


This folder contains an end to end testing suite written with playwright checking all of the main functionality provided by this template. Note it assumes you are using a postgres database on the backend and have configured a test database. This is required because the tests will drop and recreate the test database in order to ensure replicability between test runs.

This test suite was built off of using the medusa-starter-default repository with the seed data from data/seed.json.



These tests have a number of dependent environment variables, with an example found in .env.example. You can setup your local environment by copying the example environment file

cat e2e/.env.example >> .env

and configuring the .env file from there. There are more details below about what the test values correspond to and how to set them. But we mention that

  • CLIENT_SERVER - is the server the next server is listening on


In order to run these tests, make sure playwright and a playwright-enabled browser is installed. You can do this by running

npx playwright install


Note that these tests drop and reset the database after each test run. This means you will need to configure a separate test database based on your development or production database. We give some instructions for doing so, and enforce a rule which requires the test database to have the prefix test_ in its name.

Environment variables

  • TEST_POSTGRES_USER - user for connecting to the test database, for example, medusa
  • TEST_POSTGRES_PASSWORD - password for connecting to the test database, for example my_secret_password
  • TEST_POSTGRES_DATABASE - name of the test database, must start with the prefix test*, for example test_medusa_db
  • TEST_POSTGRES_HOST - optional - host for the postgres database, defaults to localhost
  • TEST_POSTGREST_PORT - optional - host for the postgres
  • PRODUCTION_POSTGRES_DATABASE - name of the production database, for example medusa_db

in addition, there are environment variables for connecting to the database as a superuser, so we can efficiently reset the database.

  • PGHOST - host for the postgres instance
  • PGPORT - port for the postgres instance
  • PGUSER - superuser for the postgres instance
  • PGPASSWORD - superuser password for the postgres instance
  • PGDATABASE - database we connect to while updating the other databases

Test Database Failsafes

There are a few failsafes to ensure the test and production databases don't get mixed up. This includes:

  • Ensuring the production database doesn't have the same name as the test database
  • Ensuring the test database starts with the prefix test_

Note running the test suite will trigger database drops and recreations of the test database.

Using a separate database

If you need to run your project with a separate database, such as sqlite, MySQL, or something else, please refer to seed/reset.ts and implement your own resetDatabase function which can be run between test runs.

Running the test suite

Test environment

Before running the test suite, make sure to start the backend server the medusa client is using. In addition, make sure to run in the nextjs template directory

yarn build

so the project is built.

Calling the tests

You can run the test suite in the base directory of the project with either

yarn test-e2e


npm run test-e2e

While the test suite is running, it is configured to automatically run the nextjs template during test execution.

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