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System Monitor Application

Windows GitHub Release GitHub License

This Python application is a system monitoring tool with a graphical user interface (GUI) built using tkinter. It provides real-time information on CPU, memory, disk, network usage, and active processes. The application also supports monitoring GPU statistics using NVIDIA Management Library (NVML) and allows for process termination.


  • Displays system information:
    • CPU usage
    • Memory usage
    • Disk usage
    • Network usage
    • GPU usage (if available)
    • Operating system details
  • Lists currently running processes with sortable columns (PID, Name, Memory%, CPU%)
  • Dynamic updates of system and process data every second
  • Manual process killing by selecting a process from the list
  • Saving system information and processes to a log file
  • Option to enable or disable dynamic updates

GUI Features

  • Dynamic Update: Enable or disable real-time updates by clicking the "Enable Dynamic Update" button. When dynamic updates are enabled, data will be refreshed every second.
  • Manual Update: If dynamic updates are disabled, you can manually refresh the data by clicking the "Manual Update" button.
  • Kill Process: Select a process from the list and click "Kill Process" to terminate it.
  • Save Log: Save the current system statistics and list of running processes to a log file by selecting "File > Save Log As..." from the menu.

Running the Application

The application has been packaged into a standalone exe file using PyInstaller. This means you can run it without needing to install Python or any dependencies. Simply download the exe file and run it.

If you'd like to modify the code or contribute to the project, follow the steps below to set up the development environment.

How to Run the Application from Source


  • Python 3.x installed on your system
  • Clone the repository to your local machine

Steps to Run

  1. Install the required dependencies using pip as mentioned above.
pip install psutil pynvml
  1. Run the Python script:

Once started, the application will display system usage statistics and a list of running processes. You can sort the processes by clicking on the column headers.

Requirements for Development

To modify or contribute to the project, you will need the following Python packages installed:

  • psutil: for gathering system statistics
  • platform: for retrieving OS and CPU information
  • tkinter: for the graphical user interface (usually included with Python installations)
  • pynvml: for retrieving GPU information using NVIDIA's NVML library (optional, only needed for GPU monitoring)

You can install the required packages using pip:

GPU Monitoring

If you have an NVIDIA GPU and have the pynvml library installed, the application will display information about your GPU, including total, used, and available memory.

Building the Application

If you'd like to build the exe file yourself using PyInstaller, follow these steps (for Windows):

  1. Install PyInstaller:
pip install pyinstaller
  1. Build the executable:
pyinstaller --onefile

This will create a standalone exe file that can be distributed and run on any compatible Windows system.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Course project on "System programming". System Monitor



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