


Text Generation

The Hugging Face Text Generation Python library provides a convenient way of interfacing with a text-generation-inference instance running on Hugging Face Inference Endpoints or on the Hugging Face Hub.

Get Started


pip install text-generation

Inference API Usage

from text_generation import InferenceAPIClient
client = InferenceAPIClient("bigscience/bloomz")
text = client.generate("Why is the sky blue?").generated_text
# ' Rayleigh scattering'
# Token Streaming
text = ""
for response in client.generate_stream("Why is the sky blue?"):
if not response.token.special:
text += response.token.text
# ' Rayleigh scattering'

or with the asynchronous client:

from text_generation import InferenceAPIAsyncClient
client = InferenceAPIAsyncClient("bigscience/bloomz")
response = await client.generate("Why is the sky blue?")
# ' Rayleigh scattering'
# Token Streaming
text = ""
async for response in client.generate_stream("Why is the sky blue?"):
if not response.token.special:
text += response.token.text
# ' Rayleigh scattering'

Check all currently deployed models on the Huggingface Inference API with Text Generation support:

from text_generation.inference_api import deployed_models

Hugging Face Inference Endpoint usage

from text_generation import Client
endpoint_url = "https://YOUR_ENDPOINT.endpoints.huggingface.cloud"
client = Client(endpoint_url)
text = client.generate("Why is the sky blue?").generated_text
# ' Rayleigh scattering'
# Token Streaming
text = ""
for response in client.generate_stream("Why is the sky blue?"):
if not response.token.special:
text += response.token.text
# ' Rayleigh scattering'

or with the asynchronous client:

from text_generation import AsyncClient
endpoint_url = "https://YOUR_ENDPOINT.endpoints.huggingface.cloud"
client = AsyncClient(endpoint_url)
response = await client.generate("Why is the sky blue?")
# ' Rayleigh scattering'
# Token Streaming
text = ""
async for response in client.generate_stream("Why is the sky blue?"):
if not response.token.special:
text += response.token.text
# ' Rayleigh scattering'


# Request Parameters
class Parameters:
# Activate logits sampling
do_sample: bool
# Maximum number of generated tokens
max_new_tokens: int
# The parameter for repetition penalty. 1.0 means no penalty.
# See [this paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.05858.pdf) for more details.
repetition_penalty: Optional[float]
# Whether to prepend the prompt to the generated text
return_full_text: bool
# Stop generating tokens if a member of `stop_sequences` is generated
stop: List[str]
# Random sampling seed
seed: Optional[int]
# The value used to module the logits distribution.
temperature: Optional[float]
# The number of highest probability vocabulary tokens to keep for top-k-filtering.
top_k: Optional[int]
# If set to < 1, only the smallest set of most probable tokens with probabilities that add up to `top_p` or
# higher are kept for generation.
top_p: Optional[float]
# truncate inputs tokens to the given size
truncate: Optional[int]
# Typical Decoding mass
# See [Typical Decoding for Natural Language Generation](https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.00666) for more information
typical_p: Optional[float]
# Generate best_of sequences and return the one if the highest token logprobs
best_of: Optional[int]
# Watermarking with [A Watermark for Large Language Models](https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.10226)
watermark: bool
# Get decoder input token logprobs and ids
decoder_input_details: bool
# Return the N most likely tokens at each step
top_n_tokens: Optional[int]
# Decoder input tokens
class InputToken:
# Token ID from the model tokenizer
id: int
# Token text
text: str
# Logprob
# Optional since the logprob of the first token cannot be computed
logprob: Optional[float]
# Generated tokens
class Token:
# Token ID from the model tokenizer
id: int
# Token text
text: str
# Logprob
logprob: float
# Is the token a special token
# Can be used to ignore tokens when concatenating
special: bool
# Generation finish reason
class FinishReason(Enum):
# number of generated tokens == `max_new_tokens`
Length = "length"
# the model generated its end of sequence token
EndOfSequenceToken = "eos_token"
# the model generated a text included in `stop_sequences`
StopSequence = "stop_sequence"
# Additional sequences when using the `best_of` parameter
class BestOfSequence:
# Generated text
generated_text: str
# Generation finish reason
finish_reason: FinishReason
# Number of generated tokens
generated_tokens: int
# Sampling seed if sampling was activated
seed: Optional[int]
# Decoder input tokens, empty if decoder_input_details is False
prefill: List[InputToken]
# Generated tokens
tokens: List[Token]
# Most likely tokens
top_tokens: Optional[List[List[Token]]]
# `generate` details
class Details:
# Generation finish reason
finish_reason: FinishReason
# Number of generated tokens
generated_tokens: int
# Sampling seed if sampling was activated
seed: Optional[int]
# Decoder input tokens, empty if decoder_input_details is False
prefill: List[InputToken]
# Generated tokens
tokens: List[Token]
# Most likely tokens
top_tokens: Optional[List[List[Token]]]
# Additional sequences when using the `best_of` parameter
best_of_sequences: Optional[List[BestOfSequence]]
# `generate` return value
class Response:
# Generated text
generated_text: str
# Generation details
details: Details
# `generate_stream` details
class StreamDetails:
# Generation finish reason
finish_reason: FinishReason
# Number of generated tokens
generated_tokens: int
# Sampling seed if sampling was activated
seed: Optional[int]
# `generate_stream` return value
class StreamResponse:
# Generated token
token: Token
# Most likely tokens
top_tokens: Optional[List[Token]]
# Complete generated text
# Only available when the generation is finished
generated_text: Optional[str]
# Generation details
# Only available when the generation is finished
details: Optional[StreamDetails]
# Inference API currently deployed model
class DeployedModel:
model_id: str
sha: str

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