Computer program in the C++ programming language that solves Differential Equations
Differential Equations
This was done as homework for Differential Equations course at Innopolis University.
Computational Practicum on 1st order ODE
Write a computer program in the C++ programming language that solves
on a given interval
and provides the analysis of approximations.
Implement in the code the numerical Euler's method
Implement in the code the numerical Improved Euler's method
Implement in the code the numerical Runge-Kutta method
Hardcode the function of the right-hand side of the equation
as well as initial conditions
Solve the equation manually, hardcore the function of the analytical solution
For each numerical method compose the array of the local errors
given the number n of grid points
For each numerical method compose the array of the global errors for each number n of grid points within the range
Provide the functionality of printing the arrays onto the console in the format
- in the first line print the title of the array (e.g. "ti="),
- in the second line print the values stored in the array formatted "f5" (%.f5), separated by spaces, without the space after the last item, with the "\n" at the end of line. Note that decimal separator is dot(.).
Computational practicum on systems of 2 ODE
Write a computer program in the C++ programming language that solves
Implement Euler's method as described in tutorial
Implement improved Euler's method as described in tutorial
Implement Runge-Kutta method analogically
Hard code the functions f(x,y,t) and g(x,y,t) as well as the initial conditions t0, x0, y0
Provide the functionality of printing the arrays onto the console as in the previous task