

Restarts for primal-dual methods


This is the code accompanying the paper Applegate, David, et al. "Faster first-order primal-dual methods for linear programming using restarts and sharpness." It includes a simple implementation of PDHG, extragradient, and ADMM with scripts to run all the numerical experiments appearing in the paper.


Use the following scripts to run the experiments. The scripts use Julia 1.6.5. All commands below assume that the current directory is the working directory.

A one-time step is required to set up the necessary packages on the local machine:

$ julia --project -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'

This needs to be run again only if the dependencies change.

To test the code:

$ julia --project tests/tests.jl

To download the instances:

$ ./scripts/ \
[temporary_directory] [directory_for_problem_instances]

To run all the results

$ ./scripts/ \
[directory_for_problem_instances] \

Running individual methods or instances

To run all the results* for an individual method (note that this code may take a couple of days to run with problem_name=all):

*To conserve compute this doesn't run NoRestarts() for 500,000 iterations which is necessary to fully replicate the tables. To do this, see Running one configuration below.

$ julia --project scripts/run_problems.jl \
[directory_for_problem_instances] \
[results_directory] \
[method (ADMM, PDHG or extragradient)] \
[problem_name (all, qap10, qap15, nug08-3rd, nug20)]

Plotting results

$ julia --project \
scripts/plot_results.jl \

To reproduce the 1D bilinear plots:

$ julia --project \
scripts/run_and_plot_bilinear_example.jl \
[results_directory] \
[method (PDHG or extragradient)]

Running one configuration {#running-one-configuration}

$ julia --project scripts/run_configuration.jl \
[directory_for_problem_instances] [results_csv_file] \
[method (ADMM, PDHG or extragradient)] \
[problem_name (qap10, qap15, nug08-3rd, nug20)] \
[restart_scheme (no_restarts, fixed_frequency or adaptive)] \
[restart_length] [always_reset_to_average (yes or no)] \
[iteration_limit] [kkt_tolerance]

For example:

$ julia --project scripts/run_configuration.jl \
[directory_for_problem_instances] \
[results_csv_file] \
qap10 \
no_restarts \
10 \
no \
500000 \

This command can be useful if you just want to quickly verify a particular configuration.

Auto Formatter

A one-time step is required to use the auto-formatter:

$ julia --project=formatter -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'

Run the following command to auto-format all Julia code in this directory before submitting changes:

$ julia --project=formatter -e 'using JuliaFormatter; format(".")'

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