FrameLayout extension to support blurred semitransparent backgrounds in Android.
There's no default support in Android for blurring views' semitransparent backgrounds taking into account all the layers behind the blurred background (which is frequently used in such design patterns as glassmorphism).
BlurLayout is what solves this issue.
Get started
Add Dependency
Initialize library
Initialize layout in
providing a transformer function to apply blur effect
on a bitmap that will be passed to the transformer from the BlurLayout.
External blur applier is used as there are several existing methods to apply blur effect
to a bitmap – so you can choose the one that better fits your needs.
The one that is used in this demo and in Avito itself is Google's official library
BlurLayout.init( onApplyBlur = { bitmap, blurRadius -> Toolkit.blur(inputBitmap = bitmap, radius = blurRadius) },)
Use via XML
Wrap all the elements that should be taken into account while blurring view's semitransparent background with
.< /> -
parameters.BlurLayout<!--id of the blurred background target. Might be omitted when there's single child.--> app:blurLayout_targetChildId="..." <!--Might be omitted if target view implements BlurLayout.BlurRadiusProvider.--> app:blurLayout_blurRadius="..." <!--Optional parameter to apply rounded corners to the blurred background. Might be omitted if target view implements `BlurLayout.CornerRadiusProvider`--> app:blurLayout_targetChildBackgroundCornerRadius="..." -
Specify target view's background. E.g.
Single child example
< android:background="@drawable/background_rocks" app:blurLayout_blurRadius="25" app:blurLayout_targetChildBackgroundCornerRadius="16dp">
<View android:background="#80FFFFFF" />
For the full example refer to layout_example_rocks.xml
Multiple children example
< android:background="@drawable/background_gradient" app:blurLayout_blurRadius="25" app:blurLayout_targetChildBackgroundCornerRadius="16dp" app:blurLayout_targetChildId="@id/blurred_background_view">
<ImageView android:src="@drawable/ic_apple" />
<ImageView android:id="@+id/blurred_background_view" android:background="#80FFFFFF" app:srcCompat="@drawable/ic_avito_logo" />
<ImageView android:src="@drawable/ic_strawberry" />
For the full example refer to layout_example_fruits.xml
Use via code
BlurLayout(context = this).apply { // add children}.setBlurredBackgroundForTargetChild( targetChild = TODO("Might be omitted if single child"), blurRadius = TODO( "Might be omitted if target view implements BlurLayout.BlurRadiusProvider" ), targetChildBackgroundCornerRadius = TODO( "Might be omitted if target view implements BlurLayout.CornerRadiusProvider" ))
- CMake
- Kotlin
- Shell
- C++