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Rofi Player

Rofi Player is a bash script that uses Rofi, a substitute for windows switch, application launcher and dmenu, to create a simple and interactive music player. It uses mpv to play music and mpv-mpris to support MPRIS.


  1. Displays all folders (playlists) in the ~/Music directory.
  2. Shows the number of tracks in each playlist.
  3. Allows you to select a playlist to play.
  4. Plays the selected playlist in random order.
  5. Allows you to stop playback and exit the player.
  6. Allows to play YouTube playlist directly or by downloading
  7. Managing playlists


  1. Rofi ^
  2. MPV ^ v0.37.0
  3. mpv-mpris ^
  4. jq ^ jq-1.7.1
  5. yt-dlp ^ 2024.03.10
  6. notify-send ^ 0.8.3
  7. socat ^
  8. ffmpeg ^ n6.1.1


  1. --offset It allows you to set the indentation size to the number of songs in the directory
  2. --json_file Custom way to YT playlists JSON
  3. --icon Custom way to notify-send icon
  4. --notify Enable/disable notification


  1. Make sure you have all dependensies installed.
  2. Copy the script to a convenient location.
  3. Give the script execute permissions
chmod +x
  1. Run the script from the terminal or bind it to a hotkey (for example, in ~/.config/hyprland/keybindings.conf.
bind = $mainMod, Y, exec, pkill -x rofi || $scrPath/ --offset=25 # open player
  1. In the Rofi window that opens, select a playlist to play.

More functions

  1. From YouTube is allows you to enter a URL on playlist, which will be played and saved in json
  2. Save YouTube is allows you to enter a URL on playlist, which will be played and downloaded as mp3
  3. Delete is running menu to delete playlist
  4. Exit is kill player


Апплет Rofi, предоставляющий интерфейс для воспроизведения музыки. Он позволяет воспроизводить треки в случайном порядке из локальных плейлистов (папок). Поддерживается прямая трансляция плейлистов YouTube или их загрузка для последующего прослушивания в автономном режиме.



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