

Textured Cube Tutorial

Windows (DirectX 12)       
Linux (Vulkan)             
MacOS (Metal)              
iOS (Metal)
Textured Cube on WindowsTextured Cube on LinuxTextured Cube on MacOSTextured Cube on iOS

This tutorial demonstrates textured cube rendering using Methane Kit:

Tutorial demonstrates the following Methane Kit features additionally to demonstrated in Hello Cube:

  • Use base user interface application for graphics UI overlay rendering
  • Create 2D textures with data loaded data from images and creating samplers
  • Bind buffers and textures to program arguments and configure argument access modifiers
  • SRGB gamma-correction support in textures loader and color transformation in pixel shaders

Application Controls

Common keyboard controls are enabled by the Platform, Graphics and UserInterface application controllers:

Application and Frame Class Definitions

Let's start from the application header file TexturedCubeApp.h which declares application class TexturedCubeApp derived from the base class UserInterface::App<TexturedCubeFrame> and frame class TexturedCubeFrame derived from the base class Graphics::AppFrame similar to how it was done in HelloCube tutorial. The difference here is the UserInterface::App base class used instead of Graphics::App class for visualization of optional UI elements and rendering it in screen overlay.

#pragma once
#include <Methane/Kit.h>
#include <Methane/UserInterface/App.hpp>
namespace Methane::Tutorials
namespace gfx = Methane::Graphics;
namespace rhi = Methane::Graphics::Rhi;
struct TexturedCubeFrame final : gfx::AppFrame
// Volatile frame-dependent resources for rendering to dedicated frame-buffer in swap-chain
using gfx::AppFrame::AppFrame;
using UserInterfaceApp = UserInterface::App<TexturedCubeFrame>;
class TexturedCubeApp final : public UserInterfaceApp
~TexturedCubeApp() override;
// GraphicsApp overrides
void Init() override;
bool Resize(const gfx::FrameSize& frame_size, bool is_minimized) override;
bool Update() override;
bool Render() override;
// IContextCallback override
void OnContextReleased(rhi::IContext& context) override;
bool Animate(double elapsed_seconds, double delta_seconds);
// Global state members, rendering primitives and graphics resources
} // namespace Methane::Tutorials

Methane Kit is designed to use deferred rendering approach with triple buffering for minimized waiting of frame-buffer release in swap-chain. In order to prepare graphics resource states ahead of next frames rendering, TexturedCubeFrame structure keeps volatile frame dependent resources used for rendering to dedicated frame-buffer. It includes uniforms buffer and program bindings objects as well as render command list for render commands encoding and a set of command lists submitted for execution on GPU via command queue.

struct TexturedCubeFrame final : Graphics::AppFrame
rhi::Buffer uniforms_buffer;
rhi::ProgramBindings program_bindings;
rhi::RenderCommandList render_cmd_list;
rhi::CommandListSet execute_cmd_list_set;
using gfx::AppFrame::AppFrame;

Shaders/TexturedCubeUniforms.h header contains declaration of Constants and Uniforms structures with data saved in constants buffer m_const_buffer field of TexturedCubeApp class below and uniforms buffer uniforms_buffer field of TexturedCubeFrame structure above. Structures from this header are reused in HLSL shader code and 16-byte packing in C++ is used gor common memory layout in HLSL and C++.

Uniform structures in Shaders/TexturedCubeUniforms.h:

struct Constants
float4 light_color;
float light_power;
float light_ambient_factor;
float light_specular_factor;
struct Uniforms
float3 eye_position;
float3 light_position;
float4x4 mvp_matrix;
float4x4 model_matrix;
namespace hlslpp
#pragma pack(push, 16)
#include "Shaders/TexturedCubeUniforms.h"
#pragma pack(pop)
class TexturedCubeApp final : public UserInterfaceApp
const float m_cube_scale = 15.F;
const hlslpp::Constants m_shader_constants{
{ 1.F, 1.F, 0.74F, 1.F }, // - light_color
700.F, // - light_power
0.04F, // - light_ambient_factor
30.F // - light_specular_factor
hlslpp::Uniforms m_shader_uniforms { };
gfx::Camera m_camera;
rhi::RenderState m_render_state;
rhi::BufferSet m_vertex_buffer_set;
rhi::Buffer m_index_buffer;
rhi::Buffer m_const_buffer;
rhi::Texture m_cube_texture;
rhi::Sampler m_texture_sampler;
const gfx::SubResources m_shader_uniforms_subresources{
{ reinterpret_cast<Data::ConstRawPtr>(&m_shader_uniforms), sizeof(hlslpp::Uniforms) }

Application Construction and Initialization

Application is created with constructor defined in TexturedCubeApp.cpp. Graphics application settings are generated by utility function GetGraphicsTutorialAppSettings(...) defined in Methane/Tutorials/AppSettings.hpp. Camera orientation is reset to the default state. Camera and light rotating animation is added to the animation pool bound to TexturedCubeApp::Animate function described below.

: UserInterfaceApp(
GetGraphicsTutorialAppSettings("Methane Textured Cube", AppOptions::GetDefaultWithColorOnlyAndAnim()),
"Methane tutorial of textured cube rendering")
m_shader_uniforms.light_position = hlslpp::float3(0.F, 20.F, -25.F);
m_camera.ResetOrientation({ { 13.0F, 13.0F, -13.0F }, { 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F }, { 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F } });
m_shader_uniforms.model_matrix = hlslpp::float4x4::scale(m_cube_scale);
// Setup animations
GetAnimations().emplace_back(std::make_shared<Data::TimeAnimation>(std::bind(&TexturedCubeApp::Animate, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)));

Graphics Resources Initialization

Cube vertex structure is defined with fields for position, normal and texture coordinates, as well auxiliary layout description used for automatic mesh vertex data generation.

struct CubeVertex
gfx::Mesh::Position position;
gfx::Mesh::Normal normal;
gfx::Mesh::TexCoord texcoord;
inline static const gfx::Mesh::VertexLayout layout{

Initialization of the UserInterface::App resources is done with base class UserInterface::Init() method. Initial camera projection size is set with m_camera.Resize(...) call by passing frame size from the context settings, initialized in the base class Graphics::App::InitContext(...).

Vertices and indices data of the cube mesh are generated with Graphics::CubeMesh<CubeVertex> template class defined using vertex structure with layout description defined above. Vertex and index buffers are created with GetRenderContext().CreateBuffer(...) factory method using rhi::BufferSettings::ForVertexBuffer(...) and rhi::BufferSettings::ForIndexBuffer(...) settings. Generated data is copied to buffers with Rhi::Buffer::SetData(...) call, which is taking a sub-resource derived from Data::Chunk class describing continuous memory range and holding its data.

Similarly, constants buffer is created with GetRenderContext().CreateBuffer(rhi::BufferSettings::ForConstantBuffer(...)) and filled with data from member variable m_shader_constants.

void TexturedCubeApp::Init()
const rhi::CommandQueue render_cmd_queue = GetRenderContext().GetRenderCommandKit().GetQueue();
// Create vertex buffer for cube mesh
const gfx::CubeMesh<CubeVertex> cube_mesh(CubeVertex::layout);
const Data::Size vertex_data_size = cube_mesh.GetVertexDataSize();
const Data::Size vertex_size = cube_mesh.GetVertexSize();
rhi::Buffer vertex_buffer = GetRenderContext().CreateBuffer(rhi::BufferSettings::ForVertexBuffer(vertex_data_size, vertex_size));
vertex_buffer.SetData(render_cmd_queue, {
m_vertex_buffer_set = rhi::BufferSet(rhi::BufferType::Vertex, { vertex_buffer });
// Create index buffer for cube mesh
const Data::Size index_data_size = cube_mesh.GetIndexDataSize();
const gfx::PixelFormat index_format = gfx::GetIndexFormat(cube_mesh.GetIndex(0));
m_index_buffer = GetRenderContext().CreateBuffer(rhi::BufferSettings::ForIndexBuffer(index_data_size, index_format));
m_index_buffer.SetData(render_cmd_queue, {
// Create constants buffer for frame rendering
const auto constants_data_size = static_cast<Data::Size>(sizeof(m_shader_constants));
m_const_buffer = GetRenderContext().CreateBuffer(rhi::BufferSettings::ForConstantBuffer(constants_data_size));
m_const_buffer.SetData(render_cmd_queue, {

Cube face texture is created using Graphics::ImageLoader class available via Graphics::App::GetImageLoader() function. Texture is loaded from JPEG image embedded in application resources by path in embedded file system MethaneBubbles.jpg. Image is added to application resources in build time and configured in CMakeLists.txt. Graphics::ImageOptionMask is passed to image loader function to request mipmaps generation and use SRGB color format.

Rhi::Sampler object is created with GetRenderContext().CreateSampler(...) function which defines parameters of texture sampling from shader.

void TexturedCubeApp::Init()
// Load texture image from file
constexpr gfx::ImageOptionMask image_options({ gfx::ImageOption::Mipmapped, gfx::ImageOption::SrgbColorSpace });
m_cube_texture = GetImageLoader().LoadImageToTexture2D(render_cmd_queue, "MethaneBubbles.jpg", image_options, "Cube Face Texture");
// Create sampler for image texture
m_texture_sampler = GetRenderContext().CreateSampler(
rhi::Sampler::Filter { rhi::Sampler::Filter::MinMag::Linear },
rhi::Sampler::Address { rhi::Sampler::Address::Mode::ClampToEdge }

Rhi::Program object is created in Rhi::Program::Settings structure using GetRenderContext().CreateProgram(...) factory method. Vertex and Pixel shaders are created and loaded from embedded resources as pre-compiled byte-code. Program settings also include additional description Rhi::ProgramArgumentAccessors of program arguments bound to graphics resources. Argument description defines specific access modifiers for program arguments used in Rhi::ProgramBindings object. Also, it is important to note that render state settings enables depth testing for correct rendering of cube faces. Finally, render state is created using settings structure via GetRenderContext().CreateRenderState(...) factory method.

void TexturedCubeApp::Init()
// Create render state with program
m_render_state = GetRenderContext().CreateRenderState(
{ rhi::ShaderType::Vertex, { Data::ShaderProvider::Get(), { "TexturedCube", "CubeVS" } } },
{ rhi::ShaderType::Pixel, { Data::ShaderProvider::Get(), { "TexturedCube", "CubePS" } } },
rhi::Program::InputBufferLayout::ArgumentSemantics { cube_mesh.GetVertexLayout().GetSemantics() }
{ { rhi::ShaderType::All, "g_uniforms" }, rhi::ProgramArgumentAccessor::Type::FrameConstant },
{ { rhi::ShaderType::Pixel, "g_constants" }, rhi::ProgramArgumentAccessor::Type::Constant },
{ { rhi::ShaderType::Pixel, "g_texture" }, rhi::ProgramArgumentAccessor::Type::Constant },
{ { rhi::ShaderType::Pixel, "g_sampler" }, rhi::ProgramArgumentAccessor::Type::Constant },

Final part of initialization is related to frame-dependent resources, creating independent resource objects for each frame in swap-chain:

  • Create uniforms buffer with GetRenderContext().CreateBuffer(rhi::BufferSettings::ForConstantBuffer(...)) method.
  • Create program arguments to resources bindings with m_render_state.GetProgram().CreateBindings(..) function.
  • Create rendering command list with render_cmd_queue.CreateRenderCommandList(...) and create set of command lists with rhi::CommandListSet(...) for execution in command queue.

Finally at the end of Init() function App::CompleteInitialization() is called to complete graphics resources initialization to prepare for rendering. It uploads graphics resources to GPU and initializes shader bindings on GPU.

void TexturedCubeApp::Init()
// Create frame buffer resources
const auto uniforms_data_size = static_cast<Data::Size>(sizeof(m_shader_uniforms));
for(TexturedCubeFrame& frame : GetFrames())
// Create uniforms buffer with volatile parameters for frame rendering
frame.uniforms_buffer = GetRenderContext().CreateBuffer(rhi::BufferSettings::ForConstantBuffer(uniforms_data_size, false, true));
// Configure program resource bindings
frame.program_bindings = m_render_state.GetProgram().CreateBindings({
{ { rhi::ShaderType::All, "g_uniforms" }, { { frame.uniforms_buffer.GetInterface() } } },
{ { rhi::ShaderType::Pixel, "g_constants" }, { { m_const_buffer.GetInterface() } } },
{ { rhi::ShaderType::Pixel, "g_texture" }, { { m_cube_texture.GetInterface() } } },
{ { rhi::ShaderType::Pixel, "g_sampler" }, { { m_texture_sampler.GetInterface() } } },
}, frame.index);
// Create command list for rendering
frame.render_cmd_list = render_cmd_queue.CreateRenderCommandList(frame.screen_pass);
frame.execute_cmd_list_set = rhi::CommandListSet({ frame.render_cmd_list.GetInterface() }, frame.index);

TexturedCubeApp::OnContextReleased callback method releases all graphics resources before graphics context is released, which is necessary when graphics device is switched via Graphics::AppContextController with LCtrl + X shortcut.

void TexturedCubeApp::OnContextReleased(gfx::Context& context)
m_texture_sampler = {};
m_cube_texture = {};
m_const_buffer = {};
m_index_buffer = {};
m_vertex_buffer_set = {};
m_render_state = {};

Frame Rendering Cycle

Animation function bound to time-animation is called automatically as a part of every render cycle, just before App::Update function call. This function rotates light position and camera in opposite directions.

bool TexturedCubeApp::Animate(double, double delta_seconds)
const float rotation_angle_rad = static_cast<float>(delta_seconds * 360.F / 4.F) * gfx::ConstFloat::RadPerDeg;
hlslpp::float3x3 light_rotate_matrix = hlslpp::float3x3::rotation_axis(m_camera.GetOrientation().up, rotation_angle_rad);
m_shader_uniforms.light_position = hlslpp::mul(m_shader_uniforms.light_position, light_rotate_matrix);
m_camera.Rotate(m_camera.GetOrientation().up, static_cast<float>(delta_seconds * 360.F / 8.F));
return true;

TexturedCubeApp::Update() function is called before App::Render() call to update shader uniforms with model-view-project (MVP) matrices and eye position based on current camera orientation, updated in animation.

bool TexturedCubeApp::Update()
if (!UserInterfaceApp::Update())
return false;
// Update Model, View, Projection matrices based on camera location
m_shader_uniforms.mvp_matrix = hlslpp::transpose(hlslpp::mul(m_shader_uniforms.model_matrix, m_camera.GetViewProjMatrix()));
m_shader_uniforms.eye_position = m_camera.GetOrientation().eye;
return true;

TexturedCubeApp::Render() method is called after all. Initial base method UserInterfaceApp::Render() call waits for previously current frame buffer presenting is completed. When frame buffer is free, new frame rendering can be started:

  1. Uniforms buffer is filled with new shader uniforms data updated in calls above.
  2. Render command list encoding starts with IRenderCommandList::Reset(...) call taking render state object and optional debug group, which is defining named region in commands sequence.
    1. View state is set with viewports and scissor rects
    2. Program bindings are set
    3. Vertex buffers set is set
    4. Indexed draw call is issued
  3. UserInterface::App::RenderOverlay(...) is called to record UI drawing command in render command list.
  4. Render command list is committed and passed to Graphics::ICommandQueue::Execute call for execution on GPU.
  5. RenderContext::Present() is called to schedule frame buffer presenting to screen.
bool TexturedCubeApp::Render()
if (!UserInterfaceApp::Render())
return false;
// Update uniforms buffer related to current frame
const TexturedCubeFrame& frame = GetCurrentFrame();
const rhi::CommandQueue& render_cmd_queue = GetRenderContext().GetRenderCommandKit().GetQueue();
frame.uniforms_buffer.SetData(render_cmd_queue, m_shader_uniforms_subresources);
// Issue commands for cube rendering
META_DEBUG_GROUP_VAR(s_debug_group, "Cube Rendering");
frame.render_cmd_list.ResetWithState(m_render_state, &s_debug_group);
// Execute command list on render queue and present frame to screen
return true;

Graphics render loop is started from main(...) entry function using GraphicsApp::Run(...) method which is also parsing command line arguments.

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
return TexturedCubeApp().Run({ argc, argv });

Textured Cube Shaders

HLSL 6 shaders Shaders/Cube.hlsl implement Phong shading with texturing. SRGB gamma-correction is implemented with ColorLinearToSrgb(...) function from Common/Shaders/Primitives.hlsl which is converting final color from linear-space to SRGB color-space.

#include "TexturedCubeUniforms.h"
#include "..\..\..\Common\Shaders\Primitives.hlsl"
struct VSInput
float3 position : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD;
struct PSInput
float4 position : SV_POSITION;
float3 world_position : POSITION;
float3 world_normal : NORMAL;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD;
ConstantBuffer<Constants> g_constants : register(b0);
ConstantBuffer<Uniforms> g_uniforms : register(b1);
Texture2D g_texture : register(t0);
SamplerState g_sampler : register(s0);
PSInput CubeVS(VSInput input)
const float4 position = float4(input.position, 1.F);
PSInput output;
output.position = mul(position, g_uniforms.mvp_matrix);
output.world_position = mul(position, g_uniforms.model_matrix).xyz;
output.world_normal = normalize(mul(float4(input.normal, 0.F), g_uniforms.model_matrix).xyz);
output.texcoord = input.texcoord;
return output;
float4 CubePS(PSInput input) : SV_TARGET
const float3 fragment_to_light = normalize(g_uniforms.light_position - input.world_position);
const float3 fragment_to_eye = normalize( - input.world_position);
const float3 light_reflected_from_fragment = reflect(-fragment_to_light, input.world_normal);
const float4 texel_color = g_texture.Sample(g_sampler, input.texcoord);
const float4 ambient_color = texel_color * g_constants.light_ambient_factor;
const float4 base_color = texel_color * g_constants.light_color * g_constants.light_power;
const float distance = length(g_uniforms.light_position - input.world_position);
const float diffuse_part = clamp(dot(fragment_to_light, input.world_normal), 0.0, 1.0);
const float4 diffuse_color = base_color * diffuse_part / (distance * distance);
const float specular_part = pow(clamp(dot(fragment_to_eye, light_reflected_from_fragment), 0.0, 1.0), g_constants.light_specular_factor);
const float4 specular_color = base_color * specular_part / (distance * distance);;
return ColorLinearToSrgb(ambient_color + diffuse_color + specular_color);

CMake Build Configuration

CMake build configuration CMakeLists.txt of the application is powered by the included Methane CMake modules:

Shaders are compiled in build time and added as byte code to the application embedded resources. Texture images are added to the application embedded resources too.

TARGET MethaneTexturedCube
NAME "Methane Textured Cube"
DESCRIPTION "Tutorial demonstrating textured rotating cube rendering with Methane Kit."
set(TEXTURES ${TEXTURES_DIR}/MethaneBubbles.jpg)
add_methane_embedded_textures(MethaneTexturedCube "${TEXTURES_DIR}" "${TEXTURES}")
TARGET MethaneTexturedCube
SOURCE Shaders/TexturedCube.hlsl

Continue learning

Continue learning Methane Graphics programming in the next tutorial Shadow Cube, which is demonstrating multi-pass rendering for drawing simple shadows.

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