

An ATen operator for Caffe2

ATen is a simple tensor library thats exposes the Tensor operations in Torch and PyTorch directly in C++17. This library provides a generated wrapper around the ATen API that makes these functions available in Caffe2 as an operator. It also makes it accessible using the ToffeeIR.

Example Usage in Caffe2

First identify a function in ATen you want to call in Functions.h, Tensor.h, or Type.h.

We will call the pow operator:

static inline Tensor pow(const Tensor & self, Scalar exponent);

Now create a Caffe2 operator to call this op. The name of the operator is always "ATen", and there is always a string attribute operator that defines which ATen function to call:

import numpy as np
from caffe2.python import core, workspace

# create the Caffe2 Op:
op = core.CreateOperator(
    operator="pow", exponent=2.0)

Each Tensor input becomes an Caffe2 input Blob, and each output becomes a Caffe2 output blob. Non-tensor inputs such as Scalar exponent become Caffe2 arg attributes. In the case of Scalar the attributes can be either an integers or floating point numbers.

The op can now be run like any other Caffe2 operator:


For methods, the first input is always the this Tensor in C++. To call methods of ATen's Type objects, you provide an additional string attribute that determines the type:

# create a 2x4 tensor filled with floating point ones
op = core.CreateOperator(
    operator="ones", type="Float", size={2,4})

Generally ATen operators are polymorphic across input types, and work on both the CPU and CUDA.

Example Usage via PyTorch Symbolic

The ATen operator can also be used to define symbolic definitions for PyTorch when an operator is being exported to ONNX. In this case, the definition of the operator looks the same but is defined using PyTorch's ONNX API:

class Add(torch.autograd.Function):

    def symbolic(g, a, b):
        return"add", a, b)

    def forward(ctx, a, b):
        return a + b

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