

WikiSplit BLEU evaluation script

This directory contains the evaluation code for the paper Learning To Split and Rephrase From Wikipedia Edit History.

For the WikiSplit data set release, see

The code is implemented in Python and the required packages are listed in the file requirements.txt. To install the dependencies within an active Python 3 virtual environment, do: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Note: the functionality has been verified for the following version combination only; no guarantees or support can be provided for other versions.

  • Python 3.6.5
  • nltk 3.4.1
  • absl-py 0.7.1
  • numpy 1.16.3


The script can be run from inside the google_research/ directory with the command:

python -m wiki_split_bleu_eval.score_main \
    --pred wiki_split_bleu_eval/example_data/predictions.txt \
    --gold wiki_split_bleu_eval/example_data/gold.tsv


_gold_file	wiki_split_bleu_eval/example_data/gold.tsv
_pred_file	wiki_split_bleu_eval/example_data/predictions.txt
bleu.corpus.decomp	59.737752755430286
bleu.macro_avg_sent.decomp	59.56959114067446
counts.gold_inputs	2
counts.pred_inputs	2
counts.predictions	2
counts.references	3
lengths.simple_per_complex	3.0
lengths.tokens_per_simple	7.0
lengths.tokens_per_simple_micro	7.0
ref_lengths.simple_per_complex	2.5
ref_lengths.tokens_per_simple	9.083333333333334
refs_per_input.avg	1.5
refs_per_input.max	2
refs_per_input.min	1
uniq_refs_per_input.avg	1.5
uniq_refs_per_input.max	2
uniq_refs_per_input.min	1

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