


GitHub license GitHub release Swift 5.0 support cocoapods compatible


  • Tuning the transition animation for more details)
  • Marshroute supports 3d touch transitions
  • Marshroute detects view controller retain cycles and notifies you about them via assertions API. You can override default assertions with your implementation: e.g. print assertions to the output or do some advanced analytics (see plugin-customization for more details)
  • Marshroute features a detailed demo project describing key navigation principles on both iPhone and iPad

demo project. This demo is written in Swift using VIPER architecture and shows all the capabilities which Routers are now full of.

Run this demo on a simulator and check out what happens if you simulate a memory warning or a device shake. You will see several types of transitions driven by the root module's Router (i.e. a UITabBarController's Router).

The demo project targets both iPhone and iPad and adds some minor differences to their navigation behaviors by creating distinct Router implementations for every supported device idiom, thus highlighting the value of moving the navigation logic from the View layer in favor of a Router layer.

When you tap a blue timer tile, you schedule a reverse transition to the module that tile belongs to. To see this effect taking place, you should make several transitions deeper into the navigation stack.

Starting with 0.4.0 the demo project was updated to show PeekAndPopUtility in action: you can press on any table view cell and navigation bar button to get a preview of an underlying transition. You can also learn how to use PeekAndPopStateViewControllerObservable to adjust AdvertisementViewController's appearance in peek and popped modes: in a peek mode you will see only a fullscreen colored image pattern, while in a popped mode you will also see a similar advertisements section.

its official website.

its repo website.

this video to get a closer look at the reasons and ideas which formed the basis of Marshroute (in Russian).

You can also read this guide of using Marshroute when implementing DeepLinks support in your application.,,,


Marshroute is an iOS Library for making your Routers simple but extremely powerful



  • Ruby
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