



Paper: Scaling Symbolic Methods using Gradients for Neural Model Explanation

By Subham S. Sahoo, Subhashini Venugopalan, Li Li, Rishabh Singh, Patrick Riley


This repository contains the implementation of the SMUG saliency method as proposed in the paper Scaling Symbolic Methods using Gradients for Neural Model Explanation, ICLR 2021. SMUG combines gradient-based methods with symbolic techniques to generate explanations for a Neural Network's predictions.


  • python>=3.5
  • ipykernel>=5.5.0
  • numpy>=1.19.4
  • saliency==0.1.2
  • scikit-image>=0.18.1
  • scikit-learn>=0.24.1
  • scipy>=1.6.0
  • tensorflow>=2.4.1
  • tensorflow-datasets>=4.2.0
  • tensorflow-estimator>=2.4.0
  • tensorflow-hub>=0.11.0
  • z3-solver==4.8.8

NOTE: Avoid later versions of z3-solver as we observe performance issues with them.


  1. Download the repository.

    • git clone --depth 1 --filter=blob:none --sparse
    • cd google-research
    • git sparse-checkout init --cone
    • git sparse-checkout set smug_saliency
  2. Run the following commands to create a virtual environment called smug inside smug_saliency, install the dependencies, and ensure that all the tests pass.

    • chmod +x smug_saliency/
    • ./smug_saliency/
  3. Notebook examples.

    • Run the following commands to add smug kernel to jupyter notebook's list of kernels and launch jupyter notebook.

      • cd smug_saliency
      • source smug/bin/activate
      • ipython kernel install --user --name=smug
      • jupyter notebook
    • image_saliency.ipynb shows how to run SMUG on CNN models for image saliency. In the notebook we demonstrate how to load an inception model (v1 and v3), configure hyperparameters for SMUG, and generate saliency maps. Our paper used a slightly different variant of the inception v1 model (without batch norm), so visualizations and results may differ.

    • text_saliency.ipynb shows how to run SMUG on text models for text saliency. In the notebook we train a 1D CNN model on beer reviews dataset, configure hyperparameters for SMUG, and generate saliency maps.

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