

Ask your document (PDF)

SuperKnowa PDF version

Welcome to the SuperKnowa GitHub Repository for the Ask Your Document (PDF) use case, powered by's Generative AI capabilities.


SuperKnowa's Ask Your Document feature enables you to harness the power of Generative AI to interact with your PDF documents in a whole new way. You can ask questions related to the content of your uploaded PDFs, and SuperKnowa will provide contextually relevant answers.

How It Works

  1. Upload PDF: Upload your PDF document through the SuperKnowa platform.
  2. Ask a Question: Pose a question related to the content of the uploaded PDF.
  3. AI-Powered Answer: SuperKnowa's Generative AI analyzes the document and generates an answer that addresses your question.

Getting Started

To explore and implement the Ask Your Document (PDF) use case:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Refer to the provided notebook to understand how to integrate SuperKnowa's capabilities into your own projects.
  3. Experiment with different PDF documents and questions to see SuperKnowa's Generative AI in action.

Code Examples/Notebook

The Ask your document directory contains a notebook that demonstrate how to utilize SuperKnowa's Ask Your Document (PDF) feature. These examples provide a starting point for integrating the functionality into your applications.

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