
0 Secret Storage Spec Server Side API

This plugin implements the version 0.2. While running KeePassXC, it acts as a Secret Service server, registered on DBus, so clients like seahorse, python-secretstorage, or other implementations can connect and access the exposed database in KeePassXC.

Configurable settings

  • The user can specify if a database is exposed on DBus, and which group is exposed.
  • Whether to show desktop notification is shown when an entry's secret is retrieved.
  • Whether to confirm for entries deleted from DBus
  • Whether to confirm each entry's access

Implemented Attributes on Item Object

The following attributes are exposed:

TitleThe entry title
UserNameThe entry user name
URLThe entry URL
NotesThe entry notes
TOTPThe TOTP code if the entry has one

In addition, all non-protected custom attributes are also exposed.


  • FdoSecrets::Service is the top level DBus service
  • There is one and only one FdoSecrets::Collection per opened database tab
  • Each entry under the exposed database group has a corresponding FdoSecrets::Item DBus object.

Signal connections

Collection here means the Collection object in code. Not the logical concept "collection" that the user interacts with.

  • Collections are created when a corresponding database tab opened
  • If the database is locked, a collection is still created
  • When the database is unlocked, collection populates its children
  • If the unlocked database's exposed group is none, collection deletes itself
  • If the database's exposed group changes, collection repopulates
  • If the database's exposed group changes to none, collection deletes itself
  • If the database's exposed group changes from none, the service recreates a collection

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