6.6.5 2022-09-03:
- Fix rotation.
6.6.4 2022-09-02:
- Fix a mistake with spectrum clearing.
6.6.3 2022-08-27:
- Update help.
6.6.2 2022-08-27:
- Release mic during pause or USB input.
- Store a spectrum at low battery level even the main window is closed.
- Update GPS coordinates even the main window is closed.
- Update interaction.
- Add firmware check and warning.
- Remove from recent list during exit.
- Swap a long tap and a short tap for measurements.
- Replace cursor buttons with slider.
- Update help.
6.6.1 2022-08-18:
- Fix spectrum file.
6.6.0 2022-08-17:
- Code is heavily rewritten for further update.
- Language selection added. The program must be restarted to take effects.
- Change BqMoni export to BqMoni Atom Edition (
- Update help.
- Fix comment line.
6.5.2 2022-07-11:
- Change update calibration notifications.
- Fix errors.
6.5.1 2022-07-10:
- Change checksum calculation.
- Ask a user to apply if a calibration checksum is bad.
- Update help.
- Fix small errors.
6.5.0 2022-07-10:
- Update linear spectrum graph.
- AtomSpectra Pro connection rewritten.
- Add a noise discriminator update inside AtomSpectra Pro device.
- Add calibration save and retrieve to AtomSpectra Pro.
- Add commands to store and retrive calibration from the program itself.
- Fix known errors.
6.4.0 2022-07-04:
- Clear spectrum command sets the program to stop state.
- Update isotope list.
- Add two-time spectrum difference.
- Change logarithm output.
- Update log scale graph.
- Add suffix info on graph.
- Add suffix edit for spectrum and background to menu.
- Update help.
6.3.0 2022-06-26:
- Add color for isotope line relative to max intensity.
- Remove data clearance from the serial spectrometer.
- Add Spectra Pro automatic start at the time of plug-in (Spectra Pro firmware should be updated for correct work).
- Update main screen.
- Remove spectrum subtract access during switchinf off background.
- Fix small errors.
- Update help.
- Update calibration export to BqMoni.
- Export all polynome calibration coefficients to N42 (contrary to specification).
6.2.5 2022-06-19:
- Fix crash.
- Fix calibration.
6.2.4 2022-06-18:
- Fix error string during mic lock.
- Fix cursor gittery with USB device.
- Fix build.
6.2.3 2022-02-20:
- Add prefix and suffix removing.
- Update code errors.
- Update help.
6.2.2 2022-01-25:
- Fix program crash while opening English help.
6.2.1 2022-01-18:
- Update notification change.
- Add impulse history cleaning in Parameters after swyping to impulse graph.
- Update Find isotopes window.
- Update colours.
- Send N42 and SPE as text. Send other files as /.
6.2.0 2021-12-31:
- Add isotope auto search function.
- Update help.
6.1.5 2021-12-26:
- Update U-238 decay chain
6.1.4 2021-10-20:
- Just update version code.
6.1.3 2021-10-10:
- Fix data lost during rotation.
- Switch off input gain control.
- Update isotope view.
6.1.2 2021-09-22:
- Fix isotope identification error.
6.1.1 2021-09-22:
- Rewritten isotope data.
- Add a half life information.
- Remove multiple colour fromnuclid lines.
- Fix isotope line drawing.
- Build AAB bundle.
6.1.0 2021-07-18:
- Add an interval to a sound search and to a cps count.
6.0.3 2021-07-16:
- Fix sending files to the program.
6.0.2 2021-07-10:
- Fix calibration error.
6.0.1 2021-07-10:
- Update build dependencies.
- Fix new calibration function graph.
- Add calibration points on graph.
- Update units output on scales.
- Update help.
6.0.0 2021-07-03:
- Change a calibration from line pairs to function.
- Add a suffix into a new file format (old formats are acceptable too).
- Change the file format.
- Add a maximum polinomial scale value in Parameters.
- Add a smoothness strength.
- Update USB connection.
- Add energy input for the new calibration point when line from found peaks list is selected.
- Update nuclid identification algorithm.
- Add a calibration check when a new point is added.
- Fix destination selection on Android 7.0 and older.
- Add a new calibration graph.
- Update icons.
- Update menu text.
- Update help.
5.9.6 2021-06-22:
- Fix calibration drop when the main window is closed without stopping the service.
- Fix a histogram load crash from another program.
5.9.5 2021-06-15:
- Add graph labels autohide.
- Isotope search knows when background is need to be subtracted.
- Fix calibration point selecting via flag.
5.9.4 2021-06-14:
- Add a smooth method to spectrum.
- Add a new calibration point set via pointing to a nuclid flag.
- Update help.
5.9.3 2021-06-13:
- Return back 'Show as...' parameter.
5.9.2 2021-06-08:
- Remove background GPS from the program.
- Update permission text.
5.9.1 2021-05-16:
- Add a calibration line removing from a new calibration list.
- Fix translation errors.
- Update help.
5.9.0 2021-05-15:
- Refactor a code.
- Update a comment string in a spectrum file.
- Add an export to N42 format.
- Add clicks on graph to confirm.
5.8.2 2021-05-08:
- Add "last channel" parameter to map first "last channel" channels to 8192 energy channels.
- Update export to SPE.
5.8.1 2021-04-20:
- Fix SPE export.
5.8.0 2021-04-19:
- Now the program accepts up to the 4th order polynom.
- Add Store and Retrieve to save and load a calibration data inside the program.
- Update help.
5.7.5 2021-4-18:
- Update view for large screens.
- Update isotope list.
5.7.4 2021-03-17:
- Update input/output sound behaviour.
- Update help.
5.7.3 2021-03-14:
- Add a spectrum autosave when battery is low.
5.7.2 2021-03-14:
- Add auto configure for audio.
- Add text when audio changed.
5.7.1 2021-03-07:
- Add audio source selection.
- Update calibration data in SPE.
- Move exports to subdirectory.
- Update help.
5.7.0 2021-02-24:
- Add SPE format to export ot other spectroscopic programs.
- Update help files.
- Update audio input algorithm.
5.6.2 2021-01-29:
- Fix code.
5.6.1 2021-01-29:
- Update graph output selection.
- Update help.
5.6.0 2021-01-28:
- Add AtomSpectra as handler for its data.
- Update number input.
- Update exit from "Settings" window.
- Add impulse count to cursor info.
- Redraw grid intensity.
- Update window layouts.
- Update help.
- Remove 'Show as...' parameter.
- Add peak output parameter on spectrum graph.
5.5.0 2021-01-10:
- Add sound output.
- Fix export to BqMoni.
- Change cps update for audio input according to the rate update parameter.
- Update pitch info in BqMoni export.
- Fix sending and receiving spectra in Android 11.
- Fix German translation.
- Set audio to 48000.
- Set uprocessed audio source by default if available (Android 8 and higher).
- Update help.
5.4.7 2021-01-03:
- Add library selection in isotope list.
- Add new elements.
- Fix dose rate graph.
- Remove unused menu item.
- Update isotope output on graph.
- Update isotope colours.
5.4.6 2020-12-20:
- Update isotope line show.
- Isotope labes are now colored as in an isotope table.
- Update library dependencies.
- Cleanup code.
- Update help.
- Add German translation.
5.4.5 2020-12-15:
- Fix program crash.
- Update code.
5.4.4 2020-12-13:
- Update mic input data.
5.4.3 2020-12-12:
- Fix export to .csv file.
- Add coloumn names.
- Update help.
5.4.2 2020-12-05:
- Fix file input and output under Android 7.0 and before.
5.4.1 2020-11-28:
- Add form to change detector sensitivity curve.
- Update device file format.
- Add new submenu.
- Update cursor movement.
- Add message if audio permission asking is not working.
- Update help.
5.4.0 2020-11-18:
- Fix calibration calculation.
- Add device parameters saving.
- Clean up code.
- Update help.
5.3.5 2020-11-14:
- Fix menu output.
- Update help section.
- Update save/load functions.
- Update cursor shift.
5.3.4 2020-11-13:
- Fix background calibration lost after rotation.
- Fix main menu text color.
- Fix graph show on maximum scale.
- Add persistence to cursor line during rotation.
- Add buttons "+" and "-" to shift the cursor.
- Update help.
5.3.3 2020-11-12:
- One more scale step.
- Revert to 8192 channels.
- Add jump to a map program from coordinates.
- Coordinates now shows currect state, or last state before stop, or state from a file.
- Update a program theme.
- Fix dose rate.
5.3.2 2020-11-11:
- Fix dose rate.
5.3.1 2020-11-11:
- Fix folder selection.
- Add cursor channel input directly.
5.3.0 2020-11-10:
- Fix output files.
- Fix GPS init and test.
- Put save date, coordinates and spectrum info into comments.
- Add GPS coordinates to the main window.
5.2.0 2020-11-08:
- Add GPS location to files.
- New file format (2) with compatibiliy to format 1 and old format.
- Loaded file is exported now to the same date in the file name.
- Update export to CSV.
- Update export to Bequerel Monitor.
- Update help.
- Add new parameter not to inject GPS coordinates.
5.1.1 2020-11-07:
- Update file access.
- Update code logic.
- Update translation.
5.1.0 2020-11-06:
- Add compatibility with Android 11.
- Add French translation.
- Update help section.
5.0.5 2020-11-03:
- Fix permission asking.
5.0.4 2020-10-31:
- Fix small errors.
5.0.3 2020-10-28:
- Fix small errors.
5.0.2 2020-10-25:
- Add mSv/h.
- Give more space to channel data on small screens.
5.0.1 2020-10-24:
- Test build for Android R.
- Fix "Background" menu behaviour.
- Update Quick help view and text.
5.0.0 2020-10-22:
- Add new USB high-speed Nano Pro spectrometer support.
- Update view.
- Reduce number of channels to 8192 channels (both audio and USB).
- Add new file format.
- Can read old files with channel number reducing to 8192.
- Stable output during phone rotation.
238,63 - 583,19 - 2614
4.4.1 2020-09-12:
- Add several isotope lines.
- Add confirmation dialog on spectrum deleting.
- Update calibrated dose rate calculation.
- Add status in notification bar.
4.4.0 2020-08-09:
- Add doserate history screen.
- Set minimum time intervals (one time interval equals 100 ms now) to dose rate calculation: 1 for fast, 5 for medium, 10 for slow. It helps in dose rate calculation at high rates.
- Add auto pause when audio changed (Android 6.0 and higher).
4.3.1 2020-08-04:
- Minor updates.
4.3.0 2020-08-03:
- Update isotope list, add intensities.
- Update help.
- Remember library selection in an isotope detection window.
- Fix notification.
- Hide cursor when selected to the left or right of a graph.
- Update dose rate constant value.
- Fix program shutdown.
- Update isotope definition.
4.2.0 2020-07-28:
- Add a background export with a spectrum when shown on graph.
- Fix background view in energy mode.
4.1.0 2020-07-25:
- Add polinomial order selection.
- Update search isotopes screen.
- Update 'Apply calibration' behaviour when no enough calibration points.
- Update export to BqMoni.
- Update 'Settings' behaviour.
- Update dose rate calculation to make it closer to MKS-03SA and AtomFast 8850.
- Fix various small errors.
4.0.1 2020-07-23:
- Fix errors and translation.
4.0.0 2020-07-22:
- Add an Exit command to notification bar.
- Fix a matrix calculation.
- Add an isotope search using Savitzki-Golay method.
- Add an isotope search result to be shown on a main graph.
- Add a link to site.
- Add an IAEA isotope list.
- Add an isotope search using the library.
- Update a help page.
- Update an isotope list.
3.1.3 2020-07-16:
- Add a localized number input.
- Update the help.
3.1.2 2020-07-14:
- Add version and build info at the end of the help page.
- Update build script.
3.1.1 2020-07-14:
- Fix crash at stop.
3.1.0 2020-07-14:
- Update isotope list.
- Update isotope calculation (not shown yet, has errors).
- Add export to Becquerel Monitor.
- Change export to csv to be compatible to Microsoft Excel.
- Update buttons on main window.
3.0.1 2020-07-10:
- Changing ADC bit number drops spectrum if it is not freezed.
- Update background calculation.
3.0 2020-07-10:
- Add polinomial calibration. Now it can be used linear or quadratic calibration data.
- Fix errors in saving background data calibration.
- Add stack.trace file creating in 'AtomSpectra' directory to find errors.
- Add isotope line intensity and probability for future isotope search and isotope activity calculation.
- Add calibration function show.
- Left-right moving is now one fourth of a screen instead of half a screen.
- Add load a background from any file.
- Make graphs smooth when they are shown with ADC other than 16 bits and output other than 1024 channels.
- Changing ADC bit number does not drop spectrum.
- Fix typos.
2.5 2020-05-31:
- Ensure the program reads audio all the time.
- Add icons to Background submenu.
- Add Russian language.
2.4.1 2020-05-29:
- Add raw audio selection on Android 7 and higher in settings.
- Update cps and dose rate calculation.
2.4 2020-05-28:
- Unfreeze main spectrum update when clear the spectrum.
- Add asking RECORD_AUDIO, READ_STORAGE, WRITE_STORAGE permissions at runtime.
- Fix typos.
- Add spectrum loading from another program via 'Share'.
- Update a menu tree.
- Add new icons.
- Set saved file sharing instead of a current spectrum.
- Update a file selection dialog.
- Add ability to get a spectrum calibration from another spectrum.
- Don't switch off 'subtract background' when copy a spectrum to a background.
- Add average cps and total time with a long press on a cps and a dose rate.
- Add suffix in a file name during spectrum and export saving.
- Add battery information.
- Update recording service.
- Update icons.
2.2 2020-05-14:
- Convert program to AndroidX.
- Set minimum SDK version to 21 (Android 5.0).
- Update internal structure.
- Update isotope selection window.
2.1 2020-05-07:
- Add isotope list in addition to isotope lines and decay chains.
- Update isotope selection: a decay chain selection also selects isotopes and isotope lines, an isotope selection also selects isotope lines.
- Reduce memory usage by using class sharing.
- Update dose calculation without loosing data between measurements.
- Update a help page.
- Update program constants.
- Begin to prepare polynomial calibration.
2.0 2020-05-01:
- Add help.
- Add polinomial parameter for future to own files. Now it accepts only "1" here as linear value.
- Add swipe down to quickly put isotope line.
- Fix intersection between pinch and swipe modes.
- Add decay chains into list of isotopes.
1.0.5b5 2020-04-26:
- Add load and restore histograms.
- Add freeze mode.
- Cursor now shows isotope under it (with 3% inaccurate and selecting by hardcoded importance).
- Update menu.
- Fix errors.
1.0.5b4 2020-04-25:
- Add isotope output.
- Set background timer in files to seconds.
1.0.5b3 2020-04-22:
- Add background histogram.
- Save background histogram to 'Background' on disk and load it back.
- Add substraction of background from main histogram.
- Slightly change doserate calculation.
1.0.5b2 2020-04-19:
- Add doserate calcuclation with energy compensation.
- Add parameters to set how many channels to save (plus, minus, and direct input) and a channel compression in output files (plus and minus).
1.0.5b 2020-04-15:
- Fix file save with energy.
- Saved files are always have 32768 channel compressed from 65536 channels.
- Replace swipe left/swipe right/swipe up/swipe down to pinch horizontal and vertical.
- Use swipe right/swipe left to select the desired channel/energy window to show.
- Replace ":" to "-" in file names.