The Simple Online Store Engine based on the Flask framework. SOSE - the responsive web app, under the hood also: Bootstrap framework, Bootstrap table, Bootstrap icons, Font Awesome, jQuery, Axios. This project is the result of the final assignment of the Harvard CS50 course project.
- Python
- JavaScript
The Simple Online Store Engine based on the Flask framework.
SOSE - the responsive web app, under the hood also: Bootstrap framework,
Bootstrap table, Bootstrap icons,
Font Awesome, jQuery, Axios
This project is the result of the final assignment of the Harvard CS50 course project.
Clone the git repository
$ git clone https://gitverse.ru/digitaltiger/329_sose
$ cd sose
Create a virtualenv and activate it:
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
Or on Windows cmd:
> py -3 -m venv venv
> venv\Scripts\activate.bat
Install SOSE:
$ pip install -e .
$ export FLASK_APP=src
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ flask init-db
$ flask run
Or on Windows cmd:
> set FLASK_APP=src
> set FLASK_ENV=development
> flask init-db
> flask run
Open in a browser.
- Click the registration link and register a new user
Note - the first registered user becomes an administrator
Now you have access to the admin panel - Go to the admin panel, and you will see 4 section: settings, users, products, orders
- In the global section you can change main content of the site:
- Global: Store name (title)
- Global: Site icon - favicon.ico
- Global: Footer description
- Main page header
- Main page image
- Main page description
- Contacts: Phone number
- Contacts: Email
- Contacts: Address
- Contacts: Google map
- In the users section you can manage the users table:
- Searching users
- Sorting users
- Edit / Delete users
- Make users administrators
- Change users passwords
- In the products section you can manage the products table:
- Add new products
- Searching products
- Sorting products
- Edit / Delete products
- In the orders section you can see the history of orders:
- Searching orders
- Sorting orders
- After adding products in the admin panel, you can go to the catalog and check that the products exist
- You can open the products and buy them (move to cart)
- You can open the cart and:
- Searching product items in the cart
- Sorting product items in the cart
- Delete product items from the cart
- Make the order
- You can make order in 2 modes: authorized and unauthorized
- In the contacts page you can see the contacts and google map