

Satellite Weather Impact Analysis

This repository contains the code for analyzing the impact of space weather on active satellite systems. The analysis is performed by comparing solar and active satellite data to identify correlations between them.

Set up the Project

  1. After cloning the repository, navigate to the root directory and download submodules recursively.
  2. Create a new Conda environment with Python 3.8 and activate it.
  3. In the project root, run the following command to install the required packages:

Working with Polaris

Polaris' configurations are located in the cfg folder. For more information, refer to the Polaris ML Sandbox repository.

  1. From the root of the project, collect data and train on it with the following command:
polaris batch --config_file cfg/<satellite_config>.json

or fetch telemetry by manually specifying dates (polaris batch problem, cant specify dates in cfg file):

polaris fetch --cache_dir ./data/<sat_name>/cache --start_date 1970-01-01 --end_date 2024-03-25 <sat_name> ./data/<sat_name>/cache/normalized_frames.json
  1. This will download all data into the ./data/<sat_name> folder, where sat_name is specified in cfg/polaris.json.
  2. Build the graph using the following command:
polaris viz ./data/<sat_name>/cache/graph.json
  1. Detect anomalies in telemetry data using the polaris behave command:
polaris behave ./data/<sat-name>/cache/normalized_frames.json --output_file ./data/<sat_name>/cache/anomaly_analysis.json
  1. Visualize anomaly detection using the polaris report command:
polaris report ./data/<sat_name>/cache/anomaly_analysis.json

Anomaly Interaction

  1. (Optional) Convert the dependency graph to another file format using the polaris convert command:
polaris convert ./data/<sat_name>/cache/graph.json ./data/<sat_name>/cache/graph.gexf
  1. (Optional) Information about the learning experiment with mlflow:
mlflow ui


  • Loading and processing JSON data from SatNOGS Grafana Dashboard
  • Converting timestamps to universal format
  • Filtering data by specific years
  • Calculating various types of correlations
  • Plotting scatter plots for visualization
  • Preprocessing solar and satellite data
  • Merging datasets and performing correlation analysis



Scripts Details

Correlation Calculation

The script calculates several types of correlation coefficients between the columns of the processed dataset. It uses the pandas.DataFrame.corr() method to compute the Pearson correlation coefficients, which measure the linear relationship between two datasets. Additionally, it computes the Kendall Tau and Spearman rank correlation coefficients, which can capture nonlinear relationships.

Statistical Analysis

For each pair of columns being compared, the script calculates the Pearson correlation, Kendall Tau, and Spearman rank correlation coefficients. It also performs a Chi-square test of independence to determine if there is a significant association between the two variables. The chi-square statistic and the corresponding p-value are computed using scipy.stats.chi2_contingency(), which provides insights into the likelihood that the observed data could have occurred by chance under the assumption of no association.


Scatter plots are generated for each pair of columns to visualize the relationships between them. This helps in identifying trends and patterns in the data. Heatmaps of correlation matrices can also be used to present the correlation data in a more compact and informative manner.

Example Anomaly An example of an anomaly in the data. Example Data Change An example of a data change over time.


The script logs important events and warnings during execution. For instance, if a column is nearly constant and therefore not suitable for correlation analysis, a warning is logged. All outputs are formatted professionally, with variables enclosed in square brackets for clarity.


We are utilizing a modified and upgraded version of Polaris ML, enabling us to use Python 3.8 with the latest setup tools. This modification includes the ability to use polaris behave and reporting capabilities. Additionally, Sun reports have been enabled, and some visualization styles have been adjusted.

However, the graph functionality is still not fully operational. The graph can be accessed by pressing Ctrl + /, it does display vertex names correctly, but coloring is not available. As a workaround, exporting to Gephi is the only viable option at this time.

Docs about Polaris ML

More about eXtreme Gradient Boosting


Pull requests and issues are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




Analyze solar impact on satellites using machine learning, focusing on capacity estimation and defect detection.


Jupyter Notebook

  • Python
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