

__torch_function__ micro-benchmarks

This benchmark suite provides a systemic way to measure the performance of __torch_function__ overhead.

Getting started

Initial Setup

Install py-spy by doing:

pip install py-spy

Note that more extensive documentation on using py-spy is available in

Running the benchmark

Run one of the following commands in the terminal, with the working directory being ${PYTORCH_CLONE_DIR}/benchmarks/overrides_benchmark:

# Benchmark all the cases
# Flame graph pertaining to each case.
py-spy record -o tensor.svg --native -- python Tensor
py-spy record -o subtensor.svg --native -- python SubTensor
py-spy record -o overridden.svg --native -- python WithTorchFunction
py-spy record -o suboverridden.svg --native -- python SubWithTorchFunction

Here is a brief overview of what the results should look like, if run correctly:

  • Overhead for torch functions when run on torch.Tensor objects is on the order of 2 μs.
  • __torch_function__ should add zero overhead for torch.Tensor inputs, a small overhead for subclasses of torch.Tensor, and a couple of microseconds for Tensor-likes with __torch_function__.
  • Changing the dispatching mechanism may result in changes that are on the order of 100 ns, which are hard to detect due to noise, but important.

Reporting benchmark results

When modifying any of the machinery around __torch_function__, run the benchmark for both the feature branch and the point it diverges from master. For each of these:

  • Run, and include the output in your result.
  • For each case where shows a regression, run the commands described above, prefixing the output SVG filename (the input to the -o switch) with base- or branch- depending on the commit you are running the benchmark on.
  • For each SVG, open it in the browser, take a screenshot and include it in your result. Also include a ZIP file with all SVGs thus produced included.

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