Jmix Data Performance Tests
This project demonstrates different approaches to saving data in Jmix framework and compares their performance.
The tests use the same model: Employee entity which has a few string, date and number attributes and a reference to the Department.
All tests save 10_000 new instances of the
See DataManagerTest, EntityManagerTest, JdbcTest classes.
Results of the execution on MacBook M1 Pro:
- DataManagerTest.oneByOne: 17361 ms
- DataManagerTest.oneByOne_discardSaved: 6438 ms
- DataManagerTest.oneByOne_discardSaved_unconstrained: 2996 ms
- DataManagerTest.allAtOnce_discardSaved_unconstrained: 2567 ms
- DataManagerTest.inBatches (100): 1142 ms
- DataManagerTest.inBatches_unconstrained (100): 867 ms
- EntityManagerTest.oneByOne: 2653 ms
- EntityManagerTest.inBatches (100): 814 ms
- EntityManagerTest.allAtOnce: 732 ms
- JdbcTest.oneByOne: 1542 ms
- JdbcTest.inBatches (100): 467 ms