SPELL is a Spring Initializr (https://start.spring.io) CLI tool for generating Spring Boot projects
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This is a Spring Initializr (https://start.spring.io/) CLI tool for generating quickstart projects that can be easily customized. Possible customizations include a project's dependencies, Java version, and build system or build structure.
Main commands
- help: Display help about available commands.
- icreate: Create Spring Boot projects interactively. This command allows you to create new Spring Boot projects with ease. Simply run the command and follow the prompts to create a new project.
- create: Create a Spring Boot project non-interactively with params. See also 'dependency' and 'param' commands.
All commands
Spring Initializer commands:
- icreate: Create Spring Boot projects interactively
- create: Create a Spring Boot project non-interactively with params
- dependency: Show details about Spring dependencies
- param: Show values (examples) for params of the 'create' command
Basic OS commands
- ls: Show list of files and directories
- pwd: Show full path to the current directory
Spring shell built-In commands
- help: Display help about available commands
- stacktrace: Display the full stacktrace of the last error
- clear: Clear the shell screen
- quit, exit: Exit the shell
- history: Display or save the history of previously run commands
- version: Show version info
Installation and usage
Download appropriate zip archive with executable binary file for Windows,
macOS, or Linux, unzip and launch spell executable file.
Also it's possible to download zip archive with executable jar and launch tool with command
- jar: spell-jar-v0.2.0.zip
- Windows: native-windows-v0.2.0.zip
- Linux: native-ubuntu-v0.2.0.zip
- macOS: native-macos-v0.2.0.zip
All releases page: https://github.com/spell-cli-tool/spell/releases
'icreate' command
'create' command
create -t gradle-project -l java -g org.example -a demo -j 17 -d devtools,lombok,web
'param' command
param command shows possible values of parameters for command 'create'.
!!! Some values can be changed over time !!!
Table 1 (values for the first of June 2023)
Param | Possible values / Examples |
-t, --type | gradle-project, gradle-project-kotlin, gradle-build, maven-project, maven-build |
-l, --language | java, kotlin, groovy |
-b, --boot-version | 3.1.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT, 3.1.0.RELEASE, 3.0.8.BUILD-SNAPSHOT, 3.0.7.RELEASE, 2.7.13.BUILD-SNAPSHOT, 2.7.12.RELEASE |
-g, --group-id | com.example |
-a, --artifact-id | demo |
-n, --name | demo |
-p, --packaging | jar, war |
-j, --java-version | 20, 17, 11, 1.8 |
-d, --dependencies | native, devtools, lombok, configuration-processor, docker-compose, web, webflux, graphql, data-rest, session, data-rest-explorer, hateoas, web-services, jersey, vaadin, thymeleaf, freemarker, mustache, groovy-templates, security, oauth2-client, oauth2-authorization-server, oauth2-resource-server, data-ldap, okta, jdbc, data-jpa, data-jdbc, data-r2dbc, mybatis, liquibase, flyway, jooq, db2, derby, h2, hsql, mariadb, sqlserver, mysql, oracle, postgresql, data-redis, ... |
'dependency' command
dependency command shows details about Spring dependencies. For example: Spring Web [web]
This app is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Contact information
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me:
- Email: spell.cli.tool@gmail.com