

According to the documentation, permissions in Android can be divided into three groups: install-time (the system automatically grants your app the permissions when the user installs your app), runtime (when your app requests a runtime permission, the system presents a runtime permission prompt) and special (the user must go to the application settings to grant permission). Based on this division, the following is implemented in this repository:

  1. All permissions from the source code of the API level 34 (Android 14) Manifest are collected. You can find them in the permissions.xml file.
  2. All install-time permissions are collected in a separate file install_time_permissions.xml. This list contains all permissions with protection level NORMAL.
  3. All runtime permissions are collected in a separate file runtime_permissions.xml. This list contains all permissions with protection level DANGEROUS.
  4. All special permissions are collected in a separate file special_permissions.xml. This list contains all permissions with appop protection flag and not with the NORMAL protection level.

All permissions not subject to these conditions have been combined into an additional group SYSTEM (system_permissions.xml).

[!NOTE] In other words, SYSTEM are all permissions with protection level SIGNATURE or deprecated SIGNATURE_OR_SYSTEM without the appop flag, as well as permissions with protection level INTERNAL.

Among other things, in min_sdks.xml you can find "masks" with required min SDK for all permissions from permissions.xml: if the permission requires min SDK > 21, in this file the value with the corresponding index will indicate the numeric value with the required SDK, otherwise value -1 will be indicated there. Also in deprecated_permissions.xml you can find all currently deprecated permissions.

[!WARNING] These lists are completely relevant only for API level 34.

[!NOTE] You can use the request-permissions-tool for handling permissions.

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