


Console App with MySQL Database and working as Client/Server Thread application (PYTHON)

App represent some shop with songs from different authors. You might be as author and as custommer!
(Programm created for learning MySQL Database and Server/Client communications using Threads)

Registration and Authorization:

You have some commands:

  1. reg - registration;
  2. auth - authorization;
  3. !exit - safe exit;

Main commands:

After success registration/authorization you might:

  1. all songs - show all songs with authors and tags;
  2. add songs - add you songs (name song have to unique for your account);
  3. my songs - show all you added songs;
  4. buy song - buy song other author;
  5. buying songs - show all your's buying songs;
  6. all tags - show all available tags;


Servet/Client App for "buy songs author right" with MySQL Database.



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