


Matplotlib documentation

Building the documentation

See :file:doc/devel/documenting_mpl.rst for instructions to build the docs.


This is the top level directory for the Matplotlib documentation. All of the documentation is written using Sphinx, a python documentation system based on reStructuredText. This directory contains the following

Files ^^^^^

  • index.rst - the top level include document (and landing page) for the Matplotlib docs

  • - the sphinx configuration

  • docutils.conf - htmnl output configuration

  • Makefile and make.bat - entry points for building the docs

  • matplotlibrc - rcParam configuration for docs

  • missing-references.json - list of known missing/broken references

Content folders ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • api - templates for generating the api documentation

  • devel - documentation for contributing to Matplotlib

  • project - about Matplotlib, e.g. mission, code of conduct, licenses, history, etc.

  • users - usage documentation, e.g., installation, tutorials, faq, explanations, etc.

  • thirdpartypackages - redirect to

Build folders ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • _static - supplementary files; e.g. images, CSS, etc.

  • _templates - Sphinx page templates

  • sphinxext - Sphinx extensions for the Matplotlib docs

During the documentation build, sphinx-gallery creates symlinks from the source folders in /galleries to target_folders in '/doc'; therefore ensure that you are editing the real files rather than the symbolic links.

Source files -> symlink:

  • galleries/tutorials -> doc/tutorials
  • galleries/plot_types -> doc/plot_types
  • galleries/examples -> doc/gallery
  • galleries/users_explain -> doc/users/explain

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