


HelpScout Connector

Connects Cohere to a HelpScout.


To use this connector you will need to create an application in your HelpScout account. To start, head over to your HelpScout account, and from the top-right profile icon > My Apps > Create My APP create new one. This one will be used for the HELPSCOUT_APP_ID and HELPSCOUT_APP_SECRET environment variable. Also, please note - the API returns only first 25 results. HELPSCOUT_CONNECTOR_API_KEY is the API key for your HelpScout connector.

Optional Configuration

To customize the search fields, you can set the following environment variables: HELPSCOUT_SEARCH_FIELDS The query parameter will be splitted by spaces and each word will be searched in the fields specified by OR condition. By default, the search fields are: subject and body. Example: HELPSCOUT_SEARCH_FIELDS=subject,body All available search fields can be found here: Query fields


Create a virtual environment and install dependencies with poetry. We recommend using in-project virtual environments:

poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
poetry install --no-root

To run the Flask server in development mode, please run:

poetry run flask --app provider --debug run

The Flask API will be bound to :code:localhost:5000.

curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:5000/search \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <CONNECTOR_API_KEY>' \
--data '{
"query": "BBQ"

Alternatively, load up the Swagger UI and try out the API from a browser: http://localhost:5000/ui/

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