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A simple console email sender to send reports from batch files without any configs. Mailer gives you a powerful way to replace the former favorite Blat when it becomes out of use.

Простой консольный почтовый клиент для отправки почтовых сообщений из консольных коммандных файлов, когда программа Blat, некогда популярная, уже не удовлетворяет.


Windows Credential Manager (find it in Control Panel):

Add a target name: SMTP {host} {port} [tls], with user name: {sender@host}, password: {password}.


Run without arguments (or with '?' in any place) to get help.

Mailer.exe ?

Use at least one argument in such order:

Mailer to subject body attach

If '-' is placed instead to, the sender's address will be used. You can write a few recipients separated by ',' (or ';', they will be properly replaced).

If subject or body starts with:

  • '-' take content from a file in DOS 866
  • '=' take content from a file in Windows 1251
  • '*' take content from a file in UTF-8

Additionally after subject ':' you can specify a number of a line in that file (from top otherwise bottom, if negative). Default is 1 (the first line from top of file).

Same after body you can specify a number of lines of that file (from top otherwise bottom, if negative). Default is 0 - entire file.

In attach you can specify a few filenames separated by ',' and ';'

If an argument contains spaces, it must be enclosed with quotes "".

If no arguments or there is '?' somewhere, it will be shown this Usage text.


Mailer - Test
Mailer a,b,c Test Body-text
Mailer - "Test subject" "Long body text with spaces."
Mailer - "Test DOS file" -filename.txt
Mailer - "Test Win file" =filename.txt
Mailer - "Test UTF file" *filename.txt
Mailer - "Test include" "-Body from DOS 866.txt"
Mailer - "*Subject from UTF-8.txt" "-Body from DOS 866.txt"
Mailer - "Top 10 lines" -c:\filename.txt:10
Mailer - "Last 5 lines" -c:\filename.txt:-5
Mailer - report.txt "" report.txt
Mailer - -report.txt:2 "Date in subj, file attached." report.txt
Mailer - =error.log:-1 "Last error in subj!"
Mailer - Files "3 attachments." file1.txt,file2.txt,file3.txt
Mailer - "Just files" "" "Report 2016.xlsm, My Doc.docx"

Exit codes for ERRORLEVEL

(They still can be changed during the further development.)

  • 0 - Normal
  • 1 - Email sending was canceled
  • 2 - Shown Usage
  • 3 - Wrong argument
  • 4 - File not found


  • .Net Framework 4.8


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


A simple console email sender to send reports from batch files without any configs.



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