'spa' comes from.",
        "Antwerp, Belgium's second largest city, is the diamond capital of the world.",
        "Belgium is a peaceful country where harmony with nature is present in the cities and countrysides.",
        "Belgium is generally flat except for the hilly and forested southeast (Ardennes) region.",
        "Signal de Botrange is the highest point in Belgium, located in the High Fens at 694 meters (2 thousands feet).",
        "Among mammals still found in Belgium are the boar, fox, badger, weasel, squirrel and marten.",
        "There are more castles per square kilometer in Belgium than there are in any other country in the world.",
        "Belgium is world-famous for chocolate and produces over 220 thousands tonnes of chocolate each year.",
        "Belgium has been producing chocolate for almost 400 years, the first evidence of chocolate production in Belgium dates back to 1635.",
        "Belgium is world-famous for beer. There are over 1100 varieties of beers made in Belgium.",
        "It is claimed that French fries originated in Belgium, and that the ongoing dispute between the French and Belgians about where they were invented is highly contentious, with both countries claiming ownership.",
        "Belgium is the world's leading exporter of billiard balls \u2013 nearly 80 percent of the world's billiard balls are made in Belgium.",
        "Belgium produces the greatest variety of bricks in the world.",
        "Every year Blankenberge, Belgium hosts the Sand Sculpture Festival, the largest exhibition of its kind in the world.",
        "Tomorrowland is one of the biggest electronic music festivals held in the world, taking place in Belgium.",
        "Education is compulsory in Belgium upto the age of 18, which is the highest in the world."
    "Belize": [
        "Belize is a nation on the eastern coast of Central America, with Caribbean Sea shorelines to the east and dense jungle to the west.",
        "The official name of the country is Belize.",
        "Belize is bordered on the north by Mexico, on the south and west by Guatemala, and on the east by the Caribbean Sea.",
        "It is the only country in Central America whose official language is English, though Belizean Creole (Kriol) and Spanish are also commonly spoken.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Belize was estimated to be 363 thousands people.",
        "The total land area of Belize is 22 thousands square kilometers (8 thousands square miles).",
        "Belmopan is the capital city of Belize. Founded as a planned community in 1970, Belmopan is one of the newest national capital cities in the world. Its population in 2015 was about 20 thousands people.",
        "The largest city of Belize is located at the mouth of the river Belize River and is known as Belize City. It has an estimated population of 79 thousands and is the main port and the industrial hub of the country.",
        "Although Victoria Peak [photo below] was for many years touted as the highest point in Belize, recent assessments determined that it is apparently slightly lower at 1 thousands meters (3 thousands feet). Doyle's Delight is the highest peak in Belize at 1 thousands meters (3 thousands feet). It lies in the Cockscomb Range, a spur of the Maya Mountains in Western Belize.",
        "Belize has a coastline length of 386 kilometers (240 miles).",
        "Thanks to a magnificent coastline that hugs the Caribbean Sea and more than 200 offshore islands, Belize has plenty of beautiful beaches.",
        "The country's best mainland beaches can be found along the 29-kilometer (18 miles) Placencia Peninsula in southern Belize.",
        "Ambergris Caye is the largest island in Belize, and the main destination for travellers to this western Caribbean nation. It has been named the leading destination in Central America by the World Travel Awards for two years running. Stunning turquoise seascapes surround this Caribbean island.",
        "The Belize Barrier Reef is a series of coral reefs straddling the coast of Belize, roughly 300 meters (980 feet) offshore in the north and 40 kilometers (25 miles) in the south within the country limits. The Belize Barrier Reef is a 300-kilometer (190 miles) long section of the 900-kilometer (560 miles) Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System; the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere and the second largest in the world, after Australia's Great Barrier Reef.",
        "The Great Blue Hole is a giant submarine sinkhole off the coast of Belize. It lies near the center of Lighthouse Reef, a small atoll 70 kilometers (43 miles) from the mainland and Belize City. The hole is circular in shape, over 300 meters (984 feet) across and 108 meters (354 feet) deep.",
        "The Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary is Belize's most famous jaguar sanctuary; at 520 square kilometers (200 square miles), it's also one of its biggest protected areas.",
        "The Maya ruins of Belize include a number of well-known and historically important pre-Columbian Maya archaeological sites. Several major archeological sites, including Caracol, Xunantunich, Altun Ha, Lamanai, Cahal Pech and Lubaantun,",
        "Caracol is the name given to a large ancient Maya archaeological site, located in what is now the Cayo District of Belize. Its greatest period of construction occurred between 484 AD and 889 AD when over 40 monuments were built. The largest pyramid in Caracol is Canaa (Sky Place), at 43 meters (143 feet) it is still the tallest man-made structure in all of Belize.",
        "The Mayan civilization spread into the area of Belize between 1500 B.C. and A.D. 300 and flourished until about 1200.",
        "The official name of the territory was changed from British Honduras to Belize in June 1973, and full independence was granted on September 21, 1981.",
        "Belizean cuisine is an amalgamation of all ethnicity in the nation, and their respectively wide variety of foods. It might best be described as both similar to Mexican/Central American cuisine and Jamaican/Anglo-Caribbean cuisine.",
        "The flag of Belize is the only country to have humans depicted as a major design element on its national flag.",
        "Close to 1 million tourists' visit Belize annually of which 70% of are Americans.",
        "The former capital Belize City was nearly completely destroyed by Hurricane Hattie in 1961! After hurricane Hattie, the capital city was moved to Belmopan.",
        "There is no McDonalds, Burger King, Starbucks, KFC or Pizza Hut in the entire country. American fast-food chains don't exist in Belize.",
        "The overgrown ruins of a 2 thousands-year-old Mayan Temple in Belize were partially destroyed by contractors who wanted to use the limestone bricks for gravel to build a village road, according to the National Institute of Culture and Heritage."
    "Benin": [
        "Benin is a country in West Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Benin.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Benin was estimated to be 11 thousands thousands people.",
        "Porto-Novo is the capital of Benin. It was originally developed as a port for the slave trade, an important part of many European Empires at the time including the Portuguese Empire.",
        "Mont Sokbaro is the highest point of Benin, with an altitude of 658 metres (2 thousands feet). It is located on the border between Benin and Togo, part of the Atakora Mountains.",
        "Benin has fields of lying fallow, mangroves, and remnants of large sacred forests. In the rest of the country, the savanna is covered with thorny scrubs and dotted with huge baobab trees.",
        "Benin has 121 kilometers (75 miles) of coastline.",
        "Beaches in Benin offer soft sand and relaxing climate to the tourists. Cotonou Beaches are one of the Benin best beaches.",
        "There are two national parks in Benin: the Pendjari National Park and W National Park.",
        "The Pendjari National Park lies in north western Benin, adjoining the Arli National Park in Burkina Faso. Named for the Pendjari River, the national park is known for its wildlife and is home to some of the last populations of big game like elephants, West African lions, hippopotamuses, buffalo and various antelopes in West Africa. The park is also famous for its richness in birds.",
        "The W National Park is a major national park in West Africa around a meander in the River Niger shaped like a \"W\". The park includes areas of the three countries Niger, Benin and Burkina Faso, and is governed by the three governments. The park is known for its large mammals, including aardvarks, baboons, buffalo, caracal, cheetahs, elephants, hippopotami, African leopards, West African lions, serval and warthogs.",
        "The Royal Palaces of Abomey are 12 palaces spread over a 40 hectares (99 acres) area at the heart of the Abomey town in Benin, formerly the capital of the West African Kingdom of Dahomey. The palaces was inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985.",
        "The Route d'Esclaves, or the Slave Route is a 4-kilometer (2.5-mile) stretch of heritage road that is the last piece of African soil slaves from Benin touched before they were shipped to the Caribbean and Americas. The route has numerous statues and monuments, including the Door of No Return, a memorial arch.",
        "In most parts of the world snakes are feared, but in Benin they are revered. Royal pythons are worshiped in Benin, especially in Ouidah. The good news is that royal pythons are not dangerous, but the bad news is that these sacred reptiles are welcome Beninese households where they are fed when the doors of the temple are opened at night. There is no fear when the locals welcome these slithering pythons into their living rooms like an honoured guest.",
        "Although the exact origins of Voodoo are unknown, it is generally agreed that this religion has its roots in West Africa. Modern day Benin is regarded as the birth place of this religion, and the name 'Voodoo' itself means 'spirit' in the local Fon language.",
        "The largest religious group in Benin is Roman Catholicism, followed closely by Islam, Voodoo and Protestantism.",
        "Benin was the seat of one of the great medieval African kingdoms called Dahomey.",
        "On 30 November 1975 it was renamed to Benin, after the body of water on which the country lies\u2014the Bight of Benin\u2014which, in turn, had been named after the Benin Empire (nowadays Nigeria).",
        "A Marxist\u2013Leninist state called the People's Republic of Benin existed between 1975 and 1990.",
        "Today Benin is one of Africa's most stable democracies."
    "Bolivia": [
        "Bolivia is a country in central South America, with a varied terrain spanning Andes mountains, the Atacama Desert and Amazon Basin rainforest.",
        "The official name is the Plurinational State of Bolivia.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Bolivia was estimated to be 10 thousands thousands people.",
        "With an area of 1 thousands thousands square kilometers (424 thousands square miles), Bolivia is the world's 28th-largest country, and the fifth largest country in South America.",
        "Bolivia has its constitutionally recognized capital in Sucre, while La Paz is the seat of government.",
        "Bolivia is one of two landlocked countries on the continent (the other being Paraguay), and Bolivia is more urban (67%) than rural (23%).",
        "Nevado Sajama is an extinct stratovolcano and the highest peak in Bolivia at 6 thousands meters (21 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Bolivia has 10 national parks and 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.",
        "Lake Titicaca located on the border of Bolivia and Peru at an altitude of 3 thousands meters (12 thousands feet), is the highest commercially navigable body of water in the world. With a surface area of 9 thousands square kilometers (3 thousands square miles), it is larger than Puerto Rico and is South America's second largest lake by surface area.",
        "Salar de Uyuni is the world's largest salt flat at 10 thousands square kilometers (4 thousands square miles) in south-western Bolivia. The landscape is entirely flat, bar a few small 'islands' such as Isla Incahuasi, which only accentuates its surreal beauty.",
        "Cristo de la Concordia (Christ of Peace) is a statue of Jesus Christ located atop San Pedro Hill, to the east of Cochabamba, Bolivia. It is accessible by cable car, or by climbing 2 thousands steps. The statue is 34.20 meters (112.2 feet) tall, on a pedestal of 6.24 meters (20.5 feet), for a total height of 40.44 meters (132.7 feet).",
        "The Witches' Market, also known as El Mercado de las Brujas and La Hechiceria, is a popular tourist attraction located in Cerro Cumbre, a mountain clearing in La Paz, Bolivia. Merchandise sold in The Witches' Market, run by local witch doctors known as yatiri, includes potions, dried frogs, medicinal plants like retama and armadillos used in Bolivian rituals.",
        "Cuy (guinea pig) is used and eaten as a traditional meat. It continues to be a major part of the diet in Bolivia, particularly in the Andes highlands as guinea pigs require much less room than traditional livestock and reproduce extremely quickly.",
        "The name Bolivia comes from the Venezuelan military and political leader Simon Bolivar who led Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru and Colombia to independence from Spain in 1825. He was also officially the first president of Bolivia.",
        "Despite their name, the most significant exporter of Brazil nuts is not Brazil but Bolivia, where they are called nuez de Brasil.",
        "La Paz, Bolivia, was the first South American city to get an electricity supply. It was powered by llama dung.",
        "One of Bolivia's oldest silver mines has claimed the lives of an estimated 8 million people in the past 500 years. It is known as the \"Mountain that eats men\" and is still mined with pick and shovel today.",
        "Cal Orcko, located 5 kilometers (3 miles) south of downtown Sucre in Bolivia, is home to the world's largest and most diverse collection of dinosaur footprints from the Cretaceous Period. The limestone cliff hosts about 5 thousands dinosaur footprints, with many dating back 68 million years.",
        "Bolivia has the world's largest butterfly sanctuary.",
        "The Coca Museum (in Spanish, Museo de la Coca) covers the history of the coca plant from the Andean region and related drug cocaine. It is associated with the International Coca Research Institute (ICORI) in La Paz, the capital of Bolivia. A travelling version of the museum is available."
    "Botswana": [
        "Botswana is a landlocked country located in Southern Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Botswana.",
        "English is the official language of Botswana and widely spoken, although Setswana (also called 'Tswana') is spoken by almost everybody.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Botswana was estimated to be 2 thousands thousands people.",
        "Gaborone is the capital and largest city of Botswana. It is located in the south of the country, near the border to South Africa. The city is named after Chief Gaborone of the Tlokwa tribe, who once controlled land nearby.",
        "Botswana is mostly flat with a few hills, most of its highest points located along the south-east section of the country.",
        "Monalanong Hill is the highest point of Botswana, with an altitude of 1 thousands meters (4 thousands feet).",
        "Botswana is dominated by the Kalahari Desert, which covers up to 70% of its land surface.",
        "The Makgadikgadi Pan a salt pan situated in the middle of the dry savanna of north-eastern Botswana, is one of the largest salt flats in the world. The pan is all that remains of the formerly enormous Lake Makgadikgadi, which once covered an area larger than Switzerland, but dried up several thousand years ago.",
        "About 38% of the Botswana's land area has been devoted to protected areas, with 17% being national parks and game reserves.",
        "Chobe National Park, in northern Botswana, has one of the largest concentrations of game in Africa. By size, it is the third largest park in the country, after the Central Kalahari Game Reserve and the Gemsbok National Park, and is the most biologically diverse. It is also Botswana's first national park. Elephants at Chobe are the largest in body size of all living elephants; they number more than 50 thousands perhaps the highest elephant concentration of Africa.",
        "The history of Botswana starts more than 100 thousands years ago, when the first humans inhabited the region. The original inhabitants of southern Africa were the Bushmen (San) and Khoi peoples. They lived as hunter-gatherers and spoke Khoisan languages, noted for their click consonants.",
        "About a thousand years ago, large chiefdoms emerged that were later eclipsed by the Great Zimbabwe empire, which spread into eastern Botswana.",
        "For centuries foreigners had control of much of Africa. The British and the Dutch (known as Afrikaners) fought to dominate the countries of southern Africa. In 1910, the countries to the south of today's Botswana formed a Union of South Africa that was home to many white Afrikaners, British settlers, and the black majority. The white settlers controlled the laws and lives of the black South Africans.",
        "Independence was secured peacefully by Botswana in June 1964. They established a constitution in 1965 and held general elections to finalize independence in 1966. The first president was Seretse Khama, who was the grandson of king Khama III of the Bamangwato people and a prominent figure in the movement for independence.",
        "In 1967, a huge area of diamonds was discovered at Orapa, at the edge of the Kalahari Desert. The Botswana economy grew very quickly with wealth from the diamond mines. Botswana earns about one billion dollars a year from diamond mining and is one of the world's largest diamond producers.",
        "Since independence, Botswana has had one of the fastest growth rates in per capita income in the world.",
        "Botswana is Africa's longest continuous democracy.",
        "Tourists from all over the globe visit Botswana for safaris and a chance to see amazing elephants, wildebeests, giraffes, jackals, hyenas, lions, cheetahs, and other animal species.",
        "Botswana has more elephants than anywhere else in the world.",
        "Football is the most popular sport in Botswana.",
        "The border between Botswana and Zambia is only 150 meters (492 feet) which makes it the shortest border in the world."
    "Brazil": [
        "Brazil is the largest country in both South America and Latin America as well as the world's fifth-largest country by both area and population.",
        "The official name is the Federative Republic of Brazil.",
        "Located in eastern South America along the Atlantic Ocean, Brazil borders Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Brazil was estimated to be 208 thousands thousands people.",
        "Brazil occupies 47.3% of South America and covers 3 time zones.",
        "Bras\u00edlia, inaugurated as Brazil's capital in 1960, is a planned city distinguished by its white, modern architecture, chiefly designed by Oscar Niemeyer. It is a masterpiece of modernist architecture listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.",
        "The largest city in Brazil is Sao Paulo. Other major cities include Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Fortaleza.",
        "The highest point in Brazil is Pico da Neblina at 2 thousands.3 meters (9 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "The coastline of Brazil measures 7 thousands kilometers (4 thousands miles), which makes it the 16th longest national coastline of the world.",
        "A considerable number of geographical features can be found all through the coastal areas, like islands, reefs and bays. The beaches of Brazil (2095 in total) are famous in the world and receive a great number of tourists.",
        "Copacabana is a bairro (neighbourhood) located in the South Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is known for its 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) balneario beach, which is one of the most famous in the world.",
        "Brazil has around 70 national parks and 19 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.",
        "Christ the Redeemer is a statue that was built as a symbol of Brazilian Christianity. The statue has also become a cultural icon of both Rio de Janeiro and Brazil, and is listed as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.",
        "The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro is located in Brazil and was created by erosion from the Atlantic Ocean and is also known as Guanabara Bay. It is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.",
        "The exquisite Iguazu Falls are also known as the Iguassu Falls and the Igua\u00e7u Falls. The magnificent spectacle of these 275 individual drops has awed tourists, locals and indigenous inhabitants for centuries. They originate from the Iguazu River and are located on the border of Brazil (in the state of Paran\u00e1) and Argentina.",
        "The Amazon River, over half of which lies within Brazil,the largest river by discharge of water in the world, and the second in length. It is 3 thousands miles (6 thousands km) long and during the wet season it can become over 48 kilometers (30 miles) wide.",
        "The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world.20% of the world's oxygen is produced by the Amazon. Around 60% of the Amazon Rainforest is located in Brazil.",
        "The Amazon Theatre is an opera house located in Manaus, in the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. It was assembled in 1896 from panels shipped from overseas. It has an iron frame built in Glasgow, Scotland; 66 thousands colored tiles from France; and frescoes painted by the Italian artist Domenico di Angelis.",
        "One of Brazil's most famous attractions is Rio Carnival. It is a festival held before Lent every year and considered the biggest carnival in the world with two million people per day on the streets. The first festivals of Rio date back to 1723.",
        "Of all Brazilian music styles, samba is undoubtedly the best known. Both abroad and in Brazil, samba has become a symbol of the Brazilian nation and its people. Modern Samba music dates from the 19th century when the crude tones of the slaves met with the stylized European sound of Rio de Janeiro.",
        "Brazil derives its name from brazilwood tree. In Portuguese brazilwood is called pau-brasil.",
        "The Brazilian national dish is feijoada, a black bean stew with dried, salted, and smoked meat.",
        "The Brazilian national drink is the caipirinha which is cachaca (sugarcane liquor) mixed inside a glass with sugar, ice, and crushed lime slices.",
        "On Brazil's modern flag, the green represents the forests of Brazil, the yellow rhombus reflects its mineral wealth, and the blue circle and stars depict the sky over Rio de Janeiro on the morning of November 15, 1889, when Brazil declared itself a republic. Across the blue circle is a white banner that reads, \"Ordem E Progresso,\" that translates in English to Order and Progress.",
        "Brazil has more than one national animal. They are the Jaguar, the Macaw and a Rufous-Bellied Thrush.",
        "Football is the most popular sport in Brazil with the national team consistently among the best in the world, winning the World Cup a record 5 times.",
        "The 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were the first time a South American country has the right to host them.",
        "Brazil's economy is the world's 9th-largest by GDP as of 20159.",
        "Brazil has been the largest producer of coffee for the last 150 years.",
        "Brazil has the 2nd highest number of airports in the world, after the U.S.",
        "Brazil is the world's first country to ban tanning beds.",
        "There's an island in Brazil where civilians are forbidden to go: it has up to 5 snakes per square meter (10 square feet).",
        "Indonesia has the world's highest rate of deforestation, with Brazil as a close second.",
        "Brazil's capital, Brasilia, looks like an aeroplane from above.",
        "The biggest Japanese community outside of Japan is in Brazil.",
        "There's a prison in Brazil that allows inmates to pedal stationary bicycles, providing electricity to a nearby city in exchange for reduced sentences.",
        "Brazilian prisoners can reduce their sentence by 4 days for every book they read and write a report on.",
        "Brazilian athletes funded their trip to the 1932 Olympics by selling coffee along the way.",
        "Brazil was the only independent South American country to send ground troops to fight in WW2, with over 25 thousands soldiers.",
        "Diamonds were first discovered in India and then in Brazil.",
        "There's a 10 thousands-seat replica of Solomon's Temple in Sao Paulo, Brazil.",
        "The largest population of Catholics in the world is in Brazil: 123 million, 64% of its population."
    "Brunei": [
        "Brunei is a tiny nation on the island of Borneo, in 2 distinct sections surrounded by Malaysia and the South China Sea.",
        "The official name of the country is the Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Brunei Darussalam was estimated to be 426 thousands people.",
        "Bandar Seri Begawan formerly known as Brunei Town, is the capital and largest city of Brunei. The city lies along the Brunei River near its mouth on Brunei Bay, an inlet of the South China Sea on the northern coast of the island of Borneo.",
        "Brunei sits mostly within the Borneo lowland rain forests, and its landscape is a fertile, hilly lowland \u2013 with the exception being the mountainous areas in the east.",
        "Brunei has 161 kilometers (100 miles) of coastline.",
        "Ulu Temburong National Park was the first national park to be established in Brunei, protected since 1991. The park is in Temburong District in eastern Brunei, and covers about 40% of the district in the south at 550 square kilometres (210 square miles).",
        "Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque is an Islamic mosque located in Bandar Seri Begawan. The mosque is often considered as one of the most beautiful mosques in the Asia Pacific, it is a place of worship for the Muslim community, a major historical site and a famous tourist attraction of Brunei.",
        "Jame'asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque, located in Bandar Seri Begawan, is the largest mosque in Brunei. It was built to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the sultan's reign, and opened in 1994. It is known locally as the Kiarong mosque.",
        "The Istana Nurul Iman is the official residence of the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, and the seat of the Brunei government. The palace is located on a leafy, riverside sprawl of hills on the banks of the Brunei River, a few kilometers south of Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei's capital city. The palace is often at the centre of state occasions and royal hospitality.",
        "The Billionth Barrel Monument was built in 1991 to commemorate the production of the billionth barrel of oil produced in the onshore oil field in Seria, the oil producing town in Brunei. The monument is located near the first well discovered in Seria Oil Field. In the same place where the monument is located, you can also see the nodding donkeys, the instruments that are used to pump oil.",
        "Jerudong Park is an amusement park in Brunei. It is the largest and most expensive amusement park in South East Asia, built and funded by the Bruneian government for $1 billion. It is notable that during its first few years of operation, Jerudong Park featured no admission fees and free rides.",
        "The Sultanate of Brunei's heyday occurred between the 15th and 17th centuries, when its control extended over coastal areas of northwest Borneo and the southern Philippines. Brunei subsequently entered a period of decline brought on by internal strife over royal succession, colonial expansion of European powers, and piracy. In 1888, Brunei became a British protectorate; independence was achieved in 1984.",
        "Brunei has an absolute monarchy and a hereditary nobility, with the sultan awarding titles to commoners.",
        "The Sultan of Brunei is the second richest royal in the world, behind only the King of Thailand. He had an estimated wealth of $20 billion in 2011, according to Forbes.",
        "The Sultan also serves as Defense Minister, Prime Minister, and Finance Minister of Brunei.",
        "The 2015 per-capita GDP in Brunei was US $54 thousands \u2014 ranking them 10th in the world.",
        "Ambuyat is the national dish of Brunei. It is a dish derived from the interior trunk of the sago palm. It is a starchy bland substance, similar to tapioca starch.",
        "Brunei has one of the highest car-ownership rates in the world. Statistically, there are 2.65 people per vehicle.",
        "Traditionally Bruneians do not shake hands with people of the opposite sex.",
        "In Brunei it is considered impolite to point with one's index finger. The thumb is used instead.",
        "Brunei passed a law in 2014 making homosexuality punishable by stoning to death."
    "Bulgaria": [
        "Bulgaria is a Balkan nation with diverse terrain encompassing Black Sea coastline, rivers, including the Danube, and a mountainous interior.",
        "Bulgaria is officially known as the Republic of Bulgaria.",
        "Official language is Bulgarian.",
        "Bulgaria is a country situated in south-eastern Europe, bordering Romania to the north, Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, and the Black Sea to the east.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Bulgaria was estimated to be 7 thousands thousands people.",
        "Sofia is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria.Founded thousands of years ago, today the city continues to develop as the country's cultural and economic center.",
        "Bulgaria has 700 kilometers (435 miles) of mountains along the Balkan Mountain Range, a 380 kilometers (236 miles) coastline and more than 2000 caves.",
        "Rila is a mountain range in southwestern Bulgaria and the highest mountain range of Bulgaria and the Balkans, with its highest peak being Musala at 2 thousands meters (9596 feet).",
        "The Bulgarian Black Sea Coast covers the entire eastern bound of Bulgaria stretching from the Romanian Black Sea resorts in the north to European Turkey in the south.",
        "Nesebar or Nessebar is an ancient town and one of the major seaside resorts on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, located in Burgas Province. Often referred to as the \"Pearl of the Black Sea\", Nesebar is a rich city-museum defined by more than three millennia of ever-changing history.",
        "Bulgaria has 3 national parks, 11 nature parks and 54 nature reserves.",
        "Bulgarian forests cover about 35% of its territory.",
        "With over 700 natural mineral and hot water springs, Bulgaria is a spa paradise famous over Europe ever since Ancient Roman times.",
        "Bulgaria is the oldest country in Europe that hasn't changed its name since it was first established. This happened in 681 AD.",
        "There are 9 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Bulgaria.",
        "The Madara Rider or Madara Horseman is an early medieval large rock relief carved on the Madara Plateau east of Shumen in northeastern Bulgaria.The monument is dated in the very late 7th, or more often very early 8th century, during the reign of Bulgar Khan Tervel",
        "The Rock-hewn Churches of Ivanovo are a group of monolithic churches, chapels and monasteries hewn out of solid rock. The caves in the region had been inhabited by monks from the 1220s, when it was founded by the future Patriarch of Bulgaria Joachim, to the 17th century, where they hewed cells, churches and chapels out of solid rock.",
        "The Monastery of Saint Ivan of Rila, better known as the Rila Monastery is the largest and most famous Eastern Orthodox monastery in Bulgaria.",
        "The Varna Necropolis is a burial site in the western industrial zone of Varna, Bulgaria, internationally considered one of the key archaeological sites in world prehistory. The oldest golden treasure in the world, dating from 4 thousands BCE to 4 thousands BCE, was discovered at the site.",
        "Over 15 000 Thracian tombs have been discovered on the territory of Bulgaria. The bulk of them are yet to be explored.",
        "Grape growing and wine production have a long history in Bulgaria, dating back to the times of the Thracians.",
        "The Rose Valley in Bulgaria is famous for its rose-growing industry which have been cultivated there for centuries, and which produces 85% of the world's rose oil.",
        "The Ancient Bulgarian Calendar \u2013 5505 years BC It is known that the ancient Bulgarians knew the basic laws of motion of the planets and the Earth around the Sun perfectly, and because of that they possess the most impeccable calendar ever created. The Bulgar calendar is recognized in 1976 by UNESCO as the most accurate calendar of all known to date.",
        "The Bulgarian Orthodox Church is the oldest Slavic Orthodox Church.",
        "The Bulgarian folk song Izlel e Delio Haydutin has been flying around open space together with Bach's and Mozart's greatest works since 1977 when the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes left the Earth.",
        "Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, the bacterium that is responsible for giving Bulgarian yoghurt its unique flavour and consistency, can be found only in Bulgarian air.",
        "The famous Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg has a Bulgarian origin and he is named after his Bulgarian grandfather \u2013 Marko. His grandfather has emigrated from Bulgaria in 1940.",
        "Bulgarians shake their heads to mean yes and nod for no."
    "Burkina Faso": [
        "Burkina Faso is a landlocked country located in West Africa.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Burkina Faso was estimated to be 18 thousands thousands people.",
        "Ouagadougou is the capital and largest city of Burkina Faso. It is the administrative, communications, cultural and economic centre of the nation. The city's name is often shortened to Ouaga. The inhabitants are called ouagalais.",
        "Burkina Faso terrain is mostly flat to dissected, undulating plains and hills in west and southeast.",
        "Mount Tenakourou is the highest point of Burkina Faso, with an altitude of 747 meters (2 thousands feet).",
        "The average altitude of Burkina Faso is 400 meters (1 thousands feet) and the difference between the highest and lowest terrain is no greater than 600 meters (1 thousands feet).",
        "Burkina Faso has 4 national parks, 1 UNESCO Biosphere reserve, 3 Complete Reserves, 6 Partial Reserves and 10 protected forests.",
        "The Cascades de Karfigu\u00e9la or the Banfora Cascades are a series of waterfalls along the Komo\u00e9 River in Southwestern Burkina Faso. It is one of the most important tourism sites in Burkina Faso.",
        "The ruins of Lorop\u00e9ni are an ancient heritage site near the town of Lorop\u00e9ni in southern Burkina Faso. They were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2009. These ruins are the country's first World Heritage site. The site, which spans 11 thousands square metres (119 thousands square feet), includes an array of stone walls that comprised an ancient fortress, the best preserved of ten in the area.",
        "The northwestern part of today's Burkina Faso was populated by hunter-gatherers between 14 thousands and 5 thousands BC.",
        "From the 3rd to the 13th centuries AD, the Iron-Age Bura culture was situated in the territory of present-day southeastern Burkina Faso and southwestern Niger.",
        "Various ethnic groups of present-day Burkina Faso, such as the Mossi, Fula and Dyula, arrived in successive waves between the 8th and 15th centuries.",
        "The French joined the region to other African countries in the first half of the 20th century. Burkina Faso as it stands today was only established in 1947, when it was named \"Upper Volta\" by the French. Independence came in 1960.",
        "The Republic of Upper Volta was renamed \"Burkina Faso\" on 4 August 1984 by then-President Thomas Sankara. The words \"Burkina\" and \"Faso\" both stem from different languages spoken in the country: \"Burkina\" comes from Mossi and means \"honest\" or \"honest people\", while \"Faso\" comes from the Dyula language and means \"fatherland\" (lit. \"father's house\").",
        "As one of the poorest countries in the world, Burkina Faso has around 44% of its population living under the poverty line.",
        "Burkina Faso is Africa's largest producer of cotton. Local farmers call it their 'white gold'. Cotton is the mainstay of the country's economy, earning over 200 million dollars in revenue each year."
    "Burundi": [
        "Burundi is a landlocked country in the African Great Lakes region of East Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Burundi.",
        "Burundi has two official languages: French and Kirundi.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Burundi was estimated to be 11 thousands thousands people.",
        "Bujumbura is the capital, largest city, and main port of Burundi. It ships most of the country's chief export, coffee, as well as cotton and tin ore. It is on the north-eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika.",
        "The terrain of Burundi is hilly and mountainous, dropping to a plateau in the east.",
        "Mount Heha is the highest point of Burundi, with an altitude of 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet); the lowest point of the country is Lake Tanganyika at 772 meters (2 thousands feet).",
        "Lake Tanganyika is the second oldest freshwater lake in the world, second largest by volume, and the second deepest. It is divided among four countries \u2013 Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Burundi, and Zambia.",
        "Burundi has three national parks, Kibira National Park to the northwest (a small region of rainforest, adjacent to Nyungwe Forest National Park in Rwanda), Ruvubu National Park to the northeast (along the Rurubu River), and Rusizi National Park [photo below] the most popular tourist attraction in Burundi.",
        "The Chutes de la Kagera or Kagera Falls are a spectacular series of waterfalls in southeastern Burundi. They are located to the south of Rutana. The falls occupy over 142 hectares, being made up of six branches divided on three landings. The biggest and most beautiful \u2013 the fourth waterfall falls from a height of 80 meters (262 feet) in two turbulent flows, concentrating at the bottom of the small lakes.",
        "The Livingstone\u2013Stanley Monument at Mugere in Burundi is 12 km south of the capital Bujumbura, overlooking Lake Tanganyika, and marks a location where explorer and missionary Dr David Livingstone and journalist and explorer Henry Morton Stanley visited and spent two nights on 25\u201327 November 1871.",
        "Burundi is one of the few countries in Africa, along with its closely linked neighbour Rwanda among others, to be a direct territorial continuation of a pre-colonial era African state.",
        "The first evidence of the Burundian state is from 16th century where it emerged on the eastern foothills. Over the following centuries it expanded, annexing smaller neighbours and competing with Rwanda.",
        "The last Burundian monarchy is said to have begun in the late 17th century.",
        "Germany established armed forces in Ruanda and Burundi at the end of the 19th century, colonising the area and establishing German East Africa.",
        "Both Germans and Belgians ruled Burundi and Rwanda as a European colony known as Ruanda-Urundi.",
        "Burundi gained independence in 1962 and initially had a monarchy, but a series of assassinations, coups and a general climate of regional instability culminated in the establishment of a republic and one-party state in 1966.",
        "Burundi has been plagued by ethnic conflict between the majority Hutus and the Tutsis, who tend to dominate the government and army \u2014 but are only 14 percent of the population.",
        "The original inhabitants of Burundi were the Twa, a Pygmy people who now make up only 1% of the population.",
        "Approximately 80 percent of Burundi's population lives in poverty.",
        "Burundians traditionally built their houses of grass and mud in a shape reminiscent of a beehive and wove leaves together for the roof. The traditional Tutsi hut, called a rugo, was surrounded by cattle corrals. Today the most common materials are mud and sticks, although wood and cement blocks also are used. The roofs are usually tin, since leaves are in short supply as a result of deforestation.",
        "Group jogging is banned in Burundi. In 2014, the country's president banned the activity, citing the reason that such walks can help people plan subversive (anti-government) activities.",
        "The World Happiness Report 2017 ranked Burundi as the world's second least happy nation with a rank of 154."
    "Cambodia": [
        "Cambodia is a country located in the southern portion of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia.",
        "The official name of the country is the Kingdom of Cambodia.",
        "Cambodia is bordered by Vietnam to the east, Laos to the north, Thailand to the northwest, and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest.",
        "The official language is Khmer or Cambodian.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Cambodia was estimated to be 15 thousands thousands people.",
        "Cambodia has a total area of 181 thousands square kilometers (69 thousands square miles).",
        "Phnom Penh is the capital and most populous city of Cambodia. It sits at the junction of the Mekong and Tonl\u00e9 Sap rivers. It was a hub for both the Khmer Empire and French colonialists.",
        "Cambodia's main geographical features are the low lying central plain that includes the Tonl\u00e9 Sap basin, the lower Mekong River flood-plains and the Bassac River plain surrounded by mountain ranges to the north, east, in the south-west and south.",
        "Cambodia has 443 kilometers (275 miles) of coastline.",
        "Cambodia's beaches are often neglected in favor of Thailand's. But slowly, surely, the country's idyllic islands and shining white sands are becoming known to the world's beach lovers.",
        "There are 7 National parks in Cambodia.",
        "Kep National Park is a national park of Cambodia in the Kep region of Cambodia. Established in 1993, it covers an area of 50 square kilometers (19 square miles). The park includes a small mountain range with tracks and trails which are popular with tourists.",
        "Cambodia is losing forests very fast. The rate of deforestation in Cambodia is one of the highest in the world.",
        "Cambodia has 2 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world, with the site measuring 162.6 hectares (402 acres). It was originally constructed as a Hindu temple of god Vishnu for the Khmer Empire, gradually transforming into a Buddhist temple toward the end of the 12th century. It was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992.",
        "Preah Vihear Temple is an ancient Hindu temple built during the period of the Khmer Empire, that is situated atop a 525-meter (1 thousands feet) cliff in the D\u00e2ngr\u00eak Mountains, in the Preah Vihear province, Cambodia. On July 7, 2008, Preah Vihear was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "The Bayon is a well-known and richly decorated Khmer temple at Angkor in Cambodia. Built in the late 12th or early 13th century as the official state temple of the Mahayana Buddhist King Jayavarman VII, the Bayon stands at the centre of Jayavarman's capital, Angkor Thom.",
        "Ta Prohm is the modern name of the temple at Angkor, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia, built in the Bayon style largely in the late 12th and early 13th centuries and originally called Rajavihara.",
        "The Royal Palace in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, is a complex of buildings which serves as the royal residence of the king of Cambodia. Its full name in the Khmer language is Preah Barum Reachea Veang Chaktomuk Serei Mongkol. The Kings of Cambodia have occupied it since it was built in 1860s, with a period of absence when the country came into turmoil during and after the reign of the Khmer Rouge.",
        "The area that is present-day Cambodia came under Khmer rule about 600, when the region was at the center of a vast empire that stretched over most of Southeast Asia. Thailand and Vietnam encroached upon the kingdom until 1863, when France made Cambodia a protectorate. Independence came in 1953.",
        "The Vietnam War spilled into Cambodia, igniting conflict, and in 1970 a pro-Western military government overthrew longtime ruler Prince Norodom Sihanouk. Five years later Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge guerrillas began brutally enforcing radical communism, killing some two million Cambodians.",
        "Although the Kingdom of Cambodia is rich in natural resources, decades of war and internal conflict have left it one of the world's poorest countries.",
        "Cambodia's two largest industries are textiles and tourism, while agricultural activities remain the main source of income for many Cambodians living in rural areas.",
        "Cambodia welcomed an estimated 4.5 million international tourists in 2015.",
        "The name \"Cambodia\" is used most often in the Western world while \"Kampuchea\" is more widely used in the East.",
        "The current Cambodian flag, together with the flag of Afghanistan, hold the distinction of being the only two state flags to feature a building.",
        "Apsara Dance or Robam Tep Apsara is a Khmer traditional dance created in the mid-20th century by Royal Ballet of Cambodia, under the patronage of Queen Sisowat Kosamak. The dance is performed by 5 or 7 females with gracefull and sinuos guestures to narate classical myths or religious stories.",
        "The staple food for Cambodians is rice. Today rice is consumed by most Cambodians daily and with all meals, using a great number of cooking styles and techniques.",
        "The earliest evidence of habitation in Cambodia has been found at Loang Spean in northwestern Cambodia. It was occupied beginning around 5000 B.C. by people who lived in caves, polished stones and decorated pottery with cord and comb markings."
    "Cameroon": [
        "Cameroon is a country in Central Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Cameroon.",
        "Cameroon has two official languages: English and French.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Cameroon was estimated to be 24 thousands thousands people.",
        "Yaound\u00e9 is the capital of Cameroon. It is the second largest city in the country after the port city Douala. The city lies in the Centre Region of the nation at an elevation of about 750 meters (2 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "The terrain of Cameroon is diverse, with coastal plain in southwest, dissected plateau in center, mountains in west, plains in north.",
        "Mount Cameroon is an active volcano and the highest point of Cameroon, with an altitude of 4 thousands meters (13 thousands feet). It is also the highest point in sub-Saharan western and central Africa, the fourth most prominent peak in Africa and the 31st most prominent in the world.",
        "Cameroon has 402 kilometers (250 miles) of coastline.",
        "Cameroon beaches are some of the best beaches in Africa. Although the beaches in Cameroon are not fully developed to meet their full potentials, the beaches are however great and attract lots of people from all over the world.",
        "Cameroon has 20 protected reserves which include national parks, zoos, forest reserves and sanctuaries.",
        "Korup National Park is in the Southwest Province of Cameroon and extends over 1 thousands square kilometer (486 square miles) of mostly undisturbed primary forest. It is reputedly one of Africa's oldest and richest tropical forests in terms of floral and faunal diversity. It is the most accessible rainforest national park in Cameroon with basic lodging infrastructure and a large network of trails open to visitors. The park is a popular birdwatching destination and famous for primate viewing.",
        "The Royal Palace of Foumban in Cameroon is one of the oldest palace in the history of Africa in ancient times dating back from many centuries back. It is currently inhabited by the sultan (King), who is the 19th ruler of the Bamoun dynasty which dates back from the 14th century in history. The Palace was renovated and completed in 1917 after which the belongings of previous Sultans were arranged and kept for tourist attraction.",
        "The territory of present-day Cameroon was first settled during the Neolithic Era. The longest continuous inhabitants are groups such as the Baka (Pygmies). They still inhabit the forests of the south and east provinces.",
        "Around 200-100 BC the first Bantu tribes immigrated to Cameroon from North (Nigeria). Bantu speaking tribes are traditionally agricultural requiring lots of space for farmland.",
        "Portuguese explorers reached the coast in the 15th century and named the area Rio dos Camar\u00f5es (Shrimp River), which became Cameroon in English. Over the following few centuries, European interests regularised trade with the coastal peoples, and Christian missionaries pushed inland.",
        "Cameroon became a German colony in 1884 known as Kamerun.",
        "In 1960, the French-administered part of Cameroon became independent as the Republic of Cameroun under President Ahmadou Ahidjo. The southern part of British Cameroons federated with it in 1961 to form the Federal Republic of Cameroon. The federation was abandoned in 1972. The country was renamed the United Republic of Cameroon in 1972 and the Republic of Cameroon in 1984.",
        "For a quarter of a century following independence, Cameroon was one of the most prosperous countries in Africa. The drop in commodity prices for its principal exports \u2014 petroleum, cocoa, coffee, and cotton \u2014 in the mid-1980s, combined with an overvalued currency and economic mismanagement, led to a decade-long recession.",
        "The current account and fiscal deficits widened, and foreign debt grew. Yet because of its oil reserves and favorable agricultural conditions, Cameroon still has one of the best-endowed primary commodity economies in sub-Saharan Africa.",
        "Nevertheless, large numbers of Cameroonians live in poverty as subsistence farmers.",
        "Music and dance are an integral part of Cameroonian ceremonies, festivals, social gatherings, and storytelling.",
        "Traditional sports include canoe racing and wrestling, and several hundred runners participate in the 40 km (25 mi) Mount Cameroon Race of Hope each year.",
        "Cameroonian cuisine is one of the most varied in Africa due to its location on the crossroads between the north, west, and centre of the continent; added to this is the profound influence of French food, a legacy of the colonial era."
    "Canada": [
        "Canada is a country in the northern part of North America. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering 9.98 million square kilometers (3.85 million square miles), making it the world's second largest country by land area.",
        "The name Canada comes from the word 'kanata' which means 'settlement' or 'village' in the language of the indigenous St Lawrence Iroquoians.",
        "Canada is made up of 10 provinces and 3 territories.",
        "Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II being the head of state.",
        "The 2 main languages spoken in Canada are English and French.",
        "According to preliminary estimates, Canada's population was estimated at 38 million on April 1, 2015.",
        "As of August 2019, the population of Canada was estimated to be about 38 thousands thousands people.",
        "Ottawa is the capital of Canada with a population estimated at 950 thousands in 2019.",
        "Canada has an estimated 31 thousands lakes larger than 3 square kilometers (1.2 sq mi) and an unknown total number of lakes, but is estimated to be at least 2 million.",
        "There are about 200 species of mammals in Canada, some of them are: the caribou, the moose, the wolverine, the musk ox, Canada lynx, and the North American beaver, which is a major symbol of Canada.",
        "There are nearly 2.5 million caribou in Canada.",
        "There is about 630 bird species in Canada.",
        "Canada has the world's longest coastline of 202 thousands kilometers (125 thousands miles).",
        "The U.S. / Canada Border is the longest international border in the world.",
        "Americans have invaded Canada twice, in 1775 and 1812. They lost both times.",
        "Canada's lowest recorded temperature was -63\u00baC (-81.4\u00baF) in 1947.",
        "The highest mountain in Canada is Mount Logan, Yukon Territory, 5 thousands meters (19 thousands feet).",
        "Large parts of Canada have less gravity than the rest of Earth. The phenomenon was discovered in the 1960s.",
        "Residents of Churchill, Canada, leave their cars unlocked to offer an escape for pedestrians who might encounter polar bears.",
        "Canada is the world's most educated country: over half its residents have college degrees.",
        "In Newfoundland, Canada, the Atlantic Ocean sometimes freezes so people play hockey on it.",
        "With 1 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles), the Yonge Street in Canada, is the longest street in the world.",
        "Canada consumes more macaroni and cheese than any other nation in the world.",
        "Canada has the only UFO landing pad in the entire world.",
        "John Cabot was the first explorer to reach Canada in 1497.",
        "The east coast of Canada was settled by Vikings in approximately 1000 AD.",
        "Tools that date back 20 thousands years are the first evidence of history in Canada.",
        "Every Christmas, one million letters are addressed to Santa Claus at his own postal code:\"H0H 0H0, North Pole, Canada.\""
    "Central African Republic": [
        "The Central African Republic (CAR) is a landlocked country in Central Africa.",
        "The Central African Republic has two official languages: French and Sango.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Central African Republic was estimated to be 5 thousands thousands people.",
        "Bangui, or Bang\u00ee in Sango is the capital and largest city of the Central African Republic. It was established as a French outpost in 1889 and named after its location on the northern bank of the Ubangi River.",
        "Mont Ngaoui is the highest mountain in the Central African Republic. It is located in the Karre Mountains on the border with Cameroon and has a summit elevation of 1 thousands meters (4 thousands ft).",
        "The Central African Republic once had the third largest area of rainforest cover in Africa. Today, while tropical forest covers about 35% of the country, most of this has been degraded by logging.",
        "The Central African Republic is home to about 3 thousands species of plants, 663 birds, 131 mammals, 187 reptiles, and 29 amphibians.",
        "The Central African Republic has 5 national parks and 33 other protected areas.",
        "Manovo-Gounda St. Floris National Park is a national park and UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Central African Republic near the Chad border. It was inscribed to the list of World Heritage Sites in 1988 as a result of the diversity of life present within it. Notable species include black rhinoceroses, elephants, Sudan cheetahs, leopards, red-fronted gazelles, and buffalo, giraffes, lions; a wide range of waterfowl species also occurs in the northern floodplains. The site is under threat due to its rare wildlife dying and animals species being wiped out.",
        "Created in 1990, the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park is in the south-western region of the Central African Republic, and the northern edge of the Congo basin forest. The national park is well known for its impressive biodiversity and is the biggest intact forest remaining in the country. It is also well known for its western lowland gorilla population; it has one of the highest densities ever reported for the western lowland gorilla.",
        "Boali Falls belong to the best known landmarks in Central African Republic. This impressive waterfall is some 50 meters (165 feet) high and 250 meters (820 feet) wide. Although no more than a trickle when its dry, they are dramatic during the rainy season.",
        "The Cath\u00e9drale Notre-Dame of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is a Roman Catholic Cathedral under Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bangui in the Central African Republic. It is a large and elegant church built with red brick and is common type in French tropical colonies.",
        "The history of the Central African Republic is roughly composed of four distinct periods.",
        "The third period involved the colonial conquest and rule of the country by France and Germany which spanned from the late 1800s until 1960 when the Central African Republic became an independent state.",
        "The fourth and final period has been the era during which the Central African Republic has been an independent state.",
        "Despite its significant mineral deposits and other resources, such as uranium reserves, crude oil, gold, diamonds, cobalt, lumber, and hydropower, as well as significant quantities of arable land, the Central African Republic is among the ten poorest countries in the world."
    "Chad": [
        "Chad is a landlocked country in Central Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Chad.",
        "Chad has two official languages: French and Arabic.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Chad was estimated to be 14 thousands thousands people.",
        "N'Djamena is the capital and largest city of Chad. It was founded as Fort-Lamy by French commander \u00c9mile Gentil on May 29, 1900, and named after Am\u00e9d\u00e9e-Fran\u00e7ois Lamy, an army officer who had been killed in the Battle of Kouss\u00e9ri a few days earlier.",
        "The country's terrain is that of a shallow basin that rises gradually from the Lake Chad area in the west and is rimmed by mountains to the north, east, and south.",
        "Emi Koussi a dormant volcano that reaches 3 thousands meters (11 thousands ft) above sea level. It is the highest point in both Chad and the Sahara.",
        "Chad has several regions: a desert zone in the north, an arid Sahelian belt in the center and a more fertile Sudanian Savanna zone in the south.",
        "The Saharan Desert region covers roughly the northern third of Chad.",
        "Lakes of Ounianga are a series of lakes in the Sahara Desert, in North-Eastern Chad, occupying a basin in the mountains of West Tibesti and Ennedi East. It was added as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2012.",
        "The Guelta d'Archei is probably the most famous guelta in the Sahara. It is located in the Ennedi Plateau, in north-eastern Chad, south-east of the town of Fada. The Guelta d'Archei is inhabited by several kinds of animals, most notably the Nile crocodile. Caravans come at the Guelta d'Archei to replenish water supplies, wash and rest.",
        "Lake Chad is located in the sahelian zone, a region just south of the Sahara Desert. It was the seventh largest lake in the world and the fourth largest in Africa. It has shrunk dramatically during the last few decades and is now down to less than 10 percent of its former size, due to increased water use and low rainfall. The country is named after this lake.",
        "Aloba Arch is the name of a natural arch located in Chad. Large natural arches are somewhat rare outside the southern and western regions of China and the Colorado Plateau of the southwest United States. Aloba Arch's span is considered to be the 8th longest known natural arch, and the longest outside of China and Utah. Due in part to its location as well as being only recently recognized for its size, estimates based on photography yield an approximate span of 76.2 meters (250 feet).",
        "Chad is home to about 134 species of mammals, 509 species of birds (354 species of residents and 155 migrants), and over 1 thousands species of plants.",
        "Chad has 4 national parks and 18 other protected areas.",
        "In the 7th millennium BC, ecological conditions in the northern half of Chadian territory favored human settlement, and the region experienced a strong population increase.",
        "Some of the most important African archaeological sites are found in Chad, mainly in the Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti Region; some date to earlier than 2000 BC.",
        "The Sao fell to the Kanem Empire, the first and longest-lasting of the empires that developed in Chad's Sahelian strip by the end of the 1st millennium AD.",
        "In 1960, Chad obtained independence under the leadership of Fran\u00e7ois Tombalbaye.",
        "Since independence, Chad has suffered instability and violence, stemming mostly from tensions between the mainly Arab-Muslim north and the predominantly Christian and animist south.",
        "Chad is one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world; most inhabitants live in poverty as subsistence herders and farmers.",
        "The design of the flag of Chad is the same as that of the flag of Romania, although with a darker blue.",
        "Chad's coat of arms is composed of a centered shield supported by a goat and lion. A sun rises above the shield, and a medal and scroll bearing the national motto (\"Unity, Work, Progress\") are displayed below."
    "Chile": [
        "Chile is a South American country occupying a long, narrow strip of land between the Andes to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west.",
        "The official name is the Republic of Chile.",
        "Chile is bordered by Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast and Argentina to the east.",
        "The official language of Chile is Spanish.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Chile was estimated to be 18 thousands thousands people.",
        "Santiago, Chile's capital and largest city, sits in a valley surrounded by the snow-capped Andes and the Chilean Coastal Range. Founded in 1541, Santiago has been the capital city of Chile since colonial times.",
        "Chile's territorial shape is among the world's most unusual. From north to south, Chile extends 4 thousands kilometers (2 thousands miles), and yet it only averages 177 kilometers (110 miles) east to west.",
        "Nevado Ojos del Salado is a massive stratovolcano in the Andes on the Argentina\u2013Chile border and the highest active volcano in the world at 6 thousands meters (22 thousands feet). It is also the second highest mountain in the Western Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere and the highest mountain in Chile.",
        "The crater lake of Ojos del Salado in the Andes on the Chile-Argentina border is the world's highest lake at 6 thousands meters (20 thousands feet). It is small lake about 100 meters (330 feet) in diameter.(on the left down corner of the photo, half frozen).",
        "Chile's coastline, which runs along the Pacific Ocean, is 6 thousands kilometers (4 thousands miles) long.",
        "There are 36 national parks in Chile covering a total area of 9 thousands thousands hectares (22 thousands thousands acres).",
        "Torres del Paine National Park is one of the most spectacular national parks in the country and covers approximately 242 thousands hectares (598 thousands acres). It is one of the largest and most visited parks in Chile.",
        "Rapa Nui National Park is a national park and UNESCO-inscribed World Heritage Site located on Easter Island, Chile.The island was taken over by Chile in 1888. Its fame and World Heritage status arise from the 887 extant stone statues known by the name \"moai\", whose creation is attributed to the early Rapa Nui people.",
        "Chile has 6 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.",
        "Found in the north of Chile, the Atacama Desert is the driest place on Earth. Parts of the Atacama have not seen a drop of rain since record-keeping began.",
        "The alerce tree, found in southern Chile, is noted for its longevity. To date, the oldest known living specimen is 3 thousands years old.",
        "San Alfonso del Mar is a private resort in Algarrobo, Chile. The resort has the world's second largest swimming pool. The pool is 1 thousands meters (3 thousands feet) long, covering 8 hectares (20 acres), containing some 250 million liters (66 million US gallons) of seawater, with a maximum depth of 3.5 meters (11.5 feet).",
        "The atmosphere in the mountains in the Norte Grande part of Chile is excellent for astronomers because the air is particularly clear. It is the chosen spot for observatories in all the Southern Hemisphere, having 300 clear nights a year. The famous observatories of Tololo, La Silla [pic. below], and Las Campanas can be seen from the highway, as well from Cerro Grande in La Serena.",
        "Chile has a long viticultural history for a New World wine region dating to the 16th century when the Spanish conquistadors brought Vitis vinifera vines with them as they colonized the region. Chile is now the fifth largest exporter of wines in the world, and the ninth largest producer.",
        "Chile began to export salmon in 1984 and is now the world's second largest exporter of salmon after Norway.",
        "The most original Chilean dish is curanto, a feast of shellfish and meat that is eaten by the locals on the island of Chilo\u00e9. It is traditionally prepared in a hole which is dug in the ground. The bottom is covered with stones, heated in a bonfire until red.",
        "Chile and Peru both claim the pisco sour as their national drink, and each asserts ownership of the cocktail's base liquor\u2014pisco; commonly mixed with soft drinks like Coca-Cola (Piscola) or ginger ale or vermouth. But the most common version is the Pisco sour where it is blended with lemon juice, sugar, ice, and beaten egg whites.",
        "Chile is one of the few countries on Earth that has a government-supported UFO research organization.",
        "Chilean husbands and wives have different last names because women keep their maiden names. If they have the same last names, they are often considered brother and sister.",
        "Divorce in Chile was legalized only in 2005, and the country has one of the lowest divorce rates globally.",
        "Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk was marooned for about four years on Chile's Islas Juan Fern\u00e1ndez, located 587 kilometers (364 miles) west of Valparaiso. After being rescued, he published his story of survival and was said to be the inspiration for Daniel Defoe's classic novel Robinson Crusoe.",
        "Chileans call their country: pa\u00eds de poetas (country of poets), for good reason too, the country's two Nobel Prize winners both won in Literature. Gabriela Mistral in 1945, and the country's most famous poet, Pablo Neruda in 1971.",
        "There are various theories about the origin of the word Chile. According to one theory the Incas of Peru, who had failed to conquer the Araucanians, called the valley of the Aconcagua \"Chili\" by corruption of the name of a tribal chief (\"cacique\") called Tili, who ruled the area at the time of the Incan conquest. Another theory points to the similarity of the valley of the Aconcagua with that of the Casma Valley in Peru, where there was a town and valley named Chili. Other theories say Chile may derive its name from the indigenous Mapuche word chilli, which may mean \"where the land ends\" or \"the deepest point of the Earth,\" or from the Aymara tchili meaning \"snow\"; another meaning attributed to chilli is the onomatopoeic cheele-cheele\u2014the Mapuche imitation of a bird call."
    "Colombia": [
        "Colombia, at the northern tip of South America, is a country of lush rainforest, towering mountains and coffee plantations.",
        "The official name of Colombia is the Republic of Colombia.",
        "Colombia is a transcontinental country largely situated in the northwest of South America, with territories in North America.",
        "Colombia is bordered on the northwest by Panama, on the east by Venezuela and Brazil, and on the southwest by Peru and Ecuador. It shares maritime limits with Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Colombia was estimated to be 48 thousands thousands people.",
        "Colombia is the 26th largest nation in the world and the fourth-largest country in South America after Brazil, Argentina, and Peru.",
        "Bogot\u00e1 is the capital and largest city in Colombia. A melting pot of people from around the country, it is diverse and multicultural, with a blend of modern and colonial architecture.",
        "Pico Crist\u00f3bal Col\u00f3n is the highest mountain in Colombia, with an estimated height of 5 thousands meters (18 thousands feet).",
        "Colombia is the only country in South America that has a coastline on both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.",
        "Colombia is classed as a \"megadiverse\" country, ranking as the 2nd most biodiverse country in the world after only Brazil which is 10 times its size. It has the highest amount of species by area in the world, including the most endemic species of butterflies, the most orchid species, the most amphibian species and more species of bird than all of Europe and North America combined.",
        "Colombia 58 nationally protected areas which cover about 142 thousands.443 square kilometers (55 thousands.559 square miles) and represent more than 11% of the country's area.",
        "One of Colombia's most popular national parks, Tayrona grips the Caribbean coast in a jungly bear hug at the foot of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The park covers approximately 12 thousands hectares (29 thousands acres) of land and 3000 hectares (7 thousands acres) of sea.",
        "San Agust\u00edn Archaeological Park is an archaeological site in San Agust\u00edn, Huila, Colombia. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. The site contains the largest collection of religious monuments and megalithic sculptures in Latin America and is considered the world's largest necropolis.",
        "Colombia has 8 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.",
        "Monserrate is a mountain that dominates the city center of Bogot\u00e1, the capital city of Colombia. It rises to 3 thousands meters (10 thousands feet) above the sea level, where there is a church (built in the 17th century) with a shrine, devoted to \"El Se\u00f1or Ca\u00eddo\" (Fallen Lord). The hill is a pilgrim destination, as well as a tourist attraction.",
        "Colombian coffee is often regarded as some of the highest quality coffee in the world. Colombia's average annual coffee production of 11.5 million bags is the third total highest in the world, after Brazil and Vietnam.",
        "Colombia is also known as an important global source of emeralds, while over 70% of cut flowers imported by the United States are Colombian.",
        "Colombia's national dish is considered to be bandeja paisa. It consists of white rice, red beans, ground beef, plantain, chorizo, morcilla, chicharron, arepa, avocado and a fried egg.",
        "Aguardiente, the official national drink of Colombia. It is derived from sugarcane and flavored with anise. Its alcohol content hovers around 29%.",
        "Notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar reportedly offered to pay Colombia's national debt of $10 Billion to improve his reputation and escape the crosshairs of justice.",
        "The area covered by modern day Colombia was originally inhabited by the indigenous tribes Muisca, Quimbaya, and Tairona. In 1499 the Spanish arrived making the area a Spanish colony called New Granada.",
        "The traditional national sport of Colombia is called Tejo. It is a team sport that involves launching projectiles at a target.",
        "According to the WIN/Gallup International Association's annual end of year survey, Colombia is home to the happiest people in the world. ~ in 2015 ~",
        "The name \"Colombia\" is derived from the last name of the explorer Christopher Columbus."
    "Comoros": [
        "The Comoros is a sovereign archipelago island nation in the Indian Ocean between the eastern coast of Africa and Madagascar.",
        "The official name of the country is the Union of the Comoros.",
        "The Comoros has three official languages: Comorian, French and Arabic.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Comoros was estimated to be 817 thousands people.",
        "Moroni is the largest city, federal capital and seat of the government of the Comoros. It is located on Grande Comore the largest of the three main islands. In Comorian, Moroni translates as \"in the heart of the fire\", perhaps alluding to the city's location at the foot of Mount Karthala, an active volcano.",
        "The country consists of three major islands and numerous smaller islands, all in the volcanic Comoros archipelago.",
        "Mount Karthala is an active volcano and the highest point of the Comoros at 2 thousands meters (7 thousands feet) above sea level. The Karthala volcano is very active, having erupted more than 20 times since the 19th century.",
        "Comoros offers one of the world's largest coral atolls which parades hundreds of fish species, shells and corals. This offers great opportunity for scuba diving and snorkelling with great chances of seeing large turtles, manta rays, marline and whale sharks, among others.",
        "The Nouvelle Mosquee de Vendredi is a mosque in the Indian Ocean country of Union of the Comoros. It is situated in the country capital Moroni. The Vendredi Mosque is noted for its unique Comoran architectural style.",
        "The Comoros is one of the world's poorest countries.",
        "The Comoros is the world's largest producer of ylang-ylang, which is valued for the perfume extracted from its flowers.",
        "The mammalian diversity of the Comoros, like most other young volcanic islands, is restricted to marine mammals and bats; plus few introduced species.",
        "The Mongoose Lemur, originally introduced from Madagascar is now found only on two islands in the Comoros.",
        "Moheli Marine Park is the first protected area in the Comoros. It was established on 19 April 2001.",
        "With fewer than a million people, the Comoros is one of the least populous countries in the world, but is also one of the most densely populated, with an average of 275 inhabitants per square kilometre (710/sq mi).",
        "The military resources of the Comoros consist of a small standing army and a 500-member police force, as well as a 500-member defence force."
    "Costa Rica": [
        "Costa Rica is a rugged, rainforested Central American country with coastlines on the Caribbean and Pacific.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Costa Rica.",
        "Costa Rica is bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Costa Rica was estimated to be 4 thousands thousands people.",
        "In total, Costa Rica comprises 51 thousands square kilometers (19 thousands sq mi), ranking it 129th in worldwide landmass.",
        "San Jos\u00e9 is the capital and largest city of Costa Rica. Situated in the broad, fertile Valle Central 1 thousands meters (3 thousands feet) above sea level, it was called Villa Nueva when it was settled in 1736.",
        "Cocos Island is the most remote part of Costa Rica, nearly 600 kilometers (360 miles) into the Pacific Ocean, southwest of the mainland. It is uninhabited island (about 8 km \u00d7 3 km (5 mi \u00d7 2 mi)) designated as a National Park that does not allow inhabitants other than Costa Rican Park Rangers; Millions have seen this island on film, in the opening moments of the Steven Spielberg film Jurassic Park.",
        "Costa Rica has a coastline length of 1 thousands kilometers (805 miles); 212 kilometers (132 miles) on the Caribbean coast, 1 thousands kilometers (633 miles) on the Pacific and Cocos Island 62 kilometers (40 miles).",
        "With two coastlines surrounded by lush jungle, Costa Rica is famous for some of the most beautiful beaches in Central America.",
        "Costa Rica has nearly 300 different beaches along its stunning Pacific and Caribbean coastlines, each with a unique draw and distinct setting.",
        "There are currently 26 National Parks of Costa Rica; all protected areas encompass more than 25% of the country's total landmass.",
        "The crown jewel of Costa Rica's national park system, Corcovado National Park, is comprised of an enormous 103 thousands acres (41 thousands ha) of tropical rainforest. It is the largest park in Costa Rica and protects about a third of the Osa Peninsula. National Geographic has called it \"the most biologically intense place on Earth in terms of biodiversity\".",
        "Manuel Antonio National Park is the smallest national park in Costa Rica. This park has one of the most impressive landscapes in the world and has several coves with many white sand beaches and lush foliage amidst great mountains and forests that reach the beaches. It has been rated as one of 12 most beautiful national parks by Forbes in 2011 and is one of the most visited parks in the country.",
        "There are more than 200 volcanic formations in Costa Rica, and six of them are active.",
        "One of Costa Rica's most notable natural features is the Arenal Volcano. At 1 thousands meters (5 thousands feet), the Arenal Volcano looms large and ominous over the pastured green hillsides that surround its base. Although currently in a resting phase, Arenal remained the country's most active volcano for the past 43 years.",
        "La Fortuna Waterfall offers one of the most beautiful scenery in Costa Rica. The waterfall drops about 70 meters (230 feet)and is located at the base of the dormant Chato volcano, about 5.5 kilometers 3.5 miles outside of the town of La Fortuna, near the Arenal Volcano.",
        "Cloud forests \u2014 lush forests at high elevations where the heavy mist and clouds almost always hang in the air\u2014occur on Costa Rica's mountaintops. The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve in Costa Rica is the largest cloud forest in Central America.",
        "Coffee production has played a key role in Costa Rica's history and continues to be important to the country's economy. More than 100 thousands hectares (247 thousands acres) of coffee are planted in Costa Rica, which is currently the 13th largest coffee exporter in the world.",
        "Costa Rica is the largest exporter of pineapples in the world; and the second largest exporter of bananas in the world, after Ecuador.",
        "Since 1995, tourism is Costa Rica's leading industry, and over two million visitors arrive every year.",
        "Costa Rican cuisine is known for being fairly mild, with high reliance on fresh fruits and vegetables. Gallo Pinto, which has a literal meaning of \"spotted chicken\", is the national dish of Costa Rica. It consists of rice and beans stir-fried together in a pan to create a speckled appearance. It is usually served for breakfast along with cheese, scrambled or sunny-side-up eggs, fried plantains, avocados, tortillas, etc.",
        "Costa Rica abolished its armed forces in 1949 and has no standing military; however, the country still maintains a small force to enforce laws and assist with foreign peacekeeping.",
        "Costa Ricans call themselves ticos (males) and ticas (females).",
        "Costa Rica has an exceptionally high life expectancy of 79, one of the highest in the world.",
        "Instead of saying \"my other half,\" Costa Ricans refer to their significant others as their \"media naranja,\" or \"the other half of the orange.\""
    "Croatia": [
        "Croatia is a country situated in Southeast Europe.",
        "Croatia official name is Republic of Croatia.",
        "Official language is Croatian.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Croatia was estimated to be 4 thousands thousands people.",
        "Zagreb is the capital and the largest city of the Republic of Croatia.",
        "Croatia's appeal is grounded in its spectacular nature \u2013 waterfalls, forests, mountains and the dazzling Adriatic coast.",
        "Dinara at 1831 meters (6 thousands feet) is highest Croatian mountain and summit.",
        "One-third of Croatia is covered in forest.",
        "Croatia have 8 national parks, 2 strict reserves and 11 nature parks.",
        "The most famous protected area and the oldest national park in Croatia is the Plitvice Lakes National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "Kopa\u010dki rit Nature park in eastern Croatia is Europe's largest and best preserved wetlands and floodplain forests.",
        "Croatia's Adriatic Sea mainland coast is 1 thousands.3 kilometers (1 thousands.4 miles) long, while its 1 thousands islands and islets encompass a further 4 thousands kilometers (2 thousands miles) of coastline\u2014the most indented coastline in the Mediterranean.",
        "The most famous beach in Croatia is in Bol, which is on the island of Brac.",
        "Hum in Croatia is known as the smallest town in the world.It has a population of 30 as per the 2011 census, but is officially a town.",
        "The Pula Arena is the name of the amphitheatre located in Pula, Croatia.It was constructed in 27 BC \u2013 68 AD and is among the 6 largest surviving Roman arenas in the World.",
        "Diocletian's Palace is an ancient palace built by the Roman emperor Diocletian at the turn of the 4th century AD, that today forms about half the old town and city center of Split, in Croatia.",
        "Croatia has 7 UNESCO World Heritage sites.",
        "The Dalmatian is a breed of large dog, noted for its unique black or liver spotted coat and mainly used as a carriage dog in its early days. Its roots trace back to Croatia and its historical region of Dalmatia.",
        "Two winners of the Nobel Prize in chemistry came from Croatia \u2013 Lavoslav Ruzicka (1939) and Vladimir Prelog (1975)",
        "The Mag Light was invented by a Croatian named Maglica.",
        "Croatian Slavoljub Penkala invented a mechanical pencil, the Penkala in 1906.Today we call it \"pen\".",
        "Janica Kostelic, one of the best female skiers of all times, is Croatian.",
        "Croatians invented a tie. Originally worn by Croat soldiers, they were adopted by the French army in the 17th Century and soon became fashionable. Croatians mark Cravat Day on 18 October.",
        "Croatian currency is known as the Kuna, which is the Croatian word for marten. A marten was a forest rodent whose highly prized skin was used to pay taxes in the Roman provinces of eastern Croatia.",
        "The kuna is divided into 100 lipa, which is the Croatian name of the linden lime tree.",
        "Wine has been made in Croatia since it was introduced by Greek settlers 2 thousands years ago \u2013 original vineyards are still intact on Stari Grad Plain on Hvar island. Today, Croatia has more than 300 wine regions, 17 thousands producers and 2 thousands (mostly white) wines.",
        "Zinfandel grape variety comes from Croatia.",
        "Shakespeare's Twelfth Night was staged in Illyria an ancient region of the Western Balkans whose coast covered modern day Croatia (and also Slovenia, Montenegro and Albania)."
    "Cuba": [
        "Cuba, a large Caribbean island nation under communist rule, is known for its white-sand beaches, rolling mountains, cigars and rum.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Cuba.",
        "Cuba is located in the northern Caribbean where the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic Ocean meet. It is south of both the U.S. state of Florida and the Bahamas, west of Haiti, and north of Jamaica.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Cuba was estimated to be 11 thousands thousands people.",
        "With an area of 110 thousands square kilometers (42 thousands square miles), Cuba is the largest country in the Caribbean.",
        "Havana, Cuba's colorful capital, is known for the Spanish colonial architecture. The city's appreciation of its glorious colonial past is on display at a dizzying array of castles, cathedrals, mansions and museums.",
        "Cuba is the largest of all islands in the Caribbean. The island is 1 thousands kilometers (780 miles) long and 191 kilometers (119 miles) across its widest points and 31 kilometers (19 miles) across its narrowest point. The country also includes Isla de la Juventud and more than 4000 other much smaller islands and cays.",
        "Cuba has a coastline length of 5 thousands kilometers (3 thousands miles).",
        "Cuba's coastline is indented by some of the world's finest natural harbors.",
        "Conjure up an image of the perfect Caribbean beach and you'll find Cuba's generous shoreline fits the description perfectly: stretches of powdery, bone-white sand \u2013 often freckled with shady palm trees \u2013 and limpid, turquoise waters.",
        "Cuba's seven national parks, from the delicate wetlands at Montemar to the imposing mountains of the Sierra Maestra, protect the country's abundance of flora and fauna.",
        "Desembarco del Granma National Park is a national park in south-eastern Cuba, in what is now Granma Province. The park is named after the yacht in which Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Ra\u00fal Castro, and 79 of their supporters sailed from Mexico to Cuba in 1956 and incited the Cuban Revolution. It was listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site because of its marine terraces and pristine sea cliffs.",
        "Cuba has 9 UNESCO world heritage site.",
        "Morro Castle, named after the three biblical Magi, is a fortress guarding the entrance to Havana bay in Havana, Cuba. The design was drawn up by the Italian engineer Juan Bautista Antonelli; originally under the control of Spain, the fortress was captured by the British in 1762, and was returned to the Spanish under treaty terms a year later.",
        "The Museum of the Revolution is a museum located in the Old Havana. The museum is housed in what was the Presidential Palace of all Cuban presidents from Mario Garc\u00eda Menocal to Fulgencio Batista. It became the Museum of the Revolution during the years following the Cuban revolution.",
        "El Capitolio, or National Capitol Building in Havana, was the seat of government in Cuba until after the Cuban Revolution in 1959, and is now home to the Cuban Academy of Sciences. \"El Capitolio\" has a size of 207 by 90 meters (681 by 300 feet) Its design and name recall the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.. Completed in 1929, it was the tallest building in Havana until the 1950s and houses the world's third largest indoor statue.",
        "A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Valle de los Ingenios was one of Cuba's most famous centers of sugar production during the 18th and 19th centuries",
        "Original indigenous inhabitants of Cuba were The Ta\u00edno (an Arawak people), the Guanajatabey, and the Ciboney people. In 1492, Christopher Columbus arrived on the island and claimed it as a Spanish territory.",
        "Cuba remained a Spanish colony until the Spanish-American War of 1898 when the country became part of the United States. This was only brief though, the country was given independence in 1902.",
        "Tourism in Cuba is an industry that generates over 3 million arrivals per year, and is one of the main sources of revenue for the island.",
        "Sugar from sugar cane is the main crop grown in Cuba, followed by tobacco which is used in the making of hand-crafted cigars that are famous for being the finest cigars in the world.",
        "Cuban cuisine is a blend of Native American Taino food, Spanish, African, and Caribbean cuisines. Ropa vieja [photo below], Spanish for \"old clothes,\" is a Cuban national dish consisting of stewed beef with vegetables.",
        "Rum is known a typical Cuban drink. It is the basic ingredient of cocktails like Cuba Libre, Mojito, Cubanitos etc.",
        "Cuba is renown for its music, bands play everywhere in the capital Havana. The main musical form is called son, which is a combination of upbeat rhythms with classical guitar.",
        "There is a statue of John Lennon from The Beatles in the country of Cuba. It was erected in 2000 by Fidel Castro, after Castro declared John Lennon to be a music revolutionary.",
        "Because Fidel Castro has chosen not to create a cult of personality, inside Cuba there are no streets, buildings, institutions or localities named for him.",
        "The only cars that Cuban citizens can own legally are cars created and bought before 1959. After this year, the Cuban government seized all of the cars, and owns them all to this day. Most of the pre-1959 cars in the country are from the United States.",
        "When Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba, he immediately ordered all game sets of Monopoly to be destroyed.",
        "In 1940, 12-year-old Cuban boy Fidel Castro wrote to US President Franklin Roosevelt to request a $10 note. \"Never I have not seen a ten dollars bill green American and I would like to have one of them,\" the future Cuban leader wrote.",
        "Cuba has a 99.8% literacy rate, which is one of the highest in the world.",
        "The average salary in Cuba in 2013 was 471 pesos or US$20 a month.",
        "Every Cuban household had (and still has) a ration book (or libreta) entitling it to a monthly supply of food and other staples, provided at nominal cost.",
        "The game of dominoes is extremely popular in Cuba.",
        "Ernest Hemingway wrote one of his most famous works \"For Whom the Bell Tells\" when he was living in Cuba.",
        "Government vehicles in Cuba are legally required to pick up any hitchhikers.",
        "JFK bought 1 thousands Cuban cigars just hours before signing the embargo against Cuba.",
        "The Soviet Union had transferred over 150 nuclear weapons to Cuba by the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis.",
        "Obama is the first sitting U.S. president to visit Cuba in almost a century.",
        "Only two countries in the world are not allowed to sell Coca-Cola officially: North Korea and Cuba.",
        "Christmas was not an official holiday in Cuba until 1997. Pope John Paul II visited the country in 1998, and in order to prepare for his visit, Cuba declared Christmas a national holiday."
    "Cyprus": [
        "Cyprus, an island in the eastern Mediterranean, has rich, turbulent history stretching back to antiquity.",
        "Cyprus's official name is the Republic of Cyprus.",
        "The official languages of the Republic of Cyprus are Greek and Turkish.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Cyprus was estimated to be 1 thousands thousands people.",
        "Cyprus is 240 kilometers (149 miles) long from end to end and 100 kilometers (62 miles) wide at its widest point.",
        "Nicosia, also known as Lefkosia is the capital city of the island country of Cyprus. It is also the largest city of that country.",
        "The Tombs of the Kings is a large necropolis lying about two kilometres west of Paphos harbour in Cyprus. The underground tombs, many of which date back to the 4th century BC, are carved out of solid rock, and are thought to have been the burial sites of Paphitic aristocrats and high officials up to the third century AD. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "The Painted Churches in the Tro\u00f6dos Region are a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Tro\u00f6dos Mountains of central Cyprus. The site comprises ten Byzantine churches and monasteries all richly decorated with Byzantine and post-Byzantine murals.",
        " Kykkos Monastery is one of the wealthiest and best-known monasteries in Cyprus.It was founded around the end of the 11th century by the Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos (1081\u20131118). The monastery lies at an altitude of 1318 meters on the north west face of Tro\u00f6dos Mountains.",
        " Olympus, or Chionistra, at 1 thousands meters (6 thousands feet), is the highest point in Cyprus.",
        "Cyprus has a coastline length of 648 kilometers (402.6 miles).Cyprus's coastline is rocky and heavily indented, with a number of bays and capes.",
        "Fig Tree Bay is a sandy beach in the resort of Protaras, Cyprus. In 2011, TripAdvisor declared it to be the third best beach in Europe, but it dropped to 9th place in 2015.",
        " Nissi beach, is a well-known sandy beach in the resort of Ayia Napa, Cyprus.The sandy beach stretches for 500 meters (1640 feet) and the waters are clean enough for the beach to have been awarded blue flag designation. Nissi beach has become a popular destination for clubbers following live programs transmitted through BBC's Radio 1 Roadshow during the summer tourist season since 2002.",
        "More than 55 beaches on Cyprus have been awarded the EU Blue Flag for cleanliness & safety.",
        "Cyprus is one of only a few places in the world where Green Turtles & Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) nest.",
        "Cyprus is home to 20 rare species of orchid.",
        "After Sicily and Sardinia, Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea.",
        "The island of Cyprus was divided in 1974 when Turkish troops invaded to stop Greek military plans for enosis (union) with Greece.",
        "Cyprus is as multi-religious as it is multi-lingual and multi-cultural. The majority of the island's residents, 78%, belong to the Autocephalous Orthodox faith; 18% are Muslim; while the remaining 4% of worshipers are Maronite or Armenian Apostolic.",
        "Cyprus has the largest number of sunny days in the Mediterranean. It receives up to 13 hours of sun a day during the summer.",
        " Cyprus was once the wealthiest nation in the known world. It was during the Copper and Bronze Ages when the island's rich natural copper resources were exported to other countries.",
        "Archaeological evidence suggests that people first lived on the island of Cyprus 10 thousands years ago.",
        "In 2004, archaeologists found the remains of a person buried with a cat on Cyprus. Dating back about 9 thousands years, this is the oldest known pet cat.",
        "Traffic in Cyprus drives on the left-side of the road and the power plugs used are English style."
    "Djibouti": [
        "Djibouti is a country in Northeast Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Djibouti.",
        "Djibouti has two official languages: Arabic and French.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Djibouti was estimated to be 905 thousands people.",
        "Djibouti City is the capital and largest city of Djibouti, which is named after it. It is located in the coastal Djibouti Region on the Gulf of Tadjoura. The city is known for its 19th-century architecture and the port at the entrance to the Red Sea.",
        "Djibouti can be divided into three major geographic regions: a coastal plain, mountains behind the plain, and a plateau behind the mountains.",
        "Mousa Ali is a 2 thousands meters (6 thousands feet) stratovolcano located on the tri-point of Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti. The volcano is the highest point in Djibouti.",
        "About 90 percent of Djibouti's terrain is flat, barren desert land made up of volcanic rock.",
        "The desert terrain of Djibouti is broken in places by salt lakes. The largest of these is Lac Assal [photo below] at 155 meters (509 feet) below sea level, it is the lowest point in Africa and the second-lowest elevation in the world. It is also the world's saltiest body of water, with a concentration surpassing even that of the Dead Sea. Its water reaches temperatures of up to 57\u00b0C (135\u00b0F) in the summer.",
        "The Danakil Desert is a lowland geothermal region which covers much of western Djibouti. The Danakil Desert extends into Ethiopia and Eritrea. The area is known for its volcanoes and extreme heat, with daytime temperatures surpassing 50 \u00b0C (122 \u00b0F). The Danakil Desert is one of the lowest and hottest places on Earth.",
        "Djibouti has 314 kilometers (195 miles) of coastline. Much of the coastline consists of white and gold, sandy beaches.",
        "There are three national parks in Djibouti: Day Forest National Park, Djibouti National Park and Yoboki National Park. It protects an important forest island in a sea of semi-desert and deserts of Afar region.",
        "Day Forest National Park, also known as For\u00eat du Day National Park, is a national park in the Goda Mountains of Djibouti. This isolated forest is surrounded by endless semi-deserts and deserts of Afar region. This is the largest forest in Djibouti. The forest has a total area of approximately 13 thousands hectares (34 thousands acres).",
        "The Aquarium Tropical de Djibouti is one of the country's top tourist attractions. Located in the historic part of Djibouti City, it's considered one of the best in all of Africa. It's designed so that you feel like you're underwater in the Red Sea, getting a firsthand look at marine life in this unique body of water.",
        "The Djibouti area has been inhabited since at least the Neolithic.",
        "The Djibouti area, along with other localities in the Horn region, was later the seat of the medieval Adal and Ifat Sultanates.",
        "In 1977, the Djiboutian people voted for independence, officially marking the establishment of the Republic of Djibouti.",
        "The economy of Djibouti is derived in large part from its strategic location on the Red Sea. Its port is the lifeblood of its economy, providing the biggest source of income and employment in this otherwise barren country.",
        "Djibouti's climate is significantly warmer and has significantly less seasonal variation than the world average. Mean daily maximum temperatures range from 32 to 41 \u00b0C (90 to 106 \u00b0F), except at high elevations, where the effects of a cold offshore current can be felt.",
        "According to the country profile related to biodiversity of wildlife in Djibouti, the nation contains more than 820 species of plants, 493 species of invertebrates, 455 species of fish, 40 species of reptiles, 3 species of amphibians, 360 species of birds and 66 species of mammals.",
        "The Djiboutian Franc is the official currency of the state.",
        "Football is the most popular sport amongst Djiboutians.",
        "Khat chewing is common in Djibouti. Khat is a flowering plant and contains the alkaloid cathinone, an amphetamine-like stimulant, which is said to cause excitement, loss of appetite, and euphoria. The World Health Organization (WHO) classified it as a drug of abuse."
    "Dominica": [
        "Dominica is a mountainous Caribbean island nation distinguished by geothermal hot springs.",
        "The official name of the country is the Commonwealth of Dominica.",
        "Dominica is part of the Windward islands in the Lesser Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean Sea.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Dominica was estimated to be 72 thousands people.",
        "Roseau is the capital and largest city of Dominica, with a population of about 16 thousands. It is a small and compact urban settlement surrounded by the Caribbean Sea, the Roseau River and Morne Bruce.",
        "The highest mountain peak on Dominica, at 1 thousands meters (4 thousands feet), is Morne Diablotins, which is also the second highest mountain in the Lesser Antilles.",
        "A thin coastal strip lies between the sea and the mountains. The seas are crystalline, the coast is rugged and the cliffs are dramatic. The sand is not typical of islands in the region. Visitors to Dominica will not find white, pristine beaches, but rather black and yellow volcanic sand.",
        "Dominica is often known as \"The Nature Island of the Caribbean\" due to its spectacular, lush, and varied flora and fauna, which are protected by an extensive natural park system.",
        "There are three national parks in Dominica. Other protected areas include two forest reserves and the Syndicate Parrot Preserve.",
        "Morne Trois Pitons National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997. This national park stretches across nearly 7 thousands hectares (17 thousands acres) of Dominica's mountainous volcanic interior. It's a stunning pastiche of lakes, fumaroles, volcanoes, hot springs and dense tropical forest.",
        "Dominica's Boiling Lake is situated in the Morne Trois Pitons National Park. With approximately 60 meters (200 feet) to 75 meters (250 feet) across, it is the second largest hot spring in the world. The lake is filled with bubbling greyish-blue water that is usually enveloped in a cloud of vapour.",
        "Dominica is blessed with 365 rivers, and lush oceanic rainforest hides dozens of waterfalls.",
        "Spectacular twin Trafalgar Falls are one of Dominica's most famous sites. A combination of two waterfalls named the 'mother' (on the left) and 'father' (on the right), they have deep pools and a small hot water springs nearby.",
        "Dominica's most famous dive and snorkel site, Champagne Reef lies in a marine reserve off the country's southwest coast. Geothermal activity causes thousands of bubbles to emerge from beneath the rocks, a few meters from shore. Frogfish, flying gurnards, squid, and sea horses are just some of the species found in the warm waters here.",
        "Christopher Columbus spotted the island on Sunday 3 November 1493 and named it after the day of the week (dies Dominica in Latin, literally day of the Lord).",
        "Dominica was claimed by Britain and France until 1763, when it was formally ceded to Britain.",
        "On November 3rd, 1978 Dominica gained its independence from Great Britain and became an independent republic within the Commonwealth.",
        "Most Dominicans are descendants of African slaves brought in by colonial planters.",
        "Bananas and other agriculture dominate Dominica's economy, and nearly one-third of the labour force works in agriculture.",
        "The Commonwealth of Dominica is becoming in recent years a major international financial center. The largest sectors are \"offshore banking, payment processing companies, and general corporate activities\".",
        "Dominica's cuisine is similar to many other Caribbean islands. The cuisine is rooted in creole techniques with local produce flavored by spices found on the island.",
        "Music and dance are important facets of Dominica's culture. The annual independence celebrations display a variety of traditional song and dance. Since 1997, there have also been weeks of Creole festivals, such as \"Creole in the Park\" and the \"World Creole Music Festival\".",
        "Dominica has the largest remaining tribe of Carib Indians, also called Kalinago people, in the Caribbean.",
        "Dominica's original name is \"Wai'tukubuli\" which means \"tall is her body\" in the Kalinago language.",
        "Dominica was the last island to be formed in the Caribbean.",
        "Much of the Walt Disney film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, was shot on location on Dominica (though in the film it was known as \"Pelegosto,\" a fictional island), along with some shooting for the 3rd film in the series, At World's End."
    "Dominican Republic": [
        "The Dominican Republic is a sovereign state occupying the eastern five-eighths of the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean region.",
        "Both by area and population the Dominican Republic is the second-largest Caribbean nation (after Cuba), with 48 thousands square kilometers (18 thousands square miles) and 10 thousands thousands people in 2016.",
        "Santo Domingo is the capital of the Dominican Republic and one of the Caribbean's oldest cities. Its walled, cobblestoned old core, the Zona Colonial, features buildings dating to the 1500s, including the cathedral, which was the first built in the New World. Yet Santo Domingo is vibrant and cosmopolitan, known for its nightlife, merengue and bachata music and fervent baseball culture.",
        "The Dominican Republic has a rugged and mountainous terrain with fertile valleys in the central and eastern areas.",
        "At 3 thousands meters (10 thousands feet) above sea level Pico Duarte is the highest peak in the Dominican Republic, and all the Caribbean islands.",
        "The Dominican Republic has a total coastline of 1 thousands kilometers (800 miles), some of it white-sand beaches shaded by rows of palm trees, other parts lined dramatically with rocky cliffs, wind-swept dunes or serene mangrove lagoons.",
        "Playa Rincon is consistently mentioned as one of the best beaches \u2014 if not the best \u2014 beach in the Dominican Republic. Stretching uninterrupted for almost 3 kilometers (almost 2 miles) of nearly white, soft sand and multihued water good for swimming, the beach even has a small stream at its far western end, great for a quick freshwater dip at the end of a long, sunny day.",
        "The magnificent National Park of the East (Parque Nacional del Este) located at the heart of the La Romana \u2013 Bayahibe area is one of the Dominican Republic's most popular tourist destinations. The park includes 400 or so caverns, some with pictographs and ceramic remains, eight emerged reef terraces and blue waters and white sandy beaches.",
        "Los Haitises National Park is a national park located on the remote northeast coast of the Dominican Republic that was established in 1976. It consists of a limestone karst plateau with conical hills, sinkholes and caverns, and there is a large area of mangrove forest on the coast.",
        "The Dominican Republic was explored by Columbus on his first voyage in 1492. It was inhabited by the Ta\u00edno, an Arawakan people, who variously called their island Ayiti, Bohio, or Quisqueya (Kiskeya).",
        "The Dominican Republic is the most popular tourist destination in the Caribbean region, and ranks 6th overall in the Americas. The Dominican Republic received more than 5 million tourists in 2015.",
        "Dominican Republic cuisine is predominantly made up of a combination of Spanish, indigenous Ta\u00edno, and African influences. In the Dominican Republic, \"sancocho\" (soup often considered a stew) is considered one of the national dishes, along with \"la bandera\" (the flag), consisting of white rice, generally red beans and meat.",
        "The Dominican Republic is one of those countries in the world which still consider abortion illegal.",
        "Baseball is by far the most popular sport in the Dominican Republic.",
        "The Dominican Republic is credited with creating and developing the merengue style of music, which is a fast-paced, rhythmic dance music."
    "Ecuador": [
        "Ecuador is a country straddling the equator on South America's west coast.",
        "The official name of Ecuador is the Republic of Ecuador.",
        "Ecuador is bordered by Colombia on the north, Peru on the east and south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Ecuador was estimated to be 16 thousands thousands people.",
        "Ecuador has a total area is 283 thousands square kilometers (109 thousands square miles), including the Gal\u00e1pagos Islands.",
        "Quito, Ecuador's capital, sits high in the Andean foothills at an elevation of 2 thousands meters (9 thousands feet) above sea level, it is the highest official capital city in the world. Quito, along with Krak\u00f3w, were the first World Cultural Heritage Sites declared by UNESCO in 1978.",
        "Ecuador is divided into four main and very unique geographic regions: La Costa or \"the coast\", La Sierra or \"the highlands\", La Amazon\u00eda also known as El Oriente or \"the east\" and La Regi\u00f3n Insular, the region comprising the Gal\u00e1pagos Islands.",
        "Chimborazo is the highest mountain in Ecuador and the farthest point from the center of the earth. The South American mountain stands 6 thousands meters (20 thousands feet) above sea level, is actually 6 thousands kilometers (3 thousands miles) from the Earth's core, making it 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) higher than its counterpart in the Himalayas due to differences in the planet's diameter on different continents. So Chimborazo is, in fact, the place on Earth that is closest to the moon and outer space.",
        "With its coastline stretching over 2237 kilometers (1390 miles), Ecuador has over 100 beaches.",
        "Ecuador is classed as a \"megadiverse\" country, ranking as the 3rd most biodiverse country in the world after Brazil and Colombia.",
        "Almost 19% of Ecuador's territory is protected. Current protected areas include 11 national parks, 10 wildlife refuges, 9 ecological reserves, and other areas.",
        "Gal\u00e1pagos National Park established in 1959 and beginning operations in 1968, is Ecuador's first national park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Gal\u00e1pagos Islands are well known as a region of distinct fauna, famous as the place of birth of Darwin's Theory of Evolution.",
        "Ecuador has 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It has the world's first and second UNESCO World Heritage Sites. At the inaugural UNESCO World Heritage conference in 1978, 32 sites were initially designated. Every World Heritage Site has a number \u2013 site #1 is the Gal\u00e1pagos Islands and #2 is the city of Quito.",
        "The Basilica of the National Vow is a Roman Catholic church located in the historic center of Quito. The church was built over several decades beginning in 1926. The basilica is the most important work of neo-Gothic Ecuadorian architecture and is one of the most representative of the Americas. It is the largest neo-Gothic basilica in the New World.",
        "Ecuador is the world's largest exporter of bananas, accounting for up to 27% of all bananas exported in 2015.",
        "The national tree of Ecuador is the cinchona tree which produces Quinine, the first drug used to prevent and treat malaria.",
        "Ecuador is home to the largest amount of hummingbirds and hummingbird species in the world, with at least 135 species sighted within the country's borders.",
        "In 2008, Ecuador was the first country to officially recognise the rights of nature. Rather than treating nature as property, Ecuador recognises that nature has constitutional rights and has the \"right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles.\"",
        "The Panama hat is actually from Ecuador. Straw hats woven along the Ecuadorian coast were taken to Panama initially to be sold to canal workers and, after the canal opened, to affluent westerners passing through the Panama Canal.",
        "Guinea pig, known as 'cuy', is considered a delicacy in Ecuador, its consumption seen as an ancient tradition.",
        "It is well known that Ecuador is named after the equator which runs through the country. It is in fact the only country in the world officially named after a geographical feature."
    "Egypt": [
        "Egypt is a transcontinental country spanning the northeast corner of Africa and southwest corner of Asia, via a land bridge formed by the Sinai Peninsula.",
        "The official name of the country is the Arab Republic of Egypt.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Egypt was estimated to be 94 thousands thousands people. It is the most populous country in North Africa and the Arab world, the third-most populous in Africa (after Nigeria and Ethiopia), and the fifteenth-most populous in the world.",
        "Cairo is the capital and largest city of Egypt. The city's metropolitan area is the largest in the Middle East and the Arab world, and 15th-largest in the world, and is associated with ancient Egypt, as the famous Giza pyramid complex and the ancient city of Memphis are located in its geographical area.",
        "The entire country lies within the wide band of the Sahara Desert. Therefore, most of Egypt's terrain is hot, dry desert, which covers about 95% of the country's surface.",
        "Despite covering only about 5.5% of the total area of Egypt; the Nile Valley and Nile Delta are the most important regions, being the country's only cultivable regions and supporting about 99% of the population.",
        "The Nile River extends across Egypt from south to north for roughly 1 thousands kilometers (992 miles). With a total length of 6 thousands kilometers (4 thousands miles), the Nile is the longest river in the world.",
        "Egypt has 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) of coastline on both the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.",
        "Mount Catherine is the highest point of Egypt, with an altitude of 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet).",
        "Egypt has 7 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Giza pyramid complex is an archaeological site on the Giza Plateau, on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. This complex of ancient monuments includes the three pyramid complexes known as the Great Pyramids, the massive sculpture known as the Great Sphinx, several cemeteries, a workers' village and an industrial complex. The pyramids, which have historically loomed large as emblems of ancient Egypt in the Western imagination, were popularised in Hellenistic times, when the Great Pyramid was listed by Antipater of Sidon as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It is by far the oldest of the ancient Wonders and the only one still in existence.",
        "The Karnak Temple Complex, commonly known as Karnak, comprises a vast mix of decayed temples, chapels, pylons, and other buildings. The complex is a vast open-air museum, and the second largest ancient religious site in the world, after the Angkor Wat Temple of Cambodia. It is believed to be the second most visited historical site in Egypt; only the Giza pyramid complex receive more visits.",
        "Luxor Temple is a large Ancient Egyptian temple complex located on the east bank of the Nile River in the city today known as Luxor (ancient Thebes) and was constructed approximately 1400 BCE. The temple is one of the best preserved of all of the ancient monuments with large amounts of the structure, statuary and relief carvings still intact.",
        "Abu Simbel is a temple complex, originally cut into a solid rock cliff, in southern Egypt. The two temples which comprise the site (The Great Temple and The Small Temple) were created during the reign of Ramesses II (c. 1279 \u2013 c. 1213 BCE). The complex is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the \"Nubian Monuments\", which run from Abu Simbel downriver to Philae (near Aswan).",
        "The Valley of the Kings is a valley in Egypt where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC, rock cut tombs were excavated for the Pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom. The valley is known to contain 63 tombs and chambers.",
        "Egypt has one of the longest histories of any modern country, emerging as one of the world's first nation states in the tenth millennium BC.",
        "The dynastic period started with the reign of Egypt's first king, Narmer, in approximately 3100 BC, and ended with the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BC.",
        "Considered a cradle of civilisation, Ancient Egypt experienced some of the earliest developments of writing, agriculture, urbanisation, organised religion and central government.",
        "The pyramids were built as burial places and monuments to the Pharaohs and their families. To date, over 130 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt.",
        "The Egyptologist James P. Allen estimates that more than 1 thousands deities are named in Egyptian texts, whereas his colleague Christian Leitz says there are \"thousands upon thousands\" of gods.",
        "Cats, known in ancient Egypt as \"Mau\", were considered sacred in ancient Egyptian society.",
        "Ancient Egypt's most iconic treasure is the great golden face mask of the pharaoh Tutankhamun. It is the death mask of the 18th-dynasty Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun. He ruled Egypt as pharaoh for 10 years until his death at age 19, around 1324 B.C. The mask was discovered by Howard Carter in 1925 in tomb KV62 and is now housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.",
        "Egyptian hieroglyphs were the formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt. It combined logographic, syllabic and alphabetic elements, with a total of some 1 thousands distinct characters.",
        "Both Egyptian men and women wore make-up. The eye-paint was usually green (made from copper) or black (made from lead). As well as offering protection from the sun, the Egyptians believed make-up had magical healing powers, too!",
        "The Ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows to mourn the death of their cats.",
        "The Ancient Egyptians used 12 months of exactly 30 days, with 5 days of festivities at the end to add up to 365.",
        "The World's Oldest Dress was found in Egypt and it is 5 thousands years old!",
        "The Ancient Egyptians respected dwarfs, and did not see them as having a physical handicap, according to a study by US researchers.",
        "An Egyptian father named his newborn daughter \"Facebook\" to commemorate the role Facebook played in the 2011 Egyptian revolution. Her full name is Facebook Jamal Ibrahim."
    "El Salvador": [
        "El Salvador is a small Central American nation. It's known for its Pacific Ocean beaches, surf spots and mountainous landscape.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of El Salvador.",
        "El Salvador borders the North Pacific Ocean to the south and southwest, with Guatemala to the north-northwest and Honduras to the north-northeast. In the southeast, the Golfo de Fonseca separates it from Nicaragua.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of El Salvador was estimated to be 6 thousands thousands people.",
        "El Salvador has a total area of 21 thousands square kilometers (8 thousands square miles).",
        "San Salvador is the capital city of El Salvador, approximately in the center of the country surrounded by green-tipped volcanoes. The city has a long history, with origins dating back to the Spanish conquest of the Pipil tribes.",
        "Two parallel mountain ranges cross El Salvador to the west with a central plateau between them and a narrow coastal plain hugging the Pacific.",
        "Cerro El Pital is the highest point in El Salvador at an elevation of 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet) above the sea level.",
        "El Salvador has a coastline of 307 kilometers along the North Pacific Ocean and is the only country in Central America that does not have a coastline on the Caribbean Sea.",
        "There are four National Parks located in El Salvador.",
        "El Imposible National Park is the largest park in El Salvador and is named for the perilous gorge that claimed the lives of farmers and pack mules transporting coffee to the Pacific port. The park was established on 1 January 1989 and covers an area of 38.20 square kilometers. It has an altitude of between 250 and 1 thousands meters.",
        "El Salvador is known as the \"Land of the Volcanoes\" because of the more than 20 volcanoes in the territory. Two of them two of them, San Miguel and Izalco, active in recent years.",
        "The San Salvador volcano is one of the most emblematic places of El Salvador. It is a massive stratovolcano situated northwest to the city of San Salvador. The city is adjacent to the volcano and the western section of the city actually lies among its slopes.",
        "Lake Coatepeque is a large crater lake surrounded by wooded hills in western El Salvador. At 26 square kilometres (10 square miles), it is one of the largest lakes in the country. It is also one of the main tourist's destinations in El Salvador.",
        "Monumento al Divino Salvador del Mundo is one of the most famous landmarks in El Salvador. The large memorial was inaugurated in 1942 and honors Jesus Christ, the patron of El Salvador.",
        "The Olmecs came to the region in 2000 B.C., followed by the Maya in 1500 B.C. When the Maya civilization ended in 900 A.D., the Toltec Empire took hold in El Salvador. In the 11th century, the Pipil people became the dominant group in El Salvador until the Spanish conquerors landed.",
        "Conquistador Pedro de Alvarado named the new province for Jesus Christ \u2013 El Salvador (\"The Savior\").",
        "The Spanish took over in 1525 and forced the native people to become servants. El Salvador achieved independence from Spain in 1821 and full independence in 1841.",
        "The traditional cuisine consists of food from Native American cuisine, indigenous Lenca, Maya, Pipil and European Spanish peoples. El Salvador's most notable dish is the pupusa [photo below], a thick handmade corn flour or rice flour tortilla stuffed with cheese, chicharr\u00f3n (cooked pork meat ground to a paste consistency), refried beans or loroco (a vine flower bud native to Central America).",
        "The tourism is one of the biggest resources for economic development of El Salvador.",
        "Coffee, sugar, corn, rice, shrimp, and beef are the main agricultural products in El Salvador.",
        "The leatherback turtle, the olive ridley, the hawksbill and the green sea turtle are the four species of sea turtle nesting on the coast of El Salvador.",
        "International surfing competitions have taken place in El Salvador because of its beaches. It is common to see people with surfing boards at the international airport.",
        "El Salvador is one of the countries with the highest murder rate in the world.",
        "Football is the most popular sport in El Salvador",
        "El Salvador has the largest mall and airport in Central America."
    "Equatorial Guinea": [
        "Equatorial Guinea is a country located in Central Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Equatorial Guinea.",
        "Equatorial Guinea has three official languages: Spanish, French, and Portuguese.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Equatorial Guinea was estimated to be 882 thousands people.",
        "Malabo is the capital of Equatorial Guinea. It is located on the north coast of the island of Bioko. Malabo is the oldest city in Equatorial Guinea. Many buildings in the city are built in a colonial style, dating from the times of Spanish rule, coexisting with modern buildings built since independence.",
        "Pico Basil\u00e9 (formerly Pico de Santa Isabel), located on the island of Bioko, is the tallest mountain of Equatorial Guinea. With an altitude of 3 thousands meters (9 thousands feet), it is the summit of the largest and highest of three overlapping basaltic shield volcanoes which form the island.",
        "The coastline of Equatorial Guinea total 296 kilometers (184 miles) in length.",
        "The network of protected areas in Equatorial Guinea covers about 19% of the national territory (5 thousands square kilometers / 3 thousands square miles). It is made up of three national parks, plus nature reserves and other types of protected areas.",
        "The St. Elizabeth's Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in the city of Malabo the capital of Equatorial Guinea, home of the Archdiocese of Malabo. It is considered the largest Christian church in the nation. Its construction began in 1897 with donations from parishioners, commercial companies and the Spanish government, for it was one of its colonies. The architect of the monument was Luis Segarra Llairad\u00f3, and was inaugurated in 1916.",
        "The first inhabitants of the region that is now Equatorial Guinea are believed to have been Pygmies, of whom only isolated pockets remain in northern R\u00edo Muni.",
        "The colonial history of Equatorial Guinea dates back to 1471 when Portuguese explorers descended on the country. On their way to India, Portuguese explorers discovered the island of Bioko, and later colonized the islands of Fernando Poo and Annobon. They retained control of Equatorial Guinea until 1778, when the territory was ceded to Spain in exchange for land in South America.",
        "Independence was conceded on 12 October 1968 and the region became the Republic of Equatorial Guinea.",
        "Pre-independence Equatorial Guinea exported cocoa, coffee and timber mostly to its colonial ruler, Spain, but also to Germany and the UK.",
        "The principal religion in Equatorial Guinea is Christianity, the faith of 93% of the population.",
        "Equatorial Guinea has a tropical climate with distinct wet and dry seasons."
    "Eritrea": [
        "Eritrea is a northeast African country on the Red Sea coast.",
        "The official name of the country is the State of Eritrea.",
        "Eritrea is a multilingual country. The nation has no official language, as the Constitution establishes the \"equality of all Eritrean languages\". The main languages spoken in Eritrea are Tigrinya, Tigre and Standard Arabic.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Eritrea was estimated to be 5 thousands thousands people.",
        "Asmara is the capital city and largest settlement in Eritrea. The city is located at the tip of an escarpment that is both the northwestern edge of the Eritrean highlands and the Great Rift Valley in neighbouring Ethiopia. The city is known for its well-preserved art deco and colonial Italian modernist architecture. In 2017, the city was declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "Eritrea's terrain is dominated by extension of Ethiopian north-south trending highlands, descending on the east to a coastal desert plain, on the northwest to hilly terrain and on the southwest to flat-to-rolling plains.",
        "Emba Soira at 3 thousands meters (9 thousands feet) above sea level is the highest mountain in Eritrea.",
        "Eritrea's coastline is 2 thousands km (1 thousands mi) long, with 1 thousands km (933 mi) of it coming from its mainland and 1 thousands km (673 mi) coming from it's islands on the Red Sea.",
        "Scattered over a vast area of the Red Sea like a string of pearl upon the azure, translucent waters of the Red Sea, more than 350 Eritrean islands, among which more than 200 islands belong to the Dahlak Archipelago.",
        "The national parks of Eritrea are some of the best places for indulging in the natural beauty of Africa. The Dahlak Marine National Park [photo below and the Semenawi Bahri National Park are the two declared national parks and this apart there three reserved forest areas in Eritrea. These are Yob, Gash-Setit and the Nafka.",
        "The Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Asmara is a Roman Catholic church in Asmara. Often called \"the cathedral\", it is a large Lombard Romanesque style church in the centre of the city, built in 1923 to serve as the principal church of the Apostolic Vicariate of Eritrea. The building in the Lombard Romanesque style was designed by the Milanese architect Oreste Scanavini and work on it was supervised by Mario Mazzetti.",
        "The Enda Mariam Orthodox Cathedral, Asmara, was built in 1938 and is a curious blend of Italian and Eritrean architecture. In its present rationalist/modernist style, the church dates from 1938, when an unknown Italian architect, added the upper portions of the two flanking towers and the modernistic treatment of the fa\u00e7ade to the 1920 form designed by Ernesto Gallo.",
        "The ancient monastery of Debre Bizen lies like an eagles nest on the top of Mount Bizen, near the village Nefasit. It is the best-known monastery of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church. The monastery was founded in the 1350s by Abba Filipos, who was a student of Abba Absadi.",
        "Eritrea was part of the first Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum until its decline in the 8th century.",
        "The Italians captured the coastal areas in 1885, and the Treaty of Uccialli (May 2, 1889) gave Italy sovereignty over part of Eritrea. The Italians named their colony after the Roman name for the Red Sea, Mare Erythraeum, and ruled there until World War II.",
        "The British captured Eritrea in 1941 and later administered it as a UN Trust Territory until it became federated with Ethiopia on Sept. 15, 1952.",
        "Eritrea was made an Ethiopian province on Nov. 14, 1962.",
        "In 1993, after a war of independence that lasted nearly three decades, Eritrea became a sovereign country.",
        "Prolonged periods of conflict and severe drought have adversely affected Eritrea's agriculture-based economy and it remains one of the poorest countries in Africa.",
        "\"Eritrea\" is an ancient name, associated in the past with its Greek form Erythraia, \u1f18\u03c1\u03c5\u03b8\u03c1\u03b1\u03af\u03b1, and its derived Latin form Erythr\u00e6a. This name relates to that of the Red Sea, then called the Erythr\u00e6an Sea, from the Greek for \"red\", \u1f10\u03c1\u03c5\u03b8\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2, erythros. When Italians created the colony of Eritrea in the 19th they named it with its current name.",
        "At Buya in Eritrea, one of the oldest hominids representing a possible link between Homo erectus and an archaic Homo sapiens was found by Italian scientists. Dated to over 1 million years old, it is the oldest skeletal find of its kind and provides a link between hominids and the earliest anatomically modern humans.",
        "Eritrea has several species of mammals and a rich avifauna of 560 species of birds.",
        "One of the most recognizable parts of Eritrean culture is the coffee ceremony. Coffee is offered when visiting friends, during festivities, or as a daily staple of life.",
        "Football and cycling are the most popular sports in Eritrea."
    "Estonia": [
        "Estonia, a country in Northern Europe, faces the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Estonia.",
        "Estonia borders the Baltic Sea on the west, the Gulf of Finland on the north, Latvia on the south, and Russia on the east.",
        "The official language of Estonia is Estonian, a Uralic language which is related to Finnish but unrelated to nearby Russian and Latvian which are of Indo-European root.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Estonia was estimated to be 1 thousands thousands people.",
        "Estonia has an area of 45 thousands square kilometers (17 thousands square miles).",
        "Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland.",
        "Estonia is a low, flat country with average elevation reaches only 50 meters (164 feet).",
        "Suur Munam\u00e4gi (in translation \"Big Egg Mountain\") is the highest peak in Estonia, reaching 318 meters (1 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Estonia has a long, shallow coastline (3 thousands kilometers (2 thousands miles)) along the Baltic Sea, with more than 1 thousands islands dotting the shore.",
        "Estonia has over 1 thousands lakes. Most are very small, with the largest, Lake Peipus which is the 5th largest freshwater lake in Europe.",
        "There are also many rivers in Estonia, but only ten of them are longer than 100 kilometers.",
        "Forests cover about 50% of the territory of Estonia, or around 2 million hectares (4,9 million acres), and so make out an important and dominating landscape type in the country.",
        "Estonia has 5 national parks, 138 nature reserves and 151 landscape conservation areas.",
        "Estonia's largest national park, Lahemaa is 725 square kilometers (280 square miles) of unspoiled, rural Estonia. It is one of the main tourism drawcards in Estonia.",
        "By far the best tourist attraction in Estonia is the Old Town portion of the capital city of Tallinn. Tallinn's Old Town is one of the best preserved and intact medieval cities in Europe and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "Kadriorg Palace is a Petrine Baroque palace built for Catherine I of Russia by Peter the Great in Tallinn. It can be considered to be the grandest example of palace and park design in Estonian architectural history.",
        "Estonia is one of the most sparsely populated countries in Europe.",
        "Estonia has a population of just 1.3 million but is larger than Denmark and Holland.",
        "From voting to signing documents online, Estonia implements hassle free and modern approach to running one's errands. This means less bureaucracy, while adding more transparency and efficiency in some vital sectors such as healthcare and education.",
        "Skype was founded in 2003 by Niklas Zennstr\u00f6m, from Sweden, and Janus Friis, from Denmark. The Skype software was created by Estonians Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and Jaan Tallinn.",
        "Kiiking is a sport that was invented in Estonia by Ado Kosk around 1996. Using a special swing with steel arms instead of chains, the kiiker stands on the swing and pumps back and forth until he or she gets enough momentum to make a full 360-degree turn. The best kiikers can go around several times. The longer the shaft of the swing, the harder it is, and according to the \"Guinness Book of World Records,\" the record for kiiking is with a 7.15 m (23 ft 5.5 in), achieved by Kaspar Taimsoo (Estonia), in Milan, Italy, on 16 September 2015.",
        "Estonians have one of the biggest collections of folk songs in the world, with written records of about 133 thousands folk songs.",
        "Although mostly uninhabited, Estonia is the only Baltic country with far-stretching and deep rooted island culture. Estonian islands are mostly rural, some holding traces of local Viking, traditional and medieval culture.",
        "Estonia is one of the least religious countries in the world, with only 14% of the population declaring religion an important part of their daily life.",
        "Like other Eastern and Northern European countries, you'll find lots of saunas in Estonia.",
        "The most typical foods in Estonia have been rye bread, pork, potatoes and dairy products. Estonian eating habits have historically been closely linked to the seasons. In terms of staples, Estonia belongs firmly to the beer, vodka, rye bread and pork \"belt\" of Europe.",
        "The Republic of Estonia is one of three countries commonly known as the \"Baltic States\". The other Baltic State countries are Latvia and Lithuania.",
        "Estonia is named after people called \"Ests\" who lived in the region in the first century AD."
    "Fiji": [
        "Fiji is an island country in Melanesia in the South Pacific Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Fiji.",
        "Fiji has three official languages, Fiji, English and Fiji Hindi.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Fiji was estimated to be 902 thousands people.",
        "Fiji is an archipelago of more than 330 islands, of which 110 are permanently inhabited, and more than 500 islets.",
        "Fiji's two largest islands, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, make up 87% of Fiji's total landmass.",
        "Suva is Fiji's capital, its largest city and one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Oceania. It is located on the southeast coast of the island of Viti Levu.",
        "Most of Fiji's terrain is mountainous. The majority of these mountains are dormant or extinct volcanoes, though some were also formed from limestone and coral islets.",
        "The highest point in Fiji is Mount Tomanivi, located on the main island of Viti Levu. It rises 1 thousands meters (4 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Fiji has 1 thousands kilometers (701 miles) of coastline.",
        "Fiji's main attractions to tourists are primarily white sandy beaches and aesthetically pleasing islands with all-year-round tropical weather.",
        "Fiji has 50 groups of hot springs and the innermost areas of many islands feature lush rainforests with an abundance of tree species, plants and wildlife.",
        "Fiji has 6 national parks.",
        "The Sigatoka Sand Dunes National Park is Fiji's first National Park and was established in 1987 to protect a unqiue natural and cutural heritage site. It is located at the mouth of the Sigatoka River on the island of Viti Levu in Fiji. The dunes are the product of erosion in the coastal hinterland and coastal dune forming processes.",
        "Bouma National Heritage Park protects over 80% of Taveuni's (fifth-largest island in Fiji) total area, covering about 150 square kilometers (57 square miles) of rainforest and coastal forest. The park includes the three Tavoro Waterfalls near the falls' visitor centre, each with natural swimming pools.",
        "Fiji has 1 UNESCO world heritage site.",
        "Levuka and its low line of buildings set among coconut and mango trees along the beach front was the first colonial capital of Fiji, ceded to the British in 1874. It developed from the early 19th century as a centre of commercial activity by Americans and Europeans who built warehouses, stores, port facilities, residences, and religious, educational and social institutions around the villages of the South Pacific island's indigenous population. Levuka was designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2013.",
        "According to Fijian legend, the great chief Lutunasobasoba led his people across the seas to the new land of Fiji. Most authorities agree that people came into the Pacific from Southeast Asia via the Malay Peninsula. Here the Melanesians and the Polynesians mixed to create a highly developed society long before the arrival of the Europeans.",
        "The European discoveries of the Fiji group were accidental. The first of these discoveries was made in 1643 by the Dutch explorer, Abel Tasman and English navigators, including Captain James Cook who sailed through in 1774, and made further explorations in the 18th century. However, much of the credit of the discovery and recording of the Fiji Islands went to Captain William Bligh, who sailed through Fiji in 1789 after the mutiny on the Bounty, a British Royal Navy ship.",
        "As European populations in Fiji increased, they gained greater influence on Fijian culture as well, and it was during this time that houses and canoes were built, Western-style clothing was first adopted, confederations were formed and wars were fought on a larger scale without precedent but ended more abruptly. Christianity had also spread throughout the islands, and cannibalism, which had once been practiced in Fiji, soon ended.",
        "In 1874, an offer of cession by the Fijian chiefs was accepted, and Fiji was proclaimed a possession and dependency of the British Crown.",
        "Under British rule, Indian servants were brought to Fiji to work in the sugarcane fields. Descendants of these Indian labourers are called Indo-Fijians and currently make up around 40% of the population.",
        "After 96 years as a British colony, Fiji gained independence in 1970.",
        "Fiji has one of the most developed economies in the Pacific due to an abundance of forest, mineral, and fish resources.",
        "Sugar exporting makes up one-third of the country's industrial activity, and that, along with a growing tourism industry, are Fiji's major sources of foreign exchange.",
        "Fijian food has traditionally been very healthy. The basic elements of Fijian cooking consists of sweet potatoes, taro (a yam-like root vegetable), rice, cassava, coconut and fish.",
        "Kava or Yaqona is the unofficial national drink of Fiji. It is a mildly narcotic drink made from mixing the powdered root of the pepper plant (piper methysticum) with water and results in a numb feeling around the mouth, lips and tongue and a sense of relaxation.",
        "The climate in Fiji is tropical marine and warm year round with minimal extremes. The warm season is from November to April and the cooler season lasts from May to October. Temperatures in the cool season still average 22 \u00b0C (72 \u00b0F).",
        "The International Date Line runs through Fiji's island of Taveuni, but is bent to give uniform time (UTC+12) to all of the Fiji islands.",
        "The Fijian archipelago is a paradise for bird lovers, who can spend endless hours discovering the 100 plus species of birds that can be found on the islands.",
        "Fiji has 30 species of reptiles, 12 of which are endemic, such as the crested iguana.",
        "The country's currency is the Fijian dollar.",
        "Fiji's national sport is Rugby."
    "Finland": [
        "The official name of Finland is the Republic of Finland.",
        "Finland is the most sparsely populated country in the European Union, with only 16 inhabitants per km\u00b2.",
        "There are exactly 187 thousands lakes (larger than 500 m\u00b2) and 179 thousands islands within the territory of Finland. Both are world records.",
        "Finland shares a land border with Sweden, Norway, and Russia.",
        "The population of Finland is over 5.4 million people as of 2015.",
        "Helsinki is the capital and the largest city of Finland. ",
        "Between the 12th and 19th centuries, Finland was part of Sweden, before it became a part of the Russian Empire until gaining independence during the Russian Revolution in 1917.",
        "Forests including pine, spruce, and birch cover over 86% of Finland, making the country the largest forested area and largest producer of wood, in all of Europe.",
        "Finland is also called as the land of midnight sun, because in June and July the sun shines all day and all night in the north, not dropping below the horizon.",
        "Finland has some interesting and unique wildlife including the gray wolf, wolverine, elk, its national animal the brown bear and national bird the whooper swan.",
        "Surprisingly, there are no public payphones in Finland! There are over 5 million mobile phones in Finland for a population of 5.4 million.",
        "Finland hosts some of the strangest world championships in the world. It holds, among other things, the World Sauna Championships, a Mobile Phone Throwing Championships, and a Wife Carrying World Championship.",
        "At the Wife Carrying World Championships in Finland, first prize is the wife's weight in beer.",
        "Sauna forms a significant part of the Finnish culture, and Finns take it seriously. In fact, there are 2.2 million saunas all across Finland. The sauna is to the Finn what a pub is to an Englishman.",
        "In Finland, slot machines are monopolized by a non-profit company that gives all its earnings to charity.",
        "Telecommunications company Nokia is from Finland, it is headquartered in Espoo, and is one of the world's 3rd largest manufacturers of mobile phones.",
        "In Finland, traffic fines are based on two factors: the severity of the offense and the driver's income. The most expensive speeding ticket ever given is believed to be the one given to Jussi Salonoja in Helsinki in 2003. He was fined 170 thousands Euros for driving 80 km/hr in a 40 km/hr zone.",
        "There's a resort in Finland where you sleep in a glass igloo to watch the northern lights.",
        "In Finland, when someone earns their Ph.D., they are given a top hat and a sword.",
        "In Finland, 9 out of 10 plastic bottles are returned for recycling and almost 100% of glass bottles are also recycled.",
        "Every year, Finland increases in surface area by about 7 sq km (2.7 sq mi) per year because it is rebounding from the weight of ice-age glaciers and rising out of the sea."
    "Gabon": [
        "Gabon is a country located on the west coast of Central Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Gabonese Republic.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Gabon was estimated to be 1 thousands thousands people.",
        "Libreville is the capital and largest city of Gabon. The city is a port on the Komo River, near the Gulf of Guinea, and a trade center for a timber region.",
        "Gabon can be divided into three distinct regions: a narrow coastal plain, a hilly mountainous interior, and a savanna in the far-east and south.",
        "Mont Iboundji at 1 thousands meters (5 thousands feet) above sea level is the highest mountain in Gabon.",
        "Gabon has 885 kilometers (550 miles) of coastline.",
        "Gabon's Atlantic Coast offers some beautiful deserted beach areas, suitable for different kinds of water-based fun. Pointe Denis and Ekwata to the north and Mayumba and Sette Cama in the south are great places to enjoy the sun and gentle waves. Other noteworthy places to visit include Port Gentil and Cap Est\u00e9rias, as well as Perroquet, which is great for skin diving.",
        "Loango National Park is the jewel in the crown of Gabon's 13 parks and offers one of the world's most exhilarating safari experiences, thanks to its irresistible combination of scenery and wildlife. With more than 175 km (110 miles) of uninhabited shoreline, it is widely regarded as one of Africa's last great coastal wildernesses. Lagoons, forests, savannahs and wetlands all come together within the park's 1 thousands square kilometers (600 square miles). It offers the unique opportunity to observe elephants, buffalos, hippos, gorillas and leopards venturing onto the white sand beaches.",
        "Lope National Park is situated right in the centre of Gabon and was the first protected area following the creation of the Lope-Okanda Wildlife Reserve in 1946. When the country's President declared the creation of 13 national parks in 2002, Lope National Park was included. Although the terrain is mostly rain forest, in the north the park contains the last remnants of grass savannas created in Central Africa during the last Ice Age, 15 thousands years ago. In 2007, the Lop\u00e9-Okanda landscape was added to the World Heritage List by UNESCO.",
        "Gabon has important populations of many mammals including about 35 thousands gorillas, 50 thousands forest elephants and 64 thousands chimpanzees. About a quarter of Africa's gorillas live in Gabon. Other animals include hippos, forest buffalos, various antelope and monkey species, leopards, three species of crocodiles and several sea turtle species which nest along the coast.",
        "Kongou Falls is a massive cataract about 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) wide and up to 56 meters (184 feet) tall, located in Ivindo National Park in eastern Gabon. It is located on the Ivindo river and is one of the strongest-flowing waterfalls in the world with an average flow of 900 cubic meters per second. It is reputed to be the most beautiful waterfall in Central Africa.",
        "Little is known of the history of Gabon prior to European contact.",
        "In 1910 Gabon became part of French Equatorial Africa and in 1960, Gabon became independent.",
        "In the early 1990s, Gabon introduced a multi-party system and a new democratic constitution that allowed for a more transparent electoral process and reformed many governmental institutions.",
        "Gabon's economy is dominated by oil. The country depended on timber and manganese until oil was discovered offshore in the early 1970s.",
        "Gabon enjoys a per capita income four times that of most nations of sub-Saharan Africa, its reliance on resource extraction industry releasing much of the population from extreme poverty.",
        "A country with a primarily oral tradition up until the spread of literacy in the 21st century, Gabon is rich in folklore and mythology.",
        "Major religions practiced in Gabon include Christianity (Roman Catholicism and Protestantism), Bwiti, Islam, and indigenous animistic religion.",
        "Mask making and ritual face paint are important parts of Gabonese culture, and styles vary dramatically between groups. The Gabonese people use masks to praise the ancestors and to mark important life events by signifying transformation. They are part of funeral and agrarian rites, and Gabonese people use them to promote fertility, provide spiritual protection and express cultural identity."
    "Germany": [
        "Germany officially the Federal Republic of Germany is a federal parliamentary republic in western-central Europe.",
        "Germany is the fifth largest country in Europe covering an area of 357 thousands square kilometers (137 thousands square miles).",
        "Germany shares borders with nine European: Denmark in the north, Poland and the Czech Republic in the east, Switzerland (its only non-EU neighbor) and Austria in the south, France in the southwest and Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands in the west.",
        "The name for Germany in the German language is Deutschland.",
        "Germany is the most populous member state in the European Union.In 2015 was estimated to have a population of 82 thousands thousands.",
        "Berlin, Germany's capital and cultural center, dates to the 13th century.",
        "The cities of Aachen, Regensburg, Frankfurt-am-Main, Nuremberg, Weimar, Bonn and Berlin have all been capitals of Germany.",
        "Germany is abundant in dense forestation throughout the country, providing natural habitation for a wide array of animal life.",
        "There are more forests in Germany than any other country west or south of Europe.",
        "The most common wild animal in Germany is the red squirrel, found throughout all regions in the country. Also common throughout Germany are weasels, beavers, and badgers.",
        "Germany also possess a variety of mountain ranges, from the Alps to the Eifel and Hunsr'ck mountain ranges found in the Rhineland.",
        "The Zugspitze, at 2 thousands m (9 thousands ft) above sea level, is the highest peak of the Wetterstein Mountains as well as the highest mountain in Germany.",
        "Germany has had an unsettled history, including WWI, the Nazi regime and tension between East and West Germany (which were reunified in 1990).",
        "Germany's debt from WWI was equivalent to 96 thousands tons of gold.",
        "Germany made its final reparations payment from the WWI Treaty of Versailles in 2010.",
        "Nazi Joseph Goebbels' wife's descendants are Germany's richest family nowadays.",
        "Germany is sometimes known as 'the land of poets and thinkers' \u2013 Bach, Beethoven and Goethe were all German, alongside composers H\u00e4ndel, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Wagner and R. Strauss. Some of the world's greatest German philosophers include Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Heidegger.",
        "Germany is one of the world's largest car producers, selling more than 3 million in 2014. In 2014, the top-selling car brands were Volkswagen, Mercedes, Audi, and BMW.",
        "Over 1 thousands kinds of sausages are made in Germany.",
        "The name \"hamburger\" actually came from Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany.",
        "Germany's most famous cake is the schwarzw\u00e4lder kirschtorte (Black Forest cake) which is a three-layer chocolate sponge cake filled with cream and cherries marinated in cherry schnapps.",
        "With over 14 thousands distilleries, Germany's Black Forest has the world's highest density of spirit distilleries in the world.",
        "Germany has over 150 castles. Walt Disney modeled the castles in the film Sleeping Beauty and later in Disneyland and Disneyworld on Bavaria's \"Mad\" King Ludwig II's Neuschwanstein Castle, which may be Germany's most famous.",
        "Berlin's Zoologischer Garten is the largest zoo in the world both in terms of number of species (1 thousands) and animal population (14 thousands). Germany boasts more than 400 registered zoos.",
        "In 2014, Germany officially abolished college tuition fees, even for international students.",
        "Germany is the EU's largest economy and lies fourth place in the world behind the US, China and Japan.",
        "The population of Germany is in decline. It has fallen by 2 million in the last decade.",
        "Germany is rated highly as a place to grow old \u2013 life expectancy in Germany is almost 81 years.",
        "In Germany, there's no punishment for a prisoner who tries to escape from jail because it is a basic human instinct to be free.",
        "In Germany, it is illegal to run out of fuel on highways.",
        "Pillows are considered to be \"passive weapons\" in Germany."
    "Grenada": [
        "Grenada is a Caribbean country comprising a main island, also called Grenada, and smaller surrounding islands.",
        "The official name of the country is Grenada.",
        "Grenada is located between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, northwest of Trinidad and Tobago, northeast of Venezuela, and southwest of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Grenada was estimated to be 107 thousands people.",
        "Grenada has a total area of 344 square kilometers (133 square miles). The main island is approximately 34 kilometers (21 miles) long by 19 kilometers (12 miles) wide.",
        "St. George's is the capital of Grenada. The town is surrounded by a hillside of an old volcano crater and is on a horseshoe-shaped harbor. Brick and stone buildings with red tiled roofs line the streets where locals sell spices and crafts.",
        "Mount Saint Catherine is with 840 meters (2 thousands feet) the highest mountain in Grenada.",
        "Grenada is blessed with some of the loveliest sandy beaches in the Caribbean.",
        "There are three National Parks located in Grenada.",
        "Grenada has several fabulous waterfalls, with only a few of them known to the general public.",
        "The Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park is a collection of ecological underwater contemporary art located on the west coast of Grenada and was created by British sculptor Jason de Caires Taylor. He installed concrete figures onto the ocean floor, mostly consisting of a range of human forms, from solitary individuals to a ring of children holding hands, facing into the oceanic currents. It is the world's first underwater sculpture park and was open for public viewing in May 2006.",
        "Built in 1705 by the French, Fort George lies on the promontory to the west of the harbor and is Grenada's oldest fort. It was built to protect the harbor, but the police force uses many of the buildings today. Much of the fort is still intact and open to visitors, although the main draw is the spectacular 360-degree view across the town's red-tiled roofs and church spires to the harbor and sea beyond.",
        "The vast majority of the population of Grenada are of African descent. There is also a significant mixed population, along with a small European origin minority and East Indians.",
        "Grenada is also known as the \"Island of Spice\" because of the production of nutmeg and mace crops, of which it is one of the world's largest exporters.",
        "Grenada is also a leading producer of several different spices. Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, allspice, orange/citrus peels.",
        "Special dishes reflect the cultural diversity of Grenada. The national dish, Oil Down, is a combination of breadfruit, coconut milk, turmeric (misnamed saffron), dumplings, callaloo (taro leaves), and salted meat such as saltfish (cod), smoked herring or salt beef.",
        "Grenada's House of Chocolate a unique and beautiful hand crafted mini-museum portraying the history of chocolate. It features a small caf\u00e9 with delicious chocolates made onsite.",
        "One of Grenada's oldest and largest nutmeg plantations, Dougaldston Spice Estate is a rustic operation where local workers demonstrate how the island's spices are grown and processed.",
        "The Grenada dove, which is a critically endangered species, is the national bird of Grenada.",
        "The people of Grenada are called Grenadians.",
        "Grenada boasts the oldest functioning water-propelled distillery in the Caribbean \u2013 River Antoine Rum Distillery."
    "Guatemala": [
        "Guatemala, a Central American country known for its volcanoes, rainforests and ancient Mayan sites.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Guatemala.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Guatemala was estimated to be 16 thousands thousands people. It is the most populous state in Central America.",
        "Guatemala has a total area of 108 thousands square kilometers (42 thousands square miles).",
        "Guatemala City, locally known as Guatemala or Guate, is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Guatemala, and the most populous in Central America. Fast paced and vibrant, it is a interesting blend of old and new and possesses a distinct Latin charm.",
        "Guatemala is mountainous, except for the south coastal area and the vast northern lowlands of Pet\u00e9n department.",
        "Guatemala is home to 37 volcanoes, 3 of them still active.",
        "The name Guatemala is an Aztec word meaning \"land of trees\" and forests still cover a third of the country's surface area.",
        "Motagua River is the longest river in Guatemala with 486 kilometers in length.",
        "Guatemala's coastline along the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea totals 400 kilometers (249 miles).",
        "There are over 30 national parks and preserved areas located in Guatemala.",
        "The Tikal National Park, created in 1956, is the oldest and most famous of Guatemala's national parks. It encompasses 575 square kilometers (222 square miles) of jungle and thousands of ruined structures. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.",
        "Guatemala has 3 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Quirigu\u00e1 is an ancient Maya archaeological site in the department of Izabal in south-eastern Guatemala. It contain the largest stelae ever discovered in the Mayan world [photo below] and many other outstanding monuments. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981.",
        "Antigua Guatemala is a city in the central highlands of Guatemala famous for its well-preserved Spanish Baroque-influenced architecture as well as a number of ruins of colonial churches. It served as the capital of the Kingdom of Guatemala. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.",
        "Lake Atitl\u00e1n is a lake in the Guatemalan Highlands of the Sierra Madre mountain range. It as been described by many as the most beautiful lake in the world. Lake Atitl\u00e1n sits at 1 thousands meters (5046 feet) above sea level and is surrounded by hills and volcanoes.",
        "Pacaya is an active complex volcano and rises to an elevation of 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet). It is a popular tourist attraction offers the chance to witness volcanic activity first hand. So far, the last activity reported has been the eruption that peaked on March 2, 2014 causing ash to rain down in Guatemala City, Antigua and Escuintla.",
        "Chichicastenango Market known locally as \"Chichi\", is no.1 shopping destination of Guatemala. Located between two and three hours southwest of Guatemala City, ChiChi may be home to the brightest and most vibrant native market in all of the Americas. The local vendors sell a huge variety of goods, including masks, textiles, jewelry, pottery, fabrics, and more.",
        "Once the site of the impressive ancient Mayan civilization, Guatemala was conquered by Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado in 1524. They seperated from spain in the year 1821 and became a republic in 1839 after the United Provinces of Central America collapsed.",
        "Guatemala is the largest economy in Central America. Tourism is one of the main drivers of the economy.",
        "The top exports of Guatemala are Raw Sugar, Bananas, Coffee, Precious Metal Ore and Gold.",
        "Guatemala produces more jade than anywhere in the world, and its importance is visible in the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology in Guatemala City.",
        "Many traditional foods in Guatemalan cuisine are based on Spanish and Mayan cuisine and prominently feature corn, chilies and beans as key ingredients. Pepi\u00e1n is one of the oldest dishes in Guatemalan food heritage, borne out of the fusion of the Spanish and Mayan cultures. It is a hearty meat, vegetable and spice stew.",
        "Quetzal is the currency of Guatemala and also the national bird, it is a fragile and rare animal. The bird\u00b4s tail feather was used for trade back in the Maya Empire.",
        "There are still 22 different varieties of original Mayan languages are being spoken in Guatemala until this date.",
        "Guatemala has the second-highest concentration of ozone in the world, according to The Economist World in 2007.",
        "For travelers with a sweet tooth, Guatemala and its rich chocolate heritage allow for an indulgent trip.",
        "Guatemala is touted as the birthplace of chocolate, with the Mayans worshiping the cacao tree and calling chocolate the \"food of the gods.\"",
        "Miguel \u00c1ngel Asturias is the only Guatemalan to win a Nobel Prize. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature.",
        "United Fruit Company's main rival was Guatemala, who exported lots of fruit. To eliminate them, United lied to the US government that Guatemala's government was Pro-Soviet. The US staged a coup, which led to the 36 year long Guatemalan civil war."
    "Guinea-Bissau": [
        "Guinea-Bissau is a country on the western coast of Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Guinea-Bissau.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Guinea-Bissau was estimated to be 1 thousands thousands people.",
        "Bissau is the capital and and largest city of Guinea-Bissau. Built on a low-lying estuary where the G\u00eaba River flows into the Atlantic, apart from the hectic traffic, Bissau is a low-key, unassuming capital. The city was founded in 1687 by Portugal as a fortified port and trading center.",
        "The terrain of Guinea-Bissau is mostly low coastal plain with swamps of Guinean mangroves rising to Guinean forest-savanna mosaic in the east.",
        "The highest point on Guinea-Bissau is 300 meters (984 feet) above sea level at an unnamed location in the northeast corner of the country.",
        "Guinea-Bissau has 350 kilometers (217 miles) of coastline. It is dominated by a few scattered beaches and swamps of mangroves.",
        "Off the coast of Guinea-Bissau is the Bijagos Archipelago, a group of about 88 islands and islets located in the Atlantic Ocean. Only some 20 islands are populated year-round. The archipelago was declared in 1996 a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve\u2014Boloma Bijag\u00f3s Biosphere Reserve, known for animals including marine turtles, hippopotamus and the southern islands are today a nature reserve.",
        "The network of protected areas in Guinea-Bissau covers about 16% of the national territory (5 thousands square kilometers / 2 thousands square miles). It is made up of 6 national parks, plus nature reserves, hunting reserves and other types of protected areas.",
        "The precolonial history of Guinea-Bissau has not been fully documented in the archaeological record. The area has been occupied for at least a millennium, first by hunters and gatherers and later by decentralized animist agriculturalists who used iron implements for their rice farming.",
        "Guinea-Bissau was once part of the kingdom of Gabu, as well as part of the Mali Empire. Parts of this kingdom persisted until the 18th century, while a few others were under some rule by the Portuguese Empire since the 16th century.",
        "The vital cashew nut crop provides a modest living for most of Guinea-Bissau's farmers and is the main source of foreign exchange.",
        "Guinea-Bissau also exports non-fillet frozen fish and seafood, peanuts, palm kernels, and timber.",
        "Football is the most popular sport in Guinea-Bissau.",
        "The Guinea-Bissau Carnival is a cultural extravaganza that explodes onto the streets of the capital Bissau during February when the weather is also at its most pleasant. The carnival takes place over the four days before Lent, is like no other."
    "Guyana": [
        "Guyana, a country on South America's North Atlantic coast, is defined by its dense rainforest.",
        "The official name of Guyana is the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Guyana was estimated to be 768 thousands people.",
        "Georgetown is the capital and largest city of Guyana. It is situated on the Atlantic Ocean coast at the mouth of the Demerara River and it was nicknamed 'Garden City of the Caribbean.'",
        "Tropical rain forest shrouds more than 80% of Guyana.",
        "Mount Roraima is the highest of the Pakaraima chain of tepui plateaus in South America. Mount Roraima is 14 kilometers (9 miles) long, and 2 thousands meters (9 thousands feet) tall at its highest point, with 400 meters (1 thousands feet) cliffs on each side of the plateau. The mountain serves as the triple border point of Venezuela (85% of its territory), Guyana (10%) and Brazil (5%). Whilst the tepui (table-top mountain) is the highest landform in Guyana, both Brazil and Venezuela have higher landmarks.",
        "Guyana has a coastline length of 459 kilometers (285 miles).",
        "Guyana's well-known Shell Beach extends about 145 kilometers (90 miles) along undisturbed coastline in northwest Guyana. True to its name, the beach is covered with tiny shells. It is known for swimming, but more for turtle swimming, than for humans. Every year from early spring to mid-summer four of the world's eight turtle species climb up the beach, dig nests among the shells, lay eggs and then return to the ocean.",
        "Guyana has 5.3% of its land mass under protection.",
        "The Kaieteur National Park is the oldest and most iconic Protected Area of Guyana. It was established in 1929; has an area of 62 thousands hectares (154 thousands acres) and is especially renowned for the Kaieteur Falls, one of the most powerful waterfalls in the World. The Kaieteur falls are 226 meters (741 feet) high (five times higher than the Niagara Falls) and about 122 meters (400 feet) wide during the rainy season.",
        "Guyana, with 1 thousands vertebrate species, 814 bird species, boasts one of the richest mammalian fauna assemblages of any comparably sized area in the world.",
        "St. George's Cathedral is an Anglican cathedral in Georgetown. It is the most prominent architectural landmark in Guyana and is among the tallest wooden churches on the planet with a height of 43.5 meters (142 feet). The church\u00b4s construction was completed in the year 1899.",
        "There are nine indigenous tribes residing in Guyana: the Wai Wai, Machushi, Patamona, Arawak, Carib, Wapishana, Arecuna, Akawaio, and Warrau.",
        "Originally a Dutch colony in the 17th century, by 1815 Guyana had become a British possession.",
        "During 150 years of rule, Britain imported Africans and East Indians as laborers, and Guyana forged close trade ties with the Caribbean.",
        "Guyana gained independence in 1966 and officially became a republic in 1970.",
        "Mashramani is an annual festival that celebrates Guyana becoming a Republic in 1970. The festival held on 23 February \u2013 Guyanese Republic Day \u2013 includes a parade, music, games and cooking and is intended to commemorate the \"Birth of the Republic\".The word \"Mashramani\" is derived from an Amerindian language and in translation means \"the celebration after hard work\".",
        "Guyana is the only English-speaking country in South America.",
        "The name \"Guyana\" is derived from Guiana, the original name for the region that formerly included Guyana (British Guiana), Suriname (Dutch Guiana), French Guiana, and parts of Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Guyana is derived from an Indigenous Amerindian language and means \"land of many waters\".",
        "The national motto of Guyana is \"One People, One Nation, One Destiny.\"",
        "Guyana's national flower is the Victoria water lilly (Victoria Amazonica), named after Queen Victoria.",
        "The Canje Pheasant (Hoatzin) is Guyana's National Bird.",
        "The Felis pantera whose common name is the Jaguar is the National Animal of Guyana.",
        "The main economic activities in Guyana are agriculture (production of rice and Demerara sugar), bauxite mining, gold mining, timber, shrimp fishing and minerals.",
        "The Omai Gold Mine in Guyana is one of the largest open-pit gold mines in South America.",
        "Sir Lionel Luckhoo was a Guyana-born politician, diplomat, and well-known lawyer. He is listed in the Guiness Book of Records as the world's \"most successful lawyer,\" with 245 successive murder-charge acquittals between 1940 and 1985.",
        "Christopher Columbus claimed to have seen a mermaid called Watamamma in Guyana's waters."
    "Haiti": [
        "Haiti is a sovereign state occupying the western three-eighths of the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean region.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Haiti.",
        "Haiti is positioned between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean and shares maritime borders with the Bahamas, Colombia, Cuba, and Jamaica.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Haiti was estimated to be 10 thousands thousands people.",
        "The two official languages of Haiti are French and Haitian Creole.",
        "With an area of 27 thousands square kilometers (10 thousands square miles), Haiti is the third largest country in the Caribbean behind Cuba and the Dominican Republic.",
        "Port-au-Prince is the capital and most populous city of Haiti. It was first incorporated under French colonial rule in 1749.",
        "Haiti is two-thirds mountainous, with the rest of the country marked by great valleys, extensive plateaus, and small plains.",
        "Pic la Selle is the highest peak in Haiti with a height of 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Haiti has 1 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) of coastline, the second longest in the Caribbean, with Cuba having the longest.",
        "The Haiti beaches easily figure among the most beautiful beaches in the world. Many are quite pristine in nature and are backed by lush vegetation and forested hills or mountains. Golden-white sands mix with palm trees in many a coastal spot, and clear, turquoise-blue waters are in good supply.",
        "There are five National Parks located in Haiti",
        "The Citadelle Laferri\u00e8re also known simply as the Citadelle is a mountaintop fortress, located on the northern coast of Haiti \u2013 on the top of mountain Bonnet a L'Eveque. The Citadel was built by Henri Christophe, a key leader during the Haitian slave rebellion (1791\u20131804), after Haiti gained independence from France at the beginning of the 19th century. It is one of the largest fortresses in the Americas and was designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1982 \u2014 along with the nearby Sans-Souci Palace.",
        "The Sans-Souci Palace was the home of independent Haiti's first monarch, Henri I, also known as Henri Christophe. This architectural complex was completed in 1813 as the residence and administrative center of King Henri. Its name translated from French means \"carefree\".",
        "Hidden in the hills above the picturesque town of Jacmel in the South East Region of Haiti, Bassin-Bleu is amaizing. The Bassins Bleu are three cobalt-blue pools joined by spectacular cascades. Dissolved minerals give the falls their distinctive color.",
        "Explored by Columbus on Dec. 6, 1492, Haiti's native Arawaks fell victim to Spanish rule. In 1697, Haiti became the French colony of Saint-Dominique, which became a leading sugarcane producer dependent on slaves. Slaves revolted against French rule [picture below] and gained independence from France in January 1804.",
        "Haiti is one of poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. Eighty percent of Haitians live under the poverty line and 54% live in abject poverty. The average per capita income in Haiti is $730 a year.",
        "Haiti is one of the least developed yet most densely populated countries in the Western Hemisphere.",
        "Haiti produces coffee, mangoes, sugarcane, rice, corn, sorghum, and wood.",
        "Haitian food is often lumped together with other Caribbean islands as \"Caribbean cuisine.\" However, Haiti maintains an independently unique flavor. Unlike its Spanish-influenced counterpart, the Dominican Republic, Haitian cuisine is based on Creole and French cooking styles. Strong pepper flavoring in many dishes also sets Haitian food apart from the other islands.",
        "Haitians attend folk dances and voodoo ceremonies. Half the population practices voodoo, which is a mixture of African slave traditions and Catholic beliefs.",
        "Cock fighting is a traditional sport in Haiti. The winner might bring home 3 thousands gourdes or roughly US$67, an astronomical sum to most Haitians and more than most families bring home in a month.",
        "In the eighteenth century, St. Dominique (Haiti) was the richest colony in the French Empire and was known as the \"Pearl of the Antilles.\"",
        "One of Haiti's islands, Tortuga Island, was a pirate stronghold in the seventeenth century.",
        "Haiti is the second oldest independent nation in the Western Hemisphere, after the United States."
    "Honduras": [
        "Honduras is a Central American country with Caribbean Sea coastlines to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Honduras.",
        "Honduras is bordered to the west by Guatemala, to the southwest by El Salvador, to the southeast by Nicaragua to the south by the Pacific Ocean, and to the north by the Caribbean Sea.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Honduras was estimated to be 8 thousands thousands people.",
        "Honduras has a total area of 112 thousands square kilometers (43 thousands square miles).",
        "Tegucigalpa commonly referred to as Tegus, is the capital of Honduras. It is a great example of Central American urban sprawl gone amok, spread out across very hilly terrain.",
        "Cerro Las Minas at 2 thousands meters (9 thousands feet) above sea level is the highest mountain in Honduras.",
        "Honduras has two coastlines \u2013 the Caribbean Sea coastline extends about 700 kilometers (430 miles), and the Pacific coastline which is about 120 kilometers (70 miles) long.",
        "In Honduras the beaches are sparsely populated, making them perfect for any honeymoon or private vacation. The most beautiful beaches in Honduras have won recognition from travel experts for their powdery sand, turquoise waters and unspoiled splendor.",
        "Honduras is one of the most ecologically protected nations in Latin America. Twenty national parks and two biosphere reserves are paired with dozens of smaller reserves, which have helped to preserve the region's most mountainous and forested country and the thousands of rare species that live within it.",
        "Located in the Mosquitia region of Northeastern Honduras, R\u00edo Pl\u00e1tano Biosphere Reserve is the largest protected area in the country with 350 thousands hectares. The reserve has a number of endangered species and some of Honduras largest sections of forest. It has been a World Heritage site and biosphere reserve since 1982. In 2011, UNESCO placed the reserve on the List of World Heritage in Danger.",
        "Honduras has 2 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Cop\u00e1n is an archaeological site of the Maya civilization located in the Cop\u00e1n Department of western Honduras. It was the capital city of a major Classic period kingdom from the 5th to 9th centuries AD. Cop\u00e1n was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980.",
        "A hot spot for many tourists, the largest natural lake in Honduras offers many things to see and do. With its abundance of fish and bird species, Lake Yojoa is ideal for fishing and birdwatching. Travelers can also enjoy dipping in nearby hot springs, exploring caves, hiking to stunning waterfalls, touring coffee plantations and investigating ancient Mayan ruins.",
        "A unique natural wonder, the waterfall at Pulhapanzak is an amazing experience. There are a number of amazing waterfalls throughout Honduras, Pulhapanzak is the largest, dropping about 43 meters (140 feet). It is located near Lake Yojoa.",
        "During the first millennium, Honduras was inhabited by the Maya. Columbus explored the country in 1502. Honduras, with four other Central American nations, declared its independence from Spain in 1821 to form a federation of Central American states. In 1838, Honduras left the federation and became independent.",
        "The economy of Honduras is based mostly on agriculture; coffee, bananas, mangoes, palm oil, corn, beans, rice, citrus fruit, and beef are the major agricultural products.",
        "Honduran cuisine is a fusion of indigenous (Lenca) cuisine, Spanish cuisine, Caribbean cuisine and African cuisine. The national dish of Honduras [photo below] is a mountain of food, the plato t\u00edpico: a heaping, carb overload of beef, plantains, beans, marinated cabbage, fresh cream, and tortillas.",
        "One of the most intriguing events of Honduras are the Sawdust Alfombras of Comayagua. Each year, on the morning Good Friday using nothing but colored wood shavings the people of Comayagua create rich religious tapestries that are trampled into oblivion the moment they are complete.",
        "Honduras means \"Great Depths.\"",
        "Honduras was formerly known as Spanish Honduras in order to differentiate itself from Belize, which had been known as British Honduras.",
        "The five stars on the Honduras flag represent the five countries of Central America, with Honduras as the center star because of its central location.",
        "Scarlet macaws were sacred to the Mayans. The scarlet macaw is the national bird of Honduras.",
        "Honduras was the first country to be called a \"Banana Republic,\" which was coined by the writer O. Henry."
    "Hungary": [
        "Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe.",
        "Hungary's full official name changed from \"Republic of Hungary\" to just \"Hungary\" in 2012.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Hungary was estimated to be 9 thousands thousands people.",
        "The Hungarian Forint is the currency of Hungary.",
        "Budapest, Hungary's capital, is bisected by the River Danube, and the 19th-century Chain Bridge connects its hilly Buda district with flat Pest.",
        "Hungary is one of the oldest countries in Europe. It was founded in A.D. 896, before France, Germany, or England.",
        "Geographically, Hungary is very flat and accessible by land and river.",
        "Hungary is home to deer and boars, plus smaller mammals, such as rabbits and small rodents, but few other mammals.",
        "Almost 400 bird species are breeding and for many birds Hungary is an important stopover during spring or autumn migration. Hungary has one of the best Birding areas in Europe.",
        "Hungary has 10 national parks, 145 minor nature reserves and 35 landscape protection areas.",
        "The world's largest geothermal cave system is in Hungary. It is located underground Budapest. Europe's largest underground lake also was recently found under Budapest's Gell\u00e9rt Hill.",
        "The famous Lake Balaton is situated in Hungary, which is the largest one in entire Central Europe.",
        "The Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst is a UNESCO World Heritage site consisting of 712 caves spread out over a total area of 138 thousands acres (55 thousands ha) along the border of Hungary and Slovakia.",
        "Hungary's national dish is Goulash. It is a stew, a steaming bowl of slow-cooked beef, carrots, onions and loads of Hungary's trademark paprika to give it a good kick.",
        "Hungary is the world's second leading producer of foie gras (goose liver), after France.",
        "The Benedictine Pannonhalma Archabbey or Territorial Abbey of Pannonhalma is a medieval building in Pannonhalma, one of the oldest historical monuments in Hungary. Founded in 996, it is located near the town, on top of a hill (282 meters (925 feet)).",
        "The Hungarian Grand Prix is a motor race held annually in Hungary. Since 1986, the race has been a round of the FIA Formula One World Championship.",
        "Hungary is a land of more than 1 thousands hot springs and enough spa facilities to accommodate 300 thousands people at the same time! Hungary also has 450 public baths.",
        "The Szechenyi thermal bath is the largest thermal bath complex in Hungary and in Europe. Its water is supplied by two thermal springs, their temperature is 74 \u00b0C (165 \u00b0F) and 77 \u00b0C (171 \u00b0F), respectively.",
        "Only five countries (USA, Russia, UK, France and Italy) have won more Summer Olympic gold medals won by Hungary in history.",
        "13 Hungarians (who were born in Hungary) had received a Nobel prize.",
        "Hungary, like Austria, has a long tradition of classical music, although often blended with folkloric elements.Composers B\u00e9la Bart\u00f3k, Zolt\u00e1n Kod\u00e1ly or Franz Liszt were all Hungarian.",
        "Hungarian wine has a history dating back to at least Roman times. Outside of Hungary, the best-known wines are the white dessert wine Tokaji and the red wine Bull's Blood of Eger.",
        "Hungary receives over 10 million visitors or tourists per year."
    "Iceland": [
        "Iceland , also called the Republic of Iceland, is a Nordic island country between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean.",
        "Iceland is a geologically young landscape due to its location on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates. The island is therefore highly volcanically and geologically active.",
        "Iceland nickname is Land of Fire and Ice.",
        "Iceland has a population of about 360 thousands people. ~ 2019 ~",
        "Icelandic is the official language of Iceland.",
        "The currency of Iceland is the Icelandic kr\u00f3na.",
        "Reykjavik which means 'smoky bay' is the capital city of the Republic of Iceland with 130 thousands inhabitants.",
        "Iceland has some unique natural features such as ice cap mountains, volcanoes, hot springs, waterfalls, glaciers, geysers and ancient cooled lava flows.",
        "Iceland has more than 20 active volcanoes.",
        "Hekla is Iceland's most active volcano, Hekla is also a common female name in Iceland.",
        "There are no forests in Iceland.",
        "Vatnajokull glacier in Southeast Iceland is Europe's largest glacier.",
        "Sometimes called Crystal Caves, the ice caves in Icelandic glaciers are a truly mesmerizing wonder of nature.",
        "Geysir sometimes known as The Great Geysir, is a geyser in southwestern Iceland. It was the first geyser described in a printed source and the first known to modern Europeans.The English word geyser derives from Geysir.",
        "The Icelandic tradition of bathing outdoors in volcanically heated pools dates right back to Viking times.",
        "The Blue Lagoon geothermal spa is one of the most visited attractions in Iceland.",
        "Gullfoss is a waterfall located in the canyon of Hv\u00edt\u00e1 river in southwest Iceland.Gullfoss is also one of the most popular tourist attractions in Iceland.",
        "The energy of the Iceland volcanoes and vents is used by geothermal power stations and supplies the heating to around 85% of all households.",
        "Iceland was one of the last places on Earth to be settled by humans.",
        "The first people to live on Iceland are thought to have been Irish monks around the year AD 800. In the 9th century, Norsemen arrived in Iceland.",
        "Wild mammals in Iceland include the Arctic fox, mink, mice, rats, rabbits and reindeer.",
        "Eaten regularly as a snack or with meals, the dairy product Skyr is one of the most popular foods in Iceland.",
        "The three colors of Iceland's flag represent elements that make up the island. Red represents the island's volcanic fires. White is for the snow and ice fields and blue the ocean.",
        "Iceland has ranked number one consistently as the world's most peaceful country and has the lowest score in the Global Peace Index measure.",
        "Iceland does not have an army, navy or air force.",
        "Iceland is home to one of the world's oldest democracies, established in 930.",
        "Iceland's revenue from whale watching exceeds any income from whaling.",
        "Poll results achieved over an extended period of time make it apparent that a majority of citizens of Iceland believe in the existence of elves.",
        "The Icelandic language remains unchanged from ancient Norse. That means 1 thousands-year-old texts are still easily read.",
        "During the months of June and July, Iceland has days with a full 24 hours of precious, beautiful sunlight. Some people in Iceland look at it as a splendid time to catch up on their golf at midnight sun.",
        "In 1980, Iceland became the first country to elect a women president. Vigd\u00eds Finnbogad\u00f3ttir was president until 1996.",
        "The last name of Icelanders is derived from their father's first name.",
        "In Iceland owning a pet snake, lizard or turtle is against the law.",
        "Icelanders watch more movies than any other nation.",
        "Mosquitoes do not exist in Iceland.",
        "Thanks for the wonderful facts and details about Iceland. It's in my to do list countries and hopefully before the end of the year I would try to get there. The country always intrigued me, the landscape, the volcanos, the lagoon and the snow. Can't wait to go And thanks for sharing."
    "Iran": [
        "Iran is a sovereign state in Western Asia.",
        "The official name of the country is the Islamic Republic of Iran.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Iran was estimated to be 79 thousands thousands people. Iran is the world's 17th-most-populous country.",
        "Tehran is the capital and largest city of Iran. Tehran was first chosen as the capital of Iran by Agha Mohammad Khan of the Qajar dynasty in 1796. Despite the occurrence of earthquakes during the Qajar period and before, some buildings still remain from Tehran's era of antiquity.",
        "Iran is a mountainous, arid, ethnically diverse country. Much of Iran consists of a central desert plateau, which is ringed on all sides by lofty mountain ranges that afford access to the interior through high passes.",
        "Mount Dam\u0101vand, a potentially active volcano, is a stratovolcano which is the highest peak in Iran and the Middle East as well as the highest volcano in Asia. It rise to 5 thousands meters (18 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Iran has 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) of coastline.",
        "There are 272 conservation areas around Iran for a total of 17 million hectares (42 million acres), variously named national parks, protected areas, and natural wildlife refuges, all meant to protect the genetic resources of the country.",
        "Iran has 21 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Chogha Zanbil is an ancient Elamite complex in the Khuzestan province of Iran. It is one of the few existent ziggurats outside of Mesopotamia. In 1979, Chogha Zanbil became the first Iranian site to be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.",
        "Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque is one of the architectural masterpieces of Safavid Iranian architecture. Construction of the mosque started in 1603 and was finished in 1619. It was built by the chief architect Shaykh Bahai, during the reign of Shah Abbas I of the Safavid dynasty.",
        "The Golestan Palace, literally the Roseland Palace, is the former royal Qajar complex in Iran's capital city, Tehran. One of the oldest historic monuments in the city of Tehran, and of world heritage status, the Golestan Palace belongs to a group of royal buildings that were once enclosed within the mud-thatched walls of Tehran's arg (\"citadel\").",
        "The region now called Iran was occupied by the Medes and the Persians in the 1500s B.C. , until the Persian king Cyrus the Great overthrew the Medes and became ruler of the Achaemenid (Persian) Empire, which reached from the Indus to the Nile at its zenith in 525 B.C.",
        "In the late 18th century, foreign powers, including Russia and Britain, took control of parts of Persia. In 1921, a Persian army officer named Reza Khan took control and sought to end outside influence. In 1935, he renamed the country Iran. His son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, became shah in 1941.",
        "In 1979, many Iranians who felt Pahlavi was corrupt forced him to flee, ending the reign of the shahs in Iran. Since then, religious leaders have ruled the country.",
        "Iran has extensive oil reserves, but its economy has been hit hard by a trade ban imposed by the United States since the shah was ousted in 1979. Allegations that Iran supports terrorism and a belief that it is developing nuclear weapons has led to further isolation in recent years.",
        "Iranians have woven beautiful rugs for over 2 thousands years. When creating rugs, Iranian weavers often make a mistake intentionally. They want to show their belief that \"only God is perfect.\" After oil, Iran's second largest export commodity is carpets.",
        "Iran is one of the world's largest producers of pistachios, caviar, and saffron.",
        "Polygamy is legal in Iran, and men can marry up to four wives.",
        "Chelow kabab or Chelo kabab is the national dish of Iran. The meal is simple, consisting of steamed, saffroned basmati or Iranian rice and kabab, of which there are several distinct Persian varieties.",
        "Tea is the national drink in Iran.",
        "Opium smoking in Iran dates back to at least the 17th century, and the the country has one of the highest rates of opiate addiction in the world.",
        "Polo was invented and first played in Iran (or ancient Persia) more than 2 thousands years ago.",
        "The Persian cat is one of the world's oldest breeds. They originated in the high plateaus of Iran where their long silky fur protected them from the cold. Italian traders brought the breed to Europe in the 17th century, where they became an exotic status symbol.",
        "Not long ago, Iran was home to many lions, tigers, and other big cats. Unfortunately these sleek hunters are now very rare, and some species have gone extinct. Only a handful of Asiatic cheetahs and Persian leopards remain.",
        "The word Iran is the Persian word for land/place of the Aryan."
    "Iraq": [
        "Iraq is a country in Western Asia.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Iraq.",
        "Iraq is bordered by six countries: Jordan to the west, Syria to the northwest, Turkey to the north, Iran to the east, and Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to the south.",
        "Arabic and Kurdish are the official languages of Iraq.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Iraq was estimated to be 37 thousands thousands people.",
        "Iraq has an area of 437 thousands square kilometers (168 thousands square miles) of land.",
        "Baghdad is the capital and largest city of Iraq. Located along the Tigris River, the city was founded in the 8th century and became the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate.",
        "Iraq mainly consists of desert, but near the two major rivers (Euphrates and Tigris) are fertile alluvial plains, as the rivers carry about 60 thousands thousands cubic meters (78 thousands thousands cu yd) of silt annually to the delta. The north of the country is mostly composed of mountains.",
        "Cheekha Dar mountain elevates to 3 thousands metes (11 thousands feet) above sea level and is the highest peak in Iraq.",
        "Iraq has a short coastline (58 kilometers / 36 miles) on the Persian (Arabian) Gulf between Iran and Kuwait.",
        "Iraq has 5 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Hatra was an ancient city in the Ninawa Governorate and al-Jazira region of Iraq. It was known as al-Hadr, a name which appears once in ancient inscriptions, and it was in the ancient Persian province of Khvarvaran. Hatra was used as the setting for the opening scene in the 1973 film The Exorcist and since 1985 is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "The Erbil Citadel is a tell or occupied mound, and the historical city center of Erbil in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The citadel has been inscribed on the World Heritage List since 21 June 2014.",
        "From earliest times Iraq was known as Mesopotamia \u2014 the land between the rivers \u2014 for it embraces a large part of the alluvial plains of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.",
        "Iraq became an independent country in 1932.",
        "Iraq is one of the most culturally diverse nations in the Middle East. Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen, Assyrians, Mandaeans, and Armenians, among others, speak their own languages and retain their cultural and religious identities.",
        "Iraqi cuisine has a long history going back some 10 thousands years to the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Ancient Persians and Arabs. Masqouf or Masgouf [photo below] is Iraq's national dish. This is grilled Carp and is prepared in an unique way. The fish is cut in two identical halves from the belly up while leaving the back intact, opening up the fish.",
        "Archeologist Leonard Woolley asserts that the fear of black cats, measuring time into 12 hours for each day and each night, and reading our fortunes in the constellation were all invented in Iraq.",
        "According to the Bible, Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq. Isaac's wife, Rebekah was from Nahor, which is also in Iraq. Additionally, according to legend, Iraq is the site of the Biblical Garden of Eden.",
        "Traditionally, marriages in Iraq are arranged, though more and more Iraqis are choosing their own spouses, especially in larger cities.",
        "Traditionally in Iraq, more than half of all brides and grooms marry their first or second cousin.",
        "Iraqi families are usually large and family relationships are close. Most families live in one house, which is expanded when the family grows."
    "Ireland": [
        "Ireland is an island in the North Atlantic. It is separated from Great Britain to its east by the North Channel, the Irish Sea, and St George's Channel.",
        "Ireland is called \u00c9ire in Irish and is also known as the Republic of Ireland.",
        "Politically, Ireland is divided between the Republic of Ireland (officially named Ireland), which covers five-sixths of the island, and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, in the northeast of the island.",
        "The United Kingdom is the only country that actually borders Ireland. The rest of the Ireland is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean.",
        "Ireland is the second-largest island of the British Isles, the third-largest in Europe, and the twentieth-largest on Earth.",
        "Irish (what Americans often call \"Gaelic\") is the national and first official language of Ireland, the second being English.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Ireland was estimated to be 4 thousands thousands people.",
        "Dublin is the capital and largest city of Ireland. Dublin is in the province of Leinster on Ireland's east coast, at the mouth of the River Liffey.Dublin is home to over one quarter of the total population.",
        "Ireland has 6 national parks.The first park which was established in Ireland was the Killarney located in County Kerry in 1932.",
        "Carrauntoohil is the highest peak on the island of Ireland. Located in County Kerry, Ireland it is 1 thousands meters (3 thousands ft) high and is the central peak of the Macgillycuddy's Reeks range.",
        "Cork Harbour is a natural harbour and river estuary at the mouth of the River Lee in County Cork, Ireland. It is one of several which lay claim to the title of \"second largest natural harbour in the world by navigational area\" (after Port Jackson, Sydney).",
        "Skellig Michael, or Great Skellig, is the larger of the two Skellig Islands, 11.6 kilometres (7.2 miles) west of the Iveragh Peninsula in County Kerry, Ireland.A Christian monastery was founded on the island at some point between the 6th and 8th century and remained continuously occupied until it was abandoned in the late 12th century. The remains of the monastery, and most of the island, became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.",
        "Br\u00fa na B\u00f3inne is a World Heritage Site in County Meath, Ireland and is the largest and one of the most important complex of Megalithic sites in Europe, dating to the Neolithic period. Newgrange is the most famous monument within the Neolithic Br\u00fa na B\u00f3inne complex dating around 3000 BC to 2500 BC.",
        "Kilbrittain Castle is the oldest inhabited castle in Ireland. The Castle is thought to date from 1035 where the original fortress may have been built by the O'Mahony clan.",
        "The three most famous symbols of Ireland are the green Shamrock, the harp, and the Celtic cross.",
        "Saint Patrick's Day is Irelands official national holiday. The 17th of March holiday is celebrated in Ireland and also embraced by many other countries around the world.",
        "Prior to the annexation to England, then the United Kingdom, Ireland was never unified under a single monarchy like other European countries. Instead there were hundreds of minor kings waging war with one another on a nearly permanent basis.",
        "Ireland's oldest pub is Sean's Bar in Athlone. It was founded some 900 years ago. The country's oldest licensed pub, though, is Grace Neill's Bar in Donaghadee, established in 1611.",
        "The Woodenbridge Hotel, which opened in 1608, is the oldest hotel in Ireland.",
        "Ireland is the only EU country where abortion is still illegal (except to protect the mother's life).",
        "At 22 letters long, Muckanaghederdauhaulia (from Muiceanach idir Dh\u00e1 Sh\u00e1ile meaning \"pig-marsh between two saltwaters\") is often believed to be Ireland's longest one-word place name."
    "Jamaica": [
        "Jamaica, a Caribbean island nation, has a lush topography of mountains, rainforests and reef-lined beaches.",
        "The official name of the country is Jamaica.",
        "The countries nearest to Jamaica are Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Jamaica was estimated to be 2 thousands thousands people.",
        "With an area of 10 thousands square kilometers (4 thousands square miles), Jamaica is third largest island of the Greater Antilles, after Cuba and Hispaniola.",
        "Kingston is the capital and largest city of Jamaica, located on the southeastern coast of the island. Squeezed between the Blue Mountains and the world's seventh-largest natural harbor, Kingston simultaneously impresses you with its setting and overwhelms you with its size, noise and traffic.",
        "Jamaica is the tip of a mountain rising from the sea floor. Nearly half of the island is more than 330 meters (1 thousands feet) above sea level. There are lush rolling hills that are ideal for agriculture and coastal beach regions that are popular with tourists.",
        "Blue Mountain Peak is the highest mountain in Jamaica and one of the highest peaks in the Caribbean at 2 thousands meters (7 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Jamaica has a coastline length of 1 thousands kilometers (635 miles).",
        "Jamaica's coastline is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, drawing millions of sun worshippers every year.",
        "Protected areas in Jamaica include parks, national parks, forest reserves, and forest management areas and fish sanctuaries.",
        "Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park is a national park in Jamaica. The park covers 495 square kilometers (191 square miles) and accounts for 4.5% of Jamaica's land surface. The park is globally known for its biodiversity. The UNESCO listed Blue and John Crow Mountains as world heritage site on July 3, 2015.",
        "Encompassing 180 meters (590 feet) of gently terraced waterfalls, Dunn's River Falls is one of Jamaica's most famous natural attractions. The waterfalls are terraced like giant natural stairs though some incorporate man-made improvements. Several small lagoons are interspersed among the vertical sections of the falls.",
        "Built in 1770, Rose Hall is a restored plantation house with beautiful ocean views. It is widely regarded to be a visually impressive house and the most famous in Jamaica. According to legend, a \"white witch\" called \"Annie Palmer\" who murdered three husbands haunts the property. An investigation of the legend in 2007 concluded that the story was fictionalized.",
        "Dolphin Cove Jamaica is a marine attraction in Jamaica at which guests have the opportunity to interact and swim with jamaican dolphins in their natural environment while enjoying the thrill and love of these amazing marine mammals. Visitors can also swim, hold, feed, and learn about the evolutionary secrets of the Caribbean sharks.",
        "Tourism, farming, and mining are the most important industries in Jamaica. The chief crop is sugarcane, but bananas, coffee, pimento, and yams are key agricultural products.",
        "When most people think of Jamaica they think of Reggae, or \"Ragged Music.\" The music was born in the 1950s and '60s from the musical styles of mento, ska, and rocksteady. The most famous reggae star was Bob Marley, who was backed by his group the Wailers. Other famous reggae stars include Desmond Dekkar, Jimmy Cliff, Peter Tosh, and Burning Spear.",
        "Rum is the national drink of Jamaica.",
        "Orchids grow wild all over Jamaica, some 200 species of them, 73 of which are found nowhere else.",
        "In 1988, Jamaica became the first tropical country to enter a Winter Olympic event. It was the bobsled event. The movie, Cool Runnings, tells the story of the Jamaica's first foray in to the Winter Olympics.",
        "When his boat sank off the Jamaican coast, Chris Blackwell \u2013 the producer who first discovered Bob Marley \u2013 was found near-death by some Rasta fishermen. They nursed him back to full health, forming a bond with their culture that became the basis for his famous investment in the island's music.",
        "Chocolate milk was invented by Jamaicans, then popularized in Europe by an Irish botanist who sold it as medicine."
    "Jordan": [
        "Jordan is an Arab kingdom in Western Asia, on the East Bank of the Jordan River.",
        "The official name of the country is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.",
        "Jordan is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the east and south, Iraq to the north-east, Syria to the north, Israel, Palestine and the Dead Sea to the west and the Red Sea in its extreme south-west.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Jordan was estimated to be 7 thousands thousands people.",
        "Jordan has a total area of 89 thousands square kilometers (34 thousands square miles).",
        "Amman is the capital and most populous city of Jordan, and the country's economic, political and cultural center. Today, Amman is considered to be among the most liberal and westernized Arab cities.",
        "Located on desert plateaus in southwest Asia, Jordan is almost landlocked but for a short coast on the Gulf of Aqaba. Arid hills and mountains make up most of the country. The southern section of the Jordan River flows through the country.",
        "At 1 thousands meters (6 thousands feet) above sea level, Jabal Umm ad Dami is the highest mountain in Jordan.",
        "The lowest point on Earth in terms of dry land is the shore of the Dead Sea, shared by Jordan, Israel, and Palestine (420 meters / 1 thousands feet below sea level).",
        "Jordan is home to many biblical sites including, among others, the Jordan River [photo below] where Jesus was babtised by John the Baptist, Mount Nebo where Moses died, as well as the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.",
        "Jordan has 5 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Jordan is home to the ancient city of Petra. Known as \"The Rose City\" it is famous for its unique architecture carved directly into the rock face. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New 7 Wonders of the World.",
        "Jerash is the second most popular cities visited by the tourists after Petra. According to historical records Jerash has been inhabited since 3200 BC to 1600 AD Jerash city is divided into two, old city and new city. Old city is a city which is the ancient Roman heritage building. While the new cityatau new town is where the population now lives Jordan.",
        "Amman's Roman Theatre is a 6 thousands-seat, 2nd-century Roman theatre. A famous landmark in the Jordanian capital, it dates back to the Roman period when the city was known as Philadelphia. The city was named after Ptolemy Philadelphus (283-246 BC).",
        "Qasr Amra is the best-known of the desert castles located in present-day eastern Jordan. It was built early in the 8th century, some time between 723 and 743, by Walid Ibn Yazid, the future Umayyad caliph Walid II, whose dominance of the region was rising at the time. It is considered one of the most important examples of early Islamic art and architecture.",
        "Wadi Rum also known as the Valley of the Moon is a valley cut into the sandstone and granite rock in southern Jordan 60 kilometers (37 miles) to the east of Aqaba; it is the largest wadi (Arabic and Hebrew term traditionally referring to a valley) in Jordan. Ancient riverbeds, vast pastel-coloured stretches of sandy desert and amazing rock formations known as jebels form the incredible landscape of Wadi Rum.",
        "Measuring 500 meters (1 thousands feet) in depth and spanning 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) across, the impressive Wadi Mujib canyon is one of Jordan's most remarkable natural features. Located along the King's Highway and close to the east coast of the Dead Sea, the dramatic canyon features sheer rocky walls and sparkling waterways that range from puddle height to depths that are perfect for swimming trails.",
        "In biblical times, the country that is now Jordan contained the lands of Edom, Moab, Ammon, and Bashan. Together with other Middle Eastern territories, Jordan passed in turn to the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, and, about 330 B.C. , the Seleucids.",
        "In A.D. 106 it became part of the Roman province of Arabia and in 633\u2013636 was conquered by the Arabs. In the 16th century, Jordan submitted to Ottoman Turkish rule and was administered from Damascus.",
        "T. E. Lawrence, better known as Lawrence of Arabia, closely advised leaders of the Great Arab Revolt in Jordan during World War I. The revolt culminated in the surprise attack and defeat of the Turkish forces at the Battle of Aqaba, led from nearby Wadi Rum.",
        "In 1923, after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, Jordan (formerly known as Transjordan) was designated a British mandate. Independence came in 1946.",
        "Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein has been King of Jordan since 1999 upon the death of his father King Hussein.",
        "The national dish of Jordan is Mansaf. It is a traditional dish made of lamb cooked in a sauce of fermented dried yogurt called Jameed and served with rice or bulgur.",
        "In Jordan it is polite to refuse the offer of a meal three times before accepting.",
        "The World Bank labels Jordan an \"upper middle income country,\" and its economy has grown slowly but steadily at about 2 to 4% per year over the past decade. The kingdom has a small, struggling agricultural and industrial base, due in large part to its shortages of fresh water and oil.",
        "The Arabian oryx is the national animal of Jordan.",
        "The official national bird of Jordan is the Sinai rosefinch.",
        "Black iris is the national flower of Jordan and can be found all across the country.",
        "Jordan is named after the Jordan River."
    "Kazakhstan": [
        "Kazakhstan is a transcontinental country in northern Central Asia and Eastern Europe.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Kazakhstan.",
        "Kazakhstan shares borders with Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan, and also adjoins a large part of the Caspian Sea.",
        "The official languages of Kazakhstan are Kazakh and Russian.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Kazakhstan was estimated to be 17 thousands thousands people.",
        "Kazakhstan is the world's largest landlocked country, and the ninth largest in the world, with an area of 2 thousands thousands square kilometers (1 thousands thousands square miles).",
        "Astana is the capital city of Kazakhstan, straddling the Ishim River in the north of the country. Much of its modern architecture is striking in its scale and design, especially in contrast to the vast, open steppes that surround it.",
        "The terrain of Kazakhstan includes flatlands, steppe, taiga, rock canyons, hills, deltas, snow-capped mountains, and deserts.",
        "The peak Khan Tengri in the Tian Shan Mountains (and on the border with Kyrgyzstan and China) is Kazakhstan highest elevation at 6 thousands meters (22 thousands feet), but its glacial cap rises to 7 thousands meters (22 thousands feet).",
        "The lowest point in Kazakhstan is the bottom of the Karagiye Depression at 132 meters (433 feet) below sea level. Located east of the Caspian Sea, it is one of the lowest elevations on Earth.",
        "The country is landlocked, but despite this, Kazakhstan borders the Aral Sea, now split into two bodies of water (1 thousands km/664 mi), and the Caspian Sea (1 thousands km/1 thousands mi).",
        "The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in the world 371 thousands square kilometers (143 thousands square miles) and it borders Kazakhstan on the west.",
        "There are 10 national parks and nature reserves in Kazakhstan.",
        "The Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve established in 1926 is the oldest nature reserve in Central Asia. It is located in the southern province of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Nature Reserve stretches over an area of 131 thousands hectars (326 thousands acres).",
        "Kazakhstan has 5 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Tamgaly is a petroglyph site in the Zhetysu of Kazakhstan. The majority of the 5000 petrogylphs are in the main canyon, but there are a number in the many side canyons. The petrogylphs are mostly Bronze Age, but in some cases have been overlaid with Medieval or later etchings. Tamgaly became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004.",
        "The Ascension Cathedral, also known as Zenkov Cathedral, is a Russian Orthodox cathedral located in Panfilov Park in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Completed in 1907, it is claimed to be the second tallest wooden building in the world, but the church of Sap\u00e2nta and the monasteries of B\u00e2rsana and Peri, all in Maramures, Romania, are now all higher.",
        "Bayterek, is a monument and observation tower in Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan. A tourist attraction popular with foreign visitors and native Kazakhs alike, it is emblematic of the city, which became capital of the country in 1997.",
        "Kazakhstan was part of the former USSR and has been independent since 1991.",
        "The sun in the flag of Kazakhstan has 32 beams, which symbolize progress and prosperity. The eagle symbolizes the power of the state.",
        "Kazakh cuisine is the cuisine of Kazakhstan, and traditionally is focused on mutton and horse meat, as well as various milk products. Beshbarmak, a dish consisting of boiled horse or mutton meat, is the most popular Kazakh dish.",
        "Kazakhstan's traditional drink kumis has also been referred to as \"milk champagne.\" It is made from fermented mare's milk and is believed to be a cure-all for everything from the common cold to tuberculosis.",
        "The golden eagle is one of Kazakhstan's national symbols and appears on the national flag.",
        "Berkutchi, or hunting with eagles, is a traditional form of falconry. It is still practiced in Kazakhstan. Hunters train golden eagles or falcons to sight and capture such prey as rabbits, foxes, and smaller birds. The hunters are also called berkutchi and they believe they have to keep their first kill for one year to get good luck.",
        "The apple originates from Kazakhstan, it has been discovered after the first complete sequencing of its genome.",
        "Horses were first domesticated on the plains of northern Kazakhstan some 5 thousands years ago.",
        "Out of the 110 elements from Mendeleev's table of chemical elements, 99 have been detected in Kazakhstan.",
        "Kazakhstan is home to the Baikonur Cosmodome, the world's first and largest space launch facility. Sputnik, the world's first orbiting satellite, was launched from there in 1957, and the first manned spaceflight with Yuri Gagarin took off into space from there in 1961. It is leased by the Russians until 2050."
    "Kiribati": [
        "Kiribati is an island nation in the central Pacific Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Kiribati.",
        "As an island nation, Kiribati shares no land borders. However, nearby islands include Fiji, Nauru, Marshall Islands, Samoa, French Polynesia, Cook Islands, and Tonga.",
        "Kiribati has two official languages: Kiribati and English.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Kiribati was estimated to be 115 thousands people.",
        "Kiribati are scattered over a vast area of ocean about 3.5 million square kilometers (1 thousands thousands square miles); equivalent in size to the continental United States.",
        "Kiribati consists of 32 atolls and one solitary island (Banaba), extending into the eastern and western hemispheres, as well as the northern and southern hemispheres. It is the only country that is situated within all four hemispheres.",
        "Of the 33 islands of Kiribati, 21 are inhabited.",
        "Kiribati includes Kiritimati (Christmas Atoll; in the Line Islands), the largest coral atoll (in terms of land area, not dimensions) in the world. It has land area of about 388 square kilometers (150 square miles).",
        "Banaba Island has an area of 6 square kilometers (2.3 square miles), and the highest point on the island is also the highest point in Kiribati, at 81 meters (266 feet) above sea level.",
        "South Tarawa is the capital and hub of the Republic of Kiribati and home to approximately half of Kiribati's total population. The South Tarawa population center consists of all the small islets from Betio in the West to Bonriki in the East, connected by the South Tarawa main road.",
        "Due to its location, Kiribati exhibits a maritime climate. Temperatures range between 26-32 \u00b0C (79-90 \u00b0F) year-round, with the water temperature sitting on a comfortable year-round 28-29 \u00b0C (82-84 \u00b0F).",
        "The isolated location of the Kiribati islands prevents tourism from flourishing, and becoming a major business, even though the weather is consistently warm, offshore reefs teem with colorful fish, and WWII shipwrecks are commonplace, especially off the eastern edge of Kiritimati.",
        "Kiribati has a few land mammals, none being indigenous or endemic. They include the Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans), dogs and pigs.",
        "The area now called Kiribati has been inhabited by Micronesians speaking the same Oceanic language since sometime between 3000 BC and AD 1300.",
        "Fijians and Tongans arrived about the 14th century and subsequently merged with the older groups to form the traditional I-Kiribati Micronesian society and culture.",
        "The Gilbert Islands gained independence as the Republic of Kiribati on 12 July 1979.",
        "Copra and fish now represent the bulk of production and exports. Kiribati is considered one of the least developed countries in the world.",
        "Christianity is the major religion in Kiribati, having been introduced by missionaries in the 19th century.",
        "On 1 January 1995 Kiribati moved the International Date Line to include its easternmost islands and make it the same day throughout the country.",
        "Located just to the west of the International Date Line, the Republic of Kiribati is one of the first places on Earth to see the first rays of the rising sun. Their time zone is 14 hours ahead of UTC \u2013 the farthest forward time zone in the world.",
        "Kiribati saw some of the worst fighting of the Pacific theatre during the Second World War, including the infamous Battle of Tarawa in November 1943.",
        "Nuclear weapons testing including hydrogen bombs were conducted on and around Kiribati by the United Kingdom in the late 1950s, and by the United States in 1962. During these tests islanders were not evacuated."
    "Kuwait": [
        "Kuwait is a country in Western Asia.",
        "The official name of the country is the State of Kuwait.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Kuwait was estimated to be 4 thousands thousands people.",
        "Kuwait has a total area of 17 thousands square kilometers (11 thousands square miles).",
        "Kuwait City is the capital and largest city of Kuwait. Kuwait City is the political, cultural and economic center of Kuwait.",
        "The flat, sandy Arabian Desert covers most of Kuwait.",
        "Kuwait is generally low lying, with the highest point being 306 meters (1 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Kuwait has nine islands, all of which, with the exception of Failaka Island, are uninhabited.",
        "Kuwait has 499 kilometers (310 miles) of coastline.",
        "Only 0.6% of Kuwaiti land area is considered arable.",
        "The climate of Kuwait is dry desert and it has very hot summers and short, cool winters.",
        "Oil reserves in Kuwait were discovered in 1934. Its oil reserves are the world's sixth largest.",
        "Kuwait Towers is a group of three slender towers that symbolizes Kuwait's economic resurgence and also World cultural as well as touristic landmark. The structure is often referred to as Kuwait tower in singular although there are three towers. Standing on a promontory into the Arabian Gulf, Kuwait towers were officially inaugurated in 1979 and are rated as a tourist attraction and iconic building of modern Kuwait.",
        "The Liberation Tower is the symbol of Kuwaiti liberation, the representation of country's resurgence, second tallest tower in Kuwait, and the fifth tallest telecommunication tower in the world. Officially unveiled by the late Kuwaiti Amir, Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on 10th March 1996, this 372 meter (1 thousands feet) tall tower is 40 meters (131 feet) taller than the Eiffel Tower.",
        "The Al Hamra Tower is a completed skyscraper in Kuwait City. Al Hamra is the tallest building in Kuwait and the 23rd tallest in the world.",
        "The Grand Mosque is the largest and the official mosque in the country of Kuwait. Its area spans 45 thousands square metres (480 thousands square feet), out of which the building itself covers 20 thousands square metres (220 thousands square feet). The main prayer hall is 72 metres (236 feet) wide on all sides, has teakwood doors, and has lighting provided by 144 windows.",
        "Souq Al-Mubarakiya is a souq (open-air marketplace) in Kuwait City, Kuwait. It is one of the oldest souqs in Kuwait, and was the center of trade prior to the discovery of oil.",
        "Kuwait is believed to have been part of an early civilization in the 3rd millennium B.C. and to have traded with Mesopotamian cities.",
        "Founded in the 18th century, the ruling al-Sabah dynasty was in place in 1899 when Kuwait came under British protection. Full independence was achieved in 1961. Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, but a U.S.-led coalition routed Iraqi forces.",
        "From 1946 to 1982, Kuwait experienced a period of prosperity driven by oil and its liberal atmosphere. In popular discourse, the years between 1946 and 1982 are referred to as the \"Golden Era\".",
        "Kuwait has a wealthy, open economy that is dominated by oil industries.",
        "The Kuwaiti dinar is the currency of Kuwait. It is sub-divided into 1 thousands fils. The Kuwaiti dinar is the world's highest-valued currency unit.",
        "Kuwaiti cuisine is an infusion of Arabian, Persian, Indian, and Mediterranean cuisines. A prominent dish in Kuwaiti cuisine is machboos [photo below], a rice-based specialty usually prepared with basmati rice seasoned with spices, and chicken or mutton.",
        "The national flower of Kuwait is Arfaj.",
        "The national bird of Kuwait is the falcon. Falcons are found everywhere in Kuwait. There is a picture of a falcon on the stamps and the currencies of Kuwait.",
        "Kuwait was the first of the Arab states of the Persian Gulf to establish a constitution and parliament.",
        "Kuwait is the only country with no natural water supply from lakes or reservoirs.",
        "Eating, drinking, playing loud music and dancing during daylight hours in public are against the law in Kuwait during the month of Ramadan.",
        "In 2006, Kuwait became the first country to introduce the sport of camel racing, with remote controlled robot jockeys."
    "Kyrgyzstan": [
        "Kyrgyzstan is a rugged Central Asian country along the Silk Road, the ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean.",
        "Kyrgyzstan is bordered on the east and southeast by China, on the north by Kazakhstan, on the west by Uzbekistan and on the south by Tajikistan.",
        "The official languages of Kyrgyzstan are Kyrgyz and Russian.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Kyrgyzstan was estimated to be 5 thousands thousands people.",
        "Kyrgyzstan is one of the smaller Central Asian states. The national territory extends about 900 kilometers (600 miles) from east to west and 410 kilometers (255 miles) from north to south.",
        "Kyrgyzstan has a total area of 199 thousands square kilometers (77 thousands square miles).",
        "Over 90% of Kyrgyzstan is dominated by massive, rugged mountain ranges, including the Alai, Kirghiz and Tien Shan, and their associated valleys and basins. Large areas of those mountain regions are covered by glaciers.",
        "The highest peak in Kyrgyzstan is Jengish Chokusu [photo below] at 7 thousands meters (24 thousands feet) and the lowest point is Kara-Daryya at 132 meters (433 feet).",
        "Kyrgyzstan's average elevation is 2 thousands meters (9 thousands feet). Almost 90% of the country stands above 1 thousands meters; (4 thousands feet) 71% is above 2 thousands meters; and almost 35% of the land is higher than 3 thousands meters (9 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "The protected areas of Kyrgyzstan cover 1 thousands thousands hectares (2 thousands thousands acres) and account for 6.3% of the country's total area.",
        "There are 11 national parks in Kyrgyzstan.",
        "The Ala Archa National Park is an alpine national park in the Tian Shan mountains of Kyrgyzstan, established in 1976 and located approximately 40 kilometers south of the capital city of Bishkek. It is the most popular national park inKyrgyzstan.",
        "Kyrgyzstan has 3 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Issyk-Kul is an endorheic lake in the northern Tian Shan mountains in eastern Kyrgyzstan. It is the tenth largest lake in the world by volume (though not in surface area), and the second largest saline lake after the Caspian Sea.Issyk-Kul means \"warm lake\" in the Kyrgyz language; although it is surrounded by snow-capped peaks, it never freezes. It is the most popular tourist attraction in Kyrgyzstan.",
        "The Burana Tower is a large minaret in the Chuy Valley in northern Kyrgyzstan. The tower, along with grave markers, some earthworks and the remnants of a castle and three mausoleums, is all that remains of the ancient city of Balasagun, which was established by the Karakhanids at the end of the 9th century.",
        "A popular drink in Kyrgyzstan is \"kumyz\" which is made from fermented horse milk.",
        "The only country that is bordering Kyrgyzstan with a name not ending in -stan is China.",
        "Kyrgyzstan is one of the world's least crowded countries!",
        "Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous, landlocked country and as such it is relatively poor and has an economy based on agriculture. Its main agricultural products are tobacco, cotton, potatoes, vegetables, grapes, fruits, sheep, goats, cattle and wool.",
        "The name of Kyrgyzstan comes from a word in the Kyrgyz language meaning \"we are forty\", thought to be a reference to the original 40 clans which unified to form the country.",
        "The flag of Kyrgyzstan features a yellow sun with 40 uniformly spaced rays in the center of a red background."
    "Laos": [
        "Laos is a Southeast Asian country traversed by the Mekong River and known for mountainous terrain, French colonial architecture, hill tribe settlements and Buddhist monasteries.",
        "Laos is bordered by Myanmar (Burma) and China to the northwest, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the southwest, and Thailand to the west and southwest.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Laos was estimated to be 6 thousands thousands people.",
        "Vientiane, the capital and largest city of Laos, mixes French-colonial architecture with Buddhist temples such as the golden, 16th-century Pha That Luang, which is a national symbol.",
        "Laos is the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia.",
        "Laos is a mountainous country, especially in the north, where peaks rise above 2 thousands meters (9 thousands feet). Dense forests cover the northern and eastern areas. The Mekong River, which forms the boundary with Burma and Thailand, flows through the country for 1 thousands kilometers (932 miles) of its course.",
        "Phou Bia is the highest mountain of Laos at 2 thousands meters (9 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "The country is being deforested and only 42 percent of Laos is still forested, where once 70 percent of the country was forested.",
        "Laos has 21 National Protected Areas that covers almost 14% of the country.",
        "Laos has 2 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Luang Prabang is a city in north central Laos, consisting of 58 adjacent villages, of which 33 comprise the UNESCO Town Of Luang Prabang World Heritage Site. It was listed in 1995 for unique and \"remarkably\" well preserved architectural, religious and cultural heritage, a blend of the rural and urban developments over several centuries, including the French colonial influences during the 19th and 20th centuries.",
        "Pha That Luang is a gold-covered large Buddhist stupa in the centre of Vientiane. Since its initial establishment, suggested to be in the 3rd century, the stupa has undergone several reconstructions as recently as the 1930s due to foreign invasions of the area. It is generally regarded as the most important national monument in Laos and a national symbol.",
        "Wat Xieng Thong is a Buddhist temple (wat), located on the northern tip of the peninsula of Luang Phrabang, Laos. Wat Xieng Thong is one of the most important of Lao monasteries and remains a significant monument to the spirit of religion, royalty and traditional art. There are over twenty structures on the grounds including a sim, shrines, pavilions and residences, in addition to its gardens of various flowers, ornamental shrubs and trees.",
        "The Lao people migrated into Laos from southern China from the 8th century onward. In the 14th century, the first Laotian state was founded, the Lan Xang kingdom, which ruled Laos until it split into three separate kingdoms in 1713. During the 18th century, the three kingdoms came under Siamese (Thai) rule and, in 1893, became a French protectorate. In 1953, the French made Laos fully independent .",
        "Laos is one of the poorest countries on Earth. Although the Lao have few possessions beyond their food, their Buddhist beliefs help them to find happiness through a simple life. Most of the people live in small rural communities near the river.",
        "The national animal of Laos is Indian elephant.",
        "The national flower of Laos is Plumeria rubra.",
        "One of the world's most dangerous snakes, the king cobra lives in Laos.",
        "The oldest modern human fossil in the world, dating between 46 thousands and 63 thousands years ago was found in a cave in North Laos."
    "Latvia": [
        "Latvia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe known for its diverse culture, modern cities and landscapes ranging from wide beaches to dense, sprawling forests.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Latvia.",
        "Latvia borders Estonia in the north, Lithuania in the south, the Baltic Sea with the Gulf of Riga in the west, Russia in the east, and Belarus in the southeast.",
        "The official language is Latvian.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Latvia was estimated to be 1 thousands thousands people.",
        "Latvia has an area of 64 thousands square kilometers (24 thousands square miles).",
        "Riga is the capital and the largest city of Latvia. With 641 thousands inhabitants (2015), Riga is the largest city of the Baltic states and home to one third of Latvia's population.",
        "The Gaising or Gaizi\u0146kalns, at 312 meters (1 thousands feet) above sea level, is the highest point in Latvia.",
        "Forests are the outstanding feature of Latvia, claiming 42% of the territory.",
        "Common species of wildlife in Latvia include deer, wild boar, moose, lynx, bear, fox, beaver and wolves.",
        "Latvia holds over 12 thousands rivers, only 17 of which are longer than 100 kilometers (60 miles), and over 3 thousands small lakes.",
        "Ventas Rapid or Ventas Rumba (in Latvian) is the widest waterfall in Europe. It falls on the Venta river near town Kuldiga and is 249 meters (817 feet) wide (up to 270 meters (886 feet) during spring floods). It is only 1.80 \u2013 2.20 meters (5.9\u20137.2 feet) high.",
        "Latvia's coastline, with sandstone outcrops and steep cliffs as well as sandy beaches, extends about 500 kilometers along the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Riga.",
        "There are four national parks in Latvia.",
        "The Gauja National Park is the largest and oldest of the national parks in Latvia, characterized by great biological diversity, variety of landforms, natural springs, sandstone outcrops, picturesque views and unique natural, cultural and historical monuments.",
        "St. Peter's Church is a Lutheran church in Riga dedicated to Saint Peter. It is a parish church of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia. First mention of the St. Peter's Church is in records dating to 1209.",
        "Rundale Palace is the most outstanding monument of Baroque and Rococo architecture and art in Latvia. The palace was built for the Duke of Courland, Ernst Johann Biron based on the project by architect F.B.Rastrelli during two time periods \u2013 from 1736 till 1749 and from 1764 till 1768.",
        "Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum is one of the oldest and largest open-air museums in Europe. 118 historical buildings have been put on display in the territory of 87 ha on the coast of Jugla lake in Riga. The buildings range in age, and most of them were originally constructed between the 17th century up all the way up until the 1930s.",
        "Latvian cuisine typically consists of agricultural products, with meat featuring in most main meal dishes. Fish is commonly consumed due to Latvia's location on the east coast of the Baltic Sea.",
        "Amber has long been viewed as a precious stone associated with the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. Latvians themselves have occasionally referred to the Baltic Sea as the Amber Sea, reinforcing the symbolic importance of amber in Latvian culture and history.",
        "The Latvian flag is one of the oldest in the world, dating all the way back to the 13th century. A legend refers to a mortally wounded chief of a Latvian tribe who was wrapped in a white sheet. The part of the sheet on which he was lying remained white, but the two edges were stained in his blood. During the next battle the bloodstained sheet was used as a flag.",
        "J\u0101\u0146i is a Latvian anniversary festival, which celebrates the summer solstice, the day when it has the shortestnight and the longest day (over 17 hours of sunlight).",
        "Latvia is one of three countries commonly known as the \"Baltic States\". The other Baltic State countries are Estonia and Lithuania.",
        "A Latvian-Jewish tailor named J\u0101kobs Jufess invented the jeans (Levi Strauss backed him financially).",
        "Juris Upatnieks (born in Riga) is a Latvian-American physicist and inventor, and pioneer in the field of holography.",
        "Latvia has the 7th fastest internet speed in the world, ranking between Hong Kong and Switzerland."
    "Lebanon": [
        "Lebanon is a sovereign state in Western Asia.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Lebanon was estimated to be 6 thousands thousands people.",
        "Beirut is the capital and largest city of Lebanon. Located on a peninsula at the midpoint of Lebanon's Mediterranean coast, Beirut is the country's largest and main seaport. It is one of the oldest cities in the world, inhabited more than 5 thousands years ago.",
        "Lebanon is divided into four distinct physiographic regions: the coastal plain, the Lebanon mountain range, the Beqaa valley and the Anti-Lebanon mountains. The Lebanon Mountains, which run parallel to the western coast, cover most of the country, while on the eastern border is the Anti-Lebanon range. Between the two lies the Bekaa Valley, the principal agricultural area.",
        "Qurnat as Sawd\u0101' is the highest point in Lebanon, at 3 thousands meters (10 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Lebanon has 225 kilometers (140 miles) of coastline.",
        "Lebanon has 22 rivers all of which are non navigable.",
        "In Lebanon, existing protected zones cover 7 thousands hectares 19 thousands acres of land representing 0.75% of the terrestrial area of the country.",
        "Lebanon has 5 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The ancient city of Baalbek is inarguably Lebanon's greatest Roman treasure. An architectural pinnacle of empire known to the Romans as Heliopolis, this UNESCO World Heritage site has served as a center of worship for a staggering number of millennia.",
        "The Qadisha valley is one of the most important early Christian monastic settlements in the world. Its monasteries, many of which are of a great age, stand in dramatic positions in a rugged landscape. Nearby are the remains of the great forest of cedars of Lebanon, highly prized in antiquity for the construction of great religious buildings. In 1998, UNESCO added the valley to the list of World Heritage Sites.",
        "The Jeita Grotto is a system of two separate, but interconnected, karstic limestone caves spanning an overall length of nearly 9 kilometres (5.6 miles). Few caverns in the world approach the astounding wealth or the extent of those of Jeita. In these caves and galleries, known to man since Paleolithic times, the action of water has created cathedral-like vaults beneath the wooded hills of Mount Lebanon.",
        "The economy of Lebanon is a developing economy, with a private sector that contributes to 75% of aggregate demand and a large banking sector that supports this demand.",
        "The Striped Hyena is the national animal of Lebanon.",
        "Lebanon is the only country in the Middle East that does not have a desert.",
        "Lebanon is the most religiously diverse country in the Middle East."
    "Lesotho": [
        "Lesotho is a country in southern Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Kingdom of Lesotho.",
        "Lesotho is an enclaved, landlocked country completely surrounded by South Africa.",
        "Lesotho has two official languages: Sotho and English.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Lesotho was estimated to be 2 thousands thousands people.",
        "Maseru is the capital and largest city of Lesotho. Located on the Caledon River, Maseru lies directly on the Lesotho-South Africa border. The city is a mixture of Colonial architecture and modern high-rise buildings.",
        "The terrain of Lesotho consists of highland with plateaux, hills and mountains.",
        "The most notable geographic fact about Lesotho, apart from its status as an enclave, is that it is the only independent state in the world that lies entirely above 1 thousands meters (3 thousands ft) in elevation.",
        "Over 80% of Lesotho lies above 1 thousands meters (5 thousands ft).",
        "Thabana Ntlenyana, which literally means \"Beautiful little mountain\" in Sesotho, is the highest point in Lesotho and the highest mountain in southern Africa. It stands at 3 thousands meters (11 thousands ft) above sea level.",
        "Lesotho does not have many forests. In fact, forests cover less than 1% of the land area.",
        "Lesotho is a land of clear blue skies and more than 300 days of sunshine a year.",
        "Afriski is the only skiing resort in Lesotho, located 3050 meters (10 thousands feet) above sea level in the Maluti Mountains, operating in Southern Africa near the northern border of Lesotho and South Africa. It is one of only two ski resorts in southern Africa. The resort can accommodate about 320 people and offers a 1 kilometer (0.6 mile) ski slope, beginners slope and operates during the winter months (June\u2013August).",
        "There are 2 national parks in Lesotho.",
        "Ts'ehlanyane National Park is Lesotho's largest National Park. This Lesotho northern park protects a high-altitude, 5 thousands-metre (18 thousands ft) patch of rugged wilderness, including one of Lesotho's only stands of indigenous forest with a number of rare undergrowth plants that are unique to this woodland habitat.",
        "The Sehlabathebe National Park is located in the Maloti Mountains in Qacha's Nek District, Lesotho, and is part of the larger Maloti-Drakensberg World Heritage Site. Home to both striking biological diversity as well as important cultural heritage, the park was first established on May 8, 1969.",
        "Any trip to Lesotho is highlighted by a visit to Katse Dam. This is the centrepiece of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project which transfers the water of the Lesotho Highlands via an incredible conduit of dams and tunnels through the mountains, eventually dispelling out onto the plains of South Africa's Free State Province. It was touted as the biggest engineering project in the southern hemisphere in the 1990\u2032s when it was under construction, and the sight of the massive dam wall (highest in Africa) and the deep lake it has created in the mountains is well worth beholding!",
        "Maletsunyane Falls is a 192-metre-high (630 ft) waterfall in the Southern African country Lesotho. It is located near the town of Semonkong (Site of smoke), which also is named after the falls. The waterfall is on the Maletsunyane River and it falls from a ledge of Triassic-Jurassic basalt. The plunging water creates a reverberating echo when it contact the basin of the falls, and local legend has it that the sound comes from the wailing of people who have drowned in the falls.",
        "The present Lesotho, then called Basutoland, emerged as a single polity under King Moshoeshoe I in 1822.",
        "Having escaped the Zulu, Moshoeshoe I brought his people to the stronghold of Butha-Buthe, and then the mountain of Thaba-Bosiu (about 20 miles from what is now the capital of Lesotho, Maseru). But he had not yet found peace. Moshoeshoe's territory was being picked off by the trekboers, and he approached the British for aid.",
        "Lesotho gained independence from Britain on 4 October 1966.",
        "The economy of Lesotho is based on agriculture, livestock, manufacturing, hydroelectric power and mining.",
        "Even though very little of Lesotho is covered in water, the rivers that run across the country are an important part of Lesotho's economy. Much of the country's export income comes from water, and much of its power comes from hydroelectricity.",
        "Lesotho is ruled by a constitutional monarchy and is one of the 3 remaining kingdoms in Africa (the others are Morocco and Swaziland).",
        "The name Lesotho translates roughly into the land of the people who speak Sotho.",
        "The population of Lesotho is estimated to be around 90% Christian.",
        "There are known to be 339 bird species in Lesotho, including 10 globally threatened species and 2 introduced species, 17 reptile species, including geckos, snakes and lizards, and 60 mammal species endemic to Lesotho, including the endangered white-tailed rat."
    "Liberia": [
        "Liberia is a country on the West African coast.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Liberia.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Liberia was estimated to be 4 thousands thousands people.",
        "Monrovia is the capital and and largest city of Liberia. The city is named in honor of U.S. President James Monroe, a prominent supporter of the colonization of Liberia and the American Colonization Society. Along with Washington, D.C., it is one of two national capitals to be named after a U.S. President.",
        "Liberia has a mostly hilly terrain, from rolling plains along the coast to a rolling plateau and low mountains in the northeast.",
        "Liberia has 580 kilometers (360 miles) of coastline.",
        "Among Liberia's attractions are its sandy beaches, like Silver Beach, one of the most popular beaches in Monrovia.",
        "The network of protected areas in Liberia covers about 4% of the national territory. It is made up of 10 national parks, plus 2 nature reserves and other types of protected areas.",
        "Liberia is a good fishing destination, with Lake Piso [photo below] and the Saint Paul and Mesurado rivers well-known for their many varieties of fish. Sport fishing offshore from Monrovia and Robertsport are popular, and the lakeshore is home to many traditional fishing villages.",
        "The Centennial Pavilion is a landmark in Liberian national life. It is the place where the Presidents of the country are sworn in and it houses in its undergrounds many monuments and statutes. This is where William V.S. Tubman who ruled Liberia for 27 years is buried.",
        "Liberia is a country which was founded, established, colonized, and controlled by citizens of the United States and ex-Caribbean slaves as a colony for former African American slaves and their free black descendants.",
        "Liberia is the only African republic to have self-proclaimed independence without gaining independence through revolt from any other power, and is Africa's first and oldest modern republic.",
        "Liberia is one of the poorest countries in the world, and its economy is extremely underdeveloped, largely due to the First Liberian Civil War in 1989-96.",
        "Timber and rubber are Liberia's main export items since the end of the war. Alluvial diamond and gold mining activities also account for some economic activity.",
        "The endangered and mysterious pygmy hippopotamus is native to the forests and swamps of West Africa, primarily in Liberia.",
        "Endangered species are hunted for human consumption as bushmeat in Liberia. Species hunted for food in Liberia include elephants, pygmy hippopotamus, chimpanzees, leopards, duikers, and other monkeys.",
        "Liberian cuisine heavily incorporates rice, the country's staple food. Other ingredients include cassava, fish, bananas, citrus fruit, plantains, coconut, okra and sweet potatoes.",
        "One-third of married Liberian women between the ages of 15\u201349 are in polygamous marriages. Customary law allows men to have up to four wives.",
        "Liberia is one of only three countries that have not officially adopted the International System of Units (metric system), the others being the United States and Myanmar. The Liberian government has begun transitioning away from use of imperial units to the metric system.",
        "The most popular sport in Liberia is football. The second most popular sport in Liberia is basketball."
    "Libya": [
        "Libya is a country located in North Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is Libya.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Libya was estimated to be 6 thousands thousands people.",
        "Tripoli is the capital city and the largest city of Libya. The city is located in the northwestern part of Libya on the edge of the desert, on a point of rocky land projecting into the Mediterranean and forming a bay.",
        "Libya's terrain is mostly barren, and features flat to undulating plains, plateaus and depressions. Several highlands dot the landscape, but there are almost no true mountain ranges, except for the Tibesti Massif along its border with Chad.",
        "Bikku Bitti, also known as Bette Peak, is the highest mountain in Libya at 2 thousands meters (7 thousands ft). It is located on the Dohone spur of the Tibesti Mountains in southern Libya, near the Chadian border.",
        "South of Libya's narrow coastal strip is a sparse grassland giving way to the Sahara Desert \u2013 a vast, unfertile wasteland that supports a very small percentage of people and agriculture.",
        "The Mediterranean coast and the Sahara Desert are Libya's most prominent natural features.",
        "Libya has 1 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) of coastline.",
        "Within Africa, Libya has the longest Mediterranean coastline, and is home to many beaches.",
        "Libya has 5 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Cyrene was an ancient Greek and Roman city near present-day Shahhat, Libya. It was the oldest and most important of the five Greek cities in the region. It gave eastern Libya the classical name Cyrenaica that it has retained to modern times. Since 1982, it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "One of the most spectacular sights in Libya is Tripoli's massive Red Castle, set on an island adjacent to the shore. Built in the 16th century on the site of a Roman military encampment, it was the seat of power for Ottoman conquerors. The magnificent fortress also holds one of Libya's finest museums, although renovations are presently taking place, so some of the galleries are closed",
        "In 1949, the UN voted that Libya should become independent, and in 1951 it became the UnitedKingdom of Libya.",
        "The Economy of Libya depends primarily upon revenues from the petroleum sector, which contributes practically all export earnings and 80% of GDP. These oil revenues and a small population have given Libya the highest nominal per capita GDP in Africa.",
        "Libya is a large country with a relatively small population, and the population is concentrated very narrowly along the coast.",
        "There are about 140 tribes and clans in Libya.",
        "About 97% of the population in Libya are Muslims, most of whom belong to the Sunni branch.",
        "Libyan cuisine derives much from the traditions of Mediterranean, North African, and Berber cuisines. There are four main ingredients of traditional Libyan food: olives (and olive oil), dates, grains and milk. One of the most popular Libyan dishes is Bazin, an unleavened bread prepared with barley, water and salt.",
        "As with most of the African countries, Libya has an ongoing love affair with football.",
        "The hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth's surface was 57.8\u00b0C (136\u00b0F) in El Azizia, Libya recorded in 1922."
    "Liechtenstein": [
        "Liechtenstein is a doubly landlocked microstate in Central Europe.",
        "Liechtenstein is 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) long principality between Austria and Switzerland.",
        "Official name is the Principality of Liechtenstein.",
        "German is the official language of Liechtenstein.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Liechtenstein was estimated to be 37 thousands people.",
        "The principality of Liechtenstein is divided into eleven municipalities, most consisting of only a single town.",
        "Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein, but not its largest city: Schaan is slightly larger. Still, it's home to the Prince's castle and his museums, and thus the main point of interest for visitors to this small country",
        "Vaduz Castle is the palace and official residence of the Prince of Liechtenstein.It lies on a hillside 120 meters (394 feet) above Vaduz.It is commonly believed to have been founded circa 1322 by the Counts of Werdenberg.",
        "Gutenberg Castle is a preserved castle in the town of Balzers, Liechtenstein, the centre of the municipality of Balzers. The castle stands about 70 meters (230 feet) above the nearby village, on a hill which has been inhabited since the Neolithic Period.",
        "Vaduz Cathedral, or Cathedral of St. Florin, is a neo-Gothic church in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, and the center of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vaduz. Originally a parish church, it has held the status of cathedral since 1997.",
        "The Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein is the state museum of modern and contemporary art in Vaduz, Liechtenstein.The building by the Swiss architects Meinrad Morger, Heinrich Degelo and Christian Kerez was completed in November 2000.The museum collection of international modern and contemporary art is also the national art collection of the Principality of Liechtenstein.",
        "The Grauspitz is a mountain in the R\u00e4tikon range of the Alps, located on the border between Liechtenstein and Switzerland. With an elevation of 2 thousands meters (8 thousands) feet above sea level, the Grauspitz is the highest mountain in Liechtenstein.",
        "An alpine country, Liechtenstein is mainly mountainous, making it a winter sport destination.",
        "Despite its small size, Liechtenstein is home to an exceptionally wide range of animals. Around 55 mammals are native to Liechtenstein (Switzerland has 83), including 17 species of bat, 140 species of bird, 7 species of reptile, 10 species of amphibian and 24 species of fish.",
        "The national animal of Liechtenstein is kestrel.",
        "The Principality of Liechtenstein was established within the Holy Roman Empire in 1719.",
        "In 1815 Liechtenstein becomes a member of the German Confederation until 1866.",
        "In 1866 Liechtenstein becomes fully independent.",
        "Liechtenstein is a large producer of ceramics and is the largest producer of false teeth in the world.",
        "Liechtenstein has one of the world's lowest crime rates, with its last murder occurring in approximately 1997 and its prison holding very few inmates. Citizens who are given prison sentences longer than two years are transferred over to Austria.",
        "The entire country of Liechtenstein can be rented for $70 thousands a day.",
        "Snoop Dogg once tried to rent the entire country of Liechtenstein for a video shoot, and the main reason they said no is because he didn't give them enough notice.",
        "During Liechtenstein's last military engagement in 1886, none of the 80 soldiers sent were injured, and 81 returned, including a new Italian \"friend\".",
        "On 5 December 1985, rockets fired by the Swiss Army landed in Liechtenstein, causing a forest fire. Compensation was paid.",
        "In 2007, Swiss troops accidentally invaded its neighbor Liechtenstein after getting lost in a rainstorm.",
        "On Liechtenstein's national holiday, His Serene Highness Prince Hans-Adam II, the head of state, and his son, His Serene Highness Hereditary Prince Alois, invite the residents of their tiny principality to have a beer in the garden of Vaduz Castle, the princely ancestral residence."
    "Lithuania": [
        "Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Lithuania.",
        "Lithuania is situated on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea and borders Latvia on the north, Belarus on the east and south, and Poland and the Kaliningrad region of Russia on the southwest.",
        "The official language is Lithuanian.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Lithuania was estimated to be 2 thousands thousands people.",
        "Lithuania has an area of 65 thousands square kilometers (25 thousands square miles).",
        "Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania and its largest city. It is known for its baroque architecture, seen especially in its medieval old town.",
        "Lithuania is a country of gently rolling hills, many forests, rivers and streams, and lakes.",
        "Auk\u0161tojas Hill at 294 meters (964 feet) above sea level is the highest point in all of Lithuania.",
        "Forests in Lithuania cover approximately 33% of Lithuania\u2032s territory.",
        "There are about 6 thousands lakes in Lithuania, covering 950 square kilometers (367 square miles), or 1.5% of the territory of Lithuania.",
        "Lithuania has a coastal length of about 90 kilometers (56 miles).",
        "The Curonian Spit is a 98 kilometers (61 miles) long, thin, curved sand-dune spit that separates the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea coast. Human habitation of this elongated sand dune peninsula dates back to prehistoric times. Its southern portion lies within Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia and its northern within southwestern Lithuania. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site shared by the two countries.",
        "There are five national parks in Lithuania.",
        "Auk\u0161taitija National Park established in 1974, it is the oldest national park in Lithuania. More than 70 percent of its area is covered by woods. 80 percent of woods are pine stands, some reaching 200 years old. Also there are 126 lakes are scattered among the woods and hills.",
        "Trakai Historical National Park is a national park in Lithuania. It was designated in 1992 to embrace the historic city of Trakai, some 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) west of Vilnius, and the forests, lakes, and villages in its environs. It is the only historical national park in Europe.",
        "The Gate of Dawn is a city gate of Vilnius and one of the most important religious, historical and cultural monuments. It was built between 1503 and 1522 as a part of defensive fortifications for the city of Vilnius, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.",
        "Pa\u017eaislis monastery and church form the largest monastery complex in Lithuania, and the most magnificent example of Italian Baroque architecture in the country. Founded in 1662 by Polish nobleman and Great Chancellor of Lithuania, Krzysztof Zygmunt Pac, for the Order of the Camaldolese Hermits.",
        "During the 14th century, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was the largest country in Europe; present-day Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, and parts of Poland and Russia were the territories of the Grand Duchy.",
        "Lithuania only ever had a single king: Mindaugas, who united the tribes and established a monarchy, but was assassinated a few decades later.",
        "Lithuania was the last country in Europe to be converted to Christianity. Before Christianity, the country's religion was 'Romuva'.",
        "The first documented school in Lithuania was established in 1387 at Vilnius Cathedral.",
        "Lithuania is one of three countries commonly known as the \"Baltic States\". The other Baltic State countries are Estonia and Latvia.",
        "Traditional Lithuanian cuisine is quite simple but offers a wide variety of interesting dishes. Rye products, potatoes, various meats, mushrooms and dairy products are the main ingredients. Cepelinai, potato dumplings stuffed with meat, curd cheese or mushrooms, is the most famous national dish.",
        "Lithuania is the only country in the world with its own official scent, called the Scent of Lithuania.",
        "Lithuanian seasides are famous for the amber found on the shores of the Baltic Sea. What is more, Lithuania even has its own Amber Museum in Palanga, one of the biggest lithuanian seasides.",
        "Lithuania is ranked the 1st in the world by the number of hot air balloons per resident. And Vilnius is one of a few European capital where you can fly with hot air balloons.",
        "In Lithuania, the Easter Granny (Velyk\u0173 Senel\u0117) delivers Easter eggs."
    "Luxembourg": [
        "Luxembourg is a tiny country located in the Western Europe.",
        "Luxembourg official name is the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.",
        "Luxembourg borders Belgium to the west and north, France to the south, and Germany to the east.",
        "Luxembourg have three official languages: French, German, and Luxembourgish.",
        "German is the first language which is taught in schools of Luxembourg and is also used by the Church and media. However, all the businesses and official dealings are done in French.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Luxembourg was estimated to be 555 thousands people.",
        "The city of Luxembourg is the capital of the country of Luxembourg.Built amid deep gorges cut by the Alzette and P\u00e9trusse rivers, it's famed for its ruins of medieval fortifications.",
        "Luxembourg is the world's only Grand Duchy. This means that it is a representative monarchy with a Grand Duke as head of country. The ruler is Grand Duke Henri.",
        "Luxembourg is a founding member of many international and European organizations including the European Union, NATO, the United Nations, Benelux and the Western European Union.",
        "The fortifications of the Old City of Luxembourg and its ancient quarters have been part of the UNESCO Cultural World Heritage since 1994.",
        "Luxembourg has mild winters and cool summers.",
        "Amid plains and woods, strewn with lakes and rivers, Luxembourg's natural landscapes are enchanting as well as fascinating. Nature in Luxembourg also means to discover unexpectedly a picturesque village, a mysterious ruin or just a breathtaking landscape behind every curve.",
        "Little Switzerland is a nickname for a region in the east of Luxembourg.Little Switzerland is thought to have similar terrain to its namesake country, hence the name; it is dominated by craggy terrain, thick forests, some caves and myriad small streams.",
        "Kneiff is a hill in the commune of Troisvierges, in northern Luxembourg, near the tripoint shared with Belgium and Germany. At 560 meters, it is the highest point in the country; it is 1 m taller than Buurgplaatz, which is often incorrectly considered Luxembourg's highest point.",
        "The castles and the ruins of the fortress are among the main tourist destinations of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Of the 109 identified castles in the Middle Ages, 76 have more or less survived the ravages of time.",
        "Victor Hugo, the most prominent French writer resided in Luxembourg in a town near to the German border. Later on, the house was transformed into a museum, which is very famous among the Dutch and French tourists.",
        "Due to its banking secrecy laws, Luxembourg has attained the reputation of a tax haven.",
        "Luxembourg has more than 150 banks.",
        "Luxembourg is the second richest country in the world with an average GDP per capita of $90 thousands or EUR 80 thousands (in 2015).",
        "Luxembourg has the highest minimum wage in the EU \u2013 paying workers a minimum of EUR 1 thousands ($2 thousands) per month.",
        "Nearly half of Luxembourg's workforce commutes to work in Luxembourg from another country.",
        "Luxembourg is one of the safest countries in the world. According to a UN survey, you have less chance of being shot in Luxembourg than in any other country in the world. There are around 1 thousands police and just two jails in Luxembourg.",
        "Nearly 40% of the population of Luxembourg are immigrants; 15% of them are of Portuguese origin.",
        "The University of Luxembourg is the only university in the country.",
        "The largest wine list in the world is currently at Restaurant Chiggeri with 1 thousands options in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg!",
        "Luxembourg sells the most alcohol in Europe per capita.However, the large proportion of alcohol purchased by customers from neighbouring countries contributes to the statistically high level of alcohol sales per capita; this level of alcohol sales is thus not representative of the actual alcohol consumption of the Luxembourg population.",
        "Luxembourg cuisine reflects its position on the border between the Latin and Germanic worlds, being heavily influenced by the cuisines of neighboring France and Germany. More recently, it has been enriched by its many Italian and Portuguese immigrants.",
        "Perhaps the most traditional of all Luxembourg meat dishes is Judd mat Gaardebounen, smoked collar of pork with broad beans. The pork is soaked overnight, then boiled with vegetables and spices. Served in copious slices together with the beans and boiled potatoes, it is considered to be the national dish of Luxembourg.",
        "Luxembourg shares the Moselle valley with Germany and the local white wines are well known and popular.",
        "Like other northern European countries, Luxembourg also produces popular brands of beer.",
        "With 79.68 telephone lines per 100 people, Luxembourg has the highest ratio of telephone lines to people in the world.",
        "The average person in Luxembourg has just over one-and-a-half mobile phones.",
        "It is famous in Europe for its largest radio and television stations: Radio 5. Luxembourg, the RTL Group of Luxembourg. It runs 34 television and 33 radio stations in 12 countries which comprises of M6 channel in France and Channel Five in the United Kingdom.",
        "The motto of the Luxembourg is 'Mir w\u00eblle bleiwe wat mir sinn' which stands for 'We want to remain what we are'."
    "Madagascar": [
        "The official name of Madagascar is the Republic of Madagascar.",
        "Madagascar is an island country, off the east coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean.",
        "The population of Madagascar is about 23 million people.",
        "Madagascar has two official languages, first is French and second Malagasy.",
        "Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world.The only larger islands are Borneo, Greenland and New Guinea.",
        "The unique ecology of Madagascar has led some scientists to refer to the country as the \"eighth continent\" of the world.",
        "Madagascar has been an isolated island for around 70 million years, breaking away first Africa around 165 million years ago and then from India nearly 100 million years later. This isolation led that almost all of the plant and animal species found on the Island are unique to this island.Among its extinct animals were giant flightless birds and dwarf hippos.",
        "The lemur is only found in the wild in Madagascar. Across Madagascar, lemurs are often revered and protected by cultural taboo. Many origin myths make some connection between lemurs and humans, usually through common ancestry.",
        "Almost half of the world's chameleons (about 60 different species) are found only in Madagascar. Known for their ability to change color, these reptiles vary their appearance in response to changes in temperature, light, and mood. By rotating each eye independently,chameleons can see to all sides without moving their heads.",
        "Tenrecs, which look similar to moles, shrews, and hedgehogs, were probably the first mammals to arrive on the island of Madagascar. When scared, they curl up in a ball and extend spiky hairs to protect themselves from predators.",
        "Madagascar's largest predator the fossa has a cat-like body and a dog-like nose, but it is neither a cat nor a dog. This endangered animal is actually a close cousin of the mongoose. About twice the size of a house cat, the fossa primarily hunts birds and lemurs. A long tail helps it balance in trees high above the ground.",
        "There are several plant species that can be used as herbal remedies. For example, Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, and other cancers can be treated by the drugs vinblastine and vincristine, which are derived from the Madagascar periwinkle.",
        "Madagascar has the 3rd largest coral reef system in the world, the Toliara coral reef, off the south-western coast.",
        "Madagascar is one of the world's main suppliers of vanilla and cloves, while coffee, lychees and shrimp are also important agriculturally. The country currently provides half of the world's supply of sapphires and produces a number of other precious and semi- precious stones.",
        "Foods eaten in Madagascar reflect the influence of Southeast Asian, African, Indian, Chinese and European migrants that have settled on the island. The cornerstone of the diet is rice \u2013 in fact, the word \"to eat\" in Malagasy is mihinam-bary, which means \"to eat rice.\"",
        "Madagascar was a popular resting place for European pirates and traders between the late 1700s and early 1800s, and was rumored to be the site of the independent pirate nation of Libertalia, which may or may not have existed. According to the story pirates renounced their national identities and called themselves Liberi, making their own system of government and law. They waged war against states and lawmakers, releasing prisoners and freeing slaves."
    "Malawi": [
        "Malawi is a landlocked country in southeast Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Malawi.",
        "Of the many languages spoken, English is the official language of Malawi while Chichewa is the national language.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Malawi was estimated to be 18 thousands thousands people.",
        "Lilongwe is the capital and largest city of Malawi. The city is located in the central region of Malawi, near the borders with Mozambique and Zambia, and it is an important economic and transportation hub for central Malawi. It is named after the Lilongwe River.",
        "Malawi stretches about 840 kilometers (520 miles) from north to south and varies in width from 8 to 160 kilometers (5 to 100 miles).",
        "The Mulanje Massif, also known as Mount Mulanje is a huge granite massif in southern Malawi. Its highest peak Sapitwa is the highest point in Malawi at 3 thousands meters (9 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Chongoni Rock Art Area is located in the Central Region of Malawi consisting of 127 sites in the forested hills of the Malawi plateau with depictions of rock art and paintings of the farmer community of the Late Stone Age and the Iron Age period. This ancient record of the cultural history is in vogue even now. In view of this cultural importance, the area was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006 under Criteria III for the rich cultural traditions of rock art and Criteria VI for its continued link to the present society.",
        "The area of Africa now known as Malawi had a very small population of hunter-gatherers before waves of Bantu peoples began emigrating from the north around the 10th century.",
        "In 1964 the protectorate over Nyasaland was ended and Nyasaland became an independent country under Queen Elizabeth II with the new name Malawi. Two years later it became a republic.",
        "After independence, Malawi was ruled as a one-party state under Hastings Banda until 1994.",
        "The economy of Malawi is predominantly agricultural, with about 90% of the population living in rural areas.",
        "The main agricultural products of Malawi include tobacco, sugarcane, cotton, tea, corn, potatoes, sorghum, cattle and goats.",
        "Malawi's climate is generally tropical. A rainy season runs from November to April. There is little to no rainfall throughout much of the country from May to October.",
        "The name Malawi comes from the Maravi, an old name of the Nyanja people that inhabit the area.",
        "Malawian cuisine is diverse, with tea and fish being popular features of the country's cuisine.",
        "Football is the most popular sport in Malawi, introduced there during British colonial rule."
    "Maldives": [
        "Maldives is a South Asian island country, located in the Indian Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Maldives.",
        "Maldives is located southwest of India and Sri Lanka.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Maldives was estimated to be 373 thousands people.",
        "Comprising a territory spanning roughly 90 thousands square kilometers (35 thousands square miles), the Maldives is one of the world's most geographically dispersed countries, as well as the smallest Asian country by both land area and population.",
        "Mal\u00e9 is the capital and most populous city in the Republic of Maldives. The city occupies the entire islet of Mal\u00e9. The island is 1.7 kilometers (1 mile) long and 1.0 kilometers (0.6 miles) wide, but with over 100 thousands people crammed onto it, Mal\u00e9 is by some measures the world's densest city.",
        "The Maldives consists of 1 thousands coral islands (about 200 inhabited) grouped in a double chain of 26 atolls, along the north-south direction.",
        "With an average ground-level elevation of 1.5 meters (4 ft 11 in) above sea level, it is the world's lowest country, with even its highest natural point being the lowest high-point of any country in the world at 2.4 meters (7 ft 10 in). [ Photo: Villingilli Island in Addu Atoll, home to the highest point in the Maldives]",
        "Maldives islands are of coralline origins. Their amazing sand is white and extremely fine. Coralline beaches are rare, they represent less than 5% of the World beaches, the rest of them are mostly made of quartz.",
        "Most visitors to the Maldives come on prearranged package tours that include accommodation on any one of the 87 resort islands. All the resorts are located on pristine islands, with idyllic settings for water activities and long, lazy beach days.",
        "The Maldives are known the world over for the stunning beaches and azure waters that typify the tropical idyll, but its life beneath the water's surface is becoming ever more respected by scuba divers in the know. The Maldive Islands have some good coral reefs, but it's the abundance of marine life throughout the country that sets it apart from other dive destinations.",
        "The Maldives were first settled in the 5th century B.C. by Buddhist seafarers from India and Sri Lanka. The importance of the Arabs as traders in the Indian Ocean by the 12th century may partly explain why the last Buddhist king of Maldives converted to Islam in the year 1153.",
        "The Maldives came under British protection in 1887 and were a dependency of then-colony Ceylon until 1948. An independence agreement with Britain was signed July 26, 1965. In 1968, three years after independence from Britain, the sultanate gave way to an Islamic republic.",
        "Traditional Maldivian cuisine is based on three main items and their derivatives: coconuts, fish and starches. Garudiya or Garudhiya national dish of Maldives. It is a clear fish broth. The broth is based on tuna species found in the nation's ocean waters such as skipjack tuna, yellowfin tuna, little tunny or frigate tuna.",
        "The national tree of Maldives is Coconut Palm.",
        "The national flower of Maldives is Pinkrose (Rosa Polyantha).",
        "The national bird of Maldives is White-breasted waterhen.",
        "The national animal of Maldives is Yellowfin tuna.",
        "Maldives is one of the safest travel destinations on the planet \u2013 the island resorts, specifically, since they are largely isolated.",
        "In addition to being the smallest nation in Asia, Maldives is also the smallest Muslim country in the world.",
        "The Maldives benefits from its location near Equador, which offers stable temperatures throughout the year and protection from cyclones.",
        "The government of the Maldives has held a cabinet meeting underwater in 2009 to highlight the threat of global warming to the low-lying Indian Ocean nation."
    "Mali": [
        "Mali is a landlocked country in West Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Mali.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Mali was estimated to be 18 thousands thousands people.",
        "With an area of 1 thousands thousands square kilometers (478 thousands square miles), Mali is the 23th largest country in the world, and the 8th largest in Africa.",
        "Bamako is the capital and largest city of Mali. It is located on the Niger River, near the rapids that divide the upper and middle Niger valleys in the southwestern part of the country. The name Bamako comes from the Bambara word meaning \"crocodile tail\".",
        "Desert or semi-desert covers about 65 percent of Mali's area.",
        "Mount Hombori is a mountain in Mali's Mopti Region, near the town of Hombori. At 1 thousands meters (3 thousands feet), it is the highest point in Mali. Mount Hombori is a significant archaeological site, with caves inhabited more than 2 thousands years ago.",
        "The largest rivers in Mali are the Niger and Senegal. Considered to be Mali's lifeblood (its source of food, drinking water, irrigation and transportation) the Niger River snakes through roughly 4 thousands kilometers (2 thousands miles) of western Africa.",
        "The network of protected areas in Mali covers about 8% of the national territory. It is made up of 4 national parks, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "The Boucle du Baoul\u00e9 National Park lies in western Mali. The park was established in 1982 and has an area of 25 thousands square kilometers (9 thousands square miles). The prehistoric tombs and rock art situated throughout the national park are just as impressive as the giraffes, elephants, leopards, and lions who roam its vast territory.",
        "The Djinguereber Mosque in Timbuktu, is a famous learning center of Mali built in 1327. Its design is accredited to Abu Es Haq es Saheli who was paid 200 kg (40 thousands mithqals) of gold by Musa I of Mali, emperor of the Mali Empire. Djinguereber is one of four madrassas composing the University of Timbuktu. It was inscribed on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1988, and in 1990 was considered to be in danger due to sand encroachment.",
        "The Aga Khan Foundation financed the National Park of Mali in the heart of bustling Bamako. His Highness Aga Khan designed this sprawling and serene park which includes a traditional medicine garden, tea house, playground, and two restaurants. Park visitors can work out at the fully-equipped gym, jog along gravel paths or simply watch the world go by while nibbling on croissants.",
        "Mali is the cultural heir to the succession of ancient African empires \u2013 Ghana, Malink\u00e9, and Songhai \u2013 that occupied the West African savannah.",
        "In 1958, the country was joined with Senegal to form the Mali Federation. However Senegal split from this union and in 1960 the independent Republic of Mali was born.",
        "The economy of Mali is based to a large extent upon agriculture, with a mostly rural population engaged in subsistence agriculture.",
        "Mali is one of the poorest countries in the world.",
        "Rice and millet are the staples of Malian cuisine, which is heavily based on cereal grains.",
        "Islam was introduced to West Africa in the 11th century and remains the predominant religion in much of the region. An estimated 90 percent of Malians are Muslim , approximately 5 percent are Christian and the remaining 5 percent adhere to indigenous or traditional animist beliefs.",
        "Mali is renowned worldwide for having produced some of the stars of African music, most notably Salif Keita.",
        "The most popular sport in Mali is football."
    "Malta": [
        "Malta, an archipelago in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast, is a nation known for historic sites related to a succession of rulers including the Romans, Moors, Knights of St. John, French and British.",
        "Official name is Republic of Malta.",
        "Malta has two official languages: Maltese and English.",
        "The neighboring countries that share their borders with Malta are Italy (Sicily) in the southern region, Tunisia in the eastern region and Libya in the northern region.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Malta was estimated to be 425 thousands people.",
        "The archipelago consists of three islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino occupying an area of 316 square kilometers (122 square miles).",
        "Malta is one of the world's smallest and most densely populated countries.",
        "Valletta is the capital city of Malta, colloquially known as Il-Belt in Maltese.Valletta is named after its founder, the respected Grand Master of the Order of St. John, Jean Parisot de la Valette.Almost half of Malta's population live in Valletta.",
        "Victoria, also known as Rabat or by its title Citt\u00e0 Victoria, is the capital city of Gozo, the second largest island in Malta.The city has a total population of approximately 7 thousands and by population is the largest locality in Gozo.It's famous for its beautiful Cittadella, which goes way back to the Middle Ages.",
        "Mdina also known by its titles Citt\u00e0 Vecchia or Citt\u00e0 Notabile, is a fortified city in the Northern Region of Malta, which served as the island's capital from antiquity to the medieval period.",
        "The Megalithic Temples of Malta are several prehistoric temples, some of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, built during three distinct time periods approximately between 3600 BC and 700 BC on the island country of Malta.They have been claimed as the oldest free-standing structures on Earth, although the largely buried G\u00f6bekli Tepe complex is now believed to be older.",
        "The Hypogeum of \u0126al-Saflieni is a subterranean structure dating to the Saflieni phase (3300-3000 BC) in Maltese prehistory, located in Paola, Malta. It is often simply referred to as the Hypogeum, literally meaning \"underground\" in Greek. The Hypogeum is thought to have been originally a sanctuary, but it became a necropolis in prehistoric times, and in fact, the remains of more than 7 thousands individuals have been found. It is the only known prehistoric underground temple in the world.",
        "While it showcases some great architecture and natural sights, you won't find a single forest in Malta.",
        "The Blue Grotto is located on the southern coast of Malta, west of Wied iz-Zurrieq facing the little deserted islet of Filfla.",
        "Dingli cliffs are located off the village of Dingli, on Malta's Western coast. They stage the highest point of the Maltese Islands at around 253 meters (830 feet) above sea-level.",
        "Malta has beaches for everyone, from windsurfers to sunbathers. Choose from golden sand, red sand, rocks or blue lagoons.",
        "Malta's most popular beaches are Mellie\u0127a Bay, G\u0127ajn Tuffie\u0127a and Golden Bay.",
        "In 1980, a set of films were filmed in Malta about Popeye, a place which is now called \"Popeye's Village\".Today it is open to the public as an open-air museum and family entertainment complex.",
        "Malta has 300 days of sunshine a year and an average temperature of 18.9\u00b0C (66\u00baK).",
        "Malta is chosen the number 7th (6th, because tied with spain) place to retire in 2015 by International Living.",
        "Malta is one of the few countries in the world where people drive on the left hand side of the road.",
        "Malta was earlier known as Melita, meaning the island of honey, by ancient Greeks and Romans.",
        "The University of Malta is one of the oldest universities in Europe founded in 1592.",
        "It is said that the Apostle Paul brought Christianity to Malta nearly 2 thousands years ago in 60 A.D. According to the Bible, Paul was on his way to Rome when the ship he was on became shipwrecked on the coast of Malta."
    "Marshall Islands": [
        "The Marshall Islands is an island nation in the central Pacific Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of the Marshall Islands.",
        "As an island nation, Marshall Islands shares no land borders. However, nearby islands include Wake Island (north), Kiribati (south-east), Nauru (south), and the Federated States of Micronesia (west).",
        "The Marshall Islands has two official languages: Marshallese and English.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Marshall Islands was estimated to be 55 thousands people.",
        "The Marshall Islands are scattered over a vast area of ocean about 1.9 million square kilometers (730 thousands square miles); equivalent in size to Mexico.",
        "The Marshall Islands include the Ratak (means \"sunrise\") and Ralik (means \"sunset\"), two parallel chains of 29 coral atolls, thousands of tiny islets, and hundreds of very small low-lying islands, all scattered over a wide area of the Pacific Ocean.",
        "The Marshall Islands are slivers of white sand beaches and lush green vegetation, serenely protected by light blue lagoons and thriving coral reefs.",
        "Likiep Atoll also possesses the Marshall Islands' highest point, an unnamed knoll 10 meters (33 feet) above sea level.",
        "Majuro is the capital and largest city of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. It is also a large coral atoll of 64 islands. Majuro has a port, shopping district, hotels, and an international airport.",
        "The clear-blue waters, surrounding the Marshall Islands are home to over 1 thousands species of fish and more than 250 species of soft and hard corals. With crystal clear visibility, dramatic drop-offs and several wrecks to explore, it's considered one of the best places in the world to scuba dive.",
        "Micronesians settled the Marshall Islands in the 2nd millennium BC, but there are no historical or oral records of that period. Over time, the Marshall Island people learned to navigate over long ocean distances by canoe using traditional stick charts.",
        "In World War I the Empire of Japan occupied the Marshall Islands, which in 1919 the League of Nations combined with other former German territories to form the South Pacific Mandate.",
        "In World War II, the United States, during the Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign, invaded and occupied the islands in 1944.",
        "In 1947, the UN made the Marshall Islands, along with several other island groups located in Micronesia, a U.S. trust territory.",
        "In 1979, the Government of the Marshall Islands was officially established and the country became self-governing.",
        "In 1986, the Compact of Free Association with the United States entered into force, granting the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) its sovereignty.",
        "From 1946 to 1958, the early years of the Cold War, the United States tested 67 nuclear weapons at its Pacific Proving Grounds located in the Marshall Islands, including the largest atmospheric nuclear test ever conducted by the U.S., code named Castle Bravo.",
        "Due to its very low elevation, the Marshall Islands are threatened by the potential effects of sea level rise.",
        "The Marshall Islands are the most endangered nation in the world due to flooding from climate change.",
        "The Marshall Islands' weather is hot, humid, rainy, and fairly predictable.",
        "As an island nation the number of native plants and animals in the Marshall Islands are severely limited. The native land life is almost non-existent and the native plant life was very limited; only the migrating birds and sea life had any significant presence in the historic Marshall Islands.",
        "As an island nation that rose from the sea floor there were no native mammals in the Marshall Islands, although a few bat species arrived thousands of years ago.",
        "The majority of the citizens of the Marshall Islands are of Marshallese descent, though there are small numbers of immigrants from the United States, China, Philippines, and other Pacific islands."
    "Mauritania": [
        "Mauritania is a country in Western Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Mauritania was estimated to be 4 thousands thousands people.",
        "With an area of 1 thousands thousands square kilometers (400 thousands square miles), Mauritania is the 28th largest country in the world, and the 11th largest in Africa.",
        "Nouakchott is the capital and largest city of Mauritania. It is one of the largest cities in the Sahara. The city also serves as the administrative and economic centre of Mauritania.",
        "Approximately 90% of Mauritania's land is within the Sahara and consequently, the population is concentrated in the south, where precipitation is slightly higher.",
        "Mauritania's terrain is generally a flat plain with occasional ridges and cliff-like outcroppings.",
        "Mauritania has 754 kilometers (468 miles) of coastline.",
        "Mauritania's coast is essentially one long sandy beach that's almost devoid of vegetation, but supports an astonishingly varied population of birds.",
        "Mauritania has 2 national parks.",
        "Mauritania has 2 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.",
        "The Richat Structure, also known as the Eye of the Sahara and Guelb er Richat, is a prominent circular feature in the Sahara near Ouadane, west\u2013central Mauritania. From space, this natural curiosity forms a distinct and unmistakable bull's-eye that once served as a geographical landmark for early astronauts as they passed over the Sahara. Once thought to be an impact crater due to its circularity, the unusual formation is now widely believed to have been caused by the erosion of what was once a geological dome. Over time, desert weather has caused the dome to gradually shed layers, resulting in the structure's remarkable flatness.",
        "In the Middle Ages, Mauritania was the cradle of the powerful Almoravid dynasty, which spread Islam across North Africa and later controlled Islamic Spain.",
        "In 1960, the Republic of Mauritania became independent of France.",
        "A majority of the population of Mauritania depends on agriculture and livestock for a livelihood, even though most of the nomads and many subsistence farmers were forced into the cities by recurrent droughts in the 1970s and 1980s.",
        "Mauritania is rich in mineral resources, especially iron and ore.",
        "Oil was discovered in Mauritania in 2001 in the offshore Chinguetti field. Although potentially significant for the Mauritanian economy, its overall influence is difficult to predict.",
        "Mauritania suffers from several human rights issues, including slavery, as at least 4% of the population (155 thousands people) are enslaved against their will.",
        "Mauritania was the last country to legally abolish slavery; it only became punishable as a criminal act in 2007.",
        "The most popular sport in Mauritania is football.",
        "Filming for several documentaries and films has taken place in Mauritania, including Fort Saganne (1984), The Fifth Element (1997), The Books Under the Sand (1997), Life without Death (1997), Winged Migration (2001), Heremakono (2002), and Timbuktu (2014)."
    "Mauritius": [
        "Mauritius is an island nation in the Indian Ocean about 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) off the southeast coast of the African continent.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Mauritius.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Mauritius was estimated to be 1 thousands thousands people.",
        "The country includes the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues and the outer islands.",
        "Port Louis is the capital and largest city of Mauritius. The city is the country's economic, cultural and political center and most populous city.",
        "The main island, from which the country derives its name is relatively young geologically, having been created by volcanic activity some 8 million years ago. The island of Mauritius is 65 km (40 mi) long and 45 km (30 mi) wide. Its land area is 1 thousands.8 sq km (720 sq mi).",
        "Piton de la Petite Rivi\u00e8re Noire is the highest mountain in Mauritius rising to a height of 828 meters (2 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Clear warm colored blue turquoise water, and endless white beaches with coconut trees make Mauritius an ideal tropical dream beach holiday destination.",
        "White sandy beaches that surround the coastline of Mauritius are protected from the ocean by the third largest coral reef in the world.",
        "The network of protected areas in Mauritius covers about 5% of the national territory. It is made up of 3 national parks, 18 nature reserves plus other types of protected areas.",
        "Black River Gorges National Park is a national park in the hilly south-western part of Mauritius. It was proclaimed on June 15, 1994 and is managed by the National Parks and Conservation Service. It covers an area of 67.5 square kilometers (26 square miles) including humid upland forest, drier lowland forest and marshy heathland. Facilities for visitors include two information centers, picnic areas and 60 kilometers of trails.",
        "In the south of Mauritius, La Vanille Nature Park lies on 3.5 hectares (8.6 acres) of luxuriant vegetation where guests can find geckos, macaques, deer, and mongooses. This part of the island has kept a feeling of \"old Mauritius,\" whether it is the manner of the people, their traditions, or even the unspoiled scenery. It is the largest Giant Aldabra tortoises' center of reproduction in the world, with more than 700 tortoises of all ages roaming in liberty.",
        "Mauritius has 2 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Immigration Depot (Aapravasi Ghat) is a building complex located in Mauritius's capital, Port Louis. From 1849 to 1923, half a million Indian indentured labourers passed through the Immigration Depot, to be transported to plantations throughout the British Empire. The large-scale migration of the laborers left an indelible mark on the societies of many former British colonies, with Indians constituting a substantial proportion of their national populations. The Immigration Depot's role in social history was recognized by UNESCO when it was declared a World Heritage Site in 2006.",
        "Le Morne Cultural Landscape, a rugged mountain that juts into the Indian Ocean in the southwest of Mauritius was used as a shelter by runaway slaves, maroons, through the 18th and early years of the 19th centuries. Protected by the mountain's isolated, wooded and almost inaccessible cliffs, the escaped slaves formed small settlements in the caves and on the summit of Le Morne. The oral traditions associated with the maroons, have made Le Morne a symbol of the slaves' fight for freedom, their suffering, and their sacrifice, all of which have relevance to the countries from which the slaves came \u2013 the African mainland, Madagascar, India, and South-east Asia. It was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008.",
        "The Seven Colored Earths are a geological formation and prominent tourist attraction located in south-western part of the island of Mauritius. It is a relatively small area of sand dunes comprising sand of seven distinct colors (approximately red, brown, violet, green, blue, purple and yellow). The main feature of the place is that since these differently colored sands spontaneously settle in different layers, dunes acquire a surrealistic, striped coloring. Another interesting feature of Chamarel's Coloured Earths is that the dunes seemingly never erode, in spite of Mauritius' torrential tropical rains.",
        "The known history of Mauritius begins with its discovery by Arabs, followed by Europeans and its appearance on maps in the early 16th century.",
        "In 1810, Mauritius was captured by the British, whose possession of the island was confirmed 4 years later by the Treaty of Paris.",
        "Mauritius became independent on March 12, 1968.",
        "Since independence from Britain, Mauritius has developed from a low-income, agriculture-based economy to a middle-income diversified economy, based on tourism, textiles, sugar, and financial services.",
        "The economic history of Mauritius since independence has been called \"the Mauritian Miracle\" and the \"success of Africa.\"",
        "The cuisine of Mauritius is a blend of Chinese, European and Indian influences in the history of Mauritius. Dishes from French cuisine have grown very popular in Mauritius. Most of the dishes and practices into the culinary traditions are inspired from former slaves, Indian workers and Chinese migrant during the 19th century.",
        "Mauritius is a religiously diverse nation with Hinduism being the religion of about half the population. It is the only country in Africa where Hinduism is the largest religion.",
        "The most popular sport in Mauritius is football.",
        "Mauritius is former home of the dodo, a large flightless bird related to pigeons, driven to extinction by the end of the 17th century through a combination of hunting and the introduction of predatory species.",
        "Mark Twain once said: \"You gather the idea that Mauritius was made first and then heaven, and that heaven was copied after Mauritius.\""
    "Micronesia": [
        "Micronesia is an island nation spread across the western Pacific Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is the Federated States of Micronesia.",
        "As an island nation, Micronesia shares no land borders. However, nearby islands include New Guinea, Guam, the Mariana Islands, Nauru ,the Marshall Islands, Palau and the Philippines.",
        "Geographically, the country is part of the larger island group also called Micronesia. The Micronesia region encompasses five sovereign, independent nations\u2014the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, and Nauru\u2014as well as three U.S. territories in the northern part: Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and Wake Island.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Federated States of Micronesia was estimated to be 104 thousands people.",
        "The Federated States of Micronesia is scattered over a vast area of ocean about 2.6 million square kilometers (1 million square miles); equivalent in size to Argentina.",
        "The islands of the Federated States of Micronesia are the result of volcanic activity millions of years ago resulting in islands and atolls of incredible variety. Some are tips of mountain peaks thrust above the surface and now surrounded by fringing reefs. Others are atolls \u2014 islands that have sunk beneath the surface, leaving a ring of coral barrier reef and tiny island islets encircling a coral and sand lagoon. And, still others, are mixtures of atolls and high rigged islands within a lagoon.",
        "There are 607 islands and islets in the Federated States of Micronesia.",
        "Palikir is a town with about 4 thousands people and the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia. Palikir is located in the northwestern center of Pohnpei Island.",
        "Geological land forms in the Federated States of Micronesia are diverse, beautiful and pristine. Visitors will find a wide range of natural features, including 2 thousands-foot (610 meters) mountain peaks, deeply gorged river valleys, rolling hills, open grassland, lush mangrove forests, protected lagoons, and secluded and often pristine sandy beaches.",
        "Mount Nanlaud is the highest point of the Federated States of Micronesia and of the Micronesian island of Pohnpei at 782 meters (2 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "The Federated States of Micronesia enjoys a tropical climate, with quite even, warm temperatures throughout the year.",
        "The ancestors of the Micronesians settled over four thousand years ago. A decentralized chieftain-based system eventually evolved into a more centralized economic and religious culture centered on Yap.",
        "On May 10, 1979, four of the Trust Territory districts ratified a new constitution to become the Federated States of Micronesia.",
        "Economic activity in the Federated States of Micronesia consists primarily of subsistence farming and fishing.",
        "The most important dish is rice which is generally served with most meals. Micronesian food is also based on fish and seafood, such as fresh shellfish, crabs, and shrimps. In addition to these dishes there are sauces and spices."
    "Moldova": [
        "Moldova is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Moldova.",
        "Moldova is bordered by Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Republic of Moldova was estimated to be 4 thousands thousands people.",
        "Chi\u0219in\u0103u also known formerly as Kishinev, is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Moldova. The city is Moldova's main industrial and commercial center, and is located in the middle of the country, on the river B\u00eec.",
        "The Padurea Domneasca (Royal Forest) Natural Reservation is the largest in Moldova, covering an area of 6 thousands hectares (14 thousands acres) . It was founded in 1993. Moldova's largest and oldest stand of old-growth oak trees can be found in the reserve; the oldest tree is recorded to be more than 450 years old. Also Many animals can also be found in the reservation, including a small herd of bison.",
        "Emil Racovita Cave is the largest karst cave in Moldova, the 13th longest in Europe (3rd among the gypsum caves) and 26th in the world. It has a vast network of underground galleries stretching more than 89 thousands meters (291 thousands feet) and is split across several levels.",
        "Tipova cave monastery is located onto the rocky shore of the Nistru river. This Orthodox cave monastery is the largest not only in Moldova, but also in all Eastern Europe. The monastery was founded in the VI century AD, but then was abandoned for a long time and restored only in 1756.",
        "C\u0103priana Monastery is one of the oldest monasteries of the Republic of Moldova, dating back to the early 1420s. Soon after it was established the monastery was given 'Royal' status after visits by the ruling heirachy including Alexandru cel Bun otherwise known as Alexander The Good, Stefan del Mare or Stefan the Great and Alexandru L\u0103pu\u015fneanu.",
        "The Cathedral of Christ's Nativity is the main cathedral of the Moldovan Orthodox Church in Central Chi\u0219in\u0103u, Moldova. The cathedral was built in the 1830s to a Neoclassical design by Abram Melnikov.",
        "Moldova has 112 thousands hectares (276 thousands acres) of vineyard planted with over 30 types of technical varieties. There are 4 historical wine regions: Valul lui Traian (south west), Stefan Voda (south east), Codru (center), and Balti (North).The history of Wine of Moldova starts in 3000 BC, while the first vines were recorded here 7000 years BC.",
        "Cricova Underground City \u2013 Having become an emblem of the Moldovan winemaking, the underground wine city Cricova has galleries stretching on 70 km, with streets named symbolically: Dionis, Feteasca, Cabernet-Sauvignon, etc. Situated 11 km away from the capital Chisinau, the limestone undergrounds located at 35-80 m depth house 30 million liters of wine at a constant temperature of 12-14 \u02daC and 97-98% humidity.",
        "In Moldova you'll find the largest building in the world in the shape of a bottle (28 meters (92 feet)), that is Strong Drinks Museum in Tirnauca village.",
        "Moldovan cuisine is similar to neighboring Romania, and has been influenced by elements of Russian, Turkish, and Ukranian cuisine. Main dishes include beef, pork, potatoes, cabbage and a variety of cereals."
    "Monaco": [
        "Monaco is an independent microstate on France's Mediterranean coastline known for its glitzy casinos, yacht-lined harbor and prestigious Grand Prix motor race, which runs through Monaco's streets once a year.",
        "Monaco official name is the Principality of Monaco.",
        "The official language of Monaco is French.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Monaco was estimated to be 37 thousands people.",
        "Monaco gained its independence from the Republic of Genoa on 8th January 1297.",
        "Monaco is a constitutional monarchy/principality ruled by a descendant of Grimaldi family, and the oldest ruling house in Europe.",
        "The Head of State of Monaco is the Sovereign Prince, His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco.",
        "Up to 2002, it was understood that if their were no heirs of the Grimaldi to rule to country, control of the country would be taken up by France. A treaty between France and Monaco in 2002 meant that should the Grimaldi family leave no heirs, Monaco would still retain its status as an independent nation.",
        "The Principality of Monaco is the second smallest country in the world. The smallest is Vatican City. Monaco's total area is only 2 square kilometers (1.24 square miles).",
        "Monaco is the world's most densely populated state.",
        "Monaco is divided into 10 wards.",
        "Its also can be divided into 4 areas: Monaco-Ville or Monaco City, la Condamine , Monte-Carlo , and Fontvieille.",
        "Monaco City is located on a headland that extends into the Mediterranean Sea, Monaco City is nicknamed The Rock.The name \"Monaco City\" (French: Monaco-Ville) is misleading, Monaco City is an historical and statistical district, not a city.",
        "La Condamine is the northwest section which include the port area, Port Hercule and is featuring the most commercial activities attracting merchant ships whose cargoes could be negotiated. La Condamine is the oldest commercial quarter of the Principality of Monaco and also hosts the Condamine market.",
        "The Op\u00e9ra de Monte-Carlo is an opera house, which is part of the Monte Carlo Casino located in the principality of Monaco.",
        "Monaco is famous for its casino in Monte Carlo. However, residents of Monaco are not allowed to gamble or even enter the casino!",
        "Known as Europe's tax haven, each and every individual citizens of Monaco enjoys a tax-free lifestyle since the 1870s.",
        "Monaco is one of the richest nations in the world.",
        "Natives of Monaco are known as Monegasque, and those resident in Monaco but born elsewhere are known as Monacoian. Natives of the principality are actually the minority, only a fifth of all people living in Monaco being Monegasque.",
        "In 1956 American born Grace Kelly became the Princess of Monaco when she married Rainier III the Prince of Monaco. On the day their first child was born, the whole nation took a holiday and even the casino closed for the day. Their second child Albert II is now the present ruler of the principality.",
        "The Monaco Grand Prix is a Formula One motor race held each year on the Circuit de Monaco. Drivers take to the streets of Monaco, tackling its tight corners, narrow streets and famous tunnel.Run since 1929, it is widely considered to be one of the most important and prestigious automobile races in the world.",
        "Monaco's biggest football team is AS Monaco which plays in the top league of French football, Ligue 1. Over half of the country's population is able to fit into the team's stadium, Stade Louis II.",
        "The national animal of Monaco is Crested Caracara.",
        " Dianthus is the national plant of Monaco.",
        " Monaco's flag is the same as the flag of Indonesia. The only difference is that the Indonesian flag is wider. The red and white colours of the flag are the heraldic colours of the Grimaldi House.",
        "There is no airport in Monaco. Helicopter services run by H\u00e9li-Air Monaco link the principality with the nearest airport, The Nice \u2013 C\u00f4te d'Azur International Airport is located 22 kilometers (13.7 miles) away from Monaco.",
        "Monaco means \" Single House\". A Phocaean Greek colony near Monaco's present location was known as \"Monoikos\" its name comes from two Greek words \"Monos\" which means one or sole and oikos which means house.",
        "Monaco has a tourist business that attracts as many as 1.5 million visitors a year.",
        "Monaco is one of the safest countries in the world."
    "Mongolia": [
        "Mongolia is a landlocked country in East Asia known for vast, rugged expanses and nomadic culture.",
        "The official name of the country is Mongolia.",
        "The two countries that border Mongolia are Russia on the north and China on the south, east and west.",
        "The official language is Mongolian.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Mongolia was estimated to be 3 thousands thousands people.",
        "At 1 thousands thousands square kilometers (603 thousands square miles), Mongolia is the 18th largest and the most sparsely populated fully sovereign country in the world. It is also the world's second-largest landlocked country behind Kazakhstan.",
        "Ulaanbaatar, formerly romanized as Ulan Bator is Mongolia's capital and largest city. Located in north central Mongolia, the city lies at an elevation of about 1 thousands meters (4 thousands feet) in a valley on the Tuul River.",
        "Mongolia is one of the world's highest countries, with an average elevation of 1 thousands meters (5 thousands feet).",
        "Kh\u00fciten Peak is the highest point in Mongolia, on the west side of the country along the border with China. It is 4 thousands meters (14 thousands feet) high and has a permanent snow cap.",
        "Southern Mongolia is dominated by the Gobi, which is the largest desert in Asia and is the fifth largest in the world.",
        "17% of Mongolia's total landmass is now designated as one of four kinds of \"protected areas\": Strictly protected areas, national parks, nature reserves, and natural historical monuments. There are 99 areas in total, with 24 National Parks.",
        "Khustain Nuruu National Park was established in 1993 and is about 100 kilometers (62 miles) southwest of Ulaanbaatar. The 50 thousands-hectare (12 thousands0-acres) reserve protects Mongolia's wild horse, the takhi, and the reserve's steppe and forest-steppe environment. In addition to the takhi, there are populations of maral (Asiatic red deer), steppe gazelle, deer, boar, manul (small wild cat), wolves and lynx.",
        "Mongolia has 4 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Erdene Zuu Monastery is probably the earliest surviving Buddhist monastery in Mongolia. Located in \u00d6v\u00f6rkhangai Province, approximately 2 km north-east from the center of Kharkhorin and adjacent to the ancient city of Karakorum, it is part of the Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape World Heritage Site.",
        "The Gandantegchinlen Monastery is a Chinese-style Tibetan Buddhist monastery in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar that has been restored and revitalized since 1990. The Tibetan name translates to the \"Great Place of Complete Joy\". This monastery is one of Mongolia's most important, and also one of its biggest tourist attractions.",
        "The Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue, part of the Genghis Khan Statue Complex is a 40 meters (130 feet) tall statue of Genghis Khan on horseback, on the bank of the Tuul River at Tsonjin Boldog (54 km (33.55 mi) east of the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar), where according to legend, he found a golden whip. The statue is symbolically pointed east towards his birthplace; it's the highest statue representing a man on a horseback in the world.",
        "In the 16th century, Tibetan Buddhism began to spread in Mongolia. By the early 1900s, almost one-third of the adult male population were Buddhist monks.",
        "The southern portion of Mongolia, known as Inner Mongolia, is part of China. The northern region became independent from China in 1921 with Russia's help. Mongolia became a communist country in 1924, but in 1990 multiparty elections were held by the people.",
        "Many Mongolians still live in a traditional ger, which is a type of tent. Also known as \"yurts,\" these portable dwellings were traditionally used by nomads in the steppes of Central Asia as their homes.",
        "Mongolia is referred to as \"Land of the Blue Sky\" because it has over 260 sunny days a year.",
        "Mongolia's temperature can fluctuate as much as 35 degrees in one day.",
        "The extreme continental climate has affected the traditional diet, so the Mongolian cuisine primarily consists of dairy products, meat, and animal fats. Use of vegetables and spices are limited.",
        "Mongolia's national dish is a steamed dumpling filled with meat (usually beef or mutton) called Buuz.",
        "Mongolia's national drink, fermented mare's milk, is called airag or kumiss, in other parts of Central Asia.",
        "The national animal of Mongolia is the Przewalski Horse.",
        "The national bird of Mongolia is the Saker Falcon.",
        "Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue' was named as the National Flower of Mongolia. The flower symbolizes Mongolia`s lifestyle in harmony with nature.",
        "Naadam is a traditional festival in Mongolia. The games are Mongolian wrestling, horse racing, and archery, and are held throughout the country during midsummer. In 2010, Naadam was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO.",
        "The largest Mongolian wrestling tournament involved 6 thousands participants. It was organized by the Mongolian National Wrestling Federation (Mongolia) and was held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, between 17 and 25 September 2011.",
        "Kh\u00f6\u00f6mei or throat singing is a form of singing originating in western Mongolia, in the Altai mountains. The performer imitates sounds of nature, simultaneously emitting two distinct vocal sounds: along with a continuous drone, the singer produces a melody of harmonics.",
        "The Mongolian Stock Exchange is the smallest in the world and is housed in a refurbished children's cinema."
    "Montenegro": [
        "Montenegro is a small Balkan country with rugged mountains, medieval villages and a narrow strip of beaches along its Adriatic coastline.",
        "In Montenegro, official language is Montenegrin.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Montenegro was estimated to be 626 thousands people.",
        "Podgorica is the capital and largest city of Montenegro.",
        "Bobotov Kuk is a peak in northern Montenegro. At 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet), it is the highest peak in the Durmitor mountain range and the highest point in Montenegro.",
        "Montenegro has five national parks which cover approximately 10 percent of the country's territory.",
        "The Tara River Canyon also known as the Tara River Gorge, is the longest canyon in Montenegro. It is 82 kilometers (51 miles) long and is 1 thousands meters (4 thousands feet) at its deepest, making it the deepest river canyon in Europe.",
        "Lake Skadar lies on the border of Albania and Montenegro, the largest lake in the Balkan Peninsula.",
        "Biogradska Gora is a forest and a national park in Montenegro within Kola\u0161in municipality. It is the site of one of the last three rainforests in Europe. The landscape is one of mountain ridges, glacial lakes, and temperate forest.",
        "Lov\u0107en is a mountain and national park in southwestern Montenegro.Mount Lov\u0107en rises from the borders of the Adriatic basin, closing the long and twisting bays of Boka Kotorska and making the hinterland to the coastal town of Kotor. Besides Lov\u0107en's natural beauties, the rich historical, cultural and architectural heritage of the area are protected by the national park. The biggest and most important monument of Lov\u0107en national park is Petar Petrovi\u0107 Njego\u0161's Mausoleum.",
        "The Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Montenegro that was inscribed in 1979. It encompasses the old town of Kotor, the fortifications of Kotor, and the surrounding region of the inner Bay of Kotor.",
        "The Monastery of Ostrog is a monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church sitatued against an almost vertical background, high up in the large rock of Ostro\u0161ka Greda, in Montenegro.Ostrog monastery is the most popular pilgrimage place in Montenegro.",
        "Montenegro has a total of 117 beaches.",
        "Considered by many as the most beautiful beach in Montenegro, Drobni Pijesak boasts clear waters and fine yellow-white sand. It is a secluded beach, which makes it perfect for tourists who wish to get away from the noise and chaos of the city.",
        "One of the most iconic images associated with Montenegro is the tiny islet of Sveti Stefan. The amazingly picturesque island is perched on an outcrop of rock and joined to the mainland by a narrow isthmus which arcs out into two perfectly formed sandy beaches.",
        "In the teritory of today's Montenegro (Obod) in 1493 was printed the first Cyrillic book in the Slavic South, Oktoih Prvoglasnik.",
        "Village Crkvice is a place in Montenegro with the highest annual rainfall in Europe.",
        "Part of the 2006 James Bond film Casino Royale is set in Montenegro, although all of the filming was done in the Czech Republic \u2013 Karlovy Vary"
    "Mozambique": [
        "Mozambique is a country in Southeast Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Mozambique.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Mozambique was estimated to be 29 thousands thousands people.",
        "Maputo is the capital and largest city of Mozambique. It is known as the City of Acacias, in reference to acacia trees commonly found along its avenues, and the Pearl of the Indian Ocean.",
        "Monte Binga is the highest mountain in Mozambique and the second highest mountain in Zimbabwe. It is located on the border between Zimbabwe and Mozambique in the Chimanimani Transfrontier Park in the province of Manica. Its height is 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Mozambique has 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) of coastline.",
        "Mozambique's coastline is a major attraction for visitors, not only because of its beautiful beaches, but also for its amazing marine wildlife and rich coral reefs. The coast is particularly notable for its large marine animals such as whales, whale sharks, and dolphins.",
        "The network of protected areas in Mozambique covers about 22% of the national territory. It is made up of 6 national parks, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "Gorongosa National Park is at the southern end of the Great African Rift Valley in the heart of central Mozambique. The park was once on the list of Africa's premier safari destinations. During the 1980s civil war, its resident population of lions, hippos, rhinos, and buffaloes was decimated, resulting in a post conflict international effort to reintroduce and restore the species to their glory. Nowadays, the park's mixture of jade-green wetlands, savannahs, fever tree forests, and palm dotted landscapes are again home to indigenous fauna, with breeding programs advancing year by year.",
        "Lake Malawi, also known as Lago Niassa in Mozambique, is an African Great Lake. It is the ninth largest lake in the world and the third largest and second deepest lake in Africa. The lake is home to more species of fish than any other lake, including at least 700 species of cichlids. The Mozambique portion of the lake was officially declared a reserve by the Government of Mozambique on June 10, 2011.",
        "The Island of Mozambique lies off northern Mozambique, between the Mozambique Channel and Mossuril Bay, and is part of Nampula Province. Prior to 1898, it was the capital of colonial Portuguese East Africa. With its rich history and sandy beaches, the Island of Mozambique is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of Mozambique's fastest growing tourist destinations.",
        "The Chapel of Nossa Senhora de Baluarte is located on the most eastern tip of the Island of Mozambique. Built by the Portuguese in 1522, the chapel is considered to be the oldest European building in the southern hemisphere. It is also considered to be one of the finest examples of Manueline vaulted architecture in Mozambique.",
        "Maputo's landmark train station is one of the city's most imposing buildings. The dome was designed by an associate of Alexandre Gustav Eiffel (of Eiffel Tower fame), although Eiffel himself never set foot in Mozambique. Also impressive are the wrought-iron latticework, pillars and verandas gracing the dark-green exterior.",
        "Over the next centuries, the Portuguese fought hard (against Muslim, African and European attackers) to keep control over the coast of Mozambique. And when Africa was divided up in the late 19th century, Portugal kept Mozambique (as shaped today).",
        "After over four centuries of Portuguese rule, Mozambique gained independence in 1975, becoming the People's Republic of Mozambique shortly thereafter.",
        "Peace came in 1992 after elections. Mozambique is now a multi-party democracy with an elected president.",
        "The economy of Mozambique has developed since the end of the Mozambican Civil War, but the country is still one of the world's poorest and most underdeveloped.",
        "In 2012, large natural gas reserves were discovered in Mozambique, revenues which have the potential to dramatically change the economy.",
        "Football is the most popular sport in Mozambique.",
        "Spelt out in Scrabble tiles, Mozambique scores 34 points. More than any other one-word country."
    "Nauru": [
        "Nauru is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Nauru.",
        "As an island nation, Nauru shares no land borders. However, nearby islands include Kiribati, Tuvalu, the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands.",
        "Nauru is situated 42 kilometers (26 miles) south of the equator.",
        "Nauru has two official languages: Nauruan and English.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Nauru was estimated to be 10 thousands people. It is the second most least populous country in the world after Vatican City.",
        "With an area of 21 square kilometers (8.1 square miles), Nauru is the third smallest country by area in the world, behind only Vatican City and Monaco. It is also the smallest Island country in the world and the world's smallest republic.",
        "Nauru is oval-shaped island with 30 kilometers (19 miles) of coastline.",
        "Command Ridge is the highest point of Nauru, with an elevation of 65 meters (213 feet).",
        "Buada Lagoon is a landlocked, slightly brackish, freshwater lake of Buada District in the island nation of Nauru. It is about 0.13 square kilometers (0.05 square miles). The average depth of the lagoon is 24 meters (78 feet) and the maximum depth is 78 meters (256 feet).",
        "Nauru does not have an official capital, but Yaren is the largest settlement and the seat of parliament.",
        "Nauru was first inhabited by Micronesians and Polynesians at least 3 thousands years ago. There were traditionally 12 clans or tribes on Nauru, which are represented in the 12-pointed star on the country's flag.",
        "The British sea captain John Fearn, a whale hunter, became the first Westerner to visit Nauru in 1798, calling it \"Pleasant Island\".",
        "Nauruan indigenous religion was the predominant religion in Nauru before the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when foreign missionaries introduced Christianity to the island.",
        "After an agreement with Great Britain, Nauru was annexed by Germany in 1888 and incorporated into Germany's Marshall Islands Protectorate for administrative purposes.",
        "In 1914, following the outbreak of World War I, Nauru was captured by Australian troops. In 1919 it was agreed by the Allied and Associated Powers that His Britannic Majesty should be the administering authority under a League of Nations mandate.",
        "During World War II, Nauru was subject to significant damage from both Axis (German and Japanese) and Allied forces.",
        "Japanese troops occupied Nauru on 26 August 1942.",
        "Nauru was finally set free from the Japanese on 13 September 1945, when Captain Solda, the commander of all the Japanese troops on Nauru, surrendered the island to the Royal Australian Navy and Army.",
        "Nauru became self-governing in January 1966. On 31 January 1968, following a two-year constitutional convention, Nauru became the world's smallest independent republic.",
        "In the years after independence in 1968, Nauru possessed the highest GDP per capita in the world due to its rich phosphate deposits. The phosphate deposits originate from the droppings of sea birds.",
        "In anticipation of the exhaustion of its phosphate deposits, substantial amounts of the income from phosphates were invested in trust funds aimed to help cushion the transition and provide for Nauru's economic future.",
        "Mining of phosphate ceased after the exhaustion of the primary phosphate reserves, but in 2006\u201307 mining of a deeper layer of \"secondary phosphate\" began. It is hoped that this economic activity might lift Nauru from the bottom rung of global GDP per capita. The only other major source of government revenue is sale of fishing rights in Nauru's territorial waters.",
        "Historically Nauru was regarded as a tax haven due to the operation of its international financial center, which offered amongst other things offshore banking services.",
        "In 2001, Nauru was blacklisted internationally over concerns it had become a haven for money laundering.",
        "On October 1, 2014, an income tax was imposed in Nauru for the first time, with high income earners paying a flat rate of 10%.",
        "58% of people in Nauru are ethnically Nauruan, 26% are other Pacific Islander, 8% are European, and 8% are Chinese.",
        "Nauru is the least-visited country in the world with only around 200 tourists a year visiting the island.",
        "The name \"Nauru\" may derive from the Nauruan word An\u00e1oero, which means \"I go to the beach\"."
    "New Zealand": [
        "New Zealand is located in the south-western Pacific Ocean and features two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, as well as other smaller ones.",
        "New Zealand was first discovered by Europeans in 1642 when Dutch sailor Abel Tasman arrived. He left New Zealand after several of his crew were killed by Maoris, and it was not until 1769 that English Captain James Cook arrived and mapped the land.",
        "The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington while the largest city is Auckland. Other major cities include Christchurch, Hamilton and Dunedin.",
        "New Zealand has an estimated population of just over 4.5 million in 2015.",
        "New Zealand has three official languages: English, M\u0101ori and New Zealand Sign Language.",
        "The M\u0101ori name for New Zealand, Aoetaroa, means 'land of the long white cloud'.",
        "M\u0101ori are the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand.",
        "New Zealand was the first major nation to have universal suffrage. In 1893 it became legal for all male and female citizens of New Zealand to vote.",
        "Queen Elizabeth II is officially Queen of New Zealand. She is represented in New Zealand by a Governor General, who ratifies all laws put before him or her by the elected parliament of New Zealand.",
        "New Zealand is one of only three countries that have two official (and of equal standing) national Anthems. The first is God Save the Queen (the English National Anthem) and the other is God Defend New Zealand. The other two countries with two anthems are Denmark and Canada which both have a Royal Anthem and a State anthem.",
        "A kiwi is not a fruit \u2013 it is New Zealand's native flightless bird and a slang term for a New Zealander. Kiwis call the fruit \"kiwifruit\" \u2013 they are also known as Chinese Gooseberries.",
        "The kea, a bird native to New Zealand, is known for pulling windscreen wipers off cars and eating the strips of rubber from windows.",
        "Moa birds were native to New Zealand, but are now extinct. They were 3.6 meters (12 feet) tall and weighed about 230 kg (about 500 pounds).",
        "There are no land snakes, native or introduced, in New Zealand.",
        "New Zealand is home to more species of penguins than any other country.",
        "New Zealand has a strong hold on the international trade in sheep meat. There are presently around 9 sheep to every 1 human in New Zealand (the population of New Zealand is 4,5 million).",
        "Only 5% of New Zealand's population is human- the rest are animals.",
        "New Zealand is the least corrupt nation in the world (tied with Denmark), according to the Corruptions Perception Index.",
        "Organised commercial bungee jumping first began in New Zealand.",
        "Rugby is the most popular spectator sport in New Zealand but a variety of sports such as football (soccer), cricket, netball, golf and others are popular among participants.",
        "\"Lord of the Rings\" was filmed entirely in New Zealand.",
        "New Zealand is the only country with the right to put Hobbit-related images on its currency.",
        "In the scene of Star Trek: First Contact, where we see Earth from space, Australia and Papua New Guinea are clearly visible but New Zealand is missing."
    "Nicaragua": [
        "Nicaragua, set between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, is a Central American nation known for its dramatic terrain of lakes, volcanoes and beaches.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Nicaragua.",
        "Nicaragua is bordered by Honduras to the north, the Caribbean Sea to the east, Costa Rica to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Nicaragua was estimated to be 6 thousands thousands people.",
        "Nicaragua covers a total area of 130 thousands square kilometers (119 thousands square kilometers of which is land area). It is the largest country in Central America.",
        "Managua is the capital and largest city of Nicaragua. Located on the southwestern shore of Lake Managua, the city was declared the national capital in 1852.",
        "Nicaragua is mountainous in the west, with fertile valleys. Two big lakes, Nicaragua and Managua, are connected by the Tipitapa River. The Pacific coast is volcanic and very fertile. The swampy Caribbean coast is aptly called the \"Mosquito Coast.\"",
        "Mogot\u00f3n is a mountain on the border of Nicaragua and Honduras. It rises 2 thousands meters (6 thousands feet) above sea level and is the highest point in Nicaragua.",
        "Nicaragua has a coastline length of 910 kilometers (565 miles) most of which lies on the Caribbean.",
        "Nicaragua has all kinds of beaches imaginable, from dark sand to white sand to virgin and wild beaches with an abundance of wildlife refuges.",
        "Nicaragua has 78 protected areas that cover 22 thousands square kilometers (8 thousands square miles), about 17.3% of the nations landmass.",
        "Masaya Volcano National Park is Nicaragua's first and largest national park. The park comprises an area of 54 square kilometers (21 square miles) and includes two volcanoes and five craters.",
        "Lake Nicaragua with an area of 8 thousands square kilometers (3 thousands square miles) is the largest lake in Central America, the 19th largest lake in the world (by area) and the 9th largest in the Americas.",
        "Nicaragua has 2 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Cathedral of Le\u00f3n is a significantly important and historic landmark in Nicaragua. The Cathedral's construction lasted between 1747 and 1814 and was consecrated by Pope Pius IX in 1860. Cathedral has maintained the status of being the largest cathedral in Central America and one of the best known in the Americas due to its distinct architecture and special cultural importance. The Cathedral of Le\u00f3n is UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "Granada is the oldest colonial city in Nicaragua. Its colonial buildings in pastel shades, interesting history and relative safety make it an important tourism destination.",
        "Nicaraguan cuisine includes a mixture of the indigenous Miskito people, Spanish cuisine and Creole cuisine. Much of Nicaraguan food is based on corn. Cassava, beans and chili pepper are also widely used as ingredients in different Nicaraguan dishes. While the Pacific coast's main staple revolves around local fruits and corn, the Caribbean coast's cuisine makes use of seafood and coconut.",
        "The national sport of Nicaragua is baseball, which is even more popular than football!",
        "The name Nicaragua comes from the words nicarao and agua. Nicarao Indians were the first Indian tribes to occupy Lake Nicaragua, and the word agua means water in Spanish. When the Spaniards arrived in the country in the 1500s, they named it after the people they met and the vast amount of water in and around the country.",
        "Nicaragua is among the poorest countries in the Americas.",
        "Nicaragua's economy is focused primarily on the agricultural sector. Their main crops are coffee, bananas, sugarcane, cotton, rice, corn, and sesame.",
        "The local people call themselves Nicas, but most outsiders refer the people as Nicaraguans."
    "Niger": [
        "Niger is a landlocked country in Western Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of the Niger.",
        "It is bordered by Libya to the northeast, Chad to the east, Nigeria and Benin to the south, Burkina Faso and Mali to the west, and Algeria to the northwest.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Niger was estimated to be 21 thousands thousands people.",
        "Niamey is the capital and largest city of Niger. Niamey lies on the Niger River, primarily situated on the east bank. It is an administrative, cultural and economic centre.",
        "Niger located along the border between the Sahara and Sub-Saharan regions.",
        "Mont Idoukal-n-Tagh\u00e8s also known as Mont Bagzane and Mont Bagzan is the highest mountain in Niger rising to a height of 2 thousands meters (6 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "The network of protected areas in Niger covers about 17% of the national territory. It is made up of 1 national park, 2 national nature reserve, 1 nature reserve, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "The W National Park is a major national park in West Africa around a meander in the River Niger shaped like a \"W\". The park includes areas of the three countries Niger, Benin and Burkina Faso, and is governed by the three governments. The park is known for its large mammals, including aardvarks, baboons, buffalo, caracal, cheetahs, elephants, hippopotami, African leopards, West African lions, serval and warthogs. The W National Park of Niger was created by decree on 4 August 1954, and since 1996 has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "Niger has 3 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Dabous Giraffes are a neolithic petroglyph by an unknown artist. Completed between 9000 BC and 5000 BC, the giraffe carvings were first documented by David Coulson in 1997 while on a photographic expedition at a site in Niger. The carving is (6 meters) 20 feet in height and consists of two giraffes carved into the Dabous Rock with a great amount of detail. The Bradshaw Foundation is an organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of this petroglyph.",
        "Humans have lived in what is now Niger from the earliest times.",
        "Through extensive archaeological research, much evidence has been uncovered indicating that man has been present in northern Niger for over 600 thousands years.",
        "By at least the 5th century B.C., Niger became an area of trans-Saharan trade, led by the Berber tribes from the north, using camels as an adapted means of transportation through the desert.",
        "One of the great empires of Africa called the Songhai expanded into modern day Niger until its collapse in 1591.",
        "In the 19th century, contact with Europe began when the first European explorers explored the area searching for the mouth of the Niger River.",
        "Although French efforts at pacification began before 1900, dissident ethnic groups, especially the desert Tuareg, were not subdued until 1922, when Niger became a French colony.",
        "On 11 July 1960, agreements on national sovereignty were signed by Niger and France, and on 3 August 1960, the Republic of the Niger proclaimed its independence.",
        "The country is named after the Niger River.",
        "The economy of Niger is based largely upon internal markets, subsistence agriculture, and the export of raw commodities: foodstuffs to neighbors and raw minerals to world markets.",
        "Niger has some of the world's largest uranium deposits.",
        "Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world and is rated by the UN as one of the world's least-developed nations.",
        "Niger has a wide variety of ethnic groups as in most West African countries. The ethnic makeup of Niger is as follows: Hausa (53.0%), Zarma-Sonrai (21.2%), Tuareg (10.4%), Fula (French: Peuls or Peulhs; Fula: Ful\u0253e) (9.9%), Kanuri Manga (4.4%), Tubu (0.4%), Arab (0.3%), Gourmantche (0.3%), other (0.2%).",
        "The cuisine of Niger takes after many traditional African cuisines, and a significant amount of spices are used in dishes. Grilled meat, seasonal vegetables, salads and various sauces are some of the foods consumed.",
        "Horse racing, camel racing and sorro wrestling are some of the traditional sports in Niger that were firmly entrenched in their culture. Sorro Wrestling is known as the \"King of Sports\" in the country."
    "Nigeria": [
        "Nigeria is a country located in Western Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Federal Republic of Nigeria.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Nigeria was estimated to be 189 thousands thousands people. Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populous country in the world.",
        "Abuja is the capital of Nigeria. It is a planned city and was built mainly in the 1980s, replacing the country's most populous city of Lagos as the capital on 12 December 1991.",
        "The terrain of Nigeria is varied: lowlands in the south, mountains in the southeast, central hills and plateaux, and plains in the north. The Niger is the principal river.",
        "The landscape of Nigeria varies with mangrove forests and swamps bordering the southern coast, and hardwood forests further inland.",
        "Chappal Waddi or Gangirwal is the highest mountain in Nigeria rising to a height of 2 thousands meters (7 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Nigeria has 853 kilometers (530 miles) of coastline.",
        "While Nigeria is not particularly known for its coastlines, it is blessed with an abundance of beautiful sea shores. There are dozens of breathtaking stretches of golden sand around the country to be enjoyed at any time of the year \u2013 although June to August can be a little wet.",
        "The network of protected areas in Nigeria covers about 14% of the national territory. It is made up of 12 national parks, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "Yankari National Park is a large wildlife park located in northeastern Nigeria. It covers an area of about 2 thousands square kilometers (866 square miles) and is home to several natural warm water springs, as well as a wide variety of flora and fauna. Its location in the heartland of the West African savanna makes it a unique way for tourists and holidaymakers to watch wildlife in its natural habitat.",
        "Nigeria has 2 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Sukur or Sukur Cultural Landscape is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located on a hill above the village of Sukur in the Adamawa State of Nigeria. It is situated in the Mandara Mountains, close to the border with Cameroon. Its UNESCO inscription is based on the cultural heritage, material culture, and the naturally-terraced fields. Sukur is Africa's first cultural landscape to receive World Heritage List inscription.",
        "The dense forest of the Osun Sacred Grove, on the outskirts of the city of Osogbo, is one of the last remnants of primary high forest in southern Nigeria. Regarded as the abode of the goddess of fertility Osun, one of the pantheon of Yoruba gods, the landscape of the grove and its meandering river is dotted with sanctuaries and shrines, sculptures and art works in honour of Osun and other deities. The Sacred Grove was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005.",
        "The Abuja National Mosque, also known as the Nigerian National Mosque, is the national mosque of Nigeria, a country with a substantial Muslim population. The mosque was built in 1984 and is open to the non-Muslim public, except during congregational prayers.",
        "Nike Art Gallery is an art gallery in Lagos owned by Nike Davies-Okundaye. The gallery is arguably the largest of its kind in West Africa. Housed in a five-storey tall building, it boasts a collection of about 8 thousands diverse artworks from various Nigerian artists.",
        "Zuma Rock is a large monolith, an igneous intrusion composed of gabbro and granodiorite. It rises spectacularly immediately north of Nigeria's capital Abuja, along the main road from Abuja to Kaduna off Madala, and is sometimes referred to as the \"Gateway to Abuja from Suleja.\" Zuma Rock rises 725 meters (2 thousands ft) above its surroundings.",
        "Numerous ancient African civilizations settled in the region that is today Nigeria, such as the Benin Empire, the Kingdom of Nri and the Oyo Empire.",
        "Islam reached Nigeria through the Hausa States during the 11th century, while Christianity came to Nigeria in the 15th century through Augustinian and Capuchin monks from Portugal.",
        "The modern state originated from British colonial rule beginning in the 19th century and the merging of the Southern Nigeria Protectorate and Northern Nigeria Protectorate in 1914.",
        "Nigeria became a formally independent federation in 1960.",
        "Nigeria is a middle-income, mixed economy and emerging market, with expanding manufacturing, financial, service, communications, technology and entertainment sectors.",
        "Nigeria's most important export is oil. It is the 12th largest producer of petroleum in the world and the 8th largest exporter, and has the 10th largest proven reserves.",
        "Nigeria is the most important country politically and economically in West Africa.",
        "Nigeria is often referred to as the \"Giant of Africa\", owing to its large population and economy.",
        "The name Nigeria was taken from the Niger River running through the country.",
        "Nigeria is divided roughly in half between Christians, who live mostly in the southern part of the country, and Muslims, who live mostly in the north.",
        "Nigerian cuisine, like West African cuisine in general, is known for its richness and variety. Many different spices, herbs and flavourings are used in conjunction with palm oil or groundnut oil to create deeply flavored sauces and soups often made very hot with chili peppers.",
        "Football is largely considered Nigeria's national sport and the country has its own Premier League of football.",
        "Nigeria has more than 500 ethnic groups, with varying languages and customs, creating a country of rich ethnic diversity.",
        "There are 521 languages that have been spoken in Nigeria (nine of which are now extinct)."
    "North Korea": [
        "North Korea is a country in East Asia, in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of North Korea was estimated to be 25 thousands thousands people.",
        "Pyongyang is the capital and largest city of North Korea. It is located on the Taedong River about 109 kilometres (68 miles) upstream from its mouth on the West Korea Sea.",
        "Mountain ranges are the dominant physical feature of North Korea's landscape as roughly 80% of the country consists of mountains, hills and highlands. Wide coastal plains in the west are home to the majority of the country's population.",
        "Mount Paektu at an elevation of 2 thousands meters (9 thousands feet) above sea level, is the highest point in North Korea. Formed by a huge volcanic eruption, a large crater lake, called Heaven Lake is in the caldera atop the mountain.",
        "The environment of North Korea is diverse, encompassing alpine, forest, farmland, freshwater, and marine ecosystems.",
        "North Korea has 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) of coastline.",
        "Protected areas in North Korea was last measured at 2.32 % of total land area in 2012, according to the World Bank.",
        "North Korea has 2 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Complex of Goguryeo Tombs lie in North Korea. In July 2004, they became the first UNESCO World Heritage site in the country. The site consists of 30 individual tombs from the later Goguryeo kingdom, one of Three Kingdoms of Korea.",
        "The Juche Tower is a monument in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, named after the ideology of Juche introduced by its first leader Kim Il-sung. It was unveiled on April 15, 1982, on the occasion of the 70th birthday of the North Korean leader Kim Il-sung. The 150-meter tall tower is tipped with a 20-metre (66 feet)-high 45-ton illuminated metal. The body of the tower is faced with 70 granite slabs, one for each year of Kim Il-sung's life up to that time.",
        "Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, formerly the Kumsusan Memorial Palace, and sometimes referred to as the Kim Il-sung Mausoleum, is a building near the northeast corner of the city of Pyongyang that serves as the mausoleum for Kim Il-sung, the founder and eternal president of North Korea, and for his son Kim Jong-il who succeeded him as the country's ruler.",
        "The Rungrado 1st of May Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea, completed on May 1, 1989. It is currently the largest stadium in the world, with a capacity of 114 thousands, and occupies 20.7 hectares (51 acres).",
        "The Arch of Triumph is a triumphal arch in Pyongyang, North Korea. It was built to commemorate the Korean resistance to Japan from 1925 to 1945. It is the second tallest triumphal arch in the world, after Monumento a la Revoluci\u00f3n in Mexico, standing 60 meters (197 feet) high and 50 meters (164 feet) wide.",
        "North Korea, independent since 1948, is not recognised by Japan and South Korea.",
        "The incumbent president of North Korea is Kim Il-Sung. He assumed the office of the Eternal Presidency on July 8, 1994, and he has steadfastly held onto power, even though he's been dead for 23 years. This makes North Korea the world's only necrocracy.",
        "In North Korea, the year is counted after the birth of its founder, Kim II-Sung. In 2016, it was the year 105.",
        "North Korea is officially not Communist. Since 2009 its ideology is called \"Juche\".",
        "Juche, usually translated as \"self-reliance\", is the official state ideology of North Korea, described by the regime as Kim Il-sung's \"original, brilliant and revolutionary contribution to national and international thought\". It claims that an individual is \"the master of his destiny\" and that the North Korean masses are to act as the \"masters of the revolution and construction\".",
        "Korean cuisine is largely based on rice, vegetables, and meats. Traditional Korean meals are noted for the number of side dishes that accompany steam-cooked short-grain rice. Common North Korean cuisine is similar to that of South Korea, with less of an emphasis on spice and an extra helping of cold noodles.",
        "The Chollima, a mythical winged horse, is the national animal of North Korea.",
        "North Korean archaeologists announced the world in 2012 they discovered lair of the unicorn ridden by legendary King Tongmyung 2000 years ago.",
        "There are conflicting reports on the legal status of cannabis in North Korea. Multiple reports from defectors and tourists claim there is no law regarding the possession of cannabis (as a result, it is not classified as a drug) in North Korea or if there is, it is mostly unenforced. However, other reports claim that cannabis is definitely illegal.",
        "Possessing Bibles, watching South Korean movies and distributing pornography may be punished with death in North Korea.",
        "North Koreans must abide by one of 28 approved haircuts.",
        "Wearing jeans is illegal in North Korea. Denim symbolizes the enemy United States.",
        "Several thousand tourists a year visit North Korea through state-sanctioned groups operating out of Beijing. South Koreans are not allowed in. And casual conversation between locals and tourists is not allowed: It's against the law for North Koreans to talk to foreigners without permission."
    "Norway": [
        "The country of Norway is officially known as the Kingdom of Norway.",
        "Norway was originally called Nordweg, meaning the \"Northern Way.\"",
        "Oslo is the capital and largest city in Norway.",
        "Norway has a population of about 5 million people.",
        "Norway's national symbol is the lion.",
        "Norway is the most successful nation in the world at the Winter Olympics.",
        "Norway is the world's largest exporter of salmon.",
        "Norway introduced Salmon Sushi to the Japanese in the 80s.",
        "Norway was ranked the world's #1 country in the 2014 Prosperity Index for wealth and well-being.",
        "Norway is the most peaceful country, according to the Global Peace Index.",
        "The cheese slicer was invented in Norway in 1925 by Thor Bj\u00f8rklund.",
        "In Norway, you can buy alcoholic beverages only from stores named Vinmonopolet. There are only two in each city, and none in the countryside.",
        "In 2008, Norway knighted a penguin. A penguin who was previously made a Colonel-in-Chief of the Norwegian Army has been knighted at Edinburgh Zoo. Penguin Nils Olav has been an honorary member and mascot of the Norwegian King's Guard since 1972.",
        "All prisoners in Norway have internet in their cells.",
        "When you get a book published in Norway, the Government will buy a 1000 copies and distribute them to libraries.",
        "Norway's public Universities are free for students from anywhere in the world.",
        "The monarch of Norway's title is \"Norway's King\" rather than \"King of Norway\", signifying that he belongs to the country and not vice versa.",
        "The late King Olav V of Norway used public transportation and always paid the tickets.",
        "In 2008, Norway donated US$1 billion to help save the Amazon rainforest.",
        "Norway is famous for its majestic fjords and mountainous terrain. Two of the country's fjord's Geirangerfjord and N\u00e6r\u00f8yfjord are on the UNESCO World Heritage list.",
        "There are at least 450 thousands fresh water lakes in Norway.",
        "Norway along with Sweden and Denmark make up Scandinavia.",
        "Norway shares a border with Finland, Russia and Sweden."
    "Oman": [
        "Oman is an Arab country on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula.",
        "The official name of the country is the Sultanate of Oman.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Oman was estimated to be 5 thousands thousands people.",
        "Muscat is the capital and largest metropolitan city of Oman. Low-lying white buildings typify most of Muscat's urban landscape, while the port-district of Muttrah, with its corniche and harbour, form the north-eastern periphery of the city.",
        "Jebel Shams at an elevation of around 3 thousands meters (around 9 thousands feet) above sea level, is the highest point in Oman.",
        "Oman's coastline stretches for a distance of 3 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles), including beaches overlooking the Sea of Oman, the Arabian Sea and the Straits of Hormuz in the North.",
        "Oman has some of the most stunning and secluded beaches that the Arabian Peninsula has to offer.",
        "Oman has 4 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Bahla Fort is one of four historic fortresses situated at the foot of the Djebel Akhdar highlands in Oman. It was built in the 13th and 14th centuries, when the oasis of Bahla was prosperous under the control of the Banu Nebhan tribe. The fort became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.",
        "Nakhal Fort is a large fortification in the Al Batinah Region of Oman. It is named after the Wilayah of Nakhal. The fort houses a museum, operated by the Ministry of Tourism, which has exhibits of historic guns, and the fort also hosts a weekly goat market.",
        "The oldest independent state in the Arab world, Oman is one of the more traditional countries in the Gulf region and was, until the 1970s, one of the most isolated.",
        "Oman's National Day is celebrated on 18 November. This public holiday celebrates independence from Portugal control in 1650.",
        "Politics of Oman takes place in a framework of an absolute monarchy whereby the Sultan of Oman is not only head of state, but also the head of government. Chief of state and government is the hereditary sultan, Qaboos bin Said al Said [photo below], who appoints a cabinet to assist him. Sultan Qaboos also serves as supreme commander of the armed forces, prime minister, and minister of defense, foreign affairs, and finance.",
        "Oman's proved reserves of petroleum total about 5.5 billion barrels, 25th largest in the world.",
        "The majority of Omanis still farm or fish, and protection of fisheries and coastal zones is promoted.",
        "Tourism in Oman has grown considerably recently, and it is expected to be one of the largest industries in the country.",
        "The cuisine of Oman is a mixture of several staples of Asian foods. Dishes are often based on chicken, fish, and lamb, as well as the staple of rice. Most Omani dishes tend to contain a rich mixture of spices, herbs, and marinades.",
        "The Arabian oryx is the national animal of Oman.",
        "The falcon in the national bird of Oman.",
        "The Omani higher education system is relatively young, as the first public university in Oman, Sultan Qaboos University was founded in 1986.",
        "The best time to visit Oman is in the winter months. The summers are blisteringly hot, but the winters feature an almost Mediterranean climate.",
        "In Oman, almost all signs and writings appear in both Arabic and English.",
        "Oman balances its traditional past with a course of modernization and development.",
        "Oman is famous for its pure-bred Arabian horses and has a centuries-old horse breeding history. The horses are quite expensive and sold throughout the world.",
        "Oman is one of the safest country in the world.",
        "If you want to buy alcohol in Oman, you have to have a license. Omanis are allowed to spend no more than 10% of their monthly income on alcohol.",
        "\"Mountain Dew\" is the top selling beverage in Oman. Pepsi products are much more common than Coca-Cola products in Oman."
    "Palau": [
        "Palau is an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Palau.",
        "Palau shares maritime boundaries with Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Federated States of Micronesia.",
        "Palau has two official languages: Palauan and English.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Palau was estimated to be 21 thousands people.",
        "Palau's economic and commercial hub of Koror comprises Koror Island and its two satellite islands, Malakal and Ngerkebesang. The only city of any note in Palau, Koror is home to about two-thirds of the country's population and hosts most of its tourist facilities.",
        "Palau is a beautiful tropical paradise, and one of the true unspoiled destinations on the planet.",
        "Palau's highest point is Mount Ngerchelchauus located on Babeldaob island. The peak of Mount Ngerchelchauus is 242 meters (794 feet) above sea level.",
        "As an island nation, Palau's best known geographic feature is its coastlines, with beautiful beaches and clear blue waters.",
        "Palau is also home to the world-famous Rock Islands. The Rock Islands are a cluster of more than two hundred rounded knobs of forest-capped limestone that plunges steeply into the sea. The Islands were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2012.",
        "The world's first shark sanctuary was created by Palau in 2009. The sanctuary protects about 600 thousands square kilometers (230 thousands square miles) of ocean, a similar size to France.",
        "Palau has many beautiful waterfalls. Ngardmau waterfall is the largest waterfall in Palau. The height of the Ngardmau waterfall is around 37 meters (120 feet) wide and 30 meters (100 feet) high. It is well known to be one of the largest waterfalls in Micronesia.",
        "Palau was originally settled between the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC, most likely from the Austronesia or Indonesia.",
        "Following its defeat in the Spanish\u2013American War, Spain sold Palau and most of the rest of the Caroline Islands to the German Empire in 1899.",
        "During World War II, the United States captured Palau from Japan in 1944 after the costly Battle of Peleliu, when more than 2 thousands Americans and 10 thousands Japanese were killed.",
        "In 1947, the United Nations decided the United States would administer Palau as part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.",
        "Palau's economy consists primarily of tourism, subsistence agriculture and fishing.",
        "Palau doesn't have a military force of its own. The U.S. is responsible for its defense under a Compact of Free Association between Palau and the US.",
        "Palauan cuisine includes local foods such as cassava, taro, yam, potato, sea food and pork. Western cuisine is favored among young Palauans.",
        "The name for the islands in the Palauan language, Belau, likely derives from either the Palauan word for \"village\", beluu, or from aibebelau (\"indirect replies\"), relating to a creation myth.",
        "Palau has huge number of sea turtles, pelagic predators, sharks, dolphins, and several species of the migratory fish which do not exist anywhere else in the world but are found only in the Palaun archipelago.",
        "Saltwater crocodiles are indigenous to Palau and occur in varying numbers throughout the various mangroves and even in parts of the beautiful rock islands.",
        "Palau has a tropical rainforest climate with an annual mean temperature of 28 \u00b0C (82 \u00b0F).",
        "Baseball is a popular sport in Palau after its introduction by the Japanese in the 1920s.",
        "Several television programs and films have been shot in Palau. Examples include the reality show Survivor: Palau and the 1968 film Hell in the Pacific starring Lee Marvin.",
        "I, as a Palauan, can say this is all is true and surprisingly accurate."
    "Panama": [
        "Panama is a country on the isthmus linking Central and South America.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Panama.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Panama was estimated to be 3 thousands thousands people.",
        "Panama has an area of 74 thousands square kilometers (28 thousands square miles).",
        "Panama City is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Panama. It is the most modern city not only in Panama, but the rest of Central America. The city framed by the Pacific Ocean and man-made Panama Canal.",
        "There are almost 500 rivers in Panama.",
        "Panama has 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) of coastline.",
        "The coasts of Panama' are surrounded by 1 thousands islands of many sizes.",
        "Panama offers a variety of beaches, both on the mainland and on islands offshore. Both coasts feature incredibly beautiful beaches with crystal clear waters, white sand, coral reefs and coconut palm trees.",
        "Panama's 76 protected areas cover close to 2 million hectares (5 million acres) of the country, some 25 percent of Panama's total landmass.",
        "The waters of Panama are unmatched in their level of marine diversity, and nowhere is this more evident than in the Coiba National Marine Park. The island of Coiba is the largest island in the park, as well as the largest island in all of Central America. More than 800 species of marine life are present in the area. The park is known as one of the best places to enjoy snorkeling and scuba diving on the Pacific Coast.",
        "Dari\u00e9n National Park is a world heritage site in Panama. It is about 325 kilometers (200 miles) from Panama City, and is the most extensive of all national parks of Panama and is one of the most important world heritage sites in Central America. The park covers 579 thousands hectares (1 thousands thousands acres).",
        "Panama has 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.",
        "Panam\u00e1 Viejo is the remaining part of the old Panama City and former capital of the country. Founded in 1519 by the conquistador Pedrar\u00edas D\u00e1vila, Panam\u00e1 Viejo is the oldest European settlement on the Pacific coast of the Americas. It is located in the suburbs of the modern city. Together with the historical district of Panam\u00e1, it forms a World Heritage Site from 1997.",
        "The fortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo are military constructions, built by the Spanish Empire during the 17th and 18th centuries on the Caribbean coastline of Col\u00f3n Province in Panama. The ruins are located on the coast of the province of Col\u00f3n. In view of their cultural importance, the sites have been inscribed by UNESCO in 1989 as a World Heritage Site.",
        "The Panama Canal is a man-made 77-kilometer (48-mile) waterway in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. The canal was built by 75 thousands workers between 1904 and 1914 and allows boats to sail between the two oceans without having to go all the way around the South American continent.It stands as one of the world's greatest feats of engineering.",
        "The Bridge of the Americas is a road bridge in Panama, which spans the Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal. It is an arch bridge that was built from 1959 until 1962. It was the only non-swinging bridge connecting the north and south American land masses until the opening of the Centennial Bridge in 2004.",
        "Explored and settled by the Spanish in the 16th century, Panama broke with Spain in 1821 and joined with Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela to form the Republic of Gran Colombia. When this republic dissolved in 1830, Panama remained part of Colombia. With U.S. backing, Panama split from Colombia in 1903 and signed a treaty, which allowed the U.S. to control a strip of land on either side of a new canal. In 1999, Panama assumed full control of the Panama Canal.",
        "Panama's economy, because of its key geographic location, is mainly based on a well developed service sector especially commerce, tourism, and trading.",
        "The Panama Canal is responsible for one third of the country's economy.",
        "Panama's agricultural products are bananas, rice, corn, beans, and coffee.",
        "Panamanian Cuisine is a mix of African, Spanish, and Native American techniques, dishes, and ingredients, reflecting its diverse population. Sancocho is the national dish of Panama. The basic ingredients are chicken, \u00f1ame (yam), and culantro; often yuca, mazorca (corn on the cob) and otoe are added.",
        "Panama is home to many unique animals that are found only in Panama. The mysterious golden frogs have gleaming, shimmering skin and are thought to bring people good luck.",
        "Panama hats didn't originate in Panama. They actually originated from Ecuador.",
        "Panama has the second largest duty free zone on the planet and also has the second largest registrant for offshore companies, right behind Hong Kong.",
        "Panama was the very first Latin American country to adopt the U.S. dollar currency as its own."
    "Papua New Guinea": [
        "Papua New Guinea is an island country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.",
        "Papua New Guinea occupies the eastern half of the island of New Guinea the second largest island in the world. As well as the mainland, PNG also encompasses over 600 small islands and archipelagos.",
        "Its mainland is bordered by Indonesia. Papua New Guinea shares maritime borders with Australia, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Solomon Islands, and New Caledonia (France).",
        "Papua New Guinea has 3 official languages: English, Hiri Motu, and Tok Pisin.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Papua New Guinea was estimated to be 7 thousands thousands people.",
        "Port Moresby, also referred to as Pom City or simply Moresby, is the capital and largest city of Papua New Guinea. It is located on the shores of the Gulf of Papua, on the south-eastern coast of the Papuan Peninsula of the island of New Guinea. The city emerged as a trade center in the second half of the 19th century.",
        "The terrain of Papua New Guinea is mostly mountains with coastal lowlands and rolling foothills.",
        "Mount Wilhelm is the highest mountain in Papua New Guinea at 4 thousands meters (14 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Tropical rainforest covers as much as 77% of Papua New Guinea. These forests are a wealth of biodiversity.",
        "Papua New Guinea has an estimated 11 thousands plant species, 250 mammal species, and 700 bird species.",
        "Papua New Guinea has several volcanoes, as it is situated along the Ring of Fire. Volcanic eruptions are not rare, and the area is prone to earthquakes and tsunamis because of this.",
        "Papua New Guinea has 5 thousands kilometers (3 thousands miles) of coastline.",
        "Papua New Guinea is surrounded by coral reefs which are under close watch, in the interests of preservation.",
        "Papua New Guinea is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world with over 800 languages and over a 1 thousands distinct ethnic groups.",
        "Archaeological evidence indicates that humans first arrived in Papua New Guinea around 42 thousands to 45 thousands years ago. They were descendants of migrants out of Africa, in one of the early waves of human migration.",
        "It maintains close ties with Australia, which continues as the largest aid donor to Papua New Guinea.",
        "Papua New Guinea is richly endowed with natural resources, including mineral and renewable resources, such as forests, marine (including a large portion of the world's major tuna stocks), and in some parts agriculture.",
        "A male Raggiana bird of paradise is on the flag and stamps of Papua New Guinea. The bird is important in social and cultural activities, and its plumes are often used as ceremonial decoration.",
        "The world's largest butterfly is the Queen Alexandra's Birdwing and is native to Papua New Guinea. It has a wingspan of 25 centimeters (9.8 inches)."
    "Paraguay": [
        "Paraguay is a landlocked country in central South America. Due to its central location in South America, it is sometimes referred to as Coraz\u00f3n de Sudam\u00e9rica (\"Heart of South America\").",
        "The official name of Paraguay is the Republic of Paraguay.",
        "Paraguay is bordered by Argentina to the south and southwest, Brazil to the east and northeast, and Bolivia to the northwest.",
        "Paraguay has two official languages, Spanish and Guaran\u00ed.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Paraguay was estimated to be 6 thousands thousands people.",
        "Paraguay has a total area of 406 thousands square kilometers (157 thousands square miles).",
        "Asunci\u00f3n is the capital and largest city of Paraguay. It is the home of the national government, principal port, and the chief industrial and cultural centre of the country.",
        "Paraguay is home to large swaths of swampland, subtropical forest and chaco, wildernesses comprising savanna and scrubland.",
        "Cerro Per\u00f3 or Cerro Tres Kand\u00fa is a peak and the highest point of Paraguay, with an elevation of 842 meters (2 thousands feet).",
        "Paraguay has 42 protected wildlife areas and 10 national parks.",
        "Cerro Cora National Park is the largest protected area in Paraguay with 5 thousands hectares. Established on February 11, 1976, it is a nature reserve, as well as a major historical site.",
        "Paraguay has 1 UNESCO world heritage site.",
        "The Jesuit Missions of La Sant\u00edsima Trinidad de Paran\u00e1 and Jes\u00fas de Tavarangue are located in the Itap\u00faa Department, Paraguay, and are religious mission that are still preserved and that were founded by the Jesuit missioners during the colonization of South America in the 17th century. These religious missions were created in 1609 and developed for 150 years. Both Jesuit missions were declared World Heritage Site by the UNESCO in 1993.",
        "Paraguay got independence from Spain on May 14, 1811. This day is celebrated with a lot of festivities every year.",
        "Before the Spanish conquered Paraguay in the 16th century, it was the place of the indigenous Guarani civilization.",
        "The top exports of Paraguay are hydroelectric power and soybeans. Other major exports include edible oil, meat, cotton, wood, and leather.",
        "The Paraguay River, which divides the country into two halves, is South America's second-longest river after the more famous Amazon River.",
        "Only about 2% of the entire population of Paraguay lives to the west of the Paraguay River.",
        "About 95% of Paraguay's people are mestizo (mixed Spanish and Guaran\u00ed Native American descent).",
        "Terer\u00e9 or Terer\u00ea (of Guaran\u00ed origin) is an infusion of yerba mate (botanical name Ilex paraguariensis), similar to mate but prepared with cold water and ice rather than with hot, and in a slightly larger vessel. It is Paraguay's national drink.",
        "Sopa paraguaya is a traditional Paraguayan dish. Literally meaning \"Paraguayan soup,\" sopa paraguaya isn't quite what its name would suggest. Rather, it's corn bread flavored with cheese and onion, among other ingredients.",
        "One of Paraguay's iconic crafts is nanduti, the embroidered lace that probably arrived from the Spanish island of Tenerife. The word itself, meaning \"spiderweb\" in the Guarani language, aptly describes the weavers' geometric patterns but not the rainbow of colors that embellish their designs.",
        "Most homes in Paraguay have no doorbells. Instead, you are expected to announce your arrival by clapping your hands.",
        "The first railway line in Paraguay (and in South America) was constructed between 1858 and 1861 by British engineers.",
        "Paraguay's flag is the only national flag in the world to have different emblems on the obverse (front) and reverse (back). The front of the Paraguay flag has the country's state coat of arms on it, and the back has the country's Treasury Seal.",
        "There is no consensus for the derivation or meaning of the name Paraguay, although many versions are very similar. The most common interpretations include: \"Born from water\", \"river crowned\", \"Riverine of many varieties\", \"river of the habitants of the sea\" and \"river that flows through the sea\".",
        "The distribution of wealth is markedly unequal in Paraguay with 80% of land held by 2.5% of the population and 161 people controlling 90% of the country's wealth.",
        "There is a frequently quoted, (fictitious), claim that dueling is legal in Paraguay if both parties are blood donors. No evidence exists that this is indeed true, and the notion has been outright denied by members Paraguayan government.",
        "There is a failed Nazi village in the middle of Paraguay with only two old Germans left."
    "Portugal": [
        "The official name of Portugal is the Portuguese Republic.",
        "Portugal is the westernmost country of the European mainland.",
        "Portugal is one of the oldest countries in Europe. Having the same defined borders since 1139, almost 900 years ago.",
        "Portugal has a population of over 10.5 million people.",
        "Lisbon is the capital and the largest city of Portugal, with a population of 552 thousands.",
        "Although Portugal was always a very small nation state, the Portuguese Empire was huge.",
        "Portugal became the first global maritime power during the 15th & 16th centuries. Pioneering Portuguese explorers such as Henry the Navigator, Vasco da Gama and \u00c1lvares Cabral founded new lands and colonies making Portugal a major economic, political and military power, ultimately dividing the world with Spain.",
        "One of the less pleasant Portugal facts is that the country was the first to engage in the transatlantic slave trade, taking slaves from West Africa to the New World, although the other European empires soon followed suit.",
        "There are many fascinating Portugal facts relating to the culture of the country. One of these facts concerns the tradition of Fatalism, or Fado. This is an attitude in music, literature and daily speech characterized by melancholy, resignation and a belief in capricious fate. In music, mournful songs about poverty or the seafaring life often express this sentiment.",
        "Many of Portugal's dishes are fish-based due to the country's situation on the Atlantic. The most famous fish dish is salted cod, bacalhau, which it is said can be cooked in 365 different ways.",
        "Portugal today is a friendly, low-key place with a laidback vibe and a fantastic coastline, much of it fringed by golden sands and endless dunes.",
        "The Algarve one of the best places to visit in Portugal. Located in the country's southernmost region, the Algarve offers a feast for the eyes, from tranquil landscapes of olive groves, traditional whitewashed villages to the wild, windswept coast with its dramatic cliffs dotted with summer resorts.",
        "One of Portugal's best-loved historic monuments and a Lisbon icon, the Torre de Bel\u00e9m stands as a symbol of the Age of Discovery and the voyages of exploration undertaken in the 15th and 16th centuries.An impressive Renaissance loggia heightens the decoration. The tower's cultural significance is such that UNESCO has listed it as a World Heritage Site.",
        "Capital and gateway to the north of Portugal, Porto is both the city that provided a nation with a name and a fortified wine known worldwide as port.With its splendid geographical location on the mouth of the Douro River and an architectural heritage of exceptional quality, the historic center of Porto was declared a UNESCO World Heritage in 1996.",
        "Sintra's Pal\u00e1cio da Pena is one of the best examples of 19th-century Romantic revivalism in Portugal.Set at the top of the Monte da Pena, the palace was built on the site of an old monastery belonging to the Order of St. Jerome. Sintra and its surrounding mountains (Serra de Sintra) are classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "Angra do Hero\u00edsmo, generally known as Angra, is a municipality and city on the island of Terceira in the Portuguese autonomous region of the Azores.The town was established in the latter half of the 15th century. Angra served as a place of exile for Almeida Garrett during the Napoleonic Wars. It also served as a refuge for Queen Maria II of Portugal from 1830 to 1833. It was classified as a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1983.",
        "Convent of Christ in Tomar originally designed as a monument symbolizing the Reconquest, the Convent of the Knights Templar of Tomar (transferred in 1344 to the Knights of the Order of Christ) came to symbolize just the opposite during the Manueline period \u2013 the opening up of Portugal to other civilizations.It was classified as a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1983."
    "Qatar": [
        "Qatar is a sovereign country located in Western Asia, occupying the small Qatar Peninsula on the northeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula.",
        "The official name of the country is the State of Qatar.",
        "Qatar has one land border with Saudi Arabia to the south, and the rest of its territory is surrounded by the Persian Gulf. A strait in the Persian Gulf separates Qatar from the nearby island country of Bahrain, as well as sharing maritime borders with the United Arab Emirates and Iran.",
        "The official language of Qatar is Arabic, but English is the second language and is very widely spoken.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Qatar was estimated to be 2 thousands thousands people.",
        "Doha is the capital city and most populous city of the State of Qatar. The city is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf in the east of the country. It is Qatar's fastest growing city, with over 50% of the nation's population living in Doha or its surrounding suburbs, and it is also the economic center of the country.",
        "Qatar's terrain is mostly a flat and barren desert covered with loose sand and gravel, with some low hills and a central limestone plateau.",
        "Qurain Abu al-Bawl is the highest point of Qatar, with an altitude of 103 meters (343 feet).",
        "Qatar has 563 kilometers (350 miles) of coastline.",
        "Qatar has established 5 terrestrial protected areas accounting for about 18% of the total land area, and 3 marine protected areas.",
        "Al Reem Biosphere Reserve is an inhabited area of 120 thousands hectares (296 thousands acres) in northwest Qatar that includes semi-arid desert landscapes that are home to gazelles and Arabian oryx. It is one of 24 UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in the Middle East. It was established in 2005 and accounts for approximately 10% of Qatar's land area. It was recognized by UNESCO in 2007.",
        "Qatar has 1 UNESCO world heritage site.",
        "Zubarah, also referred to as Al Zubarah or Az Zubarah, is a ruined and ancient fort located on the north western coast of the Qatar peninsula about 105 kilometers 65 miles from the Qatari capital of Doha. It was founded by Al Bin Ali , main and principal Utub tribe in the first half of the eighteenth century. It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013.",
        "Souq Waqif is a souq in Doha, in the state of Qatar. The souq is noted for selling traditional garments, spices, handicrafts, and souvenirs. It is also home to dozens of restaurants and Shisha lounges. Although it dates back at least a hundred years, it was renovated in 2006 to conserve its traditional architectural style.",
        "The Museum of Islamic Art is a museum located on the Corniche in the Qatari capital Doha. The iconic building was designed by architect I. M. Pei. The museum is influenced by ancient Islamic architecture, yet has a unique design. It was the first of its kind in the Arab States of the Persian Gulf and has a very large collection of Islamic art, plus a study and a library.",
        "Katara is a cultural village in Doha. There are many cultural activities including art exhibitions, indy films, operas, orchestras and festivals. Built to replicate a traditional Qatari village with a few twists thrown in, such as the newly-built Falcon Museum, shaped like a falcon hood.",
        "The Imam Abdul Wahhab Mosque more commonly known as the State Grand Mosque, this is the largest mosque in Qatar with 90 domes, 18 entrances and capacity for 30 thousands people. Built in 2013, it was named after the 18th century Islamic theologian and inaugurated by the Former Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani.",
        "The Pearl-Qatar in Doha is an artificial island spanning nearly 400 hectares. It is the first land in Qatar to be available for freehold ownership by foreign nationals. It has residential accommodation, hotels, marina, and retail areas.",
        "In 1971, Qatar was to join the other emirates of the Trucial Coast to become part of the United Arab Emirates. But both Qatar and Bahrain decided against the merger and instead formed independent nations.",
        "Qatar has exported oil since 1949, and as reserves decline, the nation has turned to its natural gas.",
        "Qatar has the world's third largest natural gas reserves and oil reserves.",
        "Qatar is the leading exporter of liquefied natural gas.",
        "As of 2016, Qatar has the fourth highest GDP per capita in the world, according to the International Monetary Fund.",
        "Qatar is a constitutional monarchy headed by Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al- Thani.",
        "Qatar is classified by the UN as a country of very high human development and is the most advanced Arab state for human development.",
        "Qatari cuisine is made up of traditional Arab cuisine. It is also largely influenced by Iranian and Indian cuisine.",
        "Machb\u016bs, a meal consisting of rice, meat, and vegetables, is the national dish in Qatar.",
        "The national flower of Qatar is Qataf.",
        "The national animal of Qatar is the Arabian oryx.",
        "The national bird of Qatar is the falcon.",
        "Sport in Qatar is primarily centered on football in terms in participation and spectators. Additionally, athletics, basketball, handball, volleyball, tennis, camel racing, horse racing, cricket and swimming are also widely practiced.",
        "Qatar will host the 2022 FIFA World Cup, becoming the first Arab country to do so.",
        "I've been to Qatar, its awesome!"
    "Romania": [
        "Romania is a central European country known for the forested region of Transylvania, preserved medieval towns and many fortified churches and castles.",
        "The name \"Romania\" comes from the Latin word \"Romanus\" which means \"citizen of the Roman Empire.\"",
        "Romania borders Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine, it also shares a maritime border with Turkey.",
        "Official language is Romanian.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Romania was estimated to be 19 thousands thousands people.",
        "Bucharest is the capital and largest city of Romania, as well as its cultural, industrial, and financial center. Bucharest was first mentioned in documents in 1459, as the residence of Vlad III the Impaler (Vlad \u021aepe\u0219).",
        "Romania major cities are: Cluj-Napoca, Timi\u0219oara, Ia\u0219i, Constan\u021ba and Craiova.",
        "Romania is a land of natural beauty, where all types of landscapes are to be found, from mountain peaks, where you can walk among alpine vegetation, to plains, coastline and the Danube Delta, the world's third most bio-diverse delta.",
        "Moldoveanu Peak at 2 thousands meters (8346 feet), is the highest mountain in Romania.",
        "Although the 2nd largest river delta in Europe after the Caspian Depression's Volga Delta (Russia/Kazakhstan), the Danube Delta in Romania is the best preserved on the continent. It features no less than 23 natural ecosystems, boasting an amazing variety of unique flora and fauna.",
        "The Danube to Black Sea canal in southeast Romania, is world's 3rd longest man made navigation route, after the Suez and the Panama Canals.",
        "The Carpathian Mountains or Carpathians are a range of mountains forming an arc roughly 1 thousands km (932 mi) long across Central Europe, making them the second-longest mountain range in Europe . They provide the habitat for the largest European populations of brown bears, wolves, chamois and lynxes, with the highest concentration in Romania",
        "Some 1 thousands floral species have been recorded in Romania's Carpathian Mountains.",
        "Romania has 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.These include: the Churches of Moldavia; the Dacian Fortress of the Orastie Mountains; the Historic Centre of Sighisoara; the Monastery of Horezu; the Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania; the Wooden Churches of Maramures; the Danube Delta.",
        "The Romanian Palace of Parliament in Bucharest is the largest, heaviest and most expensive civil administration building on the planet.",
        "Known as one of the most beautiful castles in Europe, Peles Castle can be discovered in the majestic Carpathian Mountains, near the town of Sinaia, Romania. The Peles Castle was the first European castle entirely lit by electrical current.The electricity was produced by the castle's own plant.",
        "Romanian is the only Romance language in Eastern Europe. Romanian is closely related to Italian, French, Spanish, Catalan and Portuguese.",
        "The most famous novels, inspired by Romania, are \"Dracula\" by Bram Stoker and \"The Castle in the Carpathians\" by Jules Verne.",
        "The archetypal vampire Count Dracula, created by Bram Stoker, was inspired by the Romanian prince Vlad Tepes, also known as Vlad the Impaler because he was fond of impaling his enemies and standing them along the roads.",
        "Bran Castle, situated near Bran and in the immediate vicinity of Bra\u015fov, is a national monument and landmark in Romania.Commonly known as \"Dracula's Castle\" , it is the home of the titular character in Bram Stoker's Dracula.",
        "Transylvania is a historical region in the central part of Romania.The meaning of the word \"Transylvania\" is the land beyond the forest.",
        "In 1884 the Romanian city of Timisoara became the first in Europe to have electric street lighting.",
        "The Statue of Decebalus, Europe's largest rock sculpture.It is a 40 meters high carving in rock of the face of Decebalus, the last king of Dacia, who fought against the Roman emperors Domitian and Trajan to preserve the independence of his country, which corresponded to modern Romania.",
        "Romania has one of the happiest cemeteries on Earth.Tucked away in a tiny village of Maramures county, near the Ukrainian border, the Merry Cemetery (Cimitirul Vesel) is not only a very unique burial site, but also an open-air museum and a tourist attraction in its own right.",
        "Pe\u0219tera cu Oase (meaning \"The Cave with Bones\") is a system of 12 karstic galleries and chambers located near the city Anina, in the Cara\u0219-Severin county, southwestern Romania, where one of the oldest early modern human remains in Europe (37 thousands years old) have been discovered.",
        "Romania's Astra Museum in Sibiu is the second-largest outdoor museum in the world. It features more than 300 buildings as well as watermills and windmills, gigantic presses for wine, fruit and oil, hydraulic forges and more.",
        "Romania is the 9th largest wine producer in the world.",
        "Romania ranks 10th in the world in terms of the diversity of minerals produced in the country.",
        "Romania is home to the largest gold deposit in continental Europe.",
        "The Gold Museum in the small Romanian city of Brad is the only one of its kind in Europe. Founded 100 years ago,the gallery contains a collection of over 2000 pieces of gold gathered here from across the world.",
        "Inside the old Turda Salt Mines located in Transylvania, Romania, stands the world's largest salt mine museum.",
        "Romania is known for having one of the largest gypsy populations in Europe.",
        "Romania's national currency is Leu, which means lion.",
        "Romania's 10-bani note issued in 1917 is the smallest paper money ever printed (dimensions: 2.74 x 3.78 centimeters (1.08 x 1.49 inches)).",
        "Romanian Inventor Traian Vuia was the first European to built and fly a fully self-propelled, fixed-wing 'automobile airplane' (March 18, 1906).",
        "Romanian biologist, Emil Palade, received the Nobel Prize for his contributions to cell biology.",
        "The first substance proved to have a normalizing effect on blood sugar levels \u2013 pancreatine (the predecessor of insulin) was discovered by Romanian physiologist, professor of medicine: Nicolae Paulescu!",
        "Romanian gymnast, Nadia Com\u0103neci, became one of the world's most famous athletes when she achieved a perfect 10 in the 1976 Olympics."
    "Rwanda": [
        "Rwanda is a landlocked country in Central Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Rwanda.",
        "Rwanda has four official languages: English, French, Kinyarwanda and Swahili.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Rwanda was estimated to be 12 thousands thousands people.",
        "Kigali is the capital and largest city of Rwanda. It is near the nation's geographic center. The city is Rwanda's economic, cultural, and transport hub.",
        "Mount Karisimbi is an inactive volcano in the Virunga Mountains It is the highest mountain in Rwanda rising to a height of 4 thousands meters (14 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "The network of protected areas in Rwanda covers about 9% of the national territory. It is made up of 3 national parks, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "Volcanoes National Park lies in northwestern Rwanda. The national park is known as a haven for the rare and endangered mountain gorilla and golden monkeys. It is home to five of the eight volcanoes of the Virunga Mountains (Karisimbi, Bisoke, Muhabura, Gahinga and Sabyinyo), and spans 160 square kilometers (62 square miles) covered in rainforest and bamboo.",
        "Akagera National Park covers 1 thousands square kilometres (460 square miles) in eastern Rwanda, along the Tanzanian border. It was founded in 1934 to protect animals and vegetation in three ecoregions: savannah, mountain and swamp. The park is named for the Kagera River which flows along its eastern boundary feeding into several lakes the largest of which is Lake Ihema.",
        "The Nyungwe rainforest is located in southwestern Rwanda. This rainforest is probably the best preserved montane rainforest in Central Africa. It is located in the watershed between the basin of the river Congo to the west and the basin of the river Nile to the east. From the east side of the Nyungwe forest comes also one of the branches of the Nile sources.",
        "Numerous lakes dot the landscape, with Lake Kivu being the largest and making up most of Rwanda's western border. Lake Kivu is approximately 90 km (56 mi) long and 50 km (31 mi) at its widest. The lake has a maximum depth of 475 m (1 thousands ft) and a mean depth of 220 m (722 ft), making it the world's eighteenth deepest lake by maximum depth, and the ninth deepest by mean depth.",
        "Human occupation of Rwanda is thought to have begun shortly after the last ice age.",
        "The Kingdom of Rwanda dominated from the mid-18th century, with the Tutsi kings conquering others militarily, centralising power and later enacting anti-Hutu policies.",
        "Germany colonised Rwanda in 1884 as part of German East Africa, followed by Belgium, which invaded in 1916 during the First World War.",
        "The Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Front launched a civil war in 1990. Social tensions erupted in the 1994 genocide, in which Hutu extremists killed an estimated 500 thousands to 1.3 million Tutsi and moderate Hutu. The RPF ended the genocide with a military victory.",
        "Civil war and genocide at that time left Rwanda's economy and social fabric in shambles. The years that followed have been characterized by reconstruction and ethnic reconciliation.",
        "Rwanda is a rural country with about 90% of the population engaged in (mainly subsistence) agriculture."
    "Saint Kitts and Nevis": [
        "Saint Kitts and Nevis is a dual-island nation situated between the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea.",
        "The official name of the country is the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Saint Kitts and Nevis was estimated to be 55 thousands people.",
        "Saint Kitts and Nevis has 135 kilometers (84 miles) of coastline.",
        "Saint Kitts and Nevis economy is characterised by its dominant tourism, agriculture and light manufacturing industries."
    "Saint Lucia": [
        "Saint Lucia is a sovereign island country in the eastern Caribbean Sea on the boundary with the Atlantic Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is Saint Lucia.",
        "Saint Lucia is located northeast of the island of Saint Vincent, northwest of Barbados and south of Martinique (France).",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Saint Lucia was estimated to be 185 thousands people.",
        "Saint Lucia covers a land area of 617 square kilometers (238 square miles); it is 43.5 kilometers (27 miles) long and 22.5 kilometers (14 miles) wide.",
        "Castries is the capital and largest city of Saint Lucia. The city's design is in a grid pattern. Its sheltered harbour receives cargo vessels, ferry boats, and cruise ships.",
        "Mount Gimie is the tallest mountain on the island of Saint Lucia. The mountain's peak reaches 950 meters (3 thousands feet). It is of volcanic origin and is covered by lush tropical rainforest.",
        "Saint Lucia has 158 kilometers (98 miles) of coastline.",
        "Saint Lucia is adorned with pristine sugar sand beaches and exotic black sand beaches.",
        "The Pitons are two mountainous volcanic plugs, volcanic spires, located in Saint Lucia. The Gros Piton is 771 meters (2 thousands feet) high, and the Petit Piton is 743 meters (2 thousands feet) high; they are linked by the Piton Mitan ridge. The Pitons are a UNESCO World Heritage Site 2 thousands hectares (7 thousands acres) in size.",
        "Pigeon Island National Landmark is heralded as one of the most important monuments of Saint Lucias history. It is a vivid representation of the cultural and historical monuments of international, civil, military and marine cross currents, characteristic of West Indian historical change. A living museum within a natural setting, Pigeon Island is being nurtured through careful protection and intelligent development to serve the intellectual, cultural and recreational needs of all who visit this historic site.",
        "Tourism is vital to Saint Lucia's economy. One of St Lucia's main export is bananas, but they also export cacao, vegetables and clothing.",
        "Saint Lucian cuisine is a combination of French, East Indian and British dishes. St Lucia's national dish is green figs and saltfish (actually it's made with bananas not figs).",
        "The national bird is the St Lucia Parrot, or Jacquot, which is native only to Saint Lucia.",
        "Saint Lucia was named after Saint Lucy of Syracuse by the French, the island's first European settlers, and the only country in the world named after a woman.",
        "Despite a population of only 176 thousands, Saint Lucians have won two Nobel Prizes: Arthur Lewis (economics) and Derek Walcott (literature).",
        "The biggest St Lucian festival is the Saint Lucia Jazz Festival in May. Musicians come from all over the world to take part in this celebration.",
        "Cricket is massively popular in Saint Lucia.",
        "Saint Lucia is an anagram of \"is nautical\" or \"is a lunatic\"."
    "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": [
        "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines also known simply as Saint Vincent is a southern Caribbean nation comprising a main island, St. Vincent, and a chain of smaller islands.",
        "The official name of the country is Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.",
        "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is located west of Barbados south of Saint Lucia and north of Grenada in the Windward Islands of the Lesser Antilles, an island arc of the Caribbean Sea.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines was estimated to be 109 thousands people.",
        "Kingstown is the capital, chief port, and main commercial center of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. With a population of 16 thousands (2010), Kingstown is the most populous settlement in the country.",
        "At 1 thousands meters (4 thousands feet), La Soufri\u00e8re is the highest peak on Saint Vincent as well as the highest point in the island country of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.",
        "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has 84 kilometers (52 miles) of coastline.",
        "The Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Botanic Gardens is located in Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. It is one of the oldest in the Western Hemisphere and perhaps the oldest in the tropical world. Conservation of rare species of plants has been practiced here since 1765. The magnificent Botanic Gardens offer an attractive, alluring and peaceful retreat and are currently one of the most visited sites in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.",
        "The cuisine of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is quite similar to all the neighboring islands. Their Creole cuisine is based on different contributions including European, African and Asian."
    "Samoa": [
        "Samoa is an island country located the South Pacific Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is the Independent State of Samoa.",
        "Samoa is located about halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand in the Polynesian region of the South Pacific.",
        "Samoa shares maritime borders with American Samoa (United States), New Zealand, Tonga, and Wallis and Futuna (France).",
        "Samoa has 2 official languages: Samoan and Samoan.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Samoa was estimated to be 195 thousands people.",
        "Apia is the capital and the largest city of Samoa. The city is located on the central north coast of Upolu, Samoa's second largest island. Apia is the only \"city\" in Samoa. It has population of about 37 thousands.",
        "The highest point in Samoa is Mount Silisili, at 1858 meters (6 thousands feet) above sea level. It is located in the centre of a mountain chain running the length of Savai'i island.",
        "Savai'i, the largest island in Samoa, is volcanically active with the most recent eruptions in Mt Matavanu (1905\u20131911), Mata o le Afi (1902) and Mauga Afi (1725).",
        "Lalomanu Beach is the most popular beach in Samoa with its leaning palms, beautiful white sand and views of Samoa's smaller outer islands.",
        "The Immaculate Conception of Mary Cathedral is located in the center of the capital city of the Independent State of Samoa, Apia. The new cathedral of Apia was opened to the public on 2 June 2014, after three years of repairs, with the presence of Archbishop Martin Krebs, apostolic nuncio in New Zealand. The church was rebuilt on the site of the original cathedral dating from 1857.",
        "Samoa's oldest known site of human occupation is Mulifanua on the island of Upolu, which dates back to about 1000 BC (about 3000 years ago).",
        "Over the millennia, the Samoan people engaged in trade, battles and intermarriage of nobility with the neighbouring islands of Fiji and Tonga.",
        "Contact with Europeans began in the early 18th century. Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen happened upon the islands in 1722. In 1768, French Admiral Louis de Bougainville visited the islands. He was so impressed with the Samoan's numerous canoes and their great skill in handling them that he gave Samoa its original European name, \"The Navigator Islands.\"",
        "Germany took possession of the western portion of the Samoan archipelago from 1899-1914.",
        "The newly formed United Nations extended New Zealand's mandate until January 1, 1962, when Western Samoa, or Samoa i Sisifo as the Samoans called it, became the first independent Polynesian nation.",
        "In 1997 the island nation officially shortened its name to Samoa.",
        "Samoa is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.",
        "The economy of Samoa is dependent on agricultural exports, development aid and private remittances from overseas. Agriculture employs two-thirds of the labor force, and furnishes 90% of exports, featuring coconut cream, coconut oil and copra.",
        "As with other Polynesian cultures with significant and unique tattoos, Samoans have two gender specific and culturally significant tattoos. For males, it is called the Pe'a and consists of intricate and geometrical patterns tattooed that cover areas from the knees up towards the ribs. A male who possesses such a tatau is called a soga'imiti. A Samoan girl or teine is given a malu, which covers the area from just below her knees to her upper thighs.",
        "In traditional Samoan culture, men were responsible for daily cooking and preparation of special events.",
        "Obesity rates in Samoa are among the highest in the world. A gene variant much more common among Samoans than others, is thought to partly explain high levels of obesity among people from Samoa.",
        "On December 29, 2011, Samoa jumped the International Dateline, skipping December 30, 2011, to fall in line with the same day as New Zealand and Australia on December 31, 2011 \u2013 New Years Eve."
    "San Marino": [
        "San Marino is a mountainous microstate surrounded by Italy.",
        "San Marino officially the Republic of San Marino also known as the Most Serene Republic of San Marino.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of San Marino was estimated to be 32 thousands people.",
        "Geographically, San Marino is the world's fifth smallest country and the third smallest in Europe (after the Vatican and Monaco).",
        "The City of San Marino, also known simply as San Marino or locally as Citt\u00e0, is the capital city of the Republic of San Marino.",
        "The Palazzo Pubblico is the town hall of the City of San Marino as well as its official Government Building.The building was designed by the Roman architect Francesco Azzurri and was built between 1884 and 1894.",
        "Monte Titano is a mountain of the Apennines and the highest peak in San Marino. It stands at 739 meters (2 thousands feet) above sea level and is located immediately to the east of the capital, San Marino.",
        "San Marino has no flat ground; it is entirely composed of hilly terrain.",
        "San Marino Historic Centre and Mount Titano was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008.It covers 55 hectares (136 acres) , including Mount Titano and the historic center of the city which dates back to the foundation of the republic as a city-state in the 13th century.",
        "The Three Towers of San Marino are a group of towers located in San Marino. Located on the three peaks of Monte Titano in the capital, also called San Marino, they are depicted on both the national flag and coat of arms.",
        "With over 100 unique sculptures in a small area, San Marino has some very amazing works of art, the most famous of which is the Lady of Liberty located in front of the city hall.She's wearing a crown with the three towers Mount Titano.",
        "San Marino claims to be the oldest surviving sovereign state and constitutional republic in the world, as the continuation of the monastic community founded on 3 September 301, by stonecutter Marinus of Arba.",
        "Olive, pine, oak, ash and other trees grow in San Marino. The country's animals include moles, hedgehog, foxes, badgers, weasels and hares.",
        "There are several streams and small rivers, including the Ausa, Marano, and the San Marino.",
        "There are 220 kilometers (140 miles) of roads in the country, the main road being the San Marino Highway.",
        "The people of San Marino are called Sammarinese.",
        "The cuisine of San Marino is extremely similar to Italian.",
        "Torta Tre Monti (\"Cake of the Three Mountains/Towers\"), based on The Three Towers of San Marino. It is a traditional Sammarinese cake made of layers of thin waffled wafers cemented together by chocolate or hazelnut creme.",
        "San Marino's per capita GDP of US$55 thousands and standard of living are comparable to that of Denmark.",
        "Also San Marino's postage stamps, which are valid for mail posted in the country, are mostly sold to philatelists and are an important source of income.",
        "San Marino remained neutral in both the First World War and the Second.",
        "They provided refuge to more than 100 thousands persecuted Italians and Jews during WWII. This was 10 times the population of San Marino at the time.",
        "When a New York paper wrote that San Marino had declared war on Britain in 1940, the Sammarinese government wrote to the British government to say it hadn't declared war.",
        "San Marino has one of the smallest military forces in the world. National defence is, by arrangement, the responsibility of Italy's armed forces."
    "Sao Tome and Principe": [
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Sao Tome and Principe was estimated to be 196 thousands people."
    "Saudi Arabia": [
        "Saudi Arabia is a desert country encompassing most of the Arabian Peninsula, with Red Sea and Persian (Arabian) Gulf coastlines.",
        "The official name of the country is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.",
        "Saudi Arabia is bordered by Jordan and Iraq to the north, Kuwait to the northeast, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates to the east, Oman to the southeast, and Yemen to the south. It is separated from Israel and Egypt by the Gulf of Aqaba.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Saudi Arabia was estimated to be 32 thousands thousands people.",
        "Riyadh is the capital and most populous city of Saudi Arabia. The city is situated in the center of the Arabian Peninsula on a large plateau, and is home to more than 8 million people.",
        "Saudi Arabia is, for the most part, an uninhabited desert land which includes the world's largest contiguous sand desert, the Rub Al-Khali, or Empty Quarter.",
        "With an elevation of around 3 thousands meters (9 thousands feet) above sea level, Jabal Sawda is the highest peak in Saudi Arabia.",
        "The total length of the Saudi Arabian coastline is 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) with two coastlines: a long west coast on the Red Sea and a shorter east coast on the Persian Gulf.",
        "Saudi Arabia has 4 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Mada'in Saleh also called \"Al-Hijr\" or \"Hegra\", is an archaeological site. A majority of the vestiges date from the Nabatean kingdom (1st century AD). The site constitutes the kingdom's southernmost and largest settlement after Petra, its capital. In 2008 UNESCO proclaimed Mada'in Saleh as a site of patrimony, becoming Saudi Arabia's first World Heritage Site.",
        "Al-Masjid an-Nabawi is a mosque established and originally built by the Islamic prophet Muhammad, situated in the city of Medina in Saudi Arabia. Al-Masjid an-Nabawi was the third mosque built in the history of Islam and is now one of the largest mosques in the world. It is the second-holiest site in Islam, after Masjid al-Haram in Mecca. It is always open, regardless of date or time.",
        "The King of Saudi Arabia is Saudi Arabia's head of state and absolute monarch.",
        "Saudi Arabia is the world's largest oil producer and exporter, controlling the world's second largest oil reserves, and the sixth largest gas reserves.",
        "Construction on Saudi Arabia's Jeddah Tower previously known as Kingdom Tower began in 2014. The new, tallest building in the world will stand 1 kilometer (3 thousands feet) high.",
        "About 100 camels are sold in the capital of Saudi Arabia every day. The capital, Riyadh, has a large camel market.",
        "Saudi Arabia takes witchcraft so seriously that the country has banned the Harry Potter books, and the government has set up an Anti-Witchcraft Action Unit, which is under the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (CPV), or Saudi Arabia's religious police. The unit is charged with apprehending sorcerers and reversing the harmful effects of their spells."
    "Senegal": [
        "Senegal is a country in West Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Senegal.",
        "It is bordered by Mauritania in the north, Mali to the east, Guinea to the southeast, and Guinea-Bissau to the southwest. Senegal also borders The Gambia, a country occupying a narrow sliver of land along the banks of the Gambia River, which separates Senegal's southern region of Casamance from the rest of the country.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Senegal was estimated to be 15 thousands thousands people.",
        "Dakar is the capital and largest city of Senegal. It is located on the Cap-Vert peninsula on the Atlantic coast and is the westernmost city in the Old World as well as on the African mainland.",
        "Much of Senegal is covered in rolling, sandy plains courtesy of the western Sahel \u2013 a transition zone between the Sahara desert and Sudanian Savannas.",
        "Foothills rise from the Sahel in the southeastern part of the country, and this is where the highest point of Senegal is found: an unnamed elevation southwest of Kedougou at 648 meters (2 thousands feet).",
        "Senegal has 531 kilometers (330 miles) of coastline.",
        "The best beaches in Senegal are found in Cap Skirring and Dakar. Cap Skirring is located in southern Senegal in the Casamance region of the country. The beaches in Cap Skirring are vast and undeveloped even during high tourist season. Dakar has many beaches that are very nice and are heavily populated every day by local people and tourists.",
        "The network of protected areas in Senegal covers about 25% of the national territory. It is made up of 6 national park, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "The Niokolo-Koba National Park is a natural protected area in south eastern Senegal. Established as a reserve in 1925, Niokolo-Koba was declared a Senegalese national park on 1 January 1954. Expanded in 1969, it was inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 1981 as a UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve.",
        "The Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary lies on the southeast bank of the Senegal River. It provides a range of wetland habitats which prove very popular with migrating birds, many of which have just crossed the Sahara. Of almost 400 species of birds, the most visible are pelicans and flamingos. A wide range of wildlife also inhabits the park, which is designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981.",
        "Senegal has 7 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Founded as a French colonial settlement in the 17th century, Saint-Louis was urbanised in the mid-19th century. It was the capital of Senegal from 1872 to 1957 and played an important cultural and economic role in the whole of West Africa. The location of the town on an island at the mouth of the Senegal River, its regular town plan, the system of quays, and the characteristic colonial architecture give Saint-Louis its distinctive appearance and identity. The city was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000.",
        "The Stone Circles of Senegambia lie in The Gambia north of Janjanbureh and in central Senegal. The site consists of four large groups of stone circles that represent an extraordinary concentration of over 1 thousands monuments in a band 100 km (62 mi) wide along some 350 km (220 mi) of the River Gambia. The four groups, Sine Ngay\u00e8ne, Wanar, Wassu and Kerbatch, cover 93 stone circles and numerous tumuli, burial mounds, some of which have been excavated to reveal material that suggest dates between 3rd century BC and 16th century AD. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.",
        "The Bassari Country and its Bassari, Fula and Bedik Cultural Landscapes, located in the southeast of Senegal, is a well-preserved multicultural landscape which emerged from the interaction of human activities and the natural environment. In 2012, the Bassari Country with its Bassari, Fula and Bedik Cultural Landscapes was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.",
        "The African Renaissance Monument is a 49 meter (161 feet) tall bronze statue located on top of one of the twin hills known as Collines des Mamelles, outside Dakar. It is the tallest statue in Africa. Built overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in the Ouakam suburb, the statue was designed by the Senegalese architect Pierre Goudiaby after an idea presented by president Abdoulaye Wade and built by Mansudae Overseas Projects, a company from North Korea.",
        "Archaeological findings throughout the area indicate that Senegal was inhabited in prehistoric times and has been continuously occupied by various ethnic groups.",
        "In the mid-15th century, the Portuguese landed on the Senegal coastline, followed by traders representing other countries, including the French.",
        "After World War II, independence movements gained in popularity. Senegal became fully independent in 1964.",
        "With its stable democracy, Senegal remains the only country in West Africa never to have experienced a military coup, where the army seizes power from an elected government.",
        "Predominantly rural, and with limited natural resources, the Economy of Senegal gains most of its foreign exchange from fish, phosphates, groundnuts, tourism, and services.",
        "Senegal is the westernmost country in the mainland of the Old World, or Afro-Eurasia, and owes its name to the Senegal River, which borders it to the east and north. \"Senegal\" comes from the Wolof \"Sunuu Gaal\", which means \"Our Boat.\"",
        "Senegal is a secular state. Islam is the predominant religion in the country, practiced by approximately 94% of the country's population; the Christian community, at 5% of the population, are mostly Roman Catholics.",
        "Because Senegal borders the Atlantic Ocean, fish is very important. Chicken, lamb, peas, eggs, and beef are also used in Senegalese cooking, but not pork, due to the nation's largely Muslim population.",
        "Wrestling is Senegal's most popular sport and has become a national obsession. Football and basketball are also popular sports in Senegal."
    "Serbia": [
        "Serbia is a landlocked country, situated in the Central and Southeastern Europe.",
        "The official name of Serbia is the Republic of Serbia.",
        "Official language is Serbian.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Serbia was estimated to be 7 thousands thousands people.",
        "The national currency of Serbia is Serbian Dinar.",
        "Belgrade is the capital city of Serbia and it is one of the oldest cities in Europe and has since ancient times been an important crossing of the ways where the roads of eastern and western Europe meet.",
        "When speaking about its natural resources, Serbia is a true jewel of Europe. As such, through its high mountains, vast plains, huge forests and beautiful caves, it offers various challenges to all real admirers of nature and wilderness.",
        "There are 70 mammal species in Serbia, including deer, foxes, wolves, wild pigs, and bears.",
        "At 2 thousands meters (7 thousands feet) Mid\u017eor is the highest peak in Serbia.",
        "There are 5 national parks in Serbia: \u0110erdap, Fru\u0161ka Gora, Kopaonik, \u0160ar-planina and Tara.",
        "Serbia has a huge historical heritage that can be seen in fortresses and castles from different historical periods.",
        "Monasteries are of the most important cultural and historical value in Serbia. They were built between the 12th and the 17th century.",
        "White Angel is a detail of one of the best known frescoes in Serbian culture in the Mile\u0161eva monastery.A picture of the White Angel of Mile\u0161eva was sent as a message in the first satellite broadcast signal from Europe to America after the Cuban Missile Crisis, as a symbol of peace and civilization.",
        "Miroslav's Gospel, written in 1180, is the oldest Serbian manuscript that entered in the register of UNESCO.",
        "The Late Roman fortified palace compound and memorial complex of Gamzigrad-Romuliana, Palace of Galerius, in the east of Serbia, was commissioned by Emperor Caius Valerius Galerius Maximianus, in the late 3rd and early 4th centuries.The main area covers 10 acres.",
        "During the 3rd and 4th centuries as many as 18 Roman emperors were born in the area we know today as Serbia.",
        "Nikola Tesla one of the most brilliant mind in the history of men was a Serbian.",
        "Mileva Mari\u0107 was a Serbian physicist and the first wife of Nobel Prize-winning physicist Albert Einstein.",
        "Ivo Andri\u0107 is the only Nobel Prize winner from Serbia. He won the esteemed award for literature in 1961.",
        "Serbia is that it is the largest exporter of raspberries in the world. It contributes over 30% of the total raspberries to the international market.",
        "The most expensive cheese in the world, Pule, Is Worth $576 for 0.45 kilograms (1 pound). As cheeses go, Parmigiano-Reggiano and Camembert are both very pricey. But they don't even hold a candle to pule, an extremely rare cheese made in Serbia from donkey milk that was recently named the most expensive cheese in the world.",
        "The Serbian clock making industry is older than the Swiss.",
        "The only Serbian word that is accepted and used across the world is \"vampire\".",
        "Most of Serbian last names end on \u201ei\u0107\".",
        "Serbians frequently visit one another, and it is an important part of the culture to keep close ties with family."
    "Seychelles": [
        "Seychelles is an island country in the Indian Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Seychelles.",
        "Seychelles are located 1 thousands kilometers (932 mi) east of mainland East Africa.",
        "There are three official languages in Seychelles: Seychellois Creole, English and French.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Seychelles was estimated to be 97 thousands people. It is the smallest population of any sovereign African country.",
        "Seychelles is the 189th largest country in the world in terms of land area with 459 square kilometers (177 square miles). It is the smallest sovereign country in Africa.",
        "The granite Inner Islands is the collective term for 45 islands with a total area of 247.2 square kilometers (95.4 square miles) 54% of the Seychelles area but with more than 99% of the population.",
        "The coral Outer Islands comprise 211.3 square kilometers (95.4 square miles), 46% of the Seychelles, but less than 1% of the population.",
        "The island of Mah\u00e9 is the largest island, and has a rocky landscape with a narrow coastal strip. Located on the island of Mah\u00e9 with elevation of 905 meters (2 thousands feet) Morne Seychellois is the highest peak in Seychelles.",
        "Victoria is the capital city of Seychelles and is situated on the north-eastern side of Mah\u00e9 island. The city was first established as the seat of the British colonial government. Named Port Victoria in honor of the British queen after her coronation, the small capital of the Seychelles is the only seaport in the country.",
        "Seychelles is well known for its magnificent beaches, which are major attractions for visitors.",
        "Anse Source d'Argent is perhaps the best-known beach in the Seychelles, and certainly one of its most spectacular locations. A real must-see for any Seychelles holidaymaker, the powdery sand, crystal-clear water, and imposing granite boulders make this a uniquely enchanting beach, and undoubtedly worth a visit.",
        "Anse Georgette is perhaps the most beautiful beach on Praslin, and certainly one of the best in the Seychelles thanks to its incredible mixture of pristine white sand, bright turquoise ocean surface, and tropical palm trees.",
        "Protected areas in Seychelles covers about 42% of the national territory. It is made up of 2 National Parks, 7 Natural Parks, 6 Marine National Parks, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "The largest national park in the Seychelles, Morne Seychellois National Park covers more than 20 percent of the area of Mah\u00e9 island. The park contains a wide variety of habitats, from coastal mangrove forests up to the country's highest peak, the Morne Seychellois. Choked in thick forest, the enigmatic central part of the park is virtually deserted and can only be reached by walking trails.",
        "A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Vall\u00e9e de Mai National Park preserves a prehistoric forest that contains at least 4 thousands examples of the giant coco de mer fruit palm (unique to the Seychelles), vanilla orchids, palmiste, latanier, splayed traveler's palm, and Chinese fans. Nature lovers, birders, and photographers will enjoy exploring this reserve where the trees form an overhead canopy, and large prehistoric boulders are strewn across the forest floor.",
        "Seychelles has 2 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Aldabra is the world's second-largest coral atoll. It is situated in the Outer Islands of the Seychelles, with a distance of 1 thousands kilometers (700 miles) southwest of the capital, Victoria. Due to difficulties of access and the atoll's isolation, Aldabra has been protected from human influence and thus retains some 152 thousands giant tortoises, the world's largest population of this reptile. Aldabra atoll was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982.",
        "The Seychelles were uninhabited throughout most of recorded history.",
        "The great Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama was the first to make a definitive identification of the Seychelles during his second voyage.",
        "The Seychelles became an independent republic in 1976.",
        "The economy of Seychelles is based on fishing, tourism, the processing of coconuts and vanilla, coir (coconut fiber) rope, boat building, printing, furniture and beverages.",
        "Today, Seychelles boasts the highest nominal per capita GDP in Africa, excluding the French regions.",
        "The music of Seychelles is diverse, a reflection of the fusion of cultures through its history.",
        "The most popular sport in Seychelles is basketball.",
        "The national currency of Seychelles is the Seychellois rupee."
    "Sierra Leone": [
        "Sierra Leone is a country in West Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Sierra Leone.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Sierra Leone was estimated to be 6 thousands thousands people.",
        "Freetown is the capital and largest city of Sierra Leone. It is a major port city on the Atlantic Ocean and is located in the Western Area of the country. Freetown is Sierra Leone's major urban, economic, financial, cultural, educational and political centre.",
        "Sierra Leone's terrain consists of coastal belt of mangrove swamps, wooded hill country, upland plateau, and mountains in east.",
        "Mount Bintumani also known as Loma Mansa is the highest peak in Sierra Leone and the Loma Mountains, at 1 thousands meters (6 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Sierra Leone has 402 kilometers (250 miles) of coastline with many beautiful beaches.",
        "Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary was established in 1995 to enforce the law and rehabilitate confiscated, orphaned and abandoned chimpanzees with the aim to release back them into their natural habitat. Although it is illegal to hunt, capture, kill trade or own chimpanzees in Sierra Leone, sadly such practices still continue. The sanctuary now cares for about 75 chimpanzees in several forested enclosures. Tacugama is located close to Freetown.",
        "The Cotton Tree is a Ceiba pentandra, a historic symbol of Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone. According to legend, the \"Cotton Tree\" gained importance in 1792 when a group of former African American slaves, who had gained their freedom by fighting for the British during the American War of Independence, settled the site of modern Freetown. According to tradition, they landed on the shoreline and walked up to a giant tree just above the bay and held a thanksgiving service there, gathering around the tree in a large group and praying and singing hymns to thank God for their deliverance to a free land. Its exact age is unknown, but it is known to have existed in 1787.",
        "The country's national museum chronicles Sierra Leone's history and culture up until the modern day. There are many interesting and informative exhibits, such as the collection of traditional medicine trinkets and early crockery and cutlery. There are also several cultural markers, including different tribal clothing, musical instruments, and weapons. One of the most informative sections of the museum details the events of the bloody and brutal civil war.",
        "The history of Sierra Leone began when the land became inhabited by indigenous African peoples at least 2 thousands years ago.",
        "European contact began in 1462 with the Portuguese explorer Pedro da Cintra, who gave the mountainous Peninsula the name Sierra Leone (\"Lion Mountains\").",
        "The colony of Sierra Leone was founded by British philanthropists to relieve the horrors of this slave trade.",
        "Sierra Leone became independent from the United Kingdom on 27 April 1961 led by Sir Milton Margai.",
        "From 1991 to 2002, the Sierra Leone civil war was fought and devastated the country.",
        "Sierra Leone has experienced substantial economic growth in recent years, although the ruinous effects of the civil war continue to be felt.",
        "Rich in minerals, Sierra Leone has relied on mining, especially diamonds, for its economic base. The country is among the top ten diamond producing nations. Mineral exports remain the main currency earner.",
        "Two-thirds of the population of Sierra Leone are directly involved in subsistence agriculture.",
        "Sierra Leone is a Muslim majority country, with the overall Muslim population at 78% of the population, though there is an influential Christian minority at about 21\u2105 of the population.",
        "Rice is the staple food of Sierra Leone and is consumed at virtually every meal daily.",
        "Stews are a fundamental part of Sierra Leone's cuisine, with groundnut stew having been called the country's national dish",
        "Football is by far the most popular sport in Sierra Leone."
    "Slovakia": [
        "Slovakia is a central European country known for its dramatic natural landscape and many castles.",
        "Slovakia is officially known as the Slovak Republic.",
        "Slovakia is bordered by the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Slovakia was estimated to be 5 thousands thousands people.",
        "Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, is set along the Danube River by the border with Austria and Hungary.It is the capital in the world bordering two countries.",
        "Gerlachovsky Stit at 2.655 meters (8.710 feet) is the highest point in Slovakia. For of its height and breathtaking scenery it is one of the most visited and challenging peaks.",
        "There are 9 National Parks and 14 Natural Reserves in Slovakia.",
        "More than 6 thousands caves have been discovered in Slovakia so far! Most spectacular caves can be found in the national parks of Low Tatras, Slovak Paradise and Slovak Karst.",
        "Ochtinska Aragonite Cave is a unique aragonite cave situated in southern Slovakia, near Ro\u017e\u0148ava.Although only 300 meters long, it is famous for its rare aragonite filling.There are only three aragonite caves discovered in the world so far other two caves are in Mexico and Argentina.",
        "Slovakia's wildlife is abundant and diverse; Tatry (High Tatras) National Park shelters an exceptional collection of wild animals, including bears, wolves, lynx, wildcats, marmots, otters, martens, and minks.",
        "There are more than 1300 mineral springs in Slovakia that are used like curative water and high quality mineral water for drinking. There are 21 thermal spas built on these mineral springs.",
        "There are 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Slovakia.",
        "The ruins of Spi\u0161 Castle in eastern Slovakia form one of the largest castle sites in Central Europe.",
        "Bansk\u00e1 \u0160tiavnica is a town in central Slovakia, in the middle of an immense caldera created by the collapse of an ancient volcano. It is a completely preserved medieval town.",
        "Vlkol\u00ednec, situated in the center of Slovakia, is a remarkably intact settlement of 45 buildings with the traditional features of a central European village. It is the region's most complete group of these kinds of traditional log houses, often found in mountainous areas.",
        "The picturesque village of \u010ci\u010dmany in Northern Slovakia has a status of world's first reservation of folk architecture (founded in 1977).The first preserved reference to the village dates from 1272. After a great fire in 1921, the village was restored to its original appearance with generous contributions by the state.",
        "Carpathian Wooden Churches is the name of a UNESCO World Heritage Site that consists of nine wooden religious buildings constructed between the 16th and 18th centuries in eight different locations in Slovakia.",
        "Slovakia has the world's highest number of castles and ch\u00e2teaux per capita.There are 180 castles and 425 chateaux.",
        "Beautiful Slovakia opal mines in eastern Slovakia are admired in the whole world and now the mines became a valuable technical monument.",
        "The Venus of Moravany is a small prehistoric female figurine discovered in Slovakia early in the 20th century.It is made of mammoth tusk ivory and is dated to 22 thousands BC, which places it in upper Paleolithic times.",
        "Tennis champion Martina Hingis (born in 1980), former World No. 1 and winner of 5 Grand Slam singles titles and 9 Grand Slam women's doubles titles, was born in Slovakia to a Slovak father and a Czech mother.",
        "The most famous American of Slovak descent is probably pop artist Andy Warhol (1928-1987), whose parents immigrated from Mikov\u00e1 in north-eastern Slovakia."
    "Slovenia": [
        "The south central European country Slovenia stretches between the Adriatic Sea and the Alps.",
        "Slovenia is officially known as the Republic of Slovenia.",
        "Official language is Slovenian.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Slovenia was estimated to be 2 thousands thousands people.",
        "Ljubljana is Slovenia's capital and largest city. It's known for its university population and green spaces, including expansive Tivoli City Park.",
        "Although Slovenia's total surface area is only 20 thousands square kilometers (7 thousands square miles), it has more than 11 thousands square kilometers (4440 square miles) of forest, which makes Slovenia the 3rd most forested country by percentage in Europe, after Finland and Sweden.",
        "Triglav, with an elevation of 2 thousands meters (9 thousands feet), is the highest mountain in Slovenia and the highest peak of the Julian Alps. The mountain is the pre-eminent symbol of the Slovene Nation.It is the centerpiece of Triglav National Park, Slovenia's only national park and one of the oldest parks in Europe.",
        "It is estimated that there are currently 500 to 700 brown bears living in Slovenia.",
        "Slovenia has over 7 thousands kilometers (4350 miles) of marked mountain trails, including 165 mountain huts and shelters.",
        "There are over 10 thousands caves in Slovenia.The best known is Postojna Cave, 20.6 kilometers (12.8 miles) long and two million years old. The only cave with a double-track railway in the world.Also it has a very long standing 'tourist tradition' and even today it is one of the most visited natural landmarks in Slovenia.",
        "Slovenia may only have 46.6 kilometers (28.9 miles) of coast line but it's pure heaven. Three seaside towns \u2013 Koper, Izola and glorious Piran \u2013 are full of important Venetian Gothic architecture.",
        "Being the most visited and most famous place in Slovenia, Lake Bled with an island in the middle surrounded by mountains is one of the symbols of Slovenia.",
        "The most famous wedding place in Slovenia is the island in Lake Bled.Tradition says that the groom must carry his bride up the 99 steps to ensure a long and happy marriage.",
        "Solkan Bridge is a 220 meters (722 feet) long stone bridge over the river So\u010da near Nova Gorica in western Slovenia. With an arch span of 85 meters (279 feet) it is the longest stone arch among train bridges.",
        "216 square kilometers (83 square miles) of Slovenia is covered by vineyards.",
        "Maribor, the 2nd-largest city in Slovenia, is home the oldest vine in the world.It is the oldest living specimen on our planet of a noble grape vine that still bears grapes! With an age of over 400 years it is registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest vine in the world.",
        "Slovenia is a country with the largest number of religious buildings per capita in Europe. There are more than 3 thousands churches, chapels and religious monuments.",
        "In Slovenia, you can pay to stay in ex prison cell at the Hostel Celica in Ljubljana.Once a prison, today one of the most intriguing hostels in the world.It is one-of-a-kind, artistically transformed from an old military prison into a funky youth hostel.",
        "Slovenia has lots of quirky food festivals including the Salt Makers' Festival, Cabbage Festival, Chestnut Sunday and Bean Day to name a few.",
        "On 7 October 1990, Andrej and Marija \u0160tremfelj (both Slovenia) became the first married couple to conquer Everest, climbing via the South Col.",
        "A Slovenian, Benka Pulko, who traveled all continents and drove over 180 thousands kilometers (111 thousands miles) in 2000 days, is the holder of the Guinness's record as the woman who was riding a motorcycle the longest.",
        "Some scenes from the film Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian were filmed in the Soca Valley in Slovenia."
    "Solomon Islands": [
        "Solomon Islands is an island country located the southwestern Pacific Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is Solomon Islands.",
        "Solomon Islands shares maritime borders with Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia (France) and Vanuatu.",
        "While English is the official language, only 1\u20132% of the population speak English. The number of local languages listed for Solomon Islands is 74, of which 70 are living languages and 4 are extinct, according to Ethnologue, Languages of the World.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Solomon Islands was estimated to be 602 thousands people.",
        "Honiara is the capital city of Solomon Islands, administered as a provincial town on the northwestern coast of Guadalcanal. The city is served by Honiara International Airport and the sea port of Point Cruz, and lies along the Kukum Highway.",
        "The Solomon Islands consists of a double chain of volcanic islands and coral atolls.",
        "Mount Popomanaseu is a volcanic mountain and the highest mountain in the Solomon Islands. At 2 thousands meters (7 thousands feet) above sea level, it is the highest peak in the insular South Pacific, excluding New Guinea and its satellite islands.",
        "The Solomon Islands are one of the world's top diving destinations.",
        "Kennedy Island is a small uninhabited island in the Solomon Islands that was named after John F. Kennedy, following an incident involving Kennedy during his World War II naval career.",
        "The human history of Solomon Islands begins with the first Papuan settlement at least 30 thousands years ago from New Guinea.",
        "In WWII Japanese forces occupied the Solomon Islands in January 1942. The counter-attack was led by the United States; the 1st Division of the US Marine Corps landed on Guadalcanal and Tulagi in August 1942. Some of the most bitter fighting of World War II took place on the islands for almost three years.",
        "Following the independence of neighbouring Papua New Guinea from Australia in 1975, the Solomon Islands gained self-government in 1976. Independence was granted on 7 July 1978. They remain a member of the British Commonwealth today.",
        "Solomon Islands' economy is based on agriculture, forestry and fisheries, which together account for around 40 per cent of GDP and provide employment for the majority of the population.",
        "Fish is the staple meat in the Solomon Islands cuisine. Usually any meat is cooked and served with sweet potatoes, rice, taro roots, cassava, taro leaves and many other vegetables. Beside the local traditional cuisine many dishes from both European and Asian culture can be easily found and served in any restaurant or household of this country.",
        "The religion of Solomon Islands is mainly Christian (comprising about 92% of the population)."
    "Somalia": [
        "Somalia is a country located in the Horn of Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Federal Republic of Somalia.",
        "Somalia has two official languages: Somali and Arabic.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Somalia was estimated to be 11 thousands thousands people.",
        "Mogadishu is the capital and most populous city of Somalia. Located in the coastal Banaadir region on the Indian Ocean, the city has served as an important port for millennia.",
        "The Cal Madow mountain range sits in the northeast, and contains the highest peak of Somalia \u2013 Shimbiris at 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet).",
        "Somalia has the longest coastline on Africa's mainland \u2013 3 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles).",
        "Somalia's reputation as a tourist destination with pristine beaches faded after the start of the civil war in 1991.",
        "Somalia has 6 national parks.",
        "Somalia has been inhabited since at least the Paleolithic. During the Stone Age, the Doian and Hargeisan cultures flourished here.",
        "Somalia was an important centre for commerce with the rest of the ancient world, and according to most scholars, it is among the most probable locations of the fabled ancient Land of Punt.",
        "For nearly two decades, Somalia was without any centralized power but was instead controlled by brutal and power-hungry warlords. Mogadishu became warlord central and thus was known as the most lawless city in the world.",
        "Somalia is classified by the United Nations as a least developed country.",
        "According to the Central Bank of Somalia, about 80% of the population are nomadic or semi-nomadic pastoralists, who keep goats, sheep, camels and cattle. Somalia has the largest population of camels in the world.",
        "Piracy off the coast of Somalia has been a threat to international shipping since the second phase of the Somali Civil War, around 2000, when foreign ships exploited the absence of an effective national coast guard by invading the fishing grounds and also dumping illegal waste that would further diminish the local catch. Fishing communities responded by forming armed groups to deter the invaders by hijacking commercial vessels. But this grew into a lucrative trade, with large ransom payments, and financial gain (piracy) was clearly the main motive."
    "South Africa": [
        "South Africa is the southernmost country in Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is Republic of South Africa.",
        "There are eleven official languages of South Africa: Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Northern Sotho, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of South Africa was estimated to be 55 thousands thousands people.",
        "South Africa has three capital cities: Cape Town [photo below], as the seat of Parliament, is the legislative capital; Pretoria, as the seat of the President and Cabinet, is the administrative capital; and Bloemfontein, as the seat of the Supreme Court of Appeal, is the judicial capital.",
        "Johannesburg is the largest city in the country. While Johannesburg is not one of South Africa's three capital cities, it is the seat of the Constitutional Court.",
        "South Africa is renowned for its varied topography, great natural beauty, and cultural diversity, all of which have made the country a favoured destination for travelers since the legal ending of apartheid in 1994.",
        "Fronted by reefs, the low-lying coastal areas of South Africa's land rises (with a few exceptions) into a mostly level plateau, one crisscrossed by hills, mountains and shallow valleys in the east and northeast.",
        "The Drakensberg (meaning: Dragon Mountains) are the highest mountain range in Southern Africa, rising to over 3 thousands meters (9 thousands) in height. The Drakensberg is one of the most popular vacation destinations in South Africa. South Africa's highest point, Mafadi at 3 thousands meters (11 thousands feet) is located there.",
        "South Africa's coastline is remarkably smooth, with very few natural harbours. The reason is that Southern Africa has been continuously uplifted for the past 180 million years, and especially so during the past 20 million years. The present coastline was therefore once part of the underwater continental shelf, which contains very few deep ravines or gorges.",
        "South Africa boasts some of the finest beaches in the world. From the pristine coastal stretch of Cape Vidal in KwaZulu-Natal to the Eastern Cape's famous Wild Coast, from the penguin colony of Boulders Beach to sun-drenched Camps Bay in the Western Cape.",
        "The network of protected areas in South Africa covers about 14% of the national territory. It is made up of 20 national parks, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "Table Mountain is a flat-topped mountain forming a prominent landmark overlooking the city of Cape Town in South Africa. It is a significant tourist attraction, with many visitors using the cableway or hiking to the top. The mountain forms part of the Table Mountain National Park. Table Mountain is home to large array of fauna and flora, most of which is endemic.",
        "Robben Island was used at various times between the 17th and 20th centuries as a prison, a hospital for socially unacceptable groups and a military base. Its buildings, particularly those of the late 20th century such as the maximum security prison for political prisoners, witness the triumph of democracy and freedom over oppression and racism. To date, three of the former inmates of Robben Island have gone on to become President of South Africa: Nelson Mandela, Kgalema Motlanthe, and Jacob Zuma.",
        "As one of Cape Town's largest tourist attractions and most visited destinations, the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront invokes images of the earliest days of the harbor. Situated within an entertainment mecca filled with restaurants, specialty shops, pubs, and theaters, there is something here for everyone to enjoy. Beyond amusements, there are also some attractions including the infamous Clock Tower, Chavonnes Battery, the South African Maritime Museum and the coastal Seal Landing where Cape Fur Seals reside.",
        "The Garden Route is one of South Africa's most popular tourist attractions and is generally thought to stretch from Mossel Bay to St Francis along the Indian ocean and also includes parts of the inland. A trove of indigenous canopied forests, mountains, rivers, tranquil lakes and golden beaches grace this extensive South Africa region. It also includes towns such as Knysna, Plettenberg Bay, Mossel Bay, Little Brak River and Nature's Valley; with George, the Garden Route's largest city and main administrative centre.",
        "The Cape Winelands are a region in the south of South Africa. The winelands boasts some of the most majestic scenery in South Africa. It is situated to the north-east of Cape Town and offers a beautiful landscape of wine hills and mountains. It's a superb wine-producing area, and indeed the best known in South Africa.",
        "South Africa contains some of the oldest archaeological and human fossil sites in the world. Extensive fossil remains have been recovered from a series of caves in Gauteng Province. The area is a UNESCO World Heritage site and has been termed the Cradle of Humankind. [Photo: Cradle of Humankind, Meseum]",
        "By the 14th century C.E, the region was settled by the Bantu people who migrated from central Africa. South Africa was first inhabited by Europeans in 1488 when the Portuguese arrived at the Cape of Good Hope.",
        "In 1910, the British united four colonies in the region and created South Africa.",
        "They established laws that separated whites from black South Africans, a practice of segregation called apartheid, which led to decades of conflict.",
        "South Africa declared itself a republic in 1961 and severed its ties with the Commonwealth, which strongly objected to the country's racist policies.",
        "Four years later on May 10, 1994, Mandela was elected as South Africa's first black president and during his time in office he was committed to reforming race-relations in the country and strengthening its economy and place in the world.",
        "South Africa has a mixed economy, the second largest in Africa after Nigeria. It also has a relatively high GDP per capita compared to other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa."
    "South Korea": [
        "South Korea is a sovereign state in East Asia, constituting the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of South Korea was estimated to be 50 thousands thousands people.",
        "Seoul is the capital and most populous city in South Korea. It is a huge metropolis where modern skyscrapers, high-tech subways and pop culture meet Buddhist temples, palaces and street markets.",
        "South Korea is very hilly and mountainous in the east, where the Taebaek Mountains dominate the landscape. The rugged land slopes west into undulating, flatter coastal plains, where most of its people live, and useable agricultural land is found. These coastal lowlands formed as a result of mountain erosion, and account for only 30% of the country.",
        "South Korea's highest point is Hallasan, an extinct volcano located on Cheju Island, at 1 thousands meters (6 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "South Korea is mostly surrounded by water and has 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) of coast line along three seas.",
        "About 3 thousands islands, mostly small and uninhabited, lie off the western and southern coasts of South Korea.",
        "South Korea has 22 national parks. They cover a total of 6.6% of the country's area, and are typically located in mountainous or coastal regions.",
        "Seoraksan National Park is a national park in South Korea. It listed by the South Korean government with UNESCO as a tentative World Heritage site. The government designated the area as a nature reserve in 1965 and UNESCO designated it as a biosphere reserve in 1982.",
        "The Bukhansan National Park in Seoul and Gyeonggi covers an area of 80 square kilometers (30 square miles) and was established on 2 April 1983. Bukhansan means \"mountains north of the Han River.\" It is one of the top tourist attractions in South Korea.",
        "South Korea has 12 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Changdeokgung, also known as Changdeokgung Palace or Changdeok Palace, is set within a large park in Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea. It is one of the \"Five Grand Palaces\" built by the kings of the Joseon Dynasty (1392\u20131897). Changdeokgung was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1997 as an \"outstanding example of Far Eastern palace architecture and garden design\".",
        "The N Seoul Tower, officially the YTN Seoul Towe and commonly known as the Namsan Tower or Seoul Tower, is a communication and observation tower located on Namsan Mountain in central Seoul, South Korea. At 236 meters (774 feet), it marks the highest point in Seoul. Opened in 1980, this iconic tower offers panoramic views of the city & a revolving restaurant.",
        "The history of South Korea formally begins with its establishment on 17 August 1948, although Syngman Rhee (the first President of South Korea) had officially declared independence two days prior.",
        "South Korea's mixed economy ranks 11th nominal and 13th purchasing power parity GDP in the world, identifying it as one of the G-20 major economies.",
        "South Korea is East Asia's most developed country in the Human Development Index.",
        "Kimchi, a fermented, usually spicy vegetable dish is commonly served at every meal and is one of the best known Korean dishes. There are hundreds of different varieties of kimchi in South Korea, and about 1.5 million tons of it is consumed each year.",
        "South Koreans consider the number 4 as unlucky, and it is associated with death. This is a superstition that stems from China. In Chinese, the number 4 sounds very similar to 'death,' and the belief crossed over to Korea.",
        "South Koreans are considered one year old at birth, and at the New Year's Day one year is added to the person's age.",
        "In South Korea, blood is a big deal. It doesn't just deliver oxygen to the rest of your body\u2014it determines your personality. People in South Korea are automatically stereotyped thanks to their blood type. While this belief originated in Japan, it has taken a firm hold in South Korean culture, and it might even make a difference in who marries whom.",
        "South Koreans enjoy showing off their relationship statuses publically. It is common to see couples holding hands, kissing, and even wearing matching outfits.",
        "Most restaurants, including McDonald's, will deliver food straight to homes in South Korea.",
        "The \"Gangnam Style\" music video of South Korean K-pop artist Psy has been viewed over 2.7 billion times on YouTube."
    "South Sudan": [
        "South Sudan is a landlocked country in East-Central Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of South Sudan.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of South Sudan was estimated to be 13 thousands thousands people.",
        "Juba is the capital and largest city of the Republic of South Sudan. The city is situated on the White Nile and functions as the seat and metropolis of Juba County. The city was established on the site of a small Bari village, called Juba, where the Church Missionary Society had established a mission and the Nugent Memorial Intermediate School in 1920-21.",
        "The landscape of South Sudan is primarily made up of tropical forests, swamps and grassland.",
        "The Imatong Mountains are located in the southeast of South Sudan in the erstwhile state of Eastern Equatoria, and extend into Uganda. Mount Kinyeti is the highest mountain of the range at 3 thousands meters (10 thousands feet), and the highest in the whole of South Sudan.",
        "The Bandingilo National Park, sometimes spelled Badingilo, is located in South Sudan. Situated in a wooded area near the White Nile River, it is over 10 thousands square kilometres (3 thousands square miles) in size. Earth's second-largest annual animal migration (largest is the Serengeti migration), involving multiple species of antelope including reedbuck, tiang, and white-eared kob, takes place in the park, which is also home to iconic African megafauna like the Nubian giraffe.",
        "Boma National Park is a protected area in eastern South Sudan. It was established in 1986 and covers 22 thousands square kilometers (8 thousands square miles) of grasslands and floodplains. The park is an important refuge for white-eared kob, tiang and Mongalla gazelle. Other large mammals iclude buffalo, elephant, African leopard, giraffe, oryx, hartebeest, cheetah, eland, hartebeest, zebra, waterbuck, Grant's gazelle, bongo, lion, and Nile lechwe.",
        "Historically, what is now South Sudan was dominated by Central Sudanic speaking peoples, but the presence of Nilotic peoples can be assumed from prehistoric times as well.",
        "The territories of modern South Sudan and the Republic of the Sudan were occupied by Egypt under the Muhammad Ali Dynasty, and later governed as an Anglo-Egyptian condominium until Sudanese independence was achieved in 1956.",
        "South Sudan gained independence from Sudan on 9 July 2011 as the outcome of a 2005 agreement that ended Africa's longest-running civil war.",
        "The economy of South Sudan is one of the world's weakest and most underdeveloped. South Sudan exports timber to the international market. The region also contains many natural resources such as petroleum, iron ore, copper, chromium ore, zinc, tungsten, mica, silver, gold, diamonds, hardwoods, limestone and hydropower. The country's economy, as in many other developing countries, is heavily dependent on agriculture.",
        "Religions followed by the South Sudanese include traditional indigenous religions, Christianity and Islam.",
        "Due to the many years of the civil war, South Sudan's culture is heavily influenced by its neighbours. Many South Sudanese fled to Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda where they interacted with the nationals and learned their languages and culture.",
        "Many traditional and modern games and sports are popular in South Sudan, particularly wrestling and mock battles."
    "Sri Lanka": [
        "Sri Lanka is an island country in South Asia near south-east India.",
        "The official name of the country is the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.",
        "Sri Lanka is located in the Indian Ocean and has maritime borders with India to the northwest and the Maldives to the southwest.",
        "Sinhalese and Tamil are the two official languages of Sri Lanka. Their constitution also recognizes English as a \"link language\" that is used in government and commerce.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Sri Lanka was estimated to be 20 thousands thousands people.",
        "Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte is the official capital of Sri Lanka. Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte is within the urban area of, and a satellite city of, Colombo.",
        "Sri Lanka's terrain is mostly low, flat to rolling plain, with mountains in the south-central interior.",
        "The highest point in Sri Lanka is Pidurutalagala or Mount Pedro in English, reaching 2 thousands meters (8 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Sri Lanka's coastline extends to a length of about 1 thousands kilometers (832 miles).",
        "Sri Lanka has plenty of beautiful beaches. There are long golden ones, there are dainty ones with soft white sand, there are wind- and, wave-battered ones and ones without a footstep for miles.",
        "Sri Lanka, in comparison to its size, has perhaps the largest number of waterfalls of any country in the world. Indeed, there are over 400 recorded waterfalls in Sri Lanka.",
        "Bambarakanda Falls (also known as Bambarakele Falls) is the tallest waterfall in Sri Lanka. With a height of 263 meters (863 feet), it ranks as the 299th highest waterfall in the world.",
        "Sri Lanka has 22 national parks. They cover a total of 26.5% of the country's area.",
        "Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage is an orphanage, nursery and captive breeding ground for wild Asian elephants located at Pinnawala village, 13 kilometers (8.1 miles) northeast of Kegalle town in Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka. Pinnawala has the largest herd of captive elephants in the world. Currently (in 2017) being a home to 93 elephants.",
        "Sri Lanka has 8 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Sri Dalada Maligawa or the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic is a Buddhist temple in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. It is located in the royal palace complex of the former Kingdom of Kandy, which houses the relic of the tooth of the Buddha.",
        "Dambulla cave temple also known as the Golden Temple of Dambulla is a World Heritage Site (1991) in Sri Lanka, situated in the central part of the country. This site is situated 148 kilometres (92 miles) east of Colombo and 72 kilometres (45 miles) north of Kandy.",
        "Sri Lanka was given the name Ceil\u00e3o by the Portuguese when they arrived in 1505. Later on when Ceil\u00e3o became a British Crown Colony, this very name was transliterated into English as Ceylon.",
        "It achieved independence as the Dominion of Ceylon in 1948; its name was changed to Sri Lanka in 1972.",
        "In 1972 Sri Lanka assumed the status of a Republic. A constitution was introduced in 1978 which made the Executive President the head of state. The Sri Lankan Civil War began in 1983, including an armed youth uprising in 1987\u20131989, with the 25-year-long civil war ending in 2009.",
        "According to the International Monetary Fund, Sri Lanka's GDP in terms of purchasing power parity is second only to the Maldives in the South Asian region in terms of per capita income.",
        "The central feature of Sri Lankan cuisine is boiled or steamed rice, served with a curry of fish, chicken, beef or mutton, along with other curries made with vegetables, lentils, or fruits.",
        "Sri Lanka is one of the world's largest tea exporters.",
        "Sri Lanka is known as both the 'pearl of the Indian Ocean' and the 'teardrop of India' due to its shape.",
        "The blue sapphire was declared the national gemstone of Sri Lanka in October 2003.",
        "The national flower of Sri Lanka is blue water lily (Nymphaea nouchali).",
        "Sri Lankan birdwing (Troides darsius) is endemic to Sri Lanka and was declared as the national butterfly.",
        "The national bird of Sri Lanka is the Sri Lankan junglefow (Gallus lafayettii).",
        "There is no official national animal in Sri Lanka even though the elephant, lion, and grizzled giant squirrel are locally considered as such.",
        "Although cricket is the most popular sport in Sri Lanka, the national sport of the country is, in fact, volleyball.",
        "Priceless Orchid \u2013 Few living things are both as poetic and ephemeral as the Kadupul flower, a fleeting beauty from Sri Lanka that blooms as infrequently as once a year. And when it does bloom, it does so in the dark of night and withers away before dawn ... so transient, it simply can't be purchased.",
        "The captivating natural beauty and treasures of Sri Lanka left the legendary 13th-century explorer Marco Polo entranced. He declared that Sri Lanka is the finest island of its size in all the world."
    "Sudan": [
        "Sudan is a country in Northern Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of the Sudan.",
        "It is bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, South Sudan to the south, the Central African Republic to the southwest, Chad to the west and Libya to the northwest.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Sudan was estimated to be 41 thousands thousands people.",
        "With an area of 1 thousands thousands square kilometers (728 thousands square miles), Sudan is the 15th largest country in the world, and the 3rd largest in Africa.",
        "Khartoum is the capital and largest city of Sudan. The city is located where the Blue Nile and White Nile Rivers merge. In 1821, Khartoum was established 24 kilometres (15 mi) north of the ancient city of Soba, by Ibrahim Pasha, the son of Egypt's ruler, Muhammad Ali Pasha, who had just incorporated Sudan into his realm.",
        "The landscape of Sudan consists mainly of flat plains punctuated by several mountain ranges.",
        "Deriba Caldera is at the highest point of Jebel Marra at an elevation of 3 thousands meters (9 thousands feet), in Darfur in the western part of Sudan. The caldera rim became Sudan's new highest point, after the independence of South Sudan. It is between 5 km and 8 km in diameter across the outer crater. The inner crater is filled by a crater lake.",
        "Sudan has 853 kilometers (530 miles) of coastline with many beaches.",
        "With its unspoiled natural setting, the beaches in Sudan offer something different for beach lovers. The most common and popular water sport in Sudan is scuba diving. This is unsurprising, given the variety of corals and fishes that are found in the shallow waters of the Red Sea bed.",
        "Protected areas in Sudan covers about 2.3% of the national territory. It is made up of 4 national parks, 2 Marine National Park plus other types of protected areas.",
        "Dinder National Park is a national park and biosphere reserve in eastern Sudan. The park was established in 1935 and it is one of two parks in the Sudan designated as Biosphere Reserves. The park lies along the transition ecotone between two floristic regions : the Ethiopian high plateau and the arid sahara Sudanian biomes. The park is home to 27 species of large mammals such as Masai lions, African leopards, Sudan cheetahs, over 160 species of birds, 32 species of fish, and small mammals, bats, reptiles, and amphibians.",
        "Sanganeb National Park is one of the most beautiful places in Sudan. It was established in 1990 and it was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site in 2016. It is the first marine national park in Sudan. The park is filled with exquisite colorful corals and fish.",
        "The National Museum of Sudan is a double storied building constructed in 1955 and established as a museum in 1971. The building and its surrounding gardens house the largest and most comprehensive Nubian archaeological collection in the world including objects from the Paleolithic through to the Islamic period originating from every site of importance in the Sudan.",
        "What is now northern Sudan was in ancient times the Kingdom of Nubia, which ruled Egypt in the early years. Nubian civilization flourished until 350 AD.",
        "Sudan was a collection of small, independent kingdoms and principalities from the beginning of the Christian era until 1820-21, when northern Sudan was again invaded from Egypt, which was then part of the Ottoman Empire. The sultan's third son was sent to rule Sudan, which was valued as a route for slaves and gold out of Africa.",
        "By the 1880s, the Sudanese were discontent with rule from Egypt, which was now under British influence. In 1881, a religious leader called Muhammad Ahmad rose up.",
        "When the British took over Egypt, they also occupied Sudan to protect the Nile waters. Defeating the Mahdists in 1898, the British gave Sudan its own status.",
        "With the consent of the British and Egyptian Governments, Sudan achieved independence on January 1, 1956, under a provisional constitution.",
        "Since its independence in 1956, the history of Sudan has been marred by civil war between the mainly-Muslim north and the Christian/animist south. In July 2011, the two countries separated.",
        "Sudan had been the largest country on the continent until the 2011 independence of South Sudan.",
        "The country's place name Sudan is a name given to a geographical region to the south of the Sahara, stretching from Western Africa to eastern Central Africa. The name derives from the Arabic bil\u0101d as-s\u016bd\u0101n (\u0628\u0644\u0627\u062f \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0648\u062f\u0627\u0646), meaning \"the lands of the Blacks\" in reference to the dark skin of the inhabitants.",
        "Sudan is a poor country, despite its potential resources. Sudan's economy is basically agricultural, with inadequate infrastructure and ridden by civil wars and social and ethnic conflict.",
        "Sudan lost most of its oil reserves (over 80 percent), after the secession of South Sudan.",
        "Sudan is the world's largest producer of gum arabic. This is a natural resin which comes from the acacia trees growing across the central belt. The gum can be used as a glue on stamps or in inks and paints. But it is most valued for its use in foods such as sweets and fizzy drinks.",
        "Religion plays an important role in Sudan, with 97% of the country's population adhering to Islam.",
        "The Arab presence is estimated at 70% of the Sudanese population. Others include the Arabized ethnic groups of Nubians, Zaghawa, and Copts.",
        "Sudan has 597 groups that speak over 400 different languages and dialects.",
        "The most popular sports in Sudan are athletics (track and field) and football."
    "Suriname": [
        "Suriname is a small country on the northeastern coast of South America. It's defined by vast swaths of tropical rainforest, Dutch colonial-era architecture and a melting-pot culture.",
        "The official name of Suriname is the Republic of Suriname.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Suriname was estimated to be 545 thousands people.",
        "Paramaribo is the capital and largest city of Suriname, located on the banks of the Suriname River in the Paramaribo District. Paramaribo has a population of roughly 240 thousands people, almost half of Suriname's population.",
        "Tropical rainforests make up about 80% of Suriname\u00b4s total Landscape.",
        "The hilly country is rising up to the highest point in Suriname, the Julianatop, a hill with an elevation at its top of 1 thousands meters (4 thousands feet).",
        "There are several Protected Areas of Suriname. The largest of these is the Central Suriname Nature Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was created in 1998 by Conservation International and the government of Suriname from the fusion of three existing nature reserves: Ralleighvallen, Tafelberg and Eilerts de Haan gebergte. It comprises 1.6 million hectars of primary tropical forest of west-central Suriname.",
        "Suriname has 2 UNESCO world heritage site.",
        "Suriname's earliest inhabitants were the Surinen Indians, after whom the country is named. By the 16th century they had been supplanted by other South American Indians.",
        "Spain explored Suriname in 1593, but by 1602 the Dutch began to settle the land, followed by the English. The English transferred sovereignty to the Dutch in 1667 (the Treaty of Breda) in exchange for New Amsterdam (New York).",
        "Suriname, formerly known as Dutch Guiana, gained independence in 1975.",
        "Suriname is a multi-ethnic nation, home to people of different ethnic and national backgrounds.",
        "Most people are descendants of African slaves and Indian or Indonesian servants brought over by the Dutch to work in agriculture. There are also Amerindians, the original inhabitants of Suriname and Chinese, mainly descendants of the earliest 19th-century contract workers.",
        "The main export of Suriname is bauxite, which is an aluminum ore that is exported to several major countries across the world, contributing around fifteen per cent of the country's GDP. However, industries such as ecotourism are also growing, while other major exports include bananas, shrimp and rice.",
        "One of the most distinctive foods that you can enjoy in Suriname is Pom, which reveals the blend of cultures that have helped to form this country, with Jewish and Creole origins. Pom is a dish that contains quite a bit of meat, which makes it a dish for a special occasion in Surinamese culture, and is usually reserved for a birthday party or similar celebration. The dish is made in a high sided dish with layers of the local tayer plant sandwiching chicken pieces, and then covered in a sauce made with tomatoes, onions, nutmeg and oil before being cooked in the oven.",
        "Although Suriname is an independent nation it still retains strong links with the Netherlands, and similarly to the Netherlands the national sport is football. While the Surinamese national side may not be particularly famous, several of the most famous Dutch footballers, including Ruud Gullit and Nigel de Jong are of Surinamese descent",
        "New Year's Eve in Suriname is called Oud jaar, or \"old year\".",
        "Suriname and neighboring Guyana are the only two countries on the mainland South American continent that drive on the left."
    "Sweden": [
        "Sweden is officially called the Kingdom of Sweden.",
        "Around 2 thousands years ago, the Svear people gave Sweden its name. In their language, svear meant \"us\" and rike meant \"kingdom.\" So, Sverige, the modern Swedish name of the country, means \"Our Kingdom.\"",
        "The land area of Sweden is the 4th largest in Europe.",
        "The main official language of Sweden is Swedish (svenska), but the country also has 5 other official languages \u2013 Finnish, Yiddish, Sami, Me\u00e4nkieli and Romani.",
        "Swedish wasn't made the official language of Sweden until 2009.",
        "89% of people in Sweden speak English.",
        "There are 9.7 million people in Sweden. 85% of them live in cities.",
        "The capital of Sweden, Stockholm, is also the country's largest city, with more than 850 thousands inhabitants.",
        "Other large cities are Gothenburg, in western Sweden , and Malm\u00f6 in the south. Uppsala and Lund are well-known university cities.",
        "Sweden shares a land border with it's Scandinavian counterparts Finland and Norway, and is connected to Denmark by a bridge.",
        "Low unemployment, a low birth rate, a highly developed welfare system and one of the world's longest life expectancies all contributes to modern Sweden having one of the highest standards of living in the world.",
        "Forests cover over 50% of Sweden, there are also around 100 thousands lakes and over 24 thousands islands throughout the country. Sweden's right to public access laws allows these areas to be fully accessible by the public.",
        "Sweden is long \u2013 some 1 thousands kilometers from top to bottom \u2013 and can be divided into three major regions: G\u00f6taland in the south, Svealand in the middle and Norrland in the north.",
        "Between 300 thousands and 400 thousands moose (Alces alces) roam the Swedish woods. Over 100 thousands are shot during the annual hunt, and about 250 thousands people participate in the hunt. The moose is also considered the most dangerous animal in Sweden. Every year, they cause approximately 6 thousands road accidents.",
        "There are 260 thousands reindeer in Sweden. They eat mushrooms, lichen, grass, and herbs. Suovas is a word in the language of the indigenous S\u00e1mi people that refers to smoked reindeer meat fillets. Reindeer milk tastes sweet and looks like melted ice cream.",
        "A traditional and famous dish of Sweden is Swedish meatballs, served with gravy, boiled potatoes and lingonberry jam.",
        "Sweden has about 20 thousands S\u00e1mi living in the country today. Since 1993, this indigenous people have had their own parliament. In 2000, the Swedish government officially recognized S\u00e1mi as an official language.",
        "During the 17th century Sweden again emerged as a great power in Europe with the Swedish Empire gaining territories in Eastern Europe.",
        "While it was once a great military power. Sweden has remain neutral in all wars since 1814, including World Wars I and II. Despite the country's peaceful nature Swedes over 19 years still have to complete up to 15 months of military service.",
        "The northern lights, or aurora borealis, appear above the Arctic Circle (latitude 66\u00b0) and are visible around the equinoxes in late September and March and during the dark of winter in Sweden.",
        "Sweden and Norway formed a United Kingdom from 1814 to 1905.",
        "Sweden pays students US$187 per month to attend high school.",
        "There's a Golf Club on the border of Sweden and Finland: half the holes are in one country and half in the other.",
        "Sweden has run out of trash so it's importing garbage from Norway.",
        "Every year since 1966, the town of Gavle, Sweden, erects a giant straw goat for Christmas, and almost every year, vandals burn it.",
        "There's a cruise ship that runs between Stockholm, Sweden, and Helsinki, Finland, just to purchase cheap alcohol.",
        "Absolut Vodka used to belong to Sweden's government, until they sold it in 2008 for US$8.3 Billion to Pernod Ricard.",
        "The official Twitter account of @Sweden is given to a random citizen every week to manage.",
        "You can't name your child \"Ikea\" or \"Elvis\" in Sweden."
    "Tajikistan": [
        "Tajikistan is a mountainous, landlocked country in Central Asia.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Tajikistan.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Tajikistan was estimated to be 8 thousands thousands people.",
        "Dushanbe is the capital and largest city of Tajikistan. Dushanbe means Monday in the Tajik language. It was so named because it grew from a village that originally had a popular market on Mondays.",
        "Mountains cover 93 percent of Tajikistan's surface area and more than 50 percent of the country is over 3 thousands meters (9 thousands feet) above sea level. The only major areas of lower land are in the north (part of the Fergana Valley), and in the southern Kofarnihon and Vakhsh river valleys, which form the Amu Darya.",
        "The highest point in Tajikistan is Ismoil Somoni Peak at 7 thousands meters (24 thousands feet) above sea level. It is the 50th highest mountain in the world.",
        "The mountains of Tajikistan contain numerous glaciers, the largest of which, Fedchenko Glacier, covers more than 700 square kilometers (270 sq mi) and is the largest glacier in the world outside the polar regions.",
        "There are over 900 rivers in Tajikistan longer than 10 kilometers.",
        "Tajikistan has 2 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Pamir National Park also known as Tajik National Park is a national park and nature reserve in eastern Tajikistan. It was established in 1992. It stretches about 2 thousands thousands hectares (6 thousands thousands acres) which is 18% of the total size of Tajikistan. In 2013, the park was declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO.",
        "Sarazm is an ancient town and also a jamoat in north-western Tajikistan. It dates back to the 4th millennium BCE and is today a UNESCO World Heritage site. Around 3000 BC, it was the largest exporting metallurgical center of Central Asia. It was abandoned after the arrival of the Andronovo settlers, around 2000 BC.",
        "The Fann Mountains is one of the largest tourist attraction in Tajikistan. Mountaineering, rock climbing, and ice climbing are some of the activities that can be enjoyed here not to mention the great scenery.",
        "In 1924, Tajikistan was consolidated into a newly formed Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, which was administratively part of the Uzbek SSR until the Tajik ASSR gained full-fledged republic status in 1929.",
        "On September 9 (1991), following the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Tajikistan declared its independence. [Photo: Palace of Nations and the Flagpole, Dushanbe]",
        "Tajikistan experienced a five-year civil war and several changes in government between 1992-1997.",
        "Nearly 47% of Tajikistan's GDP comes from immigrant remittances (mostly from Tajiks working in Russian Federation).",
        "Tajikistan exports aluminum, electricity, cotton, textiles, vegetable oil and fruits.",
        "Plov (pilaf), also called osh, is the national dish in Tajikistan. It is a rice dish made with shredded yellow turnip or carrot, and pieces of meat, all fried together in vegetable oil or mutton fat in a special qazan (a wok-shaped cauldron) over an open flame.",
        "The name Tajikistan means \"land of the Tajiks\".",
        "The history of the Tajiks extends well over a 1000 year into the past, though there was never a formal state called Tajikistan until 9 September 1991.",
        "The Silk Road, a major trade route between China and Europe, passed through Tajikistan.",
        "Most of the heroin produced in Afghanistan transits through Tajikistan.",
        "Tajikistan relies heavily on Russian assistance, and there are some 23 thousands Russian troops guarding Tajikistan's borders.",
        "Tajikistan is slightly larger than England and has around the same population as London!",
        "The national sport of Tajikistan is gushtigiri, a form of traditional wrestling. Another popular sport is buzkashi, a game played on horseback, like polo."
    "Tanzania": [
        "Tanzania is a country in Eastern Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the United Republic of Tanzania.",
        "Over 100 different languages are spoken in Tanzania, making it the most linguistically diverse country in East Africa. There are no de jure official languages in Tanzania. Approximately 10 percent of Tanzanians speak Swahili as a first language, and up to 90 percent speak it as a second language.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Tanzania was estimated to be 56 thousands thousands people.",
        "Dar es Salaam [photo below] was Tanzania's first capital city. However, Dodoma was declared as the capital of Tanzania in 1974. Despite the declaration, Dar es Salaam remains the central administrative and most prominent city in Tanzania.",
        "Tanzania's terrain is dominated by a large central plateau, one covered with grasslands, plains and rolling hills. The northeast is mountainous and densely forested.",
        "Three of Africa's Great Lakes are partly within Tanzania. To the north and west lie Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake, and Lake Tanganyika, the continent's deepest lake, known for its unique species of fish. To the southwest lies Lake Nyasa.",
        "Tanzania has 1 thousands kilometers (885 miles) of coastline.",
        "The network of protected areas in Tanzania covers about 38% of the national territory. It is made up of 17 national parks, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "The Serengeti National Park is a Tanzanian national park in the Serengeti ecosystem in the Mara and Simiyu regions. It is famous for its annual migration of over 1.5 million white-bearded (or brindled) wildebeest and 250 thousands zebra and for its numerous Nile crocodile and honey badger. There are many more animals in Serengeti National Park including: elephants, giraffes, lions, leopards, cheetahs, rhinos, hyenas, jackals, wild dogs, hippos and 10 species of primate. The park was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981.",
        "The Selous Game Reserve is one of the largest faunal reserves of the world, located in the south of Tanzania. It was named after Englishman Sir Frederick Selous, a famous big game hunter and early conservationist, who died at Beho Beho in this territory in 1917 while fighting against the Germans during World War I. The Selous was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982 due to the diversity of its wildlife and undisturbed nature.",
        "Tanzania has 7 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "It is believed that modern humans originate from the rift valley region of East Africa, and as well as fossilized hominid remains, archaeologists have uncovered Africa's oldest human settlement in Tanzania.",
        "European colonialism began in mainland Tanzania during the late 19th century when Germany formed German East Africa, which gave way to British rule following World War I.",
        "The mainland was governed as Tanganyika, with the Zanzibar Archipelago remaining a separate colonial jurisdiction. Following their respective independence in 1961 and 1963, the two entities merged in April 1964 to form the United Republic of Tanzania.",
        "The name \"Tanzania\" was created as a clipped compound of the names of the two states that unified to create the country: Tanganyika and Zanzibar.",
        "Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world.",
        "One third of Tanzanians are Christians, another third are Muslim. The remaining third pursue one of the numerous indigenous religions.",
        "Tanzanian cuisine is both unique and widely varied. Ugali is the meal that could be considered Tanzania's national dish. It is a stiff dough prepared with cornmeal (maize meal), cassava flour, sorghum or millet. The dish is usually served with a sauce that contains either fish, meat, cooked vegetables or beans."
    "Togo": [
        "Togo is a country in West Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Togolese Republic.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Togo was estimated to be 7 thousands thousands people.",
        "Lom\u00e9 is the capital and largest city of Togo. Located on the Gulf of Guinea, Lom\u00e9 is the country's administrative and industrial center and its chief port.",
        "Togo's terrain is diverse. In the north the land is characterized by a gently rolling savanna in contrast to the center of the country, which is characterized by hills. The south of Togo is characterized by a savanna and woodland plateau which reaches to a coastal plain with extensive lagoons and marshes.",
        "There are also a number of relatively small lakes, the largest of which is Lake Togo, a shallow lagoon, separated from the ocean by a narrow strip of land. Lake Togo is about 15 km (9.3 mi) long, 6 km (3.7 mi) wide.",
        "Togo has 56 kilometers (35 miles) of coastline along the Bight of Benin of the Gulf of Guinea in the North Atlantic Ocean.",
        "The waters off Togo's coast have a strong undertow, making its beaches generally unsafe for swimming; one coastal area, however, is protected by a natural coral reef.",
        "The network of protected areas in Togo covers about 28% of the national territory. It is made up of 3 national parks, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "Fazao Malfakassa National Park is the largest of three national parks in Togo, the others being K\u00e9ran and Fosse aux Lions. It is situated between the Kara Region and Centrale Region in semi-mountainous wetland, and forms part of the border with Ghana. The park was established in 1975 by the merger of two reserve forests created in 1951: Fazao (1 thousands square kilometers (630 sq mi)) and Malfakassa (300 square kilometers (120 sq mi)).",
        "The Koutammakou landscape in north-eastern Togo, which extends into neighbouring Benin, is home to the Batammariba whose remarkable mud tower-houses (Takienta) have come to be seen as a symbol of Togo. In this landscape, nature is strongly associated with the rituals and beliefs of society. The 50 thousands-hectare (123 thousands-acre) cultural landscape is remarkable due to the architecture of its tower-houses which are a reflection of social structure; its farmland and forest; and the associations between people and landscape. It was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004.",
        "One of the most tranquil and most serene areas of Togo is the Kpalime region only 120 kilometers from Lom\u00e9. In the forested hills of the cocoa and coffee region, it offers some of Togo's best scenery and hiking and a lovely waterfall.",
        "The Monument de L'Independance was built as a tribute to Togo's independence from France on April 27, 1960. The structure is composed of a human silhouette carved within it and surrounded by promenades, palm trees, manicured lawns, fountains and a black gold iron fence.",
        "The Sacred Heart Cathedral is a Catholic church in Lom\u00e9. Built in just over a year (April 1901 to September 1902) by the German colonial authorities, then it became one of the iconic buildings of the new capital of Togo. On August 9, 1985, Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass in the cathedral.",
        "Compared to many other African nations, Togo has a short history. There is no evidence of ancient civilization here and the earliest known records only go back 10 centuries.",
        "From the 16th century to the 18th century, the coastal region was a major trading center for Europeans to search for slaves, earning Togo and the surrounding region the name \"The Slave Coast\".",
        "In 1884, Germany declared a region including present-day Togo as a protectorate called Togoland.",
        "After World War I, rule over Togo was transferred to France.",
        "Togo gained its independence from France in 1960.",
        "Togo is among the smallest countries in Africa, and enjoys one of the highest standards of living on the continent owing to its valuable phosphate deposits and a well-developed export sector based on agricultural products such as coffee, cocoa bean, and peanuts (groundnuts), which together generate roughly 30% of export earnings.",
        "In Togo, there are about 40 different ethnic groups, the most numerous of which are the Ewe in the south who make up 32% of the population.",
        "Staple foods in Togolese cuisine include maize, rice, millet, cassava, yam, plantain and beans. Maize is the most commonly consumed food in the Togolese Republic. Fish is a significant source of protein, and bush meat is often hunted and consumed.",
        "The official Togolese drink is called sodabi, a liquor that is created from the distillation of palm wine.",
        "Football is the most recognized and national sport of Togo."
    "Tonga": [
        "Tonga is an island country located in the southern Pacific Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is the Kingdom of Tonga.",
        "Tonga is located about two-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand.",
        "Tonga has two official languages: Tongan and English.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Tonga was estimated to be 106 thousands people.",
        "Tonga is scattered over a vast area of ocean about 700 thousands square kilometers (270 thousands square miles).",
        "Tonga is an archipelago of 169 islands of which 36 are inhabited.",
        "The islands are divided into three main groups \u2013 Vava'u, Ha'apai, and Tongatapu.",
        "Nuku\u02bbalofa is the capital and the largest city in Tonga. It is located on the north coast of the island of Tongatapu. The city is the economic hub of the country.",
        "Geologically the Tongan islands are of two types: most have a limestone base formed from uplifted coral formations; others consist of limestone overlaying a volcanic base.",
        "Tonga's highest point is unnamed location on Kao Island, in the Ha'apai group, at an altitude of 1 thousands meters (3 thousands feet).",
        "Tonga has many white and golden sandy beaches and magnificent swimming, diving, and snorkeling locations.",
        "The Mapu a Vaea or \"Whistle of the Noble\" are natural blowholes on the island of Tongatapu in the village of Houma in the Kingdom of Tonga. When waves crash into the reef, natural channels in the volcanic rock allow water to forcefully blow through and create a plume-like effect.",
        "Located in Haveluliku, on the Eastern side of Tongatapu, 'Anahulu Cave is made up of a network of large limestone caverns, as well as Tongatapu's only freshwater pools. 'Anahulu Cave is approximately 400 meters (1 thousands feet) long and has freshwater pools and the biggest pool is the most popular bathing area.",
        "Ha\u02bbamonga \u02bba Maui (Burden of Maui) is a stone trilithon located in Tonga, on the north of the island of Tongatapu, near the village of Niut\u014dua, in Heket\u0101. It was built at the beginning of the 13th century under the 11th Tu\u02bbi Tonga Tu\u02bbit\u0101tui (king strike the knee), most likely as a gateway to his royal compound Heket\u0101.",
        "The Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Tonga is located in the northwest of the capital, Nuku\u02bbalofa, close to the Pacific Ocean. The wooden Palace, which was built in 1867, is the official residence of the King of Tonga. Although the Palace is not open to the public, it is easily visible from the waterfront.",
        "The Kingdom of Tonga's history stretches back over 3000 years, beginning with the migration of the Lapita people from the mainland and islands of Southeast Asia.",
        "The Tongan people first encountered Europeans in 1616 when the Dutch vessel Eendracht, captained by Willem Schouten, made a short visit to trade.",
        "In 1845, the ambitious young warrior, strategist, and orator T\u0101ufa\u02bb\u0101hau [photo below] united Tonga into a kingdom. He held the chiefly title of Tu\u02bbi Kanokupolu, but had been baptised by Methodist missionaries with the name Siaosi (\"George\") in 1831.",
        "In 1875, with the help of missionary Shirley Baker, he declared Tonga a constitutional monarchy, at which time he emancipated the serfs, enshrined a code of law, land tenure, and freedom of the press, and limited the power of the chiefs.",
        "The coat of arms of Tonga was designed in 1875 with the creation of the constitution.",
        "Tonga became a British protected state under a Treaty of Friendship on May 18, 1900, when European settlers and rival Tongan chiefs tried to oust the second king.",
        "Tonga joined the Commonwealth of Nations in 1970, jettisoning the protectorate status in 1970, but still retaining its unique position as the only monarchy in Polynesia.",
        "Tonga's economy is characterised by a large non-monetary sector and a heavy dependence on remittances from the half of the country's population who live abroad (chiefly in Australia, New Zealand and the United States).",
        "In Tonga, agriculture and forestry (together with fisheries) provide the majority of employment, foreign exchange earnings and food.",
        "In Tonga, dating back to Tongan legend, flying bats are considered sacred and are the property of the monarchy. Thus they are protected and can not be harmed or hunted. As a result, flying fox bats have thrived in many of the islands of Tonga.",
        "Migrating humpback whales bear their young and breed in Tongan waters from June to November.",
        "The mutiny on the British ship Bounty occurred in Tongan waters in 1789.",
        "Tonga's postage stamps, which feature colourful and often unusual designs (including heart-shaped and banana-shaped stamps), are popular with philatelists around the world."
    "Trinidad and Tobago": [
        "Trinidad and Tobago is a dual-island Caribbean nation with distinctive Creole traditions and cuisines.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.",
        "Trinidad and Tobago is situated off the northern edge of the South American mainland, lying just 11 kilometers (6.8 miles) off the coast of northeastern Venezuela and 130 kilometers (81 miles) south of Grenada.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Trinidad and Tobago was estimated to be 1 thousands thousands people.",
        "Covering an area of 5 thousands square kilometers (1 thousands square miles), the country consists of the two main islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and numerous smaller landforms.",
        "Port of Spain, on the northwest coast of Trinidad island, is the capital city of Trinidad and Tobago. A bustling and friendly city, Port of Spain is the hub for the Trinidad's famous carnival.",
        "El Cerro del Aripo, at 940 meters (3 thousands feet) above sea level, is the highest point in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.",
        "Trinidad and Tobago have a coastline length of 362 kilometers (225 miles).",
        "The Pitch Lake is the largest natural deposit of asphalt in the world, located in southwest Trinidad. The lake covers about 40 hectares (100 acres) and is reported to be 75 meters (245 feet) deep. Pitch Lake is a tourist attraction that attracts about 20 thousands visitors annually. It is also mined for asphalt by Lake Asphalt of Trinidad and Tobago.",
        "Partial self-government was instituted in 1925, and from 1958 to 1962 the nation was part of the West Indies Federation. On Aug. 31, 1962, it gained independence and on Aug. 1, 1976, Trinidad and Tobago became a republic, remaining within the Commonwealth.",
        "Trinidad and Tobago is one of the wealthiest and most developed nations in the Caribbean. Trinidad's economy is strongly influenced by the petroleum industry. Tourism and manufacturing are also important to the local economy.",
        "A representative main dish from Trinidad and Tobago is roti, curry chicken, pholourie, and tamarind sauce. Crab and callaloo [photo below] is generally considered a national dish of Trinidad and Tobago; it is often prepared for Sunday lunch.",
        "The biggest and most well known festival of the Caribbean Islands, Trinidad and Tobago Carnival is thought to have originated in the 18th century. The event is well known for participants' colorful costumes and exuberant celebrations.",
        "Trinidad is the birthplace of the steel pan. Steel Pan, the national instrument of Trinidad and Tobago is the only acoustic musical instrument to be invented in the 20th Century.",
        "The Trinidad moruga scorpion (Capsicum chinense) is native to the district of Moruga in Trinidad and Tobago. On February 13, 2012, New Mexico State University's Chile Pepper Institute identified the Trinidad moruga scorpion as the hottest chili in the world."
    "Tunisia": [
        "Tunisia is a country in North Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Tunisia.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Tunisia was estimated to be 11 thousands thousands people.",
        "Tunis is the capital and the largest city of Tunisia. Situated on a large Mediterranean Sea gulf (the Gulf of Tunis), behind the Lake of Tunis and the port of La Goulette, the city extends along the coastal plain and the hills that surround it. At its core lies its ancient medina, a World Heritage Site.",
        "Geographically, Tunisia contains the eastern end of the Atlas Mountains and the northern reaches of the Sahara desert. Much of the rest of the country's land is fertile soil.",
        "The Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world, and a small part of it covers Tunisia. The Grand Erg Oriental is a large erg or \"field of sand dunes\" in central Tunisia.",
        "Tunisia's northernmost point, Cape Angela, is the northernmost point on the African continent.",
        "Tunisia has 1 thousands kilometers (713 miles) of coastline.",
        "Some of the Mediterranean's most spectacular beaches are to be found in Tunisia; to the north is a coastline of crystal-clear waters, lush vegetation and wild cliffs, while the southern coastline is fascinating due to the desert landscape surrounding it.",
        "The network of protected areas in Tunisia covers about 8% of the national territory. It is made up of 17 national park, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "Ichkeul National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the north of Tunisia, 25 km (15.5 mi) southwest of Bizerte and 15 km (9 mi) north of Mateur. The lake and wetlands of Ichkeul National Park are an important stopping-over point for hundreds of thousands of migrating birds such as ducks, geese, storks and pink flamingoes, who come to feed and nest there. Ichkeul is the last remaining lake in a chain that once extended across North Africa.",
        "Tunisia has 8 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Medina of Tunis is the Medina quarter of Tunis, capital of Tunisia. The Medina contains some 700 monuments, including palaces, mosques, mausoleums, madrasas and fountains dating from the Almohad and the Hafsid periods. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979.",
        "The Bourguiba mausoleum is a monumental grave in Monastira, containing the remains of former president Habib Bourguiba, the father of Tunisian independence, who died on April 6, 2000. The mausoleum was built while Bourguiba was still alive, in 1963, in the modern Arab-Muslim style. It is located in the western part of the Sidi El M\u00e9zeri cemetery, the main burial site in the city, at the end of the main alley which is about 200 m (660 ft) long and 30 m (98 ft) wide.",
        "The Bardo National Museum is a museum located in the capital, Tunis. It is one of the most important museums of the Mediterranean basin, and the second largest on the African continent after the Egyptian Museum. It traces the history of Tunisia over several millennia and through many civilizations through a wide variety of archaeological pieces. Being in the former palace, it offers many major works discovered since the beginnings of archaeological research in the country.",
        "Finds have been made of stone blades, tools, and small figurines of the Capsian culture (named after Gafsa in Tunisia), which lasted from around 10 thousands to 6 thousands BC.",
        "A major mercantile power and a military rival of the Roman Republic, Carthage was defeated by the Romans in 146 BC. The Romans, who would occupy Tunisia for most of the next eight hundred years.",
        "After several attempts starting in 647, the Arabs conquered the whole of Tunisia by 697, followed by the Ottomans between 1534 and 1574. The Ottomans held sway for over three hundred years.",
        "The French colonization of Tunisia occurred in 1881.",
        "Tunisia achieved independence from France in 1956 with Habib Bourguiba as Prime Minister.",
        "Tunisia has a growing, diverse economy that is focused on agriculture, mining, tourism and manufacturing. The main industries in the country are petroleum, the mining of phosphate and iron ore, textiles, footwear, agribusiness and beverage.",
        "Tunisia has a highly homogeneous population, almost entirely of Arab and Berber descent (98%). The small European population (1%) consists mostly of French and Italians.",
        "The majority of Tunisia's population (around 98%) are Muslims while about 2% follow Christianity and Judaism or other religions.",
        "Tunisian cuisine is a blend of Mediterranean and desert dwellers' culinary traditions. Couscous, called \"Kosksi\", is the national dish of Tunisia, and can be prepared in many ways. It is cooked in a special kind of double boiler called a kiska:s in Arabic or couscoussi\u00e8re in French, resembling a Chinese steamer atop a Mongolian pot.",
        "Football is the most popular sport in Tunisia."
    "Turkmenistan": [
        "Turkmenistan is a country in Central Asia.",
        "The official name of the country is Turkmenistan and was formerly known as Turkmenia.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Turkmenistan was estimated to be 5 thousands thousands people.",
        "Ashgabat is the capital and the largest city of Turkmenistan. It is situated between the Karakum Desert and the Kopet Dag mountain range. The name means \"city of love\" or \"city of devotion.\"",
        "The terrain of Turkmenistan is mostly flat-to-rolling sand dunes and desert with mountains to the south.",
        "Turkmenistan's average elevation is 100 to 220 meters (328 to 722 feet) above sea level.",
        "A\u00fdrybaba is the highest mountain in Turkmenistan at 3 thousands meters (10 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Protected areas of Turkmenistan include 8 nature reserves and 13 sanctuaries with a total area of 19 thousands square kilometers (7 thousands square miles) or more than 4% of Turkmenistan's territory.",
        "The Karakum Desert occupies about 70%, or 350 thousands square kilometers (135 thousands square miles) of the area of Turkmenistan. Its name is translated as \"black sands\" (\"kara\" \u2013 black, \"kum\" \u2013 sand).",
        "Turkmenistan has 3 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Darvaza gas crater, known locally as the \"Door to Hell\" or \"Gates of Hell\", is a natural gas field in Derweze, Turkmenistan, that collapsed into an underground cavern in 1971, becoming a natural gas crater. Geologists set it on fire to prevent the spread of methane gas, and it has been burning continuously since then. The diameter of the crater is 69 meters (226 feet), and its depth is 30 meters (98 feet).",
        "Turkmenistan has been at the crossroads of civilizations for centuries.",
        "Annexed by the Russian Empire in 1881, Turkmenistan later figured prominently in the anti-Bolshevik movement in Central Asia.",
        "In 1924, Turkmenistan became a constituent republic of the Soviet Union, Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic (Turkmen SSR)",
        "Turkmenistan became independent upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.",
        "Independence Day of Turkmenistan is the main state holiday in Turkmenistan. This date is celebrated in Turkmenistan annually on October 27.",
        "Turkmenistan was ruled by President for Life Saparmurat Niyazov until his death in 2006. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow was elected president in 2007.",
        "Turkmenistan possesses the world's fourth largest reserves of natural gas resources and substantial oil resources.",
        "In Turkmenistan, most of irrigated land is planted with cotton, making the country the world's ninth-largest cotton producer.",
        "Akhal-Teke horses are a national emblem of Turkmenistan, where the breed originated.",
        "After Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan is the least densely populated of the Central Asian states.",
        "The name Turkmenistan was derived from the Persian language, and it simply means \"Land of the Turkmen.\"",
        "There are 789 thousands people in Turkmenistan using Internet (14.9% of the population) as of June, 2016.",
        "Turkmenistan is world widely famous for its ethnic style of carpets and there is even a carpet museum with Turkmen carpets from the medieval through to the 20th century, including over 1000 carpets from the 18th and 19th centuries.",
        "Saparmurat Niyazov (the leader of Turkmenistan from 1985 until his death in 2006) renamed months and days of the week after Turkmen heroes, poets, historical events, family members and himself. For example, instead of April there was Gurbansoltan, his mother's name."
    "Tuvalu": [
        "Tuvalu is an island country located in the southern Pacific Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is Tuvalu.",
        "Tuvalu has two official languages: Tuvaluan and English.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Tuvalu was estimated to be 10 thousands people.",
        "With an area of 26 square kilometers (10 square miles), Tuvalu is the fourth smallest country by area in the world, behind Vatican City, Monaco and Nauru.",
        "Tuvalu is a volcanic archipelago and consists of three reef islands: Nanumanga, Niutao, Niulakita and six true atolls: Funafuti, Nanumea, Nui, Nukufetau, Nukulaelae and Vaitupu.",
        "Funafuti is an atoll on which the capital of the island nation of Tuvalu is located. It is the most populated atoll with 56% of Tuvalu's population. The capital of Tuvalu is sometimes given as Fongafale or Vaiaku, but the entire atoll of Funafuti is officially the capital.",
        "The highest elevation is 4.6 meters (15 ft) above sea level on Niulakita, which gives Tuvalu the second-lowest maximum elevation of any country (after the Maldives).",
        "With its picture-perfect beaches and turquoise waters it is surprising that the South Pacific paradise of Tuvalu is not popular with the masses.",
        "The South Pacific paradise of Tuvalu is the least visited country in the world with just about 1 thousands tourists per year.",
        "In Tuvalu the climate is humid and hot with an annual temperature of 30 degrees Celsius (86\u00b0 Fahrenheit) and it has little seasonal variation.",
        "Tuvalu experiences two distinct seasons, a wet season from November to April and a dry season from May to October.",
        "The origins of the people of Tuvalu are addressed in the theories regarding migration into the Pacific that began about 3000 years ago.",
        "During pre-European-contact times there was frequent canoe voyaging between the nearer islands including Samoa and Tonga. Eight of the nine islands of Tuvalu were inhabited; thus the name, Tuvalu, means \"eight standing together\" in Tuvaluan.",
        "Tuvalu was first sighted by Europeans on 16 January 1568 during the voyage of \u00c1lvaro de Menda\u00f1a de Neira from Spain who sailed past the island of Nui, and charted it as Isla de Jes\u00fas (Spanish for \"Island of Jesus\") because the previous day was the feast of the Holy Name.",
        "In 1974, the Ellice Islanders voted for separate British dependency status as Tuvalu, separating fromthe Gilbert Islands which became Kiribati upon independence.",
        "Tuvalu became fully independent within the Commonwealth on 1 October 1978.",
        "On 5 September 2000, Tuvalu became the 189th member of the United Nations.",
        "Tuvaluans are primarily involved in traditional agriculture and fishing.",
        "One of Tuvalu's largest sources of income is from the lease of its highly fortuitous .tv Internet Top Level Domain (TLD).",
        "The most widely grown crops in Tuvalu are taro and coconut. In addition, copra (the dried flesh of a coconut used in making coconut oil) is a major part of Tuvalu's economy.",
        "The cuisine of Tuvalu is based on the staple of coconut and the many species of fish found in the ocean and lagoons of the atolls. Desserts made on the islands include coconut and coconut milk, instead of animal milk. The traditional foods eaten in Tuvalu are pulaka, taro, bananas, breadfruit and coconut.",
        "Transport services in Tuvalu are limited. There are about 8 kilometers (5 miles) of roads.",
        "Global warming is a concern in Tuvalu since the average height of the islands is less than 2 metres (6.6 feet) above sea level. Tuvalu could be one of the first nations to experience the effects of sea level rise.",
        "As an island nation the number of native plants and animals in Tuvalu are severely limited. The native land life is almost non-existent and the native plant life was also very limited; only the migrating birds and sea life had any significant presence in historic Tuvalu. Most of what is found on the islands today was introduced in pre-historic times by the migrating people, birds, winds, and ocean currents.",
        "As an island nation that rose from the sea floor there were no native mammals in Tuvalu, although a few bat species arrived thousands of years ago.",
        "A traditional sport played in Tuvalu is kilikiti, which is similar to cricket.",
        "A popular sport specific to Tuvalu is Ano, which is played with two round balls of 12 cm (5 in) diameter. Ano is a localised version of volleyball, in which the two hard balls made from pandanus leaves are volleyed at great speed with the team members trying to stop the Ano hitting the ground."
    "Uganda": [
        "Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Uganda.",
        "Uganda has two official languages: English and Swahili.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Uganda was estimated to be 40 thousands thousands people.",
        "Kampala is the capital and largest city of Uganda. It occupies a series of hills at an elevation of about 1 thousands metres (3 thousands feet) and is situated in the southern part of the country, just north of Lake Victoria.",
        "Mount Stanley is a mountain located in the Rwenzori range. With an elevation of 5 thousands m (16 thousands ft), it is the highest mountain of both the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda, and the third highest in Africa, after Kilimanjaro (5 thousands m) and Mount Kenya (5 thousands m).",
        "With eight major rivers and five huge lakes, water covers nearly one-fifth of Uganda. Lake Victoria forms the south-eastern corner of the country. It is Africa's largest freshwater lake and was long considered to be the source of the Nile's headwaters.",
        "The network of protected areas in Uganda covers about 16% of the national territory. It is made up of 10 national park, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "The Uganda National Mosque is a mosque located at Kampala Hill in the Old Kampala area of Kampala. Completed in 2006, it seats up to 15 thousands worshipers and can hold another 1 thousands in the gallery, while the terrace will cater for another 3 thousands. Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya commissioned the mosque as a gift to Uganda, and for the benefit of the Muslim population. Uganda has many mosques but this one is a skyscraper mosque.",
        "Rubaga Cathedral is the parent cathedral of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kampala, the oldest Roman Catholic diocese in Uganda. It is the home church of Archbishop of Kampala. The Cathedral is located on Lubaga Hill, in Lubaga Division, in the western part of the city of Kampala.",
        "Paleolithic evidence of human activity in Uganda goes back to at least 50 thousands years, and perhaps as far as 100 thousands years.",
        "British commercial interests were ardent to protect the trade route of the Nile, which prompted the British government to annex Buganda and adjoining territories to create the Uganda Protectorate in 1894.",
        "Uganda gained independence from Britain on 9 October 1962 as a Commonwealth realm with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state. In October 1963, Uganda became a republic but maintained its membership in the Commonwealth of Nations.",
        "Endowed with significant natural resources, including ample fertile land, regular rainfall, and mineral deposits, it is thought that Uganda could feed all of Africa if it were commercially farmed. The economy of Uganda has great potential, and it appeared poised for rapid economic growth and development.",
        "Chronic political instability and erratic economic management since self-rule has produced a record of persistent economic decline that has left Uganda among the world's poorest and least-developed countries.",
        "Uganda is religiously diverse nation with Christianity and Islam being the most widely professed religions. Over 84 percent of the population was Christian while about 14 percent of the population adhered to Islam."
    "Ukraine": [
        "Ukraine is a large country in Eastern Europe known for its Orthodox churches, Black Sea coastline and forested mountains.",
        "The name Ukraine is believed to originally mean \"borderland\" or \"region\". In English 'The Ukraine' used to be the form used now it is just called 'Ukraine'.",
        "Ukraine is bordered by Russia to the east and northeast, Belarus to the northwest, Poland and Slovakia to the west, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova to the southwest, and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south and southeast, respectively.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Ukraine was estimated to be 42 thousands thousands people.",
        "Ukraine has an area of 603 thousands square kilometers (233 thousands square miles), which makes it the largest country with its entirety within Europe.",
        "Kiev is the capital city of Ukraine, bisected by the Dnieper River and known for its religious architecture, secular monuments and history museums.",
        "Mount Hoverla at 2 thousands meters (6 thousands feet), is the highest mountain in Ukraine and part of the Carpathian Mountains.",
        "The Ukraine coastline is 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) long and includes the northern and western shores of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.",
        "More than twenty thousand small lakes dot the Ukraine landscape, covering a total area of about 18 thousands square kilometers (7 thousands square miles).",
        "The animal life of Ukraine is diverse, with about 350 species of birds, more than 100 species of mammals, and more than 200 species of fish. The most common predators are wolves, foxes, wildcats, and martens, while hoofed animals include deer, wild pigs, and sometimes elk and mouflons (a species of wild sheep).",
        "The Carpathian National Natural Park is the first and the largest national park in Ukraine, created in 1980 to protect the unique natural riches of the Carpathian Mountains. The area of the park is 515.7 square kilometers (199.1 square miles)",
        "Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev is an outstanding architectural monument of Kievan Rus'. The cathedral is one of the city's best known landmarks and the first heritage site in Ukraine to be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List along with the Kiev Cave Monastery complex.",
        "The Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans in Chernivtsi, Ukraine was built between the years 1864 \u2013 1882 to the designs of the Czech architect, Josef Hl\u00e1vka. The Residence, whose buildings are now part of Chernivtsi University, was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011.",
        "The oldest map known to scientists, as well as one of the most ancient settlement of Homo Sapiens were found in Ukraine, in the village of Mezhireche. They are 14.5 \u2013 15 thousand years old. The map is cut out of the bones of a mammoth. The settlement is made of the same material.",
        "The oldest oak tree of Ukraine is 1300 years old, is Yuzefin hole, Rivne region. Its diameter is 7.9 (26 feet) meters, the height is 20 meters (65 feet).",
        "The first frame hive was invented in Ukraine in 1814 by Petro Prokopovych. During last years Ukraine surely takes a place in the three worlds leaders in honey producing. Ukraine leaves behind European countries in honey producing and, at the same time, is the first in the world in honey producing per capita (1,5 kilograms (3,3 pounds))",
        "Ukraine is tech-savvy. They've got the 4th largest number of IT professionals in the world, behind the US, India, and Russia.",
        "The Ukraine currency is called the Hryvnia."
    "United Arab Emirates": [
        "The United Arab Emirates, sometimes simply called the Emirates or or the UAE, is an Arabian Peninsula nation settled mainly along the Persian (Arabian) Gulf.",
        "The official name of the country is the United Arab Emirates.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of the United Arab Emirates was estimated to be 9 thousands thousands people.",
        "The United Arab Emirates consists of seven emirates \u2013 Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain. Emirate means State or Province ruled by an Emir. (Emir means 'commander' or 'ruler' in Arabic) Interestingly, each of the seven emirates of UAE has a capital city with the same name!",
        "Abu Dhabi is the capital and the second most populous city of the United Arab Emirates (the most populous being Dubai), and also capital of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, the largest of the UAE's seven emirates.",
        "Jabal Jais is a mountain on the border between Oman and United Arab Emirates, with an elevation of 1 thousands meters (6 thousands feet). The highest point of this mount is located on the Omani side, but a secondary hill (in the same mountain) west of this peak is considered the highest point of the United Arab Emirates, at 1 thousands meters (6 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "The United Arab Emirates has 1 thousands kilometers (819 miles) of coastline.",
        "There's a beach for everyone in the United Arab Emirates. From the city beaches along the coast of Dubai, with their high-rise background, and Abu Dhabi's golden sand beaches along its island-littered coastline, to the luxury sweeps of sand around Ajman and the wilder beaches of the Emirate of Fujairah, you have plenty of choice.",
        "Palm Islands are three artificial islands, Palm Jumeirah, Deira Island and Palm Jebel Ali, on the coast of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. As of November 2014, only Palm Jumeirah has been completed. This island takes the form of a palm tree, topped by a crescent. After completion, Palm Jebel Ali will take a similar shape; each island will be host to a large number of residential, leisure and entertainment centers and will add a total of 520 kilometers (323 miles) of non-public beaches to the city of Dubai.",
        "Ferrari World Abu Dhabi is an amusement park located on Yas Island in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It is the first Ferrari-branded theme park and has the record for the largest space frame structure ever built. Formula Rossa, the world's fastest roller coaster, is also located here.",
        "Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is located in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, and is considered to be the key site for worship in the country. The mosque was constructed from 1996 to 2007. It is the largest mosque in the United Arab Emirates.",
        "The United Arab Emirates has 1 UNESCO world heritage site.",
        "The economy of the United Arab Emirates is the second largest in the Arab world (after Saudi Arabia).",
        "The United Arab Emirates has the seventh-largest proven crude oil reserves in the world (after Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Iran, Iraq and Kuwait).",
        "The United Arab Emirates has been successfully diversifying its economy.",
        "The oil-rich United Arab Emirates has one of the world's highest per-capita incomes. There are no personal income or capital gains taxes there.",
        "The United Arab Emirates is a federation of hereditary absolute monarchies. It is governed by a Federal Supreme Council made up of the seven emirs of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Dubai, Ras al-Khaimah and Umm al-Qaiwain."
    "Uruguay": [
        "Uruguay is a country located in the southeastern part of South America.",
        "The official name of Uruguay is the Oriental Republic of Uruguay.",
        "Uruguay is bordered by Argentina in the west, by Brazil in the north and northeast and by the Atlantic Ocean in the southeast.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Uruguay was estimated to be 3 thousands thousands people.",
        "With an area of approximately 176 thousands square kilometers (68 thousands square miles), Uruguay is geographically the second-smallest nation in South America after Suriname.",
        "Montevideo is the capital and largest city of Uruguay. The southernmost capital city in the Americas, Montevideo is situated in the southern coast of the country, on the northeastern bank of the R\u00edo de la Plata.",
        "Cerro Catedral, also known as Cerro Cordillera, is a peak and the highest point of Uruguay, with an altitude of 513.66 meters (1 thousands.2 feet).",
        "Uruguay is the only country in Latin America which is entirely outside the tropics.",
        "Uruguay has 660 kilometers (410 miles) of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean and its estuary, the R\u00edo de la Plata.",
        "Uruguay's coast is one of the main attractions of the country. Some of Uruguay's beaches are considered among the most beautiful in South America, such as, for example, Punta del Este.",
        "There are nine national parks in Uruguay: five in the wetland areas of the east, three in the central hill country, and one in the west along the Rio Uruguay.",
        "Santa Teresa national park is one of the most beautiful and popular in all of Uruguay. It includes several beautiful sandy beaches, a large forested area impressive, camping areas, a nature reserve for animals, a greenhouse with a wide variety of plants, and the historic fort of Santa Teresa built in Spanish colonial times.",
        "Uruguay has 2 UNESCO world heritage site.",
        "Casapueblo is a hotel located in Punta Ballena. It was built by the Uruguayan artist Carlos P\u00e1ez Vilar\u00f3 originally as a summer house and workshop, but now includes a museum, an art gallery, a caf\u00e9 and a hotel in its facilities. It became permanent residence of its creator, where he worked and where he spent his last days.",
        "The country is named after the Rio Uruguay (Uruguay River), rather than other way around. The name, derived from the Guaran\u00ed language, means roughly 'river of birds' \u2013 still very apt description. The poet Juan Zorrilla de San Martin came up with more colorful but less accurate translation 'the river of painted birds'.",
        "Uruguay is the only country whose name in English has the same letter three times in its first five.",
        "Uruguay is the least corrupt country in Latin America. It is ranked first in the region for democracy, peace, lack of corruption, quality of living, e-Government, freedom of press, size of the middle class, prosperity and security...",
        "Uruguay has one of the highest literacy rates in the world with 98.1% for adults. This is largely thanks to Uruguayans' access to free and compulsory education.",
        "In 2009, Uruguay became the first country in the world to provide every schoolchild with a free laptop and wifi access.",
        "In December 2013, Uruguay became the first country in the world to legalise the production, sale and use of marijuana.",
        "In Uruguay, cows outnumber people four to one and farming is the most important part of the economy.",
        "The Uruguayans have won the football World Cup twice. They were the first hosts and winners of the tournament in 1930 and won it again in 1950.",
        "Uruguay won gold for football at both the 1924 and 1928 Olympics. They are the only Olympic gold medals the country has ever won.",
        "Uruguay has renamed many of its traditional Catholic holidays. Christmas, for example, is called Family Day and Holy Week is called Tourism Week.",
        "Uruguay's national anthem, which lasts more than five minutes, is the world's longest in performance duration.",
        "When Jos\u00e9 Mujica was detained he spent 10 years in solitary confinement, 2 years of which were at the bottom of a empty well. After this he went on to became president of Uruguay.",
        "Jos\u00e9 Mujica was President of Uruguay between 2010 \u2013 2015, and has been described as \"the world's poorest president\" with his only declared asset, a 1987 Volkswagen Beetle that is worth about $1 thousands. He also donated almost 90 percent of his $12 thousands monthly charities to benefit the poor people and small entrepreneurs.",
        "Uruguay is the best country in the world!"
    "Uzbekistan": [
        "Uzbekistan is a Central Asian nation and former Soviet republic.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Uzbekistan.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Uzbekistan was estimated to be 30 thousands thousands people.",
        "Tashkent is the capital and largest city of Uzbekistan. It's known for its many museums and its mix of modern and Soviet-era architecture.",
        "Uzbekistan is one of two doubly landlocked countries in the world (that is, a country completely surrounded by landlocked countries), the other being Liechtenstein.",
        "The physical environment of Uzbekistan is diverse, ranging from the flat, desert topography that comprises almost 80% of the country's territory to mountain peaks in the east.",
        "The highest point in Uzbekistan is the Khazret Sultan, at 4 thousands meters (15 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Uzbekistan has 2 national parks and 9 nature reserves.",
        "Zaamin National Park is the oldest nature preserve in Uzbekistan, created in 1926 as Guralash Nature Preserve on the northern slopes of the western part of Turkestan Range, in the valleys of the rivers Kulsoy, Guralash, Baikungur, and Aldashmansoy. Total area is 156 squar kilometers (60 square miles). Elevations from 1 thousands meters (5 thousands feet) (in the Guralash valley) to 3 thousands meters (11 thousands feet) (Guralash Peak).",
        "Uzbekistan has 5 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "The Registan was the heart of the ancient city of Samarkand of the Timurid dynasty, now in Uzbekistan. The name R\u0113gistan means \"Sandy place\" or \"desert\" in Persian. It was a public square, where people gathered to hear royal proclamations, heralded by blasts on enormous copper pipes called dzharchis \u2013 and a place of public executions. It is framed by three madrasahs (Islamic schools) of distinctive Islamic architecture.",
        "The first people known to have inhabited Central Asia were Iranian nomads who came from the northern grasslands of what is now Uzbekistan, sometime in the first millennium BC.",
        "The Uzbekistan land was once part of the ancient Persian Empire and was later conquered by Alexander the Great in the 4th century B.C.",
        "The territory was made into the Uzbek Republic in 1924 and became the independent Uzbekistan Soviet Socialist Republic in 1925.",
        "On 20 June 1990, Uzbekistan declared its state sovereignty. On 31 August 1991, Uzbekistan declared independence after the failed coup attempt in Moscow. 1 September was proclaimed the National Independence Day. The Soviet Union was dissolved on 26 December of that year.",
        "Uzbekistan's economy relies mainly on commodity production, including cotton, gold, uranium, and natural gas.",
        "Uzbekistan is one of the largest producers and exporters of cotton.",
        "Uzbekistan has the fourth largest gold deposits in the world. The country mines 80 tons of gold annually, seventh in the world.",
        "Uzbekistan's national dish is palov (plov or osh or \"pilaf\"), a main course typically made with rice, pieces of meat, grated carrots and onions. It is usually cooked in a kazan (or deghi) over an open fire.",
        "Uzbekistan is Central Asia's most populous country and the majority live in rural areas.",
        "Football is the most popular sport in Uzbekistan.",
        "In Uzbekistan, handshakes are only acceptable if it is between two men. The way to greet an Uzbek woman is by bowing to her with your right hand placed over your heart.",
        "Dr Pavel (crazy scientist) in The Dark Knight Rises, was apparently from Uzbekistan."
    "Vanuatu": [
        "Vanuatu is an island country located in the southern Pacific Ocean.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Vanuatu.",
        "Vanuatu has 3 official languages: Bislama, English and French.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Vanuatu was estimated to be 273 thousands people.",
        "Vanuatu is an archipelago of made up of 83 small islands of which around 65 are inhabited.",
        "Port Vila is the capital and largest city of Vanuatu and is located on the island of Efate. It is Vanuatu's most important harbour and the center of the country's trade. The international airport, Bauerfield International is also located in the city.",
        "Vanuatu is a mountainous archipelago of volcanic origin with narrow coastal plains.",
        "Mount Tabwemasana is the highest mountain in Vanuatu at 1 thousands meters (6 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Vanuatu beaches are renowned for their soft white sand, golden sun kissed glow, fascinating coral deposits and sparkling turquoise waters ideal for snorkelling and swimming.",
        "Located on Tanna Island, Mount Yasur is perhaps one of the most famous Vanuatu attractions. It is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, erupting at least for several centuries. An active volcano measuring 361 meters (1 thousands feet) above sea level.",
        "Archaeological evidence indicates that, by 1300 BC, islands in northern Vanuatu had been settled by people of the Lapita culture from Melanesian islands to the west.",
        "The first island in the Vanuatu group discovered by Spaniards was Espiritu Santo when, in 1606, the Portuguese explorer, Pedro Fernandez de Quir\u00f3s, spied what he thought was a southern continent (Australia).",
        "An independence movement arose in the 1970s, and the Republic of Vanuatu was founded in 1980.",
        "Vanuatu's name is derived from the word vanua (\"land\" or \"home\"), which occurs in several Austronesian languages, and the word tu (\"stand\"). Together the two words indicated the independent status of the new country."
    "Venezuela": [
        "Venezuela is a country on the northern coast of South America with diverse natural attractions.",
        "The official name of Venezuela is the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.",
        "As of 1 January 2016, the population of Venezuela was estimated to be 31 thousands thousands people.",
        "Caracas is the capital and the largest city of Venezuela. Caracas is located along the Guaire River in the northern part of the country, following the contours of the narrow Caracas Valley on the Venezuelan coastal mountain range.",
        "Venezuela is considered a state with extremely high biodiversity, with habitats ranging from the Andes Mountains in the west to the Amazon Basin rain-forest in the south, via extensive llanos plains and Caribbean coast in the center and the Orinoco River Delta in the east.",
        "Pico Bolivar is the highest mountain in Venezuela, at 4 thousands meters (16 thousands feet) it sits in the northern extension of the Andes mountain range in the west of Venezuela.",
        "Venezuela has a coastline length of 2 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles).",
        "Fine sand, clear waters and warm temperatures throughout the year are some of the characteristics that define the most of Venezuela's coastline.",
        "Venezuela has 43 national parks, covering 21.76% of Venezuela's territory.",
        "Lake Maracaibo which is connected to the Gulf of Venezuela at the northern end is the largest lake in South America (13 thousands square kilometers (5 thousands square miles)) and one of the oldest on Earth (20\u201336 million years old).",
        "Venezuela has 3 UNESCO world heritage sites",
        "Venezuela ranks 7th in the world's list of nations with the most number of species.",
        "Venezuela is home to many weird and interesting animals including manatees, the Giant anteater, sloth, jaguar, Amazon river dolphins, Orinoco crocodiles and the worlds largest rodent the capybara.",
        "Venezuela has over 1400 bird species, including kingfishers, ibises, ospreys, and its national bird the Venezuelan Troupial [pic. below].",
        "There are over 25 thousands species of orchids in Venezuela, including the country's national flower 'flor de mayo orchid' [pic. below].",
        "Venezuela has the world's largest proven oil reserves and the world's eighth largest proven natural gas reserves.",
        "Because the government subsidizes the oil industry, Venezuelans enjoy the cheapest petrol in the world.",
        "More than 60% of Venezuela's international reserves is in gold, eight times more than the average for the region. Most of Venezuela's gold held abroad is located in London.",
        "Pabell\u00f3n criollo is a traditional Venezuelan dish, the local version of the rice and beans combination found throughout the Caribbean. It is a plate of rice, shredded beef in stew and stewed black beans that is considered by many to be the Venezuelan national dish.",
        "\"The Simpsons\" television show is considered inappropriate in Venezuela and is banned from public television.",
        "Since 2007, an unfinished skyscraper in Caracas, Venezuela, has been re-appropriated by squatters into a vast \"vertical slum\" which now includes grocery stores, hairdressers, and an unlicensed dentist.",
        "Venezuela was the most murderous place on Earth in 2015, where one person was murdered every 21 minutes.",
        "There's a nightclub inside a prison in Venezuela. In the same prison, there is a cockfighting arena and a billiard room.",
        "Baseball is Venezuela's most popular sport, there has been a professional baseball league in the country since 1945.",
        "Venezuela is one of the oldest democracies in South America (elections since 1958).",
        "Venezuela's name comes from the Italian word \"Veneziola\" that literally means \"piccola Venezia\" (little Venice). It was named so by the explorer Amerigo Vespucci who saw native stilt houses built in Lake Maracaibo, reminding him of Venice."
    "Vietnam": [
        "Vietnam is a Southeast Asian country on the South China Sea known for its beaches, rivers, Buddhist pagodas and bustling cities.",
        "The official name of the country is the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.",
        "The official language is Vietnamese.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Vietnam was estimated to be 95 thousands thousands people.",
        "Vietnam is a long, narrow country shaped like the letter s. It stretches 1 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) north to south, but is only about 40 kilometers (25 miles) wide at its narrowest point near the country's center.",
        "Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam and the country's second largest city by population. It is known for its centuries-old architecture and a rich culture with Southeast Asian, Chinese and French influences.",
        "Vietnam is a country of tropical lowlands, hills, and densely forested highlands, with level land covering no more than 20% of the area.",
        "Two rivers in Vietnam, the Mekong in the south and the Red river in the north of the country reach the sea spread over huge swampy delta plains. The lands in these areas are very fertile, ideal for growing rice and other crops and home to the majority of the country's population.",
        "The highest point in Vietnam is Fansipan at 3 thousands meters (10 thousands feet) above sea level. It is also the highest point in Indochina (comprising Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia).",
        "Vietnam has 3 thousands kilometers (2 thousands miles) of coastline.",
        "Vietnam has some of the world's most beautiful beaches.",
        "Vietnam has 30 national parks, with the area of 10 thousands square kilometers (3 thousands square miles) (620 square kilometers (236 square miles) of those are the sea area) which cover about 2.93% of the land area.",
        "Phong Nha-K\u1ebb B\u00e0ng National Park is a protected area in north-central Vietnam bordering the Hin Namno Reserve in Laos. Characterized by mountains, tropical forests and underground rivers, it's known for its ancient limestone karsts and vast network of caves. The park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003.",
        "Vietnam is home to the world's largest cave, Hang Son Doong. The cave is located in Phong Nha-K\u1ebb B\u00e0ng National Park. At more than 200 meters (660 feet) high, 150 meters (490 feet) wide and 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) long, the Hang Son Doong cave in Vietnam is so big it has its own river, jungle and climate.",
        "Vietnam has 8 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Halong Bay is an area of extraordinary natural beauty, situated in Vietnam's Quang Ninh Province, close to the Chinese border. Comprised of a multitude of limestone islands and islets rising from the sea, in a variety of sizes and shapes and presenting picturesque, unspoiled nature, Halong Bay is a spectacular seascape sculpted by nature. It is classified as both a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994, and as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature in 2012.",
        "The Imperial City is a walled fortress and palace in the city of Hu\u1ebf, the former imperial capital of Vietnam. The building was built in 1362, and took 203 years to complete. Many consider this building to be a symbol of wealth and power as boars carried the materials from Hoi An. The city was made a UNESCO site in 1993.",
        "Independent for almost a thousand years, Vietnam fell prey to French colonialism in the mid-19th century. During Japanese occupation in World War II, communist leader Ho Chi Minh formed the Vietminh, an alliance of communist and noncommunist nationalist groups. Armed struggle won independence in 1954 and led to the partition of Vietnam.",
        "From 1954 to 1975, more than three million people were killed in the Vietnam War including 58 thousands Americans.",
        "Vietnam's main exports include crude oil, seafood, rice, shoes, wooden products, machinery, electronics, coffee, and clothing. Between 1975 and the late 1980s, Vietnam traded mainly with other communist countries, but since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, it has expanded trade with other nations.",
        "Vietnam is the world's leading exporter of cashew nuts and black pepper.",
        "Since 2000, Vietnam's economic growth rate has been among the highest in the world.",
        "Vietnamese food is a blend of Chinese and Thai styles and is considered one of the healthiest cuisines in the world.",
        "Pho is the national dish of Vietnam. It is a noodle soup consisting of broth, rice noodles called b\u00e1nh ph\u1edf, a few herbs, and meat, primarily made with either beef or chicken. Pho is a popular street food in Vietnam and the specialty of a number of restaurant chains around the world.",
        "Vietnam's national drink is green tea, which is the accompaniment to every social gathering or business meeting and is frequently drunk after meals.",
        "A Vietnamese speciality is ruou ran, a rice wine with a pickled snake in it that is said to cure all illnesses.",
        "Around 38% of Vietnamese people have the surname Nguyen (pronounced as \"win\").",
        "In Vietnamese schools, instead of bells, gongs are used to call children.",
        "Tet, or Vietnamese New Year, is the most important celebration in Vietnamese culture. Tet celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese calendar, which usually has the date falling in January or February.",
        "Football is the most popular sport in Vietnam."
    "Yemen": [
        "Yemen is an Arab country in Western Asia, occupying South Arabia, the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Yemen.",
        "Sana'a is the capital and largest city Yemen. It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. At an elevation of 2 thousands metres (7 thousands ft), it is also one of the highest capital cities in the world.",
        "The terrain of Yemen is characterized by a narrow coastal plain backed by flat-topped hills and rugged mountains. An upland desert plain in the center slopes into the desert interior of the Arabian Peninsula.",
        "Jabal an-Nabi Shu'ayb at 3 thousands meters (12 thousands feet) above sea level is the highest mountain in Yemen and the highest mountain in the Arabian Peninsula.",
        "Yemen has 1 thousands kilometers (1 thousands miles) of coastline along the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Red Sea.",
        "Yemen's territory includes more than 200 islands.",
        "Isolated Socotra, 355 kilometers (220 miles) from mainland Yemen, is home to a panoply of strange plants and animals uniquely adapted to the hot, harsh, windswept island. The landscape of remote Socotra Island looks as if it comes from a sci-fi film but in fact has evolved to look so other-worldy as the 'lost world' island has been separated from mainland Africa for between six and seven million years. The island was recognised by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a world natural heritage site in July 2008.",
        "Yemen has 4 UNESCO world heritage sites.",
        "Zabid's domestic and military architecture and its urban plan make it an outstanding archaeological and historical site. Besides being the capital of Yemen from the 13th to the 15th century, the city played an important role in the Arab and Muslim world for many centuries because of its Islamic university. Zabid has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1993",
        "Yemen was the home of the Sabaeans (biblical Sheba), a trading state that flourished for over a thousand years and probably also included parts of modern-day Ethiopia and Eritrea.",
        "In 275 AD, the region came under the rule of the later Jewish-influenced Himyarite Kingdom. Christianity arrived in the fourth century, whereas Judaism and local paganism were already established. Islam spread quickly in the seventh century and Yemenite troops were crucial in the expansion of the early Islamic conquests.",
        "The northern portion of Yemen was ruled by imams until a pro-Egyptian military coup took place in 1962. The junta proclaimed the Yemen Arab Republic, and after a civil war in which Egypt's Nasser and the USSR supported the revolutionaries and King Saud of Saudi Arabia and King Hussein of Jordan supported the royalists, the royalists were finally defeated in mid-1969.",
        "Ideological differences provoked conflicts between pro-Soviet South Yemen and pro-Western North Yemen in 1972 and 1979.",
        "The Republic of Yemen was established on May 22, 1990, when pro-Western Yemen and the Marxist Yemen Arab Republic merged after 300 years of separation to form the new nation.",
        "Yemen's principal natural resources are oil and natural gas as well as agriculturally productive land in the west. Other natural resources include fish and seafood, rock salt, marble, and minor deposits of coal, gold, lead, nickel, and copper.",
        "Saltah is considered the national dish of Yemen, and widely eaten in northern parts of the country. It is mainly served for lunch. The base is a brown meat stew called maraq, a dollop of fenugreek froth, and sahawiq or sahowqa (a mixture of chillies, tomatoes, garlic, and herbs ground into a salsa).",
        "Yemen is the poorest nation in the middle east.",
        "More children are born in Yemen than in any other middle eastern country yearly.",
        "Alcohol is banned in Yemen due to strict Islamic religious policies.",
        "Yemen is an ultraconservative Muslim country. Homosexual behavior is punishable by death, and it is forbidden to take pictures of women.",
        "Yemen has been in a state of political crisis since 2011, starting with street protests against poverty, unemployment, corruption, and president Saleh's plan to amend Yemen's constitution and eliminate the presidential term limit, in effect making him president for life."
    "Zambia": [
        "Zambia is a landlocked country in Southern Africa.",
        "The official name of the country is the Republic of Zambia.",
        "As of 1 January 2017, the population of Zambia was estimated to be 16 thousands thousands people.",
        "Lusaka is the capital and largest city of Zambia. One of the fastest developing cities in southern Africa, Lusaka is in the southern part of the central plateau at an elevation of about 1 thousands meters (4 thousands feet).",
        "The terrain of Zambia is mostly high plateau, with some hills and mountains.",
        "The network of protected areas in Zambia covers about 38% of the national territory. It is made up of 19 national park, plus other types of protected areas.",
        "Devil's Pool is the naturally formed \"Armchair\", near the edge of the falls on Livingstone Island on the Zambian side. When the river flow is at a certain level, usually between September and December, a rock barrier forms an eddy with minimal current, allowing adventurous swimmers to splash around in relative safety a few feet from the point where the water cascades over the falls. Occasional deaths have been reported when people have slipped over the rock barrier.",
        "The Livingstone Museum is the largest and the oldest museum in Zambia, located in Livingstone near Victoria Falls. The museum has exhibits of artifacts related to local history and prehistory, including photographs, musical instruments, and possessions of David Livingstone, the explorer and missionary.",
        "That archaic humans were present in Zambia at least 200 thousands years ago was shown by the discovery of the Broken Hill skull in Kabwe in 1921 \u2013 this was the first human fossil ever discovered in Africa.",
        "In 1888, Cecil Rhodes, spearheading British commercial and political interests in Central Africa, obtained a mineral rights concession from local chiefs. In the same year, Northern and Southern Rhodesia (now Zambia and Zimbabwe, respectively) were proclaimed a British sphere of influence.",
        "For most of the colonial period, Zambia was governed by an administration appointed from London with the advice of the British South Africa Company.",
        "On 24 October 1964, Zambia became independent of the United Kingdom and prime minister Kenneth Kaunda became the inaugural president.",
        "The Zambian economy has historically been based on the copper mining industry. Zambia is one of the top ten producers of copper.",
        "Agriculture plays a very important part in Zambia's economy providing many more jobs than the mining industry.",
        "Zambia has some of nature's best wildlife and game reserves affording the country with abundant tourism potential.",
        "Zambia is officially a Christian nation according to the 1996 constitution, but a wide variety of religious traditions exist. Traditional religious thoughts blend easily with Christian beliefs in many of the country's syncretic churches. About three-fourths of the population is Protestant while about 20% follow Roman Catholicism.",
        "The most popular sport in Zambia is football. Rugby Union, boxing and cricket are also popular.",
        "Zambia declared its independence on the day of the closing ceremony of the 1964 Summer Olympics, thereby becoming the first country ever to have entered an Olympic games as one country, and left it as another."

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