


Baseline Model and Evaluation Script for DSTC8 Schema Guided Dialogue State Tracking

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IMPORTANT - Please report any issues with the code present in this directory at the github repository for the dataset.

Required packges

  1. absl-py (for tests)
  2. fuzzywuzzy
  3. numpy
  4. six
  5. tensorflow


The dataset can be downloaded from the github repository for Schema Guided Dialogue State Tracking challenge, which is a part of DSTC8.

Baseline Model

The baseline model is inspired from BERT-DST (Chao and Lane). Here is a brief description of the model. Please refer to source code for more details. We will be publishing a formal description of the model in the future. This model is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, express or implied. Google disclaims all liability for any damages, direct or indirect, resulting from its use.

The baseline model consists of two modules:

  1. Schema Embedding Module - A pre-trained BERT model to embed each schema element (intents, slots and categorical slot values) using their natural language description provided in the schema files in the dataset. These embedded representations are pre-computed and are not fine-tuned during optimization of model parameters in the state update module.

  2. State Update Module - A training example is generated for each service frame in each user turn. We define the state update to be the difference between the slot values present in the current service frame and the frame for the same service present in the previous user utterance (if exists). This module is trained to predict the active intent, requested slots and state update using features from the current turn, the preceding system turn and embedded representations of schema elements for the service corresponding to the frame.

    For each example, the user utterance and the preceding system utterance are fed to a BERT model, which outputs the embedded representation and token level representation of the utterance pair. The baseline model doesn't predict all slot spans, so slot span related metrics are not reported. The predictions are modelled as:

    1. Active intent - The embedded representation of utterance pair is fused with each intent embedding (plus an extra embedding for NONE intent) and is projected to a scalar logit using a trainable projection. All intent logits thus obtained are normalized using softmax to yield a distribution over all intents for that service.

    2. Requested slots - A similar procedure to active intent prediction is followed to obtain a scalar logit for each slot by making use of the corresponding slot embedding. Each logit is normalized using sigmoid function to obtain the score for that slot. If a slot has a score > 0.5, it is predicted to be requested by the user.

    3. Slot values - Since the model only takes the last two utterances as input, it is trained to predict the difference in the dialogue state between the current user utterance and the preceding user utterance. During inference, the predictions are accummulated to yield the predicted dialogue state. The slot value updates are predicted in two stages. First, for each slot, a distribution of size three denoting the slot status and taking values NONE, DONTCARE and ACTIVE is obtained by a trainable projection. If the status of a slot is predicted to be NONE, its assigned value is assumed to be unchanged. If it is predicted to be DONTCARE, then a dontcare value is assigned to that slot and if it is predicted to be ACTIVE, then a slot value is predicted in the second stage and assigned to it.

      For categorical slots, prediction of slot value updates follows a similar procedure to active intent prediction in order to obtain a scalar logit for each possible value for each categorical slot. This is done by fusing the embedded representation of the utterance pair and the embedded representation of the corresponding slot value obtained in the Schema Embedding module. All logits for a slot are normalized using softmax to yield a distribution over all slot values of a categorical slot. The value with the maximum probability value is assiged to the slot.

      For non-categorical slots, the model is trained to identify the slot value update as a span in the utterance pair. For predicting spans, token level representations obtained from BERT are utilized. For each non-categorical slot, each token level representation is fused with the corresponding slot embedding obtained in the Schema Embedding module and is transformed into a scalar logit using a trainable projection. The logits for all tokens are normalized using softmax to obtain a distribution over all tokens. This distribution is trained to predict the start token index of the span. A similar procedure using a different set of weights is used to predict the distribution for the end token index of the span. During inference, the indices i <= j maximizing start[i] + end[j] is predicted to be the span boundary and the corresponding value is assigned to the slot.


Following are the preliminary results obtained using the baseline model on the dev set of the respective datasets. We have not done much hyper-parameter tuning for obtaining these results and the model implementation hasn't been optimized. These numbers should be taken as indicative and may be updated in the future. In the table below, SGD refers to the Schema-Guided Dialogue dataset. SGD-Single model is trained and evaluated on single domain dialogues only whereas SGD-All model has been trained and evaluated on the entire dataset. We are also reporting results on WOZ 2.0 dataset and MultiWOZ 2.1 datasets.

MetricsSGD-SingleSGD-AllWOZ 2.0MultiWOZ 2.1*
Active Intent Accuracy0.9660.885NA0.924
Requested Slots F10.9650.9720.970NA
Average Goal Accuracy0.7760.6940.9150.875
Joint Goal Accuracy0.4860.3830.8140.434

* Please note that MultiWOZ 2.1 experiments use a different experimental setup as described below.

Required files

  1. cased_L-12_H-768_A-12: pretrained [BERT-Base, Cased] model checkpoint. Download link at bert repository.


Training comprises of three steps, all of which are done in

  1. Creating TF record file containing training examples. Examples are generated for each frame present in each user utterance. The output directory for the dataset is specified by the flag --dialogues_example_dir. If this directory already contains the generated examples, this step is skipped.
  2. Computing embeddings of schema elements. Embeddings are generated for each intent, slot and categorical slot value for each service using a pre-trained model. The output directory for the schema embeddings is specified by the flag --schema_embedding_dir. If this directory already contains the generated schema embeddings, this step is skipped.
  3. Training the model. Model parameters are optimized and the checkpoints are saved in directory specified by the flag --output_dir.

Other flags defined in can be used to specify additional options.

python -m schema_guided_dst.baseline.train_and_predict \
--bert_ckpt_dir <downloaded_bert_ckpt_dir> \
--dstc8_data_dir <downloaded_dstc8_data_dir> \
--dialogues_example_dir <output_example_dir> \
--schema_embedding_dir <output_schema_embedding_dir> \
--output_dir <output_ckpt_dir> --dataset_split train --run_mode train \
--task_name dstc8_single_domain


The prediction step generates a directory with json files containing dialogues in a format which is identical to the one used by the dataset. The generated json files can be used by the evaluation script. Like training, prediction comprises of similar three steps, all of which are done in The flag --output_dir must be same as the one used during training and the prediction outputs are saved inside it as a subdirectory pred_res_{ckpt_num} where ckpt_num is the global step corresponding to the checkpoint used to create the predictions. Multiple checkpoints can be specified for prediction as a comma separated list using the flag --eval_ckpt.

python -m schema_guided_dst.baseline.train_and_predict \
--bert_ckpt_dir <downloaded_bert_ckpt_dir> \
--dstc8_data_dir <downloaded_dstc8_data_dir> \
--schema_embedding_dir <output_schema_embedding_dir> \
--dialogues_example_dir <output_example_dir> \
--output_dir <output_dir_for_trained_model> --dataset_split dev \
--run_mode predict --task_name dstc8_single_domain \
--eval_ckpt <comma_separated_ckpt_numbers>


The definition of joint goal accuracy used by the SGD dataset is different from the ones used in previous works. Traditionally, joint goal accuracy has been defined as the accuracy of predicting the dialogue state for all domains correctly. This is not practical in the schema-guided setup, as the large number of domains and services would result in near zero joint goal accuracy if the traditional definition is used. Furthermore, an incorrect dialogue state prediction for a service in the beginning of a dialogue degrades the joint goal accuracy for all future turns, even if the predictions for all other services are correct. Hence, joint goal accuracy calculated this way may not provide as much insight into the performance on different services. To address these concerns, only the services which are active or pertinent in a turn are included in the dialogue state for SGD dataset. Thus, a service ceases to be a part of the dialogue state once its intent has been fulfilled.

Evaluation is done using which calculates the values of different metrics defined in by comparing model outputs with ground truth. The script requires that all model predictions should be saved in one or more json files contained in a single directory (passed as flag prediction_dir). The json files must have same format as the ground truth data provided in the challenge repository. This script can be run using the following command:

python -m schema_guided_dst.evaluate \
--dstc8_data_dir <downloaded_dstc8_data_dir> \
--prediction_dir <generated_model_predictions> --eval_set dev \
--output_metric_file <path_to_json_for_report>

Evaluation on MultiWOZ 2.1

The SGD dataset uses different evaluation metrics to those used by MultiWOZ. However, in order to make results comparable to previous works, the following choices have been made in MultiWOZ experiments:

  • Each turn contains frames for all services rather than just for the active services.
  • Joint goal accuracy corresponds to the correct dialogue state prediction for all slots across all domains in a turn.
  • Strict match is used for non-categorical slots in place of fuzzy string match based score.

Following contains how to test baseline model's performance on MultiWOZ 2.1.

  1. Download MultiWOZ 2.1.
  2. Data preprocessing: Process MultiWOZ 2.1 to follow the data format of the Schema-Guided Dialogue dataset.
python -m schema_guided_dst.multiwoz.create_data_from_multiwoz \
--input_data_dir=<downloaded_multiwoz2.1_dir> \
  1. Training and prediction: Same as described above except for using --task_name=multiwoz21_all in the command.

  2. Evaluation: Same as described above except for adding --joint_acc_across_turn=true --use_fuzzy_match=false in the command.

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