

2 года назад
2 года назад


MindsDB enables you to use ML predictions in your database using SQL.

  • Developers can quickly add AI capabilities to your applications.
  • Data Scientists can streamline MLOps by deploying ML models as AI Tables.
  • Data Analysts can easily make forecasts on complex data (like multivariate time-series with high cardinality) and visualize them in BI tools like Tableau.


  • Kubernetes
  • Helm 3.0+

Installing the Chart

###FIRST CLONE THE WHOLE REPO cd helm/mindsdb and then run this command (namespace is option you can add it or if you remove it than it goes default)
helm upgrade -i \
mindsdb mindsdb \
--namespace mindsdb \


All the configurations can be done in the values.yaml file or you can create a separate YAML file with only the values that you want to override and pass it with a -f to the helm install command


image.repositoryImage to start for this podmindsdb/mindsbd
image.tagImage taglatest
image.pullPolicyImage pull policyAlways


ingress.enabledenable ingressfalse
ingress.annotationsadd ingress annotations
ingress.hosts[0].hostadd hosts for ingresschart-example.local
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathadd path for each ingress host/
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathTypeadd ingress path typeImplementationSpecific
ingress.tlsadd ingress tls settings[]
ingress.classNameadd ingress class name. Only used in k8s 1.19+
ingress.apiVersionspecify APIVersion of ingress object. Mostly would only be used for argocd.version indicated by helm's Capabilities object.



service.http.enabledEnable Web servicetrue
service.http.typeKubernetes service type for web trafficClusterIP
service.http.portPort for web traffic47334
service.http.clusterIPClusterIP setting for http autosetup for statefulset is NoneNone
service.http.loadBalancerIPLoadBalancer Ip setting
service.http.nodePortNodePort for http service
service.http.externalTrafficPolicyIf service.http.type is NodePort or LoadBalancer, set this to Local to enable source IP preservation
service.http.externalIPshttp service external IP addresses
service.http.loadBalancerSourceRangesSource range filter for http loadbalancer[]
service.http.annotationshttp service annotations


service.mysql.enabledEnable MySQL servicetrue
service.mysql.typeKubernetes service type for MySQL trafficClusterIP
service.mysql.portPort for MySQL traffic47335
service.mysql.clusterIPClusterIP setting for MySQL autosetup for statefulset is NoneNone
service.mysql.loadBalancerIPLoadBalancer Ip setting
service.mysql.nodePortNodePort for http service
service.mysql.externalTrafficPolicyIf service.mysql.type is NodePort or LoadBalancer, set this to Local to enable source IP preservation
service.mysql.externalIPsMySQL service external IP addresses
service.mysql.loadBalancerSourceRangesSource range filter for MySQL loadbalancer[]
service.mysql.annotationsMySQL service annotations


service.mongodb.enabledEnable MongoDB servicetrue
service.mongodb.typeKubernetes service type for MongoDB trafficClusterIP
service.mongodb.portPort for MongoDB traffic47336
service.mongodb.clusterIPClusterIP setting for MongoDB autosetup for statefulset is NoneNone
service.mongodb.loadBalancerIPLoadBalancer Ip setting
service.mongodb.nodePortNodePort for http service
service.mongodb.externalTrafficPolicyIf service.mongodb.type is NodePort or LoadBalancer, set this to Local to enable source IP preservation
service.mongodb.externalIPsMongoDB service external IP addresses
service.mongodb.loadBalancerSourceRangesSource range filter for MongoDB loadbalancer[]
service.mongodb.annotationsMongoDB service annotations

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