Зачем нам нужен YARP Reverse Proxy?
Преобразование запросов и ответов: перенаправляет входящие запросы на заданный сервер и затем возвращает ответы обратно клиенту.
Маршрутизация и балансировка нагрузки: Способен маршрутизировать запросы на разные серверы для балансировки нагрузки и улучшения производительности.
Отслеживание и мониторинг: Можно отслеживать обратные запросы, выполнять аудит запросов и мониторить процессы обработки данных.
Безопасность: обеспечивает слои безопасности для защиты передаваемых данных и предотвращения уязвимостей в сети.
Конфигурация и расширяемость: предлагает гибкую конфигурацию для настройки прокси в соответствии с требованиями проекта, а также возможность расширения функциональности через дополнительные модули.
YARP обеспечивает надежное и эффективное управление трафиком, обеспечивая безопасность и отзывчивость веб-приложений.
Getting Started
Configure Swagger and YARP for your project.
From Configuration
Update appsettings.json:
{ "ReverseProxy": { "Clusters": { "App1Cluster": { "Destinations": { "Default": { "Address": "https://localhost:5101", "Swaggers": [ // <-- this block { "PrefixPath": "/proxy-app1", "Paths": [ "/swagger/v1/swagger.json" ] } ] } } } } }}
Update Program.cs:
var configuration = builder.Configuration.GetSection("ReverseProxy");builder.Services .AddReverseProxy() .LoadFromConfig(configuration) .AddSwagger(configuration); // <-- this line
From Code
Update Program.cs:
RouteConfig[] GetRoutes(){ return new[] { new RouteConfig { RouteId = "App1Route", ClusterId = "App1Cluster", Match = new RouteMatch { Path = "/proxy-app1/{**catch-all}" }, Transforms = new[] { new Dictionary<string, string> { {"PathPattern", "{**catch-all}"} } } } };}
ClusterConfig[] GetClusters(){ return new[] { new ClusterConfig { ClusterId = "App1Cluster", Destinations = new Dictionary<string, DestinationConfig> { { "Default", new DestinationConfig { Address = "https://localhost:5101" } } } } };}
ReverseProxyDocumentFilterConfig GetSwaggerConfig(){ return new ReverseProxyDocumentFilterConfig { Routes = GetRoutes().ToDictionary(_ => _.RouteId, _ => _), Clusters = new Dictionary<string, ReverseProxyDocumentFilterConfig.Cluster> { { "App1Cluster", new ReverseProxyDocumentFilterConfig.Cluster { Destinations = new Dictionary<string, ReverseProxyDocumentFilterConfig.Cluster.Destination> { { "Default", new ReverseProxyDocumentFilterConfig.Cluster.Destination { Address = "https://localhost:5101", Swaggers = new[] { new ReverseProxyDocumentFilterConfig.Cluster.Destination.Swagger { PrefixPath = "/proxy-app1", Paths = new[] {"/swagger/v1/swagger.json"} } } } } } } } } };}
builder.Services .AddReverseProxy() .LoadFromMemory(GetRoutes(), GetClusters()) .AddSwagger(GetSwaggerConfig()); // <-- this line
Create (if doesn't exist) or update ConfigureSwaggerOptions.cs:
public void Configure(SwaggerGenOptions options){ var filterDescriptors = new List<FilterDescriptor>();
foreach (var cluster in _reverseProxyDocumentFilterConfig.Clusters) { options.SwaggerDoc(cluster.Key, new OpenApiInfo {Title = cluster.Key, Version = cluster.Key}); }
filterDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor { Type = typeof(ReverseProxyDocumentFilter), Arguments = Array.Empty<object>() });
options.DocumentFilterDescriptors = filterDescriptors;}
Update Program.cs:
builder.Services.AddTransient<IConfigureOptions<SwaggerGenOptions>, ConfigureSwaggerOptions>();builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen();
app.UseSwaggerUI(options =>{ var config = app.Services.GetRequiredService<IOptionsMonitor<ReverseProxyDocumentFilterConfig>>().CurrentValue; foreach (var cluster in config.Clusters) { options.SwaggerEndpoint($"/swagger/{cluster.Key}/swagger.json", cluster.Key); }});
After run you will get generated Swagger files by clusters:
Authentication and Authorization
Update appsettings.json:
{ "ReverseProxy": { "Clusters": { "App1Cluster": { "Destinations": { "Default": { "Address": "https://localhost:5101", "AccessTokenClientName": "Identity", // <-- this line "Swaggers": [ { "PrefixPath": "/proxy-app1", "Paths": [ "/swagger/v1/swagger.json" ] } ] } } } } }}
Update Program.cs:
builder.Services.AddAccessTokenManagement(options =>{ var identityConfig = builder.Configuration.GetSection("Identity").Get<IdentityConfig>()!; options.Client.Clients.Add("Identity", new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest { Address = $"{identityConfig.Url}/connect/token", ClientId = identityConfig.ClientId, ClientSecret = identityConfig.ClientSecret });});
Filtering of Paths
By Regex Pattern
Update appsettings.json:
{ "ReverseProxy": { "Clusters": { "App1Cluster": { "Destinations": { "Default": { "Address": "https://localhost:5101", "Swaggers": [ { "PrefixPath": "/proxy-app1", "PathFilterRegexPattern": ".*", // <-- this line "Paths": [ "/swagger/v1/swagger.json" ] } ] } } } } }}
By Only Published Paths
If you want to publish only some configured path in YARP, you can use the
(For using these options, you need to add Methods configuration in the Match block of the YARP configuration.)
Update appsettings.json:
{ "ReverseProxy": { "Clusters": { "App1Cluster": { "Destinations": { "Default": { "Address": "https://localhost:5101", "Swaggers": [ { "PrefixPath": "/proxy-app1", "AddOnlyPublishedPaths": true, // <-- this line "Paths": [ "/swagger/v1/swagger.json" ] } ] } } } } }}
Swagger Metadata
If you want to publish the API metadata (OpenAPI info object) from the configured swaggers, specify a path from the list of configured paths using the
option. This will overwrite the cluster metadata with that of the swagger metadata.
Update appsettings.json:
{ "ReverseProxy": { "Clusters": { "App1Cluster": { "Destinations": { "Default": { "Address": "https://localhost:5101", "Swaggers": [ { "PrefixPath": "/proxy-app1", "MetadataPath": "/swagger/v1/swagger.json", // <-- this line "Paths": [ "/swagger/v1/swagger.json" ] } ] } } } } }}
Common Swagger Document
If you want to combine multiple swagger documents into one, you can use the
Update appsettings.json:
{ "ReverseProxy": { "Swagger": { // <-- this block "IsCommonDocument": true, "CommonDocumentName": "YARP" }, }}
Swagger Transformation
If you want to transform the Swagger to fit the modifications done by the transformations you have to implement the changes in the
. Below is an example from a custom transformation called
public class HeaderTransformFactory : ITransformFactory, ISwaggerTransformFactory{ public bool Validate(TransformRouteValidationContext context, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> transformValues) { // validation implementation of custom transformation } public bool Build(TransformBuilderContext context, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> transformValues) { // transform implementation of custom transformation }
/// <summary> /// Header title rename transformation for Swagger /// </summary> /// <param name="operation"></param> /// <param name="transformValues"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Build(OpenApiOperation operation, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> transformValues) { if (transformValues.ContainsKey("RenameHeader")) { foreach (var parameter in operation.Parameters) { if (parameter.In.HasValue && parameter.In.Value.ToString().Equals("Header")) { if (transformValues.TryGetValue("RenameHeader", out var header) && transformValues.TryGetValue("Set", out var newHeader)) { if (parameter.Name == newHeader) { parameter.Name = header; } } } }
return true; }
return false; }}
Then register the transformation in