


Implementation of Polysketch attention described in "PolySketchFormer: Fast Transformers via Sketching Polynomial Kernels" Praneeth Kacham, Vahab Mirrokni, Peilin Zhong. The paper is available at


Transformer class in can be used to create a decoder-only transformer model. Four types of attention are currently supported:

  1. Softmax: Vanilla attention implementation using flax.linen.dot_product_attention (quadratic time)

  2. Polynomial: Polynomial attention with arbitrary even degree (quadratic time)

  3. Random Sketch: Samples an independent degree 2 sketch of Ahle et al., for each transformer layer and applies tensorization trick to obtain a degree 4 sketch (linear time)

  4. Learned Sketches: The sketches are now two level neural networks whose parameters are learned along with the rest of the parameters of the network (linear time)

(Coming soon) Mixed Sketch: Exact local polynomial attention and polysketch attention globally (linear time)


Instantiate an object of the dataclass model.TransformerConfig

Create an instance of the dataclass model.TransformerConfig setting the following attributes:

  • vocab_size: Vocabulary size of the transformer model
  • context_length: Max context length of the model. Usually powers of 2 such as 512, 1024, 2048, ...
  • emb_dim: Model dimension
  • num_heads: Number of attention heads in each layer
  • num_layers: Number of transformer layers
  • dropout_rate: Dropout rate to be used in the dense layers
  • attention: 'softmax', 'polynomial', 'random_sketch', 'learned_sketch'
  • power: Degree to be used in 'polynomial' attention
  • sketch_size: The parameter r in the paper. Typical values are 32 and 64
  • grain_size: Size of blocks to be used in the lower triangular matrix multiplication algorithm. Typical sizes are 256, 512, 1024 depending on the accelerator.
  • sketch_key: Random key to be used to generate sketches when attention == 'random_sketch'
  • checkpoint_attention: Whether to recompute attention during the backward pass. Set to True to decrease the memory requirement for training.

Create the Transformer model

Instantiate the Transformer model using model.Transformer(config), where config is the object created above.


Train the model using your favorite JAX training pipeline. An example training pipeline is available at

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