Console utility for rebuilding indexes and primary keys for PostgreSQL in automatic mode with analysis of index bloating and without table locking
PG Reindex
Console utility for rebuilding indexes and primary keys for PostgreSQL in automatic mode with analysis of index bloating and without table locking
1. Create new indexes with the new version in the name, without alter the index and locking on the table
./ --host=localhost --dbname=base --user=postgres --change-index-name --print-queries
Delete all old unused indexes from the previous script start, which was not earlier than one hour ago
./ --host=localhost --dbname=base --user=postgres --delete-old-indexes
2. Create new indexes with preservation of old names, but with alter the index and locking on the table
./ --host=localhost --dbname=base --user=postgres --statement-timeout 200 --deadlock-timeout 20 --print-queries
Delete all old unused indexes from the previous script start, which was not earlier than one hour ago
./ --host=localhost --dbname=base --user=postgres --delete-old-indexes
3. Create new indexes with the new version in the name, without alter the index and locking on the table and deleting old indexes after creating new ones
./ --host=localhost --dbname=base --user=postgres --change-index-name --print-queries --delete-index-after-create
4. Create new indexes with preservation of old names, but with alter the index and locking on the table and deleting old indexes after creating new ones
./ --host=localhost --dbname=base --user=postgres --statement-timeout 200 --deadlock-timeout 20 --print-queries --delete-index-after-create
5. Create a new primary key on a table with a table lock
./ --host=localhost --dbname=base --user=postgres --statement-timeout 200 --deadlock-timeout 20 --print-queries --index base.items_pkey
6. Create a new index with a table lock and delete the old index after creating a new one
./ --host=localhost --dbname=base --user=postgres --statement-timeout 200 --deadlock-timeout 20 --print-queries --delete-index-after-create --index base.items_time_idx
7. Create new indexes for the tables specified in the schema and deleting old indexes after creating new ones
./ --host=localhost --dbname=base --user=postgres --statement-timeout 200 --deadlock-timeout 20 --print-queries --delete-index-after-create --schema base
8. Print only statistics and queries, without affecting any data and without using the statistics of the bloat
./ --host=localhost --dbname=base --user=postgres --print-queries --delete-index-after-create --force --dry-run
Optional arguments:
[-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--user USER]
[--password PASSWORD] [--dbname DBNAME]
[--schema [SCHEMA [SCHEMA ...]]]
[--exclude-schema [EXCLUDE_SCHEMA [EXCLUDE_SCHEMA ...]]]
[--table [TABLE [TABLE ...]]]
[--exclude-table [EXCLUDE_TABLE [EXCLUDE_TABLE ...]]]
[--index [INDEX [INDEX ...]]] [--dry-run]
[--print-queries] [--force] [--delete-index-after-create]
[--delete-old-indexes] [--pgstattuple-install]
[--minimal-compact-percent MINIMAL_COMPACT_PERCENT]
[--reindex-retry-max-count REINDEX_RETRY_MAX_COUNT]
[--statement-timeout STATEMENT_TIMEOUT]
[--deadlock-timeout DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT]
[--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,ERROR}]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--host HOST A database host. By default localhost.
--port PORT A database port. By default 5432.
--user USER A database user. By default current system user.
--password PASSWORD A password for the user.
--dbname DBNAME A database to process. By default all the user
databses of the instance are processed.
--schema [SCHEMA [SCHEMA ...]]
A schema to process. By default all the schemas of the
specified database are processed.
--exclude-schema [EXCLUDE_SCHEMA [EXCLUDE_SCHEMA ...]]
A schema to exclude from processing.
--table [TABLE [TABLE ...]]
A table to process. By default all the tables of the
specified schema are processed.
--exclude-table [EXCLUDE_TABLE [EXCLUDE_TABLE ...]]
A table to exclude from processing.
--index [INDEX [INDEX ...]]
A index to process. By default all the indexes of the
specified tables are processed.
--dry-run Print statistics only, without affecting any data.
--print-queries Print reindex and drop queries. Useful if you want to
perform manual reindex or drop later.
--force Try to compact indexes that do not meet minimal bloat
Delete old indexes after creating new ones.
--delete-old-indexes Delete all old unused indexes from the previous script
start, which was not earlier than one hour ago.
Installing the pgstattuple extension.
--change-index-name Create indexes with the new version in the name,
without alter the index and locking.
--minimal-compact-percent MINIMAL_COMPACT_PERCENT
Minimal compact percent. By default 20.
--reindex-retry-max-count REINDEX_RETRY_MAX_COUNT
Reindex retry max count. By default 10.
--statement-timeout STATEMENT_TIMEOUT
Postgres statement timeout, ms. By default 100.
--deadlock-timeout DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT
Postgres deadlock timeout, ms. By default 10.
--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,ERROR}
A log level. By default INFO.
Nikolay Vorobev (