


CGManifest Files

This directory contains CGManifest (cgmanifest.json) files. See here for details.


This file contains generated CGManifest entries.

It covers these dependencies:

  • git submodules
  • dependencies from the Dockerfile tools/ci_build/github/linux/docker/Dockerfile.manylinux2014_cuda11
  • the entries in ../cmake/deps.txt

If any of these dependencies change, this file should be updated. When updating, please regenerate instead of editing manually.

How to Generate

  1. Change to the repository root directory.
  2. Ensure the git submodules are checked out and up to date. For example, with:
    $ git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Run the generator script:
    $ python cgmanifests/generate_cgmanifest.py --username <xxx> --token <your_access_token>

Please supply your github username and access token to the script. If you don't have a token, you can generate one at https://github.com/settings/tokens. This is for authenticating with Github REST API so that you would not hit the rate limit.


This file contains non-generated CGManifest entries. Please edit directly as needed.

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