- 26 Декабря2.10-release82043c7f983...
FreeLaunch 2.10 Release
ПоследнийПоследний- Added the ability to switch between tabs using the scroll by mouse wheel.
- Built in Embarcadero Delphi 12 Community Edition.
- Fixed a bug where the "Stay on top" option would not be disabled until the application was restarted.
- Fixed a bug where the installed visual theme was not applied to all dialog boxes.
- Fixed a bug where the application was removed from startup at system startup if the settings file was damaged.
- Fixed some errors in the localization of the application.
- Fixed a bug when deleting a tab if the tab being deleted was active.
- Fixed a bug where the main window would always come to the foreground when the application tray menu was activated.
- Fixed a bug where the menu in the application title would missed.
- Fixed a bug where a file with the .cmd extension was not considered an executable file.
- Various minor fixes.
- Removed option "Make button background transparent if there are no tabs".
- FLExecutor is no longer used to run buttons with Administrator rights.
Ассеты3 - 12 Октября3.0-nightly0e01ba7a9f2...
FreeLaunch 2.10 Nightly Builds
ПререлизПререлизBelow are nightly builds of v.2.10 for testing purposes.
Ассеты15 - 26 Августа2.9-release9b3a6b10ba7...
- New option "Show on taskbar".
- New "Use negative index" option in the icon selection dialog.
- The algorithm for extracting icons has been updated.
- Various minor fixes.
Ассеты3 - 22 Июля2.9-nightly1389aa55cd7...
FreeLaunch 2.9 Nightly Builds
ПререлизПререлизBelow are nightly builds of v.2.9 for testing purposes.
Ассеты8 - 16 Июля2.8-releasea4286f452ba...
- Added hotkey to open "About" window.
- Built in Embarcadero Delphi 11.3 Community Edition.
- Fixed a bug where button tooltips were not shown if the window was not in focus.
- Fixed a bug where application modals were displayed below the main window when the "Stay on top" option was enabled.
- Various minor fixes.
- Now only Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 10 and Windows 11 are supported.
Ассеты3 - 26 Ноября2.6-test8b757ac5625...
- 26 Ноября2.8-nightlydbf1f1607f5...
FreeLaunch 2.8 Nightly Builds
ПререлизПререлизBelow are nightly builds of v.2.8 for testing purposes.
Ассеты4 - 26 Ноября2.7-nightly0c682e28cc9...
FreeLaunch 2.7 Nightly Builds
ПререлизПререлизBelow are nightly builds of v.2.7 for testing purposes.
Ассеты9 - 20 Ноября2.7-release4de18b69857...
- Added When you first start FreeLaunch, the system language of the program interface is set by default.
- Added The standard values of the new buttons can now be configured in the settings.
- Added New item "Run as Administrator" in the context menu of the button.
- Added New option "Theme".
- Added New option "When reloading buttons, delete the button if the object is not found".
- Added New option "Delete shortcut file after creating a button".
- Added New option "Show the date and time in the status bar".
- Added New option "Make button background transparent if there are no tabs".
- Added New option "Enable main window transparency".
- Added New priorities in the button settings (real time, below normal, above normal).
- Added Added automatic activation of the dark theme of the application design at the first launch, if the dark theme is enabled in the operating system settings.
- Added Added a confirmation dialog with a request to delete a button when the object was not found.
- Added Added "Apply" button in settings window.
- Added The application now remembers which tab in the settings window was last opened.
- Added Now if the object is thrown not on the button, the application looks for the nearest button and binds the object to it.
- Added Added English help file.
- Added Added F1 hotkey to open help file.
- Added Added the ability to move the main application window using buttons (Alt + LMB).
- Added Added a call to the settings window from the main application window.
- Updated The "Hide after launch" option in the button propeties is now set to OFF by default.
- Updated Updated Russian help file.
- Updated About and settings windows redesigned.
- Updated Version information is always up-to-date in the About window.
- Updated Build in Embarcadero Delphi 10.4.2 Community Edition.
- Fixed The application no longer crashes if the settings file is corrupted or cannot be accessed.
- Fixed Fixed a bug where path to the file was incorrectly determined on 64-bit OS.
- Fixed Fixed a bug where the window was not redrawn after deleting a tab.
- Fixed Fixed a bug where the window shifted relative to the right edge when there was only one tab left.
- Fixed Fixed a bug where when increasing the number of rows or columns, right-clicking on new buttons called the wrong menu.
- Fixed Fixed a bug where when increasing the number of rows or columns, tooltips on new buttons were not displayed.
- Fixed Fixed a bug where an object was dropped not on a button.
- Fixed Fixed automatic setting of status bar size for non-standard DPI screen.
- Fixed Fixed handling of a system error when object not found.
- Fixed Fixed OK and Cancel actions in modal windows.
- Fixed Various minor fixes.
- Removed Support for Windows Vista or earlier versions of Windows has been discontinued.
- Removed Removed compatibility with settings files of old versions of the application (1.X - 2.0).
Ассеты3 - 28 Сентября2.5-release4133c00d3ce...
Version 2.5
- Added support for large icons.
- Added support for non-standard DPI.
- Added support for system environment variables.
- Added support for icon caches as separate files.
- Added %FL_CONFIG% variable, which always points to the folder where the settings are stored.
- Added Ukrainian localization.
- New settings file format.
- The {FL_DIR} and {FL_ROOT} expressions have been replaced with %FL_DIR% and %FL_ROOT% respectively, and now they do not contain a trailing slash.
- Increased the maximum number of tabs to 50, rows to 100, columns to 150, and the maximum size of buttons to 256x256.
- Compiled on Embarcadero Delphi XE7.
- FreeLaunch will consume less power on laptops.
- Allowed drag'n'drop to the FreeLaunch window when it is launched with Administrator rights.
- Enabling autorun does not require Administrator rights.
- The window can be moved to a second monitor.
- Fixed various bugs.
Version 2.0.2
- Added autosave settings.
- Icon cache is now automatically updated after an incorrect program termination.
- Removed tray menu item "Save settings".
Version 2.0.1
- Added three modes of operation. The mode is set in the "settingsmode" parameter in the "UseProfile.ini" file:
- 0 - settings are stored in %appdata%;
- 1 - settings are stored in program folder;
- 2 - settings are stored in program folder, but autostart with system is disabled.
- Fixed saving and processing of the working directory when exporting/importing individual button settings.
- Removed "--portable" parameter handling.
Version 2.0
- Added separation of buttons by type (executable file, file/folder).
- Added working folder specification.
- Added alpha channel support in icons.
- Added global hotkey Ctrl+WinKey to show/hide the main window.
- Added parameter "--portable" to run the program in portable mode.
- Added a warning when an object is missing.
- Added support for relative paths.
- New window positioning algorithm that allows you to save the position regardless of the screen resolution.
- Changed the mechanism for rendering icons, as well as rendering selected buttons.
- Settings files moved to user directory.
- Tray icon now respawns after Explorer crashes.
- Fixed a bug with the disappearance of controls when pressing Alt on Windows Vista.
- Fixed several major memory leaks.
- Fixed error that occurred when getting information about an executable file.
- When manually changing the path to an object, the properties are not automatically reread.
- Fixed various minor bugs.
Ассеты3 - 22 Августа2.0-betad4c826de91d...
- 22 Августа1.2.1-release196708490a1...
Version 1.2.1
- Added Windows XP visual style support.
- Minor improvements in app design.
- Fixed various minor bugs.
Version 1.2
- Added hiding the tab title when there is only one tab on the form.
- Improved localization of tab titles.
- Various minor improvements.
- Fixed memory error when changing shortcut icon.
- Removed items "Settings" and "About" from the system menu.
Version 1.1
- Added localization support (Russian and English languages included).
- Added option to hide status bar.
- Added import/export of individual button settings from/to file.
- Added item "Save settings" in the main menu of the program to prevent loss of settings on crash.
- Added input from the keyboard of the icon number when choosing its size in the settings.
- Added input from the keyboard values of the number of tabs, rows, buttons and padding.
- Improvements in the "Button properties" window.
- Various minor improvements.
- Fixed bugs in the icon selection window.
- Removed option "Hide on startup" (now it is individual for each button).
- Removed compatibility with settings files version 1.0 beta 3 and earlier.