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Voice ChatGPT telegram bot


Node Version License

About: 1

Telegram bot for voice communication with ChatGPT. The user sends a voice or text message to the bot and receives a text or voice message in response from ChatGPT. It is written in JavaScript and uses NodeJS.

Features: 2

  • The ability to choose a service for converting voice to text: using OpenAI API or YandexSpeechKit API
  • Converting .mp3 to text: using OpenAI API.
  • Converting .ogg to text: using YandexSpeechKit API
  • Converting .ogg to .mp3: using fluent-ffmpeg.
  • The user can choose how best to get an answer: by text, by voice, or all together.
  • To convert text to voice message: using YandexSpeechKit API or Google
  • ChatGPT remembers the context
  • Whitelist of users who have access to the bot.
  • Collecting simple statistics that includes the total number of requests, the number of voice requests, the number of text requests, the total number of words in all requests.
  • The ability for users to see their statistics.
  • Voice messages and text history chat are not saved on the server if the corresponding option is enabled
  • The database is not used, all statistics and data are stored in .json format.

:warning: If the bot work with a large audience, it is better to use a database.

Installation: 3

$ git clone
$ cd server
  • Edit .env.production .env.development and set your telegram bot token and OpenAI key.
  • Edit whitelist.user.json and add the usernames to the whitelist.
$ npm install

:warning: Do not delete directories: audio and log

Usage: 4

$ npm run start:dev
$ npm run start

Dependencies: 5



Yarkov Vyacheslav


MIT license

May 2023


  1. About

  2. Features

  3. Installation

  4. Usage

  5. Dependencies


Telegram bot for voice communication with ChatGPT.



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