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LICENSE PyPI Language grade: Python python lint Publish-pip gitee mirror

🚀 We add BasicSR-Examples, which provides guidance and templates of using BasicSR as a python package. 🚀
📢 技术交流QQ群320960100   入群答案:互帮互助共同进步
🧭 入群二维码 (QQ、微信)    入群指南 (腾讯文档)

BasicSR (Basic Super Restoration) is an open-source image and video restoration toolbox based on PyTorch, such as super-resolution, denoise, deblurring, JPEG artifacts removal, etc.
BasicSR (Basic Super Restoration) 是一个基于 PyTorch 的开源 图像视频复原工具箱, 比如 超分辨率, 去噪, 去模糊, 去 JPEG 压缩噪声等.

🚩 New Features/Updates

  • ✅ July 26, 2022. Add plot scripts 📊Plot.
  • ✅ May 9, 2022. BasicSR joins XPixel.
  • ✅ Oct 5, 2021. Add ECBSR training and testing codes: ECBSR.

    ACMMM21: Edge-oriented Convolution Block for Real-time Super Resolution on Mobile Devices

  • ✅ Sep 2, 2021. Add SwinIR training and testing codes: SwinIR by Jingyun Liang. More details are in
  • ✅ Aug 5, 2021. Add NIQE, which produces the same results as MATLAB (both are 5.7296 for tests/data/baboon.png).
  • ✅ July 31, 2021. Add bi-directional video super-resolution codes: BasicVSR and IconVSR.

    CVPR21: BasicVSR: The Search for Essential Components in Video Super-Resolution and Beyond

  • More

If BasicSR helps your research or work, please help to ⭐ this repo or recommend it to your friends. Thanks😊
Other recommended projects:
▶️ Real-ESRGAN: A practical algorithm for general image restoration
▶️ GFPGAN: A practical algorithm for real-world face restoration
▶️ facexlib: A collection that provides useful face-relation functions.
▶️ HandyView: A PyQt5-based image viewer that is handy for view and comparison.
▶️ HandyFigure: Open source of paper figures
(ESRGAN, EDVR, DNI, SFTGAN) (HandyCrawler, HandyWriting)


We provide simple pipelines to train/test/inference models for a quick start. These pipelines/commands cannot cover all the cases and more details are in the following sections.

Face Restoration
Super Resolution

Projects that use BasicSR

  • Real-ESRGAN: A practical algorithm for general image restoration
  • GFPGAN: A practical algorithm for real-world face restoration

If you use BasicSR in your open-source projects, welcome to contact me (by email or opening an issue/pull request). I will add your projects to the above list 😊

📜 License and Acknowledgement

This project is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
More details about license and acknowledgement are in LICENSE.

🌏 Citations

If BasicSR helps your research or work, please cite BasicSR.
The following is a BibTeX reference. The BibTeX entry requires the url LaTeX package.

author = {Xintao Wang and Liangbin Xie and Ke Yu and Kelvin C.K. Chan and Chen Change Loy and Chao Dong},
title = {{BasicSR}: Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox},
howpublished = {\url{}},
year = {2022}

Xintao Wang, Liangbin Xie, Ke Yu, Kelvin C.K. Chan, Chen Change Loy and Chao Dong. BasicSR: Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox., 2022.

📧 Contact

If you have any questions, please email,

  • QQ群: 扫描左边二维码 或者 搜索QQ群号: 320960100   入群答案:互帮互助共同进步
  • 微信群: 我们的一群已经满500人啦,二群也超过200人了;进群可以添加 Liangbin 的个人微信 (右边二维码),他会在空闲的时候拉大家入群~

visitors (start from 2022-11-06)


Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox for Super-resolution, Denoise, Deblurring, etc. Currently, it includes EDSR, RCAN, SRResNet, SRGAN, ESRGAN, EDVR, BasicVSR, SwinIR, ECBSR, etc. Also support StyleGAN2, DFDNet.



  • Shell
  • C++
  • Cuda

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