



Seq2act contains 3 datasets. Please follow the instructions below to generate the AndroidHowTo and RicoSCA dataset, and download the PixelHelp dataset.

Note: The original datasets can not be released due to the copyright. The AndroidHowTo and PixelHelp datasets released here are re-created from a public source for opensource purposes. They are different from the original dataset that the paper was based on thus result in slightly different performance.

Generate AndroidHowTo Dataset

We extracted phone related instructions from CommonCrawl Dataset.

Download CommonCrawl WARC Files

Download WARC files from according to the manual. Note: The warc.paths.gz file from the download contains 56000 files but only 3414 of them are used in our pipeline. The whitelist is provided here in file used_warc.paths. The WARC files are in the format of warc.gz. Each WARC is 1~2GB and the total size is more than several TBs, so you may need follow the manual of CommonCrawl or use your own tool to speed up the download process.

Place the downloaded WARC files under a created folder seq2act/data/android_howto/warc/. If you put them in a customized path, please change the param --input_warc_dir in accordingly.

Extract Instructions

Using the downloaded WARC files to extract instructions:

sh seq2act/data_generation/

crawled_instructions.json is then generated with each line as a Json string containing one instruction.

Download Annotation File

From download common_crawl_annotation.csv and put in seq2act/data/android_howto/, this file contains human annotations for each instruction.

Note that not all instructions from crawled_instructions.json are annotated. Instructions that are too long (>200 words) are excluded. Instructions with same content are deduped.

Generate AndroidHowTo tfrecord

With instructions/annotations ready, now we can generate dataset in tfrecord format.

sh seq2act/data_generation/

Generate RicoSCA Dataset

Download Rico Public Dataset

# Download dataset from
# Choose 1 UI Screenshots and View Hierarchies (6 GB)
# Place the downloaded Rico .json data under folder seq2act/data/rico_sca/raw

Generate RicoSCA tfrecord

sh seq2act/data_generation/

Download PixelHelp Dataset

The PixelHelp dataset is ready for download from: Put the data in ./seq2act/data/pixel_help/

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