


Tests use pytests with coverage and forked plugins. Install with:

pip install -r requirements/requirements-dev.txt

Download the required test data



Tests can be run using pytest.

  • The argument --forked needs to be provided
  • A coverage report can be created using the optional arguments --cov-report and --cov (see pytest documentation)
  • A subset of tests can be selected by pointing to the module within tests
# run all tests, output coverage report of megatron module in terminal
pytest --forked --cov-report term --cov=megatron tests
# run tests in tests/model, output coverage report of megatron module as html
pytest --forked --cov-report html --cov=megatron tests/model
# run tests in tests/model/, don't output coverage report
pytest --forked tests/model/

Some tests can run on cpu only. These are marked with the decorator @pytest.mark.cpu. The test cases for cpu can be run with:

pytest tests -m cpu

If a html coverage report has been created a simple http server can be run to serve static files.

python -m http.server --directory htmlcov 8000

## Tips and Tricks
if You see this kind of error:
RuntimeError: Cannot re-initialize CUDA in forked subprocess. To use CUDA with multiprocessing, you must use the 'spawn' start method
It usually means that you used some pytorch.cuda function before the test creates the processes. However just importing `from torch.utils import cpp_extension` can also trigger this.

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