Java SE/Android WebSocket client and server package, MIT (c) 2020-2024
Release notes:
- small and easy to use;
- 100% Java SE 6+/Android 4+ compatible (see WebSocket-Android-Test repo: );
- in accordance with RFC6455: ;
- supported WebSocket version: 13;
- WebSocket extensions are not supported;
- supports cleartext/TLS connections (without tunneling);
- client supports Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs);
- stream-based messaging.
The jar ./dist/websocket file was generated with debugging info using JDK1.8.0 for target JRE1.6
package org.miktim.websocket
Class WebSocket:
Servers and client connections creator.
static String VERSION = "4.1.4";
WebSocket() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException; // check if SHA1 exists
WebSocket(InetAddress bindAddr) throws SocketException, NoSuchAlgorithmException;
- sets servers/connections binding address
static URI idnURI(String uri) throws URISyntaxException;
- converts the host name to the IDN form as defined in RFC3490
and creates a URI
static void setKeyStore(String keyFilePath, String password);
- sets system properties
static void setTrustStore(String keyFilePath, String password);
- sets system properties
void setKeyFile(File storeFile, String storePassword);
- use a keyStore file (server) or a trustStore file (client)
without changing the system properties
void resetKeyFile();
WsServer Server(int port, WsConnection.EventHandler handler, WsParameters wsp) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException;
- creates cleartext connections server
WsServer SecureServer(int port, WsConnection.EventHandler handler, WsParameters wsp) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException;
- creates TLS connections server
Servers are created using a "dumb" server handler.
You can set your own handler or start the server immediately.
WsConnection connect(String uri, WsConnection.EventHandler handler, WsParameters wsp) throws URISyntaxException, IOException, GeneralSecurityException;
- creates and starts a client connection;
- uri's scheme (ws: | wss:) and host are required,
:port, /path and ?query are optional,
user-info@ and #fragment - ignored
InetAddress getBindAddress();
WsServer[] listServers(); // lists active servers
WsConnection[] listConnections(); // lists active connections
void closeAll();
void closeAll(String closeReason);
- closes all active servers/connections, code 1001 (GOING_AWAY)
Class WsServer extends Thread:
WsServer setHandler(WsServer.EventHandler handler);
void start(); // starts server
WsServer launch(); // starts server
boolean isOpen(); // returns the open state
boolean isSecure(); // is secure server
boolean isInterrupted();
- returns true if the server was interrupted by a method
or due to a server socket exception
Exception getError(); // returns server socket exception or null
int getPort();
- returns the port number on which this server socket is listening.
InetAddress getBindAddress();
- returns the ServerSocket binding address or null
WsParameters getParameters(); // returns connection parameters
WsConnection[] listConnections(); // returns a list of active connections
void close();
void close(String closeReason);
- close methods also closes all associated connections (code GOING_AWAY)
void interrupt();
- interrupts the server, associated connections stay alive
and can be closed in the usual way
Interface WsServer.EventHandler:
void onStart(WsServer server);
boolean onAccept(WsServer server, WsConnection conn);
- called BEFORE WebSocket connection handshake;
- the returned value of true means approval of the connection,
the value of false means the closure of the client connection
void onStop(WsServer server, Exception error);
- error is a ServerSocket exception or null
Class WsConnection extends Thread:
- overflow of the incoming message queue leads to an error and
connection closure with status code 1008 (POLICY_VIOLATION)
void send(InputStream is, boolean isUTF8Text) throws IOException;
- the input stream is binary data or UTF-8 encoded text
void send(String message) throws IOException; // send text
void send(byte[] message) throws IOException; // send binary data
boolean isClientSide(); // returns true for client connections
boolean isOpen(); // WebSocket connection is open
boolean isSecure(); // is TLS connection
void setHandler(WsConnection.EventHandler newHandler);
- calls onClose in the old handler (conn.isOpen() returns true),
then calls onOpen in the new handler
WsConnection[] listConnections() // the client connection returns only itself
String getSSLSessionProtocol() // returns SSL protocol or null
WsStatus getStatus();
- returns the connection status, syncs with a client WebSocket handshake
String getSubProtocol(); // returns null or handshaked WebSocket subprotocol
String getPeerHost(); // returns remote host name or null
int getPort() // returns connected port
String getPath(); // returns http request path or null
String getQuery(); // returns http request query or null
WsParameters getParameters();
void close(); // closes connection with status code 1005 (NO_STATUS)
void close(int statusCode, String reason);
- the status code outside 1000-4999 will be replaced with 1005 (NO_STATUS),
the reason is ignored;
- a reason that is longer than 123 BYTES is truncated;
- the method blocks outgoing messages (sending methods throw IOException);
- isOpen() returns false;
- incoming messages are available until the closing handshake completed.
Interface WsConnection.EventHandler:
There are two scenarios for handling events:
- onError - onClose, when the SSL/WebSocket handshake failed;
- onOpen - [onMessage - onMessage - ...] - [onError] - onClose.
For handler exceptions, only the printStackTrace() function is used.
void onOpen(WsConnection conn, String subProtocol);
- the second argument is the negotiated WebSocket sub protocol or null
if the client did not requests it or if the server does not agree
to any of the client's requested sub protocols
void onMessage(WsConnection conn, InputStream is, boolean isUTF8Text);
- the message is an InputStream of binary data or UTF-8 encoded text;
- the available() method returns the total number of bytes in the stream.
void onError(WsConnection conn, Throwable e);
- any exception closes the WebSocket connection;
- large incoming messages may throw an OutOfMemoryError
void onClose(WsConnection conn, WsStatus closeStatus);
Class WsParameters:
WebSocket connection parameters
WsParameters setSubProtocols(String[] subps);
- sets WebSocket subProtocols in preferred order;
String[] getSubProtocols(); // null is default
WsParameters setHandshakeSoTimeout(int millis);
- sets a timeout for opening/closing a WebSocket connection
int getHandshakeSoTimeout();
WsParameters setConnectionSoTimeout(int millis, boolean pingEnabled)
- sets data exchange timeout;
- if the timeout is exceeded and ping is disabled, the connection
is terminated with status code 1001 (GOING_AWAY)
int getConnectionSoTimeout();
boolean isPingEnabled(); // enabled by default
WsParameters setPayloadBufferLength(int len);
- sets outgoing messages max payload length, min len = 125 bytes
int getPayloadBufferLength();
WsParameters setMaxMessageLength(int len);
- sets incoming messages max length. If exceeded, the connection
will be terminated with the 1009 (MESSAGE_TOO_BIG) status code
int getMaxMessageLength(); // default: 1 MiB
WsParameters setSSLParameters(SSLParameters sslParms);
- sets;
- SSLParameters used by server:
Protocols, CipherSuites, NeedClientAut, WantClientAuth
SSLParameters getSSLParameters(); // defaults from the SSLContext
WsParameters setBacklog(int num);
- maximum number of pending connections on the ServerSocket
int getBacklog(); // default value is -1: system depended
Class WsStatus:
Connection status
int code; // closing code (1000-4999)
String reason; // closing reason (max length 123 BYTES)
boolean wasClean; // WebSocket closing handshake completed cleanly
boolean remotely; // closed remotely
Throwable error; // closing exception or null
Usage examples see in:
100% Java SE 6+/Android 4+ WebSocket client and server package (RFC 6455)
- Shell