

NCNN Image Watch Plugin for Visual Studio

Image Watch plugin is a good tool for better understanding insight of images. This tiny work offer a ".natvis" file which could add ncnn::Mat class support for Image Watch, and users could debug ncnn::Mat image just like debuging cv::Mat via Image Watch.

To use this plugin, please move this "ImageWatchNCNN.natvis" file to "C:/user/${your user name}/Documents/Visual Studio ${VS_Version}/Visualizers" folder. If not exist this folder, create it(such as: "C:\Users\nihui\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Visualizers").

See Image Watch Help page for more advanced using tips of Image Watch(For example, get single channel from channels, such as getting confidence heatmap from forward result list {confidence, x1, y1, x2, y2}).

NNIE Image Watch Plugin for Visual Studio

This image plugin will be a part of NNIE Plugin for NCNN(NPN). NPN will be a WIP, it should be completed by the end of Septembe.

The plugin support SVP_BLOB_TYPE_S32 and SVP_BLOB_TYPE_U8 for now.

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